May 2021

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November 2019


November 2019

magazine Publisher Tammy Clark Editor Heather Page Office Manager Tiffany Skipper Advertising Executives Julie C. Tyler Creative Design Tuesday Taylor Ashley Rogers

Contributing Photographers Steve Camlin Erin Daniel Phillip Guyton Contributing Writers Kimberly Brauss Mark W. Buyck, III Zimya Dewitt Cynthia Ford Rebecca Giese Dr. Prabal Guha Jennifer Howard Melissa Rollins Allie Segars Doug Smith Danielle Wiliams, MS, CACII, LPC

Serving Florence, Hartsville, Darlington, Marion, Mullins, Lake City and the surrounding areas 2011-B Second Loop Rd, Florence, SC 29501 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

For advertising rates, call 843-687-4236.


Photo by Steve Camlin Florence 1 Schools is making history! Over the last three years, they have made tremendous advancements in their academic programs as well as renovations in every school. In this issue, they share what is currently happening in the athletic department and what we can look forward to seeing in the very near future. Jump to page 10 to read more on Florence 1 Schools!


May 2021





MAY 2021 BUSINESS 10 Florence 1 Schools: A New Chapter in District History 14 Mark W. Buyck II: First European Settlements in the US 16 All Saints' Monica Moeckel 18 Key to Career 20 Hotel Florence 24 Trendy Twist Boutique 26 Leadership Hartsville Update 28 HomeTeam Axe Throwing


30 Around Town: Moore Farms Wine Stroll 31 Around Town: ARTFIELDS 32 May 2021 Calendar

HEALTH & WELLNESS 34 Flo-Town Fitness: Reaching Health Goals 36 HopeHealth: The Journey To Recovery 38 McLeod Health: The Watchman



40 Rebecca's Corner: Awaken Your Taste Buds 42 Doug Smith: Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream 46 Around Town: Hannah Skipper Fun Day

LIFESTYLE 48 Mad About Golf: Teaching the Basics 50 Lamb's Produce 52 Black River Initiative: Connecting People To The River 54 Mother's Day: The History Of A Beautiful Day 60 Drink of the Month: Classic Margarita

48 8

May 2021


May 2021



WF New Stadium

A New Chapter In District History story by Melissa Rollins / photos by Steve Camlin

Florence 1 Schools has changed tremendously over the last three years. From rebranding, school renovations and new academic programs to the multi-million-dollar investment in the Arts, Florence 1 has seen improvements all over the district. In more recent months, there has been a lot of dirt. First was the construction of an addition at McLaurin Elementary School. Then came the new gym for Greenwood Elementary School, a facility fifty years in the making. Renovations started at the McClenaghan building and work began for the new Southside Middle School building. In September 2020, ground was broken on three 5,000 seat stadiums at South Florence, West Florence and Wilson High Schools giving student-athletes a true home stadium for the first time in their history.

“I am thankful and appreciative of the time and money the district has put into our athletics,” McCabe said. “As a student-athlete it feels good to have a home field that makes us feel more bonded as a team; it makes us feel important and like people care about our sport. As the first team to ever play on that field, its surreal. I know that once I graduate and am looking back at high school that that will be one of the moments I come back to and will never forget.” The progress in the district has not gone unnoticed, specifically when it comes to improvements in athletics: on March 14th, Florence 1 Superintendent Dr. Richard O’Malley was named the South Carolina Athletic Administrators Association Superintendent of the Year. The award nomination came from Florence 1’s three high school athletic directors. Greg Johnson, athletic director for West Florence High School, highlighted the on-site stadiums in his nomination letter. “(Dr. O’Malley’s) belief in and perseverance of equity across the district of F1S is so strong that when the referendum was defeated, he sought feedback and then did what he seems to always do -- he got creative. He talked to real taxpayers, he crunched numbers, and made plans…The sight of bulldozers and dirt and pipe might look like a mess to some people, but for those of us “in the know,” the mess looks like beautiful, promising

SF Football 10

West Florence opened their new stadium to the public for the first time on March 25th, hosting a girls’ soccer match against Myrtle Beach. West Florence soccer player Natalie McCabe said that her team was proud to be the first to officially use the stadium.

May 2021

Dr. O'Malley

“I have worked very hard to provide the leadership to move F1S forward, while providing equity across the district,” O’Malley said. “This includes facilities, equipment, uniforms and athletic opportunities that have not been afforded in the past. I am thrilled that F1S is being recognized across South Carolina and, more importantly, that our student-athletes have the athletic opportunities they deserve.”

progress. The high school stadium sites look like what thousands of people before him wanted, but weren’t willing or able to fight for and produce.” O’Malley said he greatly appreciates the recognition, specifically because the award recognizes that the changes being made around the district are having a direct, positive impact on students. “I have worked very hard to provide the leadership to move F1S forward, while providing equity across the district,” O’Malley said. “This includes facilities, equipment, uniforms and athletic opportunities that have not been afforded in the past. I am thrilled that F1S is being recognized across South Carolina and, more importantly, that our student-athletes have the athletic opportunities they deserve.” All three high schools have new logos and the pride in the home field is palpable. Through a partnership with Nike and BSN Sports, uniforms have been replaced across the district bearing the new school logos. Weight rooms in each of the high schools have also been reimagined and redesigned to feature school colors and logos. Shawn Armstrong, Strength and Conditioning Coach at South Florence, said that the remodeled weight rooms are a huge asset to Florence 1 student-athletes. “Dr. O’Malley is a huge supporter of athletics for all of Florence 1. This is my first year here at South Florence. I’ve had the opportunity to basically design this weight room from scratch,” Armstrong said. “To know that he was backing us the entire way put our minds at ease because we knew he wanted to get this done and he wanted to have a top-of-the-line facility and that’s

Wilson Weight Room definitely what it is. We are so fortunate to have it and so thankful to Dr. O’Malley to allow us to have this nice facility. I talk to Coach Slaughter and Coach Marlowe all the time about changing the culture and the kids are really starting to buy in. The kids are super excited and we just can’t wait for big things to happen.” Along with the completely new Greenwood gym facility, improvements have been made to gyms across Florence 1, including new flooring and paint. At the high schools, new bleachers were also installed and the branding was updated throughout the gym with new logos on the floors and walls. Williams Middle School will also see an updated gym by the Summer of 2021. High school tennis facilities got a facelift with resurfaced courts, new nets and a much-needed paint job, incorporating Wilson Purple, Bruin Blue and Knight Green into their respective courts. Lights have been installed at West Florence and a tennis center at South Florence will be completed Summer 2021. Williams Middle School Athletic Director Shasha Tamplin said that middle school athletics have blossomed over the last three years with the support of Dr. O’Malley. “I feel like I have a voice now for my students, for my coaches, and someone is listening and paying attention,” Tamplin said. “That makes me give it my all and I relay that to my coaches. Every time I look, there is something new going on with our programs. If he knows that there is a need, he is right there and I love it.” May 2021

Tamplin 11


SF Soccer

WF Track When Florence 1 hosted a district basketball championship earlier this school year, O’Malley was there cheering on the students. “To see Dr. O’Malley at the game, standing on the floor and actively engaged, I can’t put in to words how that made my kids feel,” Tamplin said. “They felt like they were really playing for a championship and the commissioner was there. I really appreciated it and I know that my athletes did too.” Tamplin said that having new uniforms has also put a spark in the athletes.

Williams & Moore Basketball

“The contract with BSN has been phenomenal because when you look good, you play good; it builds confidence in our students,” Tamplin said. “Dr. O’Malley said that if there were any students who had trouble getting what they needed to let him know and he’d take care of it. He asked us what equipment do you need, what uniforms do you need, send us an email and we’ll take care of it. Every time, he has done exactly what he said he would. I always say, if I can’t do something I know someone in the district office who can. When my athletes put that tiger on, they know that there are some adults who have their back.” Traditional Florence 1 sports are not the only ones receiving a transformation. In less than eight months, a meeting room in the Poynor Adult Education building was completely renovated into a state-ofthe-art eSports facility; the district officially launched the brand-new eSports program in October 2020.


"...he [Dr. O'Malley] has done exactly what he said he would." 12


May 2021

The facility contains 12 HP OMEN computers, HyperX Accessories, 144HZ Monitors for the athletes. The district also broadcasts the eSports match using top-of-the-line audio and video equipment as well as two dedicated PCs to ensure quality live video and commentary for spectators in the facility and anyone watching from home. To help eSports athletes maximize their skills, there is a dedicated film review room with a 65" Smart Touch Panel and dedicated film review computer built to watch game footage from any angle and annotate strategies for the entire team. In March 2021, Wilson High School senior Tanis Caltrider became the first F1S eSports athlete to sign a college scholarship letter of intent. Tanis Caltrider will play with Converse College this fall while studying Biology. Additional sports programming is also on the horizon: Florence 1 will be adding competitive cheer and wrestling to their athletic rosters next school year. The swimming pool in the McClenaghan building will also be renovated for use by the district swim team, which currently uses facilities at Francis Marion University.

WF Track

In 2019, Florence 1 Schools adopted a three-year strategic plan, called Florence 1 in 2021, designed to transform the district into a competitive education leader. O’Malley said that he knew it was a lofty goal but he was committed to it because all Florence 1 students deserve a high-quality education. Looking at the school district now, in 2021, O’Malley said that he truly sees that transformation taking place and it is not just a physical change.

Wilson Tennis

319 S Irby St, Florence 843-669-4141

“We have had a lot of moving parts the last three years,” O’Malley said. “We’ve renovated bathrooms in every one of our schools, painted a lot of corridors, and put in new windows. Our technology got a complete overhaul. We started new programs like eSports and replaced outdated sports equipment. What is most rewarding for me, though, is to see the pride that we are restoring in our district and our community. I really feel like this is a new chapter for Florence 1.”

May 2021




European Settlements

in the U.S. story by Mark W. Buyck, III Those of us who grew up in South Carolina will recall our elementary school South Carolina History class. We all know that Charles Town was settled by the English in 1670. We also know that in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. What gets lost is the 178 years between Columbus' landing in the Bahamas and the first permanent English settlement in what is now the State of South Carolina. Following Columbus’s “discovery of the new world”, the Spanish established a number of permanent settlements in the Caribbean including Hispaniola. The United States was unknown to these earliest settlers. In 1521, Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon commissioned a slaving expedition from Santo Domingo, the capital of Hispaniola, to the Bahamas. Ayllon hired Captain Francisco Gordillo and Pedro de Quejo to lead the expedition. Finding few inhabitants in the Bahamas, the explorers headed northwest. In June, 1521, Gordillo and Quejo made landfall in the vicinity of Winyah Bay near Georgetown, South Carolina. Gordillo and Quejo’s reports concerning the Winyah Bay area excited Ayllon. Ayllon began communications with the Spanish Crown which eventually agreed to fund a permanent settlement in the region. Quejo returned to the Southeast coast in May, 1525 exploring the area between the Savannah River and possibly as far north as the Chesapeake Bay. Upon Quejo’s return, Ayllon began planning the permanent settlement. It is believed he assembled a fleet of 6 to 7 ships with 600 to 700 seamen and settlers. Ayllon set off with livestock including cows, pigs, and

horses. Many believe that the wild pig population now found in the Southeast U.S. was originally introduced by the Ayllon expedition. When Ayllon’s expedition arrived in Winyah Bay, its largest ship was grounded and lost along with valuable supplies. Ayllon’s settlers did not find the low country as lush as Quejo had reported. A month or so after arriving in the Winyah Bay area, Ayllon loaded the remaining ships and set sail for what he hoped would be a more hospitable site. The settlers arrived in what is believed to be the Sapelo Sound in Georgia in mid-September. They named the colony San Miguel de Gualdape, the first European settlement in the current United States. Ayllon died on October 18, 1526. The colony could not support itself and many settlers succumbed to disease. It is also believed that the expedition was in constant warfare with the natives. By mid-November, the remaining colonists set sail for Hispaniola. Only a 150 of the original settlers survived the doomed venture. The Europeans would not establish a successful permanent settlement in the U.S. until the founding of St. Augustine in 1565. Before then another Spaniard, Hernando de Soto, would explore the interior of the Southeast, including South Carolina in 1540. More to follow.

248 West Evans Street | Florence, SC | 843.662.3258 2050 Corporate Centre’ Drive, Suite 230 Myrtle Beach, SC | 843.650.6777

Business Law, Litigation, Real Estate, and Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys 14

May 2021

Mark W. Buyck, III

May 2021





SCISA Lower School Teacher of the Year The Mission of All Saints' Episcopal Day School is to be a pre-college preparatory school of academic excellence rooted in faith, values, and caring of the Judeo-Christian tradition as received through the Anglican faith, providing each child the opportunity to develop his or her highest potential to learn, in a nurturing environment of spiritual growth and service to others.

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School teacher Monica Moeckel has been selected as the SCISA (South Carolina Independent School Association) Lower School Teacher of the Year. “Receiving this award is an extraordinary honor and we could not be more proud of Mrs. Moeckel,'' commented Head of School Evan Powell. She is an exemplary teacher and her classroom is a true example of what every early childhood classroom should embody. Mrs. Moeckel is an outstanding representation of the excellent faculty we have at All Saints'.” During her 20 years of teaching she has taught 4K, 5K, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade and has served as a Literacy Specialist. She was selected as the SCISA Lower School Teacher of the Year out of 136 schools. Mrs. Moeckel is the second teacher in four years from All Saints’ to receive this distinguished award. “Mrs. Moeckel focuses on each child’s individual strengths, recognizes and supports their level of development and learning styles, and truly appreciates the uniqueness of each child’s growth and development," shared Associate Head of School Ashley Stokes. She creates learning experiences that instills the desire for students to learn, ask questions, and discover the world around them.” “Teaching is not a career, but a passion of mine," said Moeckel. "I show up every day for my students because I want to be there. Even after 20 years, I am constantly learning, growing, and re-evaluating what I do daily. When I reflect on what teaching means to me in this particular year, in a pandemic and in the world, flexibility and dedication come to mind. I know that all teachers have been asked to go above and beyond. This year I have been asked to do many things out of my comfort zone. I have risen to the challenge, 16

May 2021

Teaching means being flexible and dedicated enough to

“All Saints’ is the happiest place to teach each day. I love working at a school that has an environment where the level of support, dedication, and commitment is unmatched by any other school where I have worked. The overall atmosphere of the school is contagious and I am proud to teach and to be a parent at All Saints’.” ~ Monica Moeckel creating a nurturing space where children can blossom and flourish despite trying times. No matter what, the heart of this profession will always be the same, to teach and love the children.” Mrs. Moeckel holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from the University of Missouri and a master’s degree in educational technology from Webster University. She is certified in early childhood education and has a Reading Specialist and Reading Recovery certification. She and her husband Doug have two children, Danielle (6th grade) and Matthew (2nd grade) at All Saints’.

May 2021




Darlington County School District's Key to Career program works with businesses and industries to provide workbased learning experiences for students through paid internships. Kamden Gainey and Zimya Dewitt, both seniors at Hartsville High School, shared their journeys with the program and how it has helped lay a foundation for their careers.

interview process for Zimya was very nerve-racking because she never had to interview for anything before. When asked what she learned at her jobs, Zimya answered, “I realized that social media has so many layers to it. You have to take into consideration what other people want to see and you have to make them want to go to your restaurant.” The only thing that Zimya would change about her internship experience is making it longer.

Kamden is currently enrolled in the Internship Program where he works as an Information Technologist at Fiber Industries. An average day at work for him is repairing and maintaining computer systems, cameras, key card ZIMYA DEWITT scanners, and infrastructures. After graduation, Kamden plans to continue his work at Fiber while he attends Florence-Darlington Technical College for two years. He explains that the interviewing process was smooth and the people were very friendly. When asked what he learned at his job he said, “Wiring and how to repair remote key card systems." Kamden feels that the internship will be beneficial to him in terms of his future goals. He also recommends the program to underclassmen. He says that it is a "new experience that can change your life."

In the Key to Career program, students in the 12th grade get a taste of what it is like in the workforce. During this semester-long period, each student has to complete tasks that resemble what real-life employees must do to be considered for a job. First, each student must have a completed resume and a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Then they must complete and sign a contract with their parents. Once that is being reviewed, the students practice workplace etiquette, how to dress for an interview, and start to think about what kind of job they would like. Then comes the interviews. Before the interviews students are asked to pick from at least one job that is available to them. Once the interviews come around each student must meet at Darlington County Institute Tech to complete them. They are expected to arrive in their best business attire. Once the interviews are complete, the students wait for their job offers. When the students accept a job offer they sign their contract and start work the following week. These internships are paid so each student must submit a timesheet every week and employers are required to do employee evaluations.

Zimya Dewitt holds a position as a social media intern with the SC House of Wings as well as a journalism intern with VIP Magazine. An average day for her is collecting videos and images to use for the social media platforms for SC House of Wings and talking to customers about their experiences with the restaurant. She also helps write articles for VIP Magazine. After graduation, Zimya will be attending Winston-Salem State University as a Mass Communications major. The

To learn more about the Key to Career program, visit You won't regret it!


May 2021

May 2021



In May 2013, Hotel Florence’s opening helped usher in an era of downtown revitalization in Florence. The once-vacant dilapidated building became a historical anchor piece for the city’s renaissance. The 64-room hotel is now made up of four existing buildings that are now one. The exposed brick, hardwood floors, support beams and ceilings throughout the building are original. The staircase leading to the third floor is original, as well, and in large part why the building’s maintained its historical significance. And there’s "Tom Wall" even the “Tom Wall,” believed to be after Tom Barringer, whose family was longtime property owners in Florence. Originally, there was an effort to get the writing off but it was left as part of the history. Hotel Florence is now a member of the Tapestry Collection of Hotels by Hilton. With this membership comes the ability to serve guests through the Hilton operating systems, protocols and the Hilton Honors program. The hotel sees reservations from locals enjoying a weekend downtown to out-of-towners, including celebrities such as actress Jessica Biel and musician Lyle Lovett in for a concert at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center.

Dylan Purvis & Taylor Johnson 20

May 2021

Pee Dee natives Dylan Purvis and Taylor Johnson each found the hospitality industry through a shared passion for people, curated guest experiences, connections to their communities, and particularly their joint appreciation for the city of Florence. Now, as leaders at Hotel Florence, the town’s only boutique hotel and a Woven by Raines property, General Manager Dylan and Director of Sales Taylor strive to provide a memorable and exceptional guest experience, while also giving back to their community.

Q&A with Dylan & Taylor: Tell us about yourselves... Dylan Purvis: "I grew up in Darlington with my mom and dad. I graduated from Darlington High School and from there I graduated from Coastal Carolina University with a degree in resort tourism management." Taylor Johnson: "I was born and raised in Florence and have lived here my entire life. Both of my parents work in Florence One Schools and have worked there for the duration of their career. I also grew up with my little sister, Reagan, who has been my built-in best friend from the start. I graduated from South Florence High School in 2014 and went on to attend Francis Marion University. During my time at Francis Marion, I participated in the Honors Program, FMU Ambassadors Program, and had the opportunity to study abroad in Leicester, England. In May of 2018, I graduated from FMU Summa Cum Laude with University Honors with a Bachelor of Business Administration focused in Marketing. After graduation, I was lucky enough to interview for the Sales Coordinator role for Hotel Florence

Patio area

126 W Evans St, Florence

with Raines and started my career with the company. In the past two and a half years, I have been able to take on two additional hotels, Comfort Inn & Suites and Hyatt Place Downtown, and have earned the title of Director of Sales."

What led you to this career? Dylan: "During a career day in middle school, I picked hotel manager as my career and stuck to that path ever since. I took the first position I could with Raines, which was front desk, and worked my way up from there." Taylor: "During school I really had no clue what I wanted to do. I knew that marketing was where I wanted to be since it was a perfect blend of business and creative, but I wasn’t sure what aspect of that I needed to pursue. I never really thought of a sales position until our current VP of Sales, Marketing, and Revenue Management, Brittney Edwards, came to speak to our class. She spoke about Raines and the hotels they had in Florence at the time and what a sales position looks like in the hospitality industry. The hotel industry had never been something that I even thought about being an opportunity, but the idea of having a job that is based on building relationships with people and businesses and more or less selling the relaxing part of a person’s trip was extremely intriguing to me. Later that semester, in the same class,

Bar at Victors Bistro

Grey Raines came to speak to us about the process of opening Hotel Florence. He talked about the fact that they were able to choose everything about the property, all the way down to the hair dryers, and after that talk I was so interested in the industry and company."

What’s it like to be part of the next wave of travel, tourism, and hospitality leaders? Dylan: "It’s very exciting! The market is growing even after taking a hit from Covid. It’s also nice being a part of a company that is growing and advancing with the times and that really invests in their employees and leaders."

What are some insights and advantages of being under 30 in this industry? Taylor: "Being under 30 in this industry and in the Florence, community certainly has its advantages and challenges. From what I have learned, you need to establish yourself as a businessperson who follows through with their promises and is a trustworthy person. If you are able to gain respect as a young person in this industry it will go a long way with the community. The advantage of being under 30 in this industry is the wonderful networking that it allows. I have been able to build relationships with so many May 2021


BUSINESS influential businesses and businesspeople in the area that I would not have gotten the opportunity to connect with in other positions. My goal is to be a face for my hotels and my company and make sure that we are present in the community. There is also a growing community of Young Professionals in the area and industry that I am confident we will see making big steps in the future for Florence and the surrounding areas."

What are the ins and outs of managing a boutique hotel in a small Southern town? Dylan: "It’s all about creating a personal experience and a welcoming environment. Knowing the property’s history and the surrounding area is a must."

Any advice for college students that are interested in following this career? Dylan: "Be ready to work hard! As a hotel general manager every part of the hotel falls under your responsibility."

What’s your favorite room in the hotel and why? Taylor: "My absolute favorite room in the hotel is room 232 called the 'Owner’s Suite.' I think most of Florence has either heard of or been in the Penthouse Suite at the Hotel, but the Owner’s Suite tends to fly a little more under the radar. This Suite is also a two-bedroom suite, which holds one king room and one double room, in addition to a dining area, living area, wet bar, and two and a half baths. The room features so much beautiful historical detailing from the construction markings that show through the paint, the original hardwood flooring, and the exposed brick along the walls. This room is absolutely perfect for a bridal party to get ready in or for a small corporate gathering. If I could live in this room, I would in a heartbeat!"

Tell us about your recent renovations.

Talk to us about opportunities for events at the hotel. Taylor: "Hotel Florence has so many wonderful opportunities to make your special events even more special. Often times with events you are inviting guests from out of town to attend and even stay the night in the area. Hotel Florence is located centrally downtown and in a perfect location for people to walk to all of the wonderful local shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Hotel Florence is a unique property that exemplifies the rich history of the Florence area that many guests would not know about if they weren’t staying in the downtown area. Hotel Florence and Victors have meeting facilities to host almost all special events, including weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, graduation parties, and more. We also offer discounted group blocks to events with 10 or more hotel rooms for any out-of-town guests!"

Hotel Florence | Downtown 22

May 2021

Taylor: "Hotel Florence just recently went through an extremely big and exciting renovation and rebrand. Previously, Hotel Florence was a boutique hotel under the Choice collection of hotels. Hotel Florence is now a member of the Tapestry Collection of Hotels by Hilton. With this comes the ability for us to better serve our guests through the Hilton operating systems and the wonderful Hilton Honors program. Guests can take advantage of the points that they love while still staying at the unique property that Hotel Florence always has and always will be. The renovation of the property helped bring the rooms to a more modern look and feel while simultaneously aligning with the new Hilton standards that we abide by. The renovation included a complete overhaul of the bathrooms including the tubs and showers, all new carpet and flooring, and all new furniture and paint in the guest rooms. Hotel Florence is also the flagship property of Raines’ new line of hotels called 'Woven by Raines.' This collection of hotels are all boutique hotels owned by Raines, and we are so proud to be the first among a quickly growing sector of the company."

843.629.0100 •

May 2021



TRENDY TWIST BOUTIQUE a boutique full of classic and contemporary clothing for women ages 25-70


ucked away off of Cashua Drive in Florence is a little hidden gem called Trendy Twist Boutique, a mother-daughterowned boutique specializing in both classic and contemporary clothing for women ages 25 to 70. Shereca Anderson (daughter) and Gloria Anderson (mother) are passionate about their love for fashion and sharing it with others! Along with women’s apparel, they also carry a variety of shoes and accessories to complete any ensemble! Trendy Twist has its roots as a wholesale market that started in Atlanta back in 2011. Seven years later, these brave women opened up their first storefront. In 2019, they renovated their current space into the posh boutique it is known for today. After having to temporarily close their doors during the 2020 pandemic, Shereca and Gloria were nervous as to what this could mean for their business, but with the help of online sales and gracious state grants, they were able to continue making sales and reopen their storefront months later.

Whether you’re looking for a comfortable outfit to wear to your next dinner party with friends or cocktail attire for a more formal event, Trendy Twist has you covered!

mother-daughter duo, Gloria & Shereca Anderson


May 2021

They offer clothing for a variety of body types and lifestyles, selling everything from closet staples to gorgeous statement pieces.

They also carry an array of causal sandals to pair with your favorite capris or sundress, as well as heels to compliment your best evening attire. You’ll find everything from sequined cocktail dresses to comfy cardigans on the racks at Trendy Twist. Some of their bestselling, well-known brands include Ivy Jane, Uncle Frank, Sanctuary Clothing, and Lucky Brand. Gloria’s interest in fashion first came about right after high school when she worked at a downtown department store, surrounded by other highfashion retailers. It wasn’t unusual for her to swing by and pick up a new outfit after work from a neighboring store. As Shereca grew up and moved to Atlanta for college, she was introduced to high-end designers and also fell in love with fashion. The ladies found themselves switching clothing and accessories with each other for multiple occasions. It was this act of swapping styles that sparked the idea for their boutique that would cater to women of all age ranges! Both Gloria and Shereca prefer timeless, classic outfits that never go out of style.

Not only is their clothing exceptional, so are the souls behind the business! Both Shereca and Gloria are ready and waiting to greet you with big smiles and sweet personalities. If you stop by, you’ll be sure to leave Trendy Twist with two new friends and a greatlooking outfit! They love interacting with their customers, getting to know them both in person and on their social media page. Helping other ladies find their style is their expertise and they

love offering up fashion tips every Tuesday on their Facebook page. While most people may think that working with family members would be stressful, Gloria and Shereca say they have found the perfect balance between the two of them. Gloria’s love for fashion and Shereca’s knowledge in business entrepreneurship helped them become an unstoppable, successful duo! They both can agree that while there have been moments of opposition along the way, they’ve been able to settle on common ground at the end of the day. Even after they leave the store after a long day of working, they still make time every week to enjoy family dinners together prepared by Gloria, who enjoys cooking in her free time. Even during the time that Shereca moved away to Atlanta, they still made it a point to be in constant contact with each other throughout the day via texts or phone calls, or visits on the weekends – which, of course, involved shopping! Gloria and Shereca can confidentially state that anybody who comes through their door will leave as a genuinely satisfied customer. When assisting their customers, they will take into consideration everythingfrom clothing styles that will best accentuate their body type to a color palette that is the most flattering for an individual. They want to ensure their customers leave their shop feeling happy and fabulous! Not only will the clothes look great, but also their clothing quality is exceptional. What do you do with a favorite outfit? You wear it and show it off every chance you get! Their clothing will hold up to this task for years to come! As Gloria words it, “You will outgrow your outfit, long before your outfit outgrows you!”

Shereca and Gloria warmly welcome you to stop by their storefront located at 910 S Cashua Drive, Florence. For those still trying to maintain social distancing, they also offer curbside pickup, as well as online shopping on their website ( May 2021



An Update on the Class of 2020-2021

story by Rachel Johnson

It’s hard to believe we are now in month 7 of our Leadership Hartsville program. Our topic for this month was “Quality of Life.” Our day started bright and early with Jamie Kelly and our continued discussion on John Maxwell’s Learning to Become a Person of Influence. The main quote from our session this month was “Through these doors pass ordinary people on their way to accomplishing extraordinary things.” – Sign at Walmart Headquarters. Sam Walton was one who empowered those around him; a leader who saw greatness within and put his people first. Our next stop was to the Hartsville Memorial Library where our tour guide, Joe, showed us around highlighting the children’s library and adult genres offered. We also learned of the newly implemented ways you can use the library. To name a few: registering for and using your library card online, curbside service, twenty-four hour Wi-Fi, and 3D printing (hello 3D minion chess set!) We came back to chamber to hear from Theresa Redfern, founder of Child & Family Resource Foundation. Child & Family is a wonderful outlet for anyone in the community. They work with all different ages of a family that is dealing with grief, giving them a safe space that help them begin the healing process. The main goal is to ensure participants that they are not alone in what they are going through. How refreshing it is to know that a place like this exists during these times. We headed to Kalmia Gardens of Coker University. We got to see the new pergola/deck area built during quarantine. It is such a great space for those who are unable to go down the stairs or trails but still enjoy the gardens. We took a small hike to see the founder of Hartsville – Thomas Hart’s house and the many plants throughout the gardens. Hungry while walking? No worries, there are plenty of edible plants readily available! We were provided with a wonderful lunch by Hartsville Country Club. Lunch was followed with a discussion of the many different recreation opportunities you can utilize with the country club, as a member or non-member, such as playing a round or two, taking lessons or hosting events.


May 2021

After lunch we headed back to the chamber to hear from a few different businesses about how they have handled operations over the last year. First up was Brad Teal of The Sweet Shoppe. He and his wife Sonya switched gears from children’s clothing to ice-cream and candies. Since opening their shop in the fall, they have seen great foot traffic from those in the community and are forever grateful. Chrissy Peach of Raised Down South came to speak about how she stayed open during the pandemic. Even though she had to close her doors for a couple of weeks, she shared how she and her girls were constantly thinking of new ways to show merchandise from live sales on Facebook, social media, and mixing different pieces when styling them. Chrissy expressed her gratitude of her team the community for supporting them. Brent Tiller from Block and Vino discussed moving his business from Florence to Hartsville and how much they’ve loved being a part of our community. They offer quality meats and ready to go hot meals which have been a saving grace for families during this time. He was very thankful for his customers and was so appreciative of the support he has received from the community. After speaking with these small businesses, we got a firsthand tour of the new brewery, Wild Heart Brewery. Casey Hancock and his team have been working tirelessly to open the brewery and are getting close to ribbon cutting time. We were able to see the kitchen, seating area, and the lengthy beer brewing process. Not to give anything away, but you are going to love the vibe of this new place! Our class can’t wait to check it out! Finally, we ended our day at the Chamber listening to Justin Evans about the ongoing Opportunity Zone projects in the community. He showed us layouts of the Hartsville Armory and Thornwell Elementary School. The ideas they have for these areas will definitely liven up our community and bring even more attraction to Hartsville. Although the past year has been a struggle for us, it is exciting to see the small businesses and our community support one another. The desire for a better quality of life is evident. It takes all of us to strengthen our community by working together and believing we can!

May 2021



A family entertainment center that offers axe throwing, craft beer, craft soda, & fun for all ages

Nicholas Beiers & Evan Bachman, owners

Let's Kick Axe story by Rebecca Giese

The dynamic duo, Nicholas Beiers and Evan Bachman, bring a new level of entertainment to Hartsville, South Carolina, with the opening of Home Team Axe Throwing right on Carolina Avenue. The two college roommates turned business partners graduated from Coker University in May of 2020 with business degrees and decided to extend their Hartsville story instead of moving back to the bigger cities they call home. One thing they always wished for during their time at Coker was local activities, something to do just for fun when they wanted to put the books aside and relax. They found themselves traveling to Florence or Columbia when they wanted to do something. Last fall, Nicholas proposed opening an axe throwing business in Hartsville to Evan, and the rest is history. They fell in love with the old wooden paneling already in the old 5th Street Cleaners location on Carolina Avenue. And on January 1st, they started converting the building into the space it is today. A big thank you to their local sponsors for helping them accomplish their dream! On April 3rd, 2021, they opened for business with four lanes for four sets of players and plenty of high-top bar sitting to give an authentic community atmosphere. They also serve a great selection of craft and domestic beers plus a great selection of ciders and wine in their "Hop Stop." 28

May 2021

What makes Home Team special is their focus on going past the standard axe throwing venue. They have made strides to be family-friendly, not only with nonalcoholic drinks but also with velcro targets and foam axes for children. Without disrupting your game, anyone can request a kids target to be added. This target easily hooks and unhooks. When it's your child's turn you put their target up, and when it is over, you unhook it and throw your non-foam axes at the wooden target! Nicholas and Evan truly want Home Team to be a community place where college students, families, and friends can all come for a fun night during the weekend. To add to the fun this summer, they plan to launch their Summer League, where teams of 4 will have times to practice during the week and have an eightgame season. So if you love axe throwing and have a competitive nature, this is the perfect thing to add to your calendar this summer!

Are you interested in reserving a lane for your family & friends? Head to their website or their Facebook page @hometeamhartsville.

May 2021




Wine Stroll 30

May 2021

On Saturday, April 10th, Moore Farms hosted its annual Wine Stroll. Attendees took in the beauty of the farm while sampling some of this region’s best wines. The event raised $13,500 for the Lake City Junior Sorosis Club. Junior Sorosis will distribute this money to local charities making a difference right here in our community. 5

Photos by Phillip Guyton, True Light Photography





From April 23rd to May 1st, ArtFields hosted the south’s most engaging art competition and festival. The competition and exhibition offers over $100,000 in cash prizes. The winners of two People’s Choice Awards are determined by the votes of people visiting ArtFields; a panel of art professionals selects all the other awards, including the $50,000 Grand Prize and $25,000 Second Prize award. 5

Photos by Phillip Guyton, True Light Photography May 2021


MAY 2021 CALENDAR of EVENTS sunday





Lemonade Day

Textiles Day



Mother's Day


National Day of Prayer



Lucky Penny Day



Mint Julep Day


May 2021

Eat What You Want Day

Memorial Day

Receptionists’ Day

Devil’s Food Cake Day


Wine Day

National Nurses Day




Brothers Day

Cinco De Mayo


Florence 1 Schools Graduation



National Teachers Day


Chocolate Chip Day




Shrimp Day



National Senior Health and Fitness Day

Apple Pie Day


Pick Strawberries Day


Grape Popsicle Day

Send in your events to! friday



Mother Goose Day



National Space Day


Miniature Golf Day


SC Senior Sports Classic begins


Armed Forces Day


Wait Staff Day


Craft Distillery Day


Hamburger Day

Redwolves Game

May 2021



When it comes to your health, are you listening to the Angel on your shoulder or the Devil?

story by Brock McCallister, Owner Flo-Town Fitness, Certified Firefighter, Crossfit-L2

This may be a crude analogy, but if you really think about it, it happens to all of us! We have two small voices in our head, one telling us we probably shouldn’t eat this whole box of cookies, while the other is saying “You’ve earned it!” The decision is 100% your own, so no excuses! Throughout the years I have seen that, without education and goals, it’s hard to consistently make the right choices. So that gives us two things that we have to do, Make goals that reflect where we want to be, not where we are and then educate ourselves to make decisions to move us towards those goals.

Step 1: Set

your goals

Who do you want to be? Where do you want to be 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now? What is the number you are trying to hit? If you want to be someone who works out, step one would be to START WORKING OUT! A lot of people get lost in the how, where, why, etc. If you want to be in shape you must work out! So Start, then make adjustments along the way. Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? Well then let’s start with making ALL of your meals yourself. Find some recipes and let’s have some fun with it! Maybe you want to get back to your college weight. You’re going to have to find out how much you need to eat and then start keeping track every day. Let’s set those goals high and crush them!

Step 2: Learn

how to get there

You want to run a marathon, but you don’t have running shoes. Do some research on quality running shoes and go get some new ones! Then find a running program to start and maybe even a strength program to compliment it. Then just start! If you don’t know anything about healthy food, then learn how to read and understand food labels. Find an app to help you log how much you are eating. You may find that you are not eating enough! At the end of the day, when you know where you are trying to go it is much easier to avoid that devil on your shoulder! YOU are the key to your success, so take ownership and just get to work!

Flo-Town Fitness 612 S Irby St, Florence www,


May 2021

May 2021



the Journey to Recovery story by Danielle Williams, MS, CACII, LPC, HopeHealth

After a year marked by a global pandemic, social isolation, rising unemployment, and political and social turmoil, an overwhelming majority of Americans are looking forward to a fresh start in 2021. There has been a significant rise in substance misuse, overdoses, and mental health issues over the course of this past year. Hopefully, this trend does not continue into the new year and we start to see more and more people start their journey of recovery. Recovery from a substance use disorder happens through a series of positive changes accomplished over time. For people in recovery, 2021 brings an opportunity to continue building on these changes. I challenge you to wake up daily and ask yourself, “What can I do for my recovery today?”

HERE ARE SOME IDEAS TO GET YOU STARTED: Be grateful. Each morning or night, take a minute to write down one thing you are grateful for. It can be a person, a feeling, a material possession, an opportunity, a place – anything. Keep a journal noting these items over the year and look back on it at the end of the year to see everything you have to be thankful for. Be mindful. Mindfulness meditation has been proven to increase chances of long-term sobriety for those in recovery from a substance use disorder. It provides tools necessary to take life one moment at a time. When you live life in the moment, you will experience less stress and anxiety by reducing worry and negative thought processes. Just 10-15 minutes of mindfulness meditation can increase your chances of a successful recovery from substance misuse.



May 2021

Schedule your day. Make a list of things that need to be done, and then schedule them. The more structure you have to your day, the less likely you are to run into stress by forgetting to do things or running out of time. Stress is one of the most significant relapse triggers, so anything that keeps stress at bay is helpful in recovery. Some things that can be added to your schedule include wake-up and sleep times, meals, engaging in hobbies, exercise, meditation, and recovery activities such as attending recovery meetings.

Use a recovery support app daily. There are many to choose from: • SoberGrid allows you to create online profiles and interact, support, and engage with other people in recovery using a platform similar to Facebook. You can also use the app to create anonymous check-ins about whether you’re sober or not, your mood, and what’s going on. • SoberTool is an easy way to track your clean and sober days. The app includes daily motivational messages and reminders to keep you on target. • WEconnect provides daily reminders to stay on track with your recovery plan. You can create reminders to call your sponsor, go to a group meeting, or meditate — anything you need to provide that extra push. • AABigBook This app gives access to the full text of the Big Book, along with a meeting finder, podcasts, prayers, and personal stories. You can use the app to bookmark meaningful passages, make notes on individual chapters in the comment section, and search for specific keywords. • IAmSober tracks sober days and milestones, helps build new habits, and provides ongoing motivation from a community of people who get it. Network. You can’t be totally well all on your own. For social wellness and belonging, make sure to build a social support network, engage regularly with others, and work to make sure you feel comfortable with others in everyday social interactions. Make a list of people that you care about. If there is anyone on that list you have not talked to in a while, give them a call today. Pledge to make at least one connection with another person each day through calls, emails, or direct contact. Celebrate each success. No matter how small, celebrate the successes on your recovery journey. You don’t have to change everything right away. Small steps of progress still take you forward. Simply make one or two manageable changes at a time, and, if you keep at it, you’ll achieve something great. Get involved. Interact with your peer recovery support. Helping others in recovery helps you just as much as it does them. Go to a recovery meeting. There are several virtual options for social distancing purposes. You can find virtual resources at or May 2021





story by Dr. Prabal Guha, McLeod Electrophysiologist , McLeod Cardiology Associates


Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition where the upper chamber of the heart beats irregularly. This can cause blood to pool and form clots in an area of the heart called the left atrial appendage. If a blood clot does form, it can travel through an artery to the brain and cause a stroke.

taking longer than normal to stop bleeding, it is usually easily treated. But, in some cases, bleeding can be quite serious and require hospitalization.

People with untreated atrial fibrillation may be at greater risk for stroke than people with normal heart rhythms. In atrial fibrillation, the left atrial appendage, a small pouch located on the top of the heart, is believed to be the source of most stroke-causing blood clots. Anyone can have a stroke no matter what age, race or gender. The chances of stroke increase with the following risk factors: • Atrial Fibrillation • Coronary Artery Disease WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device

• Diabetes • High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol


Medications like anticoagulants also known as blood thinners can reduce the risk of blood clots that could lead to stroke. Warfarin is an example of a blood thinning medication that keeps the blood from sticking together and forming clots. There are several newer drugs like Dabigatran, Apixiban and Rivaroxaban, which help to reduce the risk of stroke in some groups of patients with atrial fibrillation.

Patients who have atrial fibrillation without significant heart valve disease, and who are on anticoagulant medications, may be a candidate for a device available at the McLeod Heart and Vascular Institute called the WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device. The WATCHMAN, about the size of a quarter, is implanted at the opening of the left atrial appendage to prevent blood clots from entering the blood stream and potentially causing a stroke. The device is a one-time implant that does not need to be replaced.

Anticoagulants work well for many patients; however, there are reasons why some patients do not take blood thinners. While they prevent blood clots, anticoagulants can also increase the risk of bleeding problems. When a bleeding event occurs, like a cut

By closing off the left atrial appendage, the source of more than 90 percent of stroke-causing blood clots, the risk of stroke may be reduced and over time patients may be weaned off their blood thinning medications.



May 2021

Dr. Guha performs the Watchman procedure in the Cath Lab at McLeod Regional Medical Center.

To perform the WATCHMAN procedure, the implant is guided via a catheter inserted through a vein in the upper leg. Once the implant is in position in the left atrial appendage it is opened - similar to the opening up of an umbrella. The implant remains permanently in the heart.


McLeod began offering the WATCHMAN device more than five years ago. Now the creators of WATCHMAN have developed the next generation, the WATCHMAN FLX. The new device is available in more sizes, which enables the treatment of a wider variety of patients. To determine the correct size needed, a transesophageal echocardiography test (TEE) is performed. This is a test that uses ultrasound technology to create highly detailed pictures of the heart and its internal structures. The WATCHMAN FLX features a new, fully-rounded design that allows the ability to maneuver within the

left atrial appendage for correct positioning. Once in place, if necessary, it can be repositioned during the procedure making it more customizable to the individual patient’s anatomy.


The WATCHMAN is for patients with atrial fibrillation who need or take anticoagulant or blood thinning medications to reduce their risk of stroke, but their physician is recommending this device as an alternative to long-term use of these drugs because of bleeding risks or other concerns. The WATCHMAN does not cure atrial fibrillation and after receiving the implant it is important that patients continue to see their cardiologist.

To find out if you are a candidate for the WATCHMAN device, please call McLeod Cardiology Associates at 843-667-1891.

Electrophysiologist Dr. Prabal Guha of McLeod Cardiology Associates can help you manage your atrial fibrillation. Dr. Guha cares for patients at their offices located in Florence and Sumter. Appointments can be made by calling 843-667-1891.

Prabal Guha, MD

Electrophysiologist, McLoed Cardiology Associates

May 2021



AWAKEN YOUR TASTE BUDS story and photos by Rebecca Giese

Nothing screams summer more than a fun afternoon in the backyard, park, or on the lake having a cookout. Burgers, ribs, hotdogs - the protein always seems to be the star and the sides are an afterthought. You see the same sides at every family barbeque - deviled eggs, potato salad, coleslaw, and so on. Now, don't get me wrong, they taste great, and I love a good potato salad, all those mayonnaise-based sides seem to start to taste the same. Sometimes you need something different to wake up the taste buds and add a little excitement to the spread. My pasta salad has become a signature side to bring to any social event and is always a highly requested recipe. I created this pasta salad when I desired to make a Medterrain pasta salad but have a boyfriend that hates olives and is sensitive to dairy. A regular Medterrain salad with feta and black olives wouldn't do, but I loved the olive oil and red wine vinegar base, so using that as a jumping-off point, I create the Summertime Pasta Salad. It has a bright bite with the red wine vinegar, balanced spice with the red onion, and the dill adds an extra kick of freshness.


May 2021

Summertime Pasta Salad INGREDIENTS 1 12 oz box of farfalle (bow tie) pasta 1 red onion diced 1 large cucumber quartered and sliced 1 small container of cherry tomatoes quartered (I used the heirloom variety for variation in colors) 1/2 - 2/3 cup of red wine vinegar (start with 1/2 cup and add more if desired) 1/2 cup olive oil 2 tbsp dried dill 1 tsp garlic powder Salt and pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS 1- Boil the pasta following the directions on the box. Drain the pasta and set it aside to cool. 2- While the pasta is cooking and cooling, now is the perfect time to prep your red onion, cucumber, and tomatoes. After prepping, place all in a large bowl. 3- Once pasta is cooled completely, add it to the bowl with the cucumber, tomatoes, and red onion. Now add the red wine vinegar, olive oil, dried dill, garlic powder, salt, and Pepper. Stir until everything is coated evenly. Take a taste test to see if you love the bright bite from vinegar; you may want to add a little more at this point. 4- Serve immediately or make ahead! It tastes even better the second day!

May 2021



The Way To A Yard Full of Smiles story by Doug Smith

Get more from Doug Smith by following him on Facebook and Instagram at "Doug the Food Guy".


April2021 May 2021

I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! ...Or frozen custard. Summertime is a time for trips to the beach, backyard parties, and ice cream! Whether it is on a cone, in a dish, or as a shake, ice cream is a staple in the summer heat. I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! This little ditty rattles around in my head all the time especially when it starts getting hot outside. It is unimaginable for anything else to be as refreshing and delicious. Until (that is) I discovered frozen custard. Frozen Custard is just as cool, refreshing, and satisfying but yet different. So I ask myself, what is this delicious treat? If it’s not ice cream, what is it? This is a very common question. Custard and ice cream are basically created from the same three ingredients: milk, cream, and sugar. The major difference between the two is that custard has egg yolks. Some say the added eggs give it a more smooth and creamy texture. (Side note: Some ice cream recipes also contain eggs, however, it is not required.) Comparing the two desserts, there is not much of a difference in nutritional content either. Custard will sometimes have more protein from the eggs. The main difference between the two yummy desserts is still the extra creamy texture of custard. On a hot summer day, if you’re at an ice cream or custard stand, both desserts will satisfy your taste buds. The choice between custard and ice cream can sometimes be more dependent on your location. I say enjoy what you like! Homemade ice cream is something I have recently rediscovered. Whenever our good friend Mary Alice and her family come over to hang out, she not only brings one homemade concoction but two. Everyone loves vanilla and orange crush. She wouldn't share the orange crush recipe with me but after asking kindly, she shared the vanilla recipe! This I’m told is really the base for all other deliciousness. As an experienced ice cream churner, she also shared a few pointers that will help along the way to a yard full of smiles. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

“I love to share my love of food. This world needs more time around a homemade ice cream churn, churning out delicious summer treats.” - Mary Alice

Try this recipe...


1 quart half and half 1 pint Whipping Cream 1 can sweetened condensed milk 2 tsp. vanilla extract 1 cup whole milk (more if you need to fill to the full line) 1/2 cup sugar (*1/4 cup if adding fruit) Ice Ice cream salt


1. Mix half and half, whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. 2. Add the mixture to the ice cream churn. Add fruit or other ingredients of your choice if desired. Finish by filling to the full line on the churn with whole milk. 3. Add ice to the churn at a ratio of 5 cups of ice to 1 cup mixture. Add salt. Place in freezer for 30 minutes. Enjoy!


• Adjust sugar with fruit choice. Sweetened fruit requires less sugar in the ice cream but slightly green or less ripe fruit may require more sugar. • Also will need to adjust the amount of milk used to accommodate adding fruit to the churn.

May May2021 2021

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April 2021

May 2021





Hannah Skipper Fun Day

On Saturday, April 17th, the Hannah Skipper Foundation hosted its second annual Hannah Skipper Fun Day to honor Hannah Skipper, a former West Florence High School student. The event was free to the community and held several softball games throughout the afternoon, a favorite sport of Hannah’s. The Miracle League of Florence’s baseball team played the opening game. 5


May 2021

Photos by Steve Camlin


May 2021



Teaching the Basics story & photography by Erin Daniel What started off as an opportunity to spend more quality time with her father when she was a little girl has now blossomed into a passionate fulltime sport for Madeline Ateyah as a young adult! Growing up on a golf course, the love for the game of golf was ingrained in her at an early age. Once she learned the excitement of the game herself, she was inspired to get other girls involved in this otherwise male-dominated sport! When Madeline was around 10 years old, her father would take her out on the golf course with him on the weekends. Learning from his lead and watching him play intrigued her and she decided to give golf a try herself. Improving over time, it wasn’t until she reached middle school that Madeline truly learned to enjoy playing. She attributes this to gaining more accuracy in her swing and more consistency in hitting the ball successfully. Madeline is a highly motivated teen who doesn’t give dust a chance to settle! She’s currently a cheerleader in her junior year at West Florence High, as well as a member of her school’s golf team. If she’s not at school or out playing golf herself, she can be found coaching younger girls and teaching them how to play through a program she’s named Mad About Golf. She is mentoring four girls (ages five and up) at Trace’s Golf Club here in Florence. Along with teaching them basic fundamentals, she also educates her girls on golf course etiquette and demonstrates to them how to properly swing their clubs. Once she feels the girls have been comfortably introduced to the game, she refers them out


May 2021

to a professional coach who can further teach them how to sharpen their golfing techniques and form. Madeline's main focus currently is to finish high school strong, however, she states that she’s not opposed to continuing her golf journey once she starts into college. While Madeline’s dad will always be her number one coaching mentor and cheerleader, she accredits her additional knowledge in the sport to her current mentors. Going into high school, she joined the West Florence Girls’ Golf team, where she met her head coach, Coach Chris Wegmann, and her assistant coach, Coach Chris Dale, who have helped further her success in golfing. Madeline is thankful for Coach Wegmann’s ability to help her focus on the mental and emotional part of the game, while Coach Dale has greatly helped her improve the technical parts of her swing. She also looks up to favorite professional female golfers, Rory McIIroy and Lexi Thompson, and hopes to one day mimic their perfect golf swings. Being on her school’s team has also introduced her to new opportunities, including being qualified to play in the State Championships at Shipyard Golf Club in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Madeline enjoyed getting to experience playing on their beautiful course while enjoying a fun trip with her teammates. If she were to offer one piece of advice to somebody who is thinking about starting into golf, she says she would let him or her know they need to be patient with themselves as they learn. "Golf isn’t as easy as some people may initially perceive," she says. "Be prepared to practice and work at your game a whole lot." This year, Madeline and her father, Steve Ateyeh, are welcoming others to join in on their fun. They are hosting their First Annual Daughter-Daddy Tournament at Trace’s Golf Club (4322 Southborough Road) on Saturday, May 15th at 1:00PM. This event is open to the public. Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome! Lunch will be provided prior to the tournament, starting at noon. The purpose of this Captain’s Choice tournament is to allow fathers and daughters to have a perfect day out on the golf course together, while introducing more girls to the sport. All proceeds from this event will benefit the SC Junior Golf Association. Winners will be chosen for longest drive, straightest drive, and closest to pin, along with other prizes and drawings! Steve and Madeline are hoping this will be the start of a yearly tournament and hope to play over different parts of the state as the event gains popularity. Participants can register by emailing

Daughter-Daddy Golf Tournament

May 15

Shotgun at 1pm Traces Golf Club 4322 Southborough Road, Florence To register, call (843) 601-9049 or email

Madeline encourages any girls who may be interested in learning all the ins and outs of golf to send her a message through her Facebook page, Mad About Golf, so she can set up a lesson with you!

May 2021




LAMB'S PRODUCE story by Rebecca Giese Spring is an ironic time where everyone has pollen-inducing allergies while also wanting to freshen up their yard and windowboxes with blooms that will brighten their property throughout the summer and fall. We enjoyed walking around Lamb's, located on 2nd Loop Road in Florence, South Carolina, with Mr. Lamb himself, Jonathan Lamb. During this visit, he gave us great advice on perennials versus annuals and tips for when to plant and what to plant in your flower boxes this year! Lamb's started at the current 2nd Loop location about 30 years ago seasonally selling Christmas trees; then, after several years, they added pumpkins and fall mums, and lastly, spring blooms. For the last 12 years, they have been open from March through December, selling fresh produce and plants. There is a superb selection of plants by Mother's Day, and then in June, their focus switches to being an excellent source for local produce, so get your planting done before or around Mother's Day! 50

May 2021

Tips for spring and summer planting with Jonathan Lamb, owner of Lamb’s Produce... Tip 1:

Jonathan said Easter is the turning point for Spring planting. Twenty of the last 29 years, Easter has marked the last frost, whether Easter has been early or late. So always plan to hold off until Easter weekend or soon after to start your planting.

Tip 2:

A sharp difference between annuals and perennials, annuals are for one year, and perennials come back year after year. But Jonathan mentioned perennials might not come back; it depends on the foundation for growth, such as the soil and preparation. Gerber Daisies are a great example of a perennial for zone 8 (the Pee Dee is zone 8).

Tip 3:

Are your perennials not looking too great after a harsh winter? In the spring, you need to fertilize and add nutrients back to the soil. Give it some time, it may come back strong with that boost of fertilizer, or it may have gotten too irregularly cold for the plant type. Jonathan uses slow-release fertilization and recommends Osmocote fertilizer.

Tip 4:

For windowboxes, Jonathan suggested cascading plant varieties. Like Trailing Vinca, Sweet Potato Vines, and Calibrachoa (Million Bells).

Tip 5:

If your windowboxes or garden is in direct sun all day, you need water, water, and water. The only thing to help plants in full sun survive South Carolina summer is diligent watering.

Want to visit Lamb's? Head to their location on 2nd Loop in Florence, South Carolina, and plan out your perfect windowboxes and garden beds with some of the best blooms in town!

May 2021



Connecting People To The River story by Jennifer Howard

THE BLACK RIVER INITIATIVE The Pee Dee is defined by rivers. Flowing around working farms and forestlands, through cities, and under highway bridges, they serve as a silent reminder that we were all once a part of the ocean to which our rivers flow. They moved goods and people and gave rise to economies that now exist only as tidal waters among earthen dikes. Tucked between the massive basins of the Santee and the Great Pee Dee, the Black River runs 150 miles connecting Sumter, Lee, Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Georgetown Counties as a thin blue line on a map, flanked by bottomland forests and row crop fields. Locals – and a few others - know that there is more to the tannin-stained waters of the Black than can be seen on a map. In its glassy stillness, ancient cypress trees reflect a water-color self-portrait, occasionally shadowed by the soaring of a swallow-tailed kite. And the river offers an eerie silence interrupted only by the chatter of invisible songbirds and the pileated’s precision drumming. These experiences are what conservation partners, state agencies, and local governments are working to share through a grassroots effort, the Black River Water Trail and Park Network. “The Black River initiative is about connections. It’s about connecting people to the river and it’s about connecting sites along the river,” remarks Pee Dee native, Dr. Maria Whitehead who is leading planning on behalf of the Open Space Institute and the broader conservation partnership. A 70-mile stretch along the river, designated a State Scenic River twenty years ago, will provide a network of boat landings, parks, and preserves designed to support communities by increasing access and creating economic opportunities through nature-based tourism.

Mac Stone Photography

Maria Whitehead Photography


May 2021

“As a local land trust, supporting the Black River is personal to us,” remarked Lyles Cooper, executive director of the Pee Dee Land Trust. “Our families swim, fish, and paddle this river and we all reap the benefits of the private landowners who so generously choose to protect these precious resources on their properties through permanent conservation easements.” In addition to conservation

To learn more about lending your voice to this initiative and take a few minutes to complete the public engagement survey, visit

Philip White Photography

easements along the river, Pee Dee Land Trust was an integral partner in a new riverfront park in Kingstree. The Water Trail and Park Network connect privately conserved lands with publicly accessible properties, such as the one in Kingstree and others farther downstream, slated to become destination points along South Carolina’s newest river trail. The initiative is so significant that it has garnered millions in funding from state, federal, local, and private funding. South Carolina Conservation Bank Executive Director Raleigh West notes, “The breadth of the partnership reflects not only the ecological importance of the Black River, which is certainly the highest quality, but also the innovative nature of public and private partnerships between government agencies, conservation groups, non-profits, and private landowners. I believe the Black River will become one of the hallmark conservation successes of our state and provide substantial economic development opportunities for rural communities through nature-based tourism.” Whitehead leaves us with a reminder of the healing powers of the river, particularly during this extended period of social distancing. “Having grown up visiting my grandfather’s fishing cabin on Mingo Creek, a tributary of the Black River, I have memories of sitting on the dock and watching wild turkeys heave themselves into the tall pines to roost at dusk. Places like the Black River offer more than wildlife habitat, clean drinking water, and a sponge for floodwaters, they offer a powerful salve for the human mind, body and spirit and a place to be restored during times of stress and uncertainty.”

Dana Beach Photography

Mac Stone Photography

Maria Whitehead Photography

Perhaps the early settlers who made the clarion call to head “down to the river to pray,” were on to a peace that has now transcended generations. Whether you’re seeking time to play with your family, a place to be restored, or the salvation to which early choirs alluded, the time to get down to the river is now. The Black River Master Plan Steering Committee is seeking input from local and river enthusiasts from across the Southeast. A series of public meetings will be held during May in communities along the river.

Dana Beach Photography May 2021




The History Of A Beautiful Day story by Cynthia Ford

Anna Jarvis,

founder of Mother's Day

The official celebration of Mother’s Day as we know it dates to the early 1900s. Ironically, the founder of Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis, never had children and eventually regretted having Mother’s Day as a Holiday. Anna established Mother’s Day in honor of her mother Ann Reeves-Jarvis, who passed away in May 1905. Her mother gave birth to eleven children and only four survived to adulthood. Mrs. Reeves-Jarvis was a social activist and pulled together a Mother’s Day Work Club to help tackle diseases that caused hardships on families and to bring a sense of unity. Even though Mrs. Reeves-Jarvis is not credited with being the founder of Mother’s Day, her daughter Anna picked up the torch and carried out her mother’s dream. Anna watched her mother’s efforts and hard work and saw her mother’s pain as she lost several children. She also understood the importance of giving back and recognizing women for their great works. Her mother, Mrs. Ann Reeves Jarvis, planted a seed of hope and laid the foundation for many mothers all over the world. Anna, the blooming flower, took her mother’s wishes and made it a reality. After a Sunday school lesson one day, her mother closed with prayer stating, “I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial Mother’s Day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life. She is entitled to it.” In May of 1908, Anna declared an International Mother’s Day in honor of her mother and all mothers. One of the gifts presented by Anna was white carnations. Recognition of Mother’s Day began to spread, and President Woodrow Wilson officially declared Mother’s Day to be a


May 2021

national holiday in 1914. In the later years of her life, Anna expressed concern about how Mother’s Day became more commercialized instead of staying within its original intent. Every year, children of all ages search stores and read through cards to find the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Sometimes we lose the original intent of the holiday by purchasing a gift just to say you have completed the task of purchasing a Mother’s Day gift. Let this year’s gift be purposeful and intentional. Mothers are powerful forces on this earth. We are a force of protection for our children, yet an array of tender love leaving timeless memories. A deep bond and transition occur from the moment we recognize that a child resides in our womb. We automatically shift our lives from the way we eat to being cautious of our daily activities to be a barrier to any potential harm. Call it love, call it instincts, or simply call it being a Mother. Mothering is a beautiful experience. We are our mother’s seed who bloomed into who we are today. If you have lost your mother, Mother’s Day is still for you. Do something special each year to honor her memory and her name. May you find peace and your tribute to your mother bring you everlasting joy. If your mother is alive, make your gift meaningful this time. This Mother’s Day let us honor all mothers. Let their good memory be your strength. Let us honor mothers with a gift that no one can purchase. That gift is time. To my mother Cynthia Rose Ford and my grandmother Lizzie Ford, I love you very much. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Because of you~ I am.

May 2021



November 2019

May 2021



November 2019

May 2021





Classic Margarita

is a holiday that celebrates the Mexican army’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. More popularly celebrated in the United States than in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has become associated with the celebration of Mexcan-American culture.


Ice cubes 3 ounces tequila 2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice 1/2 to 1 teaspoon orange liqueur 1 ounce Simple Syrup, (recipe follows) 1 tablespoon Lime-salt-sugar, (recipe follows) Simple Syrup: 1 cup sugar 1 cup water Lime-salt-sugar: Zest of one lime 2 tablespoons kosher salt 2 tablespoons sugar


Make the Simple Syrup:

Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. (Alternatively, heat in the microwave.) Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. (yeilds about 1 1/2 cups)


Make Lime-Salt-Sugar:


Make Your Margarita:

Blend together lime, salt and sugar in a small blender or mini food chopper.

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add tequila, lime juice, Simple Syrup and orange liqueur. Cover and shake until mixed and chilled, about 30 seconds. (In general, the drink is ready by the time the shaker mists up.) Place Lime-salt-sugar on a plate. Press the rim of a chilled rocks or wine glass into the mixture to rim the edge. Strain margarita into the glass.


December May 2021 2020


November 2019


November 2019

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