May 2023

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4 May 2023
May 2023 5

Publisher Tammy Clark

Editor Heather Page

Office Manager

Tiffany Skipper

Advertising Executives

Julie C. Tyler

Creative Design

Tuesday Taylor

Ashley Rogers


Contributing Photographers

Fred Salley Photography

Erin Daniel Photography

Ivana Reay-Jones Photography

NDC Photography

True Light Photography

Contributing Writers

Dr. Amanda Burnette, M.D.

Mark W. Buyck, III

Erin Daniel

Cynthia Ford

Caleb Gainey

Pamela Glass

La’Quanita Goodman

Dr. Ravish Kothari

Linda Moore

Doug Smith

Serving Florence, Hartsville, Darlington, Marion, Mullins, Lake City and the surrounding areas

2011-B Second Loop Rd, Florence, SC 29501 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

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6 May 2023
May 2023 7



10 Carolina Pines: Expanding Carolina Pines' Services To Include Pediatric Care

12 HopeHealth: Understanding ADHD in Children & Adults

14 McLeod Health: Education on Ischemic Strokes


16 Florence-Darlington Technical College: FDTC Expands Commercial Driver's License Training Program

18 Employee Spotlight: Brooke Keefe

20 Willcox, Buyck & Williams, P.A.: Paul Redfern

22 Natasha Byrd: Finding the Perfect Career

24 Tannerbrooke Properties: Elley's Bungalow



Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is thrilled to have appointed Dr. Raven Delgado to lead its new pediatric services line of business. Dr. Delgado officially opened the hospital's new pediatrics services on Monday, February 27, 2023.

"I am fortunate to join a great team of compassionate and talented caregivers at Carolina Pines and look forward to building a pediatrics program that best serves local families and makes our hospital the choice in this community for pediatric care," said Dr. Delgado.

28 May 2023: Fun Days and Events

8 May 2023
Page 16
LIFESTYLE DRINK 30 Kombi Keg: Your Fun Drink Dispensary 34 Bucket List: May's Picks - Buddy's, Local Motive Brewing Company, and the Florence Rail Trail 36 Nurses Honor Guard of South Carolina 38 Florence Symphony Orchestra Plans Classic Rock Concert 40 Cru Wine & Tap: Choose The Perfect Wine For Your Mother 42 Cynthia Ford: Mothers 44 HUB's Rodeo Queen: Emsleigh Day 45 HUB's Rodeo Queen: Lexi Goff 46 The Masterworks Choir: Honoring and Celebrating the Life of Senator Hugh Leatherman
50 Doug Smith: May
Hand Pies
Business Happenings: Something to Celebrate
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Expanding Carolina Pines’ Services To Include Pediatric Care

10 May 2023
Dr. Delgado grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina,

Pediatrics was a natural choice for Dr. Delgado. “No other aspect of medicine fulfilled me the way pediatrics does; even the hard days are enjoyable,” she said. “Sure, there are challenges. Children often are unable or lack the ability to express themselves and what they are experiencing. Treating a sick child can be like solving a puzzle without all of the pieces, it requires a good bit of detective work and a strong clinical foundation.”

As a general pediatrician, Dr. Delgado focuses on the patient as a whole. She provides preventative care, monitors physical development and mental well-being throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence in addition to treating minor illnesses and diagnosing/managing common childhood disorders. With such a large range of growth and development, Dr. Delgado is required to be knowledgeable in every aspect of pediatrics.

“My background and upbringing in an underserved community has provided me with a unique perspective and understanding of the complex challenges and healthcare barriers many patients from an underserved community often encounter,” explains Delgado. “Combined with the excellent training I received at Baylor College of Medicine, I bring forth new viewpoints and insight that allow me to provide comprehensive care that addresses the socioeconomic, educational, cultural, and racial factors that impact a child’s health, development, and well-being.”

When asked about the importance of well-check visits, Dr. Delgado didn’t hold back. “Well child checks are essential in ensuring that a child is happy, healthy, and all of their needs are being met. During these visits we screen for disorders and diseases, administer immunizations to prevent illnesses, track growth and development, and address any concerns the parent(s) or child may have. These visits also allow us to foster a trusting relationship with our patients, which often proves beneficial during adolescence when teenagers are exposed to social and behavioral issues.”

That brings up another question…Should a teenager still see a pediatrician? “Absolutely!,” says Delgado. “Adolescence can be a confusing time for teenagers; they’re exposed to physical and emotional changes that they may not feel comfortable discussing with their parents. They may view their pediatrician as a confidant and may feel comfortable discussing these issues with them.”

Delgado joins the dedicated and motivated staff at Carolina Pines during a tremendous time as the hospital is reaching new goals to improve access to healthcare in the community. “Our goals aligned and joining the team felt right,” she said. “Our office is fun, caring, and laid back. We are constantly working to create a space where kids feel safe and enjoy visiting.” Delgado also knows it takes a team to create this incredible environment. “The hard work and dedication from our nurses and staff don't go unnoticed. It’s their consistent effort that helps build connections with our patients, ensuring they receive the care they need and deserve.”

At the end of the day, Delgado is grateful to be doing what she loves in an atmosphere she enjoys. “It’s all about the kids! They’re a constant reminder of why I do what I do!”

May 2023 11
“No other aspect of medicine fulfilled me the way pediatrics does; even the hard days are enjoyable.”
Medical Park
- Dr. Delgado
Drive, Suite 207 Hartsville (843) 383-2764

Understanding ADHD in Children & Adults

Learn more about the challenges of ADHD in children and adults and how treatment can improve performance at school, work, and at home.

ADHD is arguably one of the most misunderstood disorders treated today. Along with other behavioral health conditions, people often mistake ADHD symptoms as a character fault when in reality, they are the manifestation of a neurodevelopmental disorder. This disorder causes dysregulation in multiple areas impacting performance in school, work, and relationships. Despite being frequently criticized as misbehaving, disorganized, unreliable, or even lazy, people with ADHD are in a constant battle with their brain chemistry to live and thrive in a neurotypical world.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning and is estimated to affect between 3 and 4% of the population. ADHD results from a lack of dopamine, a neurotransmitter and “feel-good” chemical that plays a crucial role in driving motivation, attention, and mood. Dopamine is also responsible for regulating movement, learning, and emotions. A deficiency of

Amanda Burnette is a physician serving patients at the HopeHealth Medical Plaza in Florence. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC, and a Doctor of Medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. She completed her residency at AnMed Health Family Medicine program in Anderson, SC. From Florence, Dr. Burnette is a member of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

dopamine promotes dopamine-seeking behaviors that can be disruptive and unhelpful in daily living. While children and adults can experience some or all symptoms of ADHD, adults often present differently as they have learned to “mask” their disorder despite the associated problems.

ADHD in Children

ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, although some people may not receive a diagnosis until later in life. In children, ADHD symptoms typically begin before the age of 12 and can be classified as either predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactiveimpulsive, or combined.

Children with predominantly inattentive ADHD may have trouble paying attention, following instructions, and organizing tasks. They may also be forgetful, easily distracted, and prone to losing things.

12 May 2023
story by Amanda Burnette, MD

According to Medical News Today, children with inattentive ADHD account for only 25% of all kids with ADHD who receive treatment in mental health centers.

This relatively small representation may be because children with inattentive ADHD are often less disruptive than children with hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. Due to this, their behavior may be easier to overlook.

Children with predominantly hyperactiveimpulsive ADHD may have trouble sitting still, waiting their turn, and managing impulses. They may also talk excessively, interrupt others, and engage in risky behavior. Motor coordination is also affected, causing children with ADHD to be more likely to have accidents and get injuries.

Children with combined ADHD exhibit symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

ADHD often becomes evident due to problems in school as symptoms are disruptive in classroom settings where children are expected to sit at a desk for long stretches, concentrate to complete assignments, follow instructions, limit talking, and take turns with peers.

Forty to sixty percent of children with ADHD have ADHD-related problems in adulthood. ADHD sometimes shares symptoms with depression and anxiety disorders (poor concentration, restlessness), making it difficult to differentiate between disorders.

ADHD in Adults

While ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood, many people may not become aware of their disorder until later in life or continue to struggle with symptoms moving into adulthood. Adults with ADHD may experience difficulty with time management, organization, and prioritization, as well as completing tasks, staying focused, and remembering appointments. ADHD impairs the ability to regulate feeling, known as emotional dysregulation, resulting in mood swings, irritability, and impulsivity. Additionally, adults with ADHD may have trouble maintaining relationships and may struggle with employment and financial management.

Adults typically do not exhibit the hyperactivity that is commonly seen in children with ADHD but may still struggle to sit still for long periods, frequently repositioning or fidgeting. Heightened impulsivity encourages risk-taking, resulting in problems like higher rates of traffic violations and accidents. Adults with ADHD also have higher rates of workplace accidents.

Adults with ADHD are more likely than the general population to have comorbid mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders.

Diagnosing ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD involves a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms, medical history, and current functioning. A diagnosis of ADHD requires the presence of persistent symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that impair patient functioning and are not better explained by another condition.

In children, a diagnosis of ADHD may be made by a pediatrician or family physician, psychiatrist, or other behavioral health professional. In adults, a diagnosis of ADHD may be made by a primary care physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist. The diagnostic process typically involves a clinical interview with the individual and their family, as well as rating scales and behavioral assessments.

There does appear to be a genetic component to ADHD, as the risk of ADHD in parents and siblings of children with ADHD is two to eight times greater than that of the general population.

Treating ADHD

ADHD can be treated with a combination of medication and behavioral interventions. Medications can be used to treat ADHD by increasing the availability of certain neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain, which can improve attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity.

Behavioral interventions for ADHD typically involve parent training and behavioral therapy. Parent training programs focus on teaching parents strategies for managing their child’s behavior and improving their communication and relationship with their child. Behavioral therapy may involve individual or group therapy, and typically focuses on teaching individuals with ADHD strategies for managing their symptoms, such as organizing tasks, improving time management, and reducing impulsivity.

If you suspect that you or your child may be living with ADHD, or need more help with ADHD management, contact a representative at HopeHealth to schedule an appointment with a primary care provider or behavioral health provider. HopeHealth offers integrated care services to help improve overall quality of life, including mental wellbeing.

May 2023 13

Education on Ischemic Strokes

Ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, is caused by a blockage in an artery that supplies blood to the brain.

Those with a family history or personal history of stroke are more likely to have an Ischemic stroke. Men are also more likely than women to have an Ischemic stroke. And, African Americans have a higher risk than any other race or

The greatest risk factor for stroke is unmanaged high blood pressure. High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” since most people do not experience any symptoms. Many are unaware they even have high blood pressure until they receive a diagnosis after a stroke or heart attack occurs. This is why it is important to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis by a medical professional.

Other risk factors for Ischemic stroke include:

• High cholesterol

• Atrial fibrillation

• Prior heart attack

• Being overweight, especially if you have a lot of abdominal fat

14 May 2023
Ongoing stroke care is provided in such units as the Neuroscience Care Unit by Dr. Ravish Kothari and his medical team.

Having any of these risk factors or conditions increases your risk for blood clots or fatty deposits, called plaque. As plaque builds up it limits the blood flow in the arteries in the neck or head, allowing blood clots to form. When an artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked through a narrowing or blood clot, then an Ischemic stroke occurs.

Every minute counts for stroke patients. B.E. F.A.S.T. can lead patients to the stroke treatments they desperately need.

If you think someone may be having a stroke, remember the acronym B.E. F.A.S.T. and do this simple test:

B- BALANCE: Does the person have a loss of balance?

E- EYES: Have they lost vision in one or both eyes?

F- FACE: Does one side of the face droop?

A- ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S- SPEECH: Is their speech slurred or strange?

T- TIME: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

If you or a loved one experience any of these symptoms it should prompt you to realize that you may be having a stroke. Once symptoms start it is crucial to get treatment as quickly as possible to make it less likely that any damage becomes permanent. Call 911 and get to the nearest emergency department.

McLeod Regional Medical Center is certified as a Primary Stroke Center by DNV GL Healthcare. McLeod was the first hospital in the region to be named a certified Primary Stroke Center in 2014.

The DNV Primary Stroke Center Certification is based on standards set forth by the Brain Attack Coalition and the American Stroke Association and affirms that the medical centers address the full spectrum of stroke care – diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and education – and establish clear metrics to evaluate outcomes.

This certification is an acknowledgement to our community that we have the resources and commitment to provide the best possible stroke care. It is a combination of the right equipment, personnel and training to quickly assess and treat strokes. As a Primary Stroke Center, we have the ability to administer the main treatment for an Ischemic stroke, a thrombolytic medication called Tenecteplase, which breaks up clots. Guidelines from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association state that these medications are most effective when given within three hours and in some cases four and a half hours from the start of the stroke.

to help distinguish between Ischemic stroke or a Hemorrhagic stroke. It is important to know which type of stroke it is to be able to determine the treatment plan.

Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States and fifth leading cause of death. One third of all patients have their first stroke prior to age 65. This is why the exceptional stroke care we provide for our patients and improving the care overall for our community is so crucial.

To help stay stroke free:

• know and control your blood pressure

• don’t smoke, stop if you do

• lose weight if needed

• become more active

• identify and manage atrial fibrillation

Work with your primary care provider on how you can live a stroke free life.

Dr. Ravish Kothari serves as the Medical Director of Stroke Services for McLeod Regional Medical Center. He is a McLeod Neurologist who is board certified in Neurology and Vascular Neurology.

Dr. Kothari received his medical degree from the Government Medical College Bhavnagar in Gujarat, India. He completed a Neurology Residency and a Neurology Vascular Fellowship at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Kothari cares for patients at McLeod Regional Medical Center.

For more information, visit

May 2023 15
In the Emergency Department, the medical team and emergency physicians like Dr. Joseph Kearney are trained to quickly assess and treat strokes.
16 May 2023
May 2023 17

Brooke Keefe

Seven Boutique, Lake City

“I started working at Seven Boutique nine years ago and am now the store manager. I handle the inventory, placing orders, website maintenance, customer service, and guiding employees towards maximum performance.

“What I love most about my job at Seven is the team of girls I get to work with and have had the opportunity to work with in the past. They have help make this job so fun!

“Seven has great items for women, home decor, and babies. The baby sections is probably my favorite! I like to believe that I help create a positive environment here at Seven. My favorite quote is to ‘Love what you do’ and that is exactly what I’m doing!”

130 E Main St, Lake City | 843.374.7777 18 May 2023
photo by NDC Photograhy
May 2023 19

Paul Redfern

South Carolina’s Daredevil Pilot

On May 21, 1927, Charles Lindbergh in the Spirit of St. Louis made the first solo, non-stop flight from New York City to Paris. The flight was 3,600 miles and took 33 1/2 hours. While this was not the first ever transatlantic flight, it was the longest solo fight up to that time. It caused great commotion throughout the United States and the world. Lindbergh had become a celebrity, the most famous man in the world.

Just three (3) months later, on August 25, 1927, Paul Redfern sought to break Lindbergh’s solo distance record when he took off from Brunswick, Georgia on his way to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Paul Redfern was born in Rochester, New York in 1902. In 1914, his parents, Blanche Redfern and Dr. Frederick Redfern moved the family to Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Redfern was the new dean of the history and religious education departments at Benedict College. Both parents were advocates for equal rights and Mrs. Redfern was active in Republican party politics, attending several national conventions. Paul attended Columbia High School. During this time, he became obsessed with flying. In his senior picture in his high school yearbook, he is wearing a leather aviator hat with flight goggles. At the age of 16, he built his own plane from a cardboard kit, eventually crashing it into a field. In 1923, he founded the Redfern Aviation Company at an airstrip he constructed in a cow pasture next to today’s Dreher High School. This was the first commercial aviation business in Columbia. For $2.00, daredevils could fly with Redfern over the Shandon area of Columbia.

The Brunswick Georgia Board of Trade (today’s Chamber of Commerce) saw Lindbergh’s flight and subsequent publicity as a marketing opportunity. They posted a $25,000 prize for the first person to fly solo from Sea Island to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the same amount Lindbergh received for his flight to Paris. The Board found their man in Paul Redfern.

Redfern flew the same model plane as Lindbergh. In order to fly the extra 1,000 miles required to reach Rio, all the passenger seats were removed and replaced with gas tanks. When the Port of Brunswick took off on August 25, 1927, the plane carried 525 gallons of gasoline and 40 gallons of oil. A crowd of 3,000 gathered at the beach at Sea Island, including his wife of 2 years, Gertrude. The

with parades and parties, with the American actress Clara Bow in attendance. Newspapers across the world were reporting on the trip, many doubting that such a long trip was possible. One contemporary news report described Gertrude “collapsing as the plane sailed out over the Atlantic … but she was confident he would succeed.”

Technology at the time was limited. Redfern had no altimeter, radar, or radio on board. The first sighting was from the Norwegian freighter Christian Krogh. Redfern dropped a canister onto the deck of the ship requesting that they point him in the direction of the nearest land and indicate the distance. After 45 minutes of circling the freighter, he was off to the coast of Venezuela 200 miles distant. Later that day, an American engineer spotted him flying over Venezuela “trailing a thin whisp of black smoke.” He was scheduled to drop a flare over Macapa on the northern Brazil coast. That flare was never seen.

20 May 2023
Paul Redfern

When Redfern did not arrive in Rio at the appointed hour, it was assumed that he had crashed somewhere in the vast Amazon Forest between Venezuela and Rio. While Redfern may not have received the fame he sought, the efforts to locate him lasted for over a decade and kept his name in the news. Several “explorers” would report rumors of his whereabouts which would lead to even more explorations into the Amazonian jungles. One report in 1936 says, “Ever so often an Indian from the Guiana jungles turns up to claim that he has seen a white man resembling the lost aviator, and several unsuccessful attempts have been made to find him.” At that time, there were two current expeditions in British Guiana, one sent out by the Canal Zone American Legion which was searching on foot, and the other from Art Williams, a former United States Army flyer, scouting the jungle by air.

A January 21, 1936 report indicated that Williams had cabled Dr. Redfern in Columbia, leading Redfern to believe that “his son would be recovered in a matter of days.” It was further reported that Williams believed Paul was uninjured, contradicting previous accounts that he was crippled from numerous broken limbs. Over the years, more than a dozen separate explorations into the jungle were undertaken, none locating the plane or Redfern.

On January 3, 1938, a Detroit court granted Gertrude Redfern’s petition decreeing that her husband was dead. It was reported that she would seek a Vatican decree allowing her to remarry. She never did. Dr. Redfern died in Columbia on November 7, 1941. His New York Times obituary noted that “Seldom a month passed that the kindly, soft-voiced old

May 2023 21 Business Law, Litigation, Real Estate, and Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys 248 West Evans Street | Florence, SC | 843.662.3258 2050 Corporate Centre’ Drive, Suite 230 | Myrtle Beach, SC | 843.650.6777

Finding The Perfect Career

Deciding what we want to be when we grow up can be the most difficult decision. However, for Natasha Byrd, the choice was simple and selected at a very early age. When she was only six years old, the game of Monopoly inspired her to be a banker and that’s exactly what she set out to become.

Natasha is a graduate of South Carolina State University with a degree in Business Management. She began her banking career immediately after graduating. With a driven heart for success, Natasha found herself also attracted to the world of real estate. Working at the bank allowed her to meet many individuals that were purchasing and/or building homes. The excitement around those moments intrigued her. So in 2000, she set out to earn her real estate license. Now she had the knowledge of not only what it takes to find the perfect home, but also knowing how to help buyers purchase the home at the best rates.

Natasha’s career took a turn when she was asked by her bank employer to decide between banking and real estate. “My free spirit doesn’t do well with ultimatums,” she said. “That’s when I decided to focus on real estate full-time. My career in both banking and real estate has been very fulfilling. I have a heart of a teacher so to be able to help clients with making such an educated huge investment gives me a natural high for life. It’s important to me that if someone wants a house, I help them navigate the curvy path. I help with everything from credit to educating them on the entire buying process.”

“You know you are on the right path when a job doesn’t feel like work. The real estate career is challenging, time-consuming, and not for the faint at heart. However, it’s the perfect job for me.”

Just when we think we have it all figured out, another dip in the road occurs. “I became a builder by default,” says Natasha. “My ex-husband and I had a

22 May 2023
Natasha Byrd After

building company. Once we were divorced, I decided to keep the business and get my builder's license. There are other local female builders I admired and sought to discover this avenue for myself as well.” So that’s just what she did and now also educates others on how to have their dream homes with the help of her business, Bean Builders.

“Most people think of female builders as only being concerned with decorating, but I enjoy the entire process!” says Natasha. “It is a dirty business but fortunately I grew up making mud pies. I thoroughly enjoy seeing nothing turn into something beautiful.” A special characteristic Natasha adds to her homes is large master closets and design walls.

Like the little six-year-old girl that fell in love playing the banker in a board game, Natasha has yet again sought after discovering new abilities to increase her career goals. “I love my career and believe I was created to do this job – to help clients understand finances and become a homeowner. Being able to build my client's dream home is amazing!”

Real Estate Review

“This is our second home purchase with Natasha as a realtor. We knew that we were almost ready to purchase again because we had outgrown our home and of course, Natasha would be our realtor but we didn’t have a set date. Nevertheless, a simple call to Natasha to ask her for some help in restoring our house from water damage turned into selling and buying our dream home in 30 days.

"After getting repairs to our home, Natasha called and said she had a house she wanted us to see. She already knew what we were looking for. We fell in love with the home instantly. Who would have thought that this would happen so fast? Natasha had an offer the first day we listed our home and within 30 days we were in our dream home.

"Natasha, as usual, was so helpful from start to finish. She came in and helped stage the house for sale and told me that she felt our house would sell fast but I didn’t know that things would move this fast! Wow, she was like you better start packing, and we did.

"The whole buying and selling process with Natasha was smooth sailing and fun. She was always professional, honest, and upfront about any questions we had and advocated for us any issues we had with the seller. She was there from the beginning until the end. I promise you won’t find a more knowledgeable, professional realtor that gets better results than Natasha Byrd. What are you waiting for? Call 843 230-9090 and get your dream home!"

May 2023 23
Facebook: Bean Builders, LLC | (843) 230-9090 |
Natasha Lee Byrd was born and raised in Darlington, South Carolina. She has two grown children, Bryce and Evan whom she thanks for her being her “everything!”

Elley’s Bungalow

The vacation world has been taken by storm with property owners reimagining homes as rental properties. The Pee Dee has its share of historical homes reenvisioned as quaint spaces created to build lasting memories for families and friends. After working together in property management, Will Lindsey and Meredith Mahon discovered a passion to provide rental homes with top-scale experiences. Through their business Tannerbrooke Properties, the co-owners are introducing Elley’s Bungalow to the community as your home away from home.


First off, tell us why you decided to search for a property to purchase in Florence.

Meredith: “Florence is home. Will moved to Florence in 2018 after attending Lyon College where he was a fouryear letterman on the baseball team. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and worked in the insurance industry before getting into property management in 2021. I’m a Florence native, only leaving to attend Clemson University, where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. After working in marketing for ten years, I began my career in property management and obtained my SC Property Management license.

“We wouldn’t have wanted our first home to be anywhere else. We’ve watched the progress of the downtown revitalization, and have always been interested in contributing to those efforts.”

What was the search like to find that perfect property?

Meredith: “As soon as we saw the Elley’s Bungalow property, we fell in love. We wanted a historic Florence home with character, something that would tell the story of our town. And with its location in the heart of downtown, we immediately knew we had to have it. The home was everything that represents our brand.”

24 May 2023
A charming, fully furnished home in the heart of downtown Florence

Will: “We look for places that have character, and we’ve found the downtown area of Florence has hidden gems everywhere. Guests want to be somewhere quiet, but also close to the downtown scene. Most of all, we’ve found our guests want to ‘learn’ Florence, so they want to stay in a place that feels original to the town.”

How much work did you have to do to the home before offering it as a short-term rental property?

Will: “From finding the home to hosting our first guest, the process took a little over 30 days. Upon finding Elley’s Bungalow, we put together a very aggressive plan to get the home ready as quickly as we could. Since we both work 8 to 5 jobs, all of our energy after work was spent on preparing the home. Long nights and weekends were the norms for us. We were able to do most of the work ourselves. Luckily, the home was in great condition, so we primarily made cosmetic changes and updates.”

What stand-out features does the home offer?

Meredith: “That goes back to the whole reason we purchased Elley’s Bungalow. The home has features that you won’t find in your average rental property. As soon as you walk in, you are greeted with a beautiful mural showcasing several historical landmarks in Florence (the old Capri movie theater, Samra’s, the Greek Orthodox church, the Columns plantation, the original Florence museum, and the old Krispy Kreme on Irby, to name a few). Our favorite features are the standalone cast iron bathtub and the hardwood floors, both original to the home.

“Additionally, to us, a ‘better’ rental home is all about the experience we give our guests. When our guests arrive, they are greeted with everything they need to make this their home away from home. We supply each guest with local snacks and gifts, a stocked fridge, K-cups and tea, fresh flowers, and travel necessities

(toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, shampoo/ conditioner, hair dryer, first aid kit, etc), as well as a guide book so they can explore everything Florence has to offer. We find out if they’re coming for special occasions and plan accordingly. We’ve had a couple of guests coming to town for their birthday weekend, so we leave them a little birthday cake and champagne. It’s cliche, but the saying is true - it’s all in the details.

“The best type of rental home is the one where the guests always come back. Everyone has their favorite place to eat, favorite place to shop, and favorite destination to travel. When guests come to Florence, we want our properties to be their favorite place to stay.”

What are the advantages of short-term versus long-term rentals?

Will: “We have found that there is a deficit in the Florence market - fully furnished, move-in ready, short-term rentals. Over the past few years, Florence has seen more businesses, manufacturing plants, and corporations coming to the area, bringing with them an influx of people. We’ve seen an uptick in travel nurses and medical personnel coming to MUSC or McLeod Health for 90-day contracts. Downtown in Florence is growing. As a whole, Florence is attracting more and more people, many of whom are looking for short-term, hassle-free rental options, and we hope to give that to them.”

How do you maintain your five-star rating?

Meredith: “Our overarching goal is to give guests an experience that keeps them coming back. Cleanliness is, of course, a top priority. With each turnover, we have a thorough checklist and detailed inspection process to ensure nothing is missed. Our experience in property management has taught us to cater to our guests’ needs, and communication is a huge part of that. Even before our guests arrive, we’re reaching out to introduce ourselves and learn more about what brings them to

How did you decide on your rental host?

Meredith: “While we use several platforms, we have found the most success with Airbnb. It’s user-friendly for the host and guest, easy to manage bookings and financials, and also offers hosts a great protection plan.”

What has been the most rewarding moment since taking on this endeavor?

Meredith: “It’s hard to pick just one! The first was the day we signed the papers establishing Tannerbrooke Properties as an official business, and the second came when we closed on the property. But without a doubt, the most rewarding moment was when we booked our first guest. It was a little nerve-wracking waiting for a guest to book with us, and we’d be lying if we said we weren’t anxiously waiting by our phones for an Airbnb notification. But within seven days of closing on the property, that notification came, and we got our very first booking. And we couldn’t have been more fortunate; our first guests were amazing. During their stay, we had an opportunity to visit with them, and we still keep in touch!”

What are each of your responsibilities with the home?

Will: “Meredith works on the front end, marketing the property, communicating with guests, and making sure each guest has a 5-star experience. She enjoys finding and implementing new ways to wow our guests with classic Southern hospitality. I am the numbers guy. I handle budgeting, bills, and purchasing the property. I also work directly with vendors and contractors. We both are also constantly evaluating the Florence market and looking for the next properties to add to Tannerbrooke’s portfolio.”

What’s the story behind the name Elley’s Bungalow?

Meredith: “Elley's Bungalow is a living tribute to Will’s late sister, Elley. When deciding on a name for the home, it was an easy pick - the home perfectly reflects Elley's artistic, traditional, fun-loving spirit. We've poured so much love into Elley's Bungalow in the hopes that she'd be proud to be included in this journey.”

To learn more about Tannerbrooke Properties, visit

To book Elley's Bungalow, visit

BUSINESS 26 May 2023
May 2023 27


Chamber’s Spring Golf Classic Traces Golf Course, Florence

Small Business Week

Spring Picnic First Pres Church , Florence

Happy Mother's Day!

NASCAR Goodyear 400 Darlington Raceway

Masterworks Choir Memorial Concert FMU PAC, Florence

May Day

World Red Cross Day

Lunch & Learn, Florence Chamber of Commerce

Macrame Plant Hanger Workshop Growing Hobby, Florence

May 9-11

School of Dance Arts Presents Dancing Through Oz FMU PAC, Florence

Open Mic Night (every Tues.) F.E. Pops, Florence

Bike To School Day

Bone-E-Fit Lawton Chase House, Florence

Kids’ Bonsai Workshop Growing Hobby, Florence

50th Annual Scholarship Tea

St. Ann Catholic Church Parish Life Center, Florence

Inaugural Mother - Son Dance Staybridge Suites, Florence

Chocolate Chip Day

Hollow Log Planter Workshop Growing Hobby, Florence

Artful Expression Group for Cancer Patients and Caregivers Meet (3rd Tuesday of the Month) Florence Public Library

Eats on the Street Downtown Dillon

Trivia (every Wed.) Green Frog Social, Lake City

May 11-13

Mimosas, Muffins and Massage Forum Spa, Florence

Reformers Unanimous Program Every Friday pm & Sunday am Florence Baptist Temple

Gamecock Club Welcome Home Tour Florence Country Club

Lucky Penny Day

Trivia (every Wed.) Seminar Brewing, Florence

May 18-20

Brenda Cranford Annual Spring Showcase "Dream Big" Coker College, Hartsville

Cooks for Christ Benefit West Florence Fire Department

Turtle Topiary Workshop Growing Hobby, Florence Florence Symphony Orchestra presents “FSO Rocks 2023” FMU PAC, Florence

Happy Memorial Day! Creativity Day

Smile Day

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16
18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30
28 May 2023
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday


friday saturday

May 5-6

2023 Senior Games

Greater Florence Habitat for Humanity Cinco De Mayo Downtown Florence

First Friday at the Fountain Downtown Dillon

CAPES for Kids Briggs Elementary, Florence Bluegrass Concert, Grand Old Post Offie, Darlington

Pee Dee Clays for Conversation, Backwoods Quail Club, Georgetown Movers for Moms Stuff-A-Truck, Walmart-Beltline, Florence

Convoy For 22 & BBQ Veteran s Park, Florence

May 12-13

2023 Senior Games

May 12-14

Madagascar, Jr., Florence Little Theatre

Screen on the Green Downtown Dillon

Florence Cars and Coffee

Highland Park Church, Florence

Market in May Plant Sale Moore Farms, Lake City

May 19-21

Legally Blonde, Jr. Florence Little Theatre

May 19-21

Grateful Dog Fest

889 Tara Dr, Timmonsville

A1 Medical Gym, Florence

Florence After 5Too Much Sylvia Downtown Florence Grape Popsicle Day

June 2 Friday Friday at the Fountain Downtown Dillon

June 10

Jukebox Music Festival

Amazing Grace Park, Marion

May 2023 29 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27

Your Fun Drink Dispensary

“When one door closes, another one opens.” We’ve all probably heard this saying a time or two and for Aimee and Cornelio Monjarrez, owners of the former DIY Place in Downtown Florence, this is exactly what happened! They closed one beloved business, but have since started the brand new, Kombi Keg Pee Dee, a mobile bar business that serves the greater Pee Dee area and beyond!

“Even though it sounds contradictory, we closed the DIY Place because we believe in the growth of the city of Florence, it’s Downtown, and the Pee Dee area. God gave us the opportunity to make a bigger investment in our community and we faithfully took it. We would like to encourage the residents of the Pee Dee to invest their time and money in our local businesses. Our area has so much to offer, and it will only keep growing.”

It's never an easy task to open your own business, let alone start a second business that drives you in a completely different direction than the first! But Aimee and Cornelio are embarking on this journey

that will offer them more opportunities to expand their business! Kombi Keg is a franchise that originated in Australia during 2015 and has since grown worldwide, restoring vintage Volkswagen buses into fun mobile bars. “Kombi” is the Australian nickname for the iconic VW bus manufactured from the 1950s to the 1970s. It’s derived from a German word meaning “combination vehicle”. The bus’s steering wheel is even located on the right side of the vehicle since it was shipped to the United States from Australia!

Noticing a perfect opportunity to bring this type of business to our own community and surrounding areas, Aimee and Cornelio took their passion for hosting and got to work preparing the Kombi Keg Pee Dee bus to be ready to serve as a local, full-service mobile bar! They have named their particular bus “Janis”, after Janis Joplin, Aimee’s all-time favorite rockstar! With a passion for community and fellowship, they are currently able to bring the fun (and the beverages) to your party or gathering of choice within the Pee Dee counties, as well as Georgetown, Clarendon and Horry Counties!

30 May 2023
story and photos by Erin Daniel

can literally serve any type of beverage you desire, carbonated or non-carbonated! Beer, wine, champagne, mixed drinks, non-alcoholic beverages, sodas, cold brew coffee, flavored lemonades or teas- literally any cold beverage can be served from these taps, making it the perfect addition to any birthday party, wedding, corporate or sporting event, etc! You can even enjoy a mix of adult beverages and kid-friendly drinks for your next family reunion! Customers can even request kegs from their favorite local breweries. If a distributor can carry it, Kombi Keg can provide it! The possibilities are endless!

Not only do they have your drinks covered, but they also provide any cups, lids, ice, drink garnishes, flavorings and creamers that might be needed for whichever beverages you choose to serve! Their fun and sweet personalities are the perfect addition to your event, and they’ll keep your glasses full all night long!

While they’re content with the starting point of their business, Aimee and Cornelio have future dreams of owning additional buses that would service areas at the beach, as well as Charleston!

If you’d like to learn more about Kombi Keg or look into booking them for your next event, you can head over to You can also reach out directly via phone or text to #843-954-2878, or send them an email at Inquiries are answered within 24 hours and they are currently open for bookings!

May 2023 31
Aimee and Cornelio Monjarrez


Tracy Deonn, author of Legendborn and native of North Carolina, presents a take on Arthurian legend that breaks every mold that we’ve ever known, and will leave its audience craving more. The novel introduces Bree Matthews, a sixteen-year-old attending The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Picking up three months after the death of her mother, Bree is navigating a new environment while dealing with grief. Though something seems off to her—not everything surrounding her mother’s death is making sense.

From there, the search for the truth begins and the story quickly escalates into a robust, modern take on Arthurian traditions and lore, which is married beautifully with Deonn’s own magic system. This world is also deeply rooted in Southern traditions and attitudes, all of which factor heavily into Bree’s search to finding answers. Thankfully, she doesn’t have to work alone. Developing new friendships and strengthening the old ones wouldn’t be the hard part, though. Bree quickly learns that it is finding trust in these relationships that truly outweighs the ease of forging reliable bonds. In fact, there are many events that leave Bree solving the multitude of twists and turns in the novel. Readers won’t know what to expect, especially with a surprise ending that is sure to shock all.

Readers will ultimately conclude that this is a book about finding oneself and the power that comes from within, as well as that of your family; from those lost and those found. Lovers of fantasy and Arthurian legend will thoroughly enjoy this book and find it impossible to put down. There are countless aspects that readers will be able to connect to within the magical pages of Legendborn, and a limitless world of possibility. Deonn fully captures the essence of finding the power within and shows readers that they, too, can accomplish it.

Florence Library Accepting Donated Books

Now that spring cleaning time is here, the Doctors Bruce and Lee Foundation Library in Florence is accepting donations of gently used books for its annual book sale and ongoing book nook sales. The library accepts all books in good condition except textbooks, magazines, and encyclopedias. All other genres and formats are welcome including hardcover, paperback, fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, etc. DVD movies as well as audiobooks and music CDs are also welcome. Proceeds from book sold go to Friends of Florence County Library to support library programs, services, and collections.

For large deliveries of books, please call first so that our staff can assist you in unloading. For tax purposes, the library can provide documentation of approximate number of books donated, but does not give cost evaluations of donated materials; these evaluations are up to the donor or their tax accountant.

To schedule a drop-off, or for more information, please call (843) 413-7074.

Did you know that Friends of Florence County Library provide critical support to library services and collections? This includes supporting children’s literacy through the Children’s Summer Reading Program and the Children’s Bookmobile, as well as by funding the library’s e-books and downloadable audio books (available through the Libby app, which can be found on the library web page at

You can become a Friends of Florence County Library member for as little as $15 a year!

Visit and select the Friends tab at the top of the page for more information.

32 May 2023
Tracy Deonn can be found on Twitter and Instagram @tracydeonn.
May 2023 33
34 May 2023
May 2023 35

Nurses Honor Guard of South Carolina

In 2019, Stormy Shealy, a Registered Nurse in the Upstate of South Carolina, founded the Nurses Honor Guard of South Carolina intending to pay tribute to nurses at the time of their death by performing the Nightingale Tribute at funerals or memorial services. A service steeped in tradition and similar to a military tribute, it officially releases the nurse from their nursing duties.

After being told about the organization by coworkers and friends, Carmen Richardson of Florence knew she had to be a part of it. “I did my research and discovered that their mission aligned with my personal belief that we should pay tribute to fallen colleagues,” explains Carmen. “Being a nurse through the pandemic was challenging because we lost several nurses in our community to Covid-19. My eagerness to honor them and pay my respect led me to become a member of this amazing organization.”

Currently, the organization relies on word-ofmouth in the community to help them identify when a nurse passes away. “Our team has educated funeral home employees, attended state funeral home director meetings, and participated in several community events,” says Carmen. After identifying a fallen colleague, a team leader will contact the family to offer services during the funeral or memorial service.

So far, Carmen has had the opportunity to participate in six funerals, one virtual funeral, and one memorial service. “One of the most inspiring events that I attended was the first service I participated in. At that service, I spoke to a nurse who wanted to join our group. Little did I know that less than two weeks later, that nurse would pass away unexpectedly. I was honored to be able to participate in her service as well. This inspired me in so many ways because it was a reminder that things happen so quickly,” says Carmen. Several months later, Carmen met the daughter of that particular nurse and was told how much the ceremony meant to their family. “This is the reason that we do what we do.”

The ceremonial tribute is offered free of charge for any South Carolina resident who was a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Anesthetist,

Licensed Practical Nurse, or anyone active or retired who holds a nursing license in good standing with the Board of Nursing from their home state or the state of South Carolina. Their license can be nonactive if they were retired, as long as it was in good standing with the Board of Nursing.

In addition, if a nurse is at the end of their life and is alert, the Nurses Honor Guard of South Carolina offers them a living tribute that will honor them before their passing.

When asked about an impactful moment, Carmen responded, “This duty has impacted my life in so many ways. I have reconnected with coworkers from previous jobs, met nurses from other areas, made new friendships, and learned more about my desire to serve others. Growing up, we are taught about people going into battle to fight for us, but rarely did we hear that healthcare workers go into battle daily to help others. The pandemic helped shine a light on healthcare workers and the fact that we are on the front line right here in our own community. When others were placed in quarantine, nurses worked extra hours for days at a time. Nurses and nursing aides kept the hospital doors open to care for the population of people in need. Being a part of this organization has helped me to realize that I am in a difference-making position and I am so proud of that honor.”

36 May 2023 LIFESTYLE

“Nursing is and always will be a calling,” adds Carmen. “When we take the nursing oath, we take it for the longevity of our life. It is nice to know that at the end of our duty, this tribute will be done and we can rest knowing that our service did not go unnoticed.

The Nurses Honor Guard of South Carolina is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and is staffed strictly by both working and retired nurses who volunteer their time to pay respect and honor nurse colleagues. Any donations are tax-deductible. Donations are used to purchase the lantern, box, white rose, and other items used to perform the service. Nurses wear their white dress uniform, navy and red capes, a white cap, and a Nurse Honor Guard pin standing guard during the tribute services.

For more information on how you can become a Nurses Honor Guard, visit

May 2023 37

FSO Plans Classic Rock Concert

On May 25, the Florence Symphony Orchestra will perform a classic rock concert featuring selections from the ‘60s ‘70s and ‘80s. FSO Rocks 2023 will include hits from Queen, Elton John, Chicago, The Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Moody Blues and more.

Recent American Idol contestant Tripp Taylor will be one of the featured vocalists. “I’m beyond excited to show my hometown how I’ve grown as an artist and to sing with the orchestra that I grew up watching!”

Featured singers also include local choral professor Fran Coleman, Florence Little Theater veteran Cole Davis, and vocalist Leigh Montague. In addition, FSO Rocks 2023 will include a 50 piece orchestra and 12 member choir.

Guest artists also include legendary guitarist Andy Timmons. As guitarist for pop-metal band Danger Danger, Timmons toured the world, opening for Kiss and Alice Cooper. He has sold over a million records worldwide and served as guitarist and music director for Olivia Newton John for 15 years.

Florence guitarist Carson Lee will join Timmons on rhythm guitar. “This is a dream come true for me!” said Lee. “I’ve listened to Andy Timmons music for as long as I can remember. He is truly a guitar hero of mine!”

Dr. Terry Roberts, now marking is 20th year as music director and conductor, of the FSO is “excited to combine the symphonic sound with rock musicians. It's a big plus for us to have so many great musicians from the area contributing their talents!”

FSO Rocks 2023 will be held at the FMU Performing Arts Center in Florence. “This concert will feature enhanced sound and lighting that you don’t normally see at a traditional orchestra concert. The excellent acoustics of the PAC will be on full display with this one,” said Bud Simmons, FMU PAC director.

“FSO Rocks 2023 will bring a whole new audience to the Symphony,” said Pamela Glass, FSO executive director. “We are fortunate to have this concert sponsored by anonymous donors. Proceeds from the concert will help fund our next season and expand our music education programs.” Next season marks the 75th year for the Symphony.


“I loved my time on American Idol because of all the amazing people I met and friends I made. I’m beyond excited to show my hometown how I’ve grown as an artist and to sing with the orchestra that I grew up watching!”

As guitarist for pop-metal band Danger Danger, Timmons toured the world, opening for Kiss and Alice Cooper. He has sold over a million records worldwide and served as guitarist and music director for Olivia Newton John for 15 years.

Fran is a crossover singer hailing from Richmond, VA. She is an accomplished composer and recording artist in both jazz and rock genres. She has toured the East Coast, opening for such national acts as The Derek Trucks Band, JGB, and The Wailers.

Carson started playing guitar at age 13 after watching a DVD of Jimi Hendrix performing at Woodstock. “Since then I’ve been hooked on all things guitar!”

LIFESTYLE 38 May 2023
American Idol finalist, TRIPP TAYLOR! Andy Timmons Fran Coleman Carson Lee

Cole Davis

Cole has performed in over 40 productions at the Florence Little Theatre and Theatre of the Republic. He also performs with the Emerald Empire Corporate Entertainment Band.

Leigh Montague

Featured singer Leigh Montague is in high demand in the areas of voice, cello, conducting, and music production. She was named the 2020-21 Mac Williams Middle School Teacher of the Year.

MAY 25 - 7:30 pm

FMU Performing Arts Center

The FSO, along with legendary guitarists and award winning vocalists, will rock the house with music from the '60s, '70s and ‘80s.

Tickets available at the FMU Performing Arts Center, 843-661-4444, M-F, 12-5 pm or

For sponsorship and VIP opportunities, please contact the FSO office, 843-661-2541

May 2023 39


Perfect Wine For Your Mother

When it comes to choosing a wine for Mother's Day, there are a few things to consider, such as your mother's preferences, the occasion, and the meal you'll be serving. Here are some general guidelines to help you choose the perfect wine for your mother:

Consider your mother's preferences: If your mother enjoys red wine, consider a nice bottle of pinot noir or cabernet sauvignon. If she prefers white wine, a crisp chardonnay or sauvignon blanc may be more to her liking. Alternatively, you can ask her directly what type of wine she prefers, or even better, what her favorite brand or varietal is.

Think about the occasion: If you're celebrating a special occasion, such as a milestone birthday or anniversary, consider splurging on a more expensive bottle of wine. If you're having a more casual Mother's Day celebration, a less expensive wine may be more appropriate.

Consider a special bottle: You can also consider purchasing a bottle of wine that has special significance for your mother, such as a vintage from the year she was born, or a wine from a winery she has always wanted to visit.

Match the wine to the meal: If you're serving a special meal for Mother's Day, consider pairing the wine with the food. For example, a light-bodied white wine like pinot grigio pairs well with seafood, while a full-bodied red wine like merlot or syrah pairs well with beef or lamb.

40 May 2023 LIFESTYLE

Roasted chicken with chardonnayA roasted chicken is a classic and comforting meal that pairs perfectly with a buttery chardonnay. The creamy texture and fruity notes of the wine complement the tender meat of the chicken.

Cheese board with portA cheese board can be a fun and interactive way to end the meal. A sweet and fortified port pairs well with a variety of cheeses and adds a touch of elegance to the occasion.

Mother's Day is a time to cherish and appreciate the women who have made a significant impact on our lives. Celebrating this special day with a delicious meal and a thoughtful wine pairing can be a great way to show our gratitude and love. By carefully selecting the right wine to complement the flavors of the meal, we can elevate the dining experience and create lasting memories with our mothers. Remember to savor the moment, enjoy the company of your loved ones, and toast to the wonderful mothers who deserve nothing but the best.

Happy Mother's Day!

If you’re going to make her a special meal, here are some SIMPLE BUT CLASSIC WINE AND FOOD PAIRINGS :
Bryan Holt was the wine buyer for Micky Finn's for twenty years. He now is the owner of Cru Wine & Tap in Hotel Florence. Cru is downtown Florence's first true wine bar with a killer craft beer selection. With a small bottle shop and retail store inside, Cru is slowly becoming one of the top bars to visit while downtown.

In most cases, the announcement of becoming a mother is an exciting experience. Each week brings something to look forward to. With anticipation, you wait to hear the heartbeat for the first time, feel the first kick, or see movement. You prepare by purchasing necessary items such as clothing, diapers, and a car seat. You think of several names and decide on the best name. You continue to change physically and maintain your medical appointments while you patiently await your little one’s arrival.

When your baby arrives, your motherly instincts to nurture and protect soar even more. You beam joyfully, catching all big and small moments, such as drool and the slightest glimpse of a smile. You go through the routine of fixing bottles, changing diapers, and adjusting sleep patterns.

As the years creep up on you, you realize that you don’t have all of the answers as you seek to give your child the best life experience you can. You worry about the bully choosing your child as their victim and hope that your child would not choose to be a bully. The first day with your child away from you is one of the longest days of your life. You hope and pray for safety as they begin their lives in school as you continue to juggle the duties of motherhood.

The duty of motherhood expands beyond the basics of food, clothing, and shelter. Mothers begin to recognize what their children like, how to make them smile, what makes them angry, and their expressions of sadness. Automatically, mothers have compared their children physically by stating who their child resembles and who they act like. The mother’s actions and statements essentially help shape their child’s life experiences.

Each year on Mother’s Day, all mothers, without question, will think about the child or children who have afforded them the title of being a mother. Even after covering the basics of what their child needs, mothers still hope to give their child a better life than what they’ve had. One thing mothers can offer far beyond any materialistic gesture is knowledge. The gift of knowledge is something that can be built upon and is not often easily taken away.

To every Mother, Ma, Mommy, Stepmother, Godmother, and Grandmother (whichever title fits you)Happy Mother’s Day to You!

by Cynthia Ford Mothers

This Mother’s Day, turn the energy of worrying about your child’s future to active steps of cultivation. You will always have concern and care for your child; however, with preparation and guidance, you could have fewer moments of worry if you have prepared your child to live an abundant life. Use these five steps as you go:

• Teach your child to recognize and appreciate who they are.

• Help them discover their gifts.

• Show them how to appreciate the gift in others.

• Provide the resources they need to succeed.

• Cheer and correct.

Who Are You?

We give a child a name before they settle into our homes. Often when someone asks who we are, we respond with what we do or associate some connection we have with someone. Identifying who we are can be a simple task hidden in complex structures. Help your child identify who they are beyond their outside connections. Help them identify their strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses. When your child has identified who they are, comparison to their peers and others would have less of an influence. This tactic improves your child’s self-esteem and helps them to be confident. Not arrogant, but wise and confident.

Discover the Gift

We all have a gift or talent. What does your child enjoy doing the most? When you pay attention to that, you have discovered the doorway to your child’s gift. They may enjoy music, art, talking, writing, or gardening. If they have mastered that thing they enjoy, the mastery may indeed be a revelation of your child’s true gift.

Appreciating Others

Once you have helped your child recognize their gift, help them discover the talent in their peers and others. Your child may be gifted in singing, and their peer may be gifted in playing an instrument. This discovery can

lead to a teachable moment by sharing with your child that their song and their peer’s musical ability can lead to great music. This tactic helps your child with the ability to work well as a team player and may spark a desire to learn a skill they may not have.

Using Your Resources

As a mother to this gifted child, it is your responsibility to help cultivate their gifts. Cultivating gifts is synonymous with developing land for gardening. It requires preparing the foundation for something to grow. Ensure your child has the knowledge they need outside of the traditional learning experience they receive in school. Invest time by exposing them to opportunities and community resources and events. Prepare them for the world financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Even though much of their hours may be spent in a school setting as they are in their school years, maximize the time you have together with unmatched mother-child memories.

Cheering and Correcting

You are one of your child’s first cheerleaders. When they take their first step or utter their first word, you’ve cheered them on and encouraged them to continue further to master speech and walking. They thrive in your cheering. Celebrate all wins yet provide a healthy balance by helping them to get up after losses. Naturally, mothers offer correction when their child has done something unsafe or in error. Offer a reason why the act is wrong, and that thought imprints in their mind as a reminder not to do it again. Teach them not to fear failure or success but use life’s teachable moments to thrive.

When you have done all you have known to do as a mother, relax in the joy of knowing you have done your part. Mothers have learning curves too. You may not get it all right but keep doing your best. Your mothering and efforts are appreciated! Keep cultivating your children and showing them the way, regardless of their age.

May 2023 43

Emsleigh Day

Ultimate Grand Supreme Rhinestone Rodeo

What is your favorite subject in school? Art class

What do you want to be when you grow up? The boss

What is your favorite tv show? Toddler and Tiaras

What is your favorite thing to do? Aggravate my big brother.

Do you have any pets?

I have a little dog and a really big dog. They eat a bunch of food.

Cheese dip

Why do you like pageants? Because I get to dress up in my princess (pageant) dress and see all of my friends.

What is your favorite thing to do with your mom and how would you like to celebrate her for Mother’s Day? Snuggle in mommy’s bed with her and watch princess movies and have popcorn and ice cream.


Lexi Goff

Ultimate Grand Supreme Rhinestone Rodeo

What are your extra curricular activities? Playing golf and cheerleading

How do you balance school and extracurricular activities?

I'm in 8th grade and in order to keep up, I have to stay focused on my task at hand and remember that my school work always comes first.

Do you have a plan in place yet for college and/or career?

I would really like to go to Coastal Carolina University to play golf and then to medical school to become a radiologist.

Who is your role model?

My role models are my sister and my mom. They are both very smart, hardworking, and beautiful on the inside and outside.

What celebrity would you meet?

I would Love to meet Dolly Parton!

Do you have any unique family traditions?

I have a very large family and we gather once a month for family dinners and then we spend at least one to two weeks a year vacationing together.

How do you plan to celebrate Mother’s Day this year?

I’ll be doing whatever my mom wants to do for the day!

What has been a life lesson you’ve learned through pageant competitions? I have learned how to communicate better because of my preparation for interviews through pageantry.

To All Sponsors, Vendors, Workers, Cowboys & Cowgirls, We Extend The Biggest, Best Thank You To All That Helped Make Our First Annual Rodeo A Huge Success! -Hub's Farmland

Favorite book? The Bible

Favorite restaurant? Texas Roadhouse

Favorite song?

9 To 5 by Dolly Parton

What’s your next adventure? My next pageant adventure will be competing for the title of Young Miss Teen South Carolina at the Little Miss South Carolina (LMSC) pageant this summer as Young Miss Teen Clarendon County. The LMSC organization is a wonderful pageant system that promotes community service, academic excellence, poise and positive self-esteem. They are partners with Prisma Health Childrens Hospital and have raised over $561,000 for them since they partnered in 2002.

Q &
A with

Honoring and Celebrating the Life of Senator Hugh Leatherman

The Masterworks Choir presents A Memorial Concert to honor and celebrate Senator Hugh Leatherman Sunday, May 14 , 5:00 pm | FMU Performing Arts Center

The 44th season of the Choir concludes Sunday, with a concert in memory Hugh Leatherman. The orchestra, and soloists will Mozart Requiem, along work commissioned by for this occasion. There is no charge for admission and all are welcome.

The 2022 - 2023 season of the Masterworks Choir marks not only the 44th year of the ensemble, but also the 10th anniversary of music director and conductor Dr. Will Carswell. According to Carswell, "Ten years have flown by. It has been and continues to be an honor to lead this amazing ensemble of talented and dedicated singers." The choir concludes their season on Sunday, May 14 at 5:00 pm with a

memorial concert to honor and celebrate the life of Senator Hugh Leatherman. First elected to the S.C. Senate in 1980, Senator Leatherman was among the longest-serving lawmakers in the legislature, representing the 31st district anchored in Florence. The Masterworks Choir, orchestra, and guest soloists will perform the Requiem by Mozart, along with a new work commissioned by the choir - Te Deum by composer Terre Johnson. The concert will be held at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center in downtown Florence. Guest soloists for the performance are Dr. Serena Hill, soprano (University of South Carolina), Dr. Jami Rhodes, alto (East Carolina University), Mr. Dominic Armstrong, tenor (University of South Carolina), and Dr. Damian Savarino, bass (Messiah University). There is no charge for admission and all are invited to a reception following the concert.

46 May 2023 LIFESTYLE
Senator Hugh Leatherman
May 2023 47

Something to Celebrate...

MPD Electric Cooperative Gifts $2,000 to Help4Kids

MPD Electric Cooperative’s Power to Serve initiative is pleased to donate $2,000 to Help4Kids of Florence County, an outstanding nonprofit that addresses childhood hunger in the Pee Dee.

Each Friday, Help4Kids supplies food packs to public schools in Florence County for children at risk of hunger over the weekend. The goal is that children return to school on Monday rested, fed and ready to learn.

“As a locally owned and operated cooperative, MPD Electric Cooperative believes in investing in the success of the communities we serve by delivering reliable, affordable and safe power, and by supporting local community outreach efforts like Help4Kids,” said Matt Haynie, chief marketing officer of MPD Electric Cooperative. “Not only are we proud to power the seven counties we serve but we’re also committed to making them a better place to live.”

The donation is made possible by MPD’s Power to Serve initiative, a charity founded to give back in the areas MPD Electric serves through donations and service projects. Along with company and employee donations, MPD’s Power to Serve hosts an annual charity golf event to help fund efforts.

First Bank Promotes Ashley Christenbury As City Executive In Florence

Ashley Christenbury has been named the City Executive of Florence, South Carolina for First Bank. Paul Seward is continuing to lead the greater area as the Area Executive and J.B. Schwiers as the President of South Carolina. First Bank acquired GrandSouth Bank expanding its South Carolina presence with the addition of 8 more locations throughout the state. Conversion of these locations into the First Bank family was completed March 13, 2023.

Ashley has been with First Bank since 2018, beginning as the Branch Manager and quickly becoming the Business Development Officer for the Florence area. She focuses on developing relationships with business owners and decision makers in order to help them with their lending, deposit and cash-management needs. Ashley ensures these relationships by embedding herself in the community she calls home.

The Arby’s Foundation has committed $500,000 to support every community where Arby’s has a restaurant, including the Pee Dee Area.

The Pee Dee Area Arby’s team is proud to have selected Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area as a recipient of a $7,400 grant to support the efforts around childhood hunger.

“We’re so honored to have received a $7,400 grant from the Arby’s Foundation,” says Lisa Bailey, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area Director of Philanthropy. “Thank you, Arby’s, for supporting our mission to inspire and enable all young people from throughout the Pee Dee Area, especially those who need us most, to become productive, responsible, and caring citizens.”

In total, the Arby’s Foundation anticipates giving out nearly 200 local grants across the United States. With these funds, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area will be able to support staff who interact with children daily providing homework help, mentoring, life skills training, and tutoring for a full school year as well as help run a year-round technology program to supplement academic enrichment through reading, STEM, and other activities. Staff meet each child at their level and focus on consistent improvement rather than perfection; on motivation and drive; on community, kindness, and helping others; and on cultivating a love of learning.

The Boys & Girls Clubs provide a positive, safe space for youth, ages 6-18, to feel important, to learn healthy lifestyles, to build good character, and to see they can be more than they ever dreamed with hard work and a good attitude. Currently, 15% of Club youth are in foster care and 86% live below the poverty line, and the Clubs provide some stability for these vulnerable children.

The Boys & Girls Clubs' methods have proven successful in the Pee Dee Area with improved grades, 86% according to teachers, and better attitudes, 96% according to parents.

When asked about her favorite part of working at First Bank, Ashley said, “First Bank’s commitment to the local communities we serve across our footprint is incredible. First Bank makes it a priority to support various initiatives on a corporate level and we are expected and encouraged to be involved in our communities on a local level. This is truly important to me as I enjoy giving back and serving and helping others.” Paul Seward said of Ashley’s years at First Bank, “I have had the pleasure of working with Ashley for the past 5 years since she joined our team. Ashley is a proven leader which has been displayed both within our bank as well as throughout the Florence community. Ashley is well regarded in the community and within the bank, noted by her success in her role and as being named a Service Excellence Champion, a top distinction at First Bank, voted on by her peers. This promotion is very well-deserved and I know she will do an outstanding job.” Seward went on to mention, “I am very excited for the leadership Ashley brings to the Florence market and equally pleased to continue my leadership of the Commercial Operations in the Florence, Dillon, and Midlands South Carolina markets for First Bank. This paired with the addition of J.B. and our 8 new locations, we are excited for the future of First Bank in South Carolina.”

J.B. Schwiers, President of the South Carolina market said also, “Ashley is a great addition to the leadership team in Florence. For years she has been a leader in the community and we’re happy to recognize her now as the business leader within the bank. We are proud of her accomplishments and dedication to not just the bank, but her customers and our community as well.”

48 May 2023 NEWSWORTHY
The Arby's Foundation Supports Boys & Girls Club of the Pee Dee Area

MUSC Health Black River Medical Center

MUSC Health Black River Medical Center celebrated membership in both the Williamsburg Hometown Chamber and Greater Lake City Chamber of Commerce with a ribbon cutting.

Members of both chambers were present, along with hospital Advisory Board members, MUSC Health Florence Division Chief Executive Officer Jay Hinesley, and MUSC Health Black River Executive Administrator Allen Abernethy.

“Today is an important day that symbolizes two communities coming together in an effort to provide the best healthcare to both the Williamsburg and Lake City communities,” said Hinesley. “MUSC’s mission is to provide healthcare to everyone in South Carolina and this rural hospital is a great example of that.”

“We’re honored to serve this community and appreciate all the support we have received so far,” said Abernethy. “We look forward to continue serving this community today and for years to come.”

MUSC Health broke ground in January 2021 to construct the new rural hospital. MUSC Health Black River Medical Center was built to replace Williamsburg Regional (Kingstree) and Lake City Community hospitals and will become part of the MUSC Health Florence Division.

The 64,000 sq. ft. rural hospital allows residents of the community to have access to a full range of modern diagnostic and interventional capabilities. Some of the services offered include 3-D mammography, MRI, nuclear medicine, CT scanning, on-site pharmacy, a complete imaging department and a state-of-the art surgical procedure suite. The new facility features 25 inpatient beds, four observation beds, two operating rooms, and 16 emergency treatment rooms. The new hospital serves Williamsburg and lower Florence counties and assumes the roles of Williamsburg Regional Hospital and Lake City Community Hospital.

MUSC Health Black River Medical Center is located at 3555

N. Williamsburg County Hwy, Cades, SC.

of Echocardiography Excellence

MUSC Health Florence Medical Center is proud to announce it has been recognized for 20 years of quality patient care as an accredited facility for echocardiography.

"It is an honor to be recognized by IAC with this award. Achieving this milestone is a testament to our continued commitment at MUSC Health Florence Medical Center to provide the highest quality of patient care,” said Dr. Abdallah Kamouh, cardiologist and medical director of the echocardiography program at MUSC Health Florence Medical Center. “We are proud of our staff for making sure we reach that goal every day by the service they provide to our community.”

MUSC Health Florence Medical Center is one of 336 echocardiography programs currently accredited in the U.S. and Canada qualifying for the 20-year Bronze Accreditation Milestone from the IAC.

According to the IAC announcement, “IAC Echocardiography is proud to honor the select group of Bronze Milestone recipients that began their accreditation journey approximately 20 years ago, shortly after the establishment of the IAC Echocardiography (formerly ICAEL) accreditation program. The recognized group of facilities celebrating 20 years of excellence make up a truly remarkable group of facilities dedicated to quality patient care!”

Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center (CPRMC) today announced its participation in South Carolina Student Loan’s “BOLD Career Pathway Loan Program,” an initiative that offers repayment of student loans to individuals who commit to working at the hospital as a nurse.

BOLD Career Pathways grew from an idea developed by South Carolina Student Loan to expand their impact beyond their anchored products. BOLD Career Pathways is one way South Carolina Student Loan is demonstrating its commitment to providing students with better options and less debt. This new approach connects students with employers willing to hire them and help pay-off student loans. This helps employers attract and retain employees while giving students a quicker path to being debt-free.

“We are thrilled to offer this program as a means to attract healthcare professionals, especially in areas of great need, such as nursing,” said Bill Little, CPRMC CEO. “This program helps make CPRMC an even more appealing place to work and no doubt will further strengthen our relationship with nursing programs across the state.”

CPRMC has committed to take eight BOLD Career Pathway commitments this year and held it’s first “signing day” on March 29, where the hospital’s first participant in the program, Emily Tamburrino, officially agreed to terms. Emily is a junior in the nursing program at Coker University in Hartsville, and recently learned about the program. She will be the first student in the state to participate.

Set to graduate in August 2024, Emily will begin her employment as an RN with Carolina Pines after receiving her nursing license. She currently works in CPRMC’s Emergency Department as an ER Technician, which she says will help create a smooth transition into nursing at Carolina Pines.

“This program couldn’t have come at a better time to help me begin my career,” she said. “Usually when you complete your degree, you worry about your job search, paying off your debt and wondering if you will like your place of employment. With my current externship and the BOLD Career Pathway, I will have a seamless transition to a career where I am already a part of the team and will have less student loan debt.”

May 2023 49
If you are celebrating a positive achievement or have been awarded for a newsworthy accomplishment, email Heather Page at
MUSC Health Florence Medical Center 20 Years

Learn about some of the fun traditions, from May Day baskets to dancing around the maypole.

May Day (May 1) is a holiday rich in history and folklore, celebrating the return of spring!

Traditionally May Day was the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice! As with many early holidays, May Day was rooted in agriculture. Springtime festivities filled with song and dance celebrated the freshly planted fields. Cattle were driven to pasture, special bonfires were lit, and doors of houses as well as livestock were decorated with beautiful May flowers. May Day has a long history and tradition in England, some of which eventually came to America. Children would dance around the maypole, holding onto colorful ribbons. People would ”bring in the May” by gathering wildflowers and green branches, weaving floral hoops, and garlands, and crowning a May king and queen.

The Maypole Dance. Wrapping a maypole with colorful ribbons is a joyous tradition that still exists in some schools and town celebrations.

Originally, the maypole was a living tree chosen from the woods with much merrymaking. For younger people, there was the possibility of courtship. If a young woman and man started a courtship around the

pole then possibly, they would marry about six weeks later in June. This is how the “June wedding” became a tradition.

In the Middle Ages, all villages had maypoles. Towns would compete to see who had the tallest or best maypole. Over time, this Old English festival incorporated dance performances, plays, and literature. People would crown a “May Queen” for the day’s festivities.

50 May 2023

Get more from Doug Smith by following him on Facebook and Instagram at "Doug the Food Guy". Find Doug the FoodGuy on Spotify and Apple podcasts

From the early 1900s through the 1950s, the maypole dance and festivities became a rite of spring at some United States colleges. Seen as a wholesome tradition, this celebration often included class plays, Scottish dancing, concerts, and cultural displays. In the 1960s and 1970s, interest waned; the May Queen and her court became more of a popularity contest. Today, the maypole dance is mainly celebrated in schools (from elementary through college) as a fun spring activity.

May Day Baskets. People would leave a basket containing spring flowers and sweets on each other’s doorsteps, usually anonymously. This tradition was popular, especially with children or sweethearts. The custom was to knock on the door, yell “May basket!” and then run. If the recipient caught the giver, he or she was entitled to a kiss. The May Day basket is not well known today but it should be. To make a simple May basket, fold a piece of colored paper into the shape of a cone. Then fill it with wildflowers! You could also fill a real basket with little gifts such as flowers, baked cookies, or maybe candies.

Here are some joyful May Day traditions marking the return of spring and the renewed gift of life.

1- On May 1,  “Bringing in the May,” or gathering cuttings of flowering trees for their homes. Bring in branches of forsythia, magnolia, redbud, lilac, or other flowering branches in your region!

2- Make that May Day basket of flowers! Get the kids involved, make a small basket, and cut some flowers. Guaranteed to bring a smile.

3- May 1 in Hawaii is called “Lei Day,” and people make pretty leis. Leis are garlands or wreaths that are often made with native Hawaiian flowers and leaves. These days, leis are given as a symbol of greeting, farewell, affection, celebration, or honor—all in the spirit of aloha.

4- In parts of Ireland, people would make a May bush; typically, this was a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers and ribbons. Create your own May bush or tree! Just decorate with colored ribbons!

5- Beekeepers traditionally moved bees on May 1.

6- The Kentucky Derby starts on the first Saturday of May.



Pre-made pie dough

12 oz. strawberries, finely chopped

2 Tbsp. granulated sugar

1 tsp. cornstarch

1 tsp. finely grated ginger

1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

1/4 tsp. vanilla extract

1/8⅛ tsp. kosher salt


1- FILLING: Toss strawberries, granulated sugar, cornstarch, ginger, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and salt in a medium bowl to combine. Let sit 30 minutes.

2- ASSEMBLY: Unwrap dough and roll it out on a lightly floured surface to a ⅛"-thick round. Using a 5"-diameter cutter, cut out as many rounds as you can. Working one at a time, spoon 1 (heaping) tbsp. of the strawberry filling on 1 side of each round of dough, avoiding excess liquid at the bottom of the bowl; discard liquid. Fold the empty side up and over-filling to bring the edges together to create a half-moon shape. Crimp edges with a fork to seal. Arrange hand pies on a parchment-lined baking sheet and chill until cold and firm, 35–45 minutes.

3- Preheat oven to 400°. Brush the tops of hand pies with egg, then prick each one twice with a fork. sprinkle with sanding sugar Bake until golden brown, 35–40 minutes. Let cool on baking sheets.

4- Do ahead: Hand pies can be made 3 days ahead; store airtight at room temperature. Bring to room temperature before using.

May 2023 51
51 story and recipe by Doug Smith

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