4 minute read

PDRTA: Growing, Giving, and Blessed



In July of this year, the Pee Dee Regional Transportation Authority held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the launch of three new 2020 Gillig Low Floor 31-passenger buses. Don Strickland, Executive Director, and James Jackson, PDRTA’s Board Chairman, are both pictured (center) here. Strickland pointed out that no local funding was used in the purchase. He said the 35-foot buses were purchased with 100 percent federal funds, replacing three older buses with about 400,000 miles on them. In addition to more efcient and accessible transportation, the new fleet of vehicles will provide the passengers of the Florence Transit System with transportation opportunities to mirror those already used in Florence. Since 1974, PDRTA has been providing public transportation services throughout the area. While four in ten PDRTA riders are commuting to work, riders also depend on PDRTA to access health care services, education, shopping, dining, recreation and more. PDRTA provides a way for those in our local communities to address their transportation needs. PDRTA’s bus routes take riders to downtown, the Florence Center, Florence Mall, Magnolia Mall, Sam’s/Walmart, Florence-Darlington Tech, hospitals, doctor’s ofces and other destinations. Florence is just one county in which we are growing out services. We are seeing growth in several other counties as well. Michelle Fields, Public Information Ofcer, says: “PDRTA is committed to each of the six counties we serve, and we recognize the needs of the citizens and employers within each county. Our goal is to continue to grow our local services through community outreach and collaborative partnerships. Stay tuned…exciting things are coming!”

PDRTA is giving…

We enjoy loving on our community by donating our time and services to those organizations that are near and dear to our hearts. One organization PDRTA has partnered with over the last several years is Camp ADAPTabilities. In July we once again partnered with this amazing summer camp for disabled children and young adults to provide transportation. Without the support of PDRTA they would have been unable to participate in the activities. The camp is based at St. John’s Church in Florence, SC. PDRTA provides the transportation to and from each of the of-site activities and weekly field trips for the campers, such as, Aqua Therapy, Hippotherapy, Horse Therapy and other physical and occupational therapies that are so vitally important.

Trailblazer Sumer Camp is another program that PDRTA is excited to have been a part of this year. Sponsored by Northeastern Technical College, the camp ofered high school students (grades 9-12) an opportunity to learn about new career opportunities and earn free workforce certifications in CPR/First Aid and Forklift operation in the process. PDRTA provided round trip transportation services for students in the Dillon, Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties to attend NETC Monday through Thursday.

Help 4 Kids Florence is a program that supplies weekend bags of food to elementary school students in Florence County. Each Friday, children at risk of being hungry are sent home with a bag of food items for the weekend with the goal that they return to school on Monday, rested, fed and ready to learn. PDRTA held a month-long food drive to support this mission. We ofered a free ride on Fridays to each patron that donated a can of Vienna Sausages, Ravioli, Spaghetti & Meatballs or Spaghettio’s. Our employees also challenged each other to make donations. The drive resulted in a donation of 724 cans!

On May 14, 2021, PDRTA employees volunteered at Harvest Hope Food Bank PeeDee to assist in packing boxes of food to help meet the needs of our hungry neighbors within the community. Not only does PDRTA provide people with mobility and access to employment, community resources, medical care and recreational events across the Pee Dee, we also believe strongly in uniting communities. Over the last several years, we have made it our mission to not only provide service but to be of service to our friends and neighbors, especially those who need a helping hand.

PDRTA is blessed…

COVID-19 has not been easy on anyone. Those who serve the public are amazing individuals to be sure. Healthcare workers, first responders and our very own drivers and crew at PDRTA make a diference each day in the lives of so many. The PDRTA is blessed to have the very best drivers, maintenance technicians, operators and administrative staf who provide the vital services that keep public transportation running every day. By doing so, PDRTA helps keep our communities in six counties running. So, whether it is having to limit use of services for essential purposes only or implementing a disinfecting protocol three times per day on all high touch areas within the buses, we remain committed to keeping our riders and drivers safe. We are blessed to serve the Pee Dee.

We are committed to our mission of providing safe and affordable transportation services to enhance our economies and improve the quality of life for every citizen of the Pee Dee.

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