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Corbett Stone: Reformers Unanimous at Florence Baptist Temple

Corbett Stone

Associate Pastor & Director of Reformers Unanimous at Florence Baptist Temple


“I am so grateful for God’s mercy and grace in my life; it has motivated me to work with others that are struggling with the bondage of addiction.”

The saying goes, “Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” This quote is a reminder that we can’t know someone else’s journey without personally experiencing. When we’re faced with personal struggles, whether it be family, work, or any other issues, we tend to find those that are experiencing similar issues to grasp hold of. Corbett Stone, a former addict, now serves as the Associate Pastor and Director of Reformers Unanimous at Florence Baptist Temple. While his journey to get to this season of life was tumultuous, the testimony Corbett is able to provide to addicts and those recovering is heartfelt and wildly relatable. Like many young people, Corbett’s addiction to alcohol and drugs began as a search of acceptance from his pears. “I was thirteen years old when I first smoked a cigarette, drank a beer, and smoked marijuana. And I tried them all for the first time within the same week!” By sophomore year, Corbett was a an every-day user of marijuana and binge drank on the weekends. He also began experimenting with inhalants and hallucinogens. Corbett went on to experiment with cocaine and as a junior in college he tried crack cocaine. “After my third time using crack cocaine, I had what they call the ‘shell hit’ that rocked my world,” Corbett explains. “I immediately quit drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana to focus all of my time and money on crack cocaine.” Throughout this lifestyle, Corbett managed to hold a job. He was well-mannered, well-dressed, and well-educated.

His peers that new him from work and church, couldn’t imagine the man he turned into outside of their presence. Corbett shares, “Believe it or not, I began to faithfully attend church approximately the same time I began my life of drugs and alcohol. I know it sounds hypocritical – Because it is. I went to church as a boy to please my parents and later on as an adult to please my wife. I went to church services three times a week and lived like hell the rest of the time.” But as Corbett’s life spiraled out of control, God had a diferent plan for him. At twenty-seven years old, Corbett landed himself in jail after a five day crack binge sent him on a crime spree. “The day I was arrested was the best day of my life.” He finally realized his life as out of control and cried out to God for help. “God heard my cry and opened a door for me to get out of jail and go to a year-long Christ-centered addictions program,” he said. “It was in that program that I realized the peace and joy I had been searching for in the drugs was to be found in a personal daily relationship with Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for God’s mercy and grace in my life; it has motivated me to work with others that are struggling with the bondage of addiction.” After graduating the addiction program, Corbett came back to Florence and began attending and serving at Florence Baptist Temple. After Corbett spoke with Pastor Bill Monroe and Associate Pastor Clayton Simmons, the decision was made to start the Reformers Unanimous addictions ministry. “The first several meeting were held in my living room. After only a year, the program grew to the point that I was asked to join FBT as staf and serve full-time as the program director. God has allowed us to continue to grow and we have over 250 students that meet during the two classes given each week.” Glory be to God!

Reformers Unanimous meets at Florence Baptist Temple located at 2308 S. Irby Street in Florence every Friday at 7pm and every Sunday at 9am. Contact Corbett at 843.661.4342 or at cstone@fbt.org for more infomation.

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