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The Pharmacy: Always Exceeding Expectations
from November 2021
by VIP Magazine
This year marks the 5th anniversary of THE Pharmacy. What started as a dream of Dr. Tippins' to open an independent pharmacy has now developed into a beloved piece of Florence and its outstanding reputation of providing quality healthcare and healthcare services to its residents. Dr. Tippins and his staf come from diferent medical backgrounds; however, there were two main goals they focus on - the patient and the importance of preventative care, treatment, and improving quality of life. Five years later, they continue to accomplish these goals. "The definition of customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after a purchase. However, at THE Pharmacy, it is much more than this. We have formed relationships with our patients and have grown to love and appreciate them as our own family. During the past five years, it has been an absolute honor to serve the Florence community and beyond!" says Dr. Tippins.
Dr. Tippins admits that one of the most rewarding aspects of community pharmacy is constant patient interaction daily. He admits, "I absolutely love people. I love all types of people and discovering new and difering personalities. The reason I decided to explore pharmacy, and specifically community pharmacy, is because of people. Whether I have encouraged patients through singing 'Happy Birthday,' making special deliveries and house calls for desired medications or immunizations, or giving them a hug on just the right occasion, the privilege is mine! I am a better person because of the patients I have inspired." The rest of the staf at THE Pharmacy
are also willing to go above and beyond to see patients and customers satisfied. Dr. Tippins explains, "Our goal at THE Pharmacy is to never say no, always exceeding expectations. I realize this is not always possible, but I have witnessed firsthand my team doing whatever it takes to satisfy our patients. On numerous occasions, I have witnessed my team members deliver medications or specific items needed during late nights or weekend after hours, personally call or text physicians for a special request, spend countless hours on the phone with insurances for overrides, and listen to patient’s needs and desires exceeding expectations. Most recently, during the craziness of COVID, my team has pulled together to execute without skipping a beat, giving vaccines, delivering test results, lending a listening ear to troubled patients, doing whatever it takes."
As the years pass, change is inevitable, even at THE Pharmacy. "The world of pharmacy is ever-changing; therefore we too have made changes. During the past five years, we added state-of-the-art technology and robotics to accommodate our patients' needs and desires. We have renovated spaces to allow for various services and products, and have made adjustments to our policies and procedures as needed. Although our processes are everchanging, our goal has always been to streamline clear, concise communication and yield superb service and products. We will continue to do whatever it takes to give our patients the best," says Dr. Tippins. While the pharmacy world is small, there is just something truly special about THE Pharmacy that makes them stand out among the rest. Dr. Tippins continues, "Our customer-driven focus and special attention to detail help us to stand out, regardless of our competitor. We love people, and it shows. Each day, we strive daily to deliver the service we would want for our own closest family and friends. I cannot say enough about my amazing team! Our pharmacists and technicians are seasoned, experienced employees who go above and beyond to make sure their customer is happy. It is an honor to have such a wonderful team that works so well together for the good of others and their patients! Thankful for all that they do to help make THE Pharmacy its best!"
Without the community of Florence, THE Pharmacy wouldn't be around today and it certainly wouldn't have been founded five years ago. Dr. Tippins states, "I saw a need for a pharmacy home and my dream became a reality. My roots are deeply embedded in the Pee Dee, and I knew I wanted to give back. It has been an absolute joy to watch THE Pharmacy grow into what it is today. We ofer medication therapy managements, medication synchronization, immunizations, socialized care and support, and much more. Giving back to our community isn’t just in the services we ofer. It is in the love that is shown with each and every transaction. It is the absolute least we can do, as the Florence community has been so gracious to us these past five years. Thank you, Florence! Here’s to many more!”
THE Pharmacy is located at 2500 Hofmeyer Road in Florence. Call 843-773-2821 for more information or visit www.thepharmacyrx.com.