2 minute read
Teacher Tips For A "Normalish" School Year
from September 2021
by VIP Magazine
story by Allie Segars
Teacher burnout is a real thing. Whether you are a first-year teacher or a veteran teacher–you may feel like it should be the 100th day of school already. With so much uncertainty, we all worry about the idea of having to go virtual again. Our teaching world and teaching styles took a turn in 2020 and forced us to transition into a digital style. The majority of teachers were not okay, because let’s face it, change is hard. We started a new school year being mask-free and face to face, and a lot of us believed that we were going to see a “normalish” school year. Unfortunately, we are back in our masks waiting for the announcement that we are going back to virtual learning. I am praying this is not the case, however, if it is, we can do ourselves a favor and be ready. Last month I welcomed my seventh classroom full of cuties in the door. Over the last seven years, I have managed to learn some tips and tricks that have helped me stay organized and sane through all of the uncertainty.
Create a classroom Google Site
This requires a little preparation, but it is so worth it. Being a Google app, this is so easy to navigate. I have already introduced my first graders to our classroom site and added it to their bookmarks bar. If we were to ever go virtual, this site keeps everything organized and it's easy to find the information that they are looking for. Parents also love it, because they can find the weekly newsletters, our class photo album, our schedule, and Youtube videos for our lessons and learning.
Digital Assignment Slides
I love Google Classroom, but I also love making my assignment slides using links to help my firsties get exactly where they need to go. My goal is to make things SUPER easy so that parents can do what they need to do and won’t be held up with all of this schoolwork. Not to mention make my life a little easier when we are in the classroom. The kids love them, and I have fun making them. You can find cute digital classroom templates on Teachers Pay Teachers - Shaw in the Classroom or you can design your own.

How to remove ads on Youtube
When I learned this trick, I was mind blown. I always get nervous when assigning a youtube video, because you never know what kind of ad is going to pop up. I have had some experiences with ads playing, and I suffer from PTSD from them. There is nothing like running to your computer to pause or turn the volume down. LOL! However, to avoid all of that, find your Youtube URL and add a - in between you and tube. That’s it. https:// youtu.be/CgAXlIqgxTU (original link) https://you-tu.be/ CgAXlIqgxTU (revised link) Bottom line, if you are a teacher, you are appreciated and needed. We need to remember that we can do this. Your babes need you.
Thank you for all that you do! Us teachers gotta stick together!