5 minute read

Sandpiper Candles

change the ATMOSPHERE

How Sandpiper Candles Became a Business


story by Leah Milton / photography by Fred Salley

It’s interesting the passions we discover during our walk of life. Many of them are not being discovered until much later in life. Some may pick up sewing while others tackle consistently exchanging a tennis ball across a net to a partner. For Jeannette and Larry Barefoot, their equally intriguing interest came in delightful scents and eye-appealing containers that they have come to know as Sandpiper Candles. Nearly a year ago, Jeannette began testing and experimenting with wax and different fragrance oils. When she paired a good one, she’d give them to friends and family members. Of course, they would tell her how wonderful they were and suggest she start selling them. “From day one I’ve kept a journal on every formula, percentage, and supplier that we have used,” said Jeannette. “We only use suppliers that are known for having safe and nontoxic oils, products, and USA-made Soy Wax. Therefore, our products are natural and safe.” A nice touch to our slightly new, aggressive, eco-friendly state of mind.

Sandpiper Candles most commonly come in an aesthetically pleasing glass jar sealed with a bamboo lid or a seamless tin can. Larry has even created a handcarved wooden bowl that Jeannette fills with appealing scents for an even larger home statement piece. Larry and Jeannette share in the responsibilities of the business. Jeannette does the wicking, mixing, pouring, and cleaning of the candles. “My passion lies here, in creating!” she says. She also handles the business side which includes orders, supplies, spreadsheets, and even website design - a task she had to jump many hurdles to complete but one she is super proud of herself for finishing. Larry makes the melts, labels the products, does packaging and handles shipping and inventory. “I have also made a few tabletop wood display shelves for the candles to sit on,” he said. “Anything that needs to be done, I can do, well not fly a plane, I can’t do that!” Jeannette describes their partnership in this new adventure as a true blessing. “I never imagined we would end up making candles together, but I’m glad we do and are enjoying it!” Although working hard towards a goal and deadlines can become stressful, “Larry has a way of adding humor to everything and on those stressful days, he is my calm,” she says. Larry agrees with Jeannette’s description and adds, “I love the time we spend together, no matter what we are doing, making candles is no different. In this business, we share a partnership where neither of us is the boss, and we have mutual respect for each other’s time and wellbeing.” Jeannette and Larry are no strangers to partnering in a business. For 25 years they taught shag lessons together. They taught “The Basic” steps at Poyner Adult Education and intermediate steps at several locations across the Pee Dee, including the Circle Fountain in Florence.

FUN FACT - Where did the business name come from? Choosing our company name was an easy decision. Our beach trips and vacations were spent on the East Coast where the Sandpipers are found. They’re small shorebirds that run in the sand on the water's edge, chasing the waves back and forth, just like kiddos do! They remind me of our daughters and grandchildren playing on the beach!


With all of their many talents and long careers in accounting for Jeannette and management for Larry, marketing experience was never something they spent time in. However, after taking one glance at their self-built website, it’s easy to see they’ve mastered it as well. The couple does their own photography where they set up props in and outside of their home using natural elements for posing. “I personally love that part, the artistic side,” explains Jeannette. “I love taking pictures to describe the product, after all, sometimes it is hard to tell what a candle will smell like by reading a scent name. It’s for that very reason, we have named most of our candles to describe the notes.”

Some of Jeannette’s favorite scents include anything beachy or fresh, “It’s a tossup between Peaches and Cream and Coastal Linen.” Larry’s favorites are anything fresh, outdoorsy, or different. “It’s hard to pick just one,” he says, “I like them all! My top three would be Under the Lemon Tree, Into the Woods, and Tobacco Vanilla Spice.” With the holidays quickly approaching, the couple has already been creating signature scents that will add warmth to our living spaces and encourage us to get in the holiday spirit. “We have six fall scents that are currently available on our website: Apple Orchard, Pumpkin Spice Latté, Roasting Marshmallows, Maple Coffee Bean, Cinnamon and Orange Peel, and Amber Leaves.” Christmas scents will soon be added too. Sandpiper Candles’ tagline rings the truth, “Change the Atmosphere.” Scents can lift your mood, encourage relaxation, energize a space, deliver a romantic ambiance, and even provoke a memory. A richly scented candle is a wonderful addition to any home or work atmosphere. If you are looking for a unique gift for a teacher, friend, or loved one in the coming months, consider Sandpiper Candles. You’ll be supporting a local's passion while delivering a treat that everyone will enjoy.


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