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Eka Tabliashvili


Eka Tabliashvili Riddles © Eka Tabliashvili 2015 © Virgam Virtual Publishers Tbilisi 2015 www.bookart.ge

Eka Tabliashvili


Four brothers of the same high wear one hat.

One speaker, two watchers and two listeners sit on a pumpkin.

Who has a house too small for guests ?

It has many noses and is lying on the grass.

They are ringing bells on the streets and roofs.

Three eyes have I, all in a row, when the red eye opens, all freeze.

Thirty white horses on a red hill, first champ, then stamp and then stand still.

What has a face and two hands but no body or legs?

I fold it, i fold it, but it never ends.

I am a woman very asenorada,

with many petticoats without a stich. although many I have each better than the other I carry always the dirtiest and worst.

There is a one-leg stool in the wood.

Traffic light


Head Raindrops




Turtle, Escargot


Clock Rake


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