Keep America At Work It is all about Jobs and Opportunity Volume 1 - 01 July 2016 - Subscriptions are Free
The Finite Job Market That Exists In America In Mexico recently President Obama stated that we have always had immigrants coming to take jobs in America. This is true and we need immigrants. Sadly, there are two things President Obama did not mention:
We have a finite job market because we are sending our jobs to other countries even though our population continues to increase, which decreases the availability of jobs for the people living in America. The people coming in are NOT immigrants. They are:
Illegal Immigrants
NON Immigrant guest workers who buy a Hunting License to Hunt Jobs in America
Why is it that no journalist will ask these questions? As you can see by the chart below that shows the maximum number of employed for each year using the total nonfarm data, we are barely above the maximum we hit in 2007.. Keep in mind that even though the quantity of people working in America has not increased, the population of America has continued to grow and this growth is not through child birth alone as the majority of growth comes from illegal immigration and NON immigrant
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guest workers being brought in to work incredibly long hours while receiving little if any pay that they were supposed to receive. Yes I realize that many will deny this is happening. All we need to do to prove them wrong is look at what recently happened to the Nanda Gang. Continued on next page.
Help Wanted Advertising Sales 25% Commission Paid Daily
Nanda Gang Found Guilty
and Americans in this dangerous era.
I have taken the liberty of adding your e-mail address to my distribution list for Two brothers were sentenced Friday to upcoming commentaries and arti87 months in prison for running an H-1B cles. Please let me know if you would fraud scheme intended to create a low rather not receive these. cost, on-demand workforce, federal law I am a retired Senior Special Agent of enforcement officials said. the former INS (Immigration and NatuU.S. authorities filed an indictment in 2013 alleging that the firm created by the brothers, Dibon Solutions, sponsored H-1B workers for jobs that didn’t necessarily exist. The visa holders were only paid if the company was able to place them. article/3079224/it-careers/judge-sendstwo-to-prison-for-7-years-for-h-1bfraud.html
After publishing that, I received the following letter: Hi Virgil: I happened upon your website by accident- I was searching for information about Atul Nanda and Jay Nanda and their crimes when I stumbled upon you website. I would very much like to speak with you- is there a phone number where you can be reached?
ralization Service) in New York. My career spanned roughly 30 years.
workers. I am a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, New York and on September 11, 2001 the ashes from the conflagration at Ground Zero landed on my neighborhood, my home and my family. Ever since the terror attacks of 9/11 I have been determined to inform our fellow Americans and our leaders about the clear nexus between immigration and national security. In fact, the policies of this administration violate the findings and recommendations of the administration.
To provide you with a bit of information about my background and perspectives, I have testified before roughly 16 Congressional hearings in both the House and Senate and provided testiThe Summer 2015 edition of The Social mony to the 9/11 Commission. Contract included my extensive article, “The 9/11 Commission Report and The failures of this administration and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen prior administrations of both political Years after the Attacks” in which I foparties, to secure our nation’s borders cused, in detail, the ways in which curand effectively and fairly enforce our rent administration has failed to take immigration laws, has enabled large the findings and advice of the 9/11 numbers of criminals from countries Commission to use immigration as a around the world to enter the United defensive weapon in our arsenal to States to ply their “trades” including combat terrorist organizations seeking drug trafficking and crimes of vioto carry out deadly attacks on American lence. I do not make that statement soil. lightly- I have come to these conclusions because of my first-hand In order to achieve my goal of making knowledge and experiences. In 1988 I my concerns about the failures of the was the first INS agent to be assigned to immigration system known to the grtethe Unified Intelligence Division of the atest number of our fellow citiens and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) politicians, in addition to participating in in New York City. In 1991 I was promot- Congressional hearings and state legised to the position of Senior Special lative hearings around the United States Agent and assigned to the Organized I have appeared on numerous television Crime, Drug Enforcement Task Force. and radio programs and have participated in public debates, panel discussion I had desks at the FBI, DEA and ATF. I and speaking engagements in states worked closely with law enforcement across our nation. agencies of Israel, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and other nations along with Continued on Page 6: local and state police departments in the United States. Please share with your friends
I hope that you would consider posting links to some of my articles on your website- I have been writing extensively about the way that failures of the immigration system have undermined national security, cost thousands of innocent people their lives and have wrecked havoc on hard-working Americans and their families. In point of fact, The immigration laws are supposed to failures of the immigration system have achieve the essential goals of protecting greatly exacerbated nearly every chalnational security and innocent lives and lenge and threat confronting America to also protect the jobs of American Page Number: 2
and associates so that they will understand why we need to Keep America At Work
We Need Immigration
And the job of your children that are graduating high school.
And the job of your chil-
$100.00 half page
In this manner:
Our rates are simple: $200.00 full page $50.00 quarter page $25.00 business card If you believe what we are doing is wrong by sending our jobs to other countries and importing illegal and non immigrant guest workers to take our jobs here at home, this is the place to voice your displeasure with our Government Agencies, Businesses, and non profit organizations.
After all, if you remain silent, they will continue to send the jobs that your family, your children, and Sadly, organizations like your grand children will dren that you are paying, backed by very big very good money for so that need so that they can promoney donors like Bill they can attend college and vide for their family, Gates and Mark Zuckerberg their children, and their have a life even better are doing their best to grand children. than the one you had for prey on your ignorance. yourselves. Keep America At Work is published daily They advocate illegal immiby Virgil Bierschwale, a displaced SoftAfter all, that is the gration. ware developer who cannot buy a job American Dream, is it not? even though his job as a systems analyst What would you do if I adAnd they do this legally by is one of the most requested jobs when vocated selling guns illepurchasing a hunting ligally? applying for a hunting license to take cense from the Department his job. of Labor so that they can Or making moonshine or Our mailing address is: selling cigarettes to your take your jobs from you. children? Virgil Bierschwale These hunting licenses are 288 E. Kroll called a H-1B for the high After all, each of these are illegal, just like il- paying jobs that they seek, Harper, TX 78631 legal immigration, are they and a H-2B for the low pay(830) 998-3486 ing jobs that they seek. not? But their true goal is to import millions of NON immigrant workers on NON immigrant visas to take your job from you.
Is it any wonder that the middle class is getting squeezed in America? Think about that… Subscriptions Are FREE
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Collusion between capital and government at the expense of labor? This showed up in todays email from the NY Times. If you have followed my work, you know that I believe the only duty of government is to balance the needs of capital with the rights of labor and that the media needs to be vigilant to help maintain this balance. Sometime the "wrong doing" is not capital trampling over labor's rights. Sometime it can be collusion between government agencies and / or parties.
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Get your hunting licenses here - Valid in all 50 states No Time Limit / No Bag Limit For less than $10,000 each you can Hunt All The American Jobs That You Want. Endorsed and used by people like Bill Gates of Microsoft & Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Legally authorized by the Department of Labor
Details can be found at: That person that you turn your nose up at because they will not get a job may be in the shape that they are in because nobody will hire them because of their age, or their race, or because they would rather hire illegal immigrants or NON immigrant guest workers instead of American Citizens. They could use your help: “Who may be considered” is more of “Who do you know”. I have applied to jobs on USAJobs for years, I ONLY apply to jobs I have EVERY qualification for and I meet ALL ‘standards’ to a ‘T’, and never have I made it farther than the same cookie-cutter email of “You are ineligible for consideration because you do not meet the requirements of the “Who May Apply”. I have made phone call after phone call, email after email insisting someone explain what requirement(s) I did not meet. To this day I have never got an answer and I know I never will. Got yet another “You are ineligible….” email today for a drivers position, again I meet EVERY standard and have EVERY skill they require, yet still I am given no consideration what so ever and nobody will tell me why. 100% qualified and skilled individuals get the shaft for someone who has the right connections, God bless America.
Do you believe we should be doing more to Keep our jobs at home here in America? Do you believe we should be hiring American citizens instead of NON Immigrant guest workers? Do you believe we should force our Government agencies to buy American made and hire American citizens to work for them since they are using the tax money we paid in to take care of America and Americans? Then, why don't you put your money where your mouth is so that we can spread this message far and Wide by advertising, or helping us to write the articles or distribute the paper? Page Number: 5
While immigration is most often portrayed as a single issue- in reality it is a singular issue that profoundly impacts virtually every challenge America and Americans face today- everything from national security and public safety, the economy and unemployment, healthcare, public health and education are all getting hammered by the failures of our government to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.
religious or ethnic voting blocks is divisive and is actually a vile form of profiling. All Americans, irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity want to live in a safe and secure country. Our borders and our immigration laws are our first and last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals.
access to the 95,000 miles of America’s meandering coastline is also a border state. I will send you a couple of my most recent commentaries and articles that I hope you will also find useful- please feel free to share these with anyone you wish. Additionally, I have added your e-mail address to my distribution list for future commentaries and articles.
Our immigration law are totally and utterly blind as to race, religion and Immigration is an issue of major conethnicity. Our immigration laws were cern for all Americans irrespective of enacted to prevent the entry and conpolitical orientation. As I like to say, it is tinued presence of aliens who are criminot about “Left” or “Right” but about nals, terrorists, spies, human rights vioright or wrong! In point of fact, I am a lators, fugitives from justice or would life-long registered Democrat but have likely become public charges or displace always voted as an “independent.” American workers.
925,000 Aliens Ordered Removed Have Not Departed
Advocates for open borders often refer to those of us who want our borders to be secured agains illegal entry of aliens as being “anti-immigrant.” In point of fact, being in favor of the effective and fair enforcement of our immigration laws are “pro-enforcement.” To be proenforcement is to be “proimmigrant.” Under the immigration laws I spent my career enforcing and administering, our nation admits roughly one million lawful immigrants each and every year. This number is greater than the number of immigrants admitted by all of the other nations on this planet- combined! Additionally, the most likely victims of the crimes of transnational criminals and gangs are the members of the ethnic immigrant communities- and not just the Latino communities. Every race, religion and ethnic group consist of “the good, the bad and the ugly!” During my career I arrested aliens from countries from the four corners of the planet.
Incredibly, Chuck Schumer, the leader of the “Gang of Eight” or as I prefer to refer to them as the “Eight Gangsters” has called for implementing federal laws that would call for a five year prison sentence for those who trespass on national landmarks but insists that aliens who trespass on the United States have “earned” the right to become United States citizens. These foreign nationals have violated our borders and our immigration laws and have absolutely no inherent right to enter the United States or continue to be present in the United States. Furthermore, their true identities, backgrounds and possible affiliations with criminal or terrorists organizations cannot be determined. This would be dangerous at any time but it is especially insane in this particularly perilous era.
When politicians talk about the need to “secure our borders”- the all consuming focus on the US/Mexican border makes no sense. While that border must be made secure, the reality is that we have 50 border states- any state that lies It is outrageous to hear politicians, punalong our northern as well as our southdits and pollsters discuss the mythical ern border is a border state. Any state “Latino Voters.” This notion of ethnic, that has an international airport or has Page Number: 6
WASHINGTON, DC (July 1, 2016) — Our nation's immigration-enforcement system remains dysfunctional on the oneyear anniversary of the killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by a five-timedeported illegal-alien felon, according to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies. The report reveals that at this time last year, more than 925,000 aliens who had been ordered removed from the United States had not departed. Most are still at large in American communities, including more than 170,000 convicted criminals. The report includes maps showing the countries of citizenship of these aliens. View the full analysis at: Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center and author of the report, found that the number of nondeparted post-final-order aliens has grown about 20 percent since 2012.