Keep America At Work

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Keep America At Work It is all about Jobs and Opportunity Volume 1 - 05 July 2016 - Subscriptions are Free

Does the publisher of your local newspaper deserve your trust? <SLAP!> Wake up. Of course, I don’t want this to happen and I don’t think it ever would. The platforms want to be technology companies, not content companies. Content, as we demonstrate every day, is a shitty business. I don’t want them to be in channel conflict. I don’t want that much power to both curate and distribute news concentrated in a few hands (and, no, they aren’t purposeful curators now; we in the audience and our content habits contribute to what is selected by their algorithms). And I want many, many voices to flourish.

Only when we reconceive of journalism as a service rather than as a factory that churns out a commodity we call content, only when we measure our value not by attention to what we make but instead by the positive impact we have in lives and communities, and only when we create business models that reward quality and value will we build that quality and value.

read day after day, are still struggling. Layoffs are constant, bankruptcies common, and storied local brands face uncertain futures. This has fueled low morale and heightened cynicism in many local newsrooms. In fact, when the subject turns to local news, we’re more likely to hear what isn’t possible than what is. Local can’t scale, critics say. Local sites can’t build large enough audiences to generate meaningful revenue. Local advertisers don’t get digital. Many think the local news opportunity is too small to be worth much effort.

The platforms could help by sending more attention and value to such quality journalism, but we fear that. So fine, let us help the platforms by sending them reliable signals of originality, qual- But this is no time for surrender. As ity, authority, trust, and value. Can we someone who has spent most of the get our act together to do that? past 20 years working in local digital news—the last two running Billy Penn, a mobile news site in Philadelphia—I returning-scarcity-to-newssay now is the time to refocus on what bad83eda8045#.htjseis5i local can do instead of what it can’t, My point in this fantasy is only to illus- Editors Note: Look around you. If your and to build a new ecosystem on that trate the impact of our current business local newspaper publisher blindly pubfoundation. Now is the time to take models on the quality of what we do. lishes the latest unemployment propa- advantage of what makes local unique Ever more content. Ever more ganda, they are not telling you the instead of trying to follow the footsteps pageviews. Ever more ads. Ever more truth, and they know that. of a national business model that will clicks. Ever fewer pennies. Ever more never work for local. Now is the time So when you make investment decicrap. Ever less value and trust. That is sions, or hiring decisions and they turn for a local digital news revolution. the cycle we’re stuck in. out wrong, will our Federal Government For revolution to happen, it’s going to Yes, reach matters but less and less as make up your loss to you? take a major shift in how local journalan end and a business model in itself ists think and operate. Too many local and more and more as a feeder into a — news organizations—both legacies and  God help me for saying this — funnel to FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS, local news startups—likely are already doomed by build stronger relationships not just a business model that is simultaneously organizations around the globe have around subscription but also around keeping them alive and dragging them been trying to make a go of it in the affinity, membership, service, and other new digital economy. And most, as we under. As Walt Kelly said: We have met models. the enemy, and it is us.

Along those lines…

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Editors Note: Folks, if you expect me to zation (next available: October 1, 2017). about these in my immigration booklet buy your newspaper, you better be tellAre you from Canada or Mexico? Then Tell America that you being me the truth no matter how bad it is maybe the TN Visa is a good choice. The so that I can make the right decisions lieve we should buy TN visa was created by the NAFTA Treafor my life. ty. Here is a basic overview of the TN American Made Products category from the U.S. Department of and Hire Americans inloState: cal_news_newspaper_print_business_ stead of importing Non model.php english/employment/nafta.html Immigrant guest workers

Different ways you can play the H-1B Scam…

Here is a link to the list of TN Job categories: YOU MUST AVOID Indian consultancies doing-business-in-america/professionsand temp agencies for OPT STEM exten- covered-by-nafta.html sions! You must get a real. full-time job Search for a job offer with an employer with a U.S. employer. If you can’t, our that is exempt from the H-1B cap.The advice is the following: types of employers that are exempted Begin another F-1 study program from the H-1B cap are a) most colleges/ that immediately would allow for part- universities; b) nonprofit organizations time CPT work authorization. If you are that are related to or affiliated with a interested in this option, you should college/university; c) nonprofit research first consult with the foreign student organizations; and d) federal governoffice at the school(s) you wish to ment research organizations. Click here attend. They handle all of the F-1/CPT/ for a list of sample Cap-exempt EmployOPT paperwork, so they will be the best ers(which does not list every capsource of information regarding this F-1 exempt employer, but will give you an option. idea of the type of organizations which would qualify): Make sure that they can explain WHY they are able to offer you CPT from the first day of the first semester. Normally, you need to wait for 2 semesters before you can get OPT. Be very careful, because some schools make false promises and are then accused of immigration fraud. USCIS just set up a “criminal sting operation” in New Jersey: http:// nyregion/new-jersey-university-wasfake-but-visa-fraud-arrests-arereal.html?referer= This option, with the right school, would allow you to work part-time during the semesters and full-time during the winter break and summer break prior to cap-subject H-1B work authori- d/0B3qXqMfRsVCbZU1rS2pqOUVLQkk/ view?usp=sharing Cap-Exempt H-1B applications can be filed anytime during the year and once approved you can begin work immediately! Marry your U.S. Citizen Boyfriend or Girlfriend. If you are in L-u-u-u-u-u-u-uv, then get married! You get a green card — permanent residency — in 5 months! No need for a work visa! A dream come true! Ahhhh, we are in love with L-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-v over here at Immigration Art! There are also L visas and E visas for which you may qualify. Read more Page Number: 2

and illegal immigrants. available here: d/0B3qXqMfRsVCbOTlVY3lHTEk2MHM/ view?usp=sharing Search for a job offer with a G-visa organization; see the list of G Visa organizations here: d/0B3qXqMfRsVCbRUI5bjd1SXliVkk/ view?usp=sharing Change to B-2 visitor status to obtain up to six months of time to find another job offer or wind up your affairs in the USA. english/visit/visitor.html Consider an R-1 Religious Worker Visa: Often, the R-1 is not always an option, but it is good to know about. Basically, the R-1 visa requires you to find a job in a religious organization that has the same religious denomination / religious beliefs as you do. The job must need you to have the knowledge of your religious beliefs to effectively do the job. At this link please find a list of the information and documents we need to prepare the R-1 case: d/0B3qXqMfRsVCbZzNOSEhEaEg1OFU/ view?usp=sharing

We Need Immigration In this manner:

even better than the one you had for yourselves.

Advertising Our rates are simple:  $200.00 full page  $100.00 half page  $50.00 quarter page  $25.00 business card If you believe what we are doing is wrong by sending our jobs to other countries and importing illegal and non immigrant guest workers to take our jobs here at home, this is the place to voice your displeasure with our Government Agencies, Businesses, and non profit organizations.

Sadly, organizations like, backed by very big money donors like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are doing their best to prey on your ignorance. They advocate illegal immigration. What would you do if I advocated selling guns illegally? Or making moonshine or selling cigarettes to your children? After all, each of these are illegal, just like illegal immigration, are they not? But their true goal is to import millions of NON immigrant workers on NON immigrant visas to take your job from you. And the job of your children that are graduating high school. And the job of your children that you are paying very good money for so that they can attend college and have a life

After all, that is the American Dream, is it not? And they do this legally by purchasing a hunting license from the Department of Labor so that they can take your jobs from you. These hunting licenses are called a H-1B for the high paying jobs that they seek, and a H-2B for the low paying jobs that they seek. Is it any wonder that the middle class is getting squeezed in America? Think about that…

After all, if you remain silent, they will continue to send the jobs that your family, your children, and your grand children will need so that they can provide for their family, their children, and their grand children.

Your ad will run for five consecutive days Keep America At Work is published daily by Virgil Bierschwale, a displaced Software developer who cannot buy a job even though his job as a systems analyst is one of the most requested jobs when applying for a hunting license to take his job. Our mailing address is: Virgil Bierschwale 288 E. Kroll

Your advertisement could be here saying that you support buying American Made Products and hiring American citizens instead of NON Immigrant Guest Workers using Hunting Licenses to hunt American Jobs

Harper, TX 78631 (830) 998-3486 Subscriptions Are FREE

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Just another NON Immigrant guest worker that wants to import who seeks to destroy us from within…

Sterling, Virginia, and an individual in the United States who actually was an FBI confidential human source (CHS). The ISIL member was actively plotting an attack in the United States and believed the attack would be carried out with the assistance of Jalloh and the CHS.

Department of Justice

According to court documents, Jalloh met with the CHS on two occasions in Office of Public Affairs April and May 2016. During the April FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE meeting, Jalloh told the CHS that he was a former member of the Army NaTuesday, July 5, 2016 tional Guard, but that he had decided Former Army National Guard Member to quit after listening to online lectures Arrested for Attempting to Provide Maby Anwar al-Aulaqi, a deceased leader terial Support to ISIL of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Mohamed Bailor Jalloh, a former mem- Jalloh stated that he recently had taken a six-month trip to Africa, where he had ber of the Army National Guard, was met with ISIL members in Nigeria and arrested on July 3 for attempting to provide material support to the Islamic first began communicating online with the ISIL member who later brokered his State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Acintroduction to the CHS. cording to the complaint, Jalloh is alleged to have attempted to provide During their meeting, Jalloh also told services by assisting in the procurement the CHS that he often thought about of weapons to be used in what he beconducting an attack and that he knew lieved was going to be an attack on U.S. how to shoot guns. Jalloh praised the soil committed in the name of ISIL. In gunman who killed five U.S. military addition, the complaint alleges that members in a terrorist attack in ChattaJalloh attempted to provide material nooga, Tennessee, in July 2015, and support to ISIL by providing money to stated that he had been thinking about assist in the facilitation of individuals conducting an attack similar to the Noseeking to join ISIL. vember 2009 attack at Ft. Hood, Texas. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John P. Carlin, U.S. Attorney Dana J. Boente of the Eastern District of Virginia and Assistant Director in Charge Paul M. Abbate of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement. Jalloh will make his initial appearance today at 2 p.m. EDT before U.S. Magistrate Judge John F. Anderson of the Eastern District of Virginia.

During the May 2016 meeting, Jalloh asked the CHS about the timeline for an operation and commented that it was better to plan an operation for the month of Ramadan. Jalloh also asked if the CHS could assist him in providing a donation to ISIL. Ultimately, Jalloh provided a prepaid cash transfer of $500 to a contact of the CHS that Jalloh believed was a member of ISIL, but who was in fact an undercover FBI employee.

According to court documents and court proceedings, in March 2016, a now-deceased member of ISIL brokered In June 2016, Jalloh travelled to North an introduction between Jalloh, 26, of Carolina and made multiple unsuccessPage Number: 4

ful attempts to obtain firearms. On July 2, Jalloh went to a gun dealership in northern Virginia, where he purchased and test-fired a Stag Arms assault rifle. Unbeknownst to Jalloh, the rifle was rendered inoperable before he left the dealership with the weapon. Jalloh was arrested the following day and the FBI seized the rifle. The criminal complaint charges Jalloh with attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIL, a designated foreign terrorist organization. If convicted, Jalloh faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. The maximum statutory sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes, as the sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the court based on the advisory Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. The case was investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office Joint Terrorism Task Force. Assistant U.S. Attorney John T. Gibbs of the Eastern District of Virginia is prosecuting the case with the assistance of Trial Attorney Jolie Zimmerman of the National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section. -army-national-guard-member-arrested -attempting-provide-material-supportisil

Believe we should do more to Keep Americans At Work in America? This space is available so that you can tell America to do that…!

Get your hunting licenses here - Valid in all 50 states No Time Limit / No Bag Limit For less than $10,000 each you can Hunt All The American Jobs That You Want. Endorsed and used by people like Bill Gates of Microsoft & Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Legally authorized by the Department of Labor Details can be found at: The links work in the PDF version that you can find at We will be activating the links in the issuu document reader once the funds become available. Ideas, suggestions, etc. can be emailed to Do you believe we should be doing more to Keep our jobs at home here in America? Do you believe we should be hiring American citizens instead of NON Immigrant guest workers? Do you believe we should force our Government agencies to buy American made and hire American citizens to work for them since they are using the tax money we paid in to take care of America and Americans? Then, why don't you put your money where your mouth is so that we can spread this message far and Wide by advertising, or helping us to write the articles or distribute the paper? Page Number: 5

Continued from page 2...

Self-Sponsored Green Cards (EB-1 or EB that are left. But that is not so. Even in -2) the dream world of pure market forces Also, at this link please find an R-1 Incomparative advantage is not enough formation sheet: “CONCURRENT” H-1Bs . . . get the Capto assure prosperity. And in the MerExempt H-1B First! cantilist world that we actually live in, it d/0B3qXqMfRsVCbdndtaUdQX0p6Tm8/ is even less relevant. view?usp=sharing “Mercantilism” is an old term, and it Consider a J-1 visa. J-1 exchange visas describes an old practice. It means that are handled exclusively by special agenyour trading partner uses the full powcies that are designated by the U.S. Deers of its government to advance its partment of State, so our office does industries. Mercantilism, in its modern not typically get involved. But, there form, often exploits the fact that the The just-released draft of the Demoare J-1 programs for just about every cratic party platform calls for increasing sole goal of our great American corpotype of endeavor. One thing to look out investments in science and technology rations today is to be as profitable as for is that J-1s can sometimes subject research. It supports net neutrality and possible. A modern Mercantilist country you to the “two-year home residence can provide subsidies and/or cheap expansion of high-speed broadband requirement,” which would require you networks. But its biggest push is in the labor that make it more profitable for to return to your home country for two areas of clean energy and infrastructure American corporations to manufacture years before getting an H-1B or a green in Asia than in the U.S., and often, to do investment. card, and certain other immigration their research and development there benefits. So you want to avoid this re- The platform says nothing about the as well. The corporations then import quirement if possible. For a searchable offshore outsourcing of IT jobs and oth- these outsourced goods back into database of J-1 agencies, please see this er types of work susceptible to offshor- America. ing. It is silent on the use of H-1B visa, link: similar to the presumptive Democratic Mercantilism has its impacts. The im proved profits of outsourcing go to nominee, Hillary Clinton. shareholders, who are predominantly If you want to pursue the J-1, you may Clinton has not discussed the tempothe wealthy, and to top management. want to contact 2 or 3 agencies who rary visa program and doesn’t mention But American workers don’t benefit. indicate that they handle visas for your it in her platform, but does call for Instead, they lose their jobs. This intype of work, to compare fees, time“stapling” or nearly automatic green creases inequality. lines, etc. cards for STEM advanced degree graduBy importing what we used to make If it sounds like any of these visa types ates. here, America now imports far more would apply to you, let me know and than it exports. We pay for the differwe can explore these options. AND article/3091675/it-industry/democratsence in dollars. Our annual trade deficit HERE ARE A FEW MORE CHOICES: support-ambitious-techwith China alone is hundreds of billions investment.html O-1 Visa of dollars. These trade deficits have provided the Chinese government with USCIS Guide to the O-1 more than $3 trillion, and with $3 tril available to spend in the U.S., China 1a-extraordinary-ability-andis now buying up U.S. firms at an unachievement/understanding-o-1aprecedented rate. They are buying requirements small innovative companies as well as Textbooks maintain that something A-Visa called “comparative advantage” shows large, established corporations. We should think about what it will mean for that it doesn’t matter if we lose one Link to information about the A-visa the firms that are still U.S. owned to industry after another to our trading partners. We will, they assert, be better have to compete around the world with english/other/diplomat-foreignoff just concentrating on the industries former U.S. firms that now have Chigovernment-official.html nese government support and may or

It is silent on the use of H-1B visa, similar to the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton

We should listen to what the American people are telling us.

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may not need to make a profit. We should also think about what it will mean to our country if firms controlled by a foreign government use funds from their government to participate in the corporate political and lobbying efforts that are now legal for U.S. corporations. These firms will have the freedom to make these efforts not only to advance their profitability, but also to advance the goals of a foreign government.

What will your children do if they cannot find jobs in America? We are told:

amount of jobs that we have created since the high we hit in 2007. As you can see, contrary to what the Federal Government tells you, we have produced very few jobs in the total nonfarm category.

That by sending our jobs to other coun- But what about the government jobs tries via Free Trade Agreements, we will that are not counted in total nonfarm? create jobs here in America. Chart at bottom of page 8 That we have to import the best and Not looking too good for creating jobs brightest that our World has to offer when we so desperately need them, is All this does not have to happen. There because they will create jobs here in it? is much that we can actually do to avoid America. these unwelcome outcomes, but the But what if we combine them to get a Yet a quick review of our Total NonFarm first step is to understand what the imtrue picture? Payroll data from 1939 till present day pact of free trade in the real world realwill show us that we have created very Chart at bottom of page 9 ly is. few jobs since the high point we hit in Not much change is there? We should listen to what the American 2007. people are telling us. They have it right. Don’t believe me? Chart at the bottom of this page. For those having a hard time undergomory/america-rethinks-freecesbtab1.htm standing this chart, the red lines draw a trade_b_9894598.html Click on the link above to retrieve the line across the chart at the highest point we hit in 2007 and the blue lines data yourself so that you can see for yourself. that go above that line show the

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You can retrieve the Total Nonfarm This chart will show you the foreign “Not Seasonally Adjusted” or born. “Seasonally Adjusted” as the results are Chart at bottom of page 10 similar As you can see, the Foreign Born have How have we done if we compare the done quite well. current year against the previous year This chart will show you the Native Born all the way back to 1940?

and have not been able to find work. Yes, I know many of you believe that there are plenty of jobs out there. But that is because you have not done some simple math and calculated these numbers:

Chart at top of page 10

Chart at top of page 11

The civilian labor force was 157,106,000 as of July 2015

As you can see we haven’t even been creating as many jobs as we have in decades past.

As you can see, the American Citizen has not received hardly any of these jobs.

The U-6 unemployment measurement was 10.7 as of July 2015

And for those that want to double check my work, you can click on the following link to download the spreadsheet I used to create these charts.

How about our Veterans?

So who has been getting these jobs? cpsatab7.htm If you click on the link above, you can retrieve “Foreign Born” (means they were born outside America) and “Native Born” (means they were born in America).

Chart on page 12 and page 13 cpsatab5.htm You can retrieve the veterans data by clicking on the link above this line.

If we multiply 157,106,000 times .107 we get 16,810,342 PEOPLE that are unemployed. The latest JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary) number is 5,200,000 Job openings.

Notice how the “Unemployed” has gone down AND the “Employed” has gone down?

If we subtract that number from the 16,810,342 that are unemployed, we find out that we have 11,610,342 people that cannot possibly find work.

Yep, that is physically impossible UNLESS we are not counting those whose unemployment benefits have expired

Think about that the next time a businessman or politician tells you that we need more temporary workers on tem-

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porary non immigrant visas.

Occ Title’s.

and especially Corporate America jobs are being destroyed which is destroying While I haven’t found a reliable way yet The cumulative column simply totals up the lives of the people who are being to show which jobs are being sent off2009 till 2015 and % of jobs and % of forced from our best paying jobs and shore, I have found an accurate way to LCA apps just show the percentage of are not able to find other work because produce a shopping list that organizathe total. of what is happening to the best paying tions, both domestic and foreign are As you can see, the top 3 temporary jobs and because the lower paying jobs using to Displace Americans in America. non immigrant visa holders being imwere already full and they will tell you Chart on page 13 ported to Displace Americans in Ameri- that I cannot hire you because when ca are for: times get better, you will leave. The jobs in green are our best paying jobs that America has to offer. Computer and Mathematical The first column will show how many people were employed in that occupational group (Occ Title Column) during 2014.

Life, Physical, and Social Science

The second column simply breaks it down into the percent of the total column (Computer and Mathematical jobs account for 2.84% of all jobs in America and they pay on avg $83,970.00 per year)

Architecture and Engineering That is, if we break it down as a percentage of the Total Employment column (Total Emp. and Cumulative) If we break it down as a percentage of LCA Apps filed for the year, it is a different story: Computer and Mathematical

The columns from 2009 to 2015 show Business and Financial Operations the total number of LCA Applications (H Architecture and Engineering -1B, H-1B1, & E-3) that were filed for each year broken down by the various As you can see, our so called STEM jobs,

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Your ad showing your support for hiring Americans in America could be here. Better yet, you could let American Citizens know that you are hiring Americans and the job description that you are hiring for.

Advertising Sales Help Wanted 25% Commission. Paid Daily

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My understanding of the H-1B Non Immigrant Visa is that you CANNOT start a business… Editors Note: It is funny how our newspapers will bend over backwards to tell stories like this one, yet they will do nothing to tell the stories of the Americans who have been Displaced by NON Immigrant guest workers who are brought into America using Hunting Licenses that make it possible for them to take American Jobs from Americans in America.

-=-=-= Article Follows -=-=-=

year, 236,000 workers applied.

BOSTON He came to America on a student visa, earned a master’s degree from Babson College and is now starting a new business, but Abhinav Sureka worries that he’ll have to return to India. To stay, he needs an H-1B visa, a temporary work permit typically obtained through a lottery with lower odds of winning than a coin toss.

But employees of universities — or outside workers who provide services to universities — are exempt from the cap and can obtain H-1B visas directly. Using that exemption, schools are creating “global entrepreneur in residence” programs that let some graduates work part-time on campus, often as mentors, while they develop their businesses. That allows the graduates to say they’re providing a service to a U.S. university, which can qualify them for the exemption and a smooth route to a visa.

To help foreign students like Sureka beat those odds and keep their companies here, Babson and at least five other U.S. schools are using a new approach that critics describe as exploiting “This movement came about because a legal loophole. Why is that? of challenges that student visa holders The H-1B visa is the primary work perwere beginning to face when they had Don’t Americans deserve at least the mit for foreign nationals, reserved for completed a program,” said Bill Stock, a opportunity to compete for jobs in employees with at least a bachelor’s Philadelphia attorney and president of America? degree who work in specialty occupathe American Immigration Lawyers AsAnd why do NON immigrant visa hold- tions such as math or technology. sociation. “There really aren’t a lot of ers not create jobs in their own country Workers must be sponsored by an em- other visas that would allow someone so that their fellow citizens will have ployer to enter an annual lottery for the to work temporarily.” work? 85,000 visas awarded by the U.S. This Congress created the exemption partly Page Number: 11

to help colleges hire researchers, prompting some critics to say that schools are now exploiting a loophole. In a February letter to the U.S. immigration chief, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa blasted the practice as a “backhanded attempt” to skirt federal rules. He called it a “seemingly unlawful” interpretation of the law.

flexibility in the law’s language to address a growing problem. As more international students come to U.S. schools, many want to stay in the country to start their own businesses. But with few legal routes beyond the H-1B lottery, entrepreneurs are routinely forced to go home.

“Every year, we figure Massachusetts says goodbye to over 1,000 graduate students who otherwise want to stay and start a company,” said William Brah, who leads a program to help foreign entrepreneurs at the University of College officials say they’re simply using Massachusetts’ Boston campus. “I Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has broadly opposed H-1B visas, saying they take jobs from American workers and should be banned.

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mean, it’s stupid. You couldn’t come up with a more flawed immigration system if you tried.” Read more here: business/ article87903497.html#storylink=cpy

Advertisement Works Ask those Americans that buy your products that are American Made Page Number: 13

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