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Keep America At Work 15 January 2016

Thoughts on the economy by another unemployed American Engineer Thoughts of a sidelined engineer, by Joseph Stanick, PE

Let’s take look at the government’s numbers.

I remember fondly when I graduated from Let’s start with the governments headline New Jersey Institute of Technology with unemployment number the ‘U3’ uneman engineering degree over 30 years ago. ployment rate. At that time the future horizons far of in the distance were bright and promising.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims the unemployment rate is at 5.0% of the civilian labor force which is some 7.9 million For many years after graduation there was people without work. ample employment with associated rewards. Now this is the number the Federal Government feeds to the media. Then in 2008 the landscape changed from a lush savannah to a barren waterless And the media being the servile minions wasteland. they are regurgitate this number to the public like it’s Gospel. The country and the world experienced a major economic dislocation from which This carefully manipulated number is prewe have not yet recovered. sented to the public to make them think the system is in recovery. And for me personally from that point to the present it has been a string of unem- But let’s take a look at some other measployment, self employment and part time urements of unemployment that are less jobs. well known. But throughout this period our political leaders have told us that they were industriously working in our best interest to achieve economic recovery and that thisrecovery was just around the corner.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out another statistic the ‘U6’ unemployment rate.

The ‘U6’ unemployment rate consists of the unemployed, part time workers who While they were feeding us this garbage can’t find fulltime employment and those they were taking generous donations from marginally attached to the labor force. the moneyed elite and pushing forward The ‘U6’ unemployment rate is at 9.9% their pet projects like the H-1B visa prowhich equates to 15.6 million people. gram which worked contrary to putting Now that’s showing the recovery isn’t people like me back to work. quite as rosy as the government claims. So here we are some 7 years into the reAt this point let’s do a little math. covery and where do we stand? Have we as a nation gone back to work. Page Number: 1

Let’s say 250,000 jobs are created each

month. Half of those jobs, some 125,000 would go to new entrants to the workforce. So on a monthly basis that would leave a net gain of 125,000 jobs for people that are presently looking for fulltime work. Now with 15.6 million people looking for fulltime work and a net of 125,000 people filling those jobs per month it would take 124 months or more than 10 years to reach full employment. How can anyone call these kinds of statistics a recovery? But things are actually worse than the ‘U6’ unemployment rate indicates. If one were to look at unemployment rates put forward by economists independent of the Federal Government the picture becomes even gloomier. One such group ShadowStats puts the unemployment rate at 22.9% with some 36 million people looking for fulltime work. These are truly horrific numbers that political shills in Washington don’t want you to know. With numbers like these can a major political and social upheaval be far away? Published Weekly by Virgil Bierschwale Subscriptions and advertising rates can be found at Keep America At Work www.KeepAmericaAtWork.com

Letters to the Editor Joe Writes

Virgil Writes

Imagine a country that has 320 Million people with about 160 I will not vote for any politician who is in favor of increasing H-1B Million of them working in jobs in America. or H-2B visas that will bring in Now imagine two other counmore STEM workers and blue tries, each having 1 Billion people collar workers to displace Amerithat need jobs, and a governcan workers. ment in the first country that implements a Temporary Worker You have to keep in mind a recProgram where people from ord 94.5 million Americans were these countries are brought in to not in the labor force in Novemtake jobs in the first country. ber (ages 16 and over). The Labor Participation Rate was 62.5% These people are only here for which was a 38 year low. The U6 about 6 years if they play by the rules, at which time they rotate unemployment rate was 9.9% which equates to 16 million peo- back to their home country. ple. And if you count the millions that have given up hope because they can’t find a job and are no longer looking for work the unemployment rate is over 20%. Far too many Americans have been left behind and this is 7 years into the supposed recovery. Yet our failed leaders in Washington DC are claiming victory and want to import low paid indentured servants to take the few jobs that are available. Not one work visa should be given as long as there are American citizens out of work who could fill those jobs.

This sets up a churning effect. Think of it as a pump pumping water out of a barrel into another container and then back into the first container. As long as the first country that had 160 Million jobs creates more jobs, this churning might not be that bad. Now factor in something called Free Trade Agreements where the country with 320 million people, see their jobs sent to the other two countries which decreases the jobs in the country with 320 Million people And when you have this churning going on at the same time, that also decreases the amount of

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jobs available in the country we know as America The actions of these two items (sending jobs to other countries and importing fresh,young kids willing to work for nothing) forces the older folks out of their jobs and leaves them nowhere to turn as the Senators from their country throw them under the bus and run over them repeatedly.

Why are you not telling the World that you believe America should use American Made Products and America should hire Americans in America?

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Are you an American that has watched your job sent to another country? Are you an American that has watched, and /or been forced to train your replacement that was brought in from another country? Do you want to go back to work in America as an American citizen doing what you spent your life acquiring skills for? Then we need to hear from you because we want to build a database of qualified candidates so that when a corporation says they can’t find skilled workers, we can get in their face and say here they are. vbiersch@gmail.com is the address Send me your resume. Send me your story. Page Number: 5

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Workers were given time to gather their personal belongings and were escorted out of the building by hired security personnel at noon. Send your tips to vbiersch@gmail.com

This is a quarter page advertisement. It costs $25.00 to run this ad for 4 consecutive issues. Do you think your political representative should run an Ad in this publication stating that they believe that we should buy American Made and hire American Citizens? Page Number: 8

American International Group is continuing to shed employees, announcing late last week the elimination of all but four of its US financial network offices and the consequent layoffs of hundreds of employees.

Some of the biggest losses come in Tennessee, where the insurer is shuttering about a dozen sales offices and letting go of at least 128 employees in Nashville. AIG’s main Tennessee office in Brentwood, which employees more than 900 people, also experienced some cuts but was largely unaffected. About 50 workers were also laid off in the Tampa Bay area as all 14 of AIG’s financial network offices in the state were closed.

Employees were told Thursday at 11 a.m. that AIG was closing nearly all of its financial network offices in the US, saving only four that reportedly have strong ties to “Chinese markets.” Workers were given time to gather their personal belongings and were escorted out of the building by hired security personnel at noon. http://www.ibamag.com/news/aig-slashes-hundreds-ofjobs-as-it-shuts-financial-network-offices-27529.aspx

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Americans Displacing Americans in America The filing window for Fiscal Year 2017 for Cap-Subject H-1B petitions – those subject to the annual numerical limit (the “Cap”) – will open on April 1, 2016. Given recent trends, the number of filed petitions is expected to again exceed the Cap. Over the last three years, the Cap has been reached within the first week of the April filing period. For Fiscal Year 2016, approximately 233,000 H-1B petitions were filed with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) in this timeframe. These petitions were then subjected to a computer-generated random selection process to identify those included in the Cap. As experts predict that the Cap will again be met as employers attempt to file cases rejected in previous lottery years, employers with a need for H-1B workers should contact their attorney as soon as possible to begin preparing these petitions. The 2017 Fiscal Year runs from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. Employers can submit new H-1B petitions to USCIS beginning April 1, 2016 (six months before the start of the 2017 Fiscal Year) and approved beneficiaries will be able to commence their H-1B employment on October 1, 2016. USCIS will accept only 65,000 regular petitions (including 6,800 set aside for employees from Chile and Singapore) and 20,000 U.S. Master’s degree (or higher) petitions. If the Cap is reached in the first few days of April 2016 as it was the last three years, USCIS is expected to institute a random lottery process to allocate the Cap amongst those who submitted petitions during the first week of April. Assessing Your Cap-Subject H-1B Needs H-1B visas are available for specialty occupations requiring the attainment of a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. For current or transferring employees, employers should consider who might need to file an H1B for Fiscal Year 2016: Identify F-1 or J-1 employees (working under an Optional Practical Training Employment Authorization Document) who will need a change of status to H-1B; Page Number: 11

Determine whether any TN employees (NAFTA professionals) or H-1B1 employees (citizens of Chile and Singapore) might want an H-1B to be eligible to apply for adjustment of status to a permanent resident; Review those employees who are on expiring O visas which are renewable in only one-year increments (as compared to the three-year visa period under an H-1B); Check whether your transferring employees who currently hold an H-1B have already been counted against the Cap (note: anyone who is coming to you from an employer that is exempt from the numerical limit (“CapExempt”) will not have been counted toward the Cap and under that transfer, may now fall within the quota); and Consider whether you employ anyone in L-1B status (intra-company transferees with specialized knowledge) who might need to switch to an H-1B to gain an additional year of work authorized status.

Cap-Exempt Circumstances Employers may be exempt from the numerical limit. These Cap-Exempt situations include: higher education institutions and related non-profits; non-profit or government research organizations; and beneficiaries who have held H-1B status in the last six years (but have not exhausted the six-year limit). Haynes and Boone, LLP’s Immigration Practice Group advises employers needing Cap-Subject H-1B petitions. For more information, please contact your Haynes and Boone, LLP Immigration attorney. http://www.haynesboone.com/news-and-events/news/alerts/2016/01/11/how-to-successfully-navigate-the -h1b-process

You’re the builders of this era. It’s not enough. We need you to lead. Here’s the plea to Silicon Valley: we’re worried you’re losing your soul.

Please take on challenges that are worthy of you, that demand your heart, reputation, treasure, commitment, conviction, and values—not just what the market’s asking of you. You’re the builders of this era. It’s not enough. We need you to lead. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whats-eating-silicon-valley-andrew-yang Page Number: 12

The American Dream and Caste Our belief in the following allowed young kids like me growing up in the 70’s to be all that I could be if I just had the desire and the dream to build a better life for myself.


just a pilot project for some future nation-wide screwing of nearly all American professional men and women?

This is not like unemployment in I don’t know, but should anyone the past. really be surprised if it is? In my early 20s, I tried every sort There’s only way that most peoof job for around 4 years or so. life should be better and richer ple will wake up – when it hapand fuller for everyone, with op- I could always get another job – pens to them when they lose maybe not a great one – but I portunity for each according to their jobs and their incomes and was never out of work for any ability or achievement regardless lifestyles. long stretches. of social class or circumstances of Then they’ll be shocked and outThat’s what’s different now – you raged and demand that somebirth. can’t get another job and get thing be done. Remember those words? back control of your own life no But as long as it’s just 20-25 milOn the next 5 pages I will post a matter what you do. lion of their fellow Americans document that pretty well sums Some employed people may be including hundreds of thousands up what is involved. sympathetic to a degree, but of displaced STEM professionals, they really don’t see it (and may- who cares? Pay attention to page 3 in the be don’t want to see it) for what portion titled “Caste discrimina- it really is – the end of working What’s that old saying? tion: the effects” because it and making a decent living, and When they came for all the oththe end of financial independpretty well sums up like Ameriers, I didn’t care because I didn’t ence. cans are having a very difficult know any of them, but by the time getting back to work in time they came for me – there And you’re NOT going to get a was nobody left to care. job at Mac Donald’s or Target or companies that have allowed “caste” to take over their hiring the local supermarket because the Latinos etc already have it. decisions. You’re NOT going to join the Has your job been I am posting this because “caste” young baristas at Starbuck’s or sent to another counis a foreign concept to us grow- the waiters and waitresses at try? ing up believing that everybody Chili’s because all the college has the opportunity to be all that kids and recent graduates who Have NON IMMIGRANT can’t get good jobs anywhere they can be, and it is very imworkers been imported else are already working there. portant that we learn to spot this to take your job from if we want to remain a country The low-end, low-pay jobs are all you here in America? where our children have the op- taken and the professional jobs Tell your story portunity to be all that they can are being given to cheaper foreign workers. dream of. vbiersch@gmail.com Is high tech’s current treatment of American STEM professionals Page Number: 13

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Your advertisement could be here

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Is there Political and Social Upheaval in the Cards? By Joseph Stanick, PE

political or social change. A new entrant into the arena of change I concluded last weeks article burst on the scene in 2014 in Newith the question can a major vada with the Bundy family political and social upheaval be far away? I’ll start by saying that I squaring of with the Federal Govhaven’t seen this country so tur- ernment and forcing the Fed’s to back down. Then the Bundy’s bulent and convulsed since the and their supporters doubled Viet Nam era in the late 1960’s down on the Federal Governand early 1970’s. Today’s unrest ment with the seizure of the Malstrikes me as being in its early heur National Wildlife Refuge. stages with the worst yet to come. The anger seen in the in- While they made the Federal ner cities like Watts in 1965 still Government flinch again it’s festers in today’s cities like Balti- doubtful if their efforts will have more in 2015. With bigger erup- anymore than a limited effect on their local area. tions being only one mistaken decision away. But that’s not go- So where is this political and soing to be the catalyst that brings cial change going to come from? about major change in this coun- The way I see it the change will try. Those kinds of events will be come from the one time great put down by law enforcement middle class lashing out to regain and military forces. Could it be its lost status. They are at a point the college students that bring where they realize they have the change? Back in the 1960’s been swindled by the professionthe college students took to the al politicians on both sides of the streets and had a major effect on aisle. These professional politithe political discourse of the day. cians have consistently sold them Today’s college students strike out to the highest corporate bidme as being intellectually impo- der and the middle class knows tent, with their minds caught in a it. Their jobs have been sent nether world of “political correct- overseas and the ones that ness”. Their one foray into the couldn’t be outsourced have had field of battle at Occupy Wall workers brought in on various Street began and fizzled in the visas to fill them. The world of autumn of 2011. Today’s stuthe middle class worker has been dents are not going to be the crushed by the greed of Wall ones who bring about any major Street and corporations in their Page Number: 19

eternal quest to extort the last penny of profit from their employees. The corporations have sown the winds with greed and they will be shocked when they reap the whirlwind of middle class rage. The middle class at this point is energized and will eagerly follow a leader who promises to show them the way to the promise land. The last time a pact like that was made with a middle class was in 1920’ Germany. The leader who took the helm led them to unbelievable heights and then to destruction. Do all middle class workers revolutions end in self destruction? I don’t know since they are a rare phenomena.

Do we not pay our taxes in America so that we can take care of Americans and America? Then why do we allow the state of Texas to hire anybody other than American Citizens? HP Systems Analyst for the State of Texas, contract, Austin, Tx

Details: http://tinyurl.com/pss6131663 Solicitation: : 320TWC2015SA2 Location: Austin, Tx State Agency: Texas Workforce Commission Duration: 1.5 years Visa: US Citizen, Green card, EAD. No Corp-to-Corp, 1099 contracting, H1B, or F1 visa. Required: 5 years, Defining business requirements 5 years, Developing software requirements 5 years, Project Management methodologies, tools and techniques 5 years, HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 5 years, HP Agile Manager 5 years, Business Rules Development 5 years, Microsoft Visio Prefer: 3 years, Sparxsystems Enterprise Architect 3 years, Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits System (UBS) for the State of Texas 3 years, Working with Work in Texas (WIT) and The Workforce Integrated System of Texas (TWIST), Workforce Investment Act (WIA) gathering requirements, designing applications for the web, and quality assurance/testing. 3 years, Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Duration: This Work Order shall commence as soon as possible and terminate December 31, 2016 or when total hours, 2600, estimated on work order have been depleted, whichever occurs first. This service may be amended, renewed and/or extended and hours added upon mutual written agreement of the parties. Unused hours may be rolled over from one fiscal year to the next as necessary. This service is subject to cancellation without penalty to DIR and/or customer, either in whole or in part, if funds are not appropriated by the Texas Legislature or otherwise made available. Debbie Pedigo Owner, Staffing Consultant Pedigo Staffing Services Page Number: 20

210.401.4501 o210.845.3348 c We Are Connected PedigoStaffing.net Linkedin.com/in/pedigotx Twitter.com/pedigostaffing FaceBook.com/pedigostaffing Pinterest.com/pedigostaffing PedigoStaffing.Wordpress.com Job Type: Contract Salary: $100,000.00 /year

Required experience:

I think that the leader of any Government agency at the State or Federal level that uses the money taxpayers have paid in to take care of Americans in America should be charged with Treason and prosecuted accordingly.

hp systems: 6 years Required education: Associate

What do you think?


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OPM was NOT hacked They simply logged into the system using the passwords Displaced Americans were forced to give them when they were forced to train their replacements. Case in point would be the Department of Veterans Affairs Hack.

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Hunting Licenses issued to Hunt Americans

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