27jun16 kaaw

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Keep America At Work It is all about Jobs and Opportunity Volume 1 - 27 June 2016 - Subscriptions are Free The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history, and includes both personal components (such as home ownership and upward mobility) and a global vision. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique regarding frontier life. As the Royal Governor of Virginia noted in 1774, the Americans "for ever imagine the Lands further off are still better than those upon which they are already settled". He added that, "if they attained Paradise, they would move on if they heard of a better place farther west."[3] The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work. According to The Dream, this includes the opportunity for one's children to grow up and receive a good education and career without artificial barriers. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the prior restrictions that limited people according to their class, caste, religion, race, or ethnicity. Immigrants to the United States sponsored ethnic newspapers in their own language; the editors typically promoted the American Dream.[4] Lawrence Samuel argues: For many in both the working class and the middle class, upward mobility has served as the heart and soul of the American Dream, the prospect of "betterment" and to "improve one's lot" for oneself and one's children much of what this country is all about. "Work hard, save a little, send the kids to college so they can do better than you did, and retire happily to a warmer climate" has been the script we have all been handed.[5]

People move to America because of this: The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, and Equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.[1]

What do we have to offer the world when we send our jobs to other countries or import non immigrant workers to take the remaining jobs in America? Doesn’t this destroy the very opportunity that we cite when we tell our people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps? If you truly believe in capitalism, why don’t we give the people of America the opportunity to be all that they can be by keeping these jobs in America?

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You will see many excellent If you cannot find a job, publications dealing with can you provide for your all kinds of topics. family? But you never see any deal- When our Veterans do their ing with jobs and opportime by protecting America tunity. and its citizens from those that would do us harm, do Why is that? we make sure that they have After all, it is the most a job when their tour of important subject that a duty is up? country that defines itself Many of you are saying, of by the word opportunity has course we do. Unemployment to offer our World, is it

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is less than 5% and our Veterans all have jobs. To which I will ask, if that is the case, why do we have so many homeless veterans? Have you ever actually studied the government data that shows how many veterans we have that are employed and unemployed? Are you curious how we are doing as a nation?

The chart on the previous The next chart shows how page showed how many veter- many veterans are unemans are employed. ployed. Notice how approximately 2 Notice how it is at the million veterans are emsame level that it was in ployed then we had in 2007? 2006? We have been at war for over a decade.

believe that we are taking care of our veterans? IF not, why haven’t you contacted the directors at your local VA hospital, or the American Legion, or the VFW?

How can employment be going down and unemployment be All of them say that they going down at the same are doing everything that This means our veterans are time? they can for our veterans, rotating home and are needare they not? ing jobs. After all, for unemployment to go down, employment MUST Do you believe that maybe Wouldn’t you think we would go up. we should light a little have more employed in 2016 fire under them? than we did in 2007? So tell me. Do you still

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We get letters: This is not like unemployment in the past. In my early 20s, I tried every sort of job for around 4 years or so. I could always get another job – maybe not a great one – but I was never out of work for any long stretches. That’s what’s different now – you can’t get another job and get back control of your own life no matter what you do. Some employed people may be sympathetic to a degree, but they really don’t see it (and maybe don’t want to see it) for what it really is – the end of working and making a decent living, and the end of financial independence.

tion-wide screwing of near- siding in India. I googled ly all American profession- “Indian recruiters” and al men and women? found a number of interesting posts on the subject. I don’t know, but should People seem to think that anyone really be surprised much of the recruiting inif it is? dustry, or at least the There’s only way that most first line of it, has been people will wake up – when outsourced. My experience it happens to them when does match many of the they lose their jobs and postings in that many of their incomes and lifethose emails are for job styles. postings that require Then they’ll be shocked and skills which are not on my resume. For that reason, I outraged and demand that don’t pay much attention to something be done. such recruitment emails. In But as long as it’s just 20 addition, I don’t feel much -25 million of their fellow like supporting the outAmericans including hunsourcing of jobs that redreds of thousands of dis- cruit those who have been placed STEM professionals, displaced due to outsourcwho cares? ing. What’s that old saying?

When they came for all the others, I didn’t care because I didn’t know any of them, but by the time they And you’re NOT going to get came for me – there was noa job at Mac Donald’s or body left to care. Target or the local supermarket because the Latinos etc already have it. -=-=-=-=


Yes, I recently looked at the latest Census numbers and posted the results athttp://econdataus.com/ stemsv14.htm . As you can see, about half of the software developers in SilYou’re NOT going to join icon Valley are nonthe young baristas at Star- In looking for a software citizens! That doesn’t job, I’ve run across a topbuck’s or the waiters and quite match the makeup of ic that might be of some waitresses at Chili’s bethe software developers in cause all the college kids interest to you in your HBO’s Silicon Valley! Howblog. The great majority of and recent graduates who ever, I did notice that recruiting emails that I can’t get good jobs anyPied Piper outsourced most get from having posted my where else are already of their programming a couresume on job sites come working there. ple of episodes ago to save from recruiters with Indian money. I am curious to see The low-end, low-pay jobs names. In the last 25 rewhere they go with that and are all taken and the procruitment emails that I’ve whether it gets any outside fessional jobs are being received, only 5 had westcomment. given to cheaper foreign ern names. The rest sounded workers. Indian except for a couple Subscriptions like Nasim and Razi which I Is high tech’s current Are treatment of American STEM believe are Persian. I’m professionals just a pilot guessing that those are FREE project for some future na- from Pakistan or people rePage Number: 4

Read more at: http:// economictimes.indiatimes.co m/ articleshow/52918374.cms? utm_source=contentofi nterest&utm_medium=te xt&utm_campaign=cppst America was founded on a &from=mdr dream. And they are using this life should be better “caste” to banish Americans and richer and fuller from the very opportunity for everyone, with that America offers to the opportunity for each World. according to ability or achievement” rePeople from our highest gardless of social paying STEM jobs that have class or circumstancspent decades acquiring and es of birth honing their skills are beThe people of India do not ing forced into extreme understand this concept. poverty when they can no longer get hired by our But they do understand this businesses that have alconcept. lowed “caste” to do the selecting for them, and they Patronage vs Perforwill not be hired by our mance In India, peolowest paying jobs because ple are more focused they are overqualified, on perks, privileges, have made too much money in patronage and personthe past, and they will not alities, not on perstay when times get better. formance and productivity. The system is Our American Government enstill highly feudal, ables this by issuundemocratic and hiing Hunting Licenses, 70% erarchical. or more which go to the Only those who wield Vultures of India that use power are the ones caste and indentured serviwho want and get retude. spect. They are respected from the outAnd when the people who side while from the have immigrated from India inside they are hatto America begin to compreed. If you can dishend our American Dream and tribute favours to they go home to India to do people, they love their part to help India you. If you cannot, become a World Leader, they they hate you. The are attacked and ridiculed moment you fall out by the very caste that we of favour with the must eliminate from our leade ..

The people of India are far from being a solution for any country in our World, let alone America…

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World if we really want the dream that America has for our World to take root and offer every citizen of our World the opportunity to be all that they can be. I am not surprised by the drama leading up to the resignation of Raghuram Rajan after three years as governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). First, someone is assigned to use foul language and attack a well-respected international expert who has been quietly doing a great job. Then, question his loyalty, motivation, credentials, nationality and a lot more in public. Thereafter, you try to humiliate him by saying you are sending him back to where he came from. I sympathise with .. Read more at: http:// economictimes.indiatimes.co m/ articleshow/52918374.cms? utm_source=contentofi nterest&utm_medium=te xt&utm_campaign=cppst &from=mdr

Help Wanted NATIONWIDE Advertising Salesperson Paid Daily 25% of invoice amount

We Need Immigration

And the job of your children that are graduating high school.


And the job of your chil-

 $100.00 half page

In this manner:

Our rates are simple:  $200.00 full page  $50.00 quarter page  $25.00 business card If you believe what we are doing is wrong by sending our jobs to other countries and importing illegal and non immigrant guest workers to take our jobs here at home, this is the place to voice your displeasure with our Government Agencies, Businesses, and non profit organizations.

After all, if you remain silent, they will continue to send the jobs that your family, your children, and Sadly, organizations like your grand children will dren that you are paying FWD.us, backed by very big very good money for so that need so that they can promoney donors like Bill they can attend college and vide for their family, Gates and Mark Zuckerberg their children, and their have a life even better are doing their best to grand children. than the one you had for prey on your ignorance. yourselves. Keep America At Work is published daily They advocate illegal immiby Virgil Bierschwale, a displaced SoftAfter all, that is the gration. ware developer who cannot buy a job American Dream, is it not? even though his job as a systems analyst What would you do if I adAnd they do this legally by is one of the most requested jobs when vocated selling guns illepurchasing a hunting ligally? applying for a hunting license to take cense from the Department his job. of Labor so that they can Or making moonshine or Our mailing address is: selling cigarettes to your take your jobs from you. children? Virgil Bierschwale These hunting licenses are 288 E. Kroll called a H-1B for the high After all, each of these are illegal, just like il- paying jobs that they seek, Harper, TX 78631 legal immigration, are they and a H-2B for the low pay(830) 998-3486 ing jobs that they seek. not? But their true goal is to import millions of NON immigrant workers on NON immigrant visas to take your job from you.

Is it any wonder that the middle class is getting squeezed in America? Think about that…

vbiersch@gmail.com Subscriptions Are FREE

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