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Keep America At Work 9 January 2016

Fewer jobs created in 2015 than 2014

Foreign Born Reap Rewards while American Citizens Forced further into Poverty.

Veterans lose 2,048,000 jobs since 2006 while watching unemployed increase by 26,000 while White House says veteran unemployment is the lowest in years

Meanwhile Veterans wonder how employment and unemployment can both be going down

Immigration attorneys expecting Federal Government to substantially increase the number of hunting licenses issued to foreign companies to poach American Jobs and Displace American Citizens http://keepamericaatwork.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/11/ shopping_list2015_q4.png Click on the link above to view previous years. Highlights for 2015 were: 

22,076 Management Hunting Licenses Issued

52,026 Business and Financial Operations Hunting Licenses Issued

videos. Hunting Licenses to Poach American Jobs and Displace Do you know of any GovernAmerican Citizens see steady ment agencies that are not usgrowth since 2010 ing American Made Products  2010—342,361 Issued or they are using NON IMMI 2011—354,030 Issued GRANT workers instead of  2012—406,732 Issued Americans? 

2013—442,106 Issued

 426,326 Computer and Mathematical Hunting Licenses Issued 

2014—519,429 Issued 2015—618,779 Issued

39,932 Architecture and Engineering Hunting Licenses issued

Help Wanted:

22,891 Life, Physical and Social Science Hunting Licenses Issued

Keep America At Work is growing and we re currently looking for interns to help us in many areas.

15,596 Education, Training and Library Hunting Licenses Issued

10,611 Arts, Design, Entertaingment, Sports, and Media Hunting Licenses Issued

21,450 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Hunting Licenses Issued

Tell us about them. Tips can be sent to vbiersch@gmail.com

If you are interested in doing more to Keep America At Work by hiring Americans in America, we want to talk to you. If you are a veteran and you are not working and want to be working, we want to talk to you. We especially need help producing this weekly newspaper and our daily youtube

Your Ad Could Be Here Tell the World about your American Made Products

Your Ad Could be Here Want to tell the World that we should hire Americans in America and by products made in America? This is the place.

We are told that (a) sending jobs to other countries via Free Trade Agreements and (b) importing temporary workers on NON immigrant visas that are the best and brightest the World has to offer will produce jobs in America. We have been doing Free Trade Agreements since the mid 1970’s. And we have been importing temporary NON immigrant workers since 1990. Where are the jobs?

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