370 The History of German Cinema (4) In this course we will be exploring the history of German Cinema from its early days during the Weimar Republic (Germany between the two World Wars) to the present day. Attention will be given to the social, political, and cultural aspects of Germany as related through selected German films. Offered in selected semesters. 430 The German Comedy (4) A history and study of the German comedy. Representative readings from Lessing, Kleist, Tieck, Grabbe, Hauptmann, and Sternheim. Offered in selected semesters. 471 Practicum in the Teaching of German (4) Students study various methods for teaching of grammar, writing, and speaking in German. They also serve as assistants and tutors in GER 111, 112, and 213. Prerequisites: GER 307 or the ability to use the German language effectively, and consent. Offered every year.
Virginia Wesleyan University 2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog