450 Seminar in European History (4) Intensive study of selected topics that vary from semester to semester. Prerequisite: senior status or consent. Offered on demand. 451 History of the Holocaust (4) I Examines the Holocaust from a variety of perspectives based on the General Education Frames of Reference. Topics include the history of anti-Semitism, the emergence of racial ideologies at the end of the 19th century, the conditions that contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party, and the memory of the Holocaust. Includes a class project that commemorates Kristalnacht on November 9, which develops students’ historical knowledge, communication skills, and aesthetic sensibilities. Prerequisite: consent. Offered fall of odd-numbered years. 460 Senior Thesis Seminar (4) W A workshop in which senior history majors apply previous learning. Each student selects a historical problem, develops appropriate research methodology, and carries out the project under faculty supervision and in close contact with other members of the seminar. Students are encouraged to consider a variety of approaches to historical investigation, including oral history, quantification, and archival research. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, senior status, and HIST 360 or consent. Offered every fall. 489 Pop and Rock Music Seminar (4) I Examines the history of Western popular music in the twentieth century. Situates pop and rock music in their socio-cultural contexts, investigating the nexus between socio-political developments and musical expression. Focuses on the interactions between different cultures, the development of international youth styles, music as political expression, and cultural imperialism. Prerequisites: junior or senior status and consent. Offered spring of odd-numbered years.
Virginia Wesleyan University 2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog