* Students must also complete the VWU Professional Education Program to receive a teacher certification in the State of Virginia, including the completion of pre-service in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Schools. Pre-service placement and Professional Education coursework are provided in the Education Program.
Minor Requirements: Theatre COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE
Two Theatre Courses at the 100/200 level (Only 4 credits of TH 101 can count towards this requirement) Choose one of the following: TH 301: Theatre History I: Origins to 1660 TH 302: Theatre History II: 1660 to Present Two Theatre Courses at the 300/400 level TOTAL HOURS REQUIRED:
THEATRE COURSES (TH) 100 Theatre: A Hands-On Introduction (4) Students complete experiential modules in major production areas such as acting, tech, directing, and dramaturgy. Emphasis is given to the collaborative roles involved in creating, staging, and producing theatre. Offered every fall. 101 Rehearsal and Performance (1-2) Students perform in, stage manage, or provide technical support for a mainstage or studio play directed by a faculty member. Students are selected by audition and/or interview. Must be taken for 4 credit hours to fulfill the General Education requirement. 210 Acting I (4) An introduction to basic principles of acting in a workshop setting. Offered frequently. 220 Technical Theatre (4) An in-depth study of the concepts, methods, materials, and equipment used in theatrical lighting, set design, stagecraft, costuming, makeup and safety. Students will gain practical knowledge through workshop and lab experiences. Students will receive additional in-depth experience by serving on technical crews for VWU theatre productions. Offered every fall. 224/324 Theatre Practicum (2 or 4) Students gain experiential knowledge and skills in a chosen production area. Students will choose from the following production areas: stage management, production management, publicity and promotion, dramaturgy, scenic/lighting/costume/make-up design, technical direction, choreography/movement, or directing. May be taken and repeated for 2 or 4 semester hours. Prerequisite: consent. Offered every semester. 250 Script Analysis (4) A study of dramatic literature in relation to questions of style, theatrical convention, and interpretive theories. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher. Offered every spring. 270, 370 Theatre Seminar, Advanced Seminar (4, 4) Provides opportunities to study particular subject matter or to take advantage of special competence by faculty member in a given semester. Previous topics include musical theatre and improvisation. Topics change as needs and resources develop. May be repeated for credit as topics change. Prerequisite: varies according to the topic of the seminar. Offered intermittently. 301 Theatre History I (4) W A study of the literature, architecture, performance styles, design, and cultural impact of theatre from the Ancient Greeks through French Neoclassicism. Prerequisite: Sophomore status or consent. Offered fall of even-numbered years. 302 Theatre History II (4) W A study of the literature, architecture, performance styles, and cultural impact of theatre from the English Restoration to the present. Prerequisite: Sophomore status or consent. Offered spring of odd-numbered years. 310 Acting II (4) An advanced study of acting in a workshop setting. Features period style. Prerequisite: TH 210. Offered intermittently.
Virginia Wesleyan University 2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog