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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 21 Issue 11 December 2018

Porsche’s new 911 GT2 RS Clubsport

In this issue:AGM results, 20 years with VIR, Porsche Palooza, Gary Woodley, How We Roll

Regulars 4 VIR PCA Executive

5 Executive Comment

Features AGM Summary 8

20 Years with VIR 10

22 Coffee & Cars

New Porsche 992 13

27 Goodie Store

New GT2 RS Clubsport 14

28 Classifieds


VIR Discounts, Forums, Useful Web Sites

Porsche Palooza 16

Porsche Experiences 19

30 Around The Bend

Gary Woodley 21

31 Advertiser Index

How We Roll 25


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John McGurran President president@virpca.org

James Renfrew Vice President vicepresident@virpca.org

Michael Holan Secretary secretary@virpca.org

Paul Atterton Director—North Island northisland@virpca.org

Tim Evans Treasurer treasurer@virpca.org

Dean Aikenhead Director—Mid Island midisland@virpca.org

Garth Webber Atkins Director—Membership membership@virpca.org

Steve Fairbrother Director—Newsletter newsletter@virpca.org

Didier Moinier Director—South Island southisland@virpca.org

Martin Mansfield Past President pastpresident@virpca.org

Dave Nickel Webmaster Chair webmaster@virpca.org

Tyson Johnson Competition & Driver Education Chair competition@virpca.org

Klaus Kreye Rally Chair rally@virpca.org

Wendy Woodley Goodies Storekeeper goodiestore@virpca.org


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able to members in the north and south. In addition, The origins of our club are obscure to the new mem- roughly half of the Board meetings are in the mid isber. Sadly, there is no written history of how that ini- land area (Duncan) and half in the south (Victoria); tial meeting of Porsche minds came to be, what we strive to hold one in the north each year. prompted them to join PCA’s Canada West Region I am bringing this up because your satisfaction with and then - a bit more than 20 years ago – to split and being a member of VIRPCA is our main business. 96% form a Vancouver Island Region within PCA. of respondents to the 2018 membership survey indiFrom the conversations I have had with long term cated that their club experience met or exceeded members, and quite a few remain active members of their expectations. Outstanding! By the way, our surthe club, separation from Canada West addressed vey got a 50% response rate so there’s little chance practicalities. The Island membership was growing; its findings are not representative.

One Club…Your Club

there was a common interest in auto-crossing and it just made sense to stand on our own four tires, so to speak. The separation was formalized, and VIRPCA was born.

Back to the present. Your new board will meet on December 2 to begin planning for 2019. How can we improve upon 2018 and get that “club experience’ number a few points closer to 100%? What would Fast forward 20 years. Membership in the club is you like to do in 2019? Email me at growing rapidly. As I mentioned at the AGM, mem- president@virpca.org bership grew from 203 primary members in 2014 to Finally, I want to offer my sincere thanks to the 2018 340 this past October. That’s 60% in four years. Re- Directors and Chairs for their hard work on your beflecting the population distribution of the Island, it’s half. These men and women volunteer many hours of not surprising that the majority of members reside in their free time and drive countless kilometers in disthe south island. charging their responsibilities. Thanks to Dean The largest concentration of primary members is in Akenhead, Dan Bourlet, Tim Evans, Steve Fairbrother, greater Victoria (151) and 40 more reside elsewhere Michael Holan, Tyson Johnson, Klaus Kreye, Didier on the south island. The next largest grouping (107) Moinier, Dave Nickel, James Renfrew, Garth Webber reside mid Island, an area running from Mill Bay to Atkins and Wendy Woodley. Parksville. Here the largest groupings are Nanaimo (36), Mill Bay (13), Parksville and Qualicum (10 each). North of Qualicum we find 31 members with 12 in Comox, 9 in Courtney and 10 in neighbouring municipalities. So the breakdown of members’ place of residence is roughly: 60% south; 30% mid and 10% north.

It is not a coincidence that our member satisfaction rating is so high. It’s thanks to the work of the team of Directors and Chairs. Next time you see one of them, take a moment to say thanks.

John McGurran

You might expect that the distribution of events President might follow a similar pattern. But no. Looking at the 27 club events (excluding cars/coffee and Board/ Member meetings) in 2018. 12 were held in the mid island, 11 in the south and five in the north. The breakdown of events is roughly: 45% south, 40% mid and 15% north. This is not a coincidence. Your Board made sure that many events are held in the mid island area and availPORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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ell, the AGM is over and I think it went well as we had a great turnout and could not have held it in a better location than the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit—and most of you took advantage of some driving time afterwards on the circuit too!

Some of you are moth-balling your Porsches for the next few months, others are driving them on certain occasions, or like me, have just the one vehicle and drive it all year round. That is the beauty of a Porsche (especially an All Wheel Drive Porsche), it CAN be enjoyed all year long. I wonder how many Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens etc are driven in our colder months? Maybe you can send me some pictures of your Porsche knee deep in snow and we’ll publish some of the best in a future issue.

Steve Fairbrother Editor

Region Membership Summary at end of October 2018


ancouver Island Region has 548 members. We have 338 primary members and 210 affiliate or family members. PCA has 82,818 primary members, 45,789 affiliate members and 17 life members for a total of 128,607 members.

New Members & Transfers In for October – Welcome! Member Bernard Barreyre

Co-member Graden Dej

Grant Jumaga

Location / Transfer From Victoria North Saanich Diablo

Vehicle 2013 Boxster S 1997 911 Carrera

Transfers Out: 0 Other membership activity:

Renewals: 20 Non renewals: 2

Anniversaries in October – Congratulations! 20 years: Michael Woods, Cathie Johnson 10 years: Alan Newbert, Luciana Newbert 5 years: Stuart Gordon, Elena Gordon 1 Year: Doug Copleston, Gina Copleston, Jim Russell, Glenn Zederayko, Leah Mihalchan, Josephine Hoskins, Terry Chapell, Catherine Mackay, Meilin Quong

Garth Webber Atkins Membership Director PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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ur Annual General Meeting (AGM) was Below is new Director Paul Atterton’s biography:held at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit on November 4th 2018. In 2005, I decided to buy a real sports car for my wife. After a couple of months research, I flew to Tampa, 47 people attended, well above the quorum neces- Florida to pick up a 2001 Boxster S Tiptronic - Biarritz sary to hold the meeting. The meeting went as fol- White exterior with a full Metropole Blue leather and lows:carpeted interior and matching top. On the way home somewhere near Nevada, I had an opportunity to go Review of 2017 minutes flat out, got close to 160 miles per hour, and while Awards to Members—Dan Bourlet for Enthusiast of looking in the rear view mirrors I noticed that they did the Year and Geoffrey Melnychuk for the Chili Chal- not vibrate.…my comment to my co-driver was…”now lenge. this is a well-built automobile”. Annual Reports—each Director or Chair gave their Since then, my wife has allowed me to drive to a few one minute report on their achievements, including events...in particularly, the inaugural 2015 PCA Zone the club’s Financial Report for year ended August 31 6 Porsche Grand Tour 14- day 8,500 km road 2018. tour...which I would recommend everyone try to parElection of Directors for 2019—Imogen Burr oversaw take in all or part of it if the opportunity comes by the election. The results were:your way again. President – John McGurran (by acclamation - seconded by Julie Bailey) We’ve attended a couple of Black Rock events and Vice-President - James Renfrew (by acclamation - each time, we come away in gratitude for all the hard seconded by Leanne Renfrew) work done by such a small group of volunteers. Secretary – Michael Holan (by acclamation - seDuring my professional career as an Administrator conded by James Barrand) and Treasurer for local governments in BC, I was inTreasurer – Tim Evans (by acclamation - seconded volved in both professional and community service by Kathy McGurran) organizations (Search and Rescue) at both the provinMembership Director – Garth Webber Atkins (by cial and federal level. acclamation - seconded by Phillip MacIntyre) Newsletter Director - Steve Fairbrother (by acclaA few years ago, I was asked to assist with VIRPCA’s mation - seconded by Paul Rossmo) completion of the bookkeeping and financial stateNorth Island Director – Paul Atterton (by acclama- ments for two fiscal year ends, 2015 and 2016…now tion - seconded by Imogen Burr) I’m turning my attention to assisting VIRPCA in replacMid Island Director – Dean Aikenhead (by acclama- ing Wendy Woodley as North-Island Director and tion - seconded by Jacquie Sherwood) hope to continue with the legacy she has created. South Island Director – Didier Moinier (by acclamaPorsche has a saying…”It’s not the tion - seconded by Al Sherwood) cars – it’s the people”. It was only Competition & Driver Education Director – vacant this summer, after a local Porsche Website & Social Media Director - vacant dealership loaned me a new car to Closing Remarks—Also included a draw for a 000 complete a planned road trip, did I Magazine subscription, won by Gayle Collopy. Anothrealize that the Porsche dealership er draw for some laps in a VIMC Cayman was won by service team is also a significant Ross MacDonald. Thanks went to Wendy Woodley for contributor to the meaning – “It’s her four years of service to VIR. the people”. PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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s of November 2018, Mike Woods and Cathie Johnson have been members of the Vancouver Island Region, Porsche Club of America for twenty years. We asked Mike if he would share some of his experiences with Porscher readers and he was happy to do so. Read on for his answers to some of the questions put to him about their time with the club and as Porsche owners.

too many social events to list, and I became actively involved with the VIR executive – I served as the newsletter editor for a couple of years, as Vice President for a year, and then as President back in 2002. Cathie and I were involved in the planning and execution (with the help of many tireless volunteers) of the Father’s Day German Car Picnic, which later became the European Car Picnic, then later still The European & Classic Car Picnic, and now has morphed into the Were all 20 years with the Vancouver Island Region?: massive GAIN sponsored Motor Gathering held every Yes, we’ve been members of VIR the entire time. Our August out at the VIMC track. first club event was a weekend run up to Tin Wis in Tofino back in 1998, if I recall correctly there were What are some of the club or Porsche-related highabout a dozen cars and maybe 20 people there lights for you over the past 20 years?: (which was nearly the entire membership of the re- How much column space do you have? – there have gion at the time). It was a small event by today’s been so many, I’ll try to pare it down to just a few: standards, but we had a ton of fun and met some great people that we still hang out with today. It’s reSocial Weekend Events – The original large-scale ally where it all started for us. social weekend, “Spring To The River” held at Painter’s Lodge in Campbell River in the late ‘90s/ What was your first Porsche?: early ‘00s were amazing, we’d see 70+ cars and A 1986 911 Carrera coupe, Meteor Metallic with black 100+ people show up for three days of "Porsche interior – we bought it in October of 1996 and still immersion therapy". Activities spanning the weekhave it today. It’s the only Porsche we’ve ever owned. end included a meet and greet, a show and shine, I’ve had the opportunity to drive a lot of different a scavenger-hunt style rally, RC car races, numerand/or newer Porsches over the years… they’re all ous banquets and award ceremonies, etc. These great cars… but there’s something about the classic events set the stage for what later became the air-cooled 911 that just speaks to me. I’ve had numerCrown Isle Weekend in Courtenay, and is now the ous people approach me about selling it over the hugely-popular Black Rock Weekend in Ucluelet. years and I always politely decline, after almost 23 The attendance continues to grow every year for years of ownership I'd say these events, and with this car is a "keeper". good reason… they’re an absolute blast! What sort of club events do you, or did you, get Autocross – if you involved in?: want to learn the handling I caught the autocross limits of your car (and, bug pretty early on, startperhaps more importanted competing in most of ly, your limits as a driver) the events maybe a year it’s tough to find a better or two after joining the "classroom" than autoclub. Cathie and I have cross. It’s quick, safe, and participated in a lot of huge fun. A warning driving tours and rallies, though: if you try it once, PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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there's a very good chance you’ll be immediately hooked! Other Highlights The Monterey Historics at Laguna Seca – 1998 was the 50th anniversary of the Porsche marque and as new members of PCA, we loaded up the 911 and took the 101 down the coast to Monterey to take part in the celebration. The PCA parking paddock at the track was like nothing I'd ever seen, so many Porsches in the same place at the same time. And then there were all of the priceless historic Porsche race cars being driven out on the track in anger... it was sensory overload. I recall being in the overhead walkway crossing to the other side of the track as a trio of 917s blasted by underneath at wide-open throttle - now THAT was sensory overload of an entirely different kind. Porsche Parade - Back in 2006, a large contingent from VIR banded together and headed down to Porsche Parade in Portland, Oregon. Some of our members spent countless hours preparing for the concours competitions (before and after their arrival in Portland) and


it paid off with a few class wins and lots of podium finishes. A highlight for us was partaking in the scenic covered-bridge driving tour, following a shiny new Carrera GT for the entire trip. Rennsport Reunion - These events are the pinnacle for any Porsche nut such as myself; I've been to two of them so far, Rennsport Reunion III at Daytona and IV at Laguna Seca. Similar to the Monterey Historics, Porsche basically empties out their museum and brings all of their historically-important race cars to the event, where they are driven in anger by the original drivers from back in the day. A highlight for me was watching Hurley Haywood head out on the track in the famous number 59 Brumos 914-6 and thoroughly spank every other car in his run group, even though there were considerably more powerful cars running in the same class. Another personal highlight was taking the wheel of a PCNA-supplied Cayman on an infield autocross course at Daytona, while the 956/962 run group was blasting by on the highbanked corners just a stone's-throw away - I don't think I'll forget that experience anytime soon.

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What has kept you in the club for 20 years? That's an easy one - without question, it's all of the great people we've met over the years. As I mentioned before, we still hang out with a lot of the original crew that we met way back in 1998... and a bunch of other new folks that we've met along the way too. As they say, "It's not just the cars, it's the people!"

Mike Woods & Cathie Johnson VIR Members

Many thanks to Garth Webber Atkins our Membership Director for organising this article and of course to Mike and Cathie for their input.

PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations? Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details.


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he eighth generation Porsche 911 the type 992, was unveiled at the LA Motor Show today (Tuesday November 27th), although images of it had been leaked on many car websites.

The front track is wider by 40mm with staggered wheel sizes 20” on the front and 21” on the rear. The rear has a full width LED light bar with a spoiler with variable positions. The engine is a six cylinder turbocharged 3.0 litre with piezo injection giving 444hp on the Carrera S model (an increase of 40hp) along with an 8 speed PDK transmission—no word on a manual version — yet! New driver assists include a Wet mode and optional Night Vision Assist along with a 10.2 inch centre screen. More information to come when Matt or Tyson at Porsche Centre Victoria invite me to drive one, hint hint :-)

Steve Fairbrother Editor


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VERY LATE NEWS Porsche have unveiled a track-only car at the LA Auto Show, the 911 GT2 RS Clubsport (based on the GT2 RS 991.2 model), 700hp, FIA roll-cage, bucket seat, carbon fibre steering wheel, air jacks, 1390kg, US $485,000, 200 units only to be built, delivery from May 2019, top speed 339kmph, 0-100kmph in 2.8s

Can’t wait for Chris Harris to drive this!


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he first year we attended Porsche Palooza, we were blown away by the entire event. A gathering of Porsche blooded enthusiasts that was something more then just your average car show. The biggest difference? The people that came to this event came to drive, to explore the incredible roads around Eureka Springs, Arkansas. People coming from as far as New York and Florida to (trust me) some of the best kept secret roads in all of the USA. This year’s event was sponsored by Dallas Motorsports, and judging by this incredible 1969 911S they own and race, these are not your average Porsche salesmen. They come to drive, and so does everyone else that comes to this event. Forget exclusivity, here, as long as you are a Porsche enthusiast, your welcome. Some people came to their first Palooza 10 years ago and maybe started with one car, and might have changed cars a few times over the years. Groups go out on the daily tours of the surrounding countryside, beautiful roads and the incredible fall scenes of Arkansas, one of the most truly underrated regions of America. A RUF sits beside a purpose built long hood with a water cooler in front. Clearly a fantastic mix of cars here. We had the opportunity to ride along in a gentleman's 918, on these incredible roads in 2016, and it may have been one of the

most insane Porsche experiences we've ever had. Porsche Palooza was the brainchild of the @uberporsche930 family, whom at the time saw amazing events happening on the west and east coast, but felt that there PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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needed to be a great event held around their hometown. That was over 10 years ago, and since then it has grown and changed into simply put, one of the greatest P-car events we've ever seen. Leonard tells me they have to cap the event for participation, but if you are in the area (or feel like driving from across the country) and want to check it out, you can view their website Porsche Palooza. All images shot by Peter Reid @p_reid please contact for use.

Peter Reid VIR Supporter and Montreal Webstore owner

Editor: Peter Reid allows us to reprint his articles because he is a Porsche nut and a really nice guy too. Please take a look at his web store and automatically receive 10% off AND free shipping via this URL https://ca.werksshop.com PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

A real family event, they have generations bringing generations back

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urrently there are two Porsche Canada Experiences you can partake in. Click on the links below to explore the details or book them, but they are going fast!

Ice Experience Canada (formerly Camp4) Just these are remaining… Jan 30-Feb 2, Feb 1-4, 4-7 2019.

I attended this event 2 years ago and it was an absolute blast. It gives you an appreciation of what these cars (and you) can do on snow and ice. The instructors (including Kees Nierop) and staff are great and the location is fantastic. Look for my review in the newsletter archives at Porscher 2016 02. Porsche Travel Experience British Columbia Just 2 dates remain — June 5-8 and June 10-13 2019. This includes some time on the Area 27 track and of course staying and dining at great hotels along the way! Images courtesy porsche.com


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Our sincere and deepest condolences to Wendy Woodley, Gary’s wife and our recent North Island Director. From the Comox Valley Record: Gary passed away peacefully on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at C.V. Hospice at The Views, Comox. Gary fought a good battle with grace and dignity.

Gary was born in Victoria on September 1, 1935, where he lived and worked at E & N in Qualicum Beach and Victoria, BC Forest Products, City of Victoria, Brown Bros. Property Management. In 1999, Gary, Wendy and Snowball moved to Courtenay. Gary enjoyed playing the piano, gardening and skiing, first at Forbidden Plateau and later at Mt. Washington. Gary and Wendy purchased a condo in the Alpine Village in 1988 and enjoyed many happy times with friends. Gary had a passion for trains and sports cars, which included racing at Western Speedway and Mt. Douglas Hill Climb in his younger years. It was through Victoria Motor Sports Club that he met Wendy (Haynes), his wife of almost fifty years. Their latest sports car, a 2002 Porsche Boxster, inspired them both to become members of PCA V.I. Region. Gary and Wendy have enjoyed taking part in many events as well as the comradery of some lovely new friends. Bless you!! Gary is survived by his loving wife Wendy, who shared his fondness for skiing and sports cars. He also leaves behind his beloved Balinese cat, Sonja, his sister-in-law Barbara Baker, cousins Winston Jackson, Christine Fleming and Steve Woodley, as well as many friends all over the island. Gary was predeceased by his parents Maurice and Edith Woodley, Wendy’s parents Renney and Mildred Haynes, his nephew Michael Scott Baker and his first beloved cat, Snowball. A special thanks to Dr. Rickard Potter-Cogan, Dr. Laura Potter-Cogan and the caring staff of Hospice at The Views in Comox, where Gary spent his last days. A celebration of Gary’s life will be held at Comox Valley Funeral Home, 1101 Ryan Rd, Courtenay BC on Wednesday December 5th at 1:30pm. Please RSVP to comvalfh@shaw.ca. Flowers gratefully declined. Please consider a donation in Gary’s name to the Comox Valley Hospice or the SPCA. Gary & Wendy next to their Forest Green Boxster PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too! Below are some photos from recent meetings, please feel free to send in yours, especially from mid-island and up-island!

North Island

2nd Saturdays, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay

Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Highway East, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd Thanks to Wyman Lee for the photos as usual!


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Here are some pictures from Wyman’s Christmas Buffet at the Victoria Golf Club November 18th where many Porsche Club members were in attendance!


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The lifeblood of the Vancouver Island Porsche Club is found in the events and activities we offer throughout the year. These allow you to enjoy the company of like-minded Porsche drivers and, more importantly, to drive your Porsche consistent with its design. Up until about four years ago when I joined the VIRPCA board as secretary, most events were organized by someone on the Board. Black Rock is the obvious exception. When someone joined the Board there was the expectation that he or she would organize something fun for the membership. That kind of worked but with hindsight it put too much responsibility on individual Board members. Event organizers would plan a route and/or meal, arrange for registration, get the word out to members via the website (there was no Porscher at that time), answer requests for information, process payments/ refunds, apply for insurance if needed, keep a list of attendees and send email reminders. This all takes place before the motors are started! Because we are One Club with 548 members distributed along 300 km from Sooke to Campbell River – there had to be a better way. There is and there are two parts to it. The first part of this better way is to encourage more members (i.e., you!) to play a role in event organizing. It can be a lot of fun and very satisfying. Look at our 2018 event offerings. While our Board members are still very much involved other members are stepping up …like Tyson Johnson, Klaus Kreye, Dan Bourlet, Imogen Burr, Conrad Peden. This is great! Here’s another aspect of the better way. You need to be an active participant. Bring your event ideas to the Board (president@virpca.org) but be prepared to invest some time to help turn your idea into something others can enjoy. If you read my column on page 5 of this issue, you will understand that VIRPCA is not a federation of north, mid and south planning areas. We are One Club. There is one board of directors. Feed your ideas and critiques to us and we will work with you. The second part of the better way is the technology we have adopted to make event organizing easier for everyone. The Board decided last year to adopt MotorSportReg software. This is used by many PCA Regions and many local car clubs. It keeps track of who registered and when, it provides you with information about the event, it shows you who else has registered, it allows you to cancel your registration, it tells you if there is a cap on registrations and if there is room for you, it accepts your payments as needed. At the end of the year its reporting capabilities provides the Board with valuable information about which events are popular, whether the fees charged cover the expenses, among other things. Here’s how it works. If you are not among the 200+ members who have already signed up, go to MSR https:// www.motorsportreg.com and click on ‘create a free account.’ You will have an opportunity to register your Porsche and include a photo of it if you wish. Easy peasy. Once you have set up your account you can quickly sign up for our future events as they come on line. We have trialled MSR for one full season and most of the kinks are out of it. But it is technology and you may PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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need some help. Steve Fairbrother is our lead. Email him (newsletter@virpca.org) if you need assistance or have a question. As an incentive to encourage you to get set up with MSR, we will make a monthly draw from all members in good standing who have set up their MSR account connected to VIRPCA and award a prize of a $50 gift card of the winner’s choice. You can only win once, sorry! In summary, there is a better way! If you have an idea for an event or activity you would like the club to offer, feed it to the board. Please set up your MSR account now and be eligible for the $50 gift card.

John McGurran President

Addendum While you are in MSR creating your account, why not add a headshot photo of yourself too (many people have)? You can also add a photo of your car(s) under My Account. See below for details. Having a headshot there enables other members (especially our new members) to recognise you at club events and of course wearing your name badge helps them too. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Login via https://www.motorsportreg.com Click on My Account (top right), Edit My Profile, Edit My Information Click on the camera icon and upload a head shot of yourself Confirm all your other details are current and press Save my information Click on Garage next and do the same for your vehicle (e.g. upload a photo, enter other applicable details), Save Vehicle 6. Update any other section in your profile you wish. Don’t forget to click on Save.

Steve Fairbrother Editor


PRIZE TIME We shall be drawing a name monthly (from December 15th) from all those VIR members enrolled in MSR, so the sooner you create an account and update your profile, the better your chance of winning!

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The Club has some apparel and other goodies for sale 1 VIR Jacket, black, ladies, large (see below)


1 VIR T-shirt, white, men’s, medium


1 VIR cap, black


1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, men’s, XX


1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, ladies, large (below)


1 Tour-de-Rock 2017 T-shirt, black, men’s, small


Contact Wendy at goodiestore@virpca.org for further details


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FOR SALE — 2013 991.1 CARRERA 4 62,000 kms CPO and extended warranty until 2020/2022 PDK, Sport Chrono, Bose, Sunroof, low-km summer and winter tires on rims $87,500 Alan: alanfromvictoria@gmail.com FOR SALE Original 1990 911 C4 (Euro Spec) 5 speed manual transmission 90,000 miles Please contact: myriad@telus.net

WANTED Dry garage storage space for a sports car for the winter months, ideally in the Victoria area. Contact John McGurran president@virpca.org

If you are buying or selling something Porsche related, members can advertise for free here. Send your classified info to newsletter@virpca.org PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

FOR SALE – USED TIRES 2 x Michelin Pilot Super Sport 265/35ZR18/ XL 97Y 2 x Michelin Pilot Super Sport 225/40ZR18/ XL 92Y All have more than 7/32nds tread left and even wear Asking $400 for all 4 tires Paul Atterton, Comox, 778 992 0628 Please use this link to view the tires https://photos.app.goo.gl/ MinAyAqkSnrLTNCt8 Page 28


f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the club, please let me know via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Where Lordco

Discount Up to 30%

Description Car parts etc. Mention Porsche Club of America (show your PCA membership card).

Porsche Center Victoria


Parts & labour

RIBA Detailing Perfection, Duncan


PCA members receive 25% off published prices. 4 standard packages or “a la carte”

Next Level Audio


Discounts include a 20% discount on in stock products


PCA members receive 10% off their prices. Use code PCA10 at checkout.

Alley Kat Signs


Discount for 2018 club members

Garage Kings


Call Steve Hall for discount deals

Green’s Automotive


Discount on wheels repairs / finishes


Call for discounts on wheels, tires, ceramic coating, wraps & tints


Werks provide us with 10% discount, via the link on the left or use PCAVANCOUVERISLAND18 code


Discount off all area rugs for club members


SHC Auto Werks Canada Wingren Nufloors


elow are some Porsche related sites that club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums/

PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org/ See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com Here are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com http://www.nineapart.com

http://rennlist.com/forums/ http://malahatautoparts.com/parts-search



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Ongoing Cars and Coffee Times North Island 2nd Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay. Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Hwy E, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria.

Board Meeting Dec 2

The meeting will be held at the Ramada Hotel, 140 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan, V9L 3P7. Meeting starts at 12:00 sharp. Arrive early if you want to eat before the meeting starts.

Contact Michael

Board Meeting

Contact Michael

Jan 6

Details TBA

Valentine Lunch


Details TBA

Competition On-Ramp


Details TBA

Contact TBA Contact Tyson

More events will be published once the new Executive has met in December

Get your new 2018 lapel pin badge from Garth Webber-Atkins for just $5 at upcoming VIR events

Check our website for latest event details www.virpca.org/virevents PORSCHER — DECEMBER 2018

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Advertiser Index Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their dollars are well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA 000 Magazine

Porsche Centre Victoria

MAC Renovations

WeatherTech Canada


Jason Good Custom Cabinets

Wingren NuFloors

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Porscher is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region and is published approximately monthly.

$210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card

EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor.

Please contact the Editor for more information.

COVER: New GT2 RS Clubsport

Copyright Š 2018 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved. www.virpca.org

Click here for our Facebook Group page


SUBMISSIONS: Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Director at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. CREDITS :- Wyman Lee, Peter Reid, Imogen Burr, Steve Fairbrother, If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.


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