Porscher 2019 06

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 22 Issue 5 June 2019

Regulars 4 VIR Executive

5 Executive Comment

11 Club News

14 Coffee & Cars

32 Classifieds


Discounts, Forums & Useful Web Sites

36 Goodie Store

37 Around The Bend

Features Member Profile 9

Current 718 Models 12

911 Speedster Info 16

On-Ramp#2 2019 18

The GULF Story 21

Member Profile 22

Macan 2019 26

Imogen’s Spring Fling 28

40 Advertiser Index PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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John McGurran President president@virpca.org

James Renfrew Vice President vicepresident@virpca.org

Michael Holan Secretary secretary@virpca.org

Tim Evans Treasurer treasurer@virpca.org

Paul Atterton Director—North Island northisland@virpca.org

Dan Bourlet Director—Mid Island midisland@virpca.org

Didier Moinier Director—South Island southisland@virpca.org

Garth Webber Atkins Director—Membership membership@virpca.org

Steve Fairbrother Director—Newsletter newsletter@virpca.org

Dean Aikenhead Director—Competition competition@virpca.org

Dave Nickel Webmaster Chair webmaster@virpca.org

Klaus Kreye Rally Chair rally@virpca.org PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

Tyson Johnson Competition & Driver Education Chair tyson@virpca.org

Wendy Woodley Goodie Storekeeper goodiestore@virpca.org Page 4


his month’s column will provide another behind the scenes look at the club. Your Board met last Tuesday in Victoria, as we tend to do in the summer months. In August we will gather in the Comox Valley and I am looking forward to that. We typically bring our own take-out to the meeting room about 30 minutes before the scheduled start time to eat and greet. As is almost always the case, we had a quorum. Board members attending, in addition to myself were Treasurer Tim Evans, Secretary Michael Holan, Membership Director Garth Webber Atkins, Newsletter Director Steve Fairbrother, South Island Director Didier Moinier, Mid Island Director Dan Bourlet (via FaceTime). Guests included Rally Chair Klaus Kreye, former Membership Director and organizer of the Spring Fling Drives, Imogen Burr and former President Brad Blaney. We discussed a couple of issues related to our driving events. First, we discussed the pros and cons of requiring online preregistration (via MSR). The main benefits are that the organizer knows in advance who is attending and can have the liability insurance waiv-


am impressed with the number of members joining MSR, the main reason is because it is the means by which we organise, advertise, receive payment, report and communicate regarding our Club events but also they hope to win one of the $50 monthly prizes! However, (expanding on John’s note above), if you missed the MSR registration cut-off, please do NOT just turn up at an event and expect to be allowed to participate. This is especially true if the event requires a payment (such as the West Coast Drive), or extra planning dependent on numbers (e.g. the next rally) or food selection (Valentine’s) or a limit on attendees (such as New Member Social).

er forms ready. Also, MSR allows us to compile a list of attendees and compare to previous years. Finally, MSR allows any fees to be collected in advance, again making the organizer’s life a lot easier. On the flip side, if we require MSR preregistration we are essentially placing a barrier to participation to those who choose to join at the last minute or who simply do not like to preregister. For an organizer, it’s no fun telling someone who shows up without preregistering that they cannot participate. That seems unfriendly, at best. There was a fulsome discussion of the pros and cons and we’ll discuss a policy at the June meeting. If you have any thoughts on this, email me. The second drive-related issue dealt with how to respond to members who, on a drive, knowingly act in a way contrary to what was discussed at the driver meeting. Speeding and passing the lead car are examples of dangerous and disrespectful behaviour. What (Continued on page 6)

situation. IF the event is a drive only, it may be their decision to allow them or not (to be confirmed). They must still have attended the drivers’ briefing of course, so if they missed that—too bad, they are excluded! Of course, ALL ATTENDEES AND PASSENGERS need to sign the PCA waiver for our insurance purposes. So please, everyone get organised, register early via MSR for an event to be included and also receive all the relevant information for attendees.

Steve Fairbrother

For somebody to turn up unannounced is discourteEditor & MSR Admin ous to the event organiser and puts them in a difficult PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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should the consequences be for a first or subsequent occurrence? PCA has tour standards (not guidelines) and our ability to get liability insurance at a good price depends on compliance with these standards. Again, there was a great discussion and we resolved to think on it and develop a club policy at the next meeting.

Each month we receive reports from the Treasurer, Membership Director and Newsletter Director and May was no exception. Our financial position remains healthy, according to Tim Evans; we have new Porscher advertisers reports Steve Fairbrother; membership increased in April bringing us to 574 according to Garth Webber Atkins.

We briefly discussed succession and the composition of the 2020 VIRPCA Board. After a two-year term, I will be stepping off the Board and assuming the role of Past President. Didier has said he will retire, leaving the South Island Director position open. The other Directors will decide to stay on the Board, retire or to seek a different position. Ideally, we want an effective but convivial mix of experienced Directors and newcomers. There will be more to say about the structure of the Board leading up to the AGM and election on October 13.

The last item on the Board agenda that I will mention is Garth Webber Atkins’ update on the strategic planning process she is leading. As you read in May Porscher, the Board Committee met on April 6 and again on May 11. The details are still under discussion by the Board so it would be inappropriate for me to provide details here. That said however, the process was highly successful and soon a suite of activities implemented over the next three years to improve the club will be presented for your information.

North Island Director Paul Atterton drafted several resolutions to improve our financial reporting and we will endeavour to implement these in advance of the AGM. While we are in many ways ‘just a car club’ we are governed by the BC Societies Act and we try to do our best to comply with these requirements. Of course, we are one of 144 PCA regions across Canada and the USA. PCA also has standards and guidelines that we do our best to adhere to. My view is that we should not let excellence be the enemy of the good when it comes to compliance and our energies are best spent providing members with value and great event opportunities.


As Chair of the Board meeting it’s my aim to keep it under two hours. As the clock passed 8pm we decided to adjourn and continue the discussion at the next Board meeting – Tuesday June 11 at Uptown Shopping Centre Community Room.

Finally, the schedule of drives, tours and socials in the month of June is published in Around the Bend on page 37.

John McGurran President

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Region Summary May 1st 2019


ancouver Island Region has 574 members. We have 355 primary members, and 219 affiliate or family members. PCA has 84,804 primary members, 46,616 affiliate members and 17 life members for a total of 131,437 members.

New Members in April — Welcome! Member Wayne Krawchuk Sean Sundberg

Co-member Sean Krawchuk

Location/From Nanaimo Victoria / Canada West

Vehicle 1984 911 Carrera Cab 1999 911 Carrera Cab

Ann Marie Barnhill Transfers Out Member Craig Langpap


To Wild Rose

Anniversaries in April — Congratulations! 20 Years:

David Barss, Isaac Barss

10 Years:

Lutz Keller

5 Years

David Hogan, Jon Jensen, Kristi Zinkiew, Randy Zinkiew, Rick Harrison, Linda Wilson

One Year:

Brian Brown, Chris Turnbull, Graham Archdekin

Garth Webber Atkins Membership Director

Get your new club lapel pin badge from Garth Webber Atkins for just $5 at upcoming VIR events PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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Ken and Lorraine Glover – 20 Years with Vancouver Island Region Ken’s Porsche journey started in the summer of 1998 when he spotted a little black car at Speedway Motors, and it made a strong impression. He’d drive by at night just to visit, and imagine the fun they could have together, but it was a little out of reach, and alas, one night it was gone. Ken found a more affordable vehicle, a Lexus, and tried to make it work, but it just wasn’t the same. One day, in March 1999, he saw that same little black car back on the lot at Speedway Motors. But he was a family man and had to be practical. So he asked his then 12 year old daughter to get into the back seat, and see how she liked it. After being assured it would just be around town and not for long road trips, she gave the OK. This time, with the tradein value of the Lexus, the cheque he had to write didn’t seem quite so bad, and the 1992 911 C2 Turbo went to its new home. In May, Ken joined the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America.

Ken and the little black car are still together after all these years, though it now shares garage and driveway space with a 2005 996 Turbo S Cabriolet, a 2006 Cayenne Turbo S, a 2005 M-B


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SLK55 AMG and another M-B SUV.

Ken was very active in the club for many years and served as Treasurer from 2000 to 2004 and President in 2005 and 2006. He particularly enjoyed the autocross events, working his way up from the bottom of the ranking to winning the VIR’s season championships in 2003 and 2010 and placing third overall in the Island Autocross Championship in 2003 with basically a daily driven stock car using track tires. His daughter Dana also drove in autocross events in later years after she got her driver’s license. Some of his fondest memories are of the road trips that he and his wife Lorraine took with other Porsche owners they met through the club, forming close and lasting friendships they keep to this day. Ken’s words of wisdom to other Porsche owners : Drive your car, it will cost you less to maintain if it gets regular use. All of his Porsches have over 140,000kms on them, have been owned for at least 7 years and are driven regularly.

Garth Webber Atkins Membership Director


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Another $50 winner from your Club! Rod Mores won our random draw from all of the VIR club members who were registered at MotorsportReg.com as of April 16th. Congratulations to Rod! When I contacted Road and asked him what company gift certificate he would prefer, he kindly suggested that the $50 be donated to Cowichan BC SPCA instead of him receiving a Gift Card and we are happy to have done that on his behalf.

Ensure you have created your free MSR account and set us as your club there asap.


For a short time, we shall draw a Like many other PCA regions, VIR uses MSR for their club name, from all the VIR members events to help organise, disseminate information to enrolled in MotorsportReg.com, so attendees and take payments etc. the sooner you create an account and

If you need any MSR help, email Steve at newsletter@virpca.org PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

update your profile, the better your chance of winning! www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/ event/register.start. Page 11

718 Boxster

718 Boxster S

718 Boxster GTS

718 Cayman

718 Cayman S

Pictures courtesy Porsche.com


718 Cayman GTS Page 12


here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too! Below are some photos from recent meetings, please feel free to send in yours, especially from Mid Island and North Island! Pictures by Wyman Lee for the South Island coffee.

North Island 2nd Saturdays, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Highway East, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd

“It's not just the cars, it's the people!” PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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911 Speedster Info PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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Courtesy Porsche.com


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At 10am Sunday May 5th, around 14 Club members gathered at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit for a short session by Tyson Johnson on his 2nd On-Ramp talks of 2019. Tyson discussed seating position, corner lines, braking and other details that would help members get the best of their vehicles whether it is used on the track or on the public roads. After the session, the members set off on a drive counter-clockwise around the Marine Circle Route via Lake Cowichan, Port Renfrew (for a great lunch a leisurely chat), Sooke and on to Victoria.


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Not a VIR Event

Click HERE to register

From “The GULF Story” display banner at Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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I asked VIR member Tony Booth some questions about his Porsche and Club experiences— here are his responses and great photos. What was your first car? It was a Morris Minor, not the Minor of the 1950’s fame but earlier, from 1932. These looked like the MG ‘M’ type. I was 15 at the time and could only drive it initially on private roads until I was 17 years old. Had it for 4 years and sold it for 15 pounds and a trumpet! It taught me a lot about old cars. Rosemary had other view points. Very happy memories. Tony & Rosemary Booth

How did you become a Porsche owner? That’s the classic question that I often ask other Porsche owners. In my case, I became a Porsche owner when we moved to live, and me work in San Francisco, 29 years ago. Our Realtor at the time knew how much I liked sports cars and he surprised me with a contact who had a 912 that “I just had to see.” I did too. Rosemary needed her own vehicle so it became hers sort of! A nice original car that we kept and have enjoyed ever since. When did you decide you wanted a Porsche? When I was about 10 years old, driving with my father in London when England was still recovering from WW2. I saw a 356 and to me it might have been a space ship. It left a lasting impression. 1969 Porsche 912 in Cowichan Bay 2017


What car do you have now and how do you mostly use it? Still have the 912 and now a 1997 Porsche 993 and a few years ago added a 1994 Porsche 968. I seem to have acquired all last model year cars, even a 1980 MGB LE. Each one perhaps the best of that modPage 22

el’s line. Daily drivers are our Honda CRV Touring and the 968 which has a great Tiptronic transmission - which is unfairly and incorrectly maligned by some. The 968 is to Canadian specifications and was a special order colour (Code 57/L37E) one of 18 special 968’s produced and is the only one of it’s kind in Canada. Our 968 is an ideal daily runner.

Morris Minor

What drew you to join PCA? First enjoyable encounters were in San Francisco but I didn’t join PCA until 2005 after I retired back in Calgary, as my career was international and took us both to live in many other parts of the world. I remembered their friendliness and great 4-cam engines! What drew you to the club? PCA Wild Rose in Calgary was the first region that we joined. Having a 912 was a rarity but over the years several more 912 owners joined and soon local technical knowhow on these vintage models grew, as did the Region. Back then the Calgary Race City Speedway was flourishing and track events were staged which led me to qualify over consecutive years for an FIA sanctioned / WCMA Competition licence, with other clubs. We organized road trips which were enjoyed with like-minded members. What has kept you in the club? Now living on Vancouver Island since 2007 (north of The Malahat) one big attraction has been the 4-day events held at Crown Isle and Black Rock. We used to come from Calgary, as the end of May was usually the first trip of the season there. Back then the friendliness of VIR and their brilliant and often irreverent sense of fun was most appreciated. Perhaps one of the many reasons why we moved out here?

(Continued on page 24)


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What sort of club events do you, or did you, get involved in We often led some long trips. The most enjoyable was the 2600 km. round trip to the 54th Porsche Parade in Keystone, Colorado. My 912 was leading 1st in-class in the Concours until a local car in the Historic Class which was trailered only 7 kms to get there, was deemed the winner and our car was awarded 2nd. place. The rules have been changed since - I hope! Disappointment soon turned into fear as at 11,200 ft. ASL on the Bear Tooth Range as our 1582 cc. motor, which gives out 102 DIN HP at the best of times, felt like 10 HP. We love that little yellow Porsche - it’s a survivor! At VIR Peter Beyeler started what was to become the annual track event at the Tofino Airport. I took on the job of formalizing the event with procedures by Dan Boulet (especially the safety and classroom instruction for Novice track drivers). The team took it upon themselves to hold the early events without the back-up of PCA until we could satisfy their HPDE standards. Not like we could rent a commercial track and staff back then as there is on the Island now. We had to start from scratch which was a very risky endeavour. Very memorable times with great people who made it all happen. Our best club experience so far. Best driving experience – ever? Driving the old 21 km. Nürburgring Nordschleife when I was 19 years old, both of us students at the time. It was with my father’s Austin Westminster. Not surprisingly, I was lapped twice by a Mercedes 190 on test, or as I said to Rosemary “there must be 2 Mercedes being tested on the track today!”

Many thanks to Tony and Rosemary, Porsche devotees indeed!

Steve Fairbrother Editor PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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Saturday May 4th at Porsche Centre Victoria, current Porsche Macan owners gathered to see the unveiling of the 2019 refresh of the model. Under the obligatory black wrap was a new colour for the Macan range— Green Mamba (see below). I think it takes some getting used to but it will certainly stand out on the road. The new model has many changes, the major ones being a revised front end with a spoiler and an LED light bar across the boot similar to all new models appearing now. The base 2.0l straight 4 model has a single turbo with power at 248hp and the S model has increased from 340hp to 348hp. The front LED light bar below the headlamp cluster has moved down to lower in the intake and the fog lights have been deleted. LED headlights are now standard, as is the Navigation module (maps) in PCM which now has a larger 10.9” touch screen. Contact Porsche Centre Victoria for full details and prices.


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Before June 30

VIR members receive approx. 10% discount!

Once again, this year Imogen Burr organized and lead her Spring Fling drive from Eagle Creek to a new destination—this year it was to Sheringham Distillery in Sooke. You may have heard of the name recently on TV and radio as they won “Best Contemporary Gin in the World” award at the 2019 World Gin Awards! Wow indeed. We all had a breakfast at Quality Foods first (signing PCA waivers while we waited for plates to arrive at our tables) and then Imogen gathered everyone for the mandatory PCA Drivers’ Meeting. Some people had not registered via MSR at they should—see my Editor’s Comment on page 5 for my view on this. The drive took about 40 minutes to the distillery, winding around the country roads with everyone (except one) enjoying the drive and natural beauty of our BC roads. At Sheringham’s, we had a tour around the back room distillery which appeared to be a plumber’s dream job as there were copper & chromed pipes everywhere! Jennifer our tour host explained the process by which the different drinks were produced. Then those who wanted to try a small sampling of Gin, Vodka and Coffee Liqueur were able to (very small thimble size amounts). After that, many purchased products from Sheringham’s and we said our goodbyes and drove back to Eagle Creek with many diverting home along the way. Many thanks to Imogen for the event and of course to Sheringham’s proprietors Alayne & Jason MacIsaac.

Steve Fairbrother Editor


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Jennifer—Sheringham’s Tasting Host PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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2001 CARRERA 4 FOR SALE Black, 6 speed manual with short shifter, 224,000 km. Drives beautifully – smooth and quick. Replaced in last 5 years: clutch, windshield , suspension, front brakes, engine oil separator, radiator, motor mounts, starter motor, plugs & coils, alternator, much more… Winter and summer wheels sets. Full maintenance report, CARFAX on request. $23,500 Price is negotiable John McGurran jjmcg@telus.net 250 812 7009 (cell/txt) FOR SALE — 19” HRE PERFORMANCE WHEELS & TIRES Set of 19” HRE Performance Wheels from my 2006 Carrera C4S. The fronts still have 235/35/R19 Hankook tires mounted. The rear rims had 305/30/R19 mounted. Retail for little over US $7,000. Will let go for CDN $2,500. Contact Rick at 250 758 0619 rcollopy@telus.net

FOR SALE — 2013 991.1 CARRERA 4 66,000 kms CPO Warranty until March 2020, extended warranty until 2022. PDK, Sport Chrono, Bose stereo, sunroof. 12,000km on new tires, winter tires available $81,500 Alan: alanfromvictoria@gmail.com PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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LOOKING FOR A 2006 - 2009 CAYMAN OR CAYMAN S Excellent Condition, Manual Transmission, Any Colour Let me know what you have!


Don Gosse myriad@telus.net call / text 250 893 1544

PORSCHE CHARGE-O-MAT BATTERY MAINTAINER & CHARGER Attaches to your car’s cigarette lighter or similar outlet $100 John McGurran

jjmcg@telus.net 250 812 7009 FOR SALE — 4 X 19” PORSCHE TURBO WHEELS (RIMS) WITH MICHELIN SPORT TIRES Made in Germany – aluminum alloy –like new (only on vehicle for 1 month) (Front) 997 362 15602 8 x ET 57 19” (Rear) 997 362 19808 9.5 x ET 46 19” Will fit 987 Boxster / Cayman or ? Price for the set of 4 $2,900 James 250 667 0852 james.1441@outlook.com

FOR SALE — 987.2 CAYMAN S OEM EXHAUST OEM exhaust removed from a 2011 Porsche Cayman S. Some light surface rust. No dents, holes, gouges or cracks. $500 OBO Contact Frank 250 218 3802 (Comox) PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors Where



Up to 30%

Porsche Center Victoria


Parts & labour

RIBA Detailing Perfection


25% off published prices. 4 std pkgs or “a la carte”.

Garage Kings


Call Steve Hall for discount deals. Click on link

SHC Auto


Discounts on wheels/tires, ceramic coating, wraps/tints

Werks Canada


10% discount via PCAVANCOUVERISLAND19 code

Wingren Nufloors


Discount off all area rugs for VIR club members



10% discount, show your current PCA card

Stem To Stern Massage


15% discount, show your current PCA card


Description Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

elow are some Porsche related sites that club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor.

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums/ PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org/ See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com

Here are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com


http://www.nineapart.com http://malahatautoparts.com/parts-search http://forums.pelicanparts.com/porsche-911-used-parts-sale-wanted/


Page 35

Wendy Woodley in our Goodie Store has apparel and other club items for sale 1 VIR Jacket, black, ladies, large 1 VIR T-shirt, white, men’s, medium

$60 $25

1 VIR cap, black 1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, men’s, XX 1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, ladies, large 1 VIR Licence Plate Frame

$20 $20 $20 $5

Contact Wendy at goodiestore@virpca.org for further details If you are buying or selling something Porsche related, members can advertise for free here. Send your classified info to newsletter@virpca.org


PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations? Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

Page 36

Ongoing Cars and Coffee Times nd

North Island 2 Sat. of month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Hwy E, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria Friday May 31— Sunday June 2

West Coast Drive Drive to Vancouver Island’s west coast, stay 2 nights at the Black Rock Resort, dine with other VIR members and more. msreg.com/2019-spring-west-coast

Contact Dan

Board Meeting Tuesday June 11

The meeting will be held in Victoria at the Uptown Shopping Centre Community Room. Arrive at 5.30pm if you want to eat (at your expense), the meeting starts at 6:30pm.

Wendy’s Wild Weekend at Quadra Island Jun 15-16

See article in this issue on page 21 and in MSR, register at msreg.com/2019-quadra

Contact Michael

Contact Paul

RotorMaxx Tour Sunday June 16 10-noon

Sunday June 16

You can see RotorMaxx’s operations specializing in the overhaul and repairs of Sikorsky S61 engines and components, both commercial and military. More details and registration msreg.com/2019-RotorMaxx

Contact Didier

Fathers’ Day Car Show Contact NOT a VIR organized event. Qualicum Beach. Show-N-Shine See their web and Poker run. https://seasidecruizers.com/ HPDE Track Day

June 21

June 22 11-3pm

FULL day at VIMC including lunch, multiple 20 minute sessions, limited to 28 cars/drivers—$450. Option to rent VIMC cars. msreg.com/VIMCTrackDay2019

Cordova Bay Car Collector Show NOT a VIR organized event. For antique, custom, high performance or any unusual vehicle. Contact Randy Otto rfotto@shaw.ca or phone 250 858 7066.


OPR Tour #2 Details TBA by James

Contact Dean

Contact Randy Contact James Page 37

July 21-28

Aug 25

PCA Porsche Parade Boca Raton, Florida. Join some VIR members at Parade this year. Details at porscheparade.org

GAIN Motor Gathering NOT a VIR organized event. Details at motorgathering.com

Contact PCA Web

Contact Organisers

Show 'n Shine in Campbell River

Aug31 Sept 1

NOT a VIR organized event. Saturday Aug 31 evening drive and Show’n Shine Sept 1. Details at www.nicruisers.ca

Contact website

Sept 4-7

PCA Treffen Vermont

Contact PCA

Details at treffen.pca.org

New Member Social Sept 15

Cowichan Valley Golf & Country Club, Duncan. All members are welcome to attend. For new members, co-members and transfersin, lunch is on the club! Registration msreg.com/2019-New-Member

VIR 3rd TSD Rally

Sept 29

Our 3rd TSD rally, details are still being worked out. Details and registration at MSR when ready

Contact Garth

Contact Klaus

AGM - Proposed

Oct 13

Details TBA

Check www.virpca.org/virevents

for latest event details PORSCHER — JUNE 2019

Page 38

Advertiser Index Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their dollars are well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA

000 Magazine

Porsche Centre Victoria

MAC Renovations

WeatherTech Canada


Jason Good Custom Cabinets

Garage Kings Victoria

Island Soapstone

Hook & Hook Renovations & Design

Commercial advertisement space is available. The following current rates are applicable:-

Porscher is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region and is published approximately monthly.

$210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card

EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor.

Please contact the Editor for more information

COVER: Part of the On-Ramp#2 drive with Tyson

Copyright Š 2019 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved. www.virpca.org

Click here for our Facebook Group page


SUBMISSIONS: Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Director at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. CREDITS :- Wyman Lee, Steve Fairbrother, Tyson Johnson, Ann Aikenhead, Tony Booth. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.


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