Porscher 2019 07

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 22 Issue 6 July 2019

In this issue Spring Rally Results, West Coast Drive, Track Day, Quadra Island Discovery, Member Profile, Classifieds & more!

Regulars 4 VIR Executive

5 Executive Comment

19 Coffee & Cars

38 Classifieds


Discounts, Forums & Useful Web Sites

40 Goodie Store

Features Member Profile 8

Bill Coull 11

Track Day Report 12

Cayenne Models 17

Customer Service 18

Spring Rally Report 22

41 Around The Bend

Soundtrack of Racing 26

44 Advertiser Index

Westcoast Drive Report 28

Quadra Discovery 31 PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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John McGurran President president@virpca.org

James Renfrew Vice President vicepresident@virpca.org

Michael Holan Secretary secretary@virpca.org

Tim Evans Treasurer treasurer@virpca.org

Paul Atterton Director—North Island northisland@virpca.org

Dan Bourlet Director—Mid Island midisland@virpca.org

Didier Moinier Director—South Island southisland@virpca.org

Garth Webber Atkins Director—Membership membership@virpca.org

Steve Fairbrother Director—Newsletter newsletter@virpca.org

Dean Aikenhead Director—Competition competition@virpca.org

Dave Nickel Webmaster Chair webmaster@virpca.org

Klaus Kreye Rally Chair rally@virpca.org PORSCHER — JULY 2019

Tyson Johnson Competition & Driver Education Chair tyson@virpca.org

Wendy Woodley Goodie Storekeeper goodiestore@virpca.org Page 4


une 2019 must be among the busiest on record, based on the number of events organized by and for Vancouver Island Porsche Club members.

parture. These Zone Grand Tours feature a number of moving parts and only work well because of the many volunteers helping at the Zone and Region levels. You know who you are…thank you.

Wendy Woodley arranged a number of Porsches to convey graduating students from École-Au-coeur-del'île along a scenic route to their grad ceremony at Crown Isle on June 8.

In last month’s Porscher, I mentioned vacancies on the board to be filled at the AGM, on Sunday October 6 at a place to be announced. The AGM was previously announced for October 13 but that is Thanksgiving weekend. Please note the change.

On June 11 your board met in Victoria. As you will read in the Membership Report on page 6 we are up to 572 members. The population of the island is about 750,000 so on a members-per-capita basis, this is remarkable. Consider the largest PCA region: Upper Canada. It has about 4,000 members from a population of about 12,000,000. Do the math. We are, so to speak, punching above our weight! On the following weekend, 11 Porsches headed to Quadra Island for Wendy’s Wild Weekend, organized by Wendy Woodley and Paul Atterton, our former and current North Island Directors.

After three years as our Region Secretary, Michael Holan announced he is stepping down; so we will need to fill that vacancy. The secretary works closely with the president to set meeting agendas and arrange times and places for board and annual general meetings in the south, mid and north island areas. Recording and distributing meeting notes is part of the job. We are working on an online capability such that Directors can participate in meetings from a computer. Any member in good standing with an interest in governance can stand for election as our secretary. If you have any questions about the particulars, please contact Michael at secretary@virpca.org or myself.

On that same (Fathers’ Day) weekend Didier Moinier led a group of members on a tour of Rotor Maxx Support in Parksville. I hope Didier continues to offer this While June was a busy month for us, July is a bit more event; we get great comments from members who relaxed. I highly recommend taking a drive to a cars learn about the Sikorsky helicopters. and coffee session that you may not have checked On June 21, our annual Track Day took place at VIMC out. Every Sunday there’s a caffeine-fuelled gathering in Duncan. Competition Director Dean Aikenhead and in Victoria and in Parksville and on the second Saturhis crew provided perfect weather (once again), lots day of each month in Courtenay. of laps and a tasty lunch. Smiles all round, I am told.

Details here: virpca.org/vir-events/coffee-and-cars

This past weekend (June 23) the Zone 6 Grand Tour visited the island. 24 Porsches (featuring some brilliant colours) arrived on the Coho Ferry and were conveyed to the track by VIR volunteers. 8 South Island cars departed from the McCallum Rd Shell station and 13 VIR Porsches found their own way to the VIMC for a Porsche Party. Adding to the festivities was a group of PCA members from Canada West Region enjoying their annual track day. In addition to great driving weather and conviviality, VIMC staff led us on some free parade laps of the track prior to de-

The full schedule of drives, tours and socials in July (and beyond) is published in Around the Bend on page 41.


John McGurran President

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Region Summary at end of May 2019


ancouver Island Region has 572 members. We have 353 primary members and 219 affiliate or family members. PCA has 84,946 primary members, 46,706 affiliate members and 17 life members for a total of 131,669 members.

New Members in May – Welcome! Member


Robert Fortunat Amy Yan

Raymond Yan Greg Jackson



Duncan Victoria

2005 Boxster S 2017 Macan

Anniversaries in June – Congratulations! 20 Years:

Patrick Balfry , Deb Balfry, Daryl Leiski, Scott Mihalchan, Leah Mihalchan, Dan Frederiksen

15 Years:

David Baird, Robin Baird

5 Years

Jim Bradley, Lynn Duplessis, Richard Zuk, Sandra Zuk

One Year:

Pauline Rice, Nenad Barjaktarovic, Kris Stusrud, Mike Hawthorne, Gil Chew

New Member Social All members who joined VIR in September 2018 or later are guest of the club when attending the New Member Social on Sunday, September 15 at the Cowichan Golf and Country Club in Duncan. Yes, that means your lunch is free!. This applies to regular members, co-members, and transfers in. Members who joined before that date are wholeheartedly invited as well, to help us welcome the new members, and meet up with old friends. Your meal, however, will cost $28.00. The Golf Club does a very nice buffet, and you won’t go away hungry.

Sign up now, before your summer gets too busy, at msreg.com/2019-New-Member. I hope to see you there!

Garth Webber Atkins Membership Director

Get your new club lapel pin badge from Garth Webber Atkins for just $5 at upcoming VIR events PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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Here is a profile of another VIR Club member. This month is the turn of Steve Seixeiro. Thanks Steve for providing your information. If you have an interesting background to Porsches or joining the Club please let me know — Editor.

How did you become a Porsche owner (what drew you to Porsche, what was your first car, etc.) ? I’ve loved cars my entire life – longer than I can ever remember. Luckily, I’m married to a wonderful woman that shares that passion. While I had posters of Lamborghinis and Ferraris on my bedroom walls, her wall had a poster of a 959. My first Porsche was a 1999 Boxster in Ocean Blue, ordered from the factory with manual transmission, matching hardtop, speed shifter and gun metal gray accents on black leather. The first time I saw a Boxster I knew immediately that it would be my first Porsche. I remember that first encounter vividly – I was at work, walking back to my building with my team from a meeting we’d had in another building. I heard it coming up behind us around a winding road, and immediately looked to see what that amazing engine note was coming from. As it passed us I said out loud to my friends that I would get one someday – my manager among them who said jokingly, “It’s good to have dreams”. For the next year, my office walls were adorned by Boxster and Porsche posters. I spent many hours looking at online Porsche forums to learn everything I could about the Boxster, from the huge catalog of options available to owners’ experiences with their cars. I was hooked. A year after that first encounter, my wife and I walked into our local Porsche dealer, sat down with a sales rep, put down a deposit and started a long 9 month wait for delivery. The day we picked it up from the dealership couldn’t come soon enough. It was a Thursday, and I remember getting the call that it would be ready just after lunch. After some time with the sales rep going over the details, I went back to work to finish my day (and show a few friends :-) ). I had already booked Friday off to get some driving time in, but my manager (being a car person himself) gave me the rest of Thursday off.

What region were you in when you joined PCA (VIR didn’t come into existence until 1996)? I joined PCA as part of the Pacific Northwest Region, PNWR.

What are some highlights/ favourite memories of a) driving your Porsche and b) your time with the club? My favourite memory of driving our first Porsche was taking the Boxster on a road trip along the coasts of Washington, Oregon and Northern California. We went with another couple who had a ’99 SLK and I remember having to pack some of their items in our car because the SLK’s storage space was so much smaller. It was awesome to experience the scenic roads and natural beauty with the PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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top down. We joined the Porsche club a little while after getting the Boxster and enjoyed many of the day drives we took with other club members. One in particular will always stand out in my memory. About 50 club members gathered together at a rest stop on I-5 early one morning for a tour to Mt Baker. We all parked together in a large lot, had coffee and pastries as we registered and prepared to split into groups. The lot had a few RVs parked there as well, and as the group started their engines, I remember a young boy opening the door of his RV and looking across his own personal Porsche car show – eyes wide open, pointing at all the cars and just saying “W-O-W”.

What drew you to join PCA? We decided to join PCA so that we could get together with other Porsche enthusiasts at car shows, driving tours and track days.

What car do you have now, and how do you mostly use it? I have a 2007 silver 911 Turbo. Before I retired, it was my daily driver in the spring and summer. Now it gets to take a break from daily traffic and gets to enjoy more scenic drives on the island.

Some background/ information about you I’m originally from Toronto and the surrounding area. I moved to Seattle in 1995 where we lived for 23 years before coming to Vancouver Island and settling in Nanaimo in 2018.

What was your first Porsche? My first Porsche was a 1999 Boxster – my first convertible. I had the optional hard top, which I would put on in the winter months to protect the soft top. It was like having three cars in one.

What sort of club events do you, or did you, get involved in? We would do driving tours, track days, and auto show events. What are some of the club or Porsche-related highlights for you over the past 20 years? Visiting the Porsche Museum in Germany was one of my favourite things – walking through Porsche history was amazing.

What has kept you in the club? I really enjoy being able to share a common love for cars and the Porsche brand with other enthusiasts – talking about our cars, driving and enjoying them. It’s the people and our shared passion that keeps me in the club.

When did you decide you wanted a Porsche? The day that I saw and heard my first Boxster had me hooked. PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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Is your current car your first Porsche? No – I had to sell the Boxster a few years ago when we got another car. I briefly thought about buying a lift just so I could keep it – it was that special to me.

What was your first car? My first car was a Mazda MX-3 Precidia GS – I splurged on getting the V6 of course :-)

What drew you to the club? One of my service advisors at the dealership told me about all the benefits, tours, and dealer sponsored track days.

What's been your favourite club experience so far? My favourite club experience was a spirited drive following a gathering of over 300 Porsches at a car show in Seattle. It was awesome to see that many enthusiasts and Porsches in one place, followed by a large train of p-cars around winding roads.

Best driving experience – ever? The best driving experience I’ve ever had was a two day track event at the Circuit de SpaFrancorchamps. It was an AMG Advanced driver training event where we drove the entire AMG lineup, from SLK to SLS. It was an incredible feeling to drive such a historic track, just a couple of weeks before the F1 race was set to happen. A close second place is a tie with getting a hot lap taxi ride with Bernd Mayländer at Laguna Seca in an SLS, and a couple of laps with Susie Wolff at the German Grand Prix in her DTM car.

What would you like other members to know about you? Pronouncing my name is easier than you think, it’s Six-Zero – the number I use on my car at track events and my hockey jersey.

Steve Seixeiro VIR Club Member


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The Club is saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Coull, a recent regular at Victoria Cars & Coffee. This obituary was published in the Times Colonist. COULL, William Alexander We are heartbroken to announce the passing of Bill Coull at the age of 75 on May 15th, 2019 in Victoria, BC. Bill was born in Edmonton, AB on January 17th, 1944 to parents William and Marcelle Coull (neĂŠ Alackson). Bill loved his car, his cats and most of all his wife, Jane Krieger. Bill moved to Victoria after retiring and reconnected with Jane, an old friend from high school. He and Jane were very happy, together for 15 years and married in 2010. Bill took full advantage of living on Vancouver Island - racing cars with his buddies from spring to fall, skiing in the winter at Mount Washington and working in the garden whenever he could. Bill was a well known radio announcer at CKUA in Edmonton from 1963 to 2003. He started at the station when he was only 19 and still a student at the University of Alberta. He helped shape the sound that would define the station over the next few decades. Bill was best known for his iconic radio program aptly called Coull Jazz. In 2003 he was presented with the prestigious "Jazz Broadcaster of the Year" award. He was known around the station for being incredibly talented and for being a (mostly) lovable curmudgeon. Bill would have been honoured by the two hour tribute that CKUA aired the day he passed. We are grateful for all the amazing medical care Bill received during the last year of his life. We are also so thankful for the support from Bill's sister Jane Coull and friends Bill Lupton, Garnett Bartlett, Melanie Wrobel and Chris Allen. We could not have done it without you. Bill leaves behind his beloved wife Jane, sister Jane (John Sutherland), son Jordan Coull, stepchildren Chris Krieger and Melissa Krieger. No service by request, a celebration of life will be held at a later date. Please consider donating to the SPCA in honour of our friend Bill.


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On a hot and sunny Friday June 21st, around 28 Club members gathered at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit in the Cowichan Valley for another track day organised by Dean Aikenhead, our Competition Director. There was a good variety of Porsches there—2 and 4 door, air and water cooled, old and new and of course, all well cared for. A briefing session and drivers’ meeting was held in the Clubhouse and then Tyson Johnson put the drivers through a minor autocross in the “dynamic driving area” of the track after which the cars were sent out on the track 2 groups at a time lead by the VIMC track staff. I was not there to drive this time, but just taking photos for Porscher and left before the attendees had their lunch, after which more track sessions were held. Below are some shots of the day up to lunchtime. The Club wishes to thanks Dean Aikenhead (and his helpers) for organising/running the event and VIMC for hosting us all day.

Steve Fairbrother Editor


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Thanks to Dean Aikenhead for organising the event


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Cayenne S

Cayenne Turbo

Cayenne E-Hybrid

Cayenne Coupe

Cayenne S Coupe

Cayenne Turbo Coupe

Pictures courtesy Porsche.com


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Thanks to Peter and Joy Lindsay who sent in this article about customer service. On our way homeward last week after a five day trip with 60 cars and members of the Portland PCA, on Wednesday, June 19th, our water pump gave out just outside of Wenatchee. Pulling over and filling the reservoir with as much water as we could, which was draining out at a rapid rate, we made a dash into town. We were fortunate to make it and more importantly, to land at a grocery store next door to Global Car Care. The owner of the grocery store, as well as a Porsche owner who just happened to be in the store parking lot, both spoke highly of the shop. Walking over and speaking with the service advisor Chuck, and also Brian the owner, I found two people not only passionate about cars, but very experienced, and very knowledgeable when it came to Porsche cars. Chuck looked up the parts we needed and ordered them, he said he felt there was a good chance that he would have them first thing the following morning. Since we had hotel reservations for the next two nights in Leavenworth, which was about 25 miles away, Joy asked Brian if he could please call us a taxi, to which he replied, "it is already outside".

So we handed over the car keys to Chuck, and stepping outside we found that Brian had brought around his own personal car, into which he began to load all our belongings. Then Brian personally drove us the 33 kilometers to our hotel and told us that tomorrow, once our car was ready, Chuck would call us and that he would then drive back the 33 kilometers to Leavenworth, pick us up, and drive us back to his shop so would could collect our car. Thursday morning about 11:45 Chuck called to say that our car was repaired and ready to go. He said that Brian was leaving the shop now and asked us to please be ready to go when Brian arrived, as he had to be back in Wenatchee for a very important appointment at 1pm. It turns out the appointment was with his mother, as it was her birthday, and he was taking her to lunch. Brian arrived about 12:20 and at 1:00 pm we arrived back at the shop, met Brian's wife, and his mother, and thanked Brian for customer service well above the call of duty. We paid our bill and we were on the road back to Leavenworth by 1:15pm grateful for the hospitality and the incredible example of customer service this organization had offered us. If you, or anyone you know is anywhere near Wenatchee, Washington and needs help with a Porsche we highly recommend you contact Brian, Chuck and the crew at Global Car Care, located at 1840 N Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee, Washington, 98801. Office: 509-662-2121 cell: 509-670-6519

Peter & Joy Lindsay Club Members PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too! Below are some photos from recent meetings, please feel free to send in yours, especially from Mid Island and North Island! Pictures by Wyman Lee for the South Island coffee.

North Island 2nd Saturdays, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Highway East, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd John Clark reports from a recent North Island coffee meeting (but unfortunately no photos):There were 14 cars. Some I had never seen before including 2 dudes from the base with their “new to them” Carrera S and Cayman S. True devotees. The Nickels were both there with their cars and enthusiasm. There was another new fellow with a VERY nice 2016 Cayman GTS. I had never seen one before. He had some aftermarket side scoops on the rear side intakes. Looked great. Yuuup. Folks stayed more than 2 hours and seemed UP for anything. It was soooo fun.

“It's not just the cars, it's the people!” PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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May 26th saw the 2nd Time, Speed & Distance Club Rally start in Sooke where 14 pairs of drivers and navigators drove off in one minute intervals to travel anti-clockwise around the Marine Circle Route in 6 stages ending at the Arbutus Golf Club for a late lunch. There were quite a few first-time rally attendees who did very well, but Don Gosse & Glen Fraser (below left) took top honours this time with a fantastic score of only 46 penalty points over approximately 142km! In second place were Chris Drake & Klaus Kreye (93 points) and Garth Webber Atkins &d Rowland Atkins (99 points) came in 3rd. See the graph page for a break down of the results. Many thanks to event organisers Klaus Kreye and Glyn Trafford along with Glyn’s team at Apex Motorsports Group consisting of Tanya Trafford, Bart Vogelzang, Michael Immel and Andrew Grant. The next rally is being planned for around September 29th (maybe around the North Island over a weekend) and will be announced in Porscher.


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For some, race cars are loud, noisy things that are quite bothersome. For others, they sing the perfected melody of our favourite tune. Going to the race track is an in-your-face mind blowing experience. The sound of a car ripping by at full pull, the smells of burning tires, petrol, superheated brakes and your eyes attempting to follow cars zooming by. It is, for any car person, Mecca. This year, we had the extreme pleasure of experiencing the weekend of Grand Prix du Canada with Porsche Canada. For those of you unaware, this is the biggest weekend in racing in Canada, and for much of the world, one of the highlights of the Formula 1 racing season. For the Montréalais who love cars, it is the weekend where (it seems) every person from New York, Toronto, Ottawa, and all in-between, flock to Montreal to cruise around in their best cars, experience racing and party their faces off. It is, and always has been, my favourite weekend to be in Montreal... perhaps the only weekend in a calendar year where I would rather be here then anywhere else in the world. Sure, it does also bring a whole lot of tourists, overpriced food and traffic that is terrible, but you can't walk 5 feet without seeing a supercar, classic, or automotive enthusiast taking it all in - and for a petrolhead, this is just awesome to experience. Aside from all the mayhem that is brought to the city, going to the race is something entirely different. I had always wanted to go during my university years, but never had the opportunity. This year, Porsche Canada invited us to their VIP experience in the Elite Suites. The view spanning from pit lane, the grid, all the way down to Senna corner, with catering, bar and comfortable seating was the perfect place to take it all in. The thing that gets me all excited about this weekend is the feeling it brings to the city. It's a combination of the people the Formula 1 brings in, the fans, the manufacturers, the sponsors, teams, plus the people who just come to experience Montreal on F1 weekend, plus the influx (and just finally being brought out) of amazing cars to see. You could stay up all weekend, and every minute would be a different automotive story. Experiencing the race from the Porsche suite was something dreams are made of. We also had the opportunity to visit the Porsche pits, where we got up close and personal with the GT3 cars, drivers and teams. Did I mention these are the best sounding cars I heard all weekend? The weather was absolutely beautiful, the racing was fantastic to watch, and experiencing the Porsche GT3 Cup up close, made for a weekend we shall not forget. A huge thank you to Porsche Canada for organizing another unforgettable experience, and hosting us for the weekend. I couldn't think of a better way to do this weekend, then surrounded by P-car people. The perfect storm of motoring -- Montreal in summer, supercars on the streets, screaming flat sixes on Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and a new paddock experience from Porsche Canada connecting us perfectly to the racing weekend - the perfect summer weekend.

Peter Reid Owner of werksshop.com Certified Porsche fan Our unofficial Montreal reporter

Many thanks to Peter—enjoy his pictures overleaf PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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Springtime West Coast Drive 2019 On Friday, our first pickup point was at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith with 13 people and 7 cars. The weather was a warm and sunny morning, so with convertible tops down we wound our way for the next hour and a half, through Yellow Point, Cedar, Nanaimo Pkwy, into Lantzville, onto Nanoose and then Parksville. With a short stop we met up with the rest of our group of 12 people and 6 more cars at NoXcuses Motorsports Experience and Cafe. The next leg of our drive, 1 hour and 4 minutes, took us through Parksville, Qualicum Beach (almost a visit to Peter Beyeler) turning off the Old Island Hwy back to Qualicum and onto Hwy 4 west. Taking a side jaunt onto Gary Glover’s favorite road (I will keep it a secret Gary), then onto Port Alberni. We stopped at Little Bavaria Restaurant for a fabulous lunch of Pork Schnitzel etc. After our lunch, we continued on in 2 groups with Brad Blaney and myself as lead cars. The intent was to tour around Sproat Lake then back onto Pacific Rim Hwy west, and the cars following Brad seemed to do that without a problem, however I made a right turn instead of left and we ended up touring some properties for sale off of Sproat Lake! With an embarrassing U-turn for the lead car (me), we got back on our drive toward Ucluelet. Beautiful sunny skies, up and down the mountain passes and only a short stop at the construction at Kennedy Lake. After lots of windy twisty roads, we entered the parking lot of the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort just after 4pm. Total time from Ladysmith was 6 hours and 13 minutes. After we settled into the Resort, that evening some of us met for food and drinks in the lounge. Some people reported seeing a young bear running along the beach and past the resort. Saturday started a little cloudy then turned into a sunny afternoon, it was a relaxing day. Some of us went off to Tofino, stopping at Cox Bay for a walk on the beach to watch the surfers. Then onto a tour of the Tofino Brewing Company, after that some people went for lunch or a walk downtown Tofino. I went onto Tonquin Beach. On our way back into Ucluelet, Brad and I stopped in to investigate the newly established Pacific Rim Distilling in Ukee, which has some interesting products created by a young entrepreneur. After putting the cars to bed, we all met for a private function of drinks and a nice dinner in the Wine Cellar at the Resort. Still time for a walk around the Resort and down to Big Beach. For Sunday, we had an exceptional breakfast/brunch at Heartwood Kitchen in Ucluelet. Ian accommodated us with 2 sittings for those early risers and some of us sleepy heads. With an interesting menu from Eggs Benny to Ukee fried Chicken & French Toast and complimentary fruit trays, no one went hungry for the drive home. All in all I would like to thank all 27 people that joined Tracy and I in a wonderful drive to the West Coast. It was very nice to meet all of you. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable drive and weekend. Special Thanks to Brad Blaney for all his help in our adventure. It gives us some ideas for other multi-day drives, stay tuned.

Dan Bourlet Mid-Island Director


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2019 Quadra Discovery aka “Wendy’s Wild Weekend” The 2019 Quadra Discovery, aka “Wendy’s Wild Weekend” was well received. Thirteen members attended, with most from the southern part of Vancouver Island – Victoria, Mill Bay, Nanaimo and three from the Comox Valley. We started the day with a 15 minute ferry ride from Campbell River to Quathiaski Cove on Quadra Island, then a short visit to the Farmers Market before heading to lunch at the Heriot Bay Inn. In the afternoon, we arranged a private opening at the Nuyumbalees Cultural Center, Yaculta. We were greeted by one of the Band Council members who gave us a short presentation about the history of the museum. They had recently recovered some totem poles that had been taken from Quadra in the early 1900’s to as far away as Australia.

Before we checked in to Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge, we arranged a photo shoot of the cars and owners with Campbell River in the background. This year instead of doing a winery tour, we brought the wine to the social room at the Lodge and had our own wine tasting. Each couple brought a bottle of wine to share among the 13 of us, and it was very well received. Everyone appreciated being able to enjoy a beverage in the comfort of their own hotel. Dinner followed with a special dessert cake, “Amadeus” from a Viennese Café in Courtenay. The tour continued the next morning – first with breakfast followed by another Viennese Cake – this time “Sacher Torte” from the same Café in Courtenay. We spent the late morning walking around Rebecca Spit Provincial Park, then made a short pit stop at Heriot Bay Inn, a tour of Gowlland Harbour Resort and then April Point Resort. The general consensus was that April Point Resort would be a nice spot for next year’s Quadra Discovery. We wrapped up just in time for everyone to catch the 4pm ferry back to Campbell River. All the members appreciated the tour, and some suggested that next year could be a two night stay which would allow time for a visit to Cortez Island as well.

Paul Atterton North Island Director


More photos by Paul overleaf

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Not a VIR Event Contact VIR’s Tim Evans if you are going to this event. He is coordinating our Club’s attendance there

Click HERE to register

Mid Island Director Dan Bourlet, has organised a burger and drive night on Wednesday August 14th at 6pm. Here are the details that are shown in the MotorsportReg.com page for the event, click on this link to go there and register msreg.com/2019-burger-noxcuses Come join us for a BBQ dinner on Wednesday August 14, 2019 6pm at NoXcuses Motorsports Experience and Cafe, #1 464 Island Highway East, Parksville (location of Mid-Island Sunday Coffee meetings) After dinner we can go for a short drive around Parksville, Qualicum and surrounding area. The cost will be $20 per person and that includes choice of Hamburger, Cheeseburger or Veggie Burger, Potato Salad or Coleslaw, drink of Pop or Juice, bag of potato chips, plus condiments. For everything else, attendees must pay the establishment. Registration will close on midnight July 31, 2019.


Food shown are examples only

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Kailla Pilecki, our contact in the Canadian Cancer Society sent us a letter highlighting the Club’s impact on the Society from last year’s Black Rock event. Dear Vancouver Island Region Porsche Club of America members, As we kick off our 2019 camp season, we wanted to reach out and thank you for all your support in 2018. Last year, the weekend-long Blackrock Event in Ucluelet raised over $22,000 to support kids, teens, and families affected by childhood cancer and funded world-class childhood cancer research. Thanks to you, kids with cancer and their families get the chance to enjoy life and just be kids. Last year alone, you helped us send 163 Vancouver Island children to Camp Goodtimes. With all expenses paid, kids and families get to share days filled with games and activities in the sunshine. Camp Goodtimes hosted four Family Camps for 60 families in 2018, and we’re on track to do the same this year. Without your generosity, attending camp would simply be out of reach for many. Thank you for investing in an unforgettable and empowering experience for these children with such hardship in their lives.

“My three-year-old woke up on the final morning and announced that she wanted to stay at camp forever. As a family, we look forward to our time at camp. It is our time to talk, laugh, sing, play, cry, celebrate and remember. Each year we see our kids grow a little more from their experience at Camp Goodtimes. It is shaping who they are and who they will become.” – Jennifer, Camp Goodtimes parent In addition to supporting Camp Goodtimes, you have helped us invest $3.8 million in 2018 to childhood cancer research nationwide. This research contributed to ground-breaking clinic trials, which set out to compare the effects of different therapeutic interventions. One CCS funded clinical trial set a goal to learn more about blocking tumour growth in the aggressive cancer synovial sarcoma, which has a 50% mortality rate. Researchers found a combination therapies that both block the abnormal proteins, often found in sarcoma, and promote tumour cell death. Thank you for advancing this research and believing in our vision of a world in where no child or parent fears cancer. We look forward to collaborating with you again in the future! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Warmly, Kaila Pilecki Manager, Leadership Giving, Canadian Cancer Society 250-896-4024 or Kaila.pilecki@cancer.ca


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TO SHARE — ARNWORX TIMING BELT TENSION TOOL I have an Arnworx Timing Belt Tension Tool for 944s that I will share (no cost) with other members Contact Bill Brown william.bill.brown@gmail.com

FOR SALE—2009 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA S 997.2 52,000 km Sport Seats, Manual Sport Chrono + other extra options and service records Serious buyers only. $72,000 allanashcroft@shaw.ca WANTED - A 2006-2009 CAYMAN OR CAYMAN S Excellent condition, manual transmission, any colour Let me know what you have! Don Gosse myriad@telus.net call / text 250 893 1544

You may have seen Club member Mark Ferris at our events at VIMC with a camcorder. Why not take a peek at his YouTube Channel sometime? Click on the image to go there PORSCHER — JULY 2019

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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors Where



Up to 30%

Porsche Center Victoria


Parts & labour

RIBA Detailing Perfection


25% off published prices. 4 std pkgs or “a la carte”.

Garage Kings


Call Steve Hall for discount deals. Click on link

SHC Auto


Discounts on wheels/tires, ceramic coating, wraps/tints

Werks Canada


10% discount via PCAVANCOUVERISLAND19 code

Wingren Nufloors


Discount off all area rugs for VIR club members



10% discount, show your current PCA card


Description Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

elow are some Porsche related sites that club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor.

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums/ PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org/ See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com

Here are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com


http://www.nineapart.com http://malahatautoparts.com/parts-search http://forums.pelicanparts.com/porsche-911-used-parts-sale-wanted/


Page 39

Wendy Woodley in our Goodie Store has apparel and other club items for sale 1 VIR Jacket, black, ladies, large 1 VIR T-shirt, white, men’s, medium

$60 $25

1 VIR cap, black 1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, men’s, XX 1 Black-Rock sport-shirt, black, ladies, large 1 VIR Licence Plate Frame

$20 $20 $20 $5

Contact Wendy at goodiestore@virpca.org for further details If you are buying or selling something Porsche related, members can advertise for free here. Send your classified info to newsletter@virpca.org


PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations? Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details PORSCHER — JULY 2019

Page 40

Ongoing Cars and Coffee Times nd

North Island 2 Sat. of month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay Mid Island Sundays 10am, NoXcuses Café, #1-464 Island Hwy E, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria

Board Meeting Tuesday July 9

July 21-28

The meeting will be held in Victoria at the Uptown Shopping Centre Community Room. Arrive at 5.30pm if you want to eat (at your expense), the meeting starts at 6:30pm.

PCA Porsche Parade Boca Raton, Florida. Join some VIR members at Parade this year. Details at porscheparade.org

Contact Michael

Contact PCA Web

Burger Night Wed Aug 14

Aug 25

Join us for a BBQ dinner 6pm at NoXcuses Motorsports Experience and Cafe, #1 464 Island Highway East, Parksville. After, go on a short drive around Parksville, Qualicum and surrounding area. Registration via msreg.com/2019-burger-noxcuses

GAIN Vancouver Island Concours d'Elegance NOT a VIR organized event. The “old” Motor Gathering at the track has morphed into a Concours d'Elegance at Shawnigan Lake School. Details at islandconcours.com Show 'n Shine in Campbell River

Contact Dan

Contact Organisers

Aug 31 Sept 1

NOT a VIR organized event. Saturday Aug 31 evening drive and Show’n Shine Sept 1. Details at www.nicruisers.ca

Contact website

Sept 4-7

PCA Treffen Vermont

Contact PCA

Details at treffen.pca.org

New Member Social Sept 15

Cowichan Valley Golf & Country Club, Duncan. All members are welcome to attend. For new members, co-members and transfers-in, lunch is on the club! Registration msreg.com/2019-New-Member


Contact Garth

Page 41

VIR 3rd TSD Rally

Sept 29

Our 3rd TSD rally, details are still being worked out. Details and registration at MSR when ready

Contact Klaus

AGM - Proposed

Oct 13

Details TBA

Check www.virpca.org/virevents for latest event details


Page 42

Advertiser Index Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their dollars are well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA

000 Magazine MAC Renovations Villamar Wingren Flooring

Porsche Centre Victoria WeatherTech Canada Jason Good Custom Cabinets

Commercial advertisement space is available. The following current rates are applicable:-

Porscher is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region and is published approximately monthly.

$210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card

EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor.

Please contact the Editor for more information

COVER: Ross MacDonald’s 1979 911 SC Coupe at our Track Day

Copyright © 2019 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved. www.virpca.org

Click here for our Facebook Group page


SUBMISSIONS: Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Director at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. CREDITS :- Wyman Lee, Steve Fairbrother, Dan Bourlet, Brad Blaney, Paul Atterton, Peter Reid. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.


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