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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 24 Issue 1, February 2021

In This Issue Blair Cooper, VIR’s 25th Anniversary, Member Profile, Pedro’s Rip-Offs, Classifieds

Porscher Advertiser Index 000 Magazine

Porsche Centre Victoria


Jason Good Custom Cabinets

900 Degrees Pizza

Peninsula Flat Roofing

Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. CREDITS: Gary Glover, Wyman Lee, Pauline Rice, Steve Fairbrother. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.

Click here for our Facebook Group page

Advertising Rates $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER


Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright Š 2017-2021 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

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Cover Photo The 2020 Porscher covers and our 25th anniversary logo VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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President Tim Evans president@virpca.org

Vice President Garth Webber Atkins vicepresident@virpca.org

Secretary Ross Mosher secretary@virpca.org

Treasurer Trevor Ross treasurer@virpca.org

Director—Up Island Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island Dan Bourlet midisland@virpca.org

Director—South Island Imogen Burr southisland@virpca.org

Newsletter Chair Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org

Membership Chair Dan Schuetze membership@virpca.org

Rally Chair Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Competition Chair Vacant competition@virpca.org

Tech (Classics) Chair Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Past President John McGurran pastpresident@virpca.org

VIR Business meetings are normally held on the 2nd week of every month, refer to “Around The Bend” for dates and places. Meeting minutes are available upon request from the VIR Secretary VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By VIR President Tim



appy Birthday Vancouver Island Region! February 10th marks the 25th anniversary of us becoming a separate region. Formerly, the Island was part of the Canada West region. The 25th Anniversary Planning Committee has been working on a full schedule of events to celebrate this milestone and once we get the okay to get together again, we can look forward to some great events and drives.

and continue to regularly attend events.

Thank you Al Kyle for your article on Blair Cooper and how our region came to be. Congratulations to Klaus Kreye, who is now a member of the PCA national rally committee. Klaus has been Time, Speed & Distance (TSD) rallying for years in his specially built 944 and is responsible for reintroducing Club TSD rallies Special thanks to the original 1996 executive to the island in recent years. committee and supporters for their efforts in th making the Vancouver Island Region a reali- One of the initiatives the 25 Anniversary ty. Blair Cooper (President), Ernie Yakimo- Planning Committee took on was the creavich (Vice President), Al Kyle (Treasurer/ tion of a special anniversary logo for 2021, Membership), Art Brendon (Secretary/ which is being revealed in this issue of the Membership), Ernie Kowal (Competition), Ra- Porscher. chel Ray (Newsletter), Bryce Holtz (Director Now that January is behind us, I’m sure a lot at Large), and Wayne Ayers (Mid Island Di- of you are counting down the days when you rector). Ernie Kowal, Al Kyle and Ernie Ya- will get your Porsches on the road again, mykimovich all went on to take a turn as Club self included. Certainly, something to look President and along with Bryce Holtz and forward to. Until then, please take care and Wayne Ayers are still members of our region stay safe..

By Porscher Editor


Steve Fairbrother

t is pretty hard to find articles nowadays for Porscher, especially as we are not holding events where we gather and socialise and I can take photos to share with all the members. Also, you may have noticed but I am not mechanical at all and so cannot contribute from that angle to Porscher.

However, from the 570+ members we have, I am sure that between us, a few of our members can put pen to paper or hand to keyboard and send us a few paragraphs on their Porsche enhancements, their solved problems, their pet peeves and of course their best road trips and photos! So please, think about contributing to Porscher and share those experiences with your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. We also love reading our members’ profiles, so also send us your Porsche related history. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By PCA Zone 6 Representative

Mark Prusynski

Most of us were ready to say “good riddance” to 2020 and look forward to the New Year, but it didn’t start well. We learned that the first President of Vancouver Island Region, Blair Cooper, passed away after a battle with cancer. I cope with sad news of someone’s passing with fond memories of the good times. I’m sure I met Blair, since he and I were presidents of our respective regions at the same time, but I can’t remember a funny story about him. I’ll substitute a story about a President of the Canada West Region, John Macfarlane. Please don’t factcheck me. I met John at the 2010 Escape to Sun Peaks. Escapes were predecessors to Treffens and some included a golf “tournament”, so I took my clubs in the Cayman. Our foursome consisted of me, John and two other Canadians. The course was very mountainous and we had seen bears several times over the weekend, usually from a safe distance. One parthree hole required a shot across a heavily wooded ravine. The other three golfers hit and were waiting for me. In the middle of my backswing they all yelled “BEAR”! I stopped in mid-swing, thinking that they were messing with me, but looked up to see a bear on the tee box in front of me. One of the Canadians told us to stand tall, yell and wave a club to scare the bear off. Instead, John jumped in the cart and was ready to leave without me. I asked for a longer club. Despite our efforts, the bear just stared at me. A man came out of a nearby house, where a golden retriever was barking furiously, and said the bear had discovered a bee hive in his eave the night before and was coming back to finish off the honey. I asked if his dog would chase the bear and he replied, “not this one, but I’ve got one that will.” He took the golden inside and released a Bernese Mountain Dog with a “get him.” Of course, I was between the bear and the dog and the dog seemed ready to attack me. He must have caught the scent of the bear, because he stopped his attack on me, sniffed and took off after the bear. They ran into the ravine, the same ravine that we needed to cross to complete the round. It took me a long time to compose myself, but I managed to get the ball on the green. As I got back to the cart, John admitted that he was ready to abandon me because he knew he was the slowest in the group and we all know the joke about not needing to outrun the bear if you can just outrun someone else. It was a little spooky from there driving the cart down into the ravine, but the rest of the round was not at all memorable, just like most of my golf. Treffen Scottsdale is still scheduled for early May and we may have a solid contingent from Zone 6. Linda and I are planning to drive her new Macan to French Lick, Indiana, in July for Parade. The first French Lick Parade was one of few we missed and it received rave reviews. We expect the same this year. Every region is planning our events for the year and hope that we are able to partake, including a trip to Sun Peaks. Enjoy socially distant Valentine’s Day greetings and we’ll see you in the Zone. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By Vice President Garth

Webber Atkins

Now that the days are getting longer, and it sometimes doesn’t rain, I feel like we are emerging from the long dark of Moria. Not only from winter, but from 2020. I can see light, and I feel hope. Vaccinations have started, there’s a plan for the rest of us, and it seems possible that we might get to actually, not just virtually, hang out and have some fun. We have not been idle over the winter, though. We are making good progress on the new web site, and hope to have it ready near the end of February. Karl Hoener is building a custom web application that will allow the Webmaster to easily add new information and events, and to edit content. It means that our Webmaster does not need to be proficient in WordPress or some other content management software. Our new website will be hosted by Karl’s company, Comtech Advanced Software Technologies. We are fortunate to have Karl’s skills and experience on this project. I think we particularly benefit from his keen interest in being on the leading edge of website design, and nudging us that way too. I am quite looking forward to seeing what you think of the cool things he has done, once it’s ready.

Editor — In the AGM report for the last issue of Porscher, we omitted to mention Dave Goede who participated on the web committee, our apologies to him. Also Dave Nickel is the correct spelling for our current Webmaster, apologies to him too!

If you are looking for or selling something Porsche related, PCA members can advertise for free in Porscher. Send your classifieds to newsletter@virpca.org VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By Membership Chair Dan


Membership Report January 1st 2021


ancouver Island Region has 571 members. We have 349 primary members and 222 affiliate or family members. PCA has 88,401 primary members, 48,172 affiliate members and 17 life members for a total of 136,590 members.

New Members to VIR — Welcome! Member


Location / From


Dr Bruce Monkhouse


2021 911 Carrera 4S

Alex Moret


1968 911

Ladysmith Upper Canada Rennsport

1997 911 SC 2006 911 Carrera 4S 2014 Cayman

Trevor Sheck Robert Rames Dale Windle

Wendy Scheck Susan Fischlin





Transfer in/out:


Membership Anniversaries in December & January – Congratulations!

25 Years:

Robert Evans, Jonathan Evans, Patrick Davidson

15 Years:

Alistair Crooks, Catherine Gillis-Crooks

10 Years:

Murray Church, Didier Moinier, Maxine Moinier

5 Years:

Steve Peers, Jennifer Peers, Richard Gordon, Cindy Gordon, Martin Jeffery, Susan Jeffery, Tom Rivers, Cheryl Rivers

1 Year:

Rosanne Fletcher, Ian Fletcher, Murray Erasmus, Robert Hehn, Eric Du Preez


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Long time VIR member Irwin Axness celebrated his 40th anniversary with PCA last year (as we reported back in the September 2020 issue of Porscher). Irwin shared his PCA celebratory documentation with us and we are happy to show the members of VIR on his behalf. Congratulations again Irwin, we are all glad to have you as a long time member of the Club!


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By Porscher Editor

Steve Fairbrother

Here are our member location demographics taken from the database information that we regularly receive from PCA. If you have not entered your car info (model, colour etc), you can do that at your www.PCA.org account page under Edit then Membership.


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Here are some statistics showing the towns where members live along with the counts of members there and the spread of colours for all our Porsches. I had to group the wonderful and exotic colours that Porsche offer for all the models into the more mundane usual rainbow colours, otherwise the list would have been quite long! My apologies if the counts do not match today’s membership numbers, the number crunching was done with whatever data I had at the time. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By VIR President Tim


I’m sorry to announce that Blair Cooper, our very first VIR Club president in 1996, passed away recently after a long battle with cancer. I know a lot of our long-time members will remember Blair, his wife Sandy and their beautiful 74 Ducktail Carrera ‘74 COOP’, which he was still driving until recently. They relocated to the Fraser Valley several years ago.

As part of our 25th anniversary, we are presenting all our past presidents with a framed copy of the charter, as recognition of their service to the Club. When I was made aware of Blair's situation by Gary Glover last year, we made arrangements for Gary to present Blair with his award at his home late last year. Blair Cooper Since then, Blair and I corresponded and he sent me some notes about his experience in being a part of the Club and the creation of the Vancouver Island Region, which we will publish in the Porscher this year. The Club has sent a note of condolences, along with flowers to Sandy. I've included the contents of my note and Sandy's response, which I think you will get a chuckle out of. I look forward to meeting her when we get together for the 25th anniversary celebration later this year. “Sandy, please accept our deepest sympathies from myself, the executive and the members of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America on Blair's passing. Be-

Blair’s 1974 Carrera — ‘74 COOP’ VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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ing a newer member of the Club I never had the opportunity to meet Blair in person but we did exchange a few emails last year about our upcoming 25th anniversary and his role in the creation of our region in 1996. I have received many emails from his cohorts back in the day including Ernie Yakimovich, Al Kyle, Bryce Holtz, and Wayne Ayers, who all spoke fondly of their memories of Blair and their time together with the Club and starting our region. The Club continues to grow and now has over 500 members. He will certainly be missed. We plan on paying tribute to all our past presidents during our anniversary year and Blair will be at the top of our list.”

Sandy's reply: Thank you so much for reaching out. I’ve read this out loud to him as I believe he can hear me. I am still a member so I would love to come to the 25th anniversary on his behalf if that is possible. I think he would like that. Thank you again for taking the time to send your sympathy to our family. He was such a kind and gentle man who loved his Porsche. I’ve always said my husband had the best mistress ever. She stayed in the garage, made sure he was home to me after their outings, and never made me feel she was trying to take him away from me even though I knew he loved her dearly. Now I believe she will miss his loving caresses and attention as much as I will. Thank you again,. Sandy "It's the cars that bring everyone together, but it's the people that make the Club so special" Take care everyone.

Blair receiving his framed copy of the Club’s Charter, from past president Gary Glover


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Porsche is celebrating the 25th birthday of its roadster family with an anniversary model: the Boxster 25 Years. The limited edition is restricted to 1,250 units and is based on the GTS 4.0 model which is powered by a 4 litre six-cylinder boxer engine with 294 kW (400 PS). It makes reference to numerous design features of the Boxster concept car that heralded the success story of the open-top twoseater at the 1993 Detroit Motor Show. The production version was launched in 1996 with hardly any changes in its visual appearance and is now in its fourth generation after production of more than 357,000 units. One of the most striking features of the special model is the reinterpreted colour Neodyme, a copper-like shimmering brown, which provided an exciting contrast to the basic GT Silver Metallic colour on the pioneering 1993 showpiece. In the special edition, it is used on the front apron, the side air intakes with mono bar as well as for the lettering and the two-tone 20-inch alloy wheels. Porsche is offering the Boxster 25 years in GT Silver Metallic although Deep Black Metallic and Carrara White Metallic are also available. Another striking element can be found on the fuel filler cap, which is enhanced by Porsche script from the Exclusive Design range. This shines in an aluminium look as do the high-gloss tailpipes of the sports exhaust system while the windscreen surround is finished in contrasting Black. In keeping with the style of the historic original, the special model combines a Bordeaux leather interior with a red fabric convertible top. The convertible top bears embossed Boxster 25 lettering. Both are also available in Black. An interior package in Aluminium, 14-way electrically adjustable sports seats, door sill trims with “Boxster 25" lettering and the heated GT multifunction sports leather steering wheel are just some of the features on the new model’s extended VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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standard equipment list. Porsche is offering the Boxster 25 years with a manual six-speed transmission and a sevenspeed Porsche dual-clutch transmission (PDK). The special-edition model reaches a top speed of 293 km/h and, in combination with the PDK gearbox and standard Sport Chrono package, sprints from zero to 100 km/h in four seconds. Other standard features include Porsche Active Suspension Management sports suspension (PASM), which is 10 millimetres lower, and Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV) with mechanical limited-slip differential. They combine remarkable ride comfort and sporty, dynamic handling. The new Boxster 25 years is available to order now and will roll into dealerships from the end of March 2021. Further details are available from Porsche.

All Text and photos courtesy of Porsche.com


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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too! Below are some photos from recent meetings, please feel free to send in yours, especially from Mid Island and North Island!

Up Island

2nd Sat. of month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria

Peninsula Flat Roofing

Roofing Services

www.peninsulaflatroofing.com andrew@peninsulaflatroofing.com

Commercial & Residential, New construction, Emergency repair, SBS (modified bitumen roofing) / torch on roofs Re-roofing, Re-sloping, Torch on gutters, Flashings

Andrew Ellington 250 208 1932 VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By VIR Member Al


I was saddened to hear of the passing of Blair Cooper. I could not help but recall all of the good times Blair shared with fellow enthusiasts, not only before we worked to establish what became a Chartered Region of the Porsche Club of America, but also after VIR-PCA became a reality. In those early days the moniker, “Island Porsche”, was how the Canada West Region identified the group of CWR members located on Vancouver Island. Just how Island Porsche came to be a PCA Region is not a mystery to those of us who were involved way back then. As the Zone 6 Rep., Dick Grant, succinctly pointed out after a couple of years of enjoying a number of our events and being plugged into what we were doing whenever a group of us interacted with other PCA Regions in our Zone, Island Porsche was doing everything a PCA Region would do. That then was the motivation of Dick Grant to encourage “us” to apply to become a PCA Region, with the caution that it might take the PCA National Executive a couple of Parades before they would warm up to granting us a “Charter”. With that in mind, with Blair as the unanimously “elected” President of “VIR-PCA In Waiting”, a cohort of Island Porsche members descended upon the PCA Parade held in Portland in the mid-1990s as that seemed the fun thing to do. One can only imagine the surprise when Dick Grant informed us after that Parade wound up in Portland that Island Porsche had been granted its Charter to be known as the “Vancouver Island Region-PCA”.

the early years were quite involved in organizing and running events and activities that welcomed everyone who owned a Porsche on Vancouver Island as a participant. An active cohort of participants enjoyed activities and Al Kyle events held locally, traveled to inter-regional Zone 6 events, attended PCA Parades and vintage car races on the West Coast. All this was what led to Island Porsche becoming VIR-PCA. It was the active participation, rather than merely showing up at events and activities, that made the difference and earned the Porsche enthusiasts, who were involved in helping create Island Porsche, being worthy of being a PCA Region.

Blair, EK, myself and EY, as the first four Presidents of VIR-PCA, smile at what has evolved to be what you today recognize as VIR-PCA. I have enjoyed sitting on the sidelines watching successive Presidents and their executive move things forward and to broaden the scope of activities to be more inclusive of the interests of all members. I am very pleased to witness how welcoming and diverse the membership is and how representative of our membership our executive has become. My daughter witnessed firsthand the welcoming support of members at the Driver Education Event at the 2006 Parade upon returning to the pits after spinning out my 944 Turbo at speed on the front straight in front of EK in his 914 and others who were just watching in the stands. I see Blair Cooper, like Ernie Kowal, myself and that same sort of interaction between memErnie Yakimovich, together with a number of bers today at events, and how welcoming others, were a few of the enthusiasts, who in members are of new members – that truly VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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validates the notion that it is all about the people, and not the cars that makes being a participant at VIR-PCA events and activities fun. Blair, like a few of us, I guess can be saddled with the moniker of being the founders of VIR-PCA. However, it is really the active members that are the foundation of every PCA region. Blair Cooper was one of those car-guys you could not help but like and to truly enjoy spending time with. Blair will be missed, but never forgotten, by those who had the pleasure of spending time with him doing car-guy things we all enjoy so much. It was a surprise to realize, when members were having a social hour together while at the 2006 Parade in Portland, that every President of VIR-PCA was in that room – a fact that the National Executive took delight in mentioning at the banquet dinner later that evening. I believe that was the first time that had ever occurred at a Parade. There was something else that happened at the 2006 parade that has never been duplicated as far as I know. Even now I cannot help but smile thinking about the fun we had doctoring up the toothy smile on the fullsized Disney characterization of a 911 pro-

duced by the factory as marketing prop for the movie “CARS”. That “CAR” was proudly on display in the lobby so that everyone attending Parade could grab a photo of it to show to their grandchildren when participants returned home – “CARS” being a box office hit with grandchildren. It took the PCA organizers days to discover the black tape we put over some of the teeth to modify the appearance of the toothy smile somewhat! I somehow think our constant posing for photographs with that prop car and our chuckles may have been our undoing! There are other stories, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy and those will likely be the memories that will cause the smile on my face as I draw my last breath! Oh; we did have fun! Hopefully each member, in their later years, will also have cause for smiles and memories as I have today of those members I shared the enjoyment of being active participants of what is VIR-PCA. Those are memories I am glad I created; and the reason why I endeavor to create more such memories now. And with that, when you see me with a smile on my face at events and activities, you may better understand why – I am having fun just being a participant!

PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations? Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details


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By VIR President / Vice President Tim

Evans / Garth Webber Atkins

In recognition of VIR’s 25th Anniversary, the Club’s Executive created a special logo to use for the duration of the year. This is the result of a three-month process during which Executive and 25th Anniversary Committee members submitted ideas, and two graphic artists translated those ideas into drawings, providing some additional choices themselves. The

25th Anniversary Committee selected three options to go to the Executive Committee for discussion and ultimately a vote by the Board of Directors. The 25th Anniversary logo selected is a variation on the regular VIR logo, with the gold replaced by silver to reflect the traditional observance of a 25 th Anniversary as a “Silver Anniversary”. Thanks to Jamie Renney from Original Fire Creative Studio for the winning design, which was one of many and also to Declan Dinnage in the Graphics department of Renoson Industries Ltd. for his designs. This logo, along with other designs from both designers, will be used on apparel and other items over the course of the year.


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Rip-offs Few things tick me off more than seeing people getting ripped off by false promises. This happens every single day and all around us. Every now and then I’ll get a call from someone who wants to find out more about a particular product for his Porsche, or better yet, wants to find out if a vendor’s claims are true, and the three most common are: High-flow air filters, Low-temp thermostats and high HP mufflers. Let’s start with the first: HighFlow Air Filters. These are generally marketed as lifetime filters. They have a metallic screen mesh with woven in cotton fibers that are then impregnated with oil. They claim to improve automotive performance and increase HP because they flow more air. But here’s the other side of the story. If a filter passes more air than the OEM it means that it has larger holes. Larger holes also let more dirt through which is not good for the engine. Small droplets of the oil that impregnates the filter’s mesh and are supposed to catch the unwanted particles, get picked up by the incoming air and end up on the Mass Airflow Sensor’s surfaces, eventually damaging it or hampering its ability to “read” the correct amount of incoming air which is shared with the car’s computer in order to maintain the optimum mix of air/gas.

Their claims of better filtration are not real. You can do a simple test. Clean the inside of your car’s air intake system, from the air filter housing to the throttle body. Install a new OEM foam/paper filter and drive normally for 30 days. Inspect the intake system and wipe clean with some white-colored paper towels. Keep the used towels for later comparison. Now, with the intake clean again, install a new Hi-Flow, oiled air filter and again drive normally for 30 days. Go back and wipe clean your intake system with fresh white paper towels and compare with the previously used towels from the previous 30 days. I guarantee that you will clearly see the difference, in favor of the OEM foam/paper filter. As per the more horsepower claims, the ONLY way to make more horsepower in an internal combustion engine is by passing more air through it. But the filter is NOT what dictates the VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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amount of air that reaches the engine. That’s the function of the throttle body. The TB is the limiting or restricting piece in the flow of air. Making that claim is akin to saying that if you drink from a larger container you can drink more water. The amount of water you can drink is restricted by your throat’s size. You can’t drink more than your throat will pass even if you drank from a 5 gallon bucket. So, why would anyone want to install an aftermarket filter that passes more dirt to the engine, fouls the MAF and doesn’t allow more air into the pistons? Tandem to the Air Filters is usually a “cold air intake” kit. First of all, all modern Porsches already have a cold air intake, meaning that the air that reaches the filter and then the engine comes from outside of the engine bay, hence “cold”. Many times these “cold air intakes” actually are the contrary as they allow hot air from the engine bay to get to the engine. The colder the air, the more dense it is and the more power it can make. My second pet peeve is the Low Temp Thermostat. These claim that it will keep your Porsche’s engine running cooler and hence, better. It will do neither. The thermostat in your house can keep the house cooler when you dial down the temperature. This is so because it keeps the A/C compressor running longer and pumping in more cold air. But in your Porsche (or any water-cooled car for that matter) the thermostat doesn’t work that way. Automotive thermostats are a simple valve that can only be open or closed, period. When you start your cold Porsche in the morning, the thermostat is closed. It stays closed so that the small amount of coolant in the engine is circulated within the engine and can warm up to operating temperature quickly. Once this coolant reaches the optimal temp, lets say 185 degrees F, the thermostat opens and allows the coolant to travel to the radiators and back to the engine and maintain it’s optimal temperature. If you are stuck in traffic and there’s no airflow through the radiators you’ll notice the engine’s temp will rise a bit, so the car turns on its radiator fans to force air through the radiators and keep the coolant’s temp where it should be. But installing a lower-temp thermostat, for instance, a 165 degree F, will not keep the engine cooler, in fact the only thing it will do is open before the engine reaches its operating temperature. After it gets to 165 degrees it stays open and has no more temperaturecontrolling ability. It’s up to the radiator fans and or your speed through the air to maintain VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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the engines temp. So, why would anyone dish out their hard-earned money and install a generally more expensive thermostat that will just keep the car from warming up sooner? Some of the vendors that offer these low temp thermostats will tell you that the OEM 185 degree thermostat won’t fully open until it reaches 200 degrees and that’s why you need the cooler one. If your thermostat takes that long to open, replace it with another OEM piece. Your car will appreciate it. The third (and not the least) of my aftermarket pet peeves is the aftermarket mufflers that claim better horsepower because the have better air flow. In the exhaust system, the only part that can effectively improve the car’s performance independently of the rest of the system is a set of equal length headers because they can reduce wasted energy from a standard exhaust manifold. But a muffler by itself (the silencers) can only modify the final sound you hear as the gasses flow out into the atmosphere. A super efficient muffler cannot improve your car’s airflow because, as we now know, that can only happen by installing a larger throttle body. What many aftermarket exhausts do for a Porsche is reduce its horsepower and introduce droning. There is a lot of acoustical work and engineering that goes into designing and manufacturing a sports car muffler and generally the OEM is the one that makes the best exhaust for a particular car. The original Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) is a superior product that I can highly endorse. It has valves that open or close depending on the engine’s performance and allow more gasses to bypass the muffler and thus free up backpressure. When the engine is not being taxed, the valves close and all is quiet. There are several aftermarket brands that offer excellent exhaust systems as well, but they are very expensive since they are usually made from exotic materials such as carbon fiber, titanium, etc. When purchasing performance products for your Porsche do your homework and don’t get ripped off. Happy Porsche’ing,


For more information on all things Porsche, please visit my website: www.PedrosGarage.com Ⓒ2018 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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By VIR member Pauline


I’ve been a member of this Club for approx. 3 + years, ever since I had a VIN I could enter on the application. I have loved cars ever since I started driving at age 16 and have owned a long list of them: 2 VW Beetles, Austin Mini, a Datsun, 2 Triumph Spitfires, 14 passenger Dodge van, AMC Pacer, 2 Ford Broncos, 2 BMW 3-series cabriolets, numerous vans, Honda Civic & Pilot, Mazda 3 & 6, Kia Rio, Cadillac, 3 Ford Rangers, Austin 1800, Jeep YJ and an Oldsmobile Firenza (one of the few cars I bought brand new and definitely, worst car ever made).

Pauline Rice

The last 25 years, I’ve always owned 2 cars, a truck and a convertible, but somehow since moving to Port Alberni, my car collection has grown and I am now buying my 8th car. Currently I have a Mazda Miata MX5, Jaguar X-Type, BMW X5, Kia Forte, Suzuki Grand Vitara, Ford F-150 Lariat, Porsche Boxster and I am buying a Mini Cooper. I buy off Craigslist and do at least 6 months of research of consumer reviews, etc of year and model before I buy. I belong to the Miata Club, Jaguar Club and will join the Mini Car Club when I pick up my car. When I lived in the lower mainland I belonged to the BMW Club for several years and went on fun drives with them, notably the annual Duffy Lake Run. When I turned 55, I learned to ride a motorcycle and belonged to the Goldwing Road Riders Assn. (GWRRA) and was the only woman member of thousands of names in their North America wide book of members. Flying interests me (it’s the only thing even more exhilarating than riding a heavy bike) and I took flying lessons when we lived in Langley. Back to the Porsche. I bought it because the early models (1956) reminded me of my Mother’s convertible Karmann Ghia, which she drove my entire childhood. My VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Boxster is a 1998 manual with cruise control. Besides a few minor things I had to fix right away, I have added Fischer folding beverage cups and a hard top for winter driving as I don’t believe in garaging them, but believe cars are meant for driving, whatever the weather. Two cars I plan to add after the Mini are a Land Rover HSE and a V-12 DB7 Aston Martin Volante, the convertible Vantage. That last one is thanks to Wyman Lee who inspired my interest in both the car and the Club, AMOC (Aston Martin Owners Club). If I win the lottery, I’ll be building a 10 car garage first thing and buying at least one more Porsche and one more Jaguar. Life is short; do what you love. That’s why at almost 69, I still work full time as a realtor and property manager; it’s so I can pay for the insurance and maintenance of my fleet ! Carpe diem.

Dan Bourlet invited Pauline Rice to submit her profile. Thanks to both Dan and Pauline.


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Note: The PCA discount can only be applied to one order per year



FEBRUARY 2021 Page 34


f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.

Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors




Up to 30%

Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

Porsche Center Victoria

Up to 15%

15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts

Werks Canada


Discount via VIPC16 code



Show your current PCA card


At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2021- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.

Pelican Parts



elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor.

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org

See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com





FEBRUARY 2021 Page 35

FOR SALE — Air Filter Housings Perfect set of Porsche 912 Knecht air filter housings $375 bargain price. John Clark


FOR SALE — VDO Speedometer Fully functioning factory Porsche VDO speedometer, good condition. Price is firm, please reply with name and phone number, thanks $350 David Barss

250 216 5782

FOR SALE - Porsche Cup 2 wheels

Factory set of 17 inch genuine Porsche Cup 2 wheels, good condition, brand new centre caps. Recently removed from my 964 (not for sale!) Front 7 inch, 47 offset, rear 9 inch 55 offset. Reply with name and phone number

$1,100 David Barss 250 216 5782

FOR SALE — VDO Tachometer Fully functioning Porsche VDO tachometer in good condition. Please reply with name and phone number thanks, $380 David Barss 250 216 5782


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FOR SALE — Front window seal For 1978-87 911 SC , 2 vent window seals (new) & 2 mirror gaskets 2 Door channel felts. Misc other rubber parts $ 170 total Steve Cropper 250 752 1510

FOR SALE — Christophorus magazines ALMOST complete collection of “Porsche Christophorus” magazines. Prefer to sell entire collection or will consider individual sales. All in good/very good condition. John Clark clev@shaw.ca

FOR SALE — Front Fairing Fits 1985-1989 911’s newly painted by Terminal Auto in Arctic White. Perfect condition $400 Steve Cropper 250 752 1510

FOR SALE — 993 front brake air intake High quality fibreglass air intake for Porsche 993 front brake cooling with functioning Narva bright lights. Like new, compare pricing at Pelican $350 US each. Painted Arena red, removed from my 993 turbo. A very sexy and functional addition. Pelican part information at tinyurl.com/ai-barss2 $250 Reply with name and phone number, thanks. David Barss carrera@shaw.ca VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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964 Muffler $200

Boxster 2.7 cats $300

911 3.2 cat $150

996 Pans Offers?

944 balance shafts Offers? Front number shocks, Offers? Reply to Peter Beyeler 911 Alternator (986/996) $250

250 752 7430

Starter $200. Balance Offers? VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

FEBRUARY 2021 Page 38

911/04 3.6S Offers?

Turn signal parts Offers

Reply to Peter Beyeler 250 752 7430

Headlights 74-89 Offers

Rear spacers 911 78/89 $70 930 Intake $250 VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

FEBRUARY 2021 Page 39

FOR SALE — 911 Fog Lights 1984-1989, perfect condition $900 (Pelican price $1600!) Steve Cropper

250 752 1510

FOR SALE - 993, 964 front air intakes High quality fibreglass air intake for front brake cooling with functioning Narva bright lights. Like new, compare pricing at Pelican $350 US each. Painted Arena red, removed from my 993 turbo. A very sexy and functional addition. Reply with name and phone number, thanks $250 David Barss 250 216 5782

WANTED <<<< 911 Strut Brace Looking for front shock tower brace for 1984 Carrera. Please let me know if you have one for sale, any condition

Air cooled 911 tool kit >>>> Looking for a Porsche factory tool kit for aircooled era, these always seem to disappear from 911's, please let me know if you have one for sale, thanks! David Barss 250 216 5782


FEBRUARY 2021 Page 40

Up Island Mid Island South Island

Wed Feb 3 7pm

Thursday Feb 11 7pm

Thursday Mar 11 7pm

Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

2 Sat. of month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay. Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd

What Year Is That 911? (Part 2) — Zoom

This online meeting will be a discussion by VIR member and Porsche Centre Victoria’s Tyson Johnson. The models from 1999 to present. Will be discussed. Registration at msreg.com/what911-2

Club Executive/Business Meeting — Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting will be held via Zoom conference. If you wish to join, advise our Secretary (Ross Mosher) so we have an idea on online capacity.

Club Executive/Business Meeting — Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting will be held via Zoom conference. If you wish to join, advise our Secretary (Ross Mosher) so we have an idea on online capacity.

Contact Garth

Contact Ross

Contact Ross

Future Events

Listed below are some of the events that the Club would like to hold up to the end of June, but COVID / BC Health protocols are preventing them currently. We shall advise members if anything changes and our events open up. March — Guest Speaker Social April — Spring Fling (Cowichan Valley), Fairwinds Lunch & Drive, Gimmick Rally, May - Shawnigan Lake Drive, Black Rock, June — 25th Anniversary Picnic, Women’s Drive

If you are looking for or selling something Porsche related, PCA members can advertise for free in Porscher. Send your classifieds to newsletter@virpca.org VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

FEBRUARY 2021 Page 41

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