Porscher 2021 12

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 24 Issue 10, December 2021

Porscher Advertiser Index 000 Magazine

Porsche Centre Victoria


Jason Good Custom Cabinets

900 Degrees Pizza

Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. PHOTO CREDITS: Garth Webber Atkins, Tim Evans, Steve Peers, Trevor Ross and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.

Click here for our Facebook Group page

Advertising Rates $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER


Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2021 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

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928 “NOOB”













Cover Photo 2021 Covers By Steve VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

28 December 2021 Page 4


Vice President



Garth Webber Atkins president@virpca.org

Sam Auerbach secretary@virpca.org

Director—Up Island

Steve Peers vicepresident@virpca.org

A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island

Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org

Detlef Ehrhardt midisland@virpca.org

Director—South Island

Newsletter Chair

Ron Dempsey southisland@virpca.org

Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair

Membership Chair

Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org

Kathleen Short membership@virpca.org

Rally Chair Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Tech / Classics Chair Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Competition Chair

Past President

Vacant competition@virpca.org

Tim Evans pastpresident@virpca.org

The VIR Executive meets on the 2nd week of every month, see “Around The Bend” for details. Please contact the Club Secretary for meeting minutes or to attend. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 5

President, Garth


Webber Atkins

funds and donations of toys for Santas Anony-

hope that VIR members have fared rea- mous.



sonably well through the havoc wrought helps families with children by Nature over the last few weeks, and in need of food, Christmas

that any damage suffered is minor or repair- gifts, and other supports. I able. I imagine that we have all been myself look forward to at-

touched in some way, whether it was a wet tending,



basement, a long wait on the Malahat, long time in person with memlineups for gas, or putting off trips to save bers of both clubs, and helping out this worgas. As with the pandemic, we continue to thy cause. learn about the ripple effects of interrupted industry or transportation.

Many of us will honour or celebrate this special time of year in ways that were different

Although my family experienced a flooded than what we intended, whether due to basement, we recognize that were spared health regulations, travel restrictions, fuel worse, as we still have somewhere to live, shortages, or homes that no longer lend

and that many do not. We will be thinking of themselves to the gathering of friends and them through the days and months ahead. As the gentlemen collecting donations put it in “A Christmas Carol”, “…it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt…”. In the spirit of easing that Want, I am proud that

family. My wish for all of you is that you find peace and joy in some way, and ideally in many ways this festive season. I suspect that, for some, one of those ways might involve a little drive in a Porsche on a nice day!

Vancouver Island Region is joining forces Best of the season to you, with the European Car Club this year to raise



December 2021 Page 6

Porscher Editor, Steve



his is the season for goodwill and many of you know that I also put in a fair number of volunteer hours behind the scenes on the computer system at CFAX Santas Anonymous. Santas is a great charity that doesn’t just provide food and gift hampers for families in need at this time of the year, but they provide monetary support all year round for groups that do great things for many sorts of organisations around the Greater Victoria area. So I was wholeheartedly behind our new South-Island Director’s idea of a holiday dinner in conjunction with the European Cars & Coffee group he organises with any donations from attendees going to Santas Anonymous. So although you can drop new toys off at SA’s temporary storefront at Broadmead, donating money goes WAY further for them as they have the better buying power from stores like Toys-R-Us and Canadian Tire etc. So please consider coming to the Holiday Dinner soon as it is held on Sunday December 5th at Uplands Golf Course, register via our MSR page msreg.com/2021-Holiday-Dinner If you can’t make the dinner, you can still donate to Santas and get a taxable receipt here Donate to Santas with tax receipt. For article or photo submissions, anyone can contact me at my Club email of newsletter@virpca.org



December 2021 Page 7

PCA Zone 6 Representative Mark


Zone 6 Update


his will be my last newsletter contribution as Zone 6 Rep, after being asked, or possibly shamed, into writing articles by Peg Ryan of the Oregon Region. Zone Reps are limited to two terms of two years each. The last four years have been fantastic. Frankly, all the great events that PCA puts on are just a convenient excuse to engage with all the wonderful PCA members. Many years ago I got slammed for posting online that I had 50,000 friends in PCA. It was true then and now I have over 100,000. It’s also true that I haven’t met some of them yet, but I have time to fix that. The Zone Rep “job” in PCA is truly the best job in PCA. One of the “perks” of the Zone Rep job was the ability to combine region visits with family visits. In the past month, Linda and I were able to attend annual meetings of the Olympic Peninsula and High Desert Regions. They are two of our smaller regions, but both are doing well and are to be congratulated for continuing to keep the members engaged during the difficult times of the last couple years. The trip also allowed us to spend some time with family in Seattle and Portland. It is great to see that that all of our regions continue to increase membership. Retaining members is a sign of the hard work by all our volunteers. When I started back in 2018, we signed up for what is now called “Escape to Sun Peaks”, but couldn’t get across the border because we forgot our passports! We have already signed up for the next one in late July, 2022. We will bring passports and whatever else is required to get there. We finally have another Treffen coming to the Northwest, specifically to the Sunriver Resort just south of Bend, Oregon. September 14-18, 2022 is your chance to attend a national event close by. I am confident that it will sell out fast, possibly in minutes, so keep watching the PCA website for details. I don’t know who will succeed me yet, although the Executive Committee is close to a decision. I do know that the choice is a difficult one because both candidates will be an excellent Zone Rep. When I took over the job from Tim Hagner, he told me that every region in the Zone was in great shape. I was welcomed by everyone in all ten regions. Tim was correct. You folks are great. Happy holidays. I’ll see you next year in my unofficial capacity.

Mark Mark at VIR’s Black Rock in 2018


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Membership Chair, Kathleen


Membership Report November 1st, 2021


ancouver Island Region has 612 members. We have 373 pri-

mary members and 239 affiliate or family members. PCA has 93,451 primary members, 49,831 affiliate members and 21 life members for a total of 143,303 members.

New Members — Welcome! Member Peter Strathdee

Affiliate / Co-Member Location / From Campbell River/ Pacific Northwest Campbell River

Dana Borgfjord Bruce Sherwood

Jane Small Madelynn Sherwood

Victoria Victoria

Jennifer Ellis

Nanaimo North Saanich Victoria Victoria Wild Rose

Theodora Saddlemyer Steven Tuck Garry Foster Mark Dalton

Vehicle 1999 Boxster 1960 356 2009 911 Carrera 4 Cab 2012 Cayman 2005 Boxster 2007 Boxster 2005 911 Carrera S

If you do not have your partner/friend listed as an affiliate (18+ years old) on your membership, please contact PCA to add them, it’s free! You can do that via PCA admin at membership@pca.org or call them at 1-410-381-0911. Renewals Lapsed Transfer out PCA Juniors

16 0 0 35 (Register your new PCA Junior here)

Membership Anniversaries in November – Congratulations! 25 years: 15 years: 5 years: 1 year:

Paul Rossmo (though first joined PCA in 1981) Jack Beaton, Tyler Beaton, David Hoskins, Josephine Hoskins Julie Bailey Aurelie Stirling , Michael Junkin, Michelle Du Preez

Kathleen The VIR thanks Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 10

Vice President, Steve


I have been a member of the VIRPCA for the past 5 years when I joined the club after purchasing my 2008 911 Carrera S Cab as a retirement gift to myself following a 37 year career as Sales Executive in the Consumer Package Goods industry (Grocery). Originally from the West (Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver) it was time for my wife and I to say goodbye to Ontario and our small Equestrian horse farm and get back to the west to fulfill our dream to move to the Gulf Islands and purchased a property on little Mayne Island where we lived for the past 6 years. I have continued doing Business Advisory Consulting and Mentoring to the grocery industry in my 2nd half adventure (which helps pay for the oil changes and service schedule on the Porsche). Living on a small deserted island in the middle of the Pacific is highly rewarding watching orcas and ferries pass by your window, however not so conducive if you need to go anywhere in your Porsche! With the addition now of a small condo in Langford, it has now opened the door to participate in functions that otherwise were not logistically possible, hence my opportunity to be part of the Porsche Club in a much bigger way. Oh what a thrill it is to be able to shift out of second gear versus the small hilly roads on Mayne Island. The 25 Roads Challenge has been a life saver for me being isolated during COVID to be able to go in my safe car “bubble” and participate in the drives and stay out of harms way. Joining the Board is my way to give back to the Club in appreciation. I am excited to be joining the Board as Vice President and very much look forward to working with the Executive and all the members. My first project to get my feet wet is to Co -Chair the planned BlackRock 2022 event with Dan Bourlet. Hope to meet you soon. Good driving !

Steve Treasurer, AJ

Papp Having joined PCA in 2000, after my purchase of a 993, I moved to the South Island in 2017 bringing along my 2008 Basalt Black 997 Turbo. Noting how active the VIR region was, I transferred my PCA membership to VIR shortly after the move.


While not being very active in the club due to a severe golfing addiction, I noted that the Executive were wanting to fill the position of Treasurer and I offered my services. It is my pleasure to serve the club for the coming two years as your



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South Island Director, Ron


I've been a German car lover since the test drive of my first one in university, a 'Plain-Jane' VW Golf Mk2., Upon managing to acquire my first Porsche in 2014, I joined the PCA right away and have enjoyed every minute of it. I've taken part in all manner of PCA events, including many tours, driver's education, rallies and even drove my 356C to Rennsport V in Monterey, and still have the lower back issues as a reminder! I retired a few years ago after a long career around Canada and North America with a large IT company. Since then, I've been able to dedicate more time to my passion for cars, and started an informal group of European Car enthusiasts that has blossomed to well over 400 members for monthly coffee gatherings in Oak Bay during warmer months. I currently enjoy my '64 356C and my '87 Carrera, and hope one day to take European delivery of a Cayenne Coupe or Macan.

Ron Mid Island Director, Detlef


I studied IT-math in Munich, developed database systems for the European aircraft industry, the headquarters Pannavia / EVA, developer of the Tornado Eurofighter and representatives of the involved companies BAE / AIT / MBB and later CASA. After stressful years, I was able to immigrate to Canada, buy a resort in the Cariboo/BC - and set up a tourism company. Which I successfully managed for 15 years. After the sale my wife and I brought a house in Qualicum Beach and turned it to Charm of Qualicum B&B. After the death of my wife in March 2020 and 2½ years of agony in Germany, I returned to Canada, Nanoose Bay.

Secretary, Sam


Hello and thank you for having me as part of the group. I was able to realize a 15 year goal and purchase my very first Porsche, a 1989 928 S4 Euro version. I love the car and am constantly impressed with its handling, performance and comfort. I’m not mechanical per se but like to learn new things and have already fixed a few minor things. I look forward to getting to know the car that much better. I live in the South Island Region and hope to see more of the community from other parts, especially if we continue the 25 roads or something like it. What a fabulous idea. My wife and I welcomed our first born Jacob in November 2020, and he’s been a joy. He’s already picking up my bad habits. I work as a Mortgage Specialist for RBC and have spent my entire career in banking. I’m looking forward to taking part in and helping to plan events and will see you around the bend.


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Membership Chair, Kathleen


I’ve never been a car person and am new to the Porsche world. After 5 years of talking my husband out of buying a Porsche, COVID made me realize that the time to live was now and not wait until later. In May 2021 he found a 2014 Boxster he liked and bought but it turned out I liked driving it more than he did. So we transferred ownership to my name and I am loving my new-to-me car. Don’t worry about my husband, he bought himself a Porsche Cayenne a few months later. Originally from Montreal, I’ve lived in several provinces, had a variety of jobs and was posted to Germany in the 80’s, while serving in the Canadian Military. I moved to Victoria 26 years ago and recently retired from a federal government position, and am enjoying life with my 4 dogs, one cat and a very understanding, patient husband. I spend my time woodturning, knitting, enjoying cold water swims in our beautiful ocean, and of course, driving my Boxster. I am honoured to be appointed Membership Chair and hope to be a productive member of the team.


Courtesy Porsche.com Only the tenth in the world and third of its kind in North America after Atlanta and Los Angeles, the future Porsche Experience Centre Toronto will be located on a 20-acre site at Pickering, Ontario, which will feature more than 400,000 sq. ft. of retail space, a casino, a concert hall and a luxury hotel with more than 300 rooms in the future. The PEC Toronto is slated to open by 2024. The first “urban” version of the Porsche Experience Centre, it will be a brand park and major tourist destination where visitors can experience vehicle dynamics, technology, and emotion of Porsche sportscars first-hand with expert guidance from instructors through various driving modules all year long and within a 30minute drive of downtown Toronto. This domestic and international tourist destination will include a driving circuit over 2 kilometres in length, to highlight the prowess of the two and four-door sports cars in their ideal playground. Moreover, visitors will also be able to admire current and historic exhibition vehicles, stop by the café, and browse the Porsche shop. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Porscher Editor, Steve


Porsche launched 5 new models at the 2021 LA Auto Show recently. Short video here.

Article courtesy Porsche.com

718 Cayman GT4 RS & 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport The Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS is the new flagship model in the 718 family – an uncompromising driver's car designed to impress with its lightweight construction, extremely agile chassis tuning, sophisticated aerodynamics and unique soundtrack. On the Nürburgring Nordschleife, it outpaced its sibling, the 718 Cayman GT4, by more than 23 seconds with a time of 7:04.511 minutes on the 20.6 km version of the circuit. The heart of this sports car, which is designed for maximum driving pleasure, is the 368 kW (500 PS; 718 Cayman GT4 RS:) naturally aspirated six-cylinder boxer engine. The maximum torque is 450 Nm. The low-ratio Porsche dual clutch transmission (PDK) underpins the incredible acceleration. The 718 Cayman GT4 RS sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds and has a top speed of 315 km/h. Deliveries are set to commence in December. At the same time, the 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport racing version will celebrate its premiere in Los Angeles. From 2022, the customer sports car will be launched in multiple national and international racing series.


December 2021 Page 15

Taycan GTS & Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

Also making its debut at the LA Auto Show will be the third body variant of the first allelectric Porsche model series: the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo. The newcomer shares its sporty silhouette and rearward-sloping roof line with the Taycan Cross Turismo. Another feature they have in common is the functional design of the luggage compartment, which offers more than 1,200 litres of load capacity under the tailgate. Both model variants will roll out to dealers in Spring 2022. Further engine options for the Sport Turismo will follow.

Panamera Platinum Edition The new Panamera Platinum Edition combines elegant, sporty design and high-quality equipment at an attractive price. The exterior is characterised by accents in Satin Gloss Platinum. These can be found on the air outlet trims, the PORSCHE logo, the model designation and the standard 21-inch exclusive Design Sport wheels. The side window trims and the sports tailpipes are finished in High-Gloss Black to match. The exclusivity of the interior is underscored by the 14-way electrically adjustable comfort seats, the Black décor made of brushed aluminium and the door sill guards with the Platinum Edition logo. This extensive list of standard equipment also includes LED main headlights with matrix beam including PDLS Plus, adaptive air suspension including PASM, a BOSE Surround Sound System and much more. Depending on the market, the Platinum Edition is available as the Panamera, Panamera 4 and Panamera 4 E-Hybrid. The first models will be delivered to customers in late January 2022. Contact Porsche Victoria for details.


December 2021 Page 16

Vancouver Island Region PCA proudly presents BLACK ROCK 2022 Mark your calendars !! When : Thursday May 12 - Sunday May 15, 2022 Location : Black Rock Oceanfront Resort, Ucluelet, BC Registration details: Make a note that registration for the event for all members is planned to take place in February 2022 through the MotorsportReg.com site. We will continue to provide updated notification information which will be shared frequently in the Porscher, Black Rock Website, mid-monthly club email updates and Club Facebook posts. NOTE: Due to Ballroom capacity restrictions, we will be limited to a total of 120 attendees to align with current health regulations Room Bookings: Room reservations can be booked, however we are awaiting to confirm room details (i.e. type of room and final pricing) with the resort and will be able to advise more information and booking Code as soon as possible. Our two charities will again be Cops for Cancer “Tour de Rock” and the Ucluelet Volunteer Fire Brigade with both Silent and Live Auction items. Our 25th Anniversary Committee has worked hard and have put together a lot of great items to bid on. Event Schedule/Activities: The events and activities are under development and we expect them to include old favourites and new offerings, both on and off the track . Planning Committee/Volunteers: If you would like to be a part of the planning committee or be able to assist by volunteering to help at the planned activities during the event, we would welcome your support. Please advise us directly or let any member of the Executive know of your interest and we would be happy to reach out to you and have you part of the event team. Black Rock 2022 will be sure to please and we hope we can count on your support to attend this fun four day event in Ucluelet at the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort located on the beautiful BC west coast. Stay tuned for more details and updates to follow Black Rock 2022 Committee

Dan Bourlet Co Chair

Steve Peers Co Chair


December 2021 Page 18

Note: The PCA discount can only be applied to one order per year



December 2021 Page 19

Secretary, Sam


A day in the life of a noob I’m the type of guy who changes the batteries in a remote and it never works again. Then I bought a 1989 928 ROW. Being mechanical, I thought I’d start with some easy things like how to disconnect the battery without electrocuting myself. Disconnect the negative poll and wrap it in a towel to prevent accidental contact with the chassis. Pro tip; connect a marine battery disconnect switch so you don’t have to wrench a disconnect. Just flick the button. The problem with being a noob are the terms and steps involved in solving a problem. You may be able to use a volt meter to check amperage on the flux capacitor as long as you removed the cam shaft first but I need to know how to open the trunk without setting off the alarm. My first 928 project was to diagnose and replace the red door jamb lights. Being a Euro, these tiny lights shone out into traffic on the narrow European streets alerting oncoming cars not to dare! I searched online and asked for help. Dismantle the door card one user recommended. Check the fuses said another. Buy a pair of forceps suggested Merlin.


December 2021 Page 20

Well that magic tip came in handy. I decided to use a very tiny screwdriver to pop the light housing outta the door. I mean how could Porsche design a light where you’d need to dismantle the door to change a bulb right? I popped the first one out. Good condition, bulb was dead. Second one disintegrated in my hand. The terror. The connectors on the housing and the female connectors on the wires were totally rusted out. But I’ve skipped ahead. Did I say female connectors? I meant end of wire thing. Oh the joys of trying to figure out what the connector on the end of a wire is called? Are they all the same size? Is one better than another? What do you mean apply dialectic grease? Just trying to figure out that a female connector is called a female connector was a trip. Now that I know there are male and female connectors, it makes so much sense. You can literally never mess up which one is which ever again.

I cut the rusted connectors off and re-crimped the new ones. I heat shrank the wires and used the nifty forceps to hold and pull the rubber housing tucked in the door frame over the wires, against the housing and in to victory! Without them, the wires could have fallen into the door frame which would have really taxed my remaining hair. I then reconnected the battery and started the car, literally held my breath. No warning lights! The door jamb lights shine bright and I learned a valuable lesson; this won’t be the last of it. Why don’t the license plate lights work… Warmest regards,



December 2021 Page 21

South Island Director, Ron


December 5 dinner half sold-out - sign up now! Thanks to those of you that have signed up for our upcoming Holiday Dinner at Uplands Golf Club. If you do not currently have a MotorsportReg.com account, you will need to create a free account, and the rest of the process should be pretty straightforward. Details Dinner





PLUS….. Calling out to owners of Porsches and all European car owners on South Vancouver Island to support Santas Anonymous this year with a donation of cash, presents or gift cards. Proceeds help families in need in the Greater Victoria area, and already there have been more requests than ever for help. If you've been fortunate enough to weather the storm during these trying pandemic times, consider helping out those that hope to place gifts under the tree for their families. We're also hoping that you'll take the time to donate to Santas Anonymous where your donation can count double. And thanks to one of our most active and supportive members, any dollars that you give will be matched up to $3000. Currently we are just under $1000, so we have some ways to go! The donation link is at :www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/vancouver-island-region-of-the-porsche-club-of-ame/ CFAX Santas Anonymous’ website is at CFAX Santas Anonymous.


December 2021 Page 22

Danielle Badler Rocky Mountain Region Member The answer is a resounding YES, if stories in The Washington Post and PlanetF1 are to be believed. I know, I’m shaking my head, too. Pinch me. Am I dreaming? After all these years? Well, it’s hard to argue with the scene in Austin, a few weeks back, for the only F1 Circus visit to these United States this year. Here’s how The Post described it: “an estimated 140,000 at Circuit of the Americas -contributing to a sellout crowd that reflected the growth of Formula One racing in a country that executives view as critical to the sport’s development.” The racing was great. But, to me, one of the highlights of the telecast, the Sky Sports feed on ABC/ESPN, was the return after two years of the “Gridwalk” – ex-F1 driver Martin Brundle’s trundle down the grid, microphone in hand, interviewing drivers, engineers, team principals, major domos of the sport - and Megan Thee Stallion.

tweeted afterwards, “I have felt

under pressure on the grid before but by people called Senna, Prost, Schumacher, Mansell, Piquet and so on. Bodyguards visiting the grid for the first time don’t bother me, everyone’s got a job to do, but they could maybe learn some manners and respect on our patch.” And, what do you know, according to PlanetF1, at the Mexican Grand Prix Brundle confirmed new protocols had been introduced after Austin. “Celebrities

aren’t obliged to do interviews whilst on the grid, but security entourages are now no longer allowed to accompany them on there” he said. All this has made Brundle,

a long-retired F1 campaigner in his own right, more well-known, even in this country, than any of his exploits behind the wheel. This is “Page 6” stuff! On F1! How has this happened? According to The Post, a lot of the interest is being driven, so to speak, by the success of “Drive to Survive” the multi-part Netflix documentary series that has chronicled the past three seasons of F1 in dynamic, sometimes melodramatic fashion.

What? Well, he tried to interview Megan Thee Stallion, a Houston rapper, and she seemed willing to talk. But he was curtly cut off by several, shall we say, very large men who encircled her. And, oh by the way, the same thing happened when he tried to interview Serena Williams. I know, it has nothing to do with the rac- I’ve reviewed the past three seasons of ing. But it does make for great TV, espe- “Drive” in this space. What has consistcially for the American market. ently struck me is that the series allows This is why I love the Brits. Brundle anyone to peek behind the proverbial kiVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 24

mono, to learn about just what makes the best “pilots” in the world actually tick how they live, how they deal with the relentless pressure of team principals, teammates, the press, the fans and even, sometimes, lest we forget, the actual racing. And the teams. And the sponsors. And the competition. Especially the competition, especially this year. I can’t wait for the fourth iteration of the series, early next year, when they do justice, I hope, to the truly monumental season-long duel between Hamilton and Verstappen. It won’t be easy – Verstappen is literally the only driver who won’t participate in the docudrama, despite the fact that his team, Red Bull, has been very forthcoming each year. My understanding is that Max believes his words get taken out of context, for the benefit of the series. So he’d rather do one-on-one interviews with reporters who will do what they will do with his comments. Fine, Max. Have it your way.

gulfed a complete tour bus in flames? And sent F1 on a vagabond tour of street circuits in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Detroit and - I can’t remember, which is exactly the point. Remember, too, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Who remembers the name of the world’s current fastest human? The world record holder for the mile, either indoors or outdoors? The gold medalist in the last women’s Olympic figure skating competition? There was a time when these names would roll right off the tongue. Same for the events. One example; the Melrose Games at Madison Square Garden. And the featured Wanamaker Mile. At one time, this was huge, I tell you. Huge. And now? I have no idea whether the games even happen, much less get television coverage at all.

No. With few exceptions, these sports have their day in the limelight every four years, if that. It’s a shame. The athletes do what they do at a level that compares But why can’t I rid myself of this feeling directly against the heroes of F1. of déjà vu? Could it be that I remember 20 years of the sold-out sojourns to Wat- So, what does that mean for the future of kins Glen, once the home of F1 in the US? Formula 1? Was Austin real? Or was it an And the infield “bog” that, one year, en- aberration? Well, next year, Miami is also


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on the schedule. Although I believe the circuit is carved out of the on-ramps and parking lots that circle the stadium where the Dolphins play. But it should help. And then, at this writing, there’s the rumor that Porsche is considering fielding a team. Yes, Porsche. Yes, a team. And then there’s the rumor that Audi is trying to buy the McLaren team. Yes, Audi. Yes, McLaren. Let’s all hoora - wait just a minute. Haven’t we seen this picture before? In the early ‘60s in F1? In the early ‘80s in Indycar? Yes, yes, Porsche has been supremely successful in sports and prototype racing over the years. But open-wheel? Well, there’s the TAG engines of the ‘80s, and that’s about it. So, my conclusion is that the gnomes of Stuttgart and Ingolstadt and Wolfsburg are calculating that the success of Austin, a second race in the US, a race next year in China and the F1 Circus’ visit to every continent except Antarctica are too compelling a showcase to let go by. And will enable the elves to feature coming turbohybrid-electro-biofuel-hydrogen techno know-how that will solidify the “sports car maker’s” claim to mobile superiority for many years to come. I guess F1 really has arrived on these shores. My question is whether it has found a home.

Danielle Editor — Many thanks to Danielle for sharing her column with us, and of course... “Go Lewis!” Photos courtesy of www.formula1.com


December 2021 Page 26

VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 27


here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too!

There are 3 locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly:-

Up Island 2nd Saturday of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay

Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 28

“It's not just the cars, it's

the people!”


December 2021 Page 29

Please send in your Cars & Coffee pictures

Past President Tim Evans presents Karl Hoener with the 2021 President’s Award for his work on the Club’s new website VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 30


f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.

Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors


Discount Description


Up to 30%

Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

Porsche Center Victoria

Up to 15%

15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts



Show your current PCA card


At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2021- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.

Pelican Parts


elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org

See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com





December 2021 Page 32

Up Island Mid Island South Island

Dec 5 6pm

Dec 9 7pm

Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

2 Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd

Combined VIR & Euro Cars - Charity Holiday Dinner

Uplands Golf Club, Dec 5th, 6-9pm. A holiday meal with keynote speakers, great food too! Proceeds to CFAX Santas Anonymous. Details & register at msreg.com/2021-Holiday-Dinner

Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Sam so we have an idea for online capacity

Contact Ron

Contact Sam

Up-Island Secret Santa

Dec 11 11am

May 12-15 2022

Wendy Woodley invites you to the 4th Annual “Secret Santa” exchange at Crown Isle Resort, Courtenay, starting 11am. Plan for a “Meet & Greet” for about an hour, then lunch at noon, followed by the “Secret Santa” gift giving. All members are welcome but must register at msreg.com/2021-Up-Island-Santa

Black Rock 2022

Mark your calendar for the 2022 Black Rock charity event at Ucluelet. Thursday May 12 - Sunday May 15, 2022

(Not a VIR event) Canada West - Escape 2022 July 22-25 Events - Porsche Club of America: Canada West Region (pca-cwr.org) 2022

Contact Wendy

Contact Steve P Contact CWR

PCA Test Drive

Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations?

Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 33

For Sale Pirelli Sottozero W240 M+S tires for a 997 Turbo - 235/35 R19 (2) and 295/30 R19 (2)

Used once for a trip to Santa Barbara - 5,490 km. Like new with 8/32 tread depth. Cost before tax was $2,134, will sell for $950

Henry Ellis ellish05@shaw.ca

For Sale — 4 Macan Winter Tires & Rims Bought Oct 2020 used until March 2021. Continental sport Contact Extreme DWS06 plus 235/60 18, 255/55 18 8/32 tread left new 10/32 Porsche TPMS Porsche Sport Classic II Rims Porsche Colored Center Caps $ 2000 OBO Deanwa@me.com For Sale - 911 Nose Mask A friend of mine gave me a single-piece Porsche nose mask (bra) with "PORSCHE" lettered in white. He owned a 911, I think it was a 1984 model and he said he could never fit the mask on his car and maybe I could use it for my 1997 Boxster. I tried but it did not seem to fit my car either. Maybe it would fit a 911 from 1974-1989? It has been sitting in my garage for several years. I would give it to any member. It is free to anyone interested.

Andrew Jackson 250 415 9921 VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

December 2021 Page 34

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