Porscher 2022 03

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 25 Issue 2, March 2022

25 Roads Badges, Pedro’s Garage, Day In The Life Of A Noob, Van Isle Adventure Tour, Classic Car Panel, Porsche News, Jigsaws

Porscher Advertiser Index

Jason Good Custom Cabinets

Porsche Centre Victoria


Villa Eyrie


Pelican Parts

Griots Garage Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA

CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. PHOTO CREDITS: Wyman Lee, Trevor/Sonia Ross, Martin Mansfield, Steve Peers, Gary Glover and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.

Click here for our Facebook Group page

Advertising Rates $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER


Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2022 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved. March 2022 Page 3

































Cover Photo Dave Cormier’s 911 Carrera RSR Taken By Steve F VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

34 March 2022 Page 4


Vice President



Garth Webber Atkins president@virpca.org

Sam Auerbach secretary@virpca.org

Director—Up Island

Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org

Director—South Island

Ron Dempsey southisland@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair

Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org

Rally Chair

Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Insurance Chair

James Renfrew porsche@jamesrenfrew.com

Steve Peers vicepresident@virpca.org

A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island Detlef Ehrhardt midisland@virpca.org

Newsletter Chair

Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org

Membership Chair

Kathleen Short membership@virpca.org

Tech / Classics Chair

Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Past President

Tim Evans pastpresident@virpca.org

The VIR Executive meets on the 2nd week of every month, see “Around The Bend” for details. Please contact the Club Secretary for meeting minutes or to attend. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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representative. I will report on any items of interven in the winter months, which seem est next month. quiet, your Executive Committee is In Regional news, registrabusy planning events or connecting tion is now open for Black with PCA on Zone and National matRock. This event is open to ters. all of Zone 6, so it’s best to In February, I attended, by phone, the PCA register as soon as possiWinter Board Meeting. All Region Presidents ble if you wish to attend. are part of the Board. It was primarily a Please also think about “State of the Union” summary of where the volunteering your time to support the event. club sits at present, and updates since the It will take quite a few people helping out to summer meeting. Some of the items shared: make it work.

President, Garth


Webber Atkins

PCA experienced a 6.6% membership growth last year, the largest ever increase in percentage, and in actual numbers. The club is growing at a time when many other car clubs are not, and PCA now has 147 regions. The club has been expanding its media presence, and its YouTube channel has experienced a 50% increase in viewership. PCA is working on a drone use policy. Presently, the club does not allow drone use at PCA events, primarily due to insurance concerns.

In March, as part of our Winter Webinar Series, a number of VIR members will share their experiences of their classic Porsches at the Classic Car Panel. Members who own, or are curious about, classic cars and wish to attend can register through MSR at msreg.com/2022-ClassicCarPanel.

Mark your calendars now for our annual free coffee at Cars and Coffee: April 9 Up-Island, and April 10 for Mid and South Island. This year, we have timed it to celebrate the start of the driving season. All Area Directors look forward to hosting you at this special “Season Opener” Cars and Coffee. We hope In March, I will attend the Zone 6 Presidents’ to see you and your Porsches there! meeting in Boise, Idaho. I am excited to be going and meeting, or renewing acquaintance with, my counterparts and our Zone 6


Porscher Editor, Steve



omebody out there in our membership must be working on their car - changing oil, plugs, air filters, choosing news tires, adding better brake pads or rotors etc. If you are about to do any work on your Porsche, why not take some photos along the way and send them to us along with a few words describing what you are doing, why and what you bought etc. If you are doing it, somebody else is interested! Send it all to newsletter@virpca.org


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PCA Zone 6 Representative John

P Sommerwerck

“In the Zone”


anuary was a busy month planning for 2022, and as one would expect, COVID continues to impact our plans. My first PCA winter meeting was to be held in Jacksonville, Florida, until the Omicron variant made a virtual meeting the safer option. The first weekend in February was spent attending PCA University via Zoom. PCA 101 is a crash course on who PCA is and how it operates. On Saturday, we continued, via Zoom, to review the 2022 PCA Strategic Plan and the resources available to the regions.

I am happy to report that PCA continues as the largest single marque car club in the world. As of January 1, 2022: there were 94,347 primary members (households) and 144,560 total members. In 2021, each of the fourteen PCA zones showed growth. Zone 6 was third in growth, with an 8.2% growth rate. PCA provides a wealth of support through its committees, Region Focus webinars, and subsidies. Whether you are a region officer, a tour/event organizer, or volunteer, information on how PCA can support you can be found at www.pca.org, or in the Region President’s Manual (RPM). Please use these valuable resources. On March 19th, the Zone 6 Region Presidents will meet in Boise to discuss the PCA Strategic Plan, Risk Management, Region Leadership 101, and have an open discussion on issues impacting our regions. With the hopeful easing of COVID travel restrictions, I hope that we can return to a more normal tour environment. To that end, I have invited Greg Halverson, PCA National Tour director and PNWR member, to discuss running tours. Greg reported at the winter meeting that the top two regions in tours were: Zone 6, Oregon and Canada West regions. Nancy and I are now registered for Parade in June, and Spring Treffen at the Broadmoor, in Colorado Springs. By the time you read this, we hope to be registered for Vancouver Island Region’s Black Rock 2022. We continue to look for more opportunities to visit the Zone 6 regions. Stay healthy and we will see you in the Zone.


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Membership Chair, Kathleen


Membership Report for February 2022


ancouver Island Region has 619 members. We have 380 primary members and 239 affiliate or family members. PCA National Club has a total of 145,055 comprised of 94,658 primary members, 50,376 affiliate members and

21 life members.

Welcome New Members — 6 and 2 co-members Member

Cameron Dix Bob Holt Stewart E. Whitman Robert Maitland


Morrie Baillie

Location / From

Wild Rose

1992 911 Carrera 2 Cab 2020 Macan 2004 Boxster S 2006 Cayenne S 1992 968

Roy Orr

Comox /

1989 944 S2

Albert See

Port Alberni /

1971 911T

Elaine Montgomery

Victoria Campbell River Nanaimo Victoria /


Wild Rose Acadia

1981 911 SC

If you do not have your partner/friend listed as a co-member (18+ years old) on your membership, please contact PCA to add them, it’s free! You can do that via PCA admin at membership@pca.org or call them at 1-410-381-0911.

From PCA - New Member Region Placement Process Change PCA says “During the new member sign up process, we have removed the manual region selection on the website and will now only use zip code for automated region placement. During the sign up process, new members will see their assigned region name. We have found most new members do not know what a PCA Region is and having an open region field to select a region is confusing at best. If a new member wants to change regions after sign up, they can call or email the national office to change their region, just like the process for all other members. As an FYI, we did confirm that the system had been working properly. The issues we have had with region assignments had been due to new members requesting the wrong region. Removing the option to enter a region was the quickest way to improve this situation.” VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Other Membership Activity for this period Renewals Non-renewals Transfer in / out PCA Juniors

34 4 3/0 35 Register your new PCA Junior here

Anniversaries in February – Congratulations! 15 years 10 years 5 years 1 year

Roland and Mimi Beaulieu Glenn and Janis Rising James and Margaret Bartlett, David and Anneli Bramley, Shawn Adye Semih and Justine Kutlay, Kelly Cassaday, Brandon Chevon

Member Anniversary Recognitions

All members who are celebrating an anniversary will be sent a letter from the current PCA President.

Anniversary Decals

As a PCA active member completes 5, 10, 15, or 20 years of membership, the National Office will send, upon request by the member, a special decal indicating the length of membership. Anniversary recognition for the family member/affiliate is also available upon request. If you are celebrating your 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 35 year PCA anniversary, please order your anniversary materials here www.pca.org/anniversary (must be logged-in to access). The form will only let you order your materials in 5 year increments and will round it down to the last milestone. If your membership information listed on the website is incorrect, contact membership@pca.org

VIRPCA 20th Anniversary car decal

For those who missed out on the 20th Anniversary car decals and want one, I have a dozen looking for a good home. Send me an email with your address and I will happy to mail one out to you. VIR thanks Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase.


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Secretary, Sam


A day in the life of a noob With the door jamb lights fixed it was on to a full engine rebuild. Before that, I stopped in at my license plate lights. They were both out. I removed the light housings and noticed the plastic window on the casing was melted. Lights were burnt out. That’s interesting. The car is from the 80’s. Maybe it was modified to time travel with a DeLorean? What else could account for a melted casing besides excessive power from a flux capacitor? Grabbing my brand new volt meter I checked that the wires had power. Eureka! Maybe I could clean, scrape, and sand the melted casing window? Clean off the rust. I realized that can’t be done when it disintegrated in my hand. Fortunately, new ones were $40 including the lights! Now a master crimper, I crimped new female connectors where needed and connected the lights. That star shone bright!

While I was messing around in the trunk, I noticed a rear tail light was out. I remembered the PO, that’s Previous Owner for anyone not in the know, had glued the passenger side taillight housing in place apparently to try and address a known issue with the car; water can get into the housing and rust things. Grabbing my trusty owners manual and some heißes Wasser to hopefully loosen the glue, I set about taking off the tail light. On my daily driver, a 2013 Hyundai, I had to remove numerous parts and screws to access the lights. Porsche, for once, was a single bolt. With the bolt removed there was just the threaded peg popping through the inside of the trunk. Presumably, you push this peg to pop out the housing. Easy right? Wrong. Getting this thing out though. Hercules himself woulda hadda time. I used a flathead screwdriver to gently work my way around the outside of the casing to break the glue. Once that was done it came out easily and I changed the light. Best way to solve a water issue like this? Drill a few tiny holes into the bumper inside the casing. Water just drains right out instead of pooling there. Gluing it doesn’t make it watertight. With my electrical issues fixed, it’s time to go for a long drive through Cowichan.


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BLACK ROCK 2022 - Registration now Waitlisting Our 2022 dates are Thursday, May 12 to Sunday, May 15. As with all our Club events, Black Rock will also be following all Provincial COVID gathering regulations in place at the time of the event. It is important as a Club that we attract as much membership attendance and support for this event in order to keep our chapter moving forward, and raise funds for the charities too! Black Rock 2022 Charity Event Registration Registration opened on February 26th on the Motorsportreg.com website and is waitlisting now, but you can still apply and if spaces open up you could get in. We do not charge until nearer the event. Registration is now more detailed than in previous years and allows you to choose any of the organized events and activities. Review the schedule on the MSR page (and next page here) for the complete list of activities and events location, time and date. 2022 Black Rock T-Shirts and Sport Shirts in both ladies and men sizes are available to order at registration. We hope everyone purchases some clothing as this helps us fund the event as well as helps the chosen charities. Black Rock Oceanfront Resort We have a contract in place for Thursday, May 12, to Sunday, May 15, 2022. These dates will include facilities for our Welcome Reception, Saturday evening Banquet, and Sunday Brunch. The resort has limited our seating capacity to 120 attendees. It has given the Club a special room rate pricing for the 3-night stay, so please make sure you indicate that you are with the Vancouver Island Porsche Club when booking your accommodations. The prices will also be listed on the MSR registration page. You are responsible to book your accommodation at the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort 1-877-762-5011. Volunteer ** If you have not indicated your plans to volunteer at Black Rock, please email us so we can start assigning the volunteer roles. ** Charities We are supporting both our previous charities of Cops for Cancer “Tour de Rock” and the Ucluelet Volunteer Fire Brigade. The UVFB will also be helping us with our Friday night BBQ and at the track for lunch and as in the past these will be by donation per person at the BBQ, to the UVFB. VIR suggests $20 per person. With everyone’s support this will be another memorable VIR event in support of deserving people.

Steve Peers / Dan Bourlet

Co Chairs Black Rock 2022 Committee


Ladies Sports Shirt

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Note: The PCA discount can only be applied to one order per year


https://www.pelicanparts.com/support/pca-membership.htm VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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President Canada West Region, Jeff


Hello to our fellow PCA neighbouring regions, Canada West has 3 major track days on our calendar for 2022. We're pleased to be able to invite our nearby PCA Regions to share in these events! The first date for the upcoming season is: AREA 27 https://area27.ca/

Sunday, May 15th, 2022, Oliver, BC, Canada Area 27 is a world class track and offers an outstanding high performance driving experience. This event is now open for registration by our neighbouring region members. If you feel that your members may have an interest in attending this event please forward the links. Attendees will be grouped by driving experience and a safe, fun format is the hallmark of the day. Event and Registration information: https://www.pca-cwr.org/content.aspx?page_id=4002&club_id=908153&item_id=1568034

Further events coming later in the season: Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit, July 16th, 2022 AREA 27, August 24th, 2022 Please don't hesitate to contact me directly with any questions that you may have.

Jeff Rebiffe President Canada West Region president@pca-cwr.org 1-604-916-8533


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VIR member John McGurran sent a link to an online jigsaw app - Jigsaw Planet. If you enter Porsche as a search there are over 3,000 Porsche pics to try there and you can vary the degree of difficulty by clicking on Piece Number dropdown in the top right, once you find a good picture. Maybe a good thing to send to your PCA Junior?



March 2022 Page 18

The 25 Roads grill badges are here, and they look awesome! Everyone who participated in the 2021 25 Roads Challenge will receive one. The participants who completed all 25 drives will receive special editions that say ”DROVE ALL 25” (see below). We handed out a few at South Island Cars & Coffee on Feb 20, including to First Finisher Don Gosse (below left). We presented Second Finisher Gary Glover with his at the Up-Island Cars & Coffee February 12. We will be attending Cars & Coffees around the Island to hand out the rest, and will let participants know when we will be in their area. If that isn’t likely to work for you, please contact us at 25Roads@virpca.org.

Trevor and Sonia Ross Photos by Wyman, Steve and Trevor/Sonia

Close Up of Ann & Dean Aikenhead’s Drove All 25 badge

First place finisher Don Gosse with his badge VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

Gary Glover’s badges March 2022 Page 20

Trevor & Sonia handing out some 25 Roads badges at South Island Cars & Coffee


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South Island Director,

Ron Dempsey

Inaugural ‘VanIsle Adventure Tour’ event planned for June 24-25 Ron Dempsey hosted a Zoom call on Wednesday, February 16 to share more information on the inaugural ‘VanIsle Adventure Tour’, scheduled for June 24-25. This new overnight event combines fun roads, an informative and easy to follow route book, and lots of social occasions to make for a unique addition to the club’s array of member events. Founder of Classic Car Adventures (CCA) and Port Alberni resident Dave Hord presented. Dave hosts events like these around North America for various car clubs and groups, and we are lucky that he will be hosting our inaugural event on June 24-25. When he founded CCA 12 years ago, his goal was to create budget-minded events with a focus on driving fun rather than competition (like TSD Rallies) or purely the typical lead-follow club drive. Our plan is take the CCA formula and apply it to this VIRPCA event. Ideally meant for a driver and co-driver, each carload is able to drive at whatever speed they’d


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like, stop when they’d like, and arrive at destinations at any time. The route is not known beforehand. The route book is handed out at the first morning’s drivers’ meeting, and the adventure begins with turn-by-turn instructions, relying upon just an odometer and a co-driver’s ability to follow along with the route. In addition, the route book also contains information on sights and stops along the way, so even non -car people will have something to keep them entertained en route. For those drivers unable to find a partner, Dave has recently added routes into the ‘Rallista’ app. This allows a driver to follow precise directions from their smart phone along the way, but unlike Google Maps, does not automatically revert to major highways and fastest route available. Although this makes the event possible for solo drivers, it does limit the experience somewhat, so encouraging a spouse, partner, friend or fellow VIRPCA member is preferred. Each day of the event is scheduled to include about 6-7 hours of driving, with lunch stops planned along the route. Upon arrival to the destination hotel at the end of day 1, there’s time for beverages in the parking lot, followed by a buffet dinner on premise. Day 2 sees breakfast at the hotel, a slightly shorter day of driving, followed by a wrap-up dinner at the final route location. Pricing for this event is yet to be finalized, but participants in the Zoom call were advised that the target cost per car will be approximately $700. That price includes one night hotel with double occupancy, dinners on day 1 and 2, and breakfast on day 2. It also includes the route book and goody bag to be handed out at registration on the morning of day 1. It’s anticipated the event will start in Cowichan at 8:30 on the morning of June 24. For those coming from out of town, a hotel option will be provided on the previous night at additional cost. Prices and registration details are expected to be finalized in mid-March, and VIRPCA members will be advised when pre-registration is to open. It’s anticipated that a maximum of 34 entries will be permitted, and based on the participation in the February Zoom call, we wouldn’t be surprised if this sells out. For more details, please contact Ron Dempsey, South Island Director, at southisland@virpca.org. Picture courtesy of Dave Hord


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Porsche Service in Nanaimo?

Rumour has it that there will be a Porsche Service department in Nanaimo. The NanaimoNewsNow.com web site reported that approval has been given for a new dealership building. Some folk say that Subaru will get the new building and Porsche Service will take Subaru’s previous location. Time will tell. If you know anything about this, please email the Editor at newsletter@virpca.org

In a GAIN staff shuffle. Tyson Johnson and Jason Mui of Porsche Centre Victoria have moved to Three Point Motors (Mercedes Benz).

Congratulations …..From Porsche Centre Victoria news:“Porsche Centre Victoria Wins Prestigious Premier Dealer Program Award” “The passion for Porsche is embodied as strongly by the Porsche Centre Victoria team as it is by Porsche owners. We are honored to receive the coveted Premier Dealer Program award for 2022 in recognition of our ongoing excellence and commitment to the storied Porsche brand. Each year, only four of these awards are given to Porsche Centres across Canada. Most significantly, this is the first time our team has received the Premier Dealer Program award.”

New Macan T In Porsche parlance, T means Touring and they have now brought out a T model of the 2022 Macan and it sits between the base and the S model. It has 265bhp from its 2 litre turbo, inline, 4-cylinder engine. It features PASM, PTM, Sports Chrono, Sport Response button and more. Details are at Porsche’s web page for the Macan T


March 2022 Page 25

Suncoast Region Member, Pedro

P. Bonilla

The 959 - Part 2 In the last issue we discussed the beginnings of the 959 as well as its technical advances and immediate racing successes. Now we’ll tell you the rest of the story. The 959 was never meant to be a street car and certainly not a California car to be driven on normal city roads. Two years after the Gruppe B appeared at the Frankfurt Auto Show (1983), Porsche announced the introduction of the 959 with a production of 200 cars to homologate the model for competition. Even at the price of $250,000 all of the cars were quickly spoken for. When the U.S. Department of Transportation requested 4 cars to crash-test, Porsche said no. Without approval from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the 959 could not be sold nor driven on US soil. Two of the first buyers of the 959 were Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen (pic below). News of the banning of the 959 in America was not well accepted by the pair who decided to ship their cars to the west coast anyway. Their contraband was soon discovered and impounded and reportedly confined to a California warehouse for more than a decade. With no way to lawfully enjoy their 959s at home, some wealthy US owners decided that changing the law was what they’d do.

In 1990 a Seattle-based company called Vehicle Technologies Inc. launched an attempt to import the 959 and have it approved for the USA, an effort that was quickly thwarted. Several year later, a group called The Special Vehicle Coalition engaged discussions regarding proposed new legislation that would allow cars of note that were never sold new in the USA to be imported as individually owned show exhibits. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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This costly and lengthy campaign finally paid off in 1998 with the arrival of the “Show and Display” (S&D) Law which permits significant cars such as the 959 to be driven on US roads for up to 2,500 miles per year. S&D however did not exempt the cars from having to be emissions compliant. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that vehicles less than 21 years old used on US roads need to meet air emissions standards for the year of manufacture. So, making a 959 compliant was not going to be easy, especially in California. For starters, the 959 never had catalytic converters nor was its Motronic’s brain programmed to recognize an oxygen sensor (although the car was built with the wiring harness and bung for a sensor). Reportedly a few factory retrofit kits were made available but it’s difficult to know if that’s true or not. The first company to gain NHTSA and EPA approval for a Porsche 959 under the S&D legislation was G&K in Santa Ana, CA. They partnered with GIAC, a developer of vehicle software and the first 959 was certified on September 2001. It took almost $50,000 of work to do it. But because the 959 had its engine derived from the 935/76 racecar which later also powered the 956 and 962C to victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, there were those who hoped for more from the newly certified 959 than just clean/green performance. Enter Bruce Canepa, a California racer who became a Porsche fanatic. In 1988 he purchased a 959, which he thinks to this day, is one of the best – if not the best – all-around sports car ever made. He also believed that the 959 had some additional potential performance built-in. He figured that it was good for 600 hp so he set out to modify the 959 to make 600 hp while still hitting the EPA emissions targets.

Based in Scotts Valley, CA, Canepa Design changed their 959s from a sequential-turbo setup to a twin-turbo operation using Garrett turbochargers. They installed new engine manageVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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ment systems and new exhausts which included catalytic converters. Two versions were prepared: A Phase 1 making 575 hp and a Phase 2 making 640 hp. They also offered a suspension package with tuned dampers and titanium coil springs plus a new clutch and pedal assembly to improve feel. The original wheels were modified to accommodate 245/45R17 front and 275/40R17 rear Michelin Pilot Sport2 rubber. Nowadays though, the 959 can be used in the USA with no certification other than the S&D Certificate. This is because the EPA requirements expired once the 959 turned 21 years old. A total of 337 cars were built before production shut down in 2009. Most of the 959s in America were modified to comply with the existing regulations, but after 2010 a few factory-original 959s have come to America.


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For more information on the Porsche 959 and more, please visit my website: www.PedrosGarage.com Happy Porsche’ing,

Pedro © 2021 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com


March 2022 Page 30

VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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VIR Zoom Presentation: Classic Car Panel Webinar Thursday March 17th 2022, 7pm to 8:30pm Learn about what’s involved in owning a classic car. Classic car expert Paul Rossmo will chair a panel of VIR members: Ron Dempsey (356), John Clark (911), Klaus Kreye (944), and Wyman Lee (928) who will share their experiences and knowledge about their classic cars.






Please ensure you have installed Zoom on your system BEFORE the meeting and your system has the latest updates as they do change VERY frequently. Details and registration at msreg.com/2022-ClassicCarPanel


March 2022 Page 32


here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too!

There are 3 locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly:-

Up Island 2nd Sat of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay

Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria


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“It's not just the cars, it's the people!” (and dogs too!)


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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.

Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors


Discount Description


Up to 30%

Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

Porsche Center Victoria

Up to 15%

15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts



Confirm with owner first.


At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2022- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.

Pelican Parts


elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org

See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com





March 2022 Page 39

Up Island Mid Island South Island

Mar 10 7pm

Mar 12 11am

Mar 17 7pm

Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

2 Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd

Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Sam so we have an idea for online capacity

Up-Island Valentine’s - Postponed from February

At the Atrium Room, Crown Isle Resort, Courtenay, 11am Saturday March 12th. All members are welcome, please register at msreg.com/2022-UpisIand-Valentine

Classic Car Panel

VIR’s classic car experts (Paul Rossmo, Ron Dempsey, John Clark, Klaus Kreye and Wyman Lee) talk about owning a classic car. Details and reg at msreg.com/2022-ClassicCarPanel

Tour of Uli’s Garage

Mar 20

Apr 9 & 10

May 12-15

May 15 June 12-18 June 24-25

Tour Uli’s garage in North Saanich and view his collection of rare European Cars & Porsches. Maybe a drive around the Peninsula after. Details in a future Garth email and Facebook soon.

Cars & (FREE) Coffee Driving Season Opener

Join us for a free coffee at the Up-Island Cars & Coffee (April 9) and Mid Island & South Island on April 10

Black Rock 2022

Contact Sam

Contact Wendy

Contact Paul

Contact Ron

Contact Garth

Our 2022 Black Rock charity event at Ucluelet. See article in this issue. Details and register via msreg.com/Black-Rock-2022

Contact Steve P or Dan B

Canada West Area 27 Track Day Refer to details at https://www.pca-cwr.org/content.aspx?

Contact Jeff


PCA Parade (on the East Coast!)

Parade Website

Van Isle Adventure Tour

Contact Ron

At Kalahari Resorts Poconos in Pennsylvania. Reg TBA. Details in this issue. Registration to open on MSR soon More events being planned, watch for them here or in Garth’s emails


March 2022 Page 40

For Sale - 911 Nose Mask A friend of mine gave me a single-piece Porsche nose mask (bra) with "PORSCHE" lettered in white. He owned a 911, I think it was a 1984 model and he said he could never fit the mask on his car and maybe I could use it for my 1997 Boxster. I tried but it did not seem to fit my car either. Maybe it would fit a 911 from 1974-1989? It has been sitting in my garage for several years. I would give it to any member. It is free to anyone interested.

Andrew Jackson 250 415 9921

For Sale — 20" Phone Dial Wheels 20" Phone Dials from Augment Wheel Company. Custom made. One summer of driving, so they are in excellent condition. Sized for a 991.1 narrow body. Front: 20x8.5 +51. Rear: 20x11 +70. Come with laser engraved aluminum centre caps. Tires not included but TPMS sensors are. Asking $3,500

Frank Jaerschky 250 218 3802 (call or text)

PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations?

Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

March 2022 Page 41

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