Porscher 2022 07

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 25 Issue 5, July 2022

In This Issue Black Rock 2022, Porsches on the Pitch, Pedro’s Garage, Porsche Centre Victoria Cars & Coffee, Snowbirds & Nanoose-Coombs Drive

Porscher Advertiser Index

Jason Good Custom Cabinets

Porsche Centre Victoria


Villa Eyrie


Garage Kings

Wingren Nufloors


Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA. CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. PHOTO CREDITS: Iain Cuthbertson, Wyman Lee, Henning Wulff, Brad Blaney, Garth Webber Atkins, Sonia & Trevor Ross, Steve & Ross Peers and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.

Click here for our Facebook Group page

Advertising Rates (per issue) $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER


Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2022 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

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89 Cover Photo


Black Rock Autocross Taken By Iain Cuthbertson VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Vice President



Garth Webber Atkins president@virpca.org

Sam Auerbach secretary@virpca.org

Director—Up Island

Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org

Director—South Island

Ron Dempsey southisland@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair

Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org

Rally Chair

Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Insurance Chair

James Renfrew porsche@jamesrenfrew.com

Position Vacant

A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island Detlef Ehrhardt midisland@virpca.org

Newsletter Chair

Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org

Membership Chair

Kathleen Short membership@virpca.org

Tech / Classics Chair

Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Past President

Tim Evans pastpresident@virpca.org

The VIR Executive meets on the 2nd week of every month, see “Around The Bend” for details. Please contact the Club Secretary for meeting minutes or to attend. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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President, Garth


Webber Atkins

ur first Black Rock in four years was a successful event, thanks to the hard work of the Black Rock Committee. Huge thanks go to CoChairs Dan Bourlet and Steve Peers, and committee members Steve Fairbrother, Brad Blaney, Tim Evans and Norm Smith. More thanks go out the instructors who generously donated their time, and Club members who supported individual events: registration, drive leads, the autocross and HPDE instructors, autocross corner workers, auction winner payment collection, nature walks, and the show and shine. All who attended owe much to these folks, who are dedicated to raising funds for a worthy cause, and to creating a unique event for PCA members. Further details about the weekend’s activities and the fundraising results are provided in this issue.

and them, but we were all excited about cars, and about some of the same cars. My thanks to PCV for that delightful opportunity to connect. June is promising to be a busy month for the Club, with three events coming up – the Spring Rally on June 5, the South Island Drive on June 11, and the VanIsle Adventure Tour June 24 and 25. Here’s hoping for warm and sunny weather. For me, I am also hoping for a Porsche to drive. The 944 engine has been rebuilt, other parts are on-site, and it could be ready soon. I suspect, however, that it’s like renovating an older house. Once you open things up, you never know what you might find. Fingers crossed.

I attended Porsche Centre Victoria’s Cars & Best regards, Coffee on May 29, and found it to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience. PCV’s motiva- Garth tion in welcoming all makes was to connect the car community, and I think they succeeded brilliantly. I was curious to know who owned the 70’s era Mustang, as I used to own the sister car, a Mercury Capri RS. I spotted a group of young fellows a short distance away and judged them to be likely candidates, so asked if they knew who owned it. They pointed out one of their party. Before long, I knew that between them they owned one Mustang, four Miatas, and a Nissan 240SX. There were easily four decades between me VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

Garth at PCV’s Cars & Coffee

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Membership Chair,

Kathleen Short

Membership Numbers Vancouver Island Region has 635 members. We have 389 primary members and 246 affiliate or family members. PCA National Club has a total of 147,680 comprised of 96,370 primary members, 51,289 affiliate members and 21 life members. Welcome New Members

Member David Spence Denis Engel Denton Anderson Diane Cruikshank Drew Eriksen Noah Regelous Grant Sheng Nathan Stretch Scott Thompson Anne Hitchman


Location / From Victoria

Chelsea Jerczynski

Melissa Page Shauna Haddow

Marc Rutten Keith Vidalin

Victoria / Red River Courtenay Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria /

Canada West Courtenay /

Canada West Victoria /

Lone Star Texas

Vehicle 1991 911 Carrera 2 1992 968 2021 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet 2001 911 Carrera 2001 Boxster 2000 911 Carrera 4 2009 911 Turbo 2003 911 Targa 2014 Cayman S 1984 944 2007 Cayman S 2008 911 Turbo

If you do not have your partner/friend listed as an affiliate (18+ years old) on your membership, please contact PCA to add them, it’s free. You can do that via PCA admin at membership@pca.org or call them at 1-410-381-0911. Anniversaries since last issue – Congratulations! 35 Years Wayne and Hazel Ayers 20 Years +1 Roy Thomas 20 Years Ron Ritchie, John Palmeter and Betsy Terpsma 15 years Tyler and Mandy Heisterman 10 years Doug Champagne, Martin Lavoie and Christine Beaudoin 5 years Fred Green and Cairine Green, Peter Greczmiel, Norm and Kim Smith, Klaus VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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1 Year

Mansfield, Mark Ferris and Gloria Leung, David Hardcastle, David Hay and Brenda Canitz Dusty Delain and Laylee Rohani, Wilf Hass, Christine Redmond, Jim Fields, Colin Boerkamp and Kathleen Short, Gregory Brennan, Tim and Ramona Langevin, Dusan Markovic and Jill Kelly, Wayne Mcstravick, Matthew Arsenault, Susan and Greg Whitson, Anne Hitchman

If your milestone anniversary has been missed, let me know and you will be celebrated in our next edition. Member Anniversary Recognitions All members who are celebrating an anniversary will be sent a letter from the current PCA President. Anniversary Decals - As an Active Member completes 5, 10, 15, or 20 years of membership, the National Office will send, upon request by the member, a special decal indicating the length of membership. Anniversary recognition for the family member/affiliate is also available upon request. If you are celebrating your 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 35 year PCA anniversary, please order your anniversary materials here www.pca.org/anniversary (must be logged in to access). The form will only let you order your materials in 5 year increments and will round it down to the last milestone. If your membership information listed on the website is incorrect, contact membership@pca.org

Other Membership Activity for this period: Renewals: 35 Non-renewals: 12 Transfer in/out: 4/0 Juniors: 35 (Register your new PCA Junior here) The VIR thanks the Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase.

Kathleen PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations?

Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $46 they get 1 year access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Go to pca.org/pca-test-drive for details. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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PCA Zone 6 Representative, John


P Sommerwerck

he 2022 driving season has begun! Since the last issue, we have driven our Porsches over 5,000 miles. Our first trip was to Treffen Colorado Springs. It did not disappoint. The tours we signed up for were great. In fact, our tour leader for Pikes Peak was on his class’s podium for five of his six Pikes Peak Hill Climbs. His insight was fascinating, and the personal stories were great. Next up was Vancouver Island Region’s Black Rock Charity event. VIR’s event is a multi-region, we met folks from Zones 6 and 14. The Black Rock event had something for everyone: tours, Driver Education (DE), and Autocross. One of the advantages of being a Zone Rep is I get to go to wonderful locations like Black Rock, see great cars and meet wonderful people. On June 29th, registration for Treffen Bend opens. This event is to be held at the Sun River Resort, September 14-18th. Treffen Bend information is now available at Treffen North America (pca.org). Treffen Bend is the first Zone 6 based Treffen. Let’s help make it a sellout. Make your plans, logon early, and I hope to see you in Bend, OR. PCA has a wealth of materials for you to plan and successfully hold a tour, DE, or Autocross. These can be found at the PCA website, www.pca.org. After signing on, you will be presented with a list of Commonly Used Links. Select the ‘FORMS & DOCS’ link and you will be taken to a long list of available resources. Please review the PCA minimum standards for the event type you are planning to hold and develop your event so that it conforms. After the event is held, please make sure the After Event (due within five days), and Observer Reports (due within 10 days) are completed. These reports are required for all PCA insured activities. By adhering to the minimum standards and filing post event reports, we are helping to keep PCA insurance rates low. Nancy and I are off on an epic road trip to the east coast and the Poconos for the 2022 Porsche Parade. The next issue of In the Zone will be written from the road. Stay healthy and we will see you in the Zone.


John at Black Rock 2022


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PCA Zone 6 Representative, John

P Sommerwerck

Mark your calendar for Treffen Bend on September 14-18, 2022. Get ready for a trip to the great outdoors and amazing vistas of the Cascade Mountain Range. Come join us in the fall as we head to Bend, Oregon. This hidden gem in the Pacific Northwest offers fine dining at many award-winning restaurants, crystal clear water of the Deschutes River, the legendary Bend Ale Trail, miles of open hiking and biking trails with spectacular backdrops, and amazing roads. The recently renovated Sunriver Resort and PCA High Desert Region awaits your arrival so you can enjoy the fine culinary skills of Chef McCauley and great driving tours thru the likes of Crater Lake, Mt Bachelor, The Three Sisters, McKenzie Pass Scenic Byway, and more. Additional details will be available in early May on https://treffen.pca.org. Registration to open on June 29.


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VIR President, Garth VIR/ PCV Lunch

Webber Atkins

In keeping with a tradition started a few years ago, Vancouver Island Region treated Porsche Centre Victoria (PCV) staff to lunch on May 18. It served double duty as a token of our appreciation for the support that PCV shows to the club, and a chance for VIR Executive to meet with the staff. PCV staff greatly appreciated the gesture and both parties enjoyed the event. VIR Executive were represented by myself, Ron Dempsey, Klaus Kreye, Steve Fairbrother and Kathleen Short.



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very deluxe with amenities and the price is very reasonable. Other opSaturday August 6th, 2-8pm at Shawnigan tions are Airbnb and Lake School, upper Rugby pitch VRBO as well as the Villa Eyrie Resort (10% disDon’t miss the party! count with code VIRPCA) but does require a miniIn 1996 Vancouver Island became a sepa- mum 2 nights. rate region of the Porsche Club of America. Prior to that we were part of the Canada When registering you will need to choose West region. We hope you will join us to cele- your burger type on the form - Beef, Chickbrate the Club's 25th Anniversary that oc- en, or Salmon. There will be a selection of curred in 2021. It is now 2022 and better late salads and non-alcoholic refreshments, and than never. We couldn’t celebrate the event desserts. Note there will be no alcohol availlast year due to COVID restrictions so we able at the venue but you are welcome to have planned an outdoor event at Shawni- BYOB. The cost is $15 per child under 13 and gan Lake School where we can park our cars $45 for everyone else. on the upper rugby pitch and enjoy a family barbeque and get together with our memAttendees are asked to indicate which class bers from all over the Island. We hope to their car will be entered in, all cars are eligihave a large number of our Past Presidents ble and this will be a mandatory requirement there to celebrate with us as well. as all cars will be displayed on the pitch and eligible for an award. The classes are – 356’s, The event will have a real festive atmos- water-cooled transaxle 924, 944, 928, & 968, phere and be lots of fun.. There will be a water-cooled post 1999, Boxster, Cayman, show-n-shine with commemorative ribbons Unstock, Panamera & Taycan, Macan & Cayawarded for a variety of classes. The juniors enne. will get to vote on their favourite as well. There will be great draw prizes, a 50/50 in Also for an event of this size we are asking support of our scholarship fund, and you for event volunteers to help it go smoothly have a chance to win the grand prize, a set mostly around directing traffic and parking of Continental Tires. the vehicles in their classes on the pitch. You will be finished in time to join the party. We have also arranged for optional accommodation ($55 per person) at one Registration is now open on Motorsport Reg of the school dorms for those who don’t want msreg.com/Porsches-on-the-Pitch to travel after the event. It is in Renfrew House - a young women’s dorm. All rooms Tim have two single beds with either a shared washroom with one other room (jack & jill) or a “gang washroom” on each floor. As you can imagine the dorms at the school are

Past President, Tim



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Editor, Steve


For the first time since 2018, the Club’s four day charity event was held at the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort in Ucluelet. Although the weather was not the best as it was a bit damp, the attendees, the sponsors, the resort, the area and the cars made it a great time for all and together the Club raised $18,712 for Cops-for-Cancer/Tour de Rock and $7,724 for the Ucluelet Volunteer Fire Brigade! Well done to everyone involved in the event! It was said many times at the Banquet, but extra special thanks do go to the organising committee consisting of Dan Bourlet, Steve Peers, Brad Blaney, Norm Smith, Tim Evans and Steve Fairbrother - plus their respective spouses providing support. VIR President Garth Webber Atkins also helped out in numerous ways, as did Rally Chair Klaus Kreye (Autocross), Technical Chair Paul Rossmo (Overland) and VIR member Gordon Halkett (registration and Tofino drive).

RCMP Corporal Terry Crawford and UVFB Fire Chief Rick Geddes are the Club’s riders - we wish them the best of luck on their ride later this year. They both helped attract some big bucks into the funds required to make this such a great event in the Club’s calendar. We would also like to thank other region members that made the journey to join us at Black Rock from their home towns across the water, either in the USA or other Canadian provinces - thank you all! If I have omitted anyone, I do apologize and I shall correct that in the next issue if need be. I took MANY photos at the event and if you are not shown here, sorry, but there is not room for everyone.


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The VIR Black Rock Committee wishes to thank the following sponsors and donors Porsche Centre Victoria

Garage Kings

Porsche Club of America Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit Black Rock Oceanfront Resort

Crown Isle Resort

European Specialty Automotive

Forward Auto Gallery

Forward Automotive

Porsche Cars Canada Ltd

000 Magazine


La Cocina Tortilla Chips

MOD Beverage Inc

Shelter Park Brewery

Cliffside Brewery

Coastal Craft Beverages

Blue Grouse Winery

Riot Brewery

Land & Sea Brewery

Ucluelet Brewing Company

The Old Farm Market

Flintstones Design & Build

Beyond Clean Mobile Detailing

Elevated Electrics

Smith & Lee Butchers

Phil Ballam Plumbing & Heating

Paul Rossmo Historics


Wingren Flooring

Griot’s Garage



Classic Nail Spa

Steve Allaire

Paul Rossmo Historics

Able Recognition

Pharmasave Broadmead

Royal Tandoor

Mt. Douglas Golf Course

Mega IT Technology


Hagerty Insurance

GAIN Detailing Studio

VIR asks that you show your support by using their goods & services throughout the year VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Organising Committee Co-Chair, Dan


I would like to say "Thank You" to everyone that attended Black Rock 2022. Your attendance and generous donations have made another very successful and fun-filled event. The charity money raised this year for Cops for Cancer "Tour de Rock" was over $18k and for Ucluelet Volunteer Fire Brigade was over $7k. Truly amazing, Thank You. I would also like to thank ALL our sponsors for their financial contributions and auction items sponsors for great prizes to help make our event special. Congratulations to all of the Auction items winners, there were some great items contributed to our event this year. Winners like Henry Ellis (Garage Kings flooring package), Larry Stadnick (vintage VIR jacket, Norm Smith’s Hawaiian Porsche shirt), and Molly Cuddeford (Porsche Centre Victoria Golf Bag). The weather was a variety of dry, wet, cloudy and sunny patches for Autocross, HPDE, Overland Tour, Raincoast Education Society Walk, Show & Shine, Porsche Parade, beach BBQ, Saturday Pancake Breakfast and even the Whisky tasting. Special thanks to Steve Cropper and all the HPDE Instructors. As well thanks to Chuck, Rick & Sam for the Autocross Track. It was great to see returning members, friends and new members, all having fun and talking about our common interest. In this issue, there are some great pictures by Steve Fairbrother, Henning Wulff and others of the beautiful area, fantastic cars and people having a good time. Again, thank you for all of your support and all the time and effort contributed by the Black Rock Committee members.

Dan Bourlet (& Steve Peers)

Black Rock Committee Co-Chairs

Editor - VIR really appreciates both Dan Bourlet and Steve Peers’ tremendous efforts organizing Black Rock even with recent serious health issues . Thank you guys!!

Photos by Brad Blaney and Steve Peers


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Tour de Rock Nanaimo Committee, Norm


Once again, the Black Rock event held a raffle, silent auction and live auction to benefit the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock. Club members and event sponsors graciously donated items for the cause. Club members then showed the true Porsche spirit as they bid on items during the auctions. As the auctioneer, I was simply amazed at their generosity raising money to help kids battling cancer. I am truly blessed to be part of such an awesome group of people.


Photo by Steve Fairbrother

Co-Chair Tour de Rock Nanaimo Committee

Our 2022 Cops for Cancer / Tour de Rock Riders RCMP Corporal Terry Crawford & UVFB Fire Chief Rick Geddes Terry & Rick are shown here with Garth Webber Atkins and Sonia Ross during the Live Auction. Rick said “I really want to pass along our gratitude for the generosity of the Porsche

Club. I know my members had a great time this past weekend. Too bad the weather was lousy. Please pass along our thanks to the club”.

Photo by Henning Wulff


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The Hotel - Black Rock Oceanfront Resort


Photos by Steve Fairbrother

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Some members’ cars throughout the weekend


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Thursday - Whisky Tasting (by donation to UVFB)

Photos by Steve Fairbrother


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Thursday - Welcome Social (for Cops for Cancer)

Photos by Henning Wulff & Steve Fairbrother


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Friday/Saturday - Tofino Airport Events - Autocross & HPDE Rally Chair, Klaus Kreye Synonymous with Black Rock are the events at the Tofino airport. As in previous years, a section of the airport (a taxiway and part of runway 16) was rented and cordoned off for our use. Autocross We obtained access at 7:30am Friday and started the set-up for the autocross. One team laid out the track with cones whilst we set up the gazebos and timing equipment. There were some issues with a loose connection, fixed with duct tape! We were ready to run the first car around 9am. The set-up was mostly dry, but as the day wore on, a stiff breeze came up and we had to tie the gazebos down as they wanted to take off. Pretty soon it started to rain, which led to the times in the morning being slower. It eased up a bit after lunch and the times dropped…. soon to be followed by more rain! By 3pm we all had enough “moisture” and called it a day. Looking at the course times it was very nice to see the steady improvement that a number of drivers achieved over the session, dropping their time lap after lap. Vying for the fastest time were Uli Jaeckel in the GT2RS and Brian Wong in the 718 Spyder. Both returned times of 103 seconds with Brian taking the fastest in the morning by a half second. Lap times improved after lunch and 3 drivers achieved below 100 seconds: Brian Wong Uli Jaeckel Stephen Lim

718 Spyder GT2RS GT3

90.964 93.001 97.686

The honourable mention goes to Geoff Melnychuk who turned in a very respectable 111 seconds in the old 911S (longnose) against all the modern cars. High Performance Driver Education Saturday was the turn of the High Performance Driver Education – HPDE. A total of six driving instructors were on hand, led by Steve Cropper. They represented a formidable range of experience and I had the pleasure of having three of them accompany me in the car on my laps. Whilst they all have the same goals, the individual instruction received laid emphasis on different aspects of car control, all complementary to the overall objective of negotiating the course as smoothly and fast as possible – many thanks for the guidance! Conditions were again rather “aquatic” which meant the wipers were on all the time, but also brought reduced traction, which means that the occasional slide occurred at relatively low speeds and could be enjoyed!!! I would thoroughly recommend a HPDE for anyone wanting to get more familiar with the handling of their cars to get more enjoyment (and confidence) in driving your Porsche.

Klaus Photos by Iain Cuthbertson & Steve Fairbrother


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Thanks to the UVFB for their help and providing the BBQ at Autocross and HPDE


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Friday/Saturday - Tofino Drives Vice President, Steve Peers Great turn out for the Friday group planned Drive to Tofino with 20 cars participating. After a drivers’ meeting in the Black Rock Resort parking lot, we departed at 9:30am along Marine Drive towards the Lighthouse making a loop and heading back into Ucluelet passing the Aquarium and dock. Passing through a small entrance on Cedar we proceeded on to the highway and headed 21 km towards Tofino. We passed great views of Long Beach and Incinerator Rock on the west side of the road. Turning on to Chesterman Road, we viewed one of the top beaches along the west coast. Arriving in to Tofino we turned on Fourth St and then a quick left along Main St where we snapped a quick picture. Making a loop back out along First St one could see the Tofino Public Dock which many took the opportunity to drive on for some good pictures. Due to limited parking for the group, we proceeded back out of Tofino along Campbell St and ended our tour at the Tofino Distillery and Brewing Co on Industrial. Participants were able to enjoy lunch in Tofino or go check out one of the famous beaches we passed.



Photos by Steve/Ross Peers

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Friday - Porsche Overland Drive Editor, Steve Fairbrother A handful of 4-wheel drive vehicles started out from Black Rock Resort with boxed lunches and water in the back of my Macan. Veteran offroader Paul Rossmo (pictured below) was due to lead the drive in his Cayenne, but on the way to Ucluelet, his wipers stopped working and Paul was not able to resolve in time for the drive, so he hopped into my passenger seat and I became the lead car driving into the forest service roads (FSR) around Ucluelet! We had a couple of false starts where we encountered some padlocked gates across the roads and another road ended up that cars had to reverse out or do a 20+ point turn as another car and we did - thanks for reversing cameras on our cars as that made the manoeuvre easier and safer. Then Paul got us onto some different roads and we reached a decent spot to stop for lunch - Secret Beach, which previous attendees of Black Rock may have been to before as it is a really nice location. It was a very pleasant lunch with chat about P cars of course and we were accompanied by Steve and Laura’s well behaved chocolate Lab!



Photos by Steve Fairbrother

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Friday - Beach BBQ (by donation to UVFB) Editor, Steve Fairbrother The famous Beach BBQ run by the UVFB once again was very well attended including some Ucluelet locals who we see every time we have the BBQ. They know that the UVFB’s food is great and the weather was not too bad which made it more enjoyable for everyone involved there! Plenty of smiles all around and of course the beach fire Tiki logs were a great hit as usual too. Lots of funds were raised at the event for UFVB who use it to get extra equipment that could save someone’s life one day.



Photos by Henning Wulff, Steve Fairbrother & Brad Blaney

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Saturday - Pancake Breakfast (by donation to UVFB) Editor, Steve Fairbrother Saturday morning at Black Rock is the UVFB cooked Pancake breakfast and this year was no exception. After a slight issue with the warming pans’ flames getting blown out by the wind, all was ok and attendees had their fill of blueberry or plain pancakes, sausages, maple syrup, coffee and juice. Photos by Steve Fairbrother

Ucluelet Volunteer Fire Brigade


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Friday Nature Walk and Saturday Show & Shine VIR Member, Brad Blaney Saturday morning dawned dry, but by the time the Show and Shine started at noon, the rain had started in earnest. Not really heavy but steady. Exasperating, the dampness was out in the open location on the pier, with the slight breeze conspiring to drive the rain almost sideways. No amount of umbrellas could protect us. Despite the weather, a surprising number of locals did wander down to the pier to admire our cars. I remember one family in particular, with four boys. They were thrilled when I invited them to sit in my Boxster so their mom could snap a photo! I figured since I’d be hopping in soaking wet, why not let them sit inside too! Hopefully I convinced some youngsters to own a Porsche of their own some day. Steve Fairbrother did the same with another family of two boys, who were equally thrilled while their Mom took photos! I have to applaud the intrepid dozen or so Porsche drivers who did show up, daring the ele-

ments to park on the pier. Though I suspect most were taking advantage of the ‘free’ parking and wandered into town for lunch! A big thank you to Abby Fortune and the Ucluelet Parks and Recreation Department for arranging for us to park on the pier, providing barricades for parking control and printing up laminated posters for our event. Another group that I would like to thank is the Raincoast Education Society. When our usual guides for the Nature walk on Friday afternoon could not provide a guide this year, Raincoast stepped up. They provided information brochures for our goody bags and guided the trail walk north of the resort. Thanks to Mark Maftei of Raincoast for all the support!



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Photos by Steve Fairbrother


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Saturday Silent Auction Editor, Steve Fairbrother There were two auctions occurring on Saturday evening - a silent auction in the resort lobby area and a live auction during the banquet. There were many items attendees could to bid on, kindly donated by individuals and companies. There were varied items such as a Porsche rug, whisky, a dashcam, garage signs, RCMP plate, books, model cars, clothing, certificates for oil changes, detailing, restaurants and a 000 magazine subscription. While the silent auction bids were occurring, people drank and chatted with both old and new friends in the lobby. Everyone looked very neat and tidy, some even glamourous!


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Photos by Steve Fairbrother


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Photos by Steve Fairbrother and Henning Wulff


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Saturday Gala Banquet Editor, Steve Fairbrother Apart from having a fun time of course, the main reason for holding Black Rock is to raise funds for pediatric cancer support and the local fire brigade. The Live Auction typically raises the bulk of the funds for Cops for Cancer and this occurs just after the banquet meal has completed. Although as in previous years, Norm Smith, our MC, auctions off which table gets to have their meal first from the buffet! Once the meal is over, Norm gets the live auction going enticing everybody to bid for the more valuable items that have been donated to the Club for auction. One of this year’s spe-

cial items was described by RCMP Corporal Terry Crawford, they were RCMP special coins showing four children who are going through (or had gone through) cancer. Other items included: wine, Porsche engine artwork, Porsche golf bag, Crown Isle package, Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit package, aged whisky and a Garage Kings epoxy garage floor! A vintage jacket with an original Club logo on it was sold to Larry Stadnick. VIR changed our logo many, many years ago, as it was too close to Porsche’s own crest apparently and so as soon as Larry tried the jacket on after buying it, he was promptly “arrested” by Terry for wearing counterfeit goods!! (see picture below).

Norm was wearing a rather snazzy Porsche themed Hawaiian shirt and somebody bid enough that they took the “shirt off his back”, luckily Norm had a spare jacket! Photos by Steve Fairbrother and Henning Wulff


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VIR President Garth Webber Atkins (above left) presented long time Black Rock organizer Dan Bourlet with a gift for his tireless endeavours making it happen. Dan’s partner Tracy Duggan (above right) was also honourably mentioned, as was the remainder of the Black Rock Committee.


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911 AREA RUGS! Wingren Nufloors announce custom made, Porsche themed, Turkish rugs. Limited Edition run of 100 rugs, 3’x5’. Various designs available $299 each. As seen at the Black Rock auction

Contact Gordon Halkett for details at gordonhalkett@gmail.com

VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Sunday UVFB Parade Editor, Steve Fairbrother

Even though it was damp on Sunday morning, that did not deter either the fire brigade or the attendees going on the usual UVFB Porsche Parade around the town of Ucluelet and then back to the resort for a buffet breakfast! Here are just some of the cars on the parade.


Photos by Steve Fairbrother

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Mid Island Director, Detlef


As I have already stated in various conversations with the (for me) new members of the Club in the Mid Island area, I'm delighted and surprised by the participants and the attitude of the same! Brief statement on the course of the Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive (on May 1st) and the SnowBirds event (May 10th). It showed me, through the numerous participation and re-

sponse, that to organize events like this is worthwhile. With the Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive, I was pretty sure that out of the previous drive, it had to be a success, thanks to the large number of participants, the SnowBird Comox drive was also a success and fun for our members! Therefore, in the coming year 2023, after the consultation with the Public Affair Officer of the SnowBirds, I intend to enrich this event with an additional program, that I hope will be successful too. The Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive as well as the SnowBird drive was worthwhile to organize. Thanks.


Pasha & Detlef enjoying the Black Rock BBQ VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Nanaimo - Coombs Loop Drive

Photos by Garth Webber Atkins VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Snowbirds Practice

Photos by Sonia/Trevor Ross VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Suncoast Region Member, Pedro

P Bonilla

Trivia-70 In the fall of 1950 the Austrian ex-pat and adoptive New Yorker Maximillian “Max” Hoffman became the first Porsche dealer in the US when he took delivery of two 1.1 liter 356 coupes and put them on display at his showroom on 430 Park Avenue. The fall of 2020 marks 70 years of Porsche in America. To celebrate, here are 70 Porsche fun-facts that you can use to impress friends on trivia night. 1. The 1898 Lohner-Porsche Elektromobil was the first car in the world with brakes on all four wheels. 2. Prof. Ferdinand Porsche chauffeured Archduke Franz Ferdinand in a Lohner-Porsche in 1902. 3. In 1939 Prof. Ferdinand Porsche designed the Mercedes Benz Type 8 car to be the fastest car on earth with a projected top speed of 470 mph. Because of the political events at the time, the car never got to do its run. 4. During WWI, Prof. Ferdinand Porsche designed heavy transport vehicles: flatbed trailers with the wheels powered by individual hub-motors. 5. The very first 356 (356 #1 - prototype) was a mid-engined car. The rest of the production had a rear-engine layout. 6. Beutler Carrosserie turned closed 356s into open ones – completing its first custom cabriolet in 1947, three years before Porsche came to America and a full seven years before the 356 Speedster was introduced. 7. U.S. importer Max Hoffman displayed the first U.S. Porsches in his New York City showroom by late 1950. 8. In 1952, US auto maker Studebaker contracted Porsche to develop a new car and engine. 9. Hoffman conducted Porsche 356 test drives on Park Avenue, an accomplishment that VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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could not be proficiently duplicated today. 10. Hoffman's Porsche dealer showroom was designed by famous Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It is now a modern office building with a Mercedes-Benz dealer on the street level. Hoffman also contracted Wright to build his home in Rye, NY. 11. In addition to importing the first Porsche models to the United States, Max Hoffman also raced Porsches. Several of Porsche's initial U.S. racing victories can be attributed to him. 12. Hoffman is also credited for the birth of the Porsche Speedster, with the intention of producing a lower-cost Porsche to compete with the Austin Healey 100, Triumph TR-2 and MG models in the United States. 13. In 1952, Hollywood dealer John von Neumann wanted to race a Porsche, so he ordered a 356 without paint or upholstery to modify it himself. 14. The Porsche logo/crest was designed in the USA in 1952 by Dr. Ferry Porsche on his napkin (right) as he sat opposite U.S. importer Max Hoffman in a New York restaurant. 15. In the original 356 Speedster, a tachometer was not standard, nor were padded seats, sun visors or heaters. 16. An exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in 1953 featured 10 automobiles, including a 1952 Porsche 1500 Super. 17. The first Porsche to appear at the New York Auto Show was in 1954 and was called "a snappy Porsche roadster." 18. The Porsche Club of America was founded in 1955, only five years after Porsche was introduced to the United States. 19. The word "Continental" appeared on the side of the 1955 Porsche Coupe and Cabriolet, but only in North America. 20. The Porsche of America Corporation was founded in 1956, taking over national representation of the brand from Max Hoffman. 21. The inaugural Porsche Parade took place in greater Washington D.C. on August 29, 1956.

22. The first appearance of a Porsche at the historic 12 Hours of Sebring endurance race was in 1956, piloted by Hans Herrmann (right). 23. One of the first U.S. Porsche brochures in the 1950s featured a pair of woman's gloves on the cover with a set of Porsche keys. The tagline read: "The keys to miles of pleasure . . ." 24. British automotive weekly publication Autocar be(Continued on page 70)


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came the first outlet to test a Porsche in April 1956, a Porsche 356.

25. The first Porsche series-produced roadster was aptly named the America Roadster for its intentional distribution entirely within the United States. It was completely unpublicized in Europe and only 16 models were ever built. 26. The first vertical-drive German inline engine was displayed at the 1958 New York Auto Show along with several other "firsts", including the first diesel outboard motor. 27. Jean Behra drove the first single-seat Porsche race car in the 1958 Formula 2 race at Rheims, France. 28. The "D" in the 1959 "Speedster D" takes its name from the Drauz Factory of Heibronn.

29. The 1950s Porsche airplane engine (based on the 356 1.6 L) could power a helicopter when mounted vertically. 30. Rear seats, headlights, and higher bumpers were the prime accessories fitting a new Porsche in 1960. The starting price for one of these new models was a whopping $3,400. 31. Porsche withdrew from the 12 Hours of Sebring endurance race in 1960 in protest over organizers requesting that the manufacturer use a particular brand of gasoline. 32. Porsche's production of diesel tractors peaked in 1960/61 with 150,000. 33. The first American citizen to win a Formula One Championship victory at a U.S. track while driving a Porsche was Dan Gurney (right) in 1961. 34. Dan Gurney also won Porsche's first (and only) World Championship Grand Prix with a victory at Rouen, France in 1962. 35. The 911 was originally the 901, until Peugeot informed Porsche of its trademark rights on cars named with a "0" between two numbers. 36. At the end of its production in 1965, Porsche 356 models were being produced exclusively for the American market. 37. 1966 was the first full production year for the 900 series Porsches and one-half was shipped to the United States, while one-quarter stayed in West Germany. 38. The 907 prototype, developed in winter 1966/67, was the first Porsche to go faster than 300 km/hr (186 mph). 39. In 1967, a Targa version of the popular-selling 911 model was introduced. It included a stainless-steel rollbar to provide a solution to suspicions that the United States would outlaw open-top convertibles. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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40. Porsche's 914/4 model was sold as the "VW-Porsche" in Europe but only had the Porsche crest in the United States. 41. More than 100 dealerships marked the increasing popularity of Porsche models in the United States by opening simultaneously on November 1, 1969. 42. The 1970 Porsche 914 was initially ruled as unsafe for driving in the United States because it lacked proper side marker lights on its front end. 43. The first twenty five (25) 917 racecars were called Secretary Cars because they were literally assembled by secretaries and anyone with a pulse at the factory. Porsche needed to build enough 917s in a short amount of time to satisfy the FIA homologation inspectors. They did it, and the rest is history.

44. The first ever Porsche "drivers' school", a precursor to the current Porsche Sport Driving School, was conducted on May 29, 1971 at Mitchell Field, Long Island, NY. 45. The 1975 Silver Anniversary limited edition was built in both coupe and Targa body form, painted in diamond-silver metallic and individually numbered. 46. For the 1976 912E, "E" stands for Einspritzung, meaning "fuel injection," because the car had Bosch L-Jetronic fuel injection. 47. The 924/944 water-cooled Porsche models were designed by an American, Tony Lapine. 48. The first few Porsche 924 Turbos to come to the United States had black and whitecheckered flag fabric on the seat inserts and door panels.

49. Porsche partnered briefly with Indianapolis 500 racing in 1980 for the first time in its long motorsports history on the Formula One racing circuit. 50. The Interscope Porsche, developed for racing in the Indianapolis 500 race in 1980, was originally unveiled at a press conference at Tavern on the Green restaurant in New York City. 51. The enduring success of the 911 model is owed to American CEO Peter Schutz, who in 1980, after seeing the proposed end of production in 1981 on a chart, extended the line with a marker and told Helmuth Bott to "make it happen."


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52. It is largely believed that Peter Schutz (right) was selected as CEO of Porsche from 1981 to 1986 because as an American, it was hoped that he would revive dwindling U.S. sales of the 911. 53. The success at the 24 Hours of LeMans in 1981 is due to combining chassis from three 936 models with experimental engines developed for U.S. Indy Car racing. 54. Porsche began promoting vacation delivery in 1982: order the car in the United States, take delivery in Europe, drive around the continent and return the car to the factory to have it shipped home. 55. The Porsche 928 in the film Risky Business is actually a total of four cars ranging in years from 1979-1981. Each car had different options such as interior colors, wheel designs and even paint colors. The production crew had to be very careful about which part of the cars they filmed to make it look like only one vehicle was used in the movie. 56. Al Holbert set a FIA international class speed record while driving a stock 928 S4 at the Bonneville Salt Flats in 1986. His speed: 171.110 mph. 57. The 959 was the most technologically advanced supercar of its generation. A 200 mph, all wheel drive, turbo powered Porsche which won its class at the 24 hours of Le Mans and also won the overall first place in the grueling Paris to Dakar Rally. Because Porsche didn’t provide the USDOT with four 959s for crash testing, the car was never certified by the NHTSA for street use in the US. In 2001 with the passage of the “Show & Display”, the crash test requirements were removed and US imports of 959s were allowed. 58. Porsche 911 engines were air-cooled for an astounding 34 years before switching to a water-cooled format in 1998 to meet increasingly stringent environmental rules and Porsche's desire to provide more power while reducing fuel consumption. 59. In 1992 it took 125 hours to build a Porsche 911. By 1994 the factory was down to 80 hours, thus reducing the cost of the cars. 60. The Porsche 911 RS entered the United States in 1993. The "RS" stands for "Rennsport," German for "race sport" or racing. It had no sunroof, A/C, backseat or power steering. 61. Porsche was the first auto manufacturer to make passenger air bags available, optional or standard. 62. The names for both the 911 Carrera and the Panamera came from Mexico's historic CarVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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rera Panamericana race, where Porsche scored many victories.

63. Notable past and current American celebrities who are or were Porsche enthusiasts include James Dean, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Ralph Lauren, Jerry Seinfeld, Jay Leno, and Patrick Dempsey. 64. Only 1,270 units of the V10, 612HP Carrera GT were built between 2004 and 2006. 604 of them were sold in the USA. The original production run had been established at 1,500 units but new airbag regulations in the US stopped the run a bit short. 65. In 2013 Porsche established a record at the famed Nürburgring by setting the fastest lap ever by a production car (on street-legal tires) of 6:57:00, with the 918 Hybrid Supercar. 66. The 800-volt technology used in the all electric 2020 Taycan was developed by Porsche for the 919 Hybrid Racecar. 67. Porsche was the last major manufacturer to enter Formula-E (all electric formula cars). After 30 years Porsche has returned to single-seater racing. 68. Porsche now offers a Club Sport Package for each one of its GT cars: GT2, GT3, and GT4.

69. It is estimated that over 70% of all Porsches ever built are still running today. 70. The correct pronunciation of Porsche is "Porsch-eh." For more information on Porsche trivia, facts and more, please visit my website: www.PedrosGarage.com Happy Porsche’ing, Most of the trivia facts courtesy of Porsche. Ⓒ2014 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com For more information on Porsche restoration and more, please visit my website: www.PedrosGarage.com Happy Porsche’ing


© 2022 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com


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One of the pictures on our Facebook group from Bruce McCallum, who is on a big US driving tour.. Thanks Bruce!

South Island Director, Ron


Cars & Coffee at Porsche Centre Victoria Sunday, May 29 saw over 100 cars of all types take part in the inaugural Porsche Centre Victoria Cars & Coffee event. General Manager Adam Ma suggested the idea based on a similar gathering that he hosted annually at his prior dealership on the Lower Mainland, and it surpassed expectations despite marginal weather. Adam and his team pulled out all the stops with a pancake breakfast for attendees, while longtime VIRPCA Member Geir Oglend shared his delicious Drumroaster coffee for everyone present. Cars from all eras and countries were represented and enthusiasts of all ages were in attendance. Although 100 is the estimate of cars in the VW Victoria and adjoining lots, there were many more cars that had to park on nearby streets after the display area filled up shortly after 10am. VIRPCA members were well represented, however. In addition to a bunch of 911 GT3’s, there was a selection of 356’s appropriately parked together at the entryway of the former Speedway Motors. There was also a group of stock and modified gorgeous long-hood 911s, as well as a cross-section of more modern examples of Stuttgart’s best. Gary Glover and John Clark made the trip from Nanaimo and Comox respectively, while Greg Campbell voyaged over from Salt Spring in his ’59 Convertible D that he’s owned since the 1980’s.

Ron Pictures by Wyman Lee PCV General Manager Adam Ma


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Some great non-Porsche cars were on display


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Obviously lots of non P-cars showed up too


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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too!

There are three locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly:

Up Island 2nd Sat of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay

Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria


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“It's not just the cars, it's the people!”


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Photos by Steve Peers, Wyman Lee & Steve Fairbrother VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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PCA SIM Racing Committee, David

K Palmer

Spring 2022 PCA Sim Racing National Newsletter Update As Sim Racing is the newest of the vast array of activities that PCA offers, we on the administration side of it thought that a periodic update that could be distributed to newsletter/magazine throughout the Club would be beneficial to the membership. Series 8 of the PCA National Sim Racing calendar has just been completed, with close and competitive racing throughout the four driver classifications. Our drivers were challenged with a wide variety of racing circuits the world over: from a little-known track in Australia (Winton), to one of the most famous and long-established in Italy (Monza). I’m pleased to present the Series 8 champions in each class: Pro: Christopher Paiz, Lone Star Region Club: Garrett Taylor, Kansas City Region Sport: Jake Geiger, Pacific Northwest Region Challenge: Mark LaCombe, Pacific Northwest Region Congratulations to these four and everyone who participated in the eight events that made up the Series! As a reminder, all our National Series events are broadcast on our YouTube channel that can be found here. The complete Series 8 results are here. As our National Series racing begins its “summer holiday”, there are plenty of other opportunities for those interested in either starting with PCA Sim Racing or to maintain your competitive edge in the long and warm days of summer. In what we call our “Summer Fun League”, we are offering three ways to begin racing with us, or keep your virtual driving skills honed: The Entry-class League for those new to PCA Sim Racing The Summer Fun League, administered by our friends on the West Coast The Arrive & Drive League, a more casual series utilizing both traditional and not-sotraditional racing circuits. Information on all these Leagues, as well as anything concerning PCA Sim Racing can be found on our website: https://pcasimracing.com/. There is an entire section devoted to those who have no prior experience or understanding of what is required to get involved in what is one of the most challenging, fun, and rewarding of all the activities that PCA offers for its members. There is also a “Contact Us” page on the website to ask us any questions that you have after reviewing the material available. We are looking forward to doing whatever we can to have you join us at PCA Sim Racing!


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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.

Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors


Discount Description


Up to 30%

Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

Porsche Center Victoria

Up to 15%

15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts



Confirm with owner first.


At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2022- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.

Pelican Parts


elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org

See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com





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Up Island Mid Island South Island July 19 7pm

Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

2 Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd

Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Sam so we have an idea for online capacity

Ladies Drive

July 10

July 16

Aug 6 2 - 8pm

Cobble Hill to Ladysmith. Start from Drumroaster Coffee in Cobble Hill at 10:30, take the scenic drive to The Boatshed Waterfront Grill in Ladysmith for lunch at noon.

Past-President’s Drive

Porsches on the Pitch

Contact Tim

At Shawnigan Lake School See details in this issue.. Register at msreg.com/Porsches-on-the-Pitch

Port Alberni Drive

Contact Dan B


Drive In Movie

Contact Garth

Contact Tim

Same drive as per last year to Genoa Bay. Details and reg at msreg.com/2022-Genoa-Bay

Aug 13

Contact Sam


Aug 20

Keep an eye out for emails about this event in Victoria Langford area. It MAY be combined with other car clubs.

Aug 31

VIR Fiscal Year End

Contact A.J.

Sep 10

Gold River Charity Drive Details TBA

Contact Dan


Sep 14-18

PCA Fall Treffen

Registration via PCA, opens 3pm June 29th 2022

Contact PCA

Sep 17 or 18

New Member Social Details TBA

Contact Kathleen

Sep 25

Fall TSD Rally Details TBA

Contact Klaus

Oct 16





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