Mid Island Director, Detlef
As I have already stated in various conversations with the (for me) new members of the Club in the Mid Island area, I'm delighted and surprised by the participants and the attitude of the same! Brief statement on the course of the Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive (on May 1st) and the SnowBirds event (May 10th). It showed me, through the numerous participation and re-
sponse, that to organize events like this is worthwhile. With the Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive, I was pretty sure that out of the previous drive, it had to be a success, thanks to the large number of participants, the SnowBird Comox drive was also a success and fun for our members! Therefore, in the coming year 2023, after the consultation with the Public Affair Officer of the SnowBirds, I intend to enrich this event with an additional program, that I hope will be successful too. The Nanoose-Coombs Loop Drive as well as the SnowBird drive was worthwhile to organize. Thanks.
Pasha & Detlef enjoying the Black Rock BBQ VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
July 2022 Page 63