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admin-iinlife Motivational Speaker | November 12, 2018
Studying with concentration is more important than sitting at the desk and studying for long hours.
WHY TO STUDY FOR LONG HOURS? Studying with concentration for long hours is something that everyone wants to master. Some of the most prestigious exams in India need rigorous preparation and not easy to achieve. For instance, students who join the top IIT’s and NIT’s in India have done so with their successful IIT-JEEE preparation. Anybody who aces those exams have to put in in incredible amount of effort which does not necessarily mean long study hours.
HOW DOES ONE DO IT? If you are sitting for any of those exams, then it is critical to train your mind and body to sit and study for long hours with concentration. Otherwise it would be dif cult to crack. Here are the few things which make you study for long hours with concentration:
1. Need for a strong purpose Surprisingly the people who manage to crack these exams with an extremely good rank have a lot of clarity on what they want to do and where they want to be after nishing their engineering. That kind of vision drives them to put in concentrated effort through the years. For example, there are students who get top ranks but take up a speci c engineering to join NASA. These students have clarity as early as 6th standard. On the other hand, if it is just a wish to become an IITian or just to make sure you get appreciated in society or even to just secure a job then it dif cult to study because the drive is not going to be there.
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If there is no strong purpose behind study then however hard you try the pain of studying just becomes worse as one approaches 12th standard. If you have not found the purpose then put an effort to nd it.
2. Organize a Place The place where you perform most activities absorbs your feelings. That’s why bed makes you more lazy and restful even for studying as well. Organize your place for yourself in a manner that sets the mood for studying. Too much clutter and unclean beds de nitely do not add to the mood. Also please con rm that your place is well ventilated. Being in a room where you are holed up for better part of the day the cleanliness and ventilation and fresh will keep you active. Fresh air does wonders to your mood, even if you don’t realize it.
3. Mindfulness and meditation Sitting 3-4 hours at a stretch does strain to your mind. As your brain activity increases it needs to get into a level where mind tness is of extreme importance. Meditation is one of the most effective tools at your disposal. It keeps your mind calm, helps in focusing, keeps it relaxed and often gives you a sense of result disconnection, which is very important. Keep 15-30 minutes before starting study for long hour and 15-30 minutes before you go to the bed. The beginning meditation sets you in the right mood for indents and sharpens. At the last one siphons off the deadly building-up your anxieties after the day’s study and relieves stress.
4. Ergonomics It is very important. It is important to know that it leads in developing severe back pain problems because of long hours of sitting and working or studying. So, instead of deciding to invest into doctor’s fees, investing a good set of chairs and tables. The ones with good back and a ram support also an arm rest are advisable.
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Often you do not realize the repressed role that it plays in keeping your comfortable when studying for long hours. An uncomfortable body gives out subtle signs in distraction forms, more frequent need for breaks, drifting your mind and it off course, pains. Avoid sitting on the bed if you are studying for long hours. It is not only the worst for your back but also for the alertness of mind.
Read Also – How to come out of your confused mind? 5. Food and Fitness Eat less food. Over-eating makes you sleepy and lethargy can’t be good for concentration ever. A light stomach means an active mind. It is also advisable that you keep yourself hydrated properly. Keep your liquids intake at an adequate level as dehydration will de nitely mess up your focus, even if you don’t realize it. For a period that you need to study for long hours, avoiding oily junk food or outside food. Homemade food is not only more nutritious and hygienic but also has a more soothing effect on the mind. I have always found that eating too much food and outside food causes anxiety and sleep disorder. Fitness is another crucial aspect that you need to direct your thoughts. Studying for 13-14 hours a day means you get mainly into only in eat and sit. Many people put on their weight during these months, which is okay. But there are few things that you can do for maintaining physical tness level. Daily, take walks or go for a short run. Or do a little yoga or exercises. However, it is important that you do not exhaust yourself physically at this time by overdoing your gym or running. If you run for 30 minutes then you will take another hour to recover. So, it is better to be in a consistent level of physical activity which keeps you alert, but not so much that will make you tired immensely.
6. Short breaks These will help you to get throughout the day. Take regular breaks after every 3 hours of not more than 15-20 minutes. Any more than that could make you to lose your momentum. In those breaks, try to do something which keeps you in relaxing mode. You can also try taking a walk.
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However, it is crucial that your single sitting session is for a minimum of 3 hours. There is a strong logic behind it. The LOGIC is that most of the exams are of 3 hrs. So, if your mind, brain, body are used to sitting for 3 hours and concentrate fully; then on the exam day it will be like another day.
7. Don’t entertain yourself using the Internet Unless your study requires internet, it is best to shut off those both on the phone and laptop. If you give a try, it is quite possible. How much you succeed in this effort will de ne how progressively you remove your distractions. Do de nitely try to be off from social media’s till your exams nish. You might think a quick scroll of your FB and Instagram feed is relaxing but it is not. It’s like a social media black hole which will keep you falling into.
8. Make habit of sleeping It is an advice to keep your mobile phone away as much as you can while taking your beauty nap. Try to sleep with your phone switched off mode. It will also give more restful sleep which is very essential to live next day with equal joy and vigour. Denying yourself sleep always results in poor concentration because your mind is tired and not well rested. Sleeping for at least 5-6 hours at a stretch is better than constant naps. Beyond that you can take short naps to feel refreshed. Not touching your mobile phone for within the rst 90 minutes of your waking up is very good idea.
9 Smart Study Plan A lot of students perform blunders by working hard but not smart. Taking complete test papers before exams will help you in the exams and saves you time. It is also important on what you plan for your syllabus and revisions. First revisions are more comprehensive and need more time in detailing. Second and third would be quicker. You can schedule everything in this way.
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While you put these for long hours, it is also important that you adapt your body to the routine you will be following in your exam. Don’t be sleeping until at 10 in the morning if your exam starts at 10 too. Take practice test papers also during the same exam time as the exams will be held. It is an excellent way to time your exams well. Don’t be haphazard with your 15 hours of daily labour, if you want deserving results in important exams.
10. Don’t entertain yourself too much It is important to attend family functions but you need not attend every party and hangout. Keep it within limits and include that as part of your planning schedule. Some of the above tips might be dif cult but all those are very much doable. Having rhythm and discipline is very essential for everyone. Instead of trying to sit for 12 hours for very rst day try a couple of hours rst and slowly increase it and then lower it towards the end. To get more inputs on how to build concentration towards studying and to come out of all your distractions spending more time on social channels and other unwanted things consult a motivational speaker or life coach who can facilitate this more effectively. Total Views : (348)
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