Money Cannot Meet Your Emotional Needs June 20, 2018
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Money is important in everyone’s life as it makes life easier. It has the capability to give you comforts like good house, car, luxury and so on. But still few people feel money is not everything in life. It is needed just to sustain in this world. But, if you ask any poor person the importance of money, he expresses that money is everything. The way of considering money in life varies from one person to another.
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To have a balanced life, we should not give too much of importance to money in life at the same time to
Iinlife survive we need money. There is a famous saying that ‘the best thing in life is free but not everything is free in life’. We can’t survive in this world just because of we have good manners, humanity, values etc. We also need money but remember one thing, money can’t but you happiness.
There are some things in our life that we take very close to us like our family, friends and our best memories. These are all free and are our strength, which can’t be replaceable with money.
Also money is important to live our lives comfortably as things don’t come free; we need money to buy things and items which are needed for our survival and money has its value nobody can repudiate. Here are the lists of things money can’t buy
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Respect, manners, health, family, friends, trust, common sense, Kids, beauty, peace of mind, luck, time, ethics, positive attitude etc. Here are some of the proofs that money cannot meet your emotions.
1. You are a rich person but lacking inner peace
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It is important to think twice that money is not everything as money cannot give satisfaction and ful llment in your life. We give more importance to money than it deserves in our life. While dreaming about to make money we should not neglect the other aspects of life such as family, friendship, inner growth and your life. Don’t compromise with your value system to make money, and remember that money always brings feeling of guilt and shame on you if you cheat another person to make money.
2. You want to grow spiritually
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 To make money you have to pay attention to the worldly ways. However to grow spiritually you have to grow inwardly in both the ways/directions. If you grow spiritually then less money is also more for you. So the value of money has reduced much in your vision.
3. You are a creative person
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If you give more importance to your creativity and passion than a well-planned job then you will realize yourself that money can’t buy a peace of mind. Creativity gives you a sense of inner ful lments and peace.
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4. You are not looking to live a life of comfortÂ
For di erent reasons you would like to live a simple life. Then there is no need to give more importance to money.
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You give more importance to earning money with ethics and right conduct. It’s true that money can’t buy ethics in your life. But at the same time don’t ignore yourself and your loved ones in the race to make money. Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API
Iinlife According to me it’s wrong to say that money buys everything. Yes we do need money but what we need more than money is happiness and laughter of our loved ones which is more than anything. For the comfortable life you need money but for values and memories, you just need people in your life. Things like love, fun, health, and friendship need no money.
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