Tips to deal with difficult people at work
We often try to change or wish for a change in the other person for a better handling of the situation. This happens very rarely and usually possible in case of juniors. Here are some tips to dealing with such people who constantly make your life difficult especially at work.
1. Always be calm Don’t lose your temper. Sometimes this can be okay with juniors but otherwise it is not the most effective response to a difficult person. By doing so one loses whatever chance we have of collaboration and getting any useful result. Holding your temper and remaining calm gives you the strength to deal with it. It also puts the other person on the defensive. Importantly it allows you to listen effectively which is essential to come out with an appropriate response. The other person also respects the fact that he or she is being listened to despite being a difficult person.
2. Understand the person’s intentions Understanding a person intention. Every such person will have a different reason to be who they are or try to be. Most of the time by aggressive responses we effectively lose the understanding and at the same time create a negative impression among other people at the workplace.
3. Get some perspectives from other people If you find yourself unable to handle a person despite your best efforts, it is better to talk to some of your colleagues, seniors, at your workplace. They will be able to provide you with a completely different perspective about the person which you did not have or an experience which they had at dealing with such people. Either way it enhances your knowledge and equips you with a better way of dealing with such people.
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