VISHNU.S.RAGHAV | Competition work | Designer Studio
Honorable mention | 2020
Arch8 / Competition, Honorable mention
Year - 2020 Location Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil Category Designer Design Studio
I created this place for my comfort within the given area 2m x 3m .According to my point of view the user want some outdoor view and nature lighting means it gives some more plasent to work. Then i design wall mounted draftng table because it save some space under it And I have placed storage for sheets Wood panel shelf for stationary and books stuffs ,wooden panel shelf with white coating and the background of contrast orange colour . the design studio have much more comfort for the user .
First Floor | 3x2 Design Studio
First Floor | 3x2 Design Studio
p-40 / Competition work | Designer Studio
Section | 3x2 Design Studio
/ p-41