Mrwviru n r Volume 10, Issue 2 •
Summer 1990 •
Dialog Information Services, Inc.
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(Summer 1990) 1
/mnnrmKW Dialog International Here are the highlights from the International Marketing d e p a r t m e n t for the last four m o n t h s : • February • 2, Joanna Herring and Andrew Burgess joined the Learned Oxford office in training and customer service. • 6-8, INSEARCH LIMITED participated in the Australian Online and Ondisc Conference in Sydney. • 11, Teldan held a DIALOG UPDATE in Tel Aviv, Israel. • 12, Micromedia sponsored a DIALOG UPDATE in Toronto. Louise Grady joined Micromedia as a trainer. In the m o n t h of February, Micromedia presented a DIALOG seminar on every working day but three! • 13, the Argentina office b u r n e d , but relocated a n d reopened within a week. • Learned attended the Third Dutch Online Conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. A n d Nancy Vaupel visited MarketLink in Egypt. • March • 5-7, Kinokuniya presented a DIALOG UPDATE in Tokyo (March 5) a n d in Osaka (March 7). Tai Yamanaka, our International Marketing Representative in Japan, and Barbara A n d e r s o n of the Palo Alto office attended both UPDATEs. • 19, Jean Tyan joined Dialog as an International Marketing Representative for the Palo Alto office. Refer to the "Smiling Faces" section of this issue for more information on Jean. 2
(Summer 1990)
• 26-30, the International Field Meeting was held at the Palo Alto office; more information on w h o attended and w h a t w e n t on follows the highlight section. • A Mini-UPDATE w a s held in Monterrey, Mexico, a n d the first DIALOG Corporate Connection™ (DCC) account in Mexico was signed up. Federico Turnbull contracted to be a DIALOG OnDisc™ sales agent for Latin America. • April • 20, Oleg Smirnov, of the Institute for Automated Systems (IAS), Moscow, U.S.S.R. visited Palo Alto. The IAS is a DIALOG trainer in Moscow. Ulrike Richardson of the Arlington office will be going to the U.S.S.R. in May to bring the IAS staff u p to speed as trainers. • May • Nancy Green, Manager of International Marketing, traveled to London to visit the Learned office and KRI Unicom. Then she w e n t to Bangalore, India to open a Dialog office with Informatics (India); Nancy also gave system training, a n d she w a s a key speaker at a meeting sponsored by Informatics. The next stop was H o n g Kong, w h e r e she o p e n e d
a Dialog office with Information Services, Ltd. The International Field Meeting w a s held in Palo Alto on March 26 through 30. Attending from the field offices were: Jennifer Affleck (Insearch, Australia), Mr. Tae-Moon An (DACOM, Korea), Hubertus Gerlach (EXIT, Germany), Louise Grady (Micromedia, Canada), Beatrice Grenet (Learned, France), Luiz Grossman (PTI, Brazil), Liselotte Herlitz (DataArkiv, Sweden), Mr. Yasuto Iwasaki (Maruzen, Japan), Ms. Mariko Kamimori (Kinokuniya, Japan), Federico Turnbull (AEID, Mexico), Nancy Vaupel (Learned, England), Maggie Weaver (Micromedia, Canada), Ms. Hee-Ja Yang (DACOM, Korea), a n d Andreas Zurwehme (EXIT, Germany). The headquarters staff included Nancy Green, Jean Tyan, and Tai Yamanaka. Meeting activities included: overview of 1990 International Marketing objectives, account development w o r k s h o p , product u p d a t e s , discussion sessions, a n d marketing tips. Some of the guest speakers included: Roger Summit, Rich Ream, Anne Caputo, Paula Dowell, Carol Wilson, and Martin Buerger.
First Row (L to R): Maggie Weaver, Jean Tyan, Ms. Mariko Kamimori, Ms. Hee-Ja Yang Second Row: Nancy Green, Nancy Vaupel Third Row: Liselotte Herlity, Louise Grady, Federico Turnbull, Mr. Tae-Moon An Fourth Row: Tai Yamanaka, Andreas Zunvehme, Hubertus Gerlach, Mr. Yasuto Iwasaki, Jenny Affleck, Luiz Grossman
The 1990 U.S. Field Meeting The week of March 26-29, 1990 brought to the peaceful city of Palo Alto, CA a u n i q u e group of people. It w a s the annual meeting of all Dialog U.S. field managers and representatives. The group consisted of those folk w h o have been with Dialog since Day 1 (the Stone Age) to those w h o s e first day was March 26, 1990! For m a n y of the field staff it w a s the first introduction to their colleagues within Dialog. The n e w Applecore people, w h o started March 26, were in for an adventure.
their o w n meetings that same week. These presentations b r o u g h t the field staff u p to speed on the status of products in development as well as w h a t is in the works. The availability dates for n e w databases, reloads, a n d n e w system features were especially appreciated. Needless to say, the field staff had their o w n ideas and did not hesitate to interact with the product groups. It was good to see the dreamers and the realists of both groups u n d e r s t a n d each other's requirements.
Representatives from Senior Management: Roger S u m m i t , Rich Ream, Libby Trudell, Martin Buerger, Bob Donati, and Tim Butler, presented overviews o n past, present, and future Dialog directions, and the Applecore project generated a lot of interest. Product segment presentations on Tuesday a n d Wednesday were joined by international representatives, w h o were also attending
On Tuesday at a Special Interest G r o u p luncheon, the field staff and product groups discussed topics of interest over lunch. The discussions, which were held in smaller groups sitting a r o u n d a lunch table, proved to be invaluable. O n Wednesday afternoon, the field staff came out to Headquarters, w h e r e they were seen rushing from room-to-room observing d e m o s on our competitors
The One-You-Nearly-Missed Contest Everyone w h o travels for business has at least one story of the flight that got away, the luggage that saw Paris (when you were going to Chicago), the w e e k e n d at the airport, or some such nightmare story that has finally (we hope) become laughable. The MONOLOG would like to print some of the best of these stories, so send those travel tales to Karen York (on VM please). A panel of judges will pick the best three a n d these will be published in the Fall or Winter issue of the MONOLOG. If the response is great e n o u g h , more than three will be chosen. Please take the time to share your best (worst) business travel story with everyone.
MEAD, STN, MAXWELL, DATASTAR, D O W JONES, PRODIGY, a n d COMPUSERVE. They also attended sessions on DIALOG Corporate Connection (DCC), DIALOG OnDisc products, Images, Duplicate Detection, BEILSTEIN, and CENDATA.™ O n Thursday, the field staff and the various Palo Alto employees met for a share-in, which w a s useful in that DIALOG instructors passed o n teaching hints. Also shared were expertise on effective account planning, h o w to make effective presentations, h o w to sell DCC, and subject seminar experiences, a n d a rousing closing dinner w a s held in Palo Alto the final night. This meeting was acclaimed as the best field meeting ever, and the planners (Bob Donati, Ran Hock, Ellen Lytton, Vernon Ambrose, and Judy Hunter) deserve recognition for a job well done.
"Duplicate Detection" at Dialog
(L to R): Liz Burkhouse of Instructional Services and twin, Mary Escobedo, who is working as a temp in the Graphic Design department
(Summer 1990)
Let's Get Acquainted In this issue of the MONOLOG, the newly formed Product Marketing and Analysis Team (PMA) is highlighted. Early in 1990, the existing Cross Markets group within the Marketing Department acquired a new leader, Dora Futterman, and together created a n e w group n a m e and formed a mission statement. PMA's mission is to introduce Dialog's services, products, and value-added features to current and potential users and to increase utilization of the system by addressing users' different skill levels. The group's new n a m e , Product Marketing and Analysis Team, points toward the group's generalist (for all types of DIALOG users) marketing functions, as well as its m a r k e t research responsibilities. The PMA group reports to the Director of Marketing, Libby Trudell. PMA's first job is to promote all products, features, a n d services that increase the value and use of DIALOG to its customers. Products include the CDROM line, DIALOGLINK,® ImageCatcher,™ KNOWLEDGE INDEX,® DIALMAIL,® DIALNET,® DIALOG Corporate Connection (DCC), SM and the Classroom Instruction Programs. Features include D1ALINDEX,55" DIALOG HOMEBASE, SM SubAccount Billing, a n d Duplicate Detection. Services include PRINTs, DIALOG Alerts, SM OneSearch, 5 M DIALORDER,5*1 and customer credits. The group's second job centers a r o u n d Market Research, which lays the foundation for and, in fact, leads the way to an increasingly sophisticated marketing effort. Dora Futterman, the PMA team leader, came to Dialog in 1988 as Dialog's Market Analyst with a background in strategic planning at AT&T — Network Systems in N e w Jersey, a n d she taught Corporate Strategy and Business Policy at the Wharton School in Philadelphia. As Dialog's Market Analyst, she m a d e several important contributions in strategic market planning, market research, and marketing information systems at Dialog. She developed a model
(Summer 1990)
for tracing market segment growth and market share, a n d developed market strategy proposals for pricing and discount contracts. In her n e w position, Dora not only manages the group, but is also working on discount contract pricing, investigating strategic alliances, and looking into various distribution channels for her group's services, products, a n d features. A n n e Del Villano joined Dialog in March 1990 as a Marketing Representa-
tor, a n d has spent considerable time this spring developing a Credit Policy for Dialog. Another project is to get Self Destruct Passwords (SDP) operational. This m e a n s getting the SDP system from two years ago working again, adding enhancements, and designing n e w programs for the SDP feature. Kristina Kling is PMA's newest member, starting April 30, 1990, as the Market Analyst. Kristina comes to Dialog from TD Marketing, w h e r e she
Standing (L to R): Lynn Wasserman, Robin Williams, Kristina Kling, Sue LaChance Porter, Stacie Thomas, Vivian Kobayashi Sitting (L to R): Anne Del Villano, Mike Keller, and Dora Futterman
five for Dialog's CDROM product line. A n n e comes to Dialog from Bell Atlantic, where she held several positions: Account Executive, Sales Manager, Product Manager for Voice Information Services, a n d Marketing Manager for Bell Atlantic's Videotext Gateway. A n n e appreciates the intensity of the people at Dialog and the no-nonsense business meetings; people say their piece as briefly and concisely as possible. A n n e looks forward to increasing the CDROM business a n d feels strongly that that will happen. M i k e Keller joined Dialog in March 1985 as an Information Specialist. He currently answers Customer Services p h o n e s for four h o u r s a day, is the DIALORDER and customer credits coordina-
w a s a market research consultant after receiving her M.B. A. from Duke University. She w o r k e d as a Marketing Intern at Software Publishing Corporation a n d held technical support positions at Verticom Inc. Kristina is already working on a project that breaks revenue d o w n by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and she will be analyzing data from the latest customer survey of customer demographics. Future projects will be to collect data on w h o the Dialog customers are, w h a t they use DIALOG for, and w h a t they would like to have. Kristina will also be working as a liaison between Marketing a n d other Dialog departments to develop marketing information systems. continued CF MONOLOG
Let's Get Acquainted (cont'd.) Vivian Kobayashi, w h o has been with Dialog since 1983, is the Social Sciences/ Humanities database specialist responsible for over 40 files as diverse as ERIC and GRANTS. She participates in the design, testing, and documentation of files, a n d is responsible for customer inquiries on these files once they are released. As the specialist for these files, Vivian works closely with the General Reference g r o u p of the General Information Division. She is also the marketing liaison for the academic and public library markets as well as the Classroom Instruction Program (CIP) and DIALOG CLASSMATE® programs. Having been the former KNOWLEDGE INDEX specialist, she is one of the backups for Lynn Wasserman as well as being a backup for some files held by Stacie Thomas. Currently, she is involved in training two database specialists for their debuts as SYS1 (System Seminar) trainers and is working on the SWAT for the revision of the Social Sciences/Humanities semi-
Sue LaChance Porter, w h o h a s been with Dialog since 1988, serves as a Product Specialist for DIALMAIL and other PRINT and DIALOG Alert Delivery options. This year, Sue provided Marketing support for Dialog at the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Chicago and at the Computers In Libraries (CIL) conference in Washington, DC at the ALA a n d CIL conferences this year. She also performs diverse customer support functions, including p h o n e center technical support, writing instructional articles for the CHRONOLOG, and maintaining the DIALMAIL Help Desk Bulletin Board. Current DIALMAIL projects include working with Karen York of Publications to revise the DIALMAIL Guide a n d create a DIALMAIL Quick Reference Card. Sue serves as a Customer Advocate on several interdepartmental committees, including EasyDIALOG, DIALINDEX, and DIALOG Corporate Connection. And she also works with the Print Immediate Task Force and the DIALOG System Features Interface Committee.
Stacie T h o m a s joined Dialog as a Customer Services Intern in 1987, and is n o w an Information Specialist with PMA. Stacie has file responsibility for almost 40 DIALOG online files in the General Reference subject area, a n d DIALOG utility files such as HOMEBASE, C H R O N O L O G * ONLINE (File 410), and the DIALOG BLUESHEETS™ (File 415) database. She will be the file specialist for the forthcoming Journal N a m e Database and currently is handling testing for that. What is "file responsibility"? Stacie says, "It m e a n s I a n s w e r customer queries about the files, monitor DIALOG Alerts, write Bluesheets, review C h a p ters, and test n e w files as they come o n . " In addition, Stacie is preparing to teach the System Seminar and advanced seminars. She also serves as liaison between Customer Services and the Data Communications g r o u p — troubleshooting DIALNET, TELENET, and TYMNET. Special projects and committees include the Dialog Standards Committee.
Robin Williams joined Dialog in July 1989, a n d joined P M A in January 1990 as the DIALOGLINK Marketing Representative, planning for and promoting Dialog's popular PC telecommunications software package. However, the bulk of her time she s p e n d s providing technical support to DIALOGLINK and DIALOG OnDisc users around the world. Robin s p e n d s three h o u r s per day answering the 800 customer support n u m b e r in the p h o n e center. Upcoming job-related highlights include working with A n n e Del Villano at ALA in June in Chicago to demonstrate DIALOG OnDisc products, creating instructional modules on how to use a PC more effectively w h e n searching DIALOG, and teaching DIALOGLINK seminars to customers.
Lynn Wasserman joined Dialog in October 1989 as an Information Specialist. She is Dialog's Marketing Representative for KNOWLEDGE INDEX (KI), the after-hours/weekend service for endusers. Lynn's projects include: KI customer survey development, KI d e m o n stration disk revision, a n d a KI p r o m o tion for graduating DIALOG CLASSMATE students. Lynn answers p h o n e center technical support calls, including the evening shift three times a week.
(Summer 1990)
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Arlene Bett is a Systems C o n s u l t a n t for the N e w York office. She is responsible for general seminar training as w e l l as t h e Medical and Business seminars. Arlene is also responsible for the Medical and Pharmaceutical files as well as some of the General Reference and Business files. Prior to joining Dialog, she worked at Klemtner Advertising (a pharmaceutical health care advertising agency) where she ran a oneperson library a n d did extensive online searching. At Klemtner, Arlene worked for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society's Information Center. Arlene holds a B.A. in Public Health from State University of N e w York (SUNY) - Cortland and a M.L.I.S. from Q u e e n s College in N e w York. Her outside activities include working with the Vietnam Veterans POW/MIA organization, volunteering with a disabled children's group, cycling, a n d cooking (she says, "you n a m e it, and I'll make it!") John Bialy is a Buyer in the Purchasing Dep a r t m e n t . H e is responsible for buying office supplies, comp u t e r software a n d hardware, office furniture, CDROM s u p plies, forms, and miscellaneous items. John is also responsible for getting his d e p a r t m e n t "computerized." Before joining Dialog, John helped start three separate companies, and currently is a director and major share holder of two of these companies. He h a s a B.S. in M a n a g e m e n t from Golden Gate University, San Francisco. John has also attended California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, California a n d Foothill Junior College, Los Altos, California. H e enjoys painting with acrylics, reading old books, and playing frisbee with his dog, Kastania. And w h e n time permits, John volunteers his time to work with handicapped children.
(Summer 1990)
Peggy Decker is a n Applecore Sales Consultant with the N e w York office a n d s p e cializes in the Advertising/Media markets. P e g g y c o m e s to Dialog from McGrawHill Information Services, the Sweets Division, where she worked for six years as a District Manager in Chicago a n d as a Regional Sales Manager in N e w York. She has a B.S. in Business from Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Peggy is a volunteer with the Starlight foundation, which grants wishes to chronically or terminally ill children. She is active in fund-raising and participates as a wish coordinator. Peggy lists her hobbies as reading, music, theater, a n d art. Anne Del Villano is a Marketing Representative for the DIALOG OnDisc product line. She is responsible for developing promotional p r o g r a m s for n e w products, acting as a liaison with dis- • ' tributors, distributing materials to the field, working on pricing issues for current products, a n d coordinating trade shows. Prior to joining Dialog, A n n e w a s the Marketing Manager at Bell Atlantic in the Videotex Gateway division. She has a B.S. in Finance from Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. A n n e loves jogging, cycling, gardening, a n d relaxing in a Jacuzzi. She is n e w to California (less t h a n three months) and looks forward to becoming involved in her community of San Carlos.
M a r y D i l l e m u t h is the Applecore Sales Consultant with the N e w York office and specializes in the Corporate and High Technology markets. Before joining Dialog, Mary w a s t h e Marketing Manager for McGRAW-HILL NEWS (old File 600), w h e r e she coordinated marketing, training, a n d direct sales. Prior to this, she was a Sales Executive with CompuServe. Mary h o l d s a B . A . i n Business Administration, with a major in Marketing and a minor in C o m p u t e r Science, from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She enjoys traveling, cooking, a n d scuba diving. Sharon D o w n e y is the Secretary for the Southeastern Region. She is responsible for scheduling training seminars, preparation of the training facilities, registration for free sessions, scheduling needed catering, accounts payable, a n d replenishing supplies a n d maintenance of the stockroom. Prior to Dialog, Sharon worked for five years as administrative and accounting support for the Sovran Financial Corporation. She attended Old Dominion University from 1986-1987 and is currently enrolled in Northern Virginia Community College. This fall Sharon will be attending George Mason University, where she will continue work on an u n d e r g r a d u a t e degree. She lists her enjoyments as s n o w skiing, swimming, reading, a n d traveling, but states that school is her only outside activity at the m o m e n t . No photo available.
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Florine Francis is the Secretary to Bob Cook (Billing & A c c o u n t s R e c e i v a b l e ) a n d to Dave Shatswell (Controller). Before joining Dialog, Florine worked for Borland International, w h e r e she w a s responsible for administrative and sales support to Latin American distributors of Borland software. Prior to this, she worked for Seagate Technology as the Administrative Assistant to the Vice-President, Asset Management. Florine also spent five years with General Electric C o m p a n y as a secretary working in the Engineering and Startup Operations groups. She completed courses in secretarial training in 1979 from Service & Employment Resources in San Jose, California, and is continuing her education in Business at West Valley College in Saratoga, California. Florine is involved in several organizations that promote the saving of ecological resources and wildlife. She enjoys history and gathering data on historical events, hiking, camping, reading, beach bumming, and being with her h u s b a n d . She also has a very active 13-year old daughter, w h o skates competitively for "Team Rink" in Scotts Valley. Joe F r a n c i s c o is a Buyer in the Purchasing Department. He is responsible for the purchase of the printing for materials used by Dialog and its customers. Joe comes to ' Dialog with 15 years of purchasing experience in the Graphic Arts field. H e also o w n e d and operated a successful business related to the printing field. Joe graduated from the N e w York School of Graphic Arts in Manhattan, a n d he majored in Business at the Bronx C o m m u n i t y College, N e w York. He also served as a Communications Specialist in the U.S. Army. Joe has been the Chairman of his local Boy Scouts, and the coach of soccer and baseball teams. H e enjoys swimming, gardening, and playing with his five cats a n d Germ a n shepherd.
Risa Hahn is a Secretary to Art Kealy, Martin Buerger, a n d Fred Zappert. Before joining Dialog, s h e w a s a marketing assistant to the Director of t h e H i g h Performance Graphics Department at Western Digital. Risa's 12year-old son keeps her plenty busy, but she has been especially busy this year planning her August w e d d i n g . Her hobbies include racquetball, dancing, a n d roller skating. Susan Jason is a Regional Representative with the Chicago office, where she will b e r e s p o n s i b l e for t e a c h i n g the Business, Legal, and System seminars. Before c o m i n g to D i a l o g , Susan was the Director of the Learning Resource Center at Robert Morris College in Chicago. She developed a multifaceted college resource center from the g r o u n d u p . Not only did she enhance the collection to reflect the need of a diverse student body and all aspects of the curriculum, but she also trained the college population in library use and services. Prior to this, Susan worked as an Assistant Librarian for a medical library. She holds a B. A. in Political Science from Loyola University of Chicago and an M.A.L.S. from Rosary College at River Forest, IL. Recently, Susan earned her real estate sale's license, and in her spare time, she enjoys cycling, swimming, cooking, a n d reading.
K r i s t i n a K l i n g is Dialog's Market Analyst working within the Product Marketing and Analysis Team of the Marketing department. She is responsible for defining w h o the Dialog customers are, h o w they use DIALOG, and what they want; analyzing customer surveys; a n d revenue analysis. Prior to joining Dialog, Kristina was a Marketing Research Consultant for TD Marketing. She holds a B.A. in English from the University of Southern California and a M.B.A. from Duke University in D u r h a m , N o r t h Carolina. Kristina enjoys sailing on the San Francisco Bay a n d playing Beethoven (her favorite) a n d other classical pieces on her Casio keyboard (she needs a larger apartment for her Steinway Studio Grand piano). She also volunteers with the San Francisco S.P.C.A. as an Adoption Outreach Counselor.
Diane Kozelka is a Regional Representative for the Chicago office. She will be responsible for teaching the chemical and patent seminars, including the BEILSTEIN Briefing, System Seminar for Chemists, and the Chemistry, Patents, and Sci-Tech seminars. Before joining Dialog, Diane w a s a chemical and patents searcher for eight years at CPC International (a food products conglomerate) and DeSoto Inc. (the company that supplies Sears with its b r a n d paint and laundry detergent products). She has a B.S. in Biology from DePaul University in Chicago and an M.A. in Library Science from Rosary College in River Forest, IL.; she has recently completed a graduate course in polymer chemistry. Diane's most enjoyable pastimes include corresponding and conversing in Czechoslovak, birdwatching, photography, reading, and watching old movies.
(Summer 1990)
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Carmen Perry is the Supervisor of the Purchasing Department and she is responsible for m o s t b u l k p u r c h a s e s a n d capital equipment. C a r m e n began her purchasing career eight years ago by setting up a purchasing department. Since that time, she has held various lead positions with increasing responsibilities, particularly in the areas of organizational development and system automation. Carmen holds a B.A. in Communications with a correlated minor in English and Broadcast from San Jose State University, San Jose, California. She is a member of NAPM (National Association of Purchasing Management), which provides information to n e w a n d existing procurement professionals o n advancements in the procurement field. Carmen's 19-month-old daughter takes u p most of her free time, but she and her h u s b a n d are avid bowlers and try to bowl at least once a week.
(Summer 1990)
Suzanne Thibault is a n Applecore Sales C o n s u l t a n t for t h e N e w York office. She is responsible for expanding Dialog's presence in the medical, pharmaceutical, a n d chemical markets. Before joining Dialog, Suzanne held positions in medical sales training, critical care nursing (burn unit), pharmaceutical sales, and consumer product marketing. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.B. A. in Marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Suzanne also holds a B.S. in Nursing from Rutgers University and is a m e m b e r of the American Nurses Association, the Critical Care N u r s e s Association, and the National Honor Society for Nursing (Sigma Theta Tua). Suzanne enjoys r u n n i n g , swimming, golf, aerobics, a n d competitive tennis. She s p e n d s her leisure time reading and tending to her two cocker spaniels.
Jean Tyan is an International Marketing Representative, acting as the primary liaison between established international offices and headquarters. She is responsible for informing international offices about all relevant developments concerning Dialog products a n d customer policy; assisting international offices, customers, and internal Dialog d e p a r t m e n t s in solving problems; coordinating requests from international offices a n d customers for visits to Dialog; and monitoring and revising marketing collateral produced for use outside the U.S. Prior to joining Dialog, Jean worked at an advertising agency in Los Angeles for two years, where she developed campaigns for Beatrice a n d Carnation. While in graduate school, Jean developed feasibility studies for Paramount Greeting Cards in Japan and an award-winning marketing, advertising, and promotional campaign for Tabasco in Japan. Jean also w o r k e d as a research assistant for two years in the Asian-American History d e p a r t m e n t at the University of Minnesota. She has lived a n d worked abroad for several years. Jean has a B.A. in East Asian Studies a n d Chinese from the University of Minnesota, a certificate from the Taipei Language Institute, and a Masters in International M a n a g e m e n t from the American Graduate School of International M a n a g e m e n t (Thunderbird) in Phoenix, Arizona, w h e r e her area of emphasis w a s in International Marketing. Jean keeps busy by volunteering with the Thunderbird alumni club, organizing cross-cultural events, a n d hosting speakers on international business topics. She loves watching international a n d short animation films as well as enjoying cycling, skiing, and camping. As a hobby, she sculpts papier dechire art using oils, acrylic, and wood.
The word is out! This year's company picnic is at the Great America theme park in Santa Clara, so save Saturday July 28 for the fun. Experience the height of adventure with Whitewater Falls; take a plunge d o w n a five-story waterfall for the most exciting; drop of water anywhere! The shows package offers an all n e w lineup including "Fire and Ice" — a dazzling, spin-
ning, glittering ice skating show — a n d "Hot H i t s " — a rock 'n roll extravaganza. Children will enjoy Fort F u n a n d Smurf™ Woods (home of Smurfette), Yogi Bear, and other cartoon pals. Great America has so much to offer that everyone will have a day filled with fun, excitement, and memorable experiences. Cap off this day of thrills with our company picnic in Great America's picnic grove. Our reservation is from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p . m . The taste-tempting, all-youcan-eat buffet features barbecued ribs, chicken, and hot dogs, three side dishes, soft drinks, beer, wine, and ice cream for dessert. Our meal service is scheduled from 12:30 p . m . to 1:30 p . m . and beverages from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p . m . The volleyball area is also reserved from 2:00 p . m . to 3:00 p . m .
Tickets include all-day, unlimited ride a n d show admission as well as picnic meal tickets to be r e d e e m e d at the picnic grove. To reserve yours be sure and fill out the picnic form and return it to Karen York by July 13. For picnic information contact anyone o n the Recreation committee: Nancy Green, Bob Simons, D e b b y G u e n t h e r , Douglas H a m b l e y , Christine Fetter, John Bialy, or Karen York.
Dialog in the Arts Often the artistic preparation of childh o o d serves as a good spring board to the artistic enjoyments of adulthood. The Dialoger highlighted in this issue has branched out from her classical training, finding it helpful in some areas a n d not so in others. D a w n Lombardi, the PC Specialist for Internal Systems, began her classical training in dance at the age of seven. Her parents thought this would give D a w n increased confidence and coordination. She maintained her interest and involvement in jazz and tap dance through college, but decided in elementary school she was just too tall ("and it was too painful") to be on her toes. D a w n would still like to be involved in dance, b u t just doesn't have e n o u g h time; music is her first love. At the age of nine, D a w n began violin lessons at her school (her first interest was the cello, but she just couldn't see herself carrying it on the school bus). D a w n continued her violin lessons u p to her senior year of high school, at which time her teacher told her he couldn't teach her anything n e w . N o w
she plays as a hobby, although lately she has p u t a new twist to her violin music. Dawn is teaching herself to play Bluegrass fiddle. Her classical training has aided her in this effort, she can read the music as well as hear it a n d the fingering is rigorous in both. (Dawn says that being left-handed is an advantage in playing the violin, because a strong lefth a n d is needed in the fingering.) D a w n also has a classically trained voice, and at the present time she is singing with a church group at the St. Lawrence Catholic church. Her group sings weekly at the 6 p . m . Sunday mass. This is D a w n ' s second singing group at St. Lawrence. The first group was a joining of friends, w h o n a m e d themselves the "Holy U n d e a d " (complete with teeshirts). After this group disbanded, she joined a more professional singing choir at Mission church, but left w h e n the second choral group at St. Lawrence was formed. D a w n sings in the church choir not to perform, but to enhance the spirituality of the service and herself. She is also part of a singing group that specializes in w e d d i n g s . Again this is a circle of friends w h o get together to sing
for pleasure. D a w n commented that her classical voice training actually was a disadvantage in her choral singing. She had to retrain her voice to a more mellow range and to a softer enunciation. Dawn and her h u s b a n d , Mike, met while in college; she was the female lead singer in a rock ' n ' roll b a n d for which he played guitar. They still enjoy working out n e w music and practicing at h o m e . N o matter h o w her music is voiced, D a w n states that music is just part of her, and she will always need various avenues of expression.
(Summer 1990)
The Gecko Wins On Friday March 23, 1990, the Second Customer Services/Marketing/Customer Administration/Quality Control/Documentation Tee-Shirt Day contest was held. The entries were as numerous as the categories. The Grand Prize winner was Patti Sakauye, who won for The Most Appetizing (her tee-shirt was titled Gecko Sushi). The three honorable mentions went to Susan Prather, Vivian Kobayashi, and Sophie Hudnut.
Susan Prather Honorable Mention "Grateful Dead Spring Training" Susan also sports the latest fashion statement a film strip stole.
Patti Sakauye Grand Prize "Gecko Sushi"
Sue LaChance Porter Scooby Doo
Hatnbley Douglas ^Volleyball" "r and B- , earn
10 (Summer 1990)
In the wake of Earth Day, 1990, several concerned Dialogers have been talking in the hallways — exchanging ideas a n d tips on ways to reduce waste here in the office. We know there are probably all kinds of ideas on simple actions that each of us can take to help, so we decided to start a forum here in the MONOLOG. To kick it off, w e came up with a few ideas of our own: [tf
Use the recycle bins by the printers, not just for the blue cover sheets, but for all the waste paper you accumulate as the day wears on. It's easy e n o u g h to t h r o w it in a little pile somewhere out of the way and chuck it in the bin on your w a y out the door at night. Make sure n e w people in your department k n o w about the recycle bins. Everybody has a personal coffee cup, so w e don't really blaze through the styrofoam cups here at Dialog. The next step is to bring your o w n silverware, and to reuse your cardboard tray at lunchtime. These trays are sturdy e n o u g h to last for weeks. Just throw them away w h e n they end up with more food on t h e m t h a n on your plate.
Larry W o o d celebrated 25 years at Lockheed/Dialog.
Roger Summit celebrated 30 years at Lockheed/Dialog. The following employees recently celebrated 10-year anniversaries: Denise Arnold, Greg Calkins, Darcy Christensen, Jane Christensen, Bob Cook, Debbie Maxwell, Rob Robinson, Bonnie Snow, a n d Bernie Walker.
The following employees recently celebrated five-year anniversaries: Trang Dang, Paula Dowell, Pat Dryden, Rob Feinstein, Lou Ann Frey, Wayne Kubiak, and Steve MacDonnell.
Sitting (L to R): Debbie Maxwell, Bernie Walker, Denise Arnold Standing (L to R): Steve MacDonnell and Bob Cook
These are small contributions to make, but if e n o u g h people start thinking and acting in terms of conservation, it'll add up in a big way. N o w it's your turn. If you have ideas on ways to help, big or small, easy or hard, send them to the MONOLOG (VM ID YORK), and they will be given an audience. If you're modest about having your n a m e in print, let us know, a n d we w o n ' t a d d it on; otherwise, the credit's all yours. Can w e make a difference? We can only try!
Dialog's Service Recognition Program Dialog's Service Recognition Program w a s designed to honor our long-service employees. The program has a retroactive effective date of September 1,1988 (the date Dialog w a s acquired by KnightRidder). Employees reaching each five-year service date receive both a customized ser-
vice scroll a n d a gift of their choice, ranging from p e n s and key chains with five years of service to a grandfather clock with 35 years of service. Interested employees can review the gift selection book in either Human Resources or Kim Reek's office.
(Summer 1990)
New Arrivals
Wayne Martin (of Systems & Operations) and Robin Nash (of Marketing Communications) were married on March 24, 1990 in the First Evangelical Church in Salem, Oregon.
Timothy Edward Hlebo, Jr. was born April 2, 1990 at 1 p . m . to Alice Hlebo a n d her h u s b a n d , Tim. Timothy w a s 7 lbs. 8 oz. and w a s 21" long.
Dora Lee w a s born May 1, 1990 to Ann Lee (of the Chicago office) and her h u s band, Jeff. Dora weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz.
N a t h a n Alexander Zachary was born March 27, 1990 to Charles Zachary a n d his wife, Eulogia. N a t h a n weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. a n d w a s 21" long.
Staff Professional Activities The following Dialog staff have recently presented or published papers relating to the online information industry: Anderson, Barbara. "Vendors' Perspective," in "System Documentation: A Symposium on Printed Documentation for C o m p u t e r Systems." Library Hi Tech, Vol. 7, No. 4, Issue 28, 1989, p. 37-39. Anderson, Barbara. "The Dilemma of Quality." Presented at NFAIS (National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services) course, Washington, D.C., May 17, 1990. Anderson, Barbara. "Dialog Customer Services Activities." Presented at Kinokuniya UPDATES in Tokyo, March 5, 1990, and in Osaka, March 7, 1990. Bourne, Charles. "Review of Technology a n d Trends in Document Delivery Services." Presented at the ASIDIC Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 1-3, 1990. Brouwer, Tine. " H o w to Do Business Research on DIALOG." Presented at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, May 29-30, 1990.
Brown, Allen. "Making Cents from Online International Trade Information." Presented at National Online Meeting, N e w York, NY, May 3, 1990.
Ream, Rich. Was the Keynote Speaker in the "Business Trails" session at National Online, N e w York, NY, May 2, 1990.
Buerger, Martin. Participated in a panel discussion on "Financial Information in the 1990's" at the IIA Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 7, 1990.
Ream, Rich. "Alternative Distribution Channels." Presented at the IIA Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 7, 1990.
Hudnut, Sophie. Participated in a panel discussion in the Session "The Quality of Information" at National Online, N e w York, NY, May 1-3, 1990.
Skudneski, Stan. "Overview of Dialog/ San ]ose Mercury News Classified Ad Database Project." Presented to KnightRidder Classified Advertising Executives A n n u a l Conference, Miami, FL, May 1, 1990.
Maxon-Dadd, Jo. Participated in a panel discussion on "Redesigning Our Databases" at the NFAIS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, February, 1990. Maxon-Dadd, Jo. "Refurbishing an Elegant Victorian Database: a View from DIALOG." To be part of an NFAIS Report Series for 1990-1991.
Summit, Roger. "Knowledge Online — Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." Presented as a lecture at the University of Michigan to a class in the Graduate School of Information and Library Studies. A n n Arbor, MI, February 14, 1990.
Plosker, George R. and Kathleen M. Welden "Using DIALOG'S Online Documentation: H o w to Locate a n d Search Databases You K n o w Nothing About." Database Searcher, Volume 6, N u m b e r 3 (April 1990): 23-31.
The MONOLOG is published by and for DIALOG employees 4 times annually. Editor Contributing Authors Photographer
Karen York Ethel Salonen, Jennifer Herbert, Robin Williams Susan Prather
Contributions to the MONOLOG are welcome, and should reach the editor as soon as possible. Send matenal via VM mail or DIALMAIL to YORK, or call 858-4013.
(Summer 1990)