Volume 14, Issue 1 •
Spring 1991 •
Dialog Information Services, Inc.
During an interview with Dr. Roger Summit, President of Dialog and CEO of the Electronic Publishing Division of
H E k
Knight-Ridder, several topics of interest were discussed:
lived up to and surpassed his forecast, the
and he has expressed gratitude to all
Knight-Ridder expectations and goals for-
Dialog employees. In fact in 1990 Dialog
mulated at the time of purchase?
had the greatest increase in dollar growth
Three years ago KnightRidder (KRI) purchased Dialog from Lockheed for 353 million dollars on the advice and encouragement of Jim Batten, newly appointed Chairman and CEO of KRI.
of any KRI property. The newspaper industry is anticipating sales decline in the 1991 economic recession making Dialog's potential contribution from sales growth more important than ever to KRI.
Much to Jim's relief and joy, Dialog has
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cont'd, from page 1 Dialog has clearly become accepted as part of the KRI family. Jim Batten sees the future of newspapers as an institution closely aligned with the electronic technology DIALOG represents. A synergies task force has been formed to help familiarize the newspaper staffs with DIALOG technologies. There is also a willingness to recommend and invest in projects, such as an electronic classified system, that will join the electronic information and newspaper technologies to benefit not only KRI and Dialog, but to lead the information industry. Q l With the VU/TEXT group officially becoming a part of Dialog, h o w is the transition going, will there be two separate systems, and will the Philadelphia VU/TEXT office move to Palo Alto? l \ . • As of January 1,1991, the integration of VU/TEXT into Dialog was official, a n d the transition w a s completed by February 28, 1991. Because VU/TEXT a n d Dialog have similar products, the merging of the two companies w a s a functionally s o u n d decision with a financial savings prospect. An integration team m a d e u p of Geoff Sharp, Art Kealy, a n d John Woolley (of VU/TEXT) was formed to r e c o m m e n d the process and areas of work that n e e d e d to be completed. Although the integration is proceeding smoothly, intense d e m a n d s were placed on Gordon Schick a n d the whole SysOps Group, the Product and Service G r o u p s , Finance, H u m a n Resources, Legal, and Marketing. Roger Hall is a key person in developing the gateway software that will allow VU/TEXT users to access DIALOG using VU/TEXT search language.
\ ^ • Dr. Summit, can you offer a perspective on h o w Dialog will do in the current recession? . / V * Based on past experience (i.e., the 1983 recession), w e k n o w that the business sector is a large user of our products. Today is s o m e w h a t different from 1983, in that the business sector is an even larger portion of our business, a n d the defense market is lower than it w a s in 1983. As a result, this recession will
Awards Come to Dialog We are p r o u d to a n n o u n c e that t h e DIALOG Duplicate Detection feature w a s h o n o r e d in 1990 with two important awards: ONLINE Magazine's Product of the Year A w a r d and the European O n line User G r o u p ' s (EUROLUG) A w a r d for the Information Product of 1990. The ONLINE award was presented at the ONLINE '90 conference held in Washington, D C in November. The a w a r d w a s presented to Rich Ream, Sophie Hudnut, a n d Kathy Welden by Nancy Garman. (We w o u l d like to thank ONLINE and June T h o m p s o n for providing the photo.)
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Sophie Hudnut, Nancy Garman, Rich Ream, and Kathy Welden
At the International Online Meeting held in London, U.K., Roger Summit w a s presented the EUROLUG award by Sauli Laitnen, the Chairman of EUROLUG's selection committee, on December 12, 1990. This a w a r d is particularly notable because it is the first time a non-European company has been merited with the product of the year award.
The VU/TEXT n a m e will be continued. Even though Dialog has p u t u p over 20 VU/TEXT databases, the usage of these databases on DIALOG has n o t diminished their use on the VU/TEXT system; in fact usage o n both systems is increasing. VU/TEXT will remain in Philadelphia, but will relocate to a n e w facility in 1992. This facility will also house a second DIALOG computer center.
probably have a greater impact on growth t h a n the last one did. N o n e t h e less, we are forecasting a significant sales growth for DIALOG in 1991 over 1990. O u r growth comes from n e w projects, such as the Westlaw connection; the C.O.R.E. programs (which are comprised of active sales and account development and system s u p p o r t a n d training) in N e w York, Chicago, and Houston; a n d moderate pricing action.
Roger Summit and Sauli Laitnen
cont'd, from page 2 Duplicate detection was introduced at the ONLINE '89 conference, and is a feature that was long awaited by online information searchers. This feature allows the identification and/or removal of duplicate records from retrieval in a single database or from OneSearch retrieval. The duplicate detection capability is based on three commands: IDENTIFY DUPLICATES (ID), IDENTIFY DUPLICATES ONLY (IDO), and REMOVE DUPLICATES (RD). Congratulations to everyone who took part in implementing this valued and respected feature.
(L to R): Mike Fong, Sophie Hudnut, Michael Schmidt, Kevin Bowling, Gordon Schick, Kathy Welden, and Ronda Wilcox
'/?///nwwww Orientation week for new international field representatives took place during the week of January 14 - 18. The attendees included Jun Aizu and Hideto Kishi from Kinokuniya in Japan, Danusch Patrick from Micromedia in Canada, and Aino Varhimo from Esselte Micromedia in Finland. During their visit they were welcomed by Roger Summit and met with Libby Trudell, Ron Rodrigues, and, Mike Yuen of Marketing, Jim Ryan, Ulrike Richardson, and Connie Zuga of the Business Information Division, Georg Romero of Customer Services, Mary Gospe of Telemarketing, Dick Stephan of Customer Administration, Robert Feinstein for a Data Center tour, Mary Corcoran on Priority Service sales support, Bob Cook and Bernie Przelomski of Finance, April Kelsey of Publications Distribution, Paula Dowell of Marketing Communications, Barbara Anderson of Product
Dialog International Quality Assurance, Rich Ream (VP of Marketing and Customer Services), Pete Rusch (VP of Chemistry and Patents Information Division), Bany Richman on CDROM products, Anne Fleming-Lee on DIALOG Menus, Liz Burkhouse of Instructional Services, Carol Wilson of Documentation, Charlie Bourne (VP of the General Information Division), Jim Wittmeyer of Online Systems, and Nancy Green for a Orientation Week wrap-up. Also during that week, on January 17, Mr. Isao Miura, the Director of Kinokuniya, came for a planning meeting with Rich Ream and Nancy Green. Later in January, 10 librarians from mainland China came to tour Dialog and receive an overview of the DIALOG service. These were Social Science and International Studies/Politics librarians from Beijing and Shanghai. They were
given a tour of the Data Center and an overview of products and services. The librarians were very impressed with the speed, power, and storage capacity of the system, and CDROM products were of great interest. When asked for online search requests, articles on the Tiananmen Square, the site of the October 1989 student revolution, and current news of the Gulf War were their choices. On January 28 the Australian DIALOG office (Jennifer Affleck and Robin Kench) hosted a DIALOG UPDATE for approximately 90 attendees. Sophie Hudnut attended the UPDATE and the following Australian Online conference, both held in Sydney. Sophie took part in the UPDATE Refresher and presented a Patents Focus session. On February 12 a Canadian UPDATE was held in Toronto hosted by Maggie Weaver of
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cont'd, from page 3 Micromedia. (Maggie also attended the Australian DIALOG UPDATE and Online Conference.) The UPDATE theme was "Targeting Top Management" and highlighted system features. During March, Dialog's first distributor contract in the U.S.S.R. was signed with SOVAM Teleport. On March 20 Asher Sofrin with the Tel Aviv office visited Palo Alto. And Tricia Healey with Learned in the U.K. attended the domestic Field Meeting held in Palo Alto (she was the only international representative in attendance).
It's Your Business On February 1, 1991 a new service was made available to all DIALOG users, DIALOG Menus.SM This product is geared toward the new, infrequent, or occasional DIALOG user, who does not want to learn command language in order to access online information. DIALOG Menus offers over 250 databases on science, technology, business, and news, plus access to DIALMAIL.
search system that is offered to a company for internal use. The initial set-up and training support is handled by the field offices, but once the system is in place, the support and training is the responsibility of the company's information outlet/
Once DCC proved to be a beneficial system, introducing it to all DIALOG customers was the next step. With the DIALOG Menus is an outgrowth of a desire to make menus available to project developed by Dialog for Bell everyone, enhancements were made to Labs. Bell Labs came to the General In- / the original system and the new Menus formation Division in 1988 asking for a was born! (DCC, using the same Menus end-user DIALOG system for their comsearch software, continues to be offered pany, which would be monitored and to companies who qualify.) The ensupported by their library staff. Within hancements came from suggestions eight months, Cathy Gordon and Wes made by field staff, customers, and interTaoka developed an interface with lots nal users. of end-user input. / Menus is a system of assisted Boolean After the initial interface was developed searching that works in a database enviby Betty Ann Reinhardt, Mary Corcoronment. After beginning in Menus, you ran, Cathy Gordon, and Wes Taoka dechoose a broad subject category, a subcided to move the interface out to a category, and finally a database, and broader scope with more databases (the then a series of explanatory screens aporiginal Bell project included pear to let you know what search options only databases that they reare available and what to do next. q u e s t e d ) . At this point, DIALOG Corporate ConnecThe support staff for DCC and DIALOG tion速 (DCC) was born. Menus incorporates cross departmental DCC was first made pubcooperation. In Sales/Marketing Mary lic to Priority Service acCorcoran coordinated the Priority Sercounts at the suggestion vice account placement of DCC, Mary of account representaGospe worked with the Sales staff to tives from the field offices. market the DCC product. Liz Burkhouse DCC is a menu-driven with Instructional Media wrote the DCC 4 (Spring 1991)
training guides that were provided to the company information centers. Debbie Wong assists Betty Ann in the maintenance of the system. Anne Fleming-Lee is DCC and Menus coordinator and manager. Eleni Kolomvotos in the MarCom group worked to design a "look" for the Menus product and documentation pieces. Sue LaChance Porter is the product specialist who works with cus(L to R): Sue LaChance Porter, Anne Fleming-Lee, and Cathy Gordon
tomers and their concerns. In Customer Services Tibi McCann directed inhouse testing and evaluation of the Menus product. Susan Prather, in the Documentation department, wrote the Menus documentation and is the editor of "On the Menu," a newsletter included in the CHRONOLOC each month. Alice Hlebo, in the Graphic Design Department, was responsible for producing the Searching DIALOG: The Guide to Menus manual and created the look for the On the Menu newsletter. The next time you logon, give DIALOG Menus a try! MONOLOG
Best of the Worst (or Oh, How Sweet the Memories Are) The following stories come from brave souls who still continue to travel for Dialog. From Ethel Salonen: Picture January 1990. A snowstorm is raging outside and Boston's Logan Airport shuts down periodically on Sunday, January 21. I am due to fly to Albany, NY and teach the LEGA (Legal) and SCIT (Science and Technology) seminars on Monday, January 22 and a SYS1 (System) seminar Tuesday, January 23. This will be my first visit to the Albany site and the first time ever teaching LEGA. After a number of cancellations, the flight finally leaves at 6 p.m. The plane was a propeller jobber and the turbulence was unbearable. At 6:15 p.m. the flight engineer announces that he has bad news and good news. A woman passenger in the front row proceeds to faint. She did not have far to go, barely
band'; lap. She slowly comes to and the engineer informs us that the pilot is unable to bring the landing gear up (the good news), which makes it impossible to fly in this weather, so we will have to turn around and return to Boston (the bad news). Back at Boston, now 7:30 p.m., we anxiously await the next flight. I think of renting a car, but all rental cars are gone. The snow finally stops and we leave Boston at 11 p.m.; fly to Manchester, NH, switch planes (why, I don't have the foggiest), and wait in Manchester till midnight before we take off again. The plane finally gets to the Albany airport at 1:30 a.m. National Car rental folks have gone home by now, so the Albany Marriott van has to come pick me up. I get to the hotel room, which has no heat
or hot water, at 3 a.m. I sleep fitfully rill 6 a.m. Get up, take a VERY cold shower, and head off to the New York State Library, where the LEGA and SCIT go off without a hitch. That night, the heat is working in my room, and I do have hot water, only the knobs are on backwards!! From Penny Coppemoll-Blach: In July 1988, I was scheduled to teach a System Seminar and a MEDLINE Seminar in St. Paul, MN. The trip on United Airlines was uneventful until I tried to locate my luggage at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. The Customer Services representative was able to spot the problem with the claim check - the luggage had been tagged by mistake to go to airport code MSY (New Orleans) instead of MSP (Minneapolis-St. Paul). Of course there were no more flights that night to get the luggage flown from New Orleans to Chicago to Minneapolis. I then began to wonder how I was going to teach the class the next day in my travelling clothes of black jeans, oversized blouse, and Nikes (at least these were my new Nikes). Living out of the contents of my purse was also a new overnight experience. About this time I also realized that I had no overhead transparencies or a copy of the System Seminar syllabus, as these were packed in my suitcase.
By coffee break time, the 12th person had not shown up, and I was really enjoying my Nikes instead of heels. The missing luggage was then put in better perspective by the story of one of the attendees. He approached me to say that he would need to leave a bit early. The reason he gave was that he needed to speak with the garage owner where he was parked. He had driven into a parking garage near the training site and had taken a ticket. As he drove up the ramp, he heard a loud rumble and then a crash. The heavy steel door that is rolled up and down to close the garage had fallen on his car, hitting right behind his front seat and tearing off the roof of his car as he drove a few more feet. He said that he heard the garage worker who had not fastened up the steel door properly saying "Oh oh...." as the driver surveyed his smashed car. Actually he did not seem too worried about his car but was more worried about having to leave early to settle the damages. At lunchtime, the class voted against the need for me to walk back to the hotel to see if my training clothes had arrived. The rest of the day went smoothly, and the suitcase showed up about 6 p.m. that night. One attendee later wrote a letter indicating how much she enjoyed the casual atmosphere of the System Seminar and how glad she was that the overhead transparencies had not arrived (she hated overheads).
By the next morning, no suitcase had arrived, so I walked over to the host site, St. Paul Public Library. I explained to the class that I was a bit casually dressed because of the missing suitcase, and one attendee remarked that it was refreshing to be better dressed than the instructor for a change. I was hoping that all 12 sign-ups would not show up for the class, so that I could use one of the workbooks in the shipped packets. I needed the copy of the seminar pages to follow along and to hold up instead of the missing overheads.
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From Sophie Hudnut: Sophie writes of two "worst business trips" that happened just months apart in her first year at Dialog. Ron Kaminecki was supposed to fly to Atlanta to present a paper and do two days of teaching, except he found out the morning he was supposed to leave Chicago that the snow was so bad that he couldn't even get his car out of the garage. I was elected at 10 a.m. to make the trip, aboard a flight to Atlanta that afternoon, arrived in Atlanta around 1 a.m., and drove around lost for an hour
trying to find the hotel. I presented Ron's paper virtually sight unseen and promptly developed a terrible case of stomach flu, but still had to cope with the training days. That's the trip that caused me to give up coffee! A couple months later, I was going to Hawaii (first time) for ACS (American Chemical Society) Conference and taking my family, or so I thought, when the airline strike started the night before we were supposed to leave. Pete Rusch and I spent the next day at SFO trying to get on a flight so we could work the
conference, plus I had two days of training to do at the end of the week. He did get a flight in first class the next day (his family followed two days later) and I got one for Monday, and my family didn't come at all. I had to sit around the next weekend waiting for a return flight. One of my students offered to show me around Honolulu, we went out to dinner, and I got food poisoning. I did get to see Pearl Harbor, but I've never been back to Hawaii since!
News From the ^ / e ( d The C.O.R.E. of Ch/ca9째 C.O.R.E. stands for Customer Outreach Regional Expansion, but what does C.O.R.E. mean to Chicago? "C.O.R.E. will enable us to provide greater service to our customers by focusing attention on high-potential, individual clients in specific market areas," answers Ron Kaminecki, Dialog's Midwest Regional Manager. With this goal in mind, the Chicago office has been reorganized into two teams: Sales and Customer Support. The Sales team's goal (Jan Sykes, Manager) is to keep their Group 1 customers happy by making frequent phone calls and on-site visits. The six account representatives work with accounts in vertical market territories, such as Legal, HighTechnology, and Pharmaceutical/Chemical, and thereby learn the ins and outs of their market. This allows the Chicago office to provide a greater depth of coverage than before, with each account representative responsible for the customer follow through with every department at Palo Alto. Beginning in 1990, with continuing help from Tim Butler and Sal Reno the account representatives learn even more about their assigned customers, including monthly (Spring 1991)
year-to-date statistics on DIALOG usage, quarterly reports for each customer, and contract negotiations and deviations. The Customer Support team's (Anne Lee, Manager) goal is: to help the account representatives with their Group 1 accounts by conducting on-site training when requested; to serve as "internal" consultants to keep everyone informed and up to date on DIALOG files and system enhancements; and to work with Larry Norris and Paul Loscavio in the Inside Sales group to develop Group 2 accounts. With the successful completion of C.O.R.E.'s first year in New York, the Chicago office has received valuable "secrets of success" tips from the New York C.O.R.E. staff. We heard from Sara Strohecker, Bohdonna Kachala, Hal Espo, and Tim McDonald that the New York C.O.R.E. project would not have been possible without the Palo Alto staff's prompt assistance.
While the Chicago office is responsible for helping to increase online revenue, we are also here to show our customers just how much better Dialog is than our competitors. The online world has become a very tough, competitive market, and everyone at Dialog must work together to beat our competitors. While we in the Chicago office are here on the "front lines" meeting with customers and learning about the competition, we rely on Palo Alto to act upon customer concerns, such as passwords, billing, publications, search strategies, new features, and new files, in a timely manner. The fact that Dialog acts upon customer requests and suggestions has always been Dialog's best feature. The quicker Dialog can respond to a customer, the more satisfied that customer is. Customer response about C.O.R.E. in Chicago has already been very positive. Because many companies are cutting back on travel budgets, our customers cannot always get to a DIALOG Update or ONLINE meeting. C.O.R.E. allows us to bring the latest DIALOG features to the customer's door! MONOLOG
(L to R): Yvette Griffith, Ron Kaminecki, Laura Cameron, Cynthia Wrasman, Janet Klieman, Tim McDonald, Jan Sykes, Betsy Dunklau, Ann Lee, Diane Kozelka, Jane DeMartini, and Frank Gerber. Photo by Martin Buerger.
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Jim Nunan is the Vice President of Human Resources. Jim comes to Dialog with 22 years of experience in the high-tech industry and 15 years in Human Resources management. He has been a Vice President of Human Resources for three corporations; all of which have been in the Stanford Industrial Park area. Jim heard of Dialog and was impressed by its reputation. He has an M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting and a B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley. Jim enjoys cycling — he does long-distance tours every year, rode across the U.S. in 1987 with his daughter, and raced extensively during the 1980s, and motorcycling — he and his wife tour on their new BMW and are planning some long-distance tours. Justine Angelo is the Department Assistant for the N e w York C.O.R.E. office. Her responsibilities include support for marketing and sales efforts, including distribution of territory newsletters, maintenance of territory mailing databases a n d training attendee database, inventory/ordering of marketing collateral, as well as administrative support for the entire C.O.R.E. sales team and the region office. Before coming to Dialog, Justine worked for a small water well company and attended the Orange County Community College in California w h e r e she studied business administration. She enjoys visiting m u s e u m s , playing tennis, a n d skiing. N o photo available.
Eireann Carroll is a P r o d u c t A n a l y s t in the General Information Division. She is r e s p o n s i b l e for t h e development and maintenance of Books a n d Education d a t a b a s e s . P r i o r to joining Dialog, Eireann w o r k e d as a c u s t o m e r t r a i n e r at T h e N a t i o n a l Technical Information Service (NTIS). She holds an M.L.S. from Catholic University in Washington, DC, an M.A. in French from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a n d a B.A. in French a n d Spanish from the State University of N e w York at Cortland.
Vicki Deiwert is a Human Resources Representative. She is responsible for recruiting exempt a n d non-exempt personnel, employee relations, t h e s u m m e r intern program, a n d ^ special projects. Before coming to Dialog, Vicki worked at Seagate Magnetics as the Supervisor of Employment and at SRI International as a Staffing Specialist for the Science G r o u p . Vicki is currently enrolled at the University of San Francisco p u r s u i n g a B.S. degree in Organizational Behavior. She is an amateur p h o t o g r a p h e r and enjoys gardening, hiking, skiing, a n d ballroom dancing. (Spring 1991)
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places . . . cont'd. Brian DeMarchi is a Training Specialist in Subscriber Services a t V U / T E X T . H e is responsible for conducting training sessions t h r o u g h o u t the United States. Brian a l s o w o r k s t h e 800 n u m b e r help line to assist customers with searching a n d any other problems they have. Before starting at VU/TEXT, he worked as a Programmer/Trainer for a firm that produced software for retail pharmacies. Brian holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Rutgers University in N e w Jersey. H e is active as an adult youth group leader with his church and is involved with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Brian plays volleyball (as often as he can), a n d skis w h e n e v e r he gets the chance. His hobbies are photography and woodworking, and he also enjoys going to the theatre and to m u s e u m s . B e t s y D u n k l a u is the Administrative A s s i s t a n t for t h e Chicago office. Prior to j o i n i n g D i a l o g , Betsy w a s a M a r k e t ing C o o r d i n a t o r for a c o m p u t e r imaging board manufacturer and is familiar with the high-tech marketplace. Her business experience includes customer support, sales a n d marketing, office administration, a n d a range of computer skills, all of which will be p u t to good use in the Chicago office. Betsy holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts and is currently investigating graduate schools. She also attended DIALOG System Seminars through her previous employer and is pleased to join Dialog. E b i e F u r n a s is a n Editor/Writer w i t h the Instructional Services g r o u p . Her responsibilities include editing semii nar w o r k b o o k s a n d other instructional materials; assisting in the analysis, design, a n d evaluation of customer training programs a n d materials; and coordinating the Clearinghouse for training and instructional resources. Prior to joining Dialog, Ebie worked as an Informational Broker and
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as an Associate in Quality Assurance with the Tax Technology group at Price Waterhouse. Ebie holds a B.A. in Psychology a n d in Communications (double major) from the University of Michigan. She enjoys biking, playing piano, reading, a n d going to the movies.
F r a n k G e r b e r is a Sales C o n s u l t a n t for the Chicago Regional office. His responsibilities include the m a n a g e m e n t of a n d growth within the Media, A d v e r t i s i n g , PR, F i n a n c i a l , a n d Consulting markets in the Chicago area. Before joining Dialog, Frank w a s a Senior Account Executive for VU/TEXT Information Services in Philadelphia, where he worked in the Legal and Media markets. Prior to this, he w a s a 5th grade teacher in Zeeland, Michigan. Frank has a B.A. in Language Arts (English, Communications, Spanish Composite) from H o p e College in Holland, Michigan. H e also has a teaching certificate in elementary education. Frank lists his interests as basketball, tennis, golf, fishing, diving, a n d p h o t o g r a p h y . Angela Gue is a Receptionist/Security G u a r d r e p o r t i n g to t h e Central Services Department. Her responsibilities include answering the Lobby t e l e p h o n e , c o u r i e r to t h e t h r e e buildings, administrative help to various departments, filing, typing, and security. Before coming to Dialog, Angela o w n e d her o w n business. She has an A.S. in Administration of Justice from West Valley College in California a n d is currently working on a B.S. in Psychology, and she plans to attend law school. Angela w a s trained through the U.S. Marine Corps in computer programming. She enjoys soccer, volleyball, a n d dancing as well as getting w r a p p e d u p in a good book.
Catherine Kelly is a Telemarketing Representative with the Inside Sales division of the Marketing department. She is responsible for signing u p customers w h o call in inquiring about DIALOG. Prior to joining Dialog, Catherine worked as a trampoline repair technician. She is currently enrolled at the University of San Francisco pursuing a degree in Organizational Behavior. Catherine is a water ballet instructor.
Jennifer Klein is a Sales Consultant with the N e w York office. She is responsible for the m a n a g e m e n t of a n d growth within the Pharmaceutical and Chemical market areas in the Northeast region. Prior to joining Dialog, Jennifer was a Business Analyst with Kraft General Foods in Chicago, w h e r e she performed competitor analysis a n d monitored n e w product development research and opportunity verification. Before that, she worked for BIOSIS, where she conducted user training seminars, developed educational materials and database documentation, and indexed/edited pharmaceutical literature. Jennifer holds an M.L.S. from Drexel University in Philadelphia and a B.S. in Biology from Penn State University. She enjoys traveling and playing golf. N o p h o t o available.
A r l e n e Long is t h e M a n a g e r of P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d Staff Training at VU/TEXT. Prior to w o r k i n g at VU/TEXT, she w a s an interpreter for the deaf a n d hard-ofh e a r i n g for n i n e years a n d taught American Sign Language a n d Interpreting at Swarthmore College in Philadelphia and at the Community College of Philadelphia. Arlene also worked as an Audience Development specialist for A n n e n b e r g Theatre's Hearing Theatre for the Deaf. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from Rosemont College in Rosemont, Pennsylvania, and she will complete a M.Ed, in Training Design and Development from Penn State University in December 1991. Arlene is
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places . . . cont'd. active in the Great Valley National Society for Performance and Instruction, where she is Vice President of Publications; she is also a member of American Society for Training and Development. Arlene serves on the Board of Directors for the Deaf-Hearing Communication Center. She enjoys gardening, swimming, and crafts. Elizabeth Mclntyre | is a Receptionist/Security Guard reporting to the Central Services D e p a r t ment. Her responsibilities i n c l u d e answering the Lobby telephone, courier to the three buildings, administrative help to various departments, filing, typing, and security. Prior to joining Dialog, Elizabeth worked for a Temporary Service. She has a B.A. in Physical Geography (with a minor in Southeast Asian History) from the University of California at Los Angeles. Elizabeth lists her favorite activities as traveling, sports (volleyball, tennis, running, and swimming), and music (particularly jazz, new age, and modern - she plays piano and flute). She also belongs to the UCLA Alumni organization, The Bay Area Bruins. Michael Mclntyre is a Quality Control i Analyst with the On- I line Systems Group. I He is responsible for I i^*짜 establishing and I maintaining a qual- i ity system for the online group. Michael ^ worked for XEROX Imaging Systems in Sunnyvale for 10 years, and he was responsible for a Quality Assurance System for Quality Control and Software Quality Assurance. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from California State University at Hayward. Michael's hobbies include Alpine skiing, bike riding, and sailboat racing on the San Francisco Bay and on the ocean. He has been sailboat racing for 18 years on a 36-footer with a crew of seven or more, has won numerous trophies, and in 1984 they were the season champions for their division.
Marilyn Marshall is a Sales Consultant with the New York office. She is responsible for the management of and growth within the CDROM product line in the Northeast region. Prior to coming to Dialog, Marilyn worked for Mead Data Central for four years in the Legal market area and for one year as the Regional Sales Operations Manager in the Eastern region. Prior to this, she worked for the U.S. House of Representatives and as a Serials Librarian at the Harvard Law School Library. Marilyn has an M.L.S. and a B.A. in History from Indiana University. She is a volunteer tour guide at the American Museum of Natural History and has been elected to various positions in the Queens Democratic Party organization. Marilyn enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, and book arts. No photo available. Matthew Nelson is an Associate Data P r o c e s s o r in t h e C o m p u t e r Opera- I tions Department. I His responsibilities are to provide ser- I vice in the areas of I s y s t e m h a r d w a r e '' and operations, the DIALOG online system, and updating files. Prior to joining Dialog, Matthew worked for Wherehouse Entertainment in Torrance, California for three years in large scale, multi-processing environments. Matthew is a graduate of Computer Learning Center in Anahiem, California and has a Certificate of Operations. Jonathan Rosenberg is a Marketing Representative within the Product Marketing and Analysis Group of Marketing. His responsibilities a r e to m a n a g e all marketing functions related to the release of and the marketing programs for new online services oriented to the professional end user. Prior to joining Dialog, Jonathan was the Marketing Manager for Operations Control Systems (OCS), which develops data center management software tools for microcomputer users. Jonathan holds an M.B.A. (with a concentration in Finance and Statistics) from the University of
Chicago and a B.A. in Economics from the Claremont McKenna College in California where he graduated cum laude; he is also a Phi Beta Kappa. Jonathan is an avid sports fan (mainly basketball), skis, rides a bike, and lists his favorite weekend outing as going to the zoo (especially the primate area). He also enjoys chess, backgammon, and gambling (particularly blackjack). Sally-Ann Rudd is a Sales Support Specialist with the Marketing department. She is responsible for maintaining the C.O.R.E. database, contract deviations, liaison to field sales -*** staff, and general sales support. Prior to joining Dialog, Sally-Ann worked as a Technical Support Specialist at Lotus Development Corporation, supporting all releases of Lotus 1-2-3 and Allways. Before this she was a Cataloguer at the London Library. Sally-Ann holds a M.A. in Library and Information Studies from University College London and a B.A. in English and Latin. Christopher Schieffer is a Sales Consultant with the Houston office. He is responsible for the management of and growth within the L Energy and Legal I r ^ m a r k e t s in the ^ ^ "^r^W Southwest region. Prior to joining Dialog, Christopher worked as a Regional Manager for Executive Telecom System, Inc., a division of The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA), and providers of the Human Resource Information Network. Christopher has a B.A. in Business from Texas A&M University. He enjoys golf, windsurfing, and cycling. Terri Stevenson is a Product Analyst in the Chemical and Patents Information Division. She is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of patent databases, and the development of products and (Spring 1991) 9
Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places . . . cont'd. features related to the patent product line. Prior to joining Dialog, Terri worked for Strategic Analysis, Inc., in Arlington, VA where she worked on a team that developed menu-driven databases and expert system software that operated on Macintosh and IBM PC hardware platforms. Terri was also a patent examiner for the U.S. Patent Office, where she examined patents in the organic chemistry and photosensitive polymer areas. Terri has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. She enjoys aerobics, running, shopping, and movies, and is looking forward to exploring the Western U.S. Bob Stewart is a System Consultant with the Houston office. His duties include providing advanced training support for his region in the areas of Chemistry and Patents. Prior to joining Dialog, Bob was a Chemist for CIBA-Geigy, Sterling Drug, and Dow Chemical. He also worked in Sales and Marketing for Beckman Instruments and Spectra-Physics. Bob has a B.S. in Chemistry from Manhattan College, Bronx, New York. He is currently very busy decorating his new house and landscaping the property. Joyce Vinson is a Product Analyst with the Integrated Services Division (ISD). She is the product manager for Knowledge Index, which includes working with the Knowledge Index team to develop a strategic plan; the development of a marketing plan and collateral; implementation of new technical features and databases; and to implement, track, and analyze pilot programs. Prior to joining Dialog, Joyce worked for ComputerCraft in Computer Sales, for Gartner/InfoCorp as a PC Industry Analyst, for DataQuest as the primary Research Analyst for computer systems and telecommunications, and for the Cupertino City Library as a Public Services Librarian. Joyce holds an M.B.A. from Santa Clara University, anM.L.I.S. and a B. A. in History from the University of California at 10 (Spring 1991)
Berkeley, and a B.A. in Painting and Printmaking from California State University at Hayward. She is a jazz and classical music lover and also enjoys ballroom dancing, hiking, gardening, and gourmet cooking. Cynthia Wrasman is a Sales Consultant for t h e C h i c a g o office. H e r r e sponsibilities include management of and growth within the CDROM market in the Midwest area. Prior to joining Dialog, Cynthia worked as an Account Executive at BNA PLUS, a division of The Bureau of National Affairs in Washington, DC, where she sold custom environmental regulatory monitoring services to Fortune 500 companies. While at BNA she also worked as a marketing representative responsible for marketing all BNA online products through other vendors, such as Dialog, and with West Services to market BNA's CDROM Tax Management Portfolio product. Prior to this, Cynthia was a Customer Service Manager at Mead Data Central. She moved to the D.C. area as a Product Manager for United Software Associates, a small software development company. Cynthia has a B.A. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She actively participated in AIESEC, an international business organization, and was chosen for a summer internship in Poland. Cynthia also spent IV2 years working in London and Greece after her graduation. She enjoys volleyball, music, and travel.
Milestones Rudi Hunziker celebrated 25 years at Lockheed/Dialog.
Rudi Hunziker The following employees recently celebrated 10-year anniversaries: Tine Brouwer, Dave Shatswell, Glenna Silva, and Donna Willmann (with VU/TEXT). The following employees recently celebrated five-year anniversaries: Liz Burkhouse, Allen Chuck, Daniel Easley, Alice Hlebo, Sal Lira, Art Maxwell, Beverly Sessler, Michael Smidt and Phyllis Warrington (Houston office).
Newlyweds Cathy Hall (in Accounts Receivable) and Paul Loeffler were married January 6, 1991. Kathy Phan (in Database Services and Systems) and Peter Tarn were married January 19, 1991 in San Jose. Tony Ambrose (with Training Registration) and Debra Clemens were married March 31, 1991 at the Philadelphian Seventh-Day Adventist Church in San Francisco.
Let's Get Acquainted This issue of the MONOLOG spotlights the Training Registration Department. This d e p a r t m e n t reports to Georg Romero, Manager of Customer Services, an organization that also includes the PC Support Group and the General Customer Support Group. Training Registration is responsible for handling the registration by telephone of all U.S. DIALOG seminars a n d classes. This includes placement of qualified users in the appropriate class or subject seminar. The registration process is done through an online program that allows for confirmation letters to be sent out, the collection of p a y m e n t from classes, and the distribution of training credits. This group also a n s w e r s p h o n e queries about h o w to get a class scheduled in a certain geographical location (e.g., can you set u p a seminar in my city) or h o w to get to a training site (these instructions are expertly given to most places that n o one in t h e g r o u p h a s ever been to). They pass o n customer suggestions for training n e e d s and d o follow-up on cancelled classes, which includes pursuing a way to get those customers trained. Training Registration also handles all of the registration for DIALOG UPDATES.
credit a n d refund requests, handling miscellaneous billing inquiries and problems, dealing with correspondence a n d referred or escalated calls, a n d contacting field offices as necessary to solve problems or answer questions. R h o n d a also handles the monthly reporting for the department, which includes the activities a n d statistical reports, revising a n d installing the training HELP m e s sages, a n d producing a n d mailing completion certificates. She says she enjoys working with Georg a n d the department, and her interaction with the field staff.
Some of the other duties Training Registration handles are the online HELP messages for International Training (e.g., ANZTRAIN and CANTRAIN) and the coordination, collation, and review of the monthly training schedule that is published w i t h the CHRONOLOG. Training Registration also coordinates the attendance of DIALOG staff for public classes.
(L to R): Rozene Tarver, Tony Ambrose, and Rhonda Bailey
R h o n d a Bailey, the Training Coordinator, has worked with the departm e n t for four years. Her primary responsibilities include overseeing all g r o u p activities, interacting with customers by telephone, scheduling a n d cancelling seminars, handling any scheduling problems (including calls from host sites and u n u s u a l situations), processing private "onsite" training rosters, responding to seminar cancellations by informing attendees a n d sending out gratis workbooks (if necessary), processing
Tony is generally responsible for verifying seminar rosters for the Billing Dep a r t m e n t a n d helping with i n b o u n d customer calls regarding training information or enrollments. Additionally, Tony has b e g u n work on rewriting or revising various portions of the Training Departm e n t ' s N O M A D database. The first real breakthrough for h i m was in the d e velopment of an online waitlist for students. O t h e r tasks are in the works as time permits. The h o u r s of staffing for the Training Registration d e p a r t m e n t are 7 a.m. to 3 p . m . (to allow for East coast callers), a n d they are located o n t h e second floor of
Building 2.
Rozene Tarver has been with Training Registration since June 1989. Her primary responsibilities consist of placing customers in appropriate training, a n d making sure all of the Western Region's private sessions have the workbooks a n d supplies that t h e instructor h a s requested. Rozene handles the training mailings that go to registered students in all regions, as well as p r e p a y m e n t s and managing the training waitlist. The waitlist m a n a g e m e n t includes calling customers to notify them w h e n a session is available a n d placing t h e m in that class if possible.
Dates to Mark on Your Calendar! • Friday, June 7: Spring Fling • Saturday, July 27: Company Picnic at Club Aimaden • Saturday, December 14: Holiday Party
Tony Ambrose has worked in Training Registration for over a year. Prior to this h e worked as a temporary with the Marketing a n d Finance Departments.
(Spring 1991)
Dialog in the Arts Yolanda also traveled while performing. She played in Costa Rica where there is a great love of music and the arts. The concerts brought music to rural mountain communities and were held in large churches. At one concert, the church was packed to the rafters, and when the first four notes of Beethoven's 5th were played the audience broke into applause. She performed in Scotland at a music festival in Edinburgh and in Aberdeen, and she also performed in London. During college, Yolanda toured with an orchestra that went to the Philippines, Hong Kong, and mainland China. When asked how it was to perform in China during that period of time, she said that they were treated well, allowed to do some sightseeing, and that the music was appreciated. One of the orchestra's performances was broadcast from Shanghai back to the U.S., in the first cultural show broadcast via satellite. After college, Yolanda did some studio work in San Diego for the BBC, and in Los Angeles for A&M Studios.
Yolanda Piute, who is an Editor/Writer with the Documentation Department, is guest artist for this issue of the MONOLOG. Yolanda is a cellist. She began piano lessons at the age of 7; she continued these lessons through high school. At the age of 9, she studied violin for a year, and at the age of 10 she switched to the cello. The reason the cello became her instrument was that her dad wanted his own string quartet and being the "biggest" of four daughters, Yolanda got the largest instrument. While in high school, she played in a youth orchestra and in a university orchestra. Yolanda continued studying cello throughout college (she majored in music with a performance emphasis). She says she was in the practice room "all the time." After Yolanda graduated from the University of San Diego and joined performing groups through the San Diego Symphony. Later she branched out on her own doing free lance work as a fill-in player and doing studio work. She also formed a trio, which performed at weddings, parties, and gallery openings. The trio often performed for the Nordstrom department store in San Diego, at events such as employee parties and fashion shows. She also worked for the U.S. Grant Hotel, a well known five-star hotel in the San Diego area. Yolanda supported herself with her performing ability, but she states that while it was fun it was not an overly secure period of time financially. "It was living out a fantasy!"
Since Yolanda's move to the Bay Area last year, she has been on the lookout for a performing group to join or other performers to organize. She is, while practicing daily and playing for herself, working on making contacts. If there are string players or a group needing a cellist out there, contact Yolanda Piute at x4267. Yolanda Piute
The MONOLOG is published by and for DIALOG employees 4 rimes annually. Editor Creative Director Contributing Author Photographer
Karen York Alice Hlebo Diane Kozelia Alice Hlebo, et al
Contributions to the MONOLOG are welcome, and should reach the editor as soon as possible. Send material via VM mail or DIALMAIL to YORK, or call 858-4013.
12 (Spring 1991)
Well, Whaddya Know! By Missy Laynie
(4) Turmoil Have you been searching for that perfect (5) Gorbachev's policy of restructuring repartee? Could your contribution to conthe Soviet economy versation be enhanced by a clever anec(61 The general intellectual, moral, and dote? Do you need a final word for that cultural climate of an era discussion you've been carrying on with a friend about the meaning of life? Well, sprinkle some of the following items into (D A MONOLOG reader has asked your verbal output and then relish the Missy Laynie what the ZIP in ZIP satisfaction of knowing you have proven CODE stands for. Do you know? the truth of the phrase that "a man's (or (Hint: It has nothing to do with the woman's) language is an index of his (or ZIP in zippety-do-dah or the ZIP in her) mind." zipper.)
(Answers on page 14.)
(T) What is the "chunnel"? (a) A new breakfast cereal that has become an instant success because it does not contain oat bran (b) A dance popular during the "Roaring '20s" (c) The tunnel running under the English Channel connecting England with the European Continent (2) Many non-English words appear every day in our newspapers and magazines. The following are a few that Missy Laynie has noticed in the past months. What do they mean? (Write the letter of the meaning next to the appropriate word or phrase.) (You get extra points if you can use them all in one sentence...bonus credit if the sentence makes sense.) (a) (b) (c)
apparatchik Sturm und Drang parvenu
(d) (e) (f)
Zeitgeist glasnost perestroika
(1) Gorbachev's policy of openness to the press (2) One who has recently risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige associated with it. (3) A Communist party member of longstanding
(4) What kind of animals are the following? (a) (b) (c) (d)
Punxsutawney Phil Checkers Ben Harvey
(e) Secretariat (f) Pepe Le Pieu (g) Millie (h) Mighty Joe Young
Results of the MONOLOG POLL Thanks to all of you who responded to the poll involving your favorite personalized license plate. There were too many to print them all but a few of the best are shown on the next page.
You may find it hard to believe that when personalized license plates were first introduced in 1960, no one anticipated the tremendous popularity they would have. Today there are (a) These are the times that try men's souls. over a million of them registered in (b) Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. California alone! If you're interested (c) That's all, folks. in a little information about per(d) Ihavea feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. sonalized license plates, there's an (e) I'm not afraid to die; I just don't want to amusing article titled "Licentious Plates Spell Trouble for Spellbound be there when it happens. Drivers," by David Larsen in File 630, DIALOG Accession Number (1) Porky Pig 00550277. By the way, Lawrence (2) Woody Allen Welk's plate reads "A1ANA2." (3) Thomas Paine
W h o said the following? (Write the letter of the author in the space provided.)
(4) Muhammad AH (5) Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
(6) What do the following countries have in common? American Samoa, Guam, the Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands (7) What is the most common first name for a woman working at Dialog? For a man? (8) How many zeroes are there in a million? in a billion? in a trillion?
NEW MONOLOG POLL: In keeping with the MONOLOG POLL in the last issue (about personalized automobile license plates), what is your favorite bumper sticker? (Missy Laynie reserves the right to censor any profane, off-color, or otherwise offensive entries. Glasnost has not come to DIALOG!)
(Spring 1991) 13
Results of the MONOLOG POLL
njjtefflUPtm?!- !•••.
Answers 1. 1. C; Also known as the Eurotunnel, this tunnel will link England with France for the first time since the Ice Age. Trains will go from Folkestone, England to Calais, France (32.2 miles). 23.6 miles of the Chunnel are under water. On December 1, 1990 British and French workers digging the tunnel succeeded in opening a space big enough to walk through and shook hands. Trains won't roll until sometime in June of 1993.
Seen by Steve Burleys on a VW van in Santa Cruz
n flrT"iflfTTi I 111
Seen by Steve Burleys and Jim Ytittmeyer on a Honda Accord*
The first personalized plate ever seen by Missy Laynie-many moons ago
Seen by Missy hiynie on a (you guessed it!) VWBug
Seen by Missy Laynie on a Toyota Celica
3. ZIP stands for Zone Improvement Program. The system was ordered into use by then-Postmaster General J. Edward Day on July 1, 1963. The ZIP code divides the U.S. into 10 areas, each starring with a number from 0 (New England) to 9 (West Coast). The next two numbers indicate a major city in the area and the last two numbers indicate a neighborhood post office. The "ZIP PLUS 4" code (known as "Son of ZIP" to postal workers) narrows the delivery down to one side of a city block or even one floor of a large office building in a major city. That's probably more than you ever wanted to know about ZIP codes, but our aim is to give you everything and let you weed out what you can't use! 4. Animals:
\ NOWAY BB Seen by Missy Leyne
• frniiilfiiiiin*, | | MP 4 K9
Seen by Missy Laynie on a red Honda. No, Missy doesn't have anything better to do!
(c) Ben was a grizzly bear in the Movie Gentle Ben. (d)Harvey was a 6-foot, 3-inches tall rabbit (or pooka) and friend to Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the classic 1950 movie Harvey.
Seen by Missy Laynie on a hot, black camaro
(e) Secretariat was a racehorse who won the 1973 Triple Crown.
Seen by Susan Prather on a DeLorean auto
f OU6EBOY Seen by Steve Burleys on a red Porsche with a blonde woman driving
Seen by Alice Hlebo No, this was not on Missy Laynie's auto!
(a) Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog who pokes his head out of his burrow in Punxsutawney, PA every February 2nd. If he sees his shadow it means six more weeks of winter. According to news sources, he was actually pulled out this year (seems he's gained a bit of weight over the winter), and, indeed, did see his shadow, so bathing-suit weather will be a ways down the road. (b)Checkers was the name of a dog made famous by Richard Nixon in his 1952 "Checkers Speech" when he said it was one of the campaign contributions he was going to keep.
Vniiflfr"1"*! B^ SAMZCAM
Seen by Cathy Weeks on a Veterinarian's car
2. (a) 3; (b) 4; (c) 2; (d) 6; (e) 1; (f) 5
(f) Pepe Le Pieu is a cartoon skunk French accent.
•ho speaks with a
(g) Millie is the Bush family dog, ; spaniel and best-selling author. (h)Mighty Joe Young was a monstrous gorilla in an RICO movie made in 1949. 5. (a) 3; (b) 4; (c) 2; (d) 5; (e) 2
6. They are all U.S. territories. And as such, they have ZIP codes, of course.
Seen by Karen York
7. The most common female name (with 14 employees so named) is a variation of: Cathy, Catherine, (Catherine, Kathy, Kathie, Kathleen, or Kate. Runners up with 10 employees each are Suzanne, Suzy, Susan, or Sue and Christine, Chris, Tina, Tine, or Kristina. The most common male name (with 15 employees so named) is Robert, Bob, or Rob. Next is James, Jim, or Jaime with 14 employees. And finally, there's Michael or Mike with 10 employees. If you call out one of these names, you're bound to get someone's attention.. .it just may not be the someone you intended!
cord of wood is x 4 feet x 8 feet.
14 (Spring 1991)
8. A million has 6 zeroes; a billion has 9; and a trillion has 12. By the way, in the last 10 years the U.S. national debt has risen from $1 trillion to $3 trillion...sigh.
EnviroLog Because California is experiencing another year of reduced rain and snow fall, this month Envirolog will offer some helpful tips on ways to conserve water, both inside and outside the house.
New Arrivals
In the house: [Jjr Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator for cold drinks and to avoid running water for colder tap water. |Jr
Use the warm up water from your shower to water your potted plants and outside garden.
Outside the house: Br
Check for defective plumbing, sprinkler, water, or irrigation systems to prevent leakage or escaping water.
Ema Angelica Bringas was born January 12, 1991 at 4:56 a.m. to Diane and Angel Bringas. Ema weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 2OV2 in. long.
Keeping grass 2-3 inches long shades the roots, requires less water and mowing, and allows the root system to become deeper and more water efficient.
Steven William Frey was born January 15, 1991 to Lou Ann Frey and her husband, Mark. Steven weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 in. long.
[tp Place a plastic water bottle in your toilet reserve tank to use less water with each flush. |*f
Only run the dish washer when it is full.
Rinse dishes in a second sink of water, not under running water.
Use the most efficient washing machine cycle for the amount of clothes being washed.
Take quicker showers and if possible shut off the water while you soap up and/or shampoo; turn water off while you brush your teeth and fill the sink to shave.
Fill the tub with only half the water you now use. When the water gets cold, get out; don't add hot water to heat up the cold.
\tJT Water lawns and gardens less most don't need all the water they get. [Jr
Choose plants with low water demand.
Plant shrubs and perennials in the fall or spring so they can benefit from rains and cool temperatures.
Dig basins around plants to catch water.
Use a sponge mop; it uses less water than a string mop.
t^T Add a layer of mulch around plants to reduce evaporation, and avoid watering on windy days or at midday, when evaporation is highest.
Install a recirculating water pump on evaporative coolers; water consumption can be reduced by 20 gallons an hour.
[*jp Consider a drip-method watering system to get the most effective use of water to your plants, or consider using mini- or micro-sprinklers.
Taylor Kanso Nakatani was born December 31, 1990 at 2:26 a.m. to Patti Sakauye and her husband, Neal Nakatani. Taylor weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19V2 in. long.
Sweep sidewalks, driveways, and patios instead of using water to clean them.
Wash your car using one bucket of water for washing and one bucket for rinsing.
Nicholas Patrick Oliver was born January 27, 1991 at9:45 a.m. to Libby Trudell and her husband, Dennis Oliver. Nicholas weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 2IV2 in. long. Samuel August Richman was born February 22, 1991 at 10:16 p.m. to Kathleen Richman and her husband, Ron. Samuel weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19V4 in. long. Justin Robert Schick was born March 21, 1991 at 8:28 a.m. to Gordon Schick and his wife, Debbie. Justin weighed 9 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 in. long. Travis Chu was born March 24, 1991 at 7:46 a.m. to Tim Chu and his wife, Ly. Travis weighed 7 lbs 15 oz. and was 2VA in. long.
(Spring 1991) 15
Staff Professional Activities The following Dialog staff have recently presented, published, or been involved in areas relating to the online information industry. Billheimer, Carolyn. "An Overview of Business Information on Dialog." Presented to Westlaw Sales Representatives, St. Paul, MN, December 3 & 5, 1990. Billheimer, Carolyn. "Four Steps to Finding Business Information on Dialog: 1. Product Information, 2. C o m p a n y Information, 3. Analysis, 4. N e w s . " Presented to the Puget Sound Law Librarians, Seattle, WA, January 25, 1991. Bourne, Charles. Participated in a PreConference for the 1991 White House Conference on Libraries and Information Science, sponsored by the Library of Congress, Washington, DC, December 17-19, 1990. Brouwer, Tine. " C o m p a n y and Market Intelligence on DIALOG." Presented to the UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Los Angeles, CA, February 12, 1991. Caputo, Anne. "Controlled Vocabulary: Making the Most of Descriptors and Indexes." Presented at ONLINE '90, Washington DC, November 6, 1990. Crane, Beverley. "School University Business Partnership: The Christopher School Project." Presented at the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) Conference, Anaheim, CA, N o v e m b e r 17, 1990. Dullaghan, Jim. Completed course work for and received an M.B.A., with a concentration in Information Systems, from Golden Gate University, December 1990. LaChance Porter, Sue. Gave a presentation on Searching DIALOG M e n u s and Full-Text Searching to 60 students at the University of California, Berkeley Library School, Berkeley, CA, February 12, 1991.
(Spring 1991)
LaChance Porter, Sue. "Logon to DIALMAIL: Information Delivery for the Online C o m m u n i t y . " Information Searcher (A newsletter for teaching online/ CD-ROM searching in schools), Volume 3, N u m b e r 2, 1991. Lee, Ann. "Looking for Information? Let Your C o m p u t e r Do the Walking." Presented at the Precision Metalforming Association A n n u a l Conference, H y a t t O'Hare, Chicago, IL, March 13, 1991. Parfrey, Wendy. "Welcome to the DIALMAIL Bulletin Board on DIALOG." CAPUTS (Bulletin of the Pharmaceutical Division of the Special Libraries Association), Volume 5, N u m b e r 3 (Fall 1990). Parfrey, Wendy. "Pharmaceutical Focus: Market Share Information." Presented at DIALOG London UPDATE, London, December 10, 1990.
Ryan, Sue. Was h o n o r e d by her Toastmasters Club with the "Toastmaster of the Year A w a r d " for 1990, Palo Alto, CA, March 19, 1991. Summit, Roger. "Megatrends in Information Dissemination." Presented to a joint meeting of the San Andreas and San Francisco chapters of the Special Libraries Association, San Mateo, CA, December 6, 1990. Summit, Roger. Participated in a KRI m a n a g e m e n t presentation to family shareholders of the San Jose Mercury hleivs a n d tour of Dialog facilities, Palo Alto, CA, February 19, 1991. Summit, Roger. Participated in the Electronic Classified Advertising meeting, Miami, FL, February 21-22, 1991.
Parfrey, Wendy. "International Pharmaceutical Mergers - What Online Databases Can Show You." Pharmaceutical Manufacturing International. Sterling Publications: London, U.K. 1991. Perna, Joe. Completed course work for a n d received an M.B.A., with a concentration in Information Systems, from Golden Gate University, June 1990. Plosker, George. "Effects of Indexing o n Online Searching." Presented to the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services, Indexing: H o w it Works, San Diego, CA, January 29,1991. Plosker, George. DIALOG for World Trade Applications. Presented to the World Trade Association, San Diego, CA, January 29, 1991. Ray, Lauren. "Current Events on the DIALOG Classmate Bulletin Board." Information Searcher (A newsletter for teaching online/ CD-ROM searching in schools), Volume 3, N u m b e r 2, 1991. Ream, Rich. "Online Databases a n d Direct Marketing." Presented to the Direct Marketing Association, Miami, FL, February 19-22, 1991.