Volume 7, Issue 1 • Winter 1987 « DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
ITS REVIVED!!! The MONOLOG is so very late... So we'll try to explicate: Through the chaos and confusion We have been disillusioned As we ponder but never squander Has the editor an alibi Has he been perturbed Or constantly disturbed Is he hiding Or pleasantly abiding Has his brain been infracted Or maybe just distracted In any case we must hurry But be not in a flurry To communicate And somehow tantalate* with what is to follow:
MONOLOG editor, Gil Morales, incapacitated by workload... Rest of crew picks up the baton and finishes the newsletter!
— A. Lewis •extremely rare conjugation of the verb "tantalize"
DIALOG CAPTURES TWO IMMY AWARDS The 1986 IMMY Awards competition was held November 12 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. Sponsored by the Information Industry Association (IIA), the "IMMY's" were created to showcase the information industry's finest creative work and to honor excellence in marketing achievements. The judges for the competition were industry marketing professionals from seven IIA companies. There were 230 entries from over 6 0 companies. DIALOG'S KNOWLEDGE INDEX promotional materials ("How to Get Into the Library at 3 A.M."), presented by Veronica Corchado, won the IMMY (first place) in the Campaign Category. And, DIALOG'S direct marketing campaign to the American Trial Lawyers Association (a series of postcards), presented by Cheri Robison, won 2nd Place in the Direct Mail, Less Than 4-Color Category. The award plaques can viewed in the Trophy Case of Building 920.
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ITS DEBUT DIALOG initiated CDROM services by announcing its first CDROM database, DIALOG OnDisc ERIC, at ONLINE '86 last November. The DIALOG OnDisc family, a series of CDROM products based on popular databases on the DIALOG online system, will make valuable information available cost-effectively to a greater number of people than ever before possible. The DIALOG OnDisc service includes one or more CDROM discs along with retrieval software, documentation, and customer support. The retrieval software is the same for all DIALOG OnDisc databases, and provides two search options: the same command language as DIALOG online, and an "easy menu" mode that is selfexplanatory and straightforward. DIALOG OnDisc files are available on a subscription basis, with update discs sent out at a frequency determined by the kind of information the file contains (in the case of ERIC, updated discs will be mailed quarterly). When more current information is needed than is on the disc, the CDROM search can be supplemented by a search in the most recent updates to the online file. This is facilitated by the option of creating a file name (up to 8 characters).SRC on disc, limiting it with a date range, and transferring it to the online file automatically. DIALOGL1NK software is included in DIALOG OnDisc products, to allow easy access to the online system. DIALOG OnDisc products work with IBM PC/XT compatible systems (fixed disk, 384K RAM), and Hitachi or Philips CDROM readers, and will conform to the d e facto market standards for file format and operating system compatibility still under development. Customers can lease or purchase complete workstations. CDROM technology offers customers the ability to offer information searching directly to their end users. They get unlimited usage of the file at a fixed, budgetable cost.
DMS/ONLINE EXCLUSIVE ON DIALOG The agreement for DMS, a defense marketing service, to distribute DMS/ONLINE databases exclusively on DIALOG was effective January 1. Initially two major DMS databases are available: DMS MARKET INTELLIGENCE REPORTS and DMS CONTRACT AWARDS, with additional databases becoming available throughout the year. Comprehensive and up-to-date textual data and analysis on the aerospace and defense market are available. Thousands of fulltext reports cover all major defense companies, programs, and products. The database is recognized for its detailed coverage and in-depth analysis gathered from such diverse sources as government documents, defense journals, and field interviews with key defense people. This file contains data on all types of military equipment, with emphasis on government spending plans, future requirements and industry in-
volvement in the market. The file is vital to individuals or departments involved in market research, business development, and program management in the aerospace/ defense industries. Efforts for securing this contract from DMS, Inc. should be recognized as should all major accomplishments. Kudos g o to Lou Ann Frey, Regan Senkarik, and Judy RosengaCardenas of the Business Group; Laz Cardenas, Darcy Christensen of the Database Group; Georg Romero and Judy Fair-Spaulding of Customer Services; Greg Calkins of Operations and last, but not least, Mary Corcoran of Marketing. Thanks to all for their support!
DIALOG CLASSMATE NOW AVAILABLE DIALOG announced a new aid for teachers and school librarians last October at the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) in Minneapolis. DIALOG Classmate is a complete instructional package for introducing online information retrieval to high school students. Classmate offers low cost access to selected DIALOG databases with a simplified command language. Other materials soon to be available at an extra charge are a teacher's guide with a reference manual and viewfoil masters, a student workbook, and up to ten passwords. DIALOG has offered a Classroom Instruction Program since 1976, which is now used by hundreds of schools, colleges, and universities. Classmate extends the instructional program by providing a complete curriculum for high school use.
DIALOG NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OCLC AND RLIN TERMINALS The Midwinter meeting of the American Library Association in January was the occasion for the announcement of two new "gateway" connections to DIALOG: through OCLC LINK, and through a direct RUN connection to DIALOG. Both of these services, OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) and RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network) are used primarily by library technical services departments, traditionally the non-DIALOG use part of the libraries. Now these gateways will improve libraries' access to online information, since both OCLC and RLIN terminals can now be used to access DIALOG databases and services such as DIALORDER and DIALMAIL Libraries that have lacked the equipment to begin searching DIALOG are now able to do so through OCLC or RLIN terminals in their library. Catalog and acquisition librarians can enjoy the convenience of searching DIALOG through OCLC or RLIN terminals at their desks. Later this spring, OCLC LINK will feature the optional selection of databases by subject, and be able to review basic DIALOG commands and a sample search for each DIALOG database. The OCLCRLIN-DIALOG gateway represents an important DIALOG expansion into the library technical service market.
VISIONS OF CHRISTMAS PAST The 1986 Christmas Party was held December 13 at the Mediterranean Center of the San Jose Hyatt. The bill of fare included duck salad, Tournedos Chasseur (two medallions of filet mignon), roasted potatoes, seasonal veggies, eclairs and puff pastries, and wine. After dinner, the revelers, about 240 in number, danced to the music of the John Capobianco Orchestra. Christmas carollers (Nancy Green, Libby Trudell, Virginia Tucker, Eric Langhirt, Greg Calkins, Jo MaxonDadd, 8v Mike Smidt) led us in such seasonal favorites as Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly, Es 1st ein' Ros' Entsprungen, Patapan, and joy to the World. DIALOG e m ployees ate, danced, and sang the night away. The Christmas Party is a company-sponsored event organized by hard-working volunteers, namely: Liz Burkhouse, Nancy Green, Bob Hoxsie, Rudi Hunziker, Debbie Maxwell, John Miksad, Linda Naranjo, Susan Prather, and Bob Simons. If you would like to serve on the Entertainment Committee, contact Bob Simons.
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HISK:.. Two, two-fisted
Diane Townsend and Dennis Downey
Party animals Linda Naranjo, Alice Lewis, and Jane Reinsch
&*.--*yjlL..jdi ••tew Look out Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire! Susan Prather and Roger Hall waltzing the night away.
Fa-la-ia-la-!a — la-ia-ia-la! |o M a x o n - D a d d , Libby Trudell, Virginia Tucker, Nancy Green, Greg Calkins, Eric Langhirt, and Mike Smidt
Cheers! Vince Azzara, Sam Rossi, and Rick Reznicsek
Student Interns Karen Porter, Debbie Rogenmoser, and Alexandra Bash
Abe Abid Product Analyst Advanced Technology Group
Michael Fong Programmer Analyst Online Systems Development
Dan Cuilin Applications Programmer Database Systems
(udith Levitt Student Intern Customer Services
Alexandra Bash Student Intern Customer Services
Kelly Glenn Information Specialist Customer Services
Kerri Hall Customer Administration Assistant Customer Administration
â&#x20AC;˘if â&#x20AC;˘ r
Florence Blangy Product Analyst Business Information Division
Carol Grismore Programmer Analyst Financial Systems
Bob Levinstein Student Intern Business Information Division
iMB IBfc
Ellen Lytton
Regional Representative Arlington Office
Jo A n n M a n d i n a c h Product Analyst Advanced Technology Group
Dan M a n n i s t o Manager Financial Planning & Controls
Eugene Marangoni Information Specialist Customer Services
Robin N a s h Department Assistant Support Services
Nicole Newell Student Intern Marketing
Dayton N e w t o n Accountant Accounts Receivable
Joe Ortega Accountant Billing
Cathleen O'Shea Administrative Assistant Boston Office
Janice Pang Product Analyst General Information Division
Pinky Phul Electronic Print Operator Data Processing
i Âť
1 Karen Porter Student Intern Customer Services
Debbie Rogenmoser Student Intern Customer Services
Sam Rossi Student Intern Marketing
SMILING N E W F A C E S , ALL IN THEIR PLACES . . . (continued)
Diane Townsend Associate Programmer Analyst Finance
Caesar Vicente Electronic Print Operator Data Processing
Lori Wagner Student Intern Marketing
No photos are available for the following new employees: Mike Callahan ImageLab Programmer Adv. Technology Group
! Ned Wu
Fran Ferguson Administrative Secretaiy New York Office
Programmer Analyst Online Systems Development
STAFF PAPERS &. PRESENTATIONS Coppernoll-Blach, Penny, "Online Searching with DIALOG and Knowledge Index," American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Midyear Meeting, Drug and Poison Information Practice SIG, Las Vegas, December 8, 1986. Kachala, Bohdanna, "Computerized Research for Professional Writers: Taking Advantage of the DIALOG System," as part of the panel "Research for Writing in the 80's," 1 5th Annual Writers' Conference, The American Society ofjournalists and Authors, New York, May 1986. Maloney, James J., "Contract Options for Lowering the Cost of Online Searching," American Library Association, Reference and Adult Services Divison, Machine-Assisted Reference Section, June 1986. Maloney, James J., "Online Information Services" in The World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 2nd Edition, American Library Association, Chicago, June 1986. Snow, Bonnie, "People in Medicine: Searching Names O n line." ONLINE 10 (5, Sept 86): pp. 1 2 2 - 1 2 7 . Snow, Bonnie, "MEDLINE Subheadings DATABASE 9 (5, October 86): pp. 6 3 - 7 1 .
Snow, Bonnie, "Differences in CANCERL1T o n MEDLARS and DIALOG Online." ONLINE 10 (6, November 86): pp. 1 18-123. Snow, Bonnie, "What's New in the Life Sciences." Paper presented at ONLINE '86, Chicago, IL, N o v e m b e r 4 , 1986. Summit, Roger K., "Online Information: A Ten-Year Perspective and Outlook," ONLINE, January 1987, pp. 6 1 - 6 4 .
DIALOG ON TELEVISION On December 20, KSCM (College of San Mateo) filmed Roger Summit demonstrating applications on DIALOG for the show "Computer Chronicles." Dialog has about a 6 minute period on this half hour show. Within the same segment as Dialog, Dick Kollin demonstrated EasyNet capabilities. Connie Tomal, Branch Manager of Bay area Nexis also appeared within the same half hour â&#x20AC;&#x201D; although in a different segment. This "Computer Chronicles" series, entitled "Online Databases," aired at the end of January. Paula Dowell taped the show for those of y o u who missed it.
ALL IN A SUMMER DAZE Since DIALOG employees share many interests and talents you're likely to find them in the most quaint places doing the exceptional. For example-. Pat Gumbel and hubby, Harold, spend their free time enjoying the outdoors. In the winter, downhill skiing; in the s u m mer, "On The Road Again" RV'ing it d o w n the highways looking for the right place to hike. Pat recently found a favorite hiking area and describes it as a place Thoreau w o u l d have liked. The area includes luxuries such as gentle hiking paths in elevations of 10-1 1,000 feet. From many of the viewing spots, one can see glaciers, lots of lakes, and waterfalls riffling into small pools. Where is it? You'll have to bribe Pat for the answer.* She only admits to it being somewhere east of Tioga Pass. However, Pat did divulge this secret recipe, a Gumbel favorite:
Chili Pepper/Cheese Quiche \ Use 9x9 pyrex dish 1 can (7 oz) Ortega green chilies (split, seeded and spread in a layer on bottom of dish) 1 lb sharp Cheddar cheese (grated, spread evenly over peppers) Mix and pour over cheese and peppers 3 eggs 3 cups milk I cup Bisquick 1 tsp salt Cook 1/2 hr-45 min 350 until good &* brown
R e c o m m e n d e d bribery: Bake the quiche, give Pat a piece and ! bet she fesses u p with a specific location.
Angelo Troquato has been working fruitfully on his days off, Angelo helps run his family-owned/operated vineyard in Los Gatos, and the family has been making wine ever since Angelo can remember. The vineyard was born over 12 years ago and commercially grows 4 varieties of grapes, a Zinfandel, Cabernet, Muscat Canelli, and Johannesburg Reisling. DIALOGers were invited to participate in the Chardonnay's second year harvest by helping to pick grapes and enjoy the music and refreshments. The wine from Troquato Vineyard can be found in local grocery stores and wine shops. The family also grows many different vegetables, herbs and spices which Angelo has generously brought in to share.
Chris Hicks can be heard humming d o w n the halls and for g o o d reason. Chris spent her vacation last year performing at the Ms. Liberty Celebration at Madison Square Garden. She sang with an all w o m e n (740 of them) chorus group. The g r o u p members came from all over the world to sing Broadway hits from "The Sound of Music," "Cats," and "Man of La Mancha." Chris' group gave one of the many performances through a youth-sponsored affiliation to promote the spirit of world peace. Chris has also performed at other cultural shows from Moscone Center in San Francisco to a show in Japan.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' A new H o t Leads Campaign recently hit DIALOG'S Telemarketing Staff. 154 " H o t Leads" from top companies around the country were passed along to our outbound telemarketing representative, Mary VanMetre, and field representatives for follow up. Our "lean but mean sales team" took 1 54 prospects and converted them to 50 new DIALOG customers. Some of the best newly-converted DIALOG customers included Bekins M o v i n g and Storage, with three DIALOG passwords for demographic and market analysis, 100 buyers at Nabisco who will be using DIALOG to locate sources; and a brand new research lab at General Chemical is setting up access to DIALOG as its online research service. Telemarketing's inbound representatives worked long and hard to filter through over 3 0 0 0 requests for information they receive each month. Potential gold mines were then forwarded to the telemarketing sales personnel. Through the use of charm and wit, Dale Smith turned the most leads which were later converted to sales. Congratulations t o Dale and to all our hard-working staff for their prosperous mission accomplished!
HUMAN RESOURCES State Disability Insurance DIALOG employees' salary continuation, during illness, is provided by State Disability Insurance (SDI) combined with sick leave to equal full salary until sick leave accrual is exhausted. (The only exceptions are employees w h o d o not have sufficient earnings in a qualifying period or are outside California.) Understanding the process for signing up for SDI can expedite your payments in time of need. SDI is intended to extend your sick leave for non-occupational illness or injury. SDI reduces your sick leave payments by the amount payable by the state for loss of wages. Currently, the maximun SDI benefit payment is $ 2 2 4 per week. Together, the disability payment and your available sick leave (until exhausted) will equal your weekly base wages. It is the department's responsibility to initiate the process for claiming SDI payments. When the department codes an employee's timecard with the attendance code H, it signals Payroll that SDI will be paid, and therefore sick leave payments should be reduced. For information on timecard coding, see DOP 4.04. The department then provides the employee with a disability claim form. Departments can obtain these forms from Human Resources. The form must be completed by both the employee and the physician or, in the case of Kaiser, by their business office. In most instances of delay, it is the physician who fails to complete the form on time. The state normally processes the claims it receives expeditiously. It is a g o o d idea to follow up with your physician in a few days to ensure your form was completed.
H U M A N R E S O U R C E S (continued)
Tuition Reimbursement
Seminar Attendance
University/College tuition reimbursement must be approved, in advance, of class attendance. Your final grade (at least a B is required) should be submitted with the Tuition Reimbursement form. Courses must relate to the employee's present position or future company growth. A company commitment to a program (i.e., BS, MS or MBA degree) must be submitted and justified by management in writing for approval through the President's office. This must also relate to the employee's present position or DIALOG'S future growth. Several reimbursements have been requested without prior approval. The employee runs the risk of not being reimbursed for the course.
Seminars must be approved in advance, prior to registration commitment. Advance approval will avoid the potential of paying directly for cancellation or attendance fees. All industry seminar attendances must be submitted to Human Resources with a Request for Seminar Attendance form, Request for Check/Cash Disbursement, course outline, seminar attendance form and justification (excluding LMSC and other sources). Out-of-the-area seminars must be further justified by an attempt to locate a local seminar with similar content or future local scheduling.
The NEW TAX LAW and YOU Tax Laws are complicated. The following should not be considered tax advice, but more a commentary to make you aware of some of the changes in tax law. You are advised to seek independent tax counsel if you need help.
CAPITAL CAINS. Capital gains will be taxed the same as ordinary income with a top rate of 28%.
The 1986 tax reform legislation is the most extensive tax overhaul ever passed by Congress. The changes it makes in existing tax laws are so far-reaching that it will affect every individual and corporate taxpayer in America. Most changes relate to 1987 tax year (January 1987 for individuals). The following is a brief guide on how the new tax law will affect you:
INTEREST EXPENSE. Mortgage interest paid on first and second homes will generally remain deductible under the new law. Interest on personal loans, credit cards, and auto loans are being phased out. Interest paid on loans for investment purposes should be critically reviewed for its deductibility.
TAX RATES. The new law provides only two brackets in 1 988 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1 5% and 28% . 1 5 % is applied to all taxable income up to $ 17,850 for single taxpayers and $29,750 for married taxpayers filing joint returns. Everyone earning income above these amounts will be taxed 28%. A 5% surcharge will be added in 1988 for some taxpayers. For 1987 there are transition rates ranging from 1 1 % to 38.5% but no surcharge.
W-4 FORMS. By law you must file a new W-4 form by October 1, 1987. The new tax laws probably affect your 1987 taxes. If you have not filed a new W-4 form for 1987, it is strongly recommended you do so as soon as possible, as the amount of tax being withheld may no longer be correct. Tax penalties apply if you are under-withheld by more than 10% (including estimated payments) and your withholding is less than your 1986 tax obligation.
PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS. Personal Exemptions will increase to $1900 in 1987, $1950 in 1988, and $2000 in 1989 and will be indexed to inflation and adjusted accordingly in 1990 and beyond. STANDARD DEDUCTION. For single taxpayers, the standard deduction will increase from $2480 to $3,000 in 1988. For married couples filing jointly, it will increase from $ 3,670 to $5,000 in 1988. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS (IRA'S). The old $2000 deduction for contribution to an IRA has been repealed for those who are covered under another pension or retirement plan in 1987. This will affect most Dialog employees. You may still make a contribution (but get no deduction for the principal). Interest on IRA's is still generally tax deferred. The Salary Savings Plan will still offer a means of tax deferral in 1987. The tax deduction for employee contribution (combined with contributions to similar plans) will then be limited to $7000.
The MONOLOG is published by and for DIALOG employees at irregular intervals. Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Photo Editor Roving Reporter
Alice Lewis )ane Reinsch Gil Morales Susan Prather Linda Naranjo
Contributions t o the MONOLOG are w e l c o m e , and should reach the editor as soon as possible. Send material via V M mail or DiALMAIL to LEWIS, or call 8 5 8 - 4 0 8 6 .