Monolog vol 7, issue 2 - Summer 1987

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Volume 7, Issue 2 • Summer 1987 • DIALOG Information Services, Inc.

Dialog's First Open House - A Smashing Success!


et out the mops, the dustcloth, the paint - we are going to have a party! That was the spirit the week of May 4 as Dialog had its first Spring Cleaning in preparation for its first Open House. Dialog was a flurry of activity. The windows were cleaned (on the outside), all the outdoor handrails were painted, gardening perfected, buildings vacuumed, employees cleaned their offices (some for the first time!). And, by the end of the week, we were ready for guests. The Open House, Saturday May 9 from 10 am to 2 pm, was specifically for Dialog employees, family, and friends. It was an opportunity for everyone to get acquainted with the work of the various Departments within Dialog and also to see the whole company. Family and friends appreciated the opportunity to try to understand just "What is Dialog?". Dialog employees led group tours of the facility. There were demonstrations of DIALOG online applications, the new trademark images online, tours of the computer room, and a welcome to visitors by Dialog's president, Roger Summit. Roger's discussion of the Company and its future was followed by a question & answer period. Copies of Dialog's very first Annual Report were available for visitors to take home. (The Annual Report was written by Paula Dowell of our Marketing Department and was designed by Alice Lewis of Publications.)

Thanks to the Dialog Open House Committee for organizing this event - Tine Brouwer, Paula Dowell, Rob Feinstein, Rudi Hunziker, Sandy Mar, John Miksad, and Don Schaaf. Also thanks to all the guides and participants: Darlene Anderson, Mike Callahan, Ed Colon, Veronica Corchado, Judy Fair-Spaulding, Larry Gibes, Marg Goya, Nancy Green, Debbie Guenther, Bob Hoxsie, Sophie Hudnut, Curtis Humphries, Alice Lewis, Sal Lira, Sara Lynch, Linda Naranjo, Janis Ong, Rachael Peizer, Georg Romero, Patti Sakauye, Joan Strickler, Suzanne Trocha, and Fred Zappert. A special thanks to Don Schaaf and Sonia Rodert for getting the buildings and grounds spruced up, especially with the new construction going on at the time in Building 920.

Don Schaaf, "Yeah, it turned out better than I thought!"

There was picnic food for all - burgers, dogs, chips, fruit, cookies, and soft drinks. There were balloons, a Care Bear and Mickey Mouse for kids, and Dialog pins for souvenirs. The weather was perfect and everyone agreed it was an enjoyable day!

Joan Strickler demonstrates DIALOG online applications.


(Summer 1987)


New Marketing/Customer Services Vice President Introducing Richard Ream, Dialog's new Vice President of Marketing and Customer Services. Rich, who comes to Dialog with a strong background in businessplan development including financial planning, strategic product development, and specific marketing and sales planning, has held upper level sales, marketing, and product management positions within the computer and publishing industries for 20 years. Ream's mission is to provide direction and guidance for Dialog's entry into new markets and technologies worldwide. In addition to increasing Dialog's overall market potential, Ream also plans to focus on enhancing customer services. He envisions service as a strategic and competitive resource which is essential in order for the customers to fully utilize Dialog's products and services.

Richard Ream

His conception of the online industry was significantly broadened during his first week with Dialog at the National Online Meeting in New York City when he learned and observed the forces behind such an industry. He describes the people at Dialog as "self motivated, bright people who enjoy what they do."

Looking at a ten year perspective, Ream sees Dialog developing more as an "expert system" or "coach." A system simulating live interaction and providing input back to you by offering suggestions, with more user friendly interfaces. He envisions a non-information specialist, say, "Dick Tracy with a portable access system calculator watch that tells you where the best Deep Dish Pizza is in town." Perhaps the above example reflects the fact that Rich and his wife and son moved to California from Chicago a mere 2 1/2 years ago. For those of you who shoot hoops or play volleyball, you know it's relatively easy to catch u p to Rich 1) for an informal conversation, and 2) to block a shot!

Milestones Gordon Schick recently celebrated fifteen years at Dialog. Joyce Camp (Houston office) reached the ten-year mark. The following employees recently celebrated five years at Dialog: Ann Lee (Chicago office), Jon Soule, Jan Sykes, Virginia Tucker, Darrell Kupka, Charlie Sullivan, and Roger Hall.

Dialog's Tuition Reimbursement Program Produces Two MBAs Our congratulations to David Shatswell and Duke Swenson for completing their MBAs. Both David and Duke were early participants in an advanced degree program under the Dialog Tuition Reimbursement Program. All classes were taken after hours, and we commend both David and Duke on their tenacity in completing a very ambitious program in a 3year timeframe. The completion of the degrees was achieved despite many personal commitments, such as getting married in Duke's case and the birth of a child in David's case, as well as an increased workload in the office through promotions. David completed his studies at Golden Gate University and Duke at the University of Santa Clara. It is very rewarding to see the completion of the program so promptly and with such high grade attainment. Congratulations to you both!


(Summer 1987)

Duke Swenson and Dave Shatswell


Pete Rusch Reviews Past Eleven Years at Dialog Dr. Peter Rusch, Director of DIALOG Chemical Information Services, celebrated eleven years at Dialog in November 1986. H e h a s a B . S . and an M.S. in chemistry, and received his Ph.D. in physicalinorganic chemistry from The University of Texas at Austin. After postdoctoral research appointments in France and the U.S., he joined Chemical Abstracts Service as an information scientist in 1973. While at CAS, Pete was in charge of finding uses for their new computerbased chemical information products and, as such, was a primary contact for CAS. One of the persons with whom Pete was in contact was Roger Summit, the manager of Lockheed Information Systems. When Shelley Giles originally left Dialog, Roger inquired if Pete knew .of anyone who could fill his position. After considering the question, he called Roger back and stated his interest in the position. An interview was arranged and Pete came to Palo Alto, where he met the eight or so people who staffed Dialog at that time, and was hired on. Upon his arrival, Pete did what everyone at Dialog did during its infant years as a project: everything. He designed and loaded files, worked as a Systems Operator on weekends, and gave training sessions. He wrote and presented the first Advanced Chemical Information Seminar in August of 1976. Pete's career at Dialog has not been without adventure. He has traveled anywhere from 50-60,000 miles a year on

trips, some of which have contributed significantly to the development of DIALOG'S business in Europe, Australia, Japan, and China. In July 1984, Pete was chosen to participate in a three-week scientific exchange program sponsored by the American Institute of Chemists and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. Pete visited industrial, governmental, and university sites in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and gave a presentation titled, "Sources of Chemical Information and How They Can Be Utilized to Further Chemical Research and Development." In May, 1986, he returned to China at the invitation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to lecture and consult on database activities. During the eleven years that Pete has overseen Chemical Information at Dialog, many acquisitions and enhancements have been made. The addition of more and varying types of chemical information files has helped expand DIALOG'S coverage and role as a center for chemical information. Since half of all patents are chemical-related, Pete has long felt that the acquisition of appropriate patent files should be a priority. For this reason, the acquisition of the DERWENT patent files was a major accomplishment. Pete has been a past Assistant Secretary and Membership Chairman for the American Chemical Society's Division of Chemical Information, and in 1984 was Chairman-elect. In 1985 he was Chairman, and he recently accepted a life appointment as Past Chairman.

Business on a Bicycle; High-Tech Nomad Visits Dialog Unlike the Superman we all know and love, Steve Roberts does not change clothes in a phone booth; instead he files his lastest stories and picks up his mail. With information retrieved from DIALOG, Steve Roberts has combined home and office on two wheels! This hightech nomad is computing across America with his 220-pound reclining bicycle which combines 5 computers, 36 gears, 136 feet of zipper, an electronic compass, 2 solar panels, a ham radio station, more than a million bytes of memory and 25 meg of disk, 3 modems, over 30 circuit boards, a handlebar keyboard with 165 console switches and displays, and much, much more! Using the on-board word processing system and handlebar keyboard to write while he rides, the author slowly explores American culture - returning nightly to the satellite-based global information networks that have become his home.


DIALOG Wins Big in Science Magazine Top Ten Readership Kathy Haglund accepts the 1987 Edison Award signifying the highest ad rating among 150,000 Science magazine subscribers. Humpal, Leftwich, Lauck & Sinn, Inc., who developed the "Caveman (Og)" ad, was recognized along with DIALOG for outstanding advertising in Science magazine.

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After realizing that there is more to life than the nine-to-five routine with all the politics and paperwork, Steve Roberts takes his consulting/freelance writing business on the road and takes on America and the unknown. Roberts believes that the greatest risk of all is taking no risks. He says, "Complacency is the adulterant of passion, the assassin of curiosity... the lobotomizer of life itself." Roberts visited Dialog last month and showed off his machine to fascinated Dialog staff members. It was also a major promotional event for Dialog as reporters were on-hand from several newspapers.


(Summer 1987)


Dialog Celebrates the Demise of D 1

Eleni Kolomvotos, Mary VanMetre, and Roger Hall toasting the end of D l .

Dialog combined its celebration of the demise of the DIALOG 1 System with a musical delight! The band, Dialog's "Private Reserve," played along with the dynamic vocal talent of Dialog's own Ms. Trudy Johnson. Trudy Johnson belts the blues.

The lawn was filled with enthusiasts. Captivated by the rhythm-and-blues beat, they burst in with clapping and dancing. The Private Reserve combo includes Bob Simons (guitar) the Dialog Company Counsel, Darcy Christensen (guitar) and Joe Perna (guitar) of the Database Systems group, Robert Barron (percussions) of the Telecommunications group, Tony Perna (drums) (Tony is Joe Perna's brother and works for Lockheed), and Tino (organist).

Bob Simons plays bass.

While Bob Feldman discussed the dissolving of DIALOG 1, the enthusiastic audience was dissolving hors d'oeuvres, wine, and a keg of Henry's. The talent that brings Dialog together gets more amazing day-by-day! It was a joy to have them share their artistry with us and we hope they will give us the opportunity again in the near future! Joe Perna plays a mean guitar.

Darcy Christensen, Mr. Guitarman.

Robert Barron keeps the beat.


(Summer 1987)


Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Barbara Anderson is a new Customer Administrative Assistant. She is an orderentry clerk - entering 80 to 100 orders a day. Prior to arriving at Dialog, Barbara worked as a Tape Drive Operator and a Tape Librarian for Chevron Corporation in San Ramon. Barbara earned her Computer Operator Certificate from the Computer Learning Center in San Francisco. Barbara says she loves reading and quilt making. This makes the second Barbara Anderson at Dialog. You can distinguish them by their VMID's: ANDERSON for the one who has been here the longest and BANDERSO for the new one.

Jane Bodi is a Telemarketing Representative. She follows u p leads generated by the Marketing Department. Prior to coming to Dialog, Jane was reservations training supervisor with Creative Leisure, a large travel wholesaler in Petaluma. She has also been corporate sales manager at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco. She has a B.S. in Secondary Education from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Jane's favorite pastime is snow skiing.

Tim Chu is a new Data Processor.

Karen Corcoran is responsible for developing and maintaining business databases within the Business Information Division. Specific tasks include designing databases incorporating Dialog standards, writing conversion programs using PLI and serving as a primary contact for several database suppliers. She was


previously employed as a Network Analyst at Tymnet/McDonnell-Douglas Corporation. Karen has also been employed as a Data Processing Supervisor/ Systems Analyst at Orchid Technology, Inc. She earned a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Illinois State University. Robert Dinneen is a new Customer Administrative Assistant.

Hal Espo has joined the New York office as Product Analyst for Business Information. He will serve as liaison to business information suppliers, identify database acquisitions, assist in new product definition, and will support key business account development. Hal comes to Dialog from Information Systems Consultants, Inc., a Washington, DC-based library and information consulting firm. He has also worked at Mead Data Central as Assistant for Educational Programs, at the American Library Association as the Deputy Executive Director of its Association of College and Research Libraries division, and as a reference librarian at both Cornell University and Earlham College. Hal holds M.B.A. and M.L.S. degrees. He is a lifelong baseball fan.

Suzy Garnel is a Customer Administrative Assistant. She says she does "a little of everything" in Customer Administration - new user credit look-ups, address changes, purchase order changes, and phone coverage for customer inquiries. Suzy has worked for California Land Title Company, Mervyn's, and the California State Department of Rehabilitation. She earned her B.S. in Economics from San Jose State University. Suzy's hobbies include snow skiing, photography, tennis, playing the piano, and travel.

Debbie Guenther is a Computer Operator in Data Processing.

Robin Hewitt is an Account Clerk in the Receivables Department. Robin joined us from a t e m p o r a r y a g e n c y w h e r e she managed the Dialog account. Prior to that she spent three years as an office manager for a sports clothing distributor. Robin has a green thumb which is frequently applied to her 71 house plants. Other interests include stitchery, cooking, and mountain biking. Curtis Humphries is a Data Processor. His responsibilities include daily updating of databases, monitoring of all hardware and printing equipment in Dialog's Computer Operations Room, as • well as monitoring the CPU's. Prior to coming to Dialog, Curtis worked as a Computer Operator for SLAC, the University of California, and DELCO Electronic Division of General Motors Corporation in Indiana. He earned an A.S. in Business Administration from Vincennes University in Indiana, and completed computer operations training programs at DELCO and SLAC. His outside activities include volunteer work with children and adults with severe behavior problems and work with the mentally disabled. He is dedicated to train them in self help and independent living skills. When he is not involved with Dialog work or helping other people, Curtis enjoys walks on the beach and drives along the coast.

(Summer 1987)


Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Robert Kelley is a new Data Processor. He works graveyard shift (11 p m t o 7 a m ) . Robert is responsible for the maintenance of DIALOG1, DIALOG2, SDI system, and checking systems and support programs. He runs updates for file fixes and scheduled runs. He has seventeen years of experience in computer operations. Robert attended Oklahoma State University and University of Colorado, and is a Viet Nam Vet (Air Force). He enjoys watching old movies, traveling to the South Pacific, and writing to his pen pals in Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Bora Bora. Robert is a coin collector, a camera buff, and a genealogist.

Rich Ladd is an Associate Accountant in the Receivables Department. Richard joins us with three years experience in business as an Account Executive for a small high tech marketing firm. Rich has a B. A. in Communications (Business minor) from Cal State Chico. He enjoys photography and all sports, particularly water skiing and running.

Anne Lee is a new Product Analyst in the Sci/Tech group in the General Information Division. Anne has a BA degree in History and English from Harvard-Radcliffe, an MBA degree from the University of Santa Clara and an MLS degree from Simmons. She has worked as Chief Financial Officer for Inpsych (a small publishing company), Head of Reference and Cataloging for Ampex Corporation, and Library Director for the Distilled Spirits Council in Washington, DC. She has also worked at the American Numismatic Association Library in Colorado Springs and Lamont Library at Harvard. Anne is the mother of three children. She is active in the Harvard/Radcliffe club - recruiting and interviewing high school seniors, and she is an active volunteer in Menlo Park and Portola Valley schools. By the way, Dialog now has two, count 'em, two Ann(e) Lee's! The other Ann Lee is at the Chicago office.


(Summer 1987)

January Nice is a Graphic Designer in Publications. Her main responsibility is preparing the CHRONOLOG n e w s l e t t e r for printing each month. January has worked as a bilingual teacher, freelance graphic designer, and copywriter. She has a B.A. degree in Spanish and Art and an M.S. in Multicultural Education. January has written a children's book on Aztec Creation Myths, she does graphics for the Peninsula Musical Theater (Burlingame) and will be performing in a July production of South Pacific. She enjoys local theater, Israeli folkdancing, ethnic cooking, science fiction, and spending time with her husband and two boys.

Andrea Rosanoff is a Chemical Information Specialist in Customer Services. She has a Ph.D. in Food Chemistry, Nutritional Chemistry and Corrosion, an M.S. degree in N u t r i t i o n a n d Foods, and a B.A. in Biology - all from UC Berkeley. Andrea says she lives in a "merged" family - with four teenagers. She likes to sing and play piano. She grooves on blues and rock. Andrea is interested in education issues, especially science and computer education. Also, when she has time, she writes articles on corrosion reactions of nutritional significance. She is especially interested in folk remedies of a nutritional nature that involve corrosion reactions.

Grace Niccum is Secretary for the Adv a n c e d Technology Group. Grace says she moved to Palo Alto from San Diego, began working as a temp at Dialog and liked the Company . . . Her special hobby right now is foster kids - she has two teen-age boys in addition to her own daughter. Grace enjoys domestic hobbies - needlecraft, cooking, and patio gardening.

Robyn Sampson is S e c r e t a r y for C u s tomer Services. Before coming to Dialog, she worked as an Assistant Librarian and as a | Customer Service Coordinator for Beckman Instruments. She has also worked as an Office Assistant at Stanford. Robyn is currently a student at San Francisco State University studying Broadcast Journalism. Robyn says she is a health and fitness "nut." She runs four miles in the morning and runs up the hill to the Stanford Dish in the evening (whew!). She is an SF 49'er Faithful. She has had season tickets for 16 years and has been to both of their Super Bowl Games. Robyn has had a pet raccoon, a skunk (whew, again!), and sleeps with her 12-year-old, fat cat, Redwood!

Rachael Peizer is a Computer Operator in Data Processing.

Lauren Perritt is Secretary for the Chemi1 8 — , cal Information Division. She has an A. A. degree in Business Administration from City College of San Francisco, and a CPS (Certified Professional Secretary). Lauren is a Board Member of Professional Secretaries International (Mission Trail Chapter) and is involved in local parish and school activities. Her hobbies include photography, reading, tennis, hand crafts, calligraphy, softball, and snow skiing.

Darrell Stepp is a Tape Librarian in Data Processing.

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Smiling New Faces, All in Their Places Stacie Thomas is a Student Intern in Customer Services.

Michele Woggon is a Product Analyst in the General Information Division. Among her responsibilities will be coordination of the Social S c i e n c e a n d Humanities files. Before coming to Dialog, Michele was introducing microcomputer use in the libraries of Menlo College in Atherton and Cleary College in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as well as carrying out a study of fee-based information services at universities in the U.S. She also taught French to a group of 50 students at Ohlone College in Fremont where she lives. Michele's last full time job was in Paris at the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) where she was Director of the IEA (International Energy Agency) Library. She has also worked as Librarian at the Boston Public Library and the Kent County Library System (Michigan). She is an alumna of the University of Michigan, has studied French and Economics at Institut Catholique in Paris and is currently completing a Master's Degree in French at San Jose State University. Michele likes all kinds of live music and skiing, as well as sailing, swimming, Billy Joel, neo-classic ballet, French champagne, and sunshine!

Larry Wood is a Pro- I gram Analyst in the l DIALOG 2 development group. Larrywas previously employed by Dialog's sis- : ter company, Lockheed Dataplan as a 1 JetPlan Online Systems Engineer, and also spent 18 years working for LMSC's Business Svstems Programming Group as a computer programmer. Larry has a B. A. in Mathematics and an M.A. in Cybernetic Systems from San Jose State University. Larry enjoys running and can usually be found moving his feet during lunch. He has run "only" one marathon, and six Bay to Breakers'. Larry is a newlywed, and he and his wife Connie have six children, all from preyious marriages, as well as two granddaughters. Larry enjoys being a part of the Database Group, and, having also previously worked at Dialog filling in for Bob Mitchell, finds everyone at Dialog to be "very gracious and helpful." Larry lives in Scotts Valley with his wife, her son Craig, and his son David.

Steve Wilson Friday, January 30, 1987 (3rd day that week in a suit)

Michael Yuen is Marketing Representative for Sci/Tech Markets. He will be working closely with the General Information Division, and in liaison with Kathy Haglund, to define and develop scientific and technical markets for Dialog. Mike has experience in engineering and scientific marketing. He was formerly responsible for marketing online digital data transmission services for Harbor Bay Integrated Digital Services and for Verilink Corp. Other positions involved business development and marketing for a network security product aimed at the defense and electronics industries, and for seismic engineering equipment for manufacturing sites. Mike was familiar with the Dialog service as a resource for technical and marketing information before joining us, and brings a valuable perspective of the end user of technical information.

New Arrivals Brittany Dianne Allen, born May 26 to Diana and Brian Allen. Michael Patrick Bowling, born May 6 to Michele and Kevin Bowling. He weighed 8 lb. 15 oz. and was 19.5" long. Jamie Lauren Schick, born April 15 to Debbie and Gordon Schick. She weighed in at 8 lb. 1 o/. and was 20" long.


(Summer 1987)


It's Your Business DIALOG Medical Connection*"" Now on the Market Dialog's new front-end medical information service, DIALOG Medical Connection, was released on March 30. The sendee is tailored especially for practicing physicians, biomedical researchers, and other health professionals. DMC joins Dialog Business Connection as the second in its line of products aimed at the information end user. DIALOG Medical Connection offers simplified access to a selected group of biomedical and general interest databases through two types of interfaces: the menu mode for new users and the command mode for more experienced users. Users are not limited to one mode. The 23 selected databases that make up DMC have been divided into three libraries: medical, bioscience and general reference. Files such as MEDLINE, BIOSIS®, CANCERLIT, and MAGAZINE INDEX™ combine to provide users with a broad scope of information. DMC was initiated within the General Information Division as a team project whose core members included Karen Scarpelli, Wes Taoka, and Jan Cleary of GID, Susan Prather of Publications, Cheri Robison of Marketing, and Penny Coppernoll-Blach and Corky Corcoran Douglas of Customer Services. Each was responsible for a major group of projectrelated tasks. Betty Ann Reinhardt of Systems & Operations provided major programming support, and Bob Lundy lent generous assistance by adapting his MENUSYS program for DMC. The release of DMC was marked by a balloon launch in the courtyard between the two buildings followed by a reception in Dialog's 920 Training Room.

DIALOG Announces the Addition of MEDLINE to its CDROM Product Line The latest several years of MEDLINE (MEDLARS onLINE), a major source for biomedical literature produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, will become part of the DIALOG OnDisc family by the end of 1987. MEDLINE covers virtually every subject in the broad field of biomedicine. Dialog's complete online version of MEDLINE includes access to over 5 million records from 1966 to the present. Dialog launched its CDROM product line in November of 1986 with ERIC, a bibliographic database developed by the U.S. Department of Education, as the first database in the DIALOG OnDisc family. DIALOG OnDisc products retrieve information locally from a CDROM disc reader attached to the user's personal computer, rather than from the mainframe computers. The advantage of DIALOG OnDisc products is the unlimited searching time at a single flat price, since online costs are not a factor. Another advantage is the user's ability to save the search strategy and go online for additional or more upto-date information. Each OnDisc product is also set up with an Easy Menu searching mode to facilitate use by end users. The ERIC OnDisc beta test experience in university library sites showed that students especially liked the Easy Menu access.

First ReleaseSM Instantly Updates News Databases The Business Information Division launched First Release, a revolutionary new up-to-the-minute news service. The Dialog-developed software is the information industry's first fully indexed access to continuously updated news. First Release provides updates on REUTERS (combining both the Reuter Financial Report and the Reuter Library Service) and BUSINESSWIRE databases every 15 minutes as stories are fed to the news services. Customers can now combine the benefits of Dialog's full searchability of current and background information with the timeliness and breadth of coverage offered by First Release. The First Release service will expand later this year with access to other major business newswires, including PR Newswire and Kyodo News Service.

The availability of the most recent years of MEDLINE using CDROM technology is a continuation of Dialog's strategy to provide more options to information specialists who can now introduce their patrons to direct access of this easy-to-use medium.

PICNIC! 10 awl 7° 5 pm


(Summer 1987)


It's Your Business New Databases Available on DIALOG INPADOC. Dialog concluded an agreement in January to offer INPADOC, the largest patent database in the world. Availability of INPADOC online is expected by January, 1988. With a new patent specification being published every JO seconds somewhere in the world, INPADOC offers DIALOG customers a bibliographic source in which to keep abreast of applications for patent documentation or patent specifications. The database contains more than 12 million patent documents from over 50 countries and a further 14.4 million patent documents issued by the major industrialized countries of the world. A particularly salient feature of the INPADOC database is that it provides information on changes in the legal status of patent applications and granted patents. This includes tracking those countries of the world in which the patent holder is patented and any changes to the patent. This feature is part of the "Legal Status" file, one of two INPADOC files to be offered on DIALOG. The second INPADOC file being offered on DIALOG is the "Patent Family Service." This service brings together as a "family" publications on inventions having the same origin. DIALOG customers will be able to determine in which countries an application or patent exists. INPADOC is a substantive addition to DIALOG'S impressive collection of patent and trademark databases, which include Derwent's WORLD PATENTS INDEX, IFI/Plenum's CLAIMS™ series, and TRADEMARKSCANŽ.


HOPPENSTEDT DIRECTORY OF GERMAN COMPANIES. Dialog has expanded its international business coverage with the addition of an important new database containing detailed information, in both German and English, on more than 36,000 major German companies. The database provides extensive listings on those companies which constitute a legal entity, and which have a minimum of 20 employees, or a minimum sales volume of two million Deutsche Marks. Companies listed in the file account for over 70% of the total sales volume in West Germany. The business community will find this file useful for identifying merger and acquisition prospects; gathering corporate intelligence; identifying companies for prospective joint ventures; collecting marketing information on German companies; tracking target groups for sales and marketing; and compiling specialized mailing lists. Because subsidiary and branch information is listed as part of the main company listing, searchers of this file will also be able to identify German companies with locations in the United States and other countries worldwide.

JAPAN TECHNOLOGY. A database devoted exclusively to Japanese literature in the business and technical markets is now available from Dialog. JAPAN TECHNOLOGY is the print equivalent of Japanese Technical Abstracts which provides a full bibliographic citation plus abstract and full indexing for approximately 60,000 articles annually from more than 650 of the major Japanese journals. The database offers Dialog customers the ability to gather intelligence on Japanese companies or products, find information on the business climate in Japan and look for the latest Japanese advances in computers, biology, chemistry, physics, or engineering.

BIS INFOMAT WORLD BUSINESS. A major source of timely, international business information, is now available on DIALOG. Produced by BIS Infomat Ltd. of London, the database enables executives and market planners/researchers to monitor competitors and important business developments in key business sectors throughout the world. BIS INFOMAT WORLD BUSINESS provides a worldwide source of information on corporate intelligence, consumption trends, economic and political activity, and market opportunities. Searchers will find this file useful for maintaining current awareness of international company news; performing competitive analysis; screening companies for mergers and acquisitions; monitoring new products, technologies, and emerging industries; locating sales leads; tracking new legislation; and identifying business activities and trends.

(Summer 1987)


Staff Papers & Presentations The following Dialog staff have recently presented or published papers relating to the Online Information Industry: Anderson, Barbara E. "Ready Reference Using Online Databases," in The Publishing and Review of Reference Sources issue of The Reference Librarian, edited by Bill Katz and Robin Kinder. New York: Haworth Press, Fall 1986, pp. 225-235. Buerger, Martin, and Ann Lee. "FrontEnd Services for Business Databases," presented at Information Online 86, Sydney, Australia, January 28, 1987. Coppernoll-Blach, Penny. "DIALOG Introduces the DIALOG Medical Connection," presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1987.

Corcoran, Mary. "How Customers Influence Change," presented at the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, June 10, 1987.

Hudnut, Sophie. "Dialog OnDisc: Scientific and Technical Information," presented at the ASIS Midyear Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 18-20, 1987.

Corcoran Douglas, Corky and Strickler, Joan. "How to Find Information without Making a Trip to the Library," presented at the Federation of Experimental Biologists (FASEB), Washington, DC, April 2, 1987.

Sharp, Geoff. "Profitability in Business Databases," presented at the Spring ASIDIC Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 6, 1987.

Frey, Lou Ann and Lee, Ann. "Online throughout the Product/ Technology Life Cycle," Online Review, February 1987, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 33-37. Gordon, Cathy. "Online Database and Conferencing Services," presented at the West Coast PC Faire, March 28, 1987.

Trudell, Libby. "End User Access: Meeting the Marketing Challenge," presented at National Online, May 1987. Woggon, Michele. "Becoming a Database Supplier," presented at the International Conference on Data Bases in the Humanities and Social Sciences (ICDBHSS), Montgomery, Alabama, July 11-13, 1987.

Sports at Dialog This year seems to be the year all the athletes have come out of hiding . . . . With the onset of Spring came an abundance of sporting activities, which has been toning up a good many of Dialog's employees. So far this season Dialog has participated in soccer, volleyball, softball, and even basketball. All teams have displayed exceptional talents but there is no match for the "MISFOOTS;" Dialog's soccer team placed 2nd out of seven teams in the Lockheed league. Dialog participants were Diane Townsend, Mary VanMetre, and Veronica Corchado. Following close behind with a lot of team spirit were the "NET SET," Dialog's volleyball team. The spirited crew consisted of Diane Townsend, team captain, Mary VanMetre, Jane Bodi, Roger Hall, Bob Hoxsie, Kathy Haglund, Bruce Jenks, Alice Lewis, Robert Dinneen and wife Lee, and John Gearing and Paul Hoeschen

from Lockheed. After the season finale, the group still has enough enthusiasm to challenge EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), to a standing match every Friday. Those enthusiasts just can't get enough. It's an open match, if anyone else is interested in the challenge.

The men's softball league is still going on as usual with a 2/3 score so far, with Jim Dullaghan as the team manager. The roster consists of Laz Cardenas, Edwin Colon, Mark Dooley, Shelby Douglas (Corky's husband), Jim Dullaghan, Dan Guilin, Roger Hall, Bob Hoxsie, Lou Manos, Joe Perna, Tony Perna (Joe's brother), Tim Reck (Kim's husband), Rob Robinson, John Senkarik (Regan's husband), Stan Skudneski, Darrell Stepp, Duke Swenson, and Dan Wilcox (Ronda's husband).

Mary VanMetre, Diane Townsend, Veronica Corchado

The co-ed softball team never got going this year because of Lockheed scheduling, and not enough female participation. Next year Dialog should have enough women interested so that we can form our own team aside from Lockheed. Whattya say, gals?! Dialog's basketball team, which isn't really an official team, plays nearby, and we are told the team consists of a hodgepodge group from Finance and various other departments.

The MONOLOC is published by and DIALOG employees at irregular intervals. Editor Associate Editor Typesetting Photo Editor


Alice Lewis Jane Reinsch Cathy Weeks Alice Lewis

Contributions to the MONOLOG are welcome, and should reach the editor as soon as possible. Send material via VM mail or DIALMAIL to LEWIS, or call 858-4086.

Jane Bodi, Roger Hall, Kathy Haglund, Bob Hoxsie, Mary VanMetre, Alice Lewis, John Gearing, Diane Townsend, Paul Hoeschen, and Bruce Jenks.


(Summer 1987)


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