WINTER 1984-85
Stepping up to the Challenge: *1984 in Review Looking back over 1 9 8 4 , we believe that this year brought the most significant amount of development and growth at DIALOG since services were f i r s t publicly offered in 1 9 7 2 . In almost every arena of activity, whether the technical environment, the service offerings or the nature of the marketplace, there was not only quantitative growth but qualitative change. Reprinted in this issue of the PROLOG is the text of a recent article from the "Monitor," which provides an external perspective on DIALOG in 1 9 8 4 . In addition, we'd like t o review for you some of the highlights of the last twelve months, as we get ready to move forward even more rapidly in 1 9 8 5 .
NEW SERVICES DIALNET SM For more than four years, users have been able t o access DIALOG from Europe and Japan through dedicated DIALNET communications links. In August 1 9 8 4 , DIALNET took on a whole new significance with the installation of the f i r s t U.S. nodes of a dedicated packet-switched network for DIALOG. The network will provide capability for a new level of service support for DIALOG users, offering reliable, low-cost telecommunications for dial-up access throughout the U.S., as well as the opportunity for dedicated links to customer sites. Menu Access DIALOG captured the CENDATA™ file by developing a menu interface option for the file which allows easy access without the necessity of learning t o use the DIALOG command language. Development of t h e menu format offers new avenues f o r broadening the DIALOG user community, while retaining the option of the standard DIALOG interface.
trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. S. Trademark Office.
Gateways DIALOG'S interest in expanding the types of services available t o DIALOG customers led t o the f i r s t offering of a service via a gateway to another computer system, the Offical Airline Guide (OAG). This kind of gateway will be pursued when there appears t o be complementary services of value t o the DIALOG customer base, or with the potential to a t t r a c t a new type of user to t r y out the DIALOG service. User-defined REPORT Formats The DIALOG REPORT system provides a significant advance in tailoring output t o specific user needs. Allowing the user t o request desired record elements in an easy-to-read report format makes information even more attractive, reaches out t o previously untapped user segments, and encourages online activity. The REPORT feature is a leading indicator of future capabilities for user manipulation of data. DIALOG Version 2 Of course, any review of DIALOG in 1 9 8 4 must take note of the most far-reaching new development of the year: the introduction of a completely rewritten version of the DIALOG system software. Operating in a more efficient environment and with a flexible design t o support frequent system enhancement, Version 2 offers many searching enhancements y e t retains the original command s t r u c t u r e t o simplify the transition f o r current users. In addition, DIALOG 2 has been designed t o be compatible with the current loading of all DIALOG files, so t h a t no reloading is necessary for your file to be made accessible through the new software. Whether f o r the advanced searcher who needs specific refinements of the SELECT command, or
(WINTER 1984-85) 1
the novice searcher who needs "user friendly" online error messages, Version 2 sets the stage for expansion of DIALOG services in many new directions.
tion about DIALOG services, plus many additional inquiries about KNOWLEDGE INDEX, SM were handled by the DIALOG Marketing Department. The inquiries resulted in 9 , 0 0 0 new DIALOG customers (and nearly 1 4 , 0 0 0 new DIALOG passwords assigned] for an annual growth rate of more than 30°/o — well above the industry average.
DIALOG continually seeks out new databases t h a t provide a point of entry for untapped markets or complement existing information resources. The databases added in 1 9 8 4 open up exciting new possibilities. CENDATA™ and DONNELLY DEMOGRAPHICS offer the statistical data needed for demographic market research. DRUG INFORMATION FULLTEXT appeals directly to the medical practitioner. The Derwent WORLD PATENTS INDEX files fill a gap for both U.S. and international online users. These are just a few of the 2 9 new databases added during the year. By attracting new users, each database contributes to the overall growth in usage. A typical new user is likely to search as many as a dozen different files within the f i r s t month or two of establishing an account!
The DIALOG Booth
This was also a year of expanded activity in the area of marketing. For the f i r s t time, DIALOG ran advertisements in the Wall Street Journal, reaching out to potential information users in a wide range of professional and business markets. A new DIALOG look, corresponding to a new DIALOG system and emphasizing the full range of online information resources, was introduced in DIALOG publications, brochures and advertisements.
To give those new users the best introduction t o online searching, and get them s t a r t e d on the road to significant online usage, the DIALOG training program was expanded as well. More than 2 1 , 0 0 0 searchers attended basic and advanced training courses offered worldwide! A tremendous commitment of staff and resources support this level of training activity, but we believe it is well worthwhile. In fact, the conversion of potential usage into real online connect time is probably due to the success of the DIALOG training program more than to any other single factor.
DIALOG staff were busy with a broad mix of marketing activities, representing DIALOG at numerous trade shows and professional conferences, initiating direct mailings to new target audiences, and staying in touch with current DIALOG users. Special e f f o r t s to acquaint universities with the DIALOG Classroom Instruction Program increased the number of graduate school programs in medicine, business, and engineering using CIP, while the high school market took off with more than 100 new school systems incorporating CIP into their programs. On the international scene, opportunities for expanding DIALOG services into overseas markets were developed, including the addition of a new DIALOG distributor in South Korea, and a new certified DIALOG instructor in Brazil. The success of these efforts can be measured in part by the explosive growth in inquiries about DIALOG. More than 3 6 , 0 0 0 requests for informa-
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In addition, our DIALOG Customer Services staff offered assistance on our toll-free lines to more than 9 0 , 0 0 0 callers in 1 9 8 4 . A large percentage of these callers requested assistance on searching or information about specific databases. The professional skill of this staff gives DIALOG customers the support they need for effective online searching. By promoting the entire DIALOG service, focusing on appropriate applications for specific types of users, exploring new ways to educate potential users about the value of information online, and providing new capabilities to support the user needs, DIALOG created a successful year of growth in 1 9 8 4 . We're looking forward with enthusiasm to even greater levels of achievement in 1985.
DIALOG VERSION 2 ANNOUNCED DIALOG announced the availability of DIALOG Version 2 in the December 1 9 8 4 CHRONOLOG. This new, enhanced software system represents a complete rewrite of the DIALOG search language, incorporating many suggestions made by DIALOG users over the years. The basic search commands and techniques remain unchanged, but many new features are available, and the internal processing of search sessions is greatly improved. DIALOG Version 2 is being supported by DIALOG Customer Services with hot-line telephone help and a new, free seminar introducing its capabilities. A series of Technical Memos document the enhancements and update the Guide to DIALOG Searching. Since the system rewrite does not require the redesign or reloading of any database, users may continue to depend upon tneir database-specific documentation. In the future, of course, such documentation will take advantage of DIALOG Version 2 capabilities in examples and recommended techniques. DIALOG Version 2 is currently available as a separate system, i.e., users logon t o it via a different address on the telecommunication networks. The only databases available in the f i r s t , t e s t phase were eleven ONTAP files (with free access to encourage exploration of the new system], the files involved in the REPORT feature, and WORLD PATENTS INDEX. In March, all databases will be made available on DIALOG Version 2, and the system will coexist with the "old" system until next fall. A t t h a t time, the "old" system will disappear, and DIALOG Version 2 will simply become DIALOG. Although DIALOG Version 2 has only had preliminary exposure, the reaction of our customers has been overwhelmingly favorable. We look forward to more enhancements in the future, since the new system is specifically designed to allow modification and improvement. Feel free t o attend a DIALOG Version 2 Seminar (announced on our regular training schedule] when it comes t o your region. If you would like t o receive DIALOG Version 2 documentation, please let us know as well!
Japanese ceremony celebrating the announcement of the DERWENT databases on DIALOG
NEW DATABASES SPUR GROWTH More than 4 0 0 people attended ceremonies in Japan celebrating the announcement of the DERWENT databases on DIALOG. The ceremony, sponsored by Nippon Gijutsu Boeki Co., Ltd., DERWENT representatives in Japan, was presented in cooperation with DIALOG'S Japanese distributors, Kinokuniya Co. and Maruzen Co., and Derwent Publications Limited. Presentations included a congratulatory message from Roger Summit. The large turnout for the ceremony illustrates the extreme interest generated by the addition of the DERWENT databases t o the DIALOG family of pat e n t information. The growth generated by new databases is an important aspect of overall marketing strategy for all database suppliers, since all can benefit from the potential usage of new users who are a t t r a c t e d to DIALOG by such new information sources.
SAN FRANCISCO UPDATE DRAWS OVER 300 The second 1 3 8 4 UPDATE was held November 1-2 at the San Francisco Hilton Hotel, in conjunction with the ONLINE '84 conference. The two events were kicked off with a special highlight event: a cocktail party at Maxwell's Plum, a favorite San Francisco bistro in Ghirardelli Square. Like the Washington D.C. UPDATE held earlier in the year, the meeting was highly rated by attendees. More than two-thirds of the participants had over t w o years of searching experience. And the enthusiastic reviews indicate t h a t the new, flexible s t r u c t u r e of UPDATE is answering the needs of DIALOG customers both old and new.
(WINTER 1984-85)
UPDATEs provide DIALOG users a unique opportunity to interact with DIALOG staff and with database producers in a series of instructional and informational sessions, as well as in social events such as the UPDATE luncheon, the database bazaar, and the cocktail party. 1 9 8 4 UPDATE participants included the Applications sessions among the most highly rated events. The practical nature of these sessions, which offer database-specific search tips, allows searchers to take home and apply search techniques relevant to their work. DIALOG staff worked closely with database producers in designing these sessions. Many attendees found the Database Update and Review sessions presented by database producers to be valuable; these sessions allow customers unfamiliar with a given database to learn about it f i r s t hand. Comments on these sessions included: — "Most helpful to hear about coverage, etc., of the various databases;" — "Most valuable... because I knew so little to begin with in this field;" — "I needed the explanation of various files." In 1 9 8 5 , UPDATE will be presented with an expanded program, scheduled independently of any other conference. The dates and sites are: July 11-12, 1 9 8 5 Philadelphia, PA October 2 4 - 2 5 , 1 9 8 5 Minneapolis/St. Paul, M N Mary Corcoran of DIALOG'S Marketing Department will be in touch with you to explore your involvement in the 1 9 8 5 UPDATES. Mark your calendars today!
USER POLL HIGHLIGHTS DIALOG DATABASES Washington Researchers Ltd. polled hundreds of participants in its "Researching Company Information" seminars to determine which of over fifty business-oriented databases yielded the best information. As reported in SPECIALIST, the newsletter of the Special Libraries Association [Vol.7 No. 11 ], "managers, strategic planners, and information specialists were asked to rate the databases in 1 3 separate categories." Over 4 0 0 responses indicated the top databases in each category...and every single one is a database available on the DIALOG system! Congratulations t o all!
(WINTER 1984-85)
BEGIN MAIL! DIALMAILTour new electronic mail service, will become available to KNOWLEDGE INDEX 8 " users in April of this year, through their regular Kl passwords and the simple command BEGIN MAIL. DIALMAIL will be charged at $ 1 8 per hour, including telecommunication costs. The service will be introduced at $ 9 per hour during the f i r s t two months. DIALMAIL features one-to-one messaging, online editing and storage, and conferencing and bulletin boards. A conference is a many-to-many arrangement in which any member of the conference can read and submit messages. A bulletin board is a one-to-many arrangement in which only the host of the bulletin board may add messages, but any member may read them. Both these arrangements can be open to the public, or closed to a specific membership list which the host controls. A host may sponsor a conference or bulletin board, and pay for storage of the messages. If a conference or bulletin board is unsponsored, each author of a message pays the cost of its storage within the conference or bulletin board. With DIALMAIL, producers of databases and suppliers of documents have a direct communication path to users of DIALOG services. Public bulletin boards can be set up to keep users informed of the latest news concerning a database, tips on searching, or training schedules. Public conferences can be created to discuss topics of interest to users, or to serve as a hotline for suggestions and problems. You will find the private version of these arrangements especially useful for business communications, posting of minutes and bulletins to branch offices, keeping project teams informed and up-to-date, and allowing them to keep in cons t a n t contact. And, with DIALMAIL, you will be able to communicate easily and directly with DIALOG staff members whom you need to reach. DIALMAIL will become available to all DIALOG users next fall, also through a simple BEGIN MAIL command. For more information about DIALMAIL and how you can effectively use it to communicate with your customers, your colleagues, and your coworkers, contact DIALOG Marketing in Palo Alto.
Frequently, suppliers wish to have recognition for not increasing prices for a particular year. Because most databases do not increase in price, producing special announcements for each instance would require enormous editorial space in our newsletters. In order to both be fair and provide you with a mechanism for letting customers know you have held the line on pricing, we have come up with the following idea.
DIALOG'S Arlington, Virginia office announces the opening of an additional training room available for rental beginning February 14, 1 9 8 5 at their 1 9 0 1 North Moore S t r e e t location.
If you will write us at the time you might otherwise be raising your royalties to let us know t h a t you have decided not to raise your price, we will mention the fact in the subsequent issue of the CHRONOLOG, letting DIALOG users know of your decision. Such an instance must apply to not increasing royalties on any element of your file, i.e., connect time, prints, or types.
Rental fee is: $ 1 2 5 for one half-day $ 2 0 0 for a full day
This new facility will accommodate 1 5-20 individuals, and is fully equipped with white boards, video monitors, projection equipment, and computer terminals for hands-on practice.
Contact: Phone:
Lorraine D. Bell 703/553-8455
DIALOG OUTREACH PROGRAMS Through a unique arrangement with Mead Data Central CMDC), LEXIS and NEXIS searchers use DIALOG regularly to meet their information needs. Customers of the MDC services have enjoyed the added service of connecting t o DIALOG through their MDC terminals since November, 1 9 8 2 . In order to provide MDC users with access to additional legal and non-legal databases, DIALOG concluded an agreement with MDC to install a telecommunications link allowing a Mead user to pass through the MDC interface on their terminal t o DIALOG, and gain access to the DIALOG search system and all its publicly-available databases. M o s t MDC terminals cannot access any system other than LEXIS on NEXIS. We have several other arrangements which increase the exposure of the databases on the system to appropriate markets. In addition to the Mead arrangement, DIALOG is available t o personal computer owners through "gateway" services such as BCN, through which users search the entire DIALOG system. Our special contract for library networks is another example of active penetration of a market which might otherwise not be reached. DIALOG supports the e f f o r t s of these networks in promoting their group contracts which allow small and medium-sized libraries, whose level of use is insufficient t o qualify on its own for discounts, t o take advantage of a group discount arrangement administered by the network.
These types of arrangements mean t h a t C1] DIALOG brings a new market to your database which might not otherwise be reached, (2) YOU need not worry about duplicating your effort and your costs in offering your database on these other search systems, and [3] you get the benefit of reaching another marketplace without another retrieval service incurring the cost of file loading, storage, and maintenance. These days, when some services are cancelling databases due to low usage, this last is perhaps the most important advantage to you as a supplier. A f t e r all, one needs to look at total cost [i.e., the cost to all suppliers) and total revenue in determining the best overall arrangements to be made.
(WINTER 1984-85)
Enclosed with this issue of the PROLOG, you will find a copy of the Ad Supplement Agreement, which has been revised to reflect the following changes: —Effective January 1, 1 9 8 5 , the prices for placing ads in the Ad Supplement are as follows: Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$1,210 $660 $385 $275
—Volume discounts are available for orders placed within the single calendar year, as follows: 1 0 % discount 2 0 % discount
The Ad Supplement is sent out with every issue of the CHRONOLOG to all active DIALOG users. Contact Gil Morales at DIALOG (telephone 4 1 5/ 8 5 8 - 3 7 6 6 ] for more information about the Ad Supplement.
DIALOG IN PRINT The following bibliography cites just a few of the many articles published in the media in the last few months which describe DIALOG or KNOWLEDGE INDEX. Armstrong, Barbara. "Tap into an in-house library of data," USA TODAY, 13 November 1 9 8 4 . Grimshaw, Anne. "Knowledge Index," INFORMATION MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY [Britain], Vol. 18, N o . 1 , Winter 1 9 8 4 / 5 . Haggblom, Diane, "Going On-Line: Dialog and the Census Bureau," American Demographics, December 1 9 8 4 . RNL Harvey, David. "How to gain instant knowledge. (Dialog's Knowledge Index]," The Director, September 1 9 8 4 . Helm, Sylvia. "Data A f t e r Dark, tober 1 9 8 4 .
(WINTER 1984-85J
Pepper, Jon. "Communicating Via DIALOG," INTERFACE AGE, August 1 9 8 4 . Sullivan, Jack. "DIALOG Demo," COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS (Boston Computer Society], December 1 9 8 4 . Taylor, Jared. "On-Line House MAGAZINE, 16 October 1 9 8 4 .
Tenopir, Carol. "Online searching in the popular literature," Library Journal, December 1 9 8 4 .
—There is a 1 0D/o surcharge for specified page placement. Reservations for placement may be made several months in advance.
Six ads: Twelve ads:
Lisanti, Susan. "The Online Search, cember 1 9 8 4 .
WHO'S NEW AMONG CUSTOMERS In each issue of PROLOG we list a few new DIALOG customers, to give you a sense of the range of users now active in the online world. Following are some of the new customers from the last quarter of 1 9 8 4 , which will give you an idea of the breadth and variety of customers we are attracting t o DIALOG. Allstate Insurance Company American Banker Amtrak S.A. (Argentina] Arkansas Power & Light Cannon Mills, Inc. Castlemont High School Children's Hospital (Boston] Chung-Shan Institute of Science (People's Republic of China] E.F. Hutton & Company Fujian Institute of Scientific & Technical Information (China] Holiday Inns, Inc. Idaho Frozen Foods Corp. Kirin Beer KK (Japan] M & M Mars Metropolitan Transit Authority (Houston] Minolta Camera KK (Japan] Monetary Authority of Singapore Nevada Supreme Court Library Nippon Squib KK (Japan] Oxford University (Britain] Redken Laboratories, Inc. Salt Lake City Public Library Sierra Club United Negro College Fund U.S. News & World Report VISA USA, Inc. Western Sweden Chamber of Commerce (Sweden] Wood Stove Company Yuksekogretim Kurulu (Turkey] PROLOG
UPCOMING EXHIBITS Look for the DIALOG booth at the following conferences and meetings in the next few months: Feb 2 5 - 2 8
Pittsburg Conference, New Orleans
Mar 2 8 - 3 1
American College of Physicians, DC
M a r 3 0 - A p r 2 Computer Faire, SF Apr22-25
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, LA Apr 26-May 3 American Chemical Society, Miami Apr 30-May 2 National Online, NY May 19-22
Corporate Planners, Boston
May 2 7 - 2 9
Medical Library Association, NY
May 2 7 - 3 0
American Association for the Advancement of Science, LA Special Libraries Association, Winnipeg
Jun 9 - 1 2 Jun 1 6 - 2 0
American Society of Engineering Education, Atlanta
PAPERS PUBLISHED BY DIALOG STAFF Donati, Robert; Bourne, Charles. "Database Loading Considerations and Value Added by the Online Information Service." Electronic & Software Publishing Seminar. Law & Business, Inc. New York, May 8, 1 9 8 4 . Donati, Robert. "DIALOG-The Premier 'Supermarket' Online Information Service." Panel: the Third Dimension of Office Automation: Tapping External Data B a s e s - N e w Roles for the Manager of the Future. INFO '84. New York. October 3, 1 9 8 4 . Donati, Robert. "Overview of Electronic Publishing Market from the Perspective of the Online Service." Panel: Electronic Publishing Update. 7 5 t h Annual Meeting, Special Libraries Association. Reported in EPB: ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING. January, 1985. Kaminecki, Ron; Corcoran, Mary; McGarty, Sara, "Introduction t o Databases," BUSINESS INFORMATION FOR TODAY'S PRACTICING LAWYER, Practicing Law Institute, New York, 1984.
Bob Donati, Director of DIALOG U.S. field operations, has been appointed to the steering committee of the newly restructured Database Publishing Division of the Information Industry Association.
Snow, Bonnie. "Confronting Database Families: Search-Sequencing in Cross-File Consultation," ONLINE '84.
Bonnie Snow, of our Arlington, VA, office, has been appointed to serve on the Task Force on Certification and Registry of the Medical Library Association.
Snow, Bonnie. "Making the Rough Places Plain: Designing MEDLINE End User Training," MEDICAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY, Winter 1 9 8 4 .
PROLOG is a Quarterly Newsletter of DIALOG Information Services, Inc., 3460 Hillview Avenue. Palo Alto. CA 94304. Telephone: 800/227-1S60, or 800/9825838 in California. TELEX: 334499 (DIALOG). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C1985 DIALOG Information Services. Inc.
(WINTER 1984-85) 7
Try DIALHET On For Size
DIALNET is DIALOG'S own dedicated, packet switched network. Developed under the watchful eye of DIALOG'S telecommunications experts, it is specifically tailored to fit DIALOG, resulting in greater reliability at the low cost of $6 per hour. DIALHET provides access at your choice of 1200 or 300 baud rates through nodes presently being installed throughout the continental United States. Watch the CHRONOLOG for announcements of new nodes as they become available in your region of the country, and then try DIALNET on for size. We think you'll like the fit.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Long Beach: Los Angeles: Marina Del Rey: Newport Beach: Oakland: Palo Alto: Palo Alto: Palo Alto: Palo Alto: Palo Alto: Sacramento: San Diego: San Francisco: Santa Clara:
(213) (818) (213) (714) (415) (415) (415) (415) (415) (415) (916) (619) (415) (408)
491-0803 300-9000 305-9833 756-1969 633-7900 858-2391 858-2460 858-051 1 858-2461 858-2575 444-5030 297-8610 957-5910 986-9610
Washington: (703) 3 5 9 - 2 5 0 0 (703) 3 5 9 - 2 5 6 4 MARYLAND t
Baltimore: (301) 234-0940 NEW JERSEY Trenton: (609) 586-4040 NORTH CAROLINA Research Triangle Park: (919) 5 4 9 - 9 2 9 0 OREGON
Denver: (303) 860-9800 DELAWARE
Portland: (503) 228-2771 PENNSYLVANIA
Wilmington: (302) 652-1706
Allentown: (215) 776-2030
King of Prussia: (215) 768-0822 Philadelphia: (215) 557-7711 UTAH Salt Lake City: (801) 532-3071