Vision Magazine July 2013

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Experience Sunburst

Meditation • Community • Service – July 14-28, 2013 Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this two-week program. Live, meditate and serve with Sunburst community members and fellow participants amidst the peaceful beauty of nature.

Learn Kriya Meditation July 25-28, 2013

Unlock your true potential! Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation tool and discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Sunburst, founded by Norman Paulsen, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, CA. Please call for more information. • Email: • 805.736.6528

MATRIX ENERGETICS is a powerful “consciousness technology” that provides for instantaneous and lifelong transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Committed to transforming the planet one person at a time, Matrix Energetics offers easy-to-learn techniques & strategies for enhancing all areas of life, such as health, family, career, relationships, and finances. Based upon principles of Quantum and Torsion Physics, Matrix Energetics taps into the morphic field of infinite potential and provides easy access to infinite possibilities for all who choose to participate. Learn directly from Dr. Richard Bartlett, founder of Matrix Energetics, and his co-teacher Melissa Joy. Each day will include special practice sessions, discussions, and activities to help you access the boundless potential available to you.

Attend one of our life-changing seminars in a city near you:

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inside this issue



Interview with DJb Sasha

Contact In The Desert


Devin Grace

Loix Dor Demprey

Yogiraj Siddanth



The world is changing Southern California and Northern Mexico are the cauldron where many of the most positive world enhancing changes are boiling up. Vision Magazine exists to shine light on ideas and actions people are developing which are destined to transform the entire planet and how humanity thinks, creates, eats, grows, and lives. If you want to keep up on those changes or better yet be part of those changes become part of Vision Magazine’s extended family. Get us your ideas and insights, tell others about what we are doing and stay connected.

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by Susan von Seggern


he planet’s top UFO experts will converge on the Joshua Tree Retreat Center from August 9-11, when this noted contact point hosts the signature event of the UFO community for 2013. Headlined by “Ancient Aliens’” Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and George Noory of “Coast to Coast Radio AM,” Contact in the Desert is committed to an academic look at the UFO phenomenon. Taking place during the Perseid Meteor Showers, this first annual event will explore UFO technology, ancient aliens, human origins, and the need to know with the leading scientific and military specialists, researchers and theorists on the subject. Contact in the Desert also features Steven Greer, David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Jim Marrs, Michael Tellinger, William Henry, Michael Salla, Jason Martell, David Sereda, Richard Dolan, Marshall Klarfeld, Michael Cremo, Carol Rosin, Travis Walton, William

Brown, Laura Eisenhower, James Gilliland, Roger Leir, George Filer, Alfred Webre, Byron Belitsos, Paola Harris, Yvonne Smith, Suzanne Taylor, Celeste Yarnall, Steve Murillo, Douglas Taylor, Mark Peebler and Barbara Harris. The spectacular Joshua Tree Retreat Center, a modernist landmark on an ancient sacred site, is hosting the conference. The center is the oldest and largest retreat center in the Western U.S. and boasts architecture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built by his son, Lloyd Wright. On Friday August 9, Tsoukalos will be part of the panel “UFOs & Ancient Civilizations: Unifying What We Know” that seeks to settle the long running debate between UFO researchers and ancient alien theorists. This historic panel moderated by New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock brings together the world’s finest experts including Tsoukalos, Michael Cremo, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs and more.

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On Saturday August 10, Noory’s headlining panel “Are We Alone? The Right To Know” will ask this fundamental question and noted researchers including Dr. Rodger Leir, William Henry, Michael Tellinger, Richard Dolan, and James Gilliland share their research and theories that illuminate the probability that we are not alone. On Sunday August 11 we will focus on “The Abduction Experience & Their Messages to Humanity.” Moderated by PTSD and abduction expert Yvonne Smith.This panel will address the question: Are aliens among us? It will explore a variety of perspectives on the significance of these encounters, emotional aftereffects on contactees, and messages that these visitors bring. Panelists include Travis Walton, Carol Rosin, Laura Eisenhower, and Celeste Yarnall. Contact in the Desert guarantees attendees a true intergalactic experience as the event was scheduled to coincide with the August 11-12 Perseid Meteor Shower, Continues on page 28

Wow, Is the Only Word That Comes to Mind A Session with Devin Grace By Sydney L. Murray

“If you call to do a session, trust me, you will get everything you need.” – Devin Grace


here is a point beyond the horizon of my mind where I return to my essential nature. As a child I was so in tune, so connected to my surroundings that at times I would know what was going to happen. I didn’t like it, it seemed like way too much responsibility to hold that knowledge. Yet somehow, someway I have met a woman who not only holds that space, she expands it beyond my mind’s true capacity to comprehend; and finally the meaning of her quote is clear-- “The more I unlearn what I thought I knew, the wiser I become.” I have worked with Devin Grace for several years and the session I had with her last night rocked my world. It was painful and difficult and the one thing I needed in my life right now. I have had the ‘year from hell’ with everything in my life testing me at a level I never knew was possible. My faith in myself and my life was shaken to the core. And although I’ve worked with Devin Grace in many capacities, from her Psychic Advising and Healing sessions all the way to Spirit Release and Clinical Depossession, this most recent session was life-altering. I feel as if the cells in my body reformatted. I was walking my dog today at lunch and as I came back to the office I felt lightness in my heart I haven’t felt in a long time. Grace calls it Psychic Advising and Healing, but it is so much more than that; I told her I felt like she was a plumber for my soul- She laughed and said, “A soul colonic.” It felt like all of this darkness had literally been rooted out of me on some deep level I didn’t even know existed. I have been dealing with a rare genetic blood disorder that is so rare the hematologists I work with say they have never seen anything like it. I wonder when I go back to UCLA if they will still be able to find the hemoglobin abnormality that was there before.

This work is not for the light hearted, but the rewards are enormous. You must be willing to open yourself to those places that you have hidden deep within the façade you present to the world; willing to expose the façade your true self doesn’t even slightly indicate. I called Devin Grace, and her lightening insight and perception cut right through my defense mechanisms; she was relentless in asking me the toughest of questions, bringing me back to myself. I spoke about how I couldn’t be around people that were users or lacking in integrity, and I told Grace that I had attracted the wrong people in my life. Her response was, “No you have attracted the exact right people to blow you out of the space you are in. The people that you have helped and have used you are perfect. You are in the perfect place.” She is absolutely right. I have handled my life badly in the last few years, trusting the wrong people. Grace advised me to “take the blinders off,” and I admit, I wasn’t sure what she meant yet… But after one night of solid, restful sleep, I awoke- still a little sad and groggy–but I felt viscerally different, remarkably different. While in session, I described feeling like I was in a crowd of people I didn’t align with; as if I was in a movie and I was being pulled back from the crowd, a conveyor belt moving me away from them- that image stays strong in my mind and is a moniker for my growth. Grace said, “Most people just skim the surface…” Meaning they don’t want to go too deep; because when you go deep enough, you can reach a place where all you can do is breathe. I know I am in that place in my life. I have said it before and will say it again- the work of Devin Grace is not to be discounted. When I asked her to describe what she did, she simply

said, “I don’t know. When I am in a session I am completely there with you. What happens is what is given to me.” I know it will take a few days to process everything that happened in that short two hour session, yet I know the radical difference of Who I was yesterday and Who I am today. That is why I love Devin Grace. She is so strong, and clear in so many ways, and she won’t take any bullshit. She tells the truth –even if there is no answer- that is the truth she tells, because sometimes we just don’t know. Her work may be inexplicable, but knowing How it works doesn’t matter. What does matter is that it does work for those willing to walk to the edge of themselves and free their mind, body and soul from the tethers of misperception. Yes, the work is challenging, but so is continuing to live with a skewed view of the world, thinking and living your life steered by those old misperceptions.

Advanced degrees in psychology, business and spiritual studies 1-800-980-7636 Worldwide presence with localities in: NYC, Los Angeles, Maui, Vail To find out more about Devin Grace please visit or visit or call 800.980.7636. Devin Grace, MA Psychic and Healer visionma gazin e .c o m • J u l y

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Experience True Healing with Yogiraj Siddhanath Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Meditation


ogiraj Siddhanath will visit San Diego, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area this summer. His Southern California US Tour commences on August 11 in San Diego, and continues in Los Angeles on August 17, concludes in the Bay Area on September 14. A native of Northern India, Yogiraj Siddhanath is a descendent of the ancient family of Ikshavaku Lord Rama of the Solar Dynasty. A Solar Master born with the blessings of the Sun, he has the unique ability to project the qualities of the sun through his radiant transmissions of light and energy. Yogiraj is a born Siddha, who, despite belonging to a royal family with all the comforts of palatial life, started experiencing spontaneous states of enlightenment (Samadhi) from the age of three. Upon completing his education at Sherwood College, Nainital, he surrendered the comforts of his royal life to follow his inner calling as a yogi. He spent his formative years searching the Himalayas for the legendary face of God. While meditating, he was empowered by many spiritual supermen, and in 1974, Yogiraj finally encountered the effulgent Mahavatar Babaji, in the nomadic mystical worlds of the Himalayas. He was initiated into the sacred practice of Kriya Yoga by this Divine Being and entrusted with spreading these yogic techniques throughout the world in service to the spiritual awakening of humanity. He returned to civilization offering a first-hand account of this peerless, deathless Yogi-Christ, and in line with Babaji’s request and blessings, commenced teaching these techniques. It was Paramhansa Yogananda’s seminal work, Autobiography of a Yogi, that introduced Mahavtar Bbabaji to the Western world for the first time. In 2011,

Yogiraj advanced the most treasured secrets of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga lineage with his ground-breaking revelation, Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still, divulging publicly, for the first time, the facts and the origins of Babaji, His purpose in the world, and the secret history of human evolution that He is tending to. Recently awarded the Most Influential Book of the New Millennium Award by the American Authors Association, the book offers lasting insights into the God-revealing sciences, which are barely whispered even in the legendary regions of the Himalayas. For over 40 years, Yogiraj has helped millions of people around the world by freely sharing his enlightened bliss-consciousness (Samadhi), healing transmissions and Kundalini energy transmissions, awakening people into the unshakeable Truth that, “Humanity is our only religion, Breath, our sole uniting prayer, and Consciousness, our uniting God.” Gurumata Shivangini, Yogiraj’s wife of 35 years, is a powerful yogini in her own right, and is a tireless support to Kriya Yoga practitioners. Together, Yogiraj and Gurumata Shivangini have demonstrated by example that the path to enlightenment is profound and traversable even by householders. They have raised two devout children, celebrate the graces of grandchildren, and serve their communities charitably, all while building the Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune, India–the abode of the largest Mercury Shiva Lingam in the world. This mystical yogic artifact beams ceaseless love from the Earth Peace Temple to the spiritually thirsty world, and serves as a testament to Yogiraj and Gurumata’s commitment and tireless service to Humanity. As Yogiraj embarks on his 2013 World Tour through Europe and the United States, he offers profound

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personal transformation through his Satsangs (Unified Consciousness workshops). His workshops include healing energy transmissions, intriguing discourses and refreshing insights, which are sprinkled with delightful humor, and of course, initiation into the most authentic Himalayan yogic science, Mahavatar Babaji’s Kundalini Kriya Yoga. Through the Kriya Yoga Empowerment workshops, Yogiraj imparts sacred techniques that eliminate the seeds of negative karma, purify the central nervous system, flush out toxins and diseases resulting in a balance in the body’s systems, and dissolves nervous states to achieve true peace. These techniques help practitioners attain holistic harmony by nourishing the body, mind and spirit into balance, relaxing consciousness into the ‘Now’, and awakening dormant Kundalini safely and gradually, to achieve the superconscious states of Samadhi, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga. Yogiraj Siddhanath will commence his 2013 U.S. tour in mid-July, visiting the East Coast followed by Seattle, Southern California, then Northern California. He will have a final workshop in New York in early October. He will arrive in Southern California and host Healing Enlightenment Satsangs & Kriya Yoga Empowerment Workshops in Encinitas and Los Angeles August 10-18. A Satsang in the San Francisco Bay Area will follow this on September 14. He will conclude his U.S. West Coast tour with the New Life Awakening Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat in Carlsbad, CA starting September 19. For registration and more information, please visit, email: events@, or call 1-866-YOGI-RAJ.


Spirit Release Therapy

& Clinical Depossesion Trainings -Physicians, Psychiatrists, PsychologistsAnd Experienced Healers

rewriting a better life

by Tamara Guirado


emories are stories we tell and retell ourselves. As human beings it is not uncommon to write a crappy mental autobiography: stories in which we are rejects or victims; stories in which we are defective and our futures limited. We believe these tales and they profoundly affect our emotional life and what we think is possible for our lives. We create a cinema of the mind–a musty art house theater where the only thing showing is---as Joan Dideon puts it---“…an interminable documentary that deals with one’s failings.” Current studies in brain science demonstrate the magnitude to which memory, our alleged tether to reality and identity, constructs the past, rather than simply storing it. Whether you subscribe to one of the quantum views of reality or not, most people can agree that our memories, if not flat-out untrue, are enormously flawed. This is why police must write down everything at the scene of a crime, eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable, and two family members can have drastically different interpretations of what happened Christmas 1992. The neurologist Oliver Sacks suggests, that, “It might be said that each of us constructs and lives, a ‘narrative’ and that this narrative is us, our identities.” The fictional nature of memory and identity may seem unsettling, but in fact, it’s great news---if we can construct a negative narrative, we can construct a positive narrative! Continues on page 28

Take your practice beyond medicine and therapy. Join the ranks of other pioneering medical professionals learning this new technique. If you have patients or clients continuing to suffer in ways you can't explain, consider they may have spirit attachments. You CAN help them release these Spirits for immediate relief. The opportunity for this new type of healing is endless and unparalleled for even the most difficult and puzzling patients. Spirit Release Therapy and Clinical Depossession benefits your client, the Spirit, and the world. For details on current trainings in California, Hawaii, and New York, or to schedule a training in your city, please visit or call

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ASTROLOGY J U LY 2 0 1 3 F O R E C A S T By Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. AdrienneAbeyta. com. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries Star (8 of Wands) You will be swept off your feet this month as the energy of your heart looks for an outlet. For those who have recently braved an emotional storm, calmness is within reach. Be kind to yourself and trust that you have developed new inner resources. With confidence restored, your enthusiasm inspires new energy and brilliant ideas. Get in touch with your deepest desires then find ways to manifest them. Love is in the air, just in time for a summer romance! Take a risk and express your feelings for that special someone. You may be pleasantly surprised. Taurus Chariot (4 of Cups) Action for the sake of action is not always the best use of your energy. It can sometimes be a way to distract you from your feelings. Although this month is about movement, it must be controlled and deliberate movement. Don’t let apathy be the cause of premature action. Sit with your feelings long enough to hear the messages. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that goals pursued for the sake of ego gratification are shallow, temporary and only yield short-term benefits. The goal of this movement should be Self examination – a rich journey within. Gemini Death (Queen of Pentacles) Although life is full of numerous opportunities for re-creating yourself, people tend to hold on to their favorite roles. Children learn behaviors that are either enforced through praise or reprimand. This standard influences how you relate to the world; behaviors become masks that when identified with too strongly, separate you from your true essence. Consequently, during major transitions or crises, these facades are stripped away, exposing new and sometimes uncomfortable parts of you. It’s time to shed those extra pounds and let go of the stifling roles. You’re so much more than what you give yourself credit for. Cancer Temperance (5 of Pentacles) Life is a delicate balance in which you’re constantly readjusting your position and perspective. It’s often difficult to feel peaceful when transfixed by fear, particularly when that fear revolves around security or thoughts of what you’re “supposed to” do. If your worries didn’t contaminate your intentions, you’d be able to see the natural harmony in all things. You wouldn’t mistake opposition for obstacles or become victim to your grievances. Although some things may be more challenging than others, rather than focusing on what you don’t have, remember what you do have! Adopt an attitude of gratitude, and each time you find yourself in an awkward position, try again. Leo Moon (Ace of Cups) Are you ready to take the plunge? This month promises an ocean of emotion. The dilemma however, is that you won’t be able to clearly understand what all this is about. Either you’re blinded by illusions of fantasy or bewildered by confusing emotions. The goal is to find balance through this without removing yourself from experiencing the unknown. Losing control from time-to-time can help open your heart to deeper experiences of self-trust. Just be aware though that too much dreaminess leads to delusion. As tempting as it may be, don’t cling to your emotions; be the observer. Virgo Tower (4 of Pentacles) Naturally, you add a great deal of yourself to what you do, attaching personal value to what you achieve or don’t achieve. When your accomplishments in the outer world are the only measure of your personal worth, you’re easily subject to disappointment. Material fulfillment is temporary, when it’s gone so is your sense of accomplishment. Loss therefore is an inescapable lesson in the school of hard knocks. This month, ask yourself if what you’re giving your energy to is worth it. If it is, great – you’ll be satisfied. If not, there’s certain to be a collapse of more than just your ego.

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Libra Emperor (Knight of Cups) Power is not something that can be measured by status or possessions, control is not simply the result of managing your environment, and intelligence has more to do with your heart than your mind. A recent shift in the direction you’re heading, whether internal or external, will provide a new sense of inspiration. It’s up to you to act on this. It’s important to follow your dreams right now and trust that your vision will not lead you astray. Focus more upon spiritual matters than worldly concerns and you’ll discover a reservoir of untapped creativity that can be utilized for future gain. Scorpio Wheel of Fortune (6 of Wands) Lady Luck turned the wheel and landed on your number! However, this is not a stroke of random luck as much as a personal victory. Something you’ve put in motion has earned you a moment of glory. On a deeper level, this breakthrough will help you change the patterns of your behavior, thereby changing your fate. You’ll reap the most benefits from this change by staying as present as possible in your daily life. Don’t be dismayed by old fears or negative beliefs; there’s no room for blaming now. Be proud – you are the architect of your destiny! Sagittarius High Priestess (7 of Cups) Truth will soon be revealed. Act kindly and calmly; even if you’re the one who’s committed the offense. This is not the time to lose your cool as there will be irreparable consequences for not accepting responsibility. It’s better to take care of unfinished business then it is to store up resentments. If you’re on the other side and find yourself wounded by someone else’s misdeed, hold strong to your boundaries but don’t be too proud to forgive. When it comes to your job, things are not as they seem so trust your intuition and rely on evidence instead of assumptions. Capricorn Hanged Man (8 of Cups) Self-sacrifice is likely to be asked of you this month. Notice your reactions and be honest about your intention to serve or avoid conflict. Avoiding confrontation by agreeing to do something your heart is not in makes you a victim not a hero. Act with integrity. Be aware of quarrels and use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart. If you take things too personally, you’ll likely miss the lesson in the conflict, and there is something to be gained in this case. When brooding turns to despair, it’s time to let go of the situation and recount your blessings. Aquarius World (2 of Swords) Look at both sides of every situation and be sure to surround yourself with those who love and support you. Refuse to get shaken when others try to undermine your confidence in your strength and abilities. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone who doesn’t have your best interest in mind. Refrain from justifying your point and practice patience in the face of uncertainty. If you seek joy in all that you do, you will reap the benefits of a peaceful mind. Rewards and pay-backs are just around the corner, so don’t give up anything for anyone. Pisces Hierophant (Knight of Pentacles) It’s one thing to know right from wrong, but another to actually walk the talk; theory without practice is shallow. As you apply your own moral code to life, you become an example to others. The importance of personal integrity is for your own benefit because, in reality, you’re the only one who knows your true intentions. Do not be so concerned with what others think; focus on your own actions and make amends when necessary. A slow and dedicated pace will help you through the month. Refrain from overreacting and be patient with those who are less aware.

By Mike Donkers Ormus, also known as ORMEs, m-state elements, white powder gold, or the Philosopher’s Stone, was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson. He discovered some material in his soil that he had never seen before. He laid it out to dry in the hot Arizona sun so he could have it analyzed. What happened next was absolutely remarkable: the stuff exploded in a big flash of light and disappeared! But when he dried it without the use of sunlight it didn’t disappear. Hudson was a very successful farmer and businessman so he could afford to have an expensive assay of the material done by a professor at New York’s Cornell University. The stuff turned out to contain gold, silver, iron and aluminum, among other things. However, the gold and silver did not dissolve in fluid, as is usually the case. The iron and aluminum also did not dissolve in various acids and in their isolated form, they formed a strange black matter. One by one the elements were isolated. Until the standard tests revealed there should be nothing left. But there was something left - a lot of it, in fact. The scientist told Hudson there was nothing, although after removal of the individual elements OF a staggering 98% of the material was still left! Hudson had spent a lot of money on the analyses and left the university completely disappointed in academic science. Dissatisfied but determined, Hudson sought out a German expert who, together with him, was willing to analyze the stuff further and build special machinery to do this. The assays showed that it contained various precious elements such as platinum and variants thereof, like rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium. Hudson got in touch with one of the American pioneers of quantum physics, Hal Puthoff. Puthoff explained to him the strange phenomena associated with Ormus. Ormus elements are capable of losing their material form under the influence of warmth and sunlight, making them no longer subject to the laws of gravity and even capable of dissolving into sunlight. This is what Hudson had witnessed when he dried the material in the hot sun. The Ormus had literally become one with the light and transferred to another dimension in which there is no space-time. By cooling it down, he learned to bring back the stuff to the exact place where he had laid it to dry, back to the material world of space-time in which we live. Ormus is a superconductor. These elements resonate with the primal energy, the zero point from which all life originates and which is a quantum potential of possibilities. Ormus is one with this endless source of energy, which can be found in the air, the soil, plants, stones and the sea. Hudson even showed by dissecting

animal brains that they too contained Ormus. According to Hudson our brains contain at least 5% Ormus. This percentage can be raised considerably if we take in food and water with a high Ormus content. It is exactly these foods that are so sadly lacking today. Hudson refers to Ormus as ‘the light of life’ and ‘the Spirit’. He claims it not only makes us more spiritual but that it’s capable of correcting DNA too. Genetic engineering of crops such as corn, cotton, canola and soy is done to alter the natural genetic blueprint of these crops so they can be patented. This is done by making the plant sick using a cancer or virus to penetrate the plant’s DNA. Animals don’t fare much better. Millions of cows, pigs and chickens are kept in circumstances which would normally cause the animals to drop dead on their feet. Yet with medication, growth hormones and synthetic minerals they are kept alive long enough to be sent to the slaughter house. This process happens so quickly that many animals are skinned alive. The suffering of these animals defies description and you end up with sick plants and animals and death energy on your plate. Is this the kind of ‘food’ you’d like to eat? Is it any wonder only 5% of the world’S population are free thinkers? Ormus is also available for human consumption: ( Eat as many raw and untreated natural products from good soil and grown with love. Drink wild water from streams in forests that comes up on its own volition. Expose yourself to the healing powers of sunlight by gazing into the sun with your eyes closed and palms outstretched. Breathe in as much forest air and sea air as possible. Those who want to know more about Ormus should check out Barry Carter’s webpage: ( Ormus is life energy. This is sorely needed as a counterweight to the death energy we are exposed to daily through our food, our drinking water, our ‘medicines’, electromagnetic fields and radioactivity due to the use of depleted uranium by a flourishing war industry. This negative energy keeps us sick and dumb. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Remember that the force of life is always stronger than the force of death and darkness is merely the absence of light. All you need to do is surround yourself by the light. It’s all around and inside you. Mike Donkers is an English teacher from the Netherlands who started taking care of his own health in October 2006 because doctors couldn’t help him. His interest in the connection between food and health has led to more in-depth research, particularly in the role sea minerals can have in the regeneration of cells. He is also a self-taught guitarist and singer. He is the songwriter and frontman of his own band, The Mellotones ( Learn more:

World’s Only Woman Siddha Master Yogmata ExperienceSelf-empowerment,Self-healing,Peaceful living and loving awareness

July 20-21 , 2013 Los Angeles Hilton LA Airport Sat, July 20 Darshan 10:30am – 12noon Fee: donation Enlightenment Workshop 1: 30pm – 5pm Fee: $200 (*$180)

Sun, July 21 Darshan 10:30am – 12noon Fee: donation

Life Changing Initiation 1: 30pm – 5pm Fee: $300 (*$270)

* Price reduction for pre-registration and payment before July 13.

v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 11


Does Healing Myself Really Heal Those Around Me? A Conversation with Louix Dor Demprey

Vision Magazine: Over the years, as I have been working on healing my non-loving and inauthentic behaviors and beliefs, I have noticed corresponding changes in my family members and in other people close to me. Will you please explain how and why this phenomenon occurs? Does healing myself really heal and bless those around me? Louix Dor Demprey: Yes. As you continue to grow, heal, and purify yourself on all the many levels of your being, thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds, your personal transformation ripples out—first and foremost—to bless, help, heal, and illuminate the beings who are closest to you the ones with whom you have the deepest, strongest karmic connections: your biological family, spouses/partners, soul mates, roommates, co-workers, and other people who are in your innermost circle. There are two primary reasons why this occurs: Firstly, through The Law of Oneness, there is only one person on the planet, and that is you. The other 7 billion people are the 7 billion aspects of you. This same principle applies to your pets, your car, the planet—everything around you. It is all One. Secondly, as you take in Light and love from the Divine, your chalice becomes filled and the blessings, healing, transformation, joy, and peace you are experiencing spill over into the lives of those who are closest to you. For many years I have watched this phenomenon occur in My life and in the lives of countless devotees and disciples who have witnessed transformation occurring in the lives of their parents, partners,

children, roommates, colleagues, and loved ones. Is what you are doing really affecting other people, you ask me? Absolutely! Such is the Power of One. VM: How do I deal with autism in my child? LDD: Here are a few important guidelines for creating the happiest and healthiest relationship with your autistic child. Firstly, it is important to see your child as whole and perfect, living exactly the way God created her or him. That is the most powerful gift you can give yourself and your child. For many people who have children with autism (and/or other conditions), it is very difficult to look at their child and not see them as broken, damaged, or the myriad other terms assigned to their

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particular condition. See your child as whole, perfect, beautiful, and living the life that his or her soul chose, wanted, needed, and created in accordance with God’s perfect plan and will. That will create a very wholesome and healthy relationship with your child and give you greater capacity to serve your child’s needs. Secondly, many parents experience frustration and difficulty, stemming from their perception of the child’s inability to function in the world, and become focused on “fixing” their child and wanting their child to fit into the “normal” world. In so doing, they miss one of the most valuable and rich things one can do with a child, which is to enter into and ingratiate themselves into the child’s world. I have worked with many autistic children and I have yet to meet one who will not readily receive someone into his or her world, provided that person is unconditionally loving, kind, patient, and most of all non-judgmental. Many people cannot see and do not know they hold judgments of their own autistic children—they can be so subtle, even unconscious. That judgment creates unseen barriers between parent and child. Furthermore, it is extremely important to ingratiate yourself into your child’s world, rather than trying to help your child adapt to your world. By applying these three key principles in caring for your child, true communication will start to develop and you will see a realm of understanding open up between you and your child that will be nothing less than spellbinding. Finally, it is extremely important for you to have unending patience with this process.

C O N V E R S AT I O N Never give up. And always remember the untold value of unconditional love, non-judgment, and acceptance of your whole and perfect child exactly as he/ she is now. About Louix Dor Dempriey: Louix Dor Dempriey is a spiritual Master who has come into this world to help others restore their inherent divinity and live as unconditional love. Louix’s darshan, as well as His illuminating discourses, meditations, and ceremonies, have invoked profound transformation in thousands of people worldwide. With grace and humor, Louix imparts timeless wisdom in contemporary, practical teachings—that transcend all faiths, paths, religions, and cultures—making self-mastery and true inner peace attainable for all. He resides at Prema Drala Ashram in Laguna Hills, California. For more information, please visit: © 2013 - LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY FOUNDATION

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Hierarchy’s perspective as articulated by a Master of Wisdom

Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave, San Diego 6:30pm 2nd Thursday of month Philosophical Library 1330 E Valley Pkwy #G Escondido


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$150.00 (includes lunch), with special pricing available for children.

To register for the retreat or for more information, please contact Samantha: phone: (888) 288-3735


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All attending these events consent to having their names, voices, images,and likenesses recorded and used for commercial purposes. All proceeds from these events will be used to support the Louix Dor Dempriey Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 13


Curanderos: Curanderos Mexicanos indígenas

escrito por: Finn Orfano • editado por: Lisa Lambson • Michael y Peter Langevin


os curanderos son sanadores que se encuentran en gran parte del mundo latino. En México y en otros lugares donde se practica el curanderismo, se consideran sanadores espirituales que pueden tratar toda clase de aflicciones humanas. Sus poderes se consideran sobrenatural, ya que se cree que muchas enfermedades son causadas por espíritus malignos que estan perdidos, o un castigo como lección de Dios, o una maldición. Los curanderos son personas que utilizan hierbas y otros remedios naturales y sobrenaturales para curar enfermedades. Según leyendas mexicanas, los campesinos fueron los primeros que utilizaron a un curandero. Y sólo si eso no les funcionara, buscarán un médico occidental. Curanderos ofrecen una mezcla mística de las artes curativas que ha inspirado la confianza de los ricos como de los pobres a través de los siglos. Nunca subestimes el rango de curación de los curanderos, que confían en las botánicas, plantas medicinales. El curanderismo es aplicable a las dolencias físicas, mentales, emocionales y espirituales. El curanderismo, arte de curación espiritual, es una práctica generalizada en México y otros países latinos. Los curanderos datan a un tiempo prehispánico del chamanismo indígena. Muchos curandero contemporáneos se dibujan bajo la fe en

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la Virgen de Guadalupe, que se cree que es la misma que la más antigua Tonantzin, la diosa madre de las tribus mesoamericanas. Muchos medicos buscan educacion en el curanderismo. Reconocen que la medicina moderna carece de espiritualidad y, por lo tanto, no se puede lograr la curación holística. Curanderos todavía confían en los rituales de curación de los metodos aztecas. El curanderismo representa la fusión de muchas culturas, españoles, aztecas, africanos y los nativos Americanos. Un curandero puede especializarse a base de su don. Segun ese don spiritual fue concedido por Dios. Una curandera puede ser dotada con el conocimiento de las hierbas. Esa hierbera conocerá las propiedades curativas de las hierbas y se comprometerán su vida entera para obtener la experencia y el avanzamiento del conocimientos a la curación a base de hierbas. Ella sabrá el medicamento y los poderes espirituales de las hierbas. Un sobadoro puede aliviar los malestares físicos y emocionales a traves del masaje.Los consejeros son personas que escuchan y orientan a los que buscan dirección en sus vidas. Otros dones incluyen parteras, quiroprácticos y los que pueden canalizar espíritus. “Yerberos” son principalmente los herbolarios. “Hueseros y Sobaderos” son terapeutas de huesos y músculos que alivian las dolencias físicas. “Parteras” son personas que ayudan a las mujeres dar a luz. “Oracionistas” funciona principalmente a través del poder de la oración. Entre estos términos más generales, hay varios sub especialidades. Por ejemplo, Yerberos que trabajan principalmente con el tabaco para curar a los pacientes se conocen como tabaqueros. Los curanderos que trabajan principalmente con ayahuasca son conocidos como ayahuasceros. Aunque muchos curaderos tienen una especialidad y pueden identificarse con ella, eso no quiere decir que estas modalidades de curación son necesariamente estrictos y no se superpongan. Como un ejemplo, un oracionista también puede ser un poderoso yerbera y así sucesivamente. El curanderismo es la curación holística y se esfuerza por encontrar y curar las causas, así como los síntomas de cualquier tipo de enfermedad. El objetivo del curandero es discernir lo que los estados de conciencia crean física y otros estragos en un paciente. Ira extrema, bloqueos de energía o incluso malos espíritus son considerados como influencias legítimas y poderoso sobre la salud general de una persona. Las personas con discapacidad a menudo sufren de pérdida del alma (susto), una aflicción espiritual. Aunque todo el mundo experimenta el susto

CURANDEROS en algún momento por la pérdida de algún tipo, alguien que está afectado por discapacidades graves puede experimentar un golpe en el sentido de sí mismo, de su identidad. Una curandera sabe que debe abordar el aspecto emocional con el fin de tener éxito en cualquier nivel de la curación física. La práctica de curandereras se encuentra a través de América Latina Extraído de Curanderos: Indigenous Mexican Healers written by: Finn Orfano • edited by: Lisa Lambson • and Michael Peter Langevin Curanderos are healers found in much of the Latino world. In Mexico, and other places where curanderismo is practiced, they are considered spiritual healers who can treat all manner of human afflictions. Their powers are considered supernatural, as it is commonly believed that many illnesses are caused by lost malevolent spirits, a lesson from God, or curse. Curanderos (male) and curanderas (female) are healers that use herbs and other natural and supernatural remedies to cure ailments. According to Mexican lore, peasants first turn to a curandero. Only if that fails, they will seek a western physician. Curanderos offer a mystical blend of healing arts that has inspired the confidence of rich and poor alike over the centuries. Never underestimate the healing range of curanderos, who rely upon botanicas, herbal remedies. Curanderismo applies to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments. Curanderismo, spiritual healing art, is widely practiced in Mexico as well as other Latino countries. But, curanderos date back to pre-Hispanic Indian shamanism. Many contemporary curandero draw upon faith in the Virgin of Guadalupe who is believed to be the same as the more ancient Tonantzin, the mother goddess of Mesoamerican tribes. Many M.D.’s seek curanderismo training. They recognize that modern medicine is devoid of any spirituality and, therefore, cannot bring about holistic healing. Curanderos still rely upon the anicient Aztec healing rituals and methods. Curanderismo represents the melding of many cultures, Spanish, Aztec, African and Native American. A curandero can specialize based on his don, his spiritual gift, granted by God. One curandera may be gifted with a knowledge of herbs. This hierbera or herbalist will know the healing properties of herbs and will commit her life to gaining advanced knowledge and experiential herbal healing. She will know the medicinal and the spiritual powers of herbs. A sobadoro relieves physical and emotional distress with massage. Consajeros are counselors who listen and guide those who seek direction in their lives. Other dons include midwifery, chiropractors and those who can channel spirits. “Yerberos” are primarily herbalists. “Hueseros and Sobaderos” are bone/muscle therapists who emphasize physical ailments. “Parteras” are midwives. “Oracionistas” work primarily through the power of prayer. Among these broader terms there are several sub specialties. For instance, Yerberos who work primarily with tobacco to heal patients are known as tobaqueros. Healers who work primarily with ayahuasca are known as ayahuasceros. Although many curaderos do have a specialty and may identify with it, that does not mean that these healing modalities are necessarily strict and do not overlap. As an example, an oracionista may also be a powerful yerbera and so on. Curanderismo is holistic healing and strives to find and cure the causes as well as symptoms of any kind of illness. The curandero’s goal is to discern what states of consciousness create physical and other havoc in a patient. Extreme anger, energy blockages or even bad spirits are considered to be legitimate and powerful influences on a person’s overall health. People with disabilities often suffer from soul loss (susto), a spiritual affliction. Although everyone experiences susto at some point by loss of some sort, someone who is afflicted by severe disabilities can experience a blow to the sense of self, of their identity. A curandera knows that she must address the emotional aspect in order to succeed at any level of physical healing. Curanderas practice through Latin America Excerpted from

Custom Psychic Art

By Visionary Steed Edwards


“I gave Steed the key words and phrases I need to work on in my life, like self-esteem and self-acceptance. He gave me an art piece depicting a spiral with feathers that begin to sprout from it as the spiral gets bigger towards my near future. He let me know about my guardian spirits that protect me and now I meditate upon the art piece he made for me! I am feeling so much better and am able to handle my stressful job and children again. Thank you, Steed!” – Client Testimonial

Steed has been reading the Tarot since the age of 8. He now uses other vehicles such as Chinese Buddhist Fortune Sticks. Consultations are available via phone, e-mail or in person.. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 15


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hen it comes to a career the magnitude of Paul Oakenfold it’s hard to encompass one of the true legends of electronic music into just words. For over 3 decades he has elevated and shaped an entire genre and remains one of the leading forces in the global music scene today. His most recent works have taken him from the DJ booth of the worlds hottest nightspots and festivals to the studio producing soundtracks for Hollywood blockbuster movies. His diversity in artistry and ability has earned him accolades from critics and fans alike. Garnering him not 2 but 3 Grammy Nominations for his works. But lets take a step back. The son of a musician, Paul came up as a young DJ in the late 70s spinning Funk in Covent Garden. Not what some might have expected from one of Trances preeminent masters. But he knew then music would be his life. In the 80’s 2 life-changing trips took place. The first in 1984 where he spent several months living in New York City working as A&R man for the famed Champion Records signing DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, as well as Salt-n-Pepa. He also became promoter and British agent for the Beastie Boys and Run-D.M.C. The second trip and more contemporary influence was in 1987 which brought Paul to the White Isle of Ibiza. Here he discovered the Balearic sound that flowed through the Ibiza air at clubs such as Amnesia. Inspired, he took the music and experiences back to the UK and became its ambassador. Paul returned often holding residencies at Amnesia and Pacha in Ibiza. Around the same time Ministry Of Sound in London was opening and touted Paul as their first resident. However it was his famed residency at UK super-club Cream in Liverpool that brought Paul global respect as a master of his art. It was some say the catalyst to what has made him a touring legend. This residency was celebrated through the Grammy nominated 2004 compilation ‘Creamfields’ (Paul went on to receive a second Grammy nomination in 2007 with his artist album, “A Lively Mind” and then again in 2009 for his production work with Madonna). Oakenfold’s stature as a DJ and entertainer has taken him beyond the normal club and festival circuit, playing landmark gigs that have changed the face of electronic music. Highlights include three worldwide tours warming up for Madonna and U2 (with both artists insisting on a DJ set from Paul instead of a support band);

SACRED SOUND performing physically on the Great Wall of China and two sold out dates playing to 30,000 people at the Hollywood Bowl in California. A year after that first visit to Ibiza, Perfecto was born. Founded in 1988, Oakenfold’s groundbreaking Perfecto record label played an integral role in the birth of trance music, with Paul at the helm producing massive international hits such as “Not Over Yet”, “Bullet In The Gun” and “Southern Sun”. With countless high profile releases and remixes in its path, Perfecto Records is still the benchmark to which so many labels measure themselves. 20+ years later, Perfecto remains as cutting edge and popular as ever, even resurrecting its Perfecto Fluoro sublabel in 2011. Probably Perfecto’s most notable release was the recent double album “Perfecto Las Vegas” which held the #1 spot on the US iTunes dance chart for several weeks. This release solidified Paul’s stronghold as an International DJ power player achieving the highest selling DJ compilation ever released in US history – with over half a million sales. Paul has produced for megastars such as U2, Madonna (including her latest release “Celebration”) and The Happy Mondays. As well as three acclaimed artist albums under his own name. He has remixed Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones and Justin Timberlake and released over 20 DJ mix compilations. In recent years Paul has also been responsible for creating some of the most breathtaking film scores and cues for a long list of Hollywood blockbusters – including The Bourne Identity, Matrix Reloaded, Shrek 2, Swordfish and Collateral. But his most anticipated release is yet to come. Paul Oakenfold’s newest artist album ‘Pop Killer’ is scheduled for imminent release featuring The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Gnarls Barkley, OneRepublic and B.O.B. Astonishingly, despite all his success in the worlds of chart music and film, Oakenfold has found time to keep in touch with his roots as a club DJ. Over the past 3 years he has held a weekly residency at the legendary Rain nightclub in The Palms, Las Vegas. Planet Perfecto is a fully produced show with 75 circus performers, cutting edge visuals and special effects – giving the 3,000-strong crowd a truly unique experience. Whether you are listening to a CD, watching a commercial, going to a club or playing a video game; Paul’s omnimedia presence is felt everywhere. Paul Oakenfold is the sovereign of DJ culture and is its most recognizable icon. Paul Oakenfold’s: Perfecto On Tour radio show airs weekly on Sirius XM Satellite Radio’s – Electric Area Channels Saturdays at 8pm EST and rebroadcasts Wednesdays at 12 noon EST.

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DINKA is a Swiss progressive house act. They offer stomping house grooves, combined with catchy melodies and spherical harmonies, that’s Dinka in a nutshell! With their releases over the Swiss labels Unreleased Digital & S2 Records, as well as on International high profile labels such as Anjuna Deep & Vandit Digital they made it in Beatport top 10 progressive house charts several times during the last three years. Thier first album The Temptation was released in late 2008 on S2 Records with very positive feedback from all over the dance community. Their tracks are played and loved by the biggest DJs all around the globe. Tamara or Dinka as she is known will start to tour more and more in the international club scene to show not only her talent as musician but also her talent as DJ. Watch out for monthly DInka Radio Show Elements on Facebook:!/pages/ DINKA-The-Official-Fan-Page/265844151721


Since his debut release in 2008, Phaeleh aka Matt Preston has developed an inimitable style of cinematic electronic music, which meanders between the shifting

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tempos and timbres of dubstep, garage, electronica and house music. Phaeleh’s last two long play releases on Afterglo records; ‘Fallen Light’ and ‘The Cold In You’ have cemented his position as one of the most exciting new producers to emerge from his home town; Bristol England. Phaeleh’s downbeat and heartfelt sound honors the tradition of Bristolian fore fathers Massive Attack, Smith & Mighty and Portishead, with a fresh outlook and penchant for sub sonics. His high spec production style has won him support from the scene’s leading taste makers including; Skream, N-Type, Scuba and Kryptic Minds, as well as radio coverage on BBC Radio 1, BBC 6 Music, Kiss, Rinse and XFM. Phaeleh is currently in high demand, with a busy DJ schedule for this summer, including dates at; Fabric, Outlook Festival, Kendal Calling, Secret Garden Party & Beach Break. He is also working on his next feature length recording, due for release in early 2013. “Phaeleh’s debut album, Fallen Light, oozes quality” – The Guardian “Stark, minimalist beauty” – Mojo Magazine “Sublime, carries on from where Burial left off” – DJ Magazine “Beautifully blissed out, a musical utopia” – IDJ Magazine



A sonic journey into the stars with conscious compositions of an electronic music hybrid with organic sounds. Producing the unique genre of what is know as GalacTemple PsyDream SpiritWhomp. PPK said, “The evolving arts of electronic shamanism is my mission, to unify the high vibrant energies of song and dance with a collective vision of light.” The music has mid-tempo bouncing temple whomps with sizzling electronics and arpeggiating sequences sets the tone for an internal mind journey and an external body groove that lights up the spirit to dance, while engaging all sacred shapes, color, emotion, mind travel to infinity and beyond. Itom also plays the Hang producing its mystical frequencies designed for sound healing and activating the spiritual system. The music label is Invibe and he has a Bachelor Degree in Media Arts from Art Institute of Santa Monica as well as graduated from Recording Workshop which has helped create his knowledge of the digital artistry that makes up the sounds from the Lab. He also has worked as an Engineer/Producer in various studios in

California and as a professional sound designer. His performance have been ast Lightening in a Bottle, Burningman, Lucidity, Unify, Drawing the Moon, Indigo Vortex, Rainbow Vortex, Asteria, Summer Skullstice, Temple of Visions, LA Decom, The Hive, Ecstatic Dances in Hilo, Honokaa and Keau on the Big Island of Hawaii, Full Moon Gatherings, Desert Parties, Ceremony and many more.

Kurty Dj dirtyKURTY is known for her passion. If you have ever experienced seeing her live, then you have seen her jumping around behind the tables, singing all the lyrics and making the crowd feel something they have never felt before. Pure love and passion for her music. She grew up in New Jersey, and immersed herself in the New York club scene in the 80s. She frequented many clubs such as the Sound Factory, Roxy, Limelight, and the Palladium and that’s where she found my love for House Music. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 19


by Marcus Barnes Sasha is a DJ who almost needs no introduction, but we’re going to give him one anyway. He is a living legend to many and certainly a widely-acknowledged inspiration to a plethora of DJs all around due mostly to his advanced skills, blending tracks together into one seamless composition and playing with keys and chords like no other DJ has before. It was a honor for Point Blank to be able to not only speak with Sasha for this interview, but also to welcome him into Point Blank a few weeks back where he took a tour of the college. The latest installment in Sasha’s Involver series, Involv3r, is due for release very soon, so that is a point of interest as well delving into his past about his relationship with technology as well as looking to the future Vision Magazine: I guess you’ve been pretty busy lately, as always? DJ Sasha: Yeah. Just finishing off the Involver record and touring, as usual. I’ve just been to Asia and Australia the last couple of weeks. VM: I see you’ve been in a studio with Betoko? DS: I haven’t actually been in with him. It’s his studio. It’s brilliant. We’re mixing the record down there. It’s amazing. The studio is a legendary studio from the eighties. Everyone worked there. A lot of hits came out of there. I don’t think they’ve been doing a lot of stuff there recently, but his uncle owns it, so he’s gone in and sorted it out and recapped the desk. It’s a great sounding room. VM: Cool. So where have you been working on the Involv3r stuff then? DS: All over the place. We had to move about three times. This is one of the reasons why it’s taking so long. We moved to a new studio and it sounded different. Yeah, it just dragged on and on. I had to move out of my studio in New York and Grayson had to move out of his place in Ibiza for the same reason. So, we ended up working in about five different studios. VM: How are you feeling about it? DS: I friggin’ hate it at the moment. I can’t listen to it right now. I’m always like that at the end of my records. I’ll leave it two or three months before I listen to it. VM: When did you first get started with it? DS: We started off in the spring but I couldn’t get the track listing to start off with. I don’t know, it was weird. We got knocked back on a couple of things that were really integral to the sound of the record. It just didn’t come together, we were working hard on it but it just didn’t come together. I seemed to have a load of filler tracks, and not the actual meat of the record. We put it on ice over the summer. The Hot Chip record Flutes was originally on there and a couple of other things. We just decided to release those as singles. And I guess off the back of Hot Chip being so successful, when I started asking people for tracks again in September/October, everyone said yes. It was like people were throwing music at me. Having a number one on Beatport helps! 2 0 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m

VM: Yeah, I can imagine so. Massively. Your label’s flying at the moment as well. DS: Yeah, it’s doing really, really well. I’m very, very happy with it and the way that it has grown and the sound of it as well. I have a really amazing team of people working on it, that’s made all the difference, really. They’ve really got their ears to the ground and they’re always sending me producers I’ve never heard of. I’m supposed to know everyone. What’s going on? I think when we first started the label, eighteen months ago; it was like people were sending maybe their filler tracks for consideration, where as now I think they’re purposely writing stuff for the label. We’re getting amazing stuff. That Ejeca EP is fantastic, Simon Baker’s working on some new stuff for the label. Thermal Bear is working on an album for us. VM: Thermal Bear’s brilliant. DS: Yeah, he’s fucking on it. I think everything [on the label] has a common thread to it. It’s all got a really beautiful melodic signature to it, whether it’s a Ghosting Season thing, which is really out there and kind of electronic and left field or whether it’s something that’s more of a club track. I feel like the label’s developing a sound to it but the sound is quite broad. We’re not just putting out one big club banger after another. That’s not really the intention. I’m not really doing it to make a load of money out of it. I just want to have something that I’m involved in creatively that gets me closer to artists that I’m really into, and that allows me to put out beautiful pieces of music. The way it’s grown as well is pretty nice. It’s a really gathered pace over the course of the last couple of years and it’s really got to the point now where people are really taking notice. When we first started sending tracks out we got very little feedback, and now it’s like the feedback we’re getting, across the board from a lot of different genres of DJs is really, really positive. And it helps. Like I said, it helps every now and then to have a big record on the label that really gets everyone’s heads turned, but you know, we’ll follow up the Hot Chip record with something like the Ejeca record which is different, completely different vibes, than the Ghosting Season thing. Of course, it’s great to have an anthem every now and then; but it’s the other weird and wonderful music on the label that I’m really excited about. VM: Well, the thing that I noticed as well is the label seems to have brought out a different side to some of the people that are on there. I mean, Ejeca is known for big nineties House sounding stuff but his EP on Last Night On Earth is a bit different for him. DS: Yeah. Like I said, because we’re pushing people to do EPs. It’s a different format, if someone sends us a couple of tracks, we say, “We like them but we’d like you to do a couple of other things that are maybe a bit different.” We’ve really tried to push A & R people to go a bit leftfield and go bit deeper, or weirder

or whatever, whatever they fancy. I think the EP format is great; they’re like mini albums aren’t they? But they’re allowing people to experiment a little bit. So, there’ll be one track on there that’s a club record, there’ll also be something on there that’s something very different. I really like that. I really like that format. Printed by permission of Point Blank’s Marcus Barnes was on interview duties. Thanks to v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 21


She moved to San Francisco in the early 1990’s and experienced the underground Rave scene. Danced to Dj’s Jeno, Garth & Simon, Dj Dan, and DJ Phil B at events

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like Come-Unity, and Spundae and found a new love for Deep, Funky, Sexy, Soulful House. KURTY moved to San Diego in 2001 and met up with famed Dj/ Producer and her mentor Antonio Aguilera, and joined the San Diego Mixmasters/Global BPM crew, where she learned to mix ALL styles of music. She understands that connecting with her crowd is the most important aspect of Dj-ing. She has also promoted events in San Francisco and San Diego and is in the process of producing her own tracks, and remixing for others. “House music is definitely my PASSION, but I’ve learned to incorporate all styles including Hip-hop, Old School, 80s and Classic Rock into my mixes. I don’t like to be put in a box or classified as a DJ that only plays one type of music. Some people say what really stands out most about me is my innate ability to play to any crowd, anywhere. I agree. Her current style of music and mixes is Electro Pop, EDM remixes. Dj dirtyKURTY is the Resident DJ @ Rich’s San Diego, The Lookout San Francisco and The Abbey in LA. If you haven’t seen or heard her perform, this needs to go on your bucket list. She is one of the West Coasts up and coming DJ’s and will soon be worldwide. “I have NO BOUNDARIES to my music or who dances to it, as long as they are DANCING and loving the MUSIC, My goal is to bring everyone together to make them feel the VIBE!” FAN Page : Twitter = djdirtyKURTY MUSIC: Booking: 619.200.7580


Aerotek is Chilean-born multi-genre music producer and sound designer Stefano Giangrandi. He is known for being one of Chile’s most important electronic musicians of the present day. A hardcore music lover since the late ’90s, Aerotek founded his own label, Transtechnia Records, when he was only 16. Two years later, he began producing music for the television and film industry, achieving great acclaim


Armin Van Buuren

Armin van Buuren is a happy man, and with good reason. Holding firm at Number 1 in the prestigious public-voted DJ Top 100, he’s making the transition from talented young upstart to leading light in the echelons of trance and beyond. 2005 has brought two new significant awards which were the Best Radio Show, and Best Compilation for A State of Trance 2004 at the Miami Winter Music Conference Awards, and a stunning new artist album, Shivers, which showcased his debut as a songwriter. After four years of fronting his own weekly radio show, A State Of Trance, Armin signed a deal with The Radio Department which is also home to John Digweed and Carl Cox’s shows, to distribute the show internationally. Now online and FM stations, his website details who is already broadcasting it and the list is still growing. Van Buuren said, “There are more new listeners because more people can access it now. I think trance is a universal experience; it’s one of the first musical genres that has really showed its power through the internet, and I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for downloads!” “This is just what I want,” says Van Buuren. “It’s not love for music, it’s a passion, and it goes beyond liking, and beyond a hobby, it’s about a way of living. Music is essential for my life”

and earning diverse international prizes and nominations. A top-of-the-class Sound Engineering and Acoustics student and researcher, Aerotek has given numerous conferences on the uses of experimental electronic music in universities and sound engineering schools throughout his country. It always is fun to see what his next will release bring in terms of creativity and idividuality. From Industrial to Drum n’ Bass, Ambient, cinematic soundtracks, Trance and House, this is a man who is truly unrestrained from the chains of musical genres.

Booka Shade

Booka Shade are Walter Merziger and Arno Kammermeier, the production masterminds behind

most Get Physical releases (the releases and remixes of M.A.N.D.Y., DJ T., Sunsetpeople and Chelonis R. Jones). In charge of their own production company and studio for the last 15 years, they have applied their wide range of talents not only to the realm of electronic music, but also a large number of other media productions. After two early 90s synth-pop album releases and a number of live tours, they switched their attention to club projects for established labels like R&S, Harthouse or Tommy Boy. But it was their early incarnation of Booka Shade on the illustrious Dutch label Touché which hit the zeitgeist and triggered excitement and enthusiasm in clubs all across Europe. Together with their old friends Patrick Bodmer and Philip Jung aka M.A.N.D.Y. they decided to start their own label. And after meeting Groove publisher Thomas Koch aka DJ T. Get Physical was finally launched in early 2002. After the intense build up and promotion of label artists M.A.N.D.Y., DJ T., SunsetPeople and Chelonis R. Jones, in 2004 it was time for Booka Shade to pursue their own solo careers again. For their first album Memento the two producers have poured the essence of their joint musical background into contemporary molds. Observing a healthy balance between pop appeal and experimentation they have concocted unusual blends of modern 4/4 sketches and timeless listening titles. As part of a live set Booka Shade presents exerpts from the album. The visuals and film clips produced exclusively for their show help to translate the album´s intense and cinematic atmosphere to the stage. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 2 3


Benny Benassi

Benny Benassi was born in Milan on 13 July 1967 under the sign of Cancer. He is 35 but claims to look 25. He lives in Reggio Emilia, a fine Italian town about 100km south of Milan, where the food is great and the Dance music is even better. He works as a producer in collaboration with his cousin Alle Benassi. Benassi has been a musician and arranger at Off Limits, the internationally renowned production unit run by Larry Pignagnoli. After producing KMC feat Dhany (Number 1 club charts UK) last year, the Benassi cousins started work on the Benny Benassi presents THE BIZ project, a ground-breaking mixture of electro, techno and house dosed with minimalist flair. The first single Satisfaction has made its presence felt on the main charts all over Europe. Benny Benassi’s crucial remixes include Tomcraft’s “Loneliness” and the latest Sonique track. Look out for the Benny Benassi remix of the new Electric Six single, Dance Commander, and the new Outkast single, Ghetto Musik. His DJ style is easy to describe... it’s kinda electro, sort of house-tec, dirty and cool, sweaty and smooth.


Michael Mannino, musically known as Divinity fuses deep bass, squishy psychedelic splatters, clean drums, and harmonic mixes with intention from the heart. Divinity’s environment is ever expanding–you can find his music being played from the middle of the Mojave desert–to the forests of San Diego County. 2 4 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m


His sounds are textured, glitched, atmospheric, deep and tribal with healing vocals and of course a full of booty-shaking bass. His omni-tempo selection of music can range from downtempo, dnb, spacey dubstep, to chillout with no limitations on speeds or genre. Mannino is currently focused on the ‘Divinity Project’ which consists of different styles which are expressed, all with the intention to learn, grow, and expand though the experience through music. Each track is a sacred journey to a place that we all know of, from the depths of our souls, to the vessels in our hearts and mind. It’s so much more than just dancing, this is our reality and we are co - creating a beautiful place together. The Divinity expression is pure heart intentional, and will continue to drop tribal conscious bombs to come. Currently hosting Realeyes events at San Diego’s Kava Lounge, and a resident with Elev8US and ElectriCocoon. See Mannino perform at these upcoming events: Realeyes Presents: Techno Tuesdat with guests from Zenon Records and Alex Ortiz, Divinity DanceJam Listen to some of his live sets here: Live at V Elements Festival^^ Live at Burning Man You and me are leaves from the same tree, divinity.


Cascada(CAS-CAH-DA) is making a sharp impression on the American charts with her hit single “Everytime We Touch” from the debut album of the same name. With its aggressive and energetic dance-pop beat, “Every time We Touch” stands out from its Top 40 counterparts. Cascada’s dramatic and passionate vocals add a fine polish to this package alongside DJ/producers, DJ Manian and Yanou, who provide the musical backing. “Everytime We Touch” has been impressing CHR/Pop radio stations across

the country - climbing up their play lists, even on stations that usually turn down dance songs. It’s a bright contrast to all the rap and R&B dominating radio, and music listeners are taking notice.

DJ Lakshmi

DJ Lakshmi (Julio.C Andujar) is a CubanSpanish American Artist, Producer and Designer also known as “the Cuban” or “Macario Galan”, from San Diego, California . Andujar’s music combines elements of World Music, Kirtan or Hindu Devotional Chanting, Electronic Dance and Urban genres. First exposed to the music industry through hip-hop music production and ghost writing in Hollywood Dj Lakshmi originally produced politically motivated gangsta rap with brothers Mellowman Ace, Senn Dogg of Cypress Hill, Latin Thug Records and many other notable of LA MC’s at age 18. Finding himself aligned with legendary West Coast Dance Event promoters WeAreOne (Narnia,Superstar Freaks,Earthdance) American DJs like UNKUT, Nemo and DJ Ras while teaming up with UK Legends NICO, the Usual Suspects, Fierce, and Dom and Roland he began freely releasing his own American Drum and Bass albums throughout Southern California and Miami under “The Cuban” moniker. While becoming more influenced by karma, Bhakti and Eastern thought he subsequently founded music education programs for at risk youth in both San Diego, CA (Epicentre & Garfield High School) and New York City, NY (Bread & Roses High School/Radio1Harlem).

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992 v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 2 5


And over the years he has begun began to reflect more spiritual and philanthropic themes in his art and life. A divinely guided pilgrimage and eventual long term move to Hawaii brought together a powerful affinity toward knowledge of native Hawaiian cultural practices along with a deep sentiment and respect for the struggles of the native Hawaiians. Most notably The Cuban/Dj Lakshmi’s artistic persona has shifted publicly from a culture of gun toting violence and braggadocio to the annals of self-inquiry and peaceful liberation. Commercially, Andujar has done Sound Design for clients such as MTV,I nterscope Records, Cleopatra Records, Boeing, ChronicMusic, PBS, Curtis Birch and the History Channel. He has used a number of different pseudonyms and band names (theCuban, TFOL, the Cuban Link, Macario Galan, Julio C, Julio Gautama and Dj Lakshmi) and has worked in different styles on labels including Interscope Records, Universal, WeAreOne Recordings, and Cleopatra Records. Dj Lakshmi is known as a fixture on the California Yoga Beat and festival scene performing all original contemporary devotional, house and other forms of devotional bass music. He most recently performed as a resident for the Sacred Space Village at Black Rock City, NV at the Burning Man Festival in 2011 and served as Operations Coordinator of Yoga and Kirtan Mega Festivals “Bhaktifest” in Joshua Tree and the first Bhaktifest Midwest from 2011-2012 . Some of his professional musical credits include….Mellow Man Ace, Senn Dogg, Latin Thug Records, Matt Sorum (Guns and Roses/ the Cult), Prince, Boeing, MTV, Clear Channel, M-Audio, Radio1Harlem, Epicentre (SD), Islands Resteraunts, Thor Mx, Hot Wheels(Mattel), A&E Television Networks, DC Shoes and a host of others. Dj Lakshmi is an operator of the Forces of Light and also performs at yoga studios, Kirtans, international raves, festivals and concerts. As soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. –Ram Dass

Shakti Bliss

Twisting luscious old time jazz, swing and lounge tunes with fidgety up-tempo house beats she has created a genre of her own called “Dirty Electro Swing”. Think Betty Boop meets Burning Man with a ridiculously romantic ending. Following a passionate career as a performance artist and fire dancer with a touch of burlesque, Shakti Bliss began DJ-ing and producing music after some friends convinced her to put a set together for an Erotic Circus Ball in 2008. When the final beat dropped and the packed house went wild, she immediately started getting booked with some of her favorite

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live circus groups such as Beats Antique, The Yard Dogs Road Show, The Edwardian Ball and The Lucent Dossier Experience. Granddaughter of virtuoso banjo player Gil Snyder, who was featured on the Ed Sullivan show and was rumored to have run with “The Rat Pack.” And along with her grandmother who sang, danced and MC’d for the USO during the war, Shakti Bliss has old timey vaudeville entertainment in her blood! Dressed to the nines with polka dots ablaze at every show, Miss Bliss exudes her flirtatiously addictive pleasure for 1930s swing culture with a fun loving modern sexy edge. Her unique live mash-ups and remixes keep the dance floor swinging with a bohemian flair and unavoidable banging bass music. Occasionally it gets dirty and then suddenly goes romantic again. She also has a stuffed monkey sidekick who is destined to be the world’s most famous non-human DJ star. At the end of every DJ set, Shakti is well known for playing an acoustic vintage love song from the 20s; La Vie En Rose is a favorite and proceeds to jump into the crowd and slow dances with her fans. Sound techs love her because she calls them “darling” and cares more about the audience’s sensitive eardrums than being a douche-bag and blowing the subwoofers. She is also one of the few wedding DJ’s out there that can satisfy both Grandma and the kids with savvy remixes of Dean Martin going four to the floor.

DJ IDeaL Armed with original productions, exclusive mixes, and events on multiple continents, DJ IDeaL is hurdling fast toward the goal of spreading his music worldwide. Two new residencies have been earned by the Mexico City native this year. Guacara Taina i.e. “The Cave” in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, along with Avalon Hollywood–the legendary venue where the Beatles played their first American concert. In addition, he will be continuing with the biggest true dance music festival in the USA, playing at Ultra Music Festival for the 8th time in 2013 and Life In Color 2013. (formerly Dayglow which he originally brought to the West Coast). This summer is shaping up with some exciting dates in and around the hot spots of Southern California. Dates include Fluxx, Voyeur, Contact in Ensenada Mexico, Bassmnt, Stingaree, Scottsdale, Salt Lake City, SD Bacon Fest and a few more mixed in between. Some events include production partner J-Break, as they are confirmed to play a live main stage set at San Diego Pride’s Festival later this month. Presently they are promoting their recent releases including I Need You featuring Vanity Police. An original track with House Music legend Eddie Amador released on Tiestö’s Black Hole Recordings. Most recently, a remix for Jessica Sutta’s Again out on Citrusonic Recordings. (presently charting #15 on the Billboard Play Chart.) Lastly, he has created the “ZDM” brand with U.K.’s own Tristan D on Z90.3FM. This show is a heatseeker. Taking off as the hottest new mix show in SD, they have some events planned around this brand that will take you out of this world–literally. A big room DJ, he loves to interact with the crowd and is great with the fans. Look for his new “DJ IDeaL” glow-in-the-dark and black light shirts now available. He is known to throw them from the decks out in the middle of his sets! So if you’re ready to hear the latest in EDM, check out the links below and catch him on one of these dates. Maybe you’ll even get the t shirt! 
Check out more of his


Their great variety is also proved by the highly acclaimed compilations like “so8os [so eighties]” which pays tribute to the original club mixes of the 80s or “Milchbar” and “Chilltronica” where they bring the listener new soundscapes of downbeat music.

upcoming shows and info below:
 Social: IDeaLdj id606663284

Blank & Jones Blank & Jones have been hugely important in the history of electronic music. They started in 1997 with their debut “Sunrise” and were one of the main originators of trance music with artists like Tiesto and Paul Oakenfold. During their carrer they never knew any musical boundaries and worked with famous pop stars like Robert Smith (The Cure), Bernard sumner (New Order), Sarah Mc Lachlan, Pet Shop Boys and Keane to name just a few. Their sound evolved with the years and so did their Worldwide success. To date they released 11 artist albums, which all charted in the sales charts and cover such various styles like Electronica, Ambient, Lounge, Pop, Trance and Dance Music. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 27

CONTINUED How do we change the reel in our mental theater? One of the ways to do this is to literally write a new story. Narrative therapists and other psychologists have used this technique for decades–finding ways for clients to reframe their experiences in a more empowering light. It is also possible to radically rewrite memories–even including fantastical elements. The point is not to go into denial; what you’re doing is rewriting patterns of light and information in both your neural pathways and your energetic field. Our brains and energy fields then begin to support us in a positive identity. So if you have a memory of graduating from high school alone, with no family there to cheer, you can get into your time machine–which looks just like a computer or a pen–and write a new story. In your new version of the memory you might include loving supportive family, clapping and waving. Perhaps Einstein was there to congratulate you, maybe you received a pet unicorn for your graduation gift–the story can be as realistic or fantastical as you wish. In some philosophies, like A Course in Miracles, there is the belief that anything that is not love, is not real. Thus, if you rewrite your life in a loving fashion, this could actually be more real than what you believe happened, no matter how over the top it may seem. One way to make these stories even more powerful is to use sensory detail. Recent neurological research has revealed that the parts of the cortex responsible

Would You Like to Share A Retreat Cabin on Palomar Mountain? Hello my name is Sydney and I am the publisher of Vision Magazine. I am seriously looking for a partner in a cute cabin on Palomar Mountain. It is a very spiritual place and although rustic has huge potentional. It is a retreat and a sanctuary. $550 per month and we can make changes as we progress. Lovers of trees and rocks are essential. An honest person would be ideal. If you have a four wheel drive even better.

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for specific senses light up on an MRI when reading words like “mint” or “yellow” or “scratch.” The brain does not make a major distinction between reality and fiction---the same areas of the sensory cortex are stimulated. You don’t have to stop at rewriting the past; you can also take your laptop time machine to the future and pre-write some happy memories, paving the way for positive experiences which have not yet occurred. By observing our stories and writing new ones, our tales of tragedy and limitation lose their grip on us; we become less attached to them. This loosening can create subtle or dramatic change in our life right now–changing our perspective about ourselves and expanding our ideas about what we believe is possible. Remember, the subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between a “real” memory or something you made up–and, in a way, you’re making it all up. Tamara Guirado is a creativity specialist born close enough to Disneyland to see the fireworks. Her short story “Dog Children” was included in Best New American Voices 2005 and her short story “Above Asmara” won a Robie McCauley Award from StoryQuarterly and was subsequently included as a Special Mention in the 2009 Pushcart Prize Anthology. She practices energy healing and Quantum Story in Encinitas, CA and via Skype.


Contact In The Desert Continued from page 6

Giorgio A Tsoukalos

when the meteors will appear to “rain” into the desert sky from the constellation Perseus, rising in the northeast sky around 11pm. The Joshua Tree Retreat Center offers a fantastic viewing experience due to the desert location. Attendees are encouraged to bring telescopes and lawn chairs. The Perseid meteor shower offers up to 60 meteors an hour under spectacular summer skies. In addition to the panels, lectures and natural phenomena included with the weekend pass attendees are able to purchase passes for workshops from 15 of the top UFO experts. The Joshua Tree Retreat Center, located at 59700 29 Palms Highway, Joshua Tree, CA is the perfect setting for Contact in the Desert. While the center’s on site housing is sold out, nearby hotels the Yucca Valley Travel Lodge, the High Desert Motel, 29 Palm’s Best Western Gardens and the Joshua Tree Inn are offering special rates for attendees. Additionally the center offers a variety of meal plan options for the event. Tickets for the three day event August 9-11are $225 in advance (or $400 per couple) and are available along with workshop passes at http://www.contactinthedesert. net/tickets/. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 2 9

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CRYSTAL COMPANY. Tobias & Alysha Wholesale Crystal Company is a conscious business seeking outside sales reps! WE provide natural gifts, jewelry & décor items made of scared stones, crystals & minerals to various retail sources, focusing on Southern California. We have seen our strongest sales & most consistent growth in the last 5 years and desire conscious individuals with integrity and enthusiasm to join our team.”

This is a commission based position. Please respond with your resume and a cover laetter stting why you feel you would be agood fit for this role. Sumissions without cover letters will not be considered, tobias & Alysha Wholesale Crystal Company tobiasalysha@veriszon. net.





Requirements: · Have metaphysical knowledge · Be on a path of personal growth · Have outside sales experience · Have an established territory or clients (Focus areas are Orange County, San Diego County)



can help you with your health issues. I have 35 years of experience in Natural Holistic Health practices. Save time and money! Learn what will work the best and quickest for you! Slow and reverse aging! rejuvanewhealth.yolasite.comrejuvanew@ Philip Jones / 310-713-1161

LIFE MENTOR Feeling overwhelmed by the challenges in your life? I can help. Together we can unravel the issues and find solutions!

I Judith Diana Winston YEARNING TO CONNECT more deeply with yourself and your heart’s purpose. Let me help guide you on your path. www. 11.13


MANIESTATION WORKSHOP Held by: The Holistic and Metaphysical Chamber of Commerce on June 8th at 9:30AM~2:00PM. Call for more daytes.

(27431 Enterprise Circle West Suite #102 Temecula, CA 92590)In our in-depth Manifestation workshop you will learn advanced techniques to: Create your reality, Make any desire a living thing, Learn how to visualize more creatively, Raise intelligence levels, Increase focus & concentration, Learn how to create CLEARLY defined goals, Banish any defeating or negative thoughts, Discover your life purpose, Improve your health, relationships, career and MORE! Jess Flores (951) 249-2718/Lacy Wysopal 619.249-4943.

MUSIC LESSONS SINGER AND GUITARIST, Myron Frame, is now booking dates to entertain your group, party, club or organization. Phone 619-795-6556 now.

PAST LIFE THERAPY HAVE YOU LIVED BEFORE? Discover your past life connections - what they can do for you. Release from guilts, habits. Gary 619.929.7815



SACRED TRANSFORMATIONS SCHOOL OF ENERGETIC HEALING ARTS. NEW 12 wk programs Reiki Level 1-2, Shamanic Healing Practices and more. 30 CEU’s for RN’s, L.Ac.’s,LCSW’s:SACREDTRAN SFORMATION.NET or 619-204-0504 for more info. REIKI 4 DEGREE HEALERS’ MASTER, LEADER #9 Master Lineage with Founder Usui Mikao. Healing from afar in seconds: Feeling,visualizing Samadhi Transend All You, change, condition before born...An Chan 619-792-2683 chan. an66@yahoo. com

Call (619) 440-5224

RENTALS RENT ROOM AT EYE OF BUDDHA for Meditation, Yoga, Massage etc. Check for Tarot, Reiki, Energy Healing, Psychic Reading and Feng Shui.www. or 619- 296-1150



UNDO YOUR SEPARATION FROM YOUR HIGHER SELF/God by releasing your egos negative thoughts, patterns and attachments to others. Surrender to your spiritual support. See results quickly! Linda Sullivan 760.500.5466 Sessions by phone or in person.

PSYCHIC Spiritual life coach, tarot card readings, palm readings, third eye experiences, aura cleansings, past life healings, assistance with breaking through limits and barriers all reasonably priced call 323-466-71909 or email visions31@gmail. com Miss Angelina psychic advisor Specializing in love & relationships stops. Divorce and brake up. Meditation cleansings 1 free question 714-582-9159 ARE YOU A REBEL WITH A CAUSE? Psychic readings by Lisa, the Punk Rock Psychic. See punkrockpsychic. com for details. PSYCHIC HEALINGS We at Celestial Healings are not “fortune tellers” but highly trained professionals that read and move energy on your behalf call619-5492767 for appointment in Lake San Marcos.



SOUL RETRIEVALS, PSYCHIC EXTRACTIONS, CROSSING OVER AND GRIEF WORK For more info go to SACREDTRANSFORMATION.NET or call 619.204.0504. SPIRITUAL HEALINGS CELESTIAL HEALINGS A touch from God to help you heal and live your best life ever, Lake San Marcos 760-717-4751.

SPIRITUAL LIFE COACH TAROT CARDS, PALM READINGS third eye openings, cleansings, past life healings, breaking limits and barriers 323466- 7109

Reach thousands! Advertise on our Monthly E-newsletter only $50/month! v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 3 3


YOGA Quantum Yoga Free Seminar Ron Arciaga www. 310.577.8660




SPIRITUAL HEALINGS CELESTIAL HEALINGS A touch from God to help you heal and live your best life ever, Lake San Marcos

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Accurate / Reliable / Professional On-Going Spiritual Development Classes 3 4 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m

Undo your separation from your Highest Self/God by releasing your egos negative thoughts, patterns and attachments to others. Surrender to your spiritual support. See results quickly! Linda Sullivan Sessions by phone or in person.


PSYCHIC PALMIST OF INDIA – PROFESSOR SASI “Etched in your palms are clues to your character, goals and destiny. Once you understand these messages, you can fulfill your potential for a richer and fuller life.” Born in India to one of the world’s most respected psychic palmists, Professor Sasi expands on his family’s seven generation legacy. Combining psychic, intuitive and healing abilities with ancient Eastern wisdom, Professor Sasi studies your palm, empowering you to achieve your greatest potential. PALMISTRY SESSIONS • MEDITATION GATHERINGS • SANSKRIT MANTRA CLASSES

(310) 397-2405 • (310) 842-6087 •




Sunday Services on the science of yoga meditation and successful living






T O P I C S ~ J U LY 2 0 1 3

The teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda

July 7 Kriya Yoga Meditation: The Spiritual

San Diego Temple 3072 1st Avenue 619.295.0170

July 14 The Source of Lasting Happiness

Encinitas Temple 939 Second St. 760.436.7220

Science of God-Realization

July 21 The Spiritual Art of Getting Along With Others July 28 What Is the Soul?

Self-Realization Fellowship

Services every Sunday at

9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Y O G A N A N D A – S R F. O R G

Reach thousands! Advertise on our Monthly E-newsletter only $50/month! Call today 1-866-804-8444 v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 3 5

Calendar Of Events Angel

caught on NASA film

NASA footage, 10/15/12

According to Benjamin Creme’s Master, at the request of the Master Jesus an Angel half the size of earth made themself visible moving towards the sun - NASA cameras filmed the event. Learn more about this, the World Teacher Maitreya and Jesus’ presence in the world: Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave San Diego & 6:30pm 2nd Thursday of month Philosophical Library 1330 E Valley Pkwy #G Escondido Serve Humanity through Transmission Meditation (619) 531-0773

Line Listings are 20 words for only $20! Each additional word is only .50¢/word. Introductory Offer: Prepay for 3 ads and get the 4th free. Prepay for 6 ads and get a FREE standard 2x2 display ad. Large vertical ads (2 x 3.25) are $159. Standard size (2x2) ads are $135. Discounts for multiple issues. Call today at 866.804.8444 or Visa & MC accepted. Deadline is JULY 23

JULY Sunday, July 14 –28 EXPERIENCE SUNBURST Sunday, July 14 – Sunday, July 28 Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this two-week program. Live, meditate and serve with Sunburst community members and fellow participants amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Learn activities that promote Earth stewardship. The transformational Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation technique will be taught at the end of the two-week session. Camping available. 805.736.6528. Experience Sunburst
Sunday, July 14 – Sunday, July 28
Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this two-week program. Live, meditate and serve with Sunburst community members and fellow participants amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Learn activities that promote Earth stewardship. The transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation technique will be taught at the end of the two week session.
 Camping available.

July 20 SATURDAY LIVING THE DREAMS THAT MAKE YOUR HEART SING Keynote Speaker: Jake Ducey, Author of Into the Wind Hilton Garden Inn, Carlsbad Beach. 9 am to 5 pm Door Prizes. Inspirational Speakers. $37 through July 15th. $55 at the door. or call 760-5176303. July 20-August 24, Sat BECOME YOUR OWN INTUITION COACH WITH VOYAGER TAROT. Learn Tarot basics and more in only 6 weeks, including creating your own spreads, with Certified Voyager Teacher Barbara Schiffman. Burbank. Info: 818-4153479,, 3 6 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m

Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28 - Discover the healing power of your own personal relationship with the Divine. Learn Sunburst Kriya meditation, or refresh your practice by attending again! Energize your spiritual journey among a gathering of loving, like-minded souls. Explore conscious practices to integrate and ground your inner experience in your daily life. Beautiful vegetarian meals, pranayama yoga, enriching classes and quiet time will be provided to support the transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation initiation. Camping available. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One
Lompoc CA www.SunburstOnline. orgontact info: 805-736-6528

JULY 26-28 Fri-Sun

AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION Weekend in Burbank/ LA with Barbara Schiffman. Access your Soul’s energy-archive for yourself and others with Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer; learn Akashic Past Life Healing Tools. Info/Registration 818.415.3479 www. Awaken the Light Within: Kriya Meditation Retreat Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28 Discover the healing power of your own personal relationship with the Divine. Learn Sunburst Kriya meditation, or refresh your practice by attending again! Energize your spiritual journey among a gathering of loving, like-minded souls. Explore conscious practices to integrate and ground your inner experience in your daily life. Realize the inner teachings of the Christ. Beautiful vegetarian meals, pranayama yoga, enriching classes and quiet time will be provided to support the transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation initiation. Camping available.

SATURDAY AUGUST 10 YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH – 2013 Southern California Tour Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality, Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation San Diego - Healing & Enlightenment Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free) Sat. Aug 10 7-9 pm, Seaside Center of Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj

August 11 - SUNDAY YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH – 2013 Southern California Tour Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality, Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation San Diego - Kundalini Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Sun. Aug 11 5-9 pm, Seaside Center of Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj

AUGUST 17 - SATURDAY YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH – 2013 Southern California Tour Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality, Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Los Angeles - Healing & Enlightenment Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free)
Sat. Aug 17, 7-9 pm, Los Angeles Airport Marriott, 5855 W Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj

AUGUST 18 - SUNDAY YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH – 2013 Southern California Tour Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality, Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Los Angeles - Kundalini Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with

Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Sun. Aug 18, 5-9 pm, Los Angeles Airport Marriott, 5855 W Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or or www.


FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19 YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH – 2013 Southern California Tour Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality, Learn Scientific Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation San Diego - California New Life Awakening - Kundalini Kriya Yoga Retreat with Yogiraj Siddhanath Fri Sep 19-Sep. 22th, 3pm to 6pm Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA, USA Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or or www.




HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR, 10 AM-7 PM. Free psychic, health, art fair. Yoga for Your Eyes workshop, panels, speakers, etc. 1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free parking in lot/along streets. Exhibitors wanted! (408)448-6726;

OCTOBER Oct 24-28

Bodywriting® Retreat for Women: 5-Day Expressive Arts Retreat Mabel Dodge Luhan House Taos, NM Contact Pamela: pamela@pamelaunderwood. com


ART SAN DIEGO Contemporary Art Fair November 7-10, 2013 Balboa Park | 2145 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Opening Night (Nov. 7th): $75 / Benefits the Museum of Contemporary Art San 3-Day Pass: $15 / Online http:// 3-Day Pass: $20 / Door About ART SAN DIEGO: ART SAN DIEGO 2013 Contemporary Art Fair, with presenting sponsor UBS Financial Services will present its fifth edition in Balboa Park, November 7 – 10th 2013. This year’s event will feature over 60 galleries from around the world, bringing some of the world’s most intriguing artists to San Diego to showcase contemporary art, furniture design, and modern art.

ONGOING THEOSOPHY CL ASS IN JULIAN/SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 www. Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for pgoram. www. Vicente @ 23rd St. - San Francisco


Sunday Fellowship Meditation Every Sunday! 10:30 AM Enjoy live, spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, quiet meditation, fellowship and a delicious vegetarian brunch. Call regarding childcare options. Gate will be open by 9:45 AM. Email: (805) 736-6528

MONDAYS FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www. MyIntuition.Net Mondays July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3.

SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco.


THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/ SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 theosophy@theosconf. org Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS

HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA . 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis.

PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS with 7th-generation PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Also offered: Meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting; puja prayer ceremonies. 310-397-2405 /310-842- 6087 ;; www.


Sunday Fellowship Meditation 10:30 AM Enjoy live, spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, and quiet meditation followed by a delicious vegetarian meal. Every Sunday! Call regarding childcare options. www. Email: ContactUs@ SunburstOnline. org (805) 736-6528

v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m

Wednesday Evening Yoga and Meditation Yoga: 6 – 7:30 PM; Quiet Meditation: 7:30 – 8 PM, Sunburst Sanctuary Allow yourself to feel the peace within during a yoga class followed by an optional quiet meditation. Email: ContactUs@SunburstOnline. org (805) 736-6528


LEARN TO HEAL WITH YOUR HANDS THROUGH REIKI. Classes include manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice and certification. American Reiki Academy 310- SILENT MEDITATION Deepen your practice in the healing energy of Sunburst. Come and go quietly on the hour. Please call ahead for gate code. Saturdays, 6 – 9 AM Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One Lompoc CA www.SunburstOnline. org 805-736-6528

v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 37

What is your Vision? by Michael Peter Langevin


ision Magazine has been being printed and distributed for sixteen years that is verging on two hundred issues. In the recent year it has gradually been redesigning and repositioning itself with a wide array of staff and contributors help. I was brought on as Development Coordinator to accelerate that process. Trevor Watson is acting Art Director, acting as he always does, to create a more Modern visage. Roger Martinsen was added as Contributing Editor to broaden our scope and readership. Matt Haydon is our Multimedia Director to increase our web presence and social networking. Patrick Haize was made the Ambassador at Large to network in wider circles and find the world altering people and materials to include. We have also added Spanish articles to reach out to the Latino community, which are essential to world transformation. The previous three issues to this one you are reading have been radically different from everything, which has come before. Yet we have attempted to keep the essence and some of the feel of the previous issues and most definitely we have attempted to maintain the original intent, which is a Catalyst for Conscious Living maintaining our integrity and yes our Vision of the magazine. The world is transforming at an ever-increasing rate. We have added more color and different editorial topics. Vision Magazine wants to be the place where people turn to track the most positive of the world changing changes that are occurring. These are just the beginning stages of the growth, evolution, expansion and changes we have planned for Vision Magazine. We feel Vision’s continued success for sixteen years has been due to the strong and verbal support of the extended Vision Community. We need all of you now

more than ever! What do you think of our redesign and repositioning and changes? What do you like best looking at what we have done and what did you like the least? Where do you think we should go with future changes? What would you like covered in future issue? How would you change the website? Have you subscribed (Free for now) to our re-launched monthly email newsletter? What do you think that should deal with in depth each month? Here is a survey we would like you to fill out it will be posted online as well. But do not stop by filling it out write us emails and submit your ideas and short less than 557 word articles to be considered for the print and newsletter of for Vision Magazine. Thank you all for being an important part of the planetary transformation. Survey Vision Magazine If you are one of the first 25 to fill out this survey and email or mail it back to the Vision Magazine office you will receive a free Tarot reading from Vision Magazine’s new Development Coordinator and author Michael Peter Langevin. Even if it is July and you find this survey we want your response. Where did you get your issue of Vision Magazine? Is that where you usually pick it up?

What articles did you get the least from? What do you think of the advertising? What advertisement excites you? What advertisement do you think should be dropped? What themes do you think we should have in the future? What would you change about Vision Magazine if you could? Have you ever gone to If so what suggestions do you have how we should expand or improve our site? What is your spiritual Path? What is your creative path? What are your sexual expressions? Experiences? What was your most favorite thing you have found in Vision Magazine over the years? How do you think Vision Magazine should change or expand to better serve you and our other readers?

Why do you pick it up? What do you like most about Vision Magazine? What do you like least about Vision Magazine? What articles in this issue did you get the most out of?

3 8 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m

What would you like the staff of Vision Magazine to know that we might not? email us at:

We make your passion more profitable! Vision Magazine would love to assist you with your Online Marketing, Video, Print & Web Design needs.

We offer various packages including: Graphic Design, Online Reputation Management, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Custom Web Design & Development, Application Development, Marketing & E-Mail Campaigns Call The Vision Technical Department

866.804.8444 v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • J u l y 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 3 9

Please Allow Me To Guide Them Home . . . There is a place where most of us don't want to go into the world of the earthbound spirits that are around us. What I have learned from Devin Grace is that most of these spirits are disoriented, lost, and seeking assistance home. Many spirits are beloved friends, lovers and family members who have left their bodies but not the earth plane. If you have recurring issues or ailments that just don't seem to shift or heal, it’s time to consider Spirit Releasement with Devin Grace. This work is important and relevant. The importance of this work cannot be discounted. – Sydney Murray, Publisher - Editor in Chief, Vision Magazine

with Devin Grace, MA I love this work! Spirit Releasement and Depossession is a stunning, light-filled and powerful healing process. There is nothing else like it – the client benefits, the spirit benefits, the world benefits from each release. - Devin Grace

Spirit Release & Clinical Depossession Training Available throughout California, Hawaii, New York 2013–2014 -Physicians, Psychiatrists, PsychologistsAll Medical Professionals are invited to learn a new way of assisting even their most difficult and puzzling patients. Individual or Small Group Practitioner Trainings The healing you can offer through Spirit Release and Clinical Depossession is unparalleled. Contact For Training Locations and More Information

4 0 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J u l y 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m


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