Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath World Tour 2013
v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • A u g u s t 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 1
UFOs: A New Age Dawns The Forces of Light are gathering. Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, has begun his open mission -to inspire the complete transformation of our planet -with the help of our Space Brothers and Sisters.
Hear about the great changes ahead for all life in: An afternoon with Dick Larson Saturday, August 31, 3:00 pm Santa Monica Main Library Martin Luther King Auditorium 601 Santa Monica Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405 Free admission
Information: 818-785-6300
Note: This program is not sponsored by the Santa Monica Public Library.
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inside this issue
Reclaiming The Saints
Visionary Artist Donna Johansen
DJ Skrillex
Santa Muerta
Yogiraj Siddanth
The world is changing Southern California and Northern Mexico are the cauldron where many of the most positive world enhancing changes are boiling up. Vision Magazine exists to shine light on ideas and actions people are developing which are destined to transform the entire planet and how humanity thinks, creates, eats, grows, and lives. If you want to keep up on those changes or better yet be part of those changes become part of Vision Magazine’s extended family. Get us your ideas and insights, tell others about what we are doing and stay connected.
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Reclaiming the Saints
By Frank DeMarco I’ve heard it way too many times: “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.” We need to get beyond this. Many people who don’t like materialism, and who are comfortable speaking of “the universe,” or “all that is,” or of Hindu gods, or Buddhist abstractions, are not comfortable saying, simply, God. It is as if it would be a moral defeat, a concession to the religion that, when they were younger, they had “shoved down their throat.” (Shoved down their throat, sure. For every minute of religious instruction they received, think how many hours of commercial indoctrination and political or ideological group-think they complacently or approvingly sat through.)
Hear this just once: The only specifically Western spiritual tradition is Christianity, and for Westerners, as for anyone, the spiritual tradition that offers the deepest insights and the greatest spiritual potential is the one they are born into. It is all well and good to be “spiritual,” but if we are going to influence society to see reality in a new way, and if we are going to reinforce each other while living in the dying old culture, we need to work together. And that is the basis of religion, people working together to help each other live new understandings, Two thousand years of spiritual insight is not something to be thrown lightly overboard. For example, consider the biographies of the saints, men and women who often exhibited the most extraordinary gifts
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of healing, foreknowledge (prophecy), and command over the elements. Materialists, who know nothing of such things, can easily dismiss these stories as tales told to the superstitious by liars or fools. But many who have delved more deeply into the nature of human abilities will recognize these powers and abilities. And if we cannot dismiss the miracles (because of our own personal experience and that of those we trust) how can we dismiss the lives as fantasy? The saints were chosen by the church to be role models for the faithful. Another way to look at it is that they were considered to be representatives of specific human traits, or vocations, or situations. But, in effect, the saints as real live human beings of extraordinary attainments have been privatized by the
church and abandoned by those outside the church. Can we remain ignorant of the lives of the saints and still have a balanced picture of our past? And on the other hand, do we have to accept everything about the lives of the saints that the church believes? How do we reclaim the saints as role models? I don’t know the answer, but I do know that saying “I’m spiritual, not religious” leaves the larger portion of the West’s spiritual heritage walled off and inaccessible, and contributes to the spiritual sickness eating away at the Western world. Frank DeMarco is the author of many books on spiritual and psychic selfdevelopment, among them The Cosmic Internet.
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El culto a la Santa Muerte Devotos de la Santa Muerte asistir a su práctica encendiendo velas y ofrendas que salen mientras recita oraciones, a menudo oraciones rituales, con la esperanza de recibir favores. Tales ofrendas basan en el simbolismo cristiano. Tequila, por ejemplo, es una representación del cáliz de Cristo. Una manzana representa el pecado original. Parece que hay una tradición acerca de qué tipo de ofertas son las adecuadas. Santa Muerte ha sido descrito como celoso de lo que las ofertas se entregan a ella. Sin embargo, los regalos que son de alguna manera personal o de acuerdo con otras ofrendas religiosas se consideran aceptables. Las ofertas no se les da de cualquier manera, no hay una receta y el ritual asociado con cada oferta, a fin de garantizar la concesión del efecto deseado. Ha belived por algunos de sus seguidores que ofrece el favorito de Santa Muerte son cuerpos mató recientemente. El origen del culto a la Santa Muerte es tan misteriosa y controvertida como la naturaleza de la propia secta. Algunos devotos afirman que el culto a la muerte ha existido en México por un máximo de tres mil años, después de haber sido transmitida de los progenitores de los mayas, zapotecos, totonacas y otros grupos indígenas hasta que se generalizó bajo los mexicas y los aztecas. Según la teoría, la cifra ahora representado por la Santa Muerte puede ser en realidad el legado de las devociones aztecas a Mictlantecuhtli y Mictecacíhuatl, el dios y la diosa de la muerte, respectivamente, los gobernantes del reino tenebroso submundo de Mictlán. Tradicionalmente se fueron retratados como esqueletos o personas con las cabezas esqueléticas. Ofrendas a los incluyeron las pieles de los sacrificios humanos. Ambos presuntamente comió los muertos. Ellos eran adorados por The Santa Muerta Cult Continues on page 36 El culto a la Santa Muerte, probablemente podría ser mejor descrito como un conjunto de prácticas rituales que se ofrecen en nombre de una personificación sobrenatural de la muerte. La personificación es mujer, probablemente debido a que la palabra española para la muerte, muerte, es femenino y, posiblemente, también por esta personificación es una especie de contrapartida a la Virgen de Guadalupe. Para los creyentes, la entidad que existe en el contexto de la teología católica y es comparable a otros seres puramente sobrenaturales, es decir, arcángeles. El culto consiste en oraciones, rituales y ofrendas, que se dan directamente a la Santa Muerte en la expectativa de y adaptados a la satisfacción de determinadas solicitudes. Estos tienen cierta semejanza con otras tradiciones. El origen del culto es incierto, ya que sólo se ha expandido recientemente. El culto parece estar estrechamente relacionado con el crimen, los delincuentes y las personas cuyas vidas se ven directamente afectados por la delincuencia. Los delincuentes parecen identificarse con la Santa Muerte y pedir al santo para la protección y el poder, aun cuando la comisión de delitos. Se adornan con sus parafernalia y la conviertan en el respeto que ellos no dan a otras entidades espirituales. La Diosa Santa Muerte La imagen de la muerte es un fenómeno generalizado en muchos aspectos de la cultura mexicana. Aunque la Santa Muerte es venerada en el Día de los Muertos, que parece ser un fenómeno distinto que emerge de una tradición independiente. El hecho es que la Santa Muerte es probablemente más de un rival con el pícaro santo Jesús Malverde, que a veces es glorificado en famosos narcocorridos mexicanos (posiblemente infame), o drogas baladas mexicanas, y que es adorada por los narcotraficantes mexicanos como un santo protector , especialmente en el estado mexicano de Sinaloa. Sus existencias y la historia también puede ser influencia o inspiración de las prácticas religiosas sincrónicos católico-africanos, como vudú haitiano, la santería cubana, brasileña o Palo Mayombe, con un poco de brujería arrojados a la mezcla. Las creencias asociadas con la su culto parecen ser relativamente consistente. v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • A u g u s t 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 7
Living Fearwards By Richard Moss, International Bestselling Author of Inside-Out Healing and The Mandala of Being ear is a sensation that we name according to the situation. If you are standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon, you speak of fear of heights: acrophobia. If you are in a crowded place the word is agoraphobia. There are a thousand names for fear, but only one sensation, which of course can be present in varying intensity. Throughout evolution, fear was our teacher of survival. It alerted us to danger. It told us be prepared. This was and remains the healthy aspect of fear. But today, at least in the developed world, we have relatively few threats from outside. Our greatest threats come from within us, from what we tell ourselves about others or our situation and the anxiety, insecurity, hate, or even terror those thoughts create. Our minds create fears by believing stories such as, «I›ll be all alone in my old age,» or «I won›t have enough money.» There is only one sensation of fear, but limitless stories that will arouse it in us. As long as there is a compulsive avoidance of any threatening or distressing feeling, fear unconsciously remains the god ruling our psychic life. Real transformation begins when you are able to bow before fear and acknowledge its power, but declare that it is no longer your god. At that moment you become the disciple of a new god: Awareness. Immediately, what awareness asks of you is to learn, to the best of your ability, to remain present and open even when there is fear. The sensation of fear is difficult to be with and when you cannot create a big space for it, the immediate tendency is to become self-involved. You contract in upon yourself, your head starts spinning more thoughts; your mind becomes strategic -»How do I regain control?» How do I get away from this feeling?» All that matters to you is your self-interest and you stop being caring to others and their needs. From a psychological point of view, the combination of fear and self-interest is probably the greatest threat facing humanity today. It poisons all relationships
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whether within marriages, families, business, politics, and international affairs. But there is no such thing as being safe; life is and will always be full of uncertainty. Nothing from the outside: no laws, no high tech inventions, no amount of guns, no leader, can make you truly safe. Only you can do that inside yourself. The terrible irony is that when fear intensifies self-interest to unhealthy levels this weakens healthy connections between people, which only leads to a sense of separation and even more fear. As soon as fear closes you down, you have reached the limit of your ability to love and grow. For example, as you risk building a new business, it will be fear, perhaps the fear of failure or even of success that might slow or even sabotage you. If you are in a relationship, it will be the fear of abandonment, or being a betrayer, or just a sense of insecurity that will make you pull back. To «live fearwards» --or sometimes I say «move fearwards»-- means that instead of being halted by fear you let fear become your teacher. You open yourself to the sensation of fear. You let yourself become vulnerable. You stop blaming others. You stop seeing threats and start seeing opportunities to awaken to greater consciousness. If we lived in a Harry Potter Universe, the wizard would wave her wand and say the incantation: «Fearwards!» Suddenly everyone on Earth has three times the capacity to be with fear and not become self-involved and self-protective. This means they have three times the ability to be vulnerable and not close their hearts. Instantly, there is a fraction as much greed and distrust, a fraction of the power struggles and conflicts. Instantly, there is three times more openness, three times more capacity for intimacy, three times more fairness, acceptance, and tolerance, and three times more love. The whole world changes in an instant and it is all tied to how we handle fear in ourselves. But let›s not wait for magic. Let›s learn to dance with fear. Here are a few ways to do so: When you feel fearful ask yourself: «What specifically am I telling myself that is creating this fear?» If you can see these thoughts are negative judgments, take five deep slow breaths and bring all your attention back to the present moment. Be present for every perception and every sensation. Repeat this over and over until the fullness of the present moment has filled your senses completely. As soon as
your attention moves into the Now, all thoughts and mind-made images will recede and the fearfulness will fade away. Then, if examining your stories suggests that there is an action you can take to properly address what must be done, commit yourself to act immediately. If the threatening feeling seems to be present without any thoughts to provoke it, then be very alert not to let the fearful feeling cause you to think stories like «My life is not working,» or «Something is wrong with me.» All thoughts born of fear either create more fear or they create imaginary hope, which is another kind of delusion. Instead, keep your full attention in the present and let yourself be spontaneously creative as you breathe into the fearfulness. You can let out sounds, or even dance a silly jig. This lays down new associations and new neural pathways in the brain that short-circuit the conditioned responses to fear. Keep breathing into the feeing and try not to label it with names like «unsafe» or «terrified.» At the same time, no matter how familiar the feeling may seem, pretend that you have never felt it before. Naming separates and puts you in the past and in your ego. Transmuting fear requires becoming one with it in the Now. This means also that you must let go of the future: Breathing into fear and dancing with it is not about getting rid of fear or gaining any desired outcome. It is about an unconditional relationship with fear so that fear becomes a doorway instead of a wall. You can even use the energy of fear with what I call the «Practice of Gratitude.» Instead of dwelling on fearful mental images and thoughts, say «Thank You» for every present-moment perception: the light you see, the colors, all the sounds, smells, and any sensation. Say «Thank You,» even for the feeling of fear itself. Keep expressing gratitude for everything that you are aware of or for anything whatsoever that comes into your mind and soon the fearful sensation will transform and perhaps become softness or even a smile on your face and in your heart. Living fearwards is something you and I and anyone can do as soon as we decide we would rather live in a loving world. Fear will never go away completely, but your capacity to be with it will grow, and steadily you will become a champion of openness and love.
Richard Moss is the Maestro of “Deep Work.” He teaches people how to delve deeply into their inner core so they can achieve a life of “Radical Aliveness,” Unconditional Love, and Real Inner Peace. For 37 years, this globally renowned physician-turned-master healer, international bestselling Hay House author, and workshop leader has been guiding people on profound journeys of self-inquiry and self-discovery that have transformed their relationship with themselves, with their loved ones and with the world. Moss’ work, outlined in two of his bestselling books Inside-Out Healing and the Mandala of Being, is centered in helping people achieve present moment awareness-and to clear away the beliefs, habits and thinking patterns that prevent them from living in a hyper-alive, joyful and loving state of being nearly all of the time. For more information and to learn about Richard’s October and November retreats, go to: www.richardmoss.com
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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992
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ASTROLOGY A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 F O R E C A S T Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. AdrienneAbeyta. By Adrienne Abeyta com. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or Adrienne@AdrienneAbeyta.com. Aries: Moon (8 of Wands) The storms of life, although scary benefit you in that they cleanse and wash the air you breathe. A storm’s fast approaching this month; this will bring to the surface issues you have either overlooked or avoided. No point to worry or prepare for this one because swiftly you will be forced to confront your liabilities, in particular your impatience and restlessness. Circumstances that have been nebulous suddenly reveal cracks and tarnishes. Take action in terms of cleaning them up or simply let them go. Finally, travel plans may go awry so, watch your temper and practice tolerance. Taurus: Hermit (9 of Swords) Life is a series of experiences in which we are constantly moving from one thing to the next. Suffering results when you fail to process what you’ve learned from those experiences. The mind needs to reflect on information to consolidate what’s valuable. Deep reflection is what facilitates this process. Wisdom is best attained when you can sift through all of your experiences, objectively, and find a common theme. This month the focus is on misery. Notice how you’re contributing to your problems and how they may actually be serving you. You’ll find that one problem is actually the buffer for another. Gemini: Magician (3 of Swords) Pain isn’t a choice but suffering is; the mental anguish you experience is proportionate to the resistance of accepting what’s occurred. Those who believe that the world’s happening to them, lose their capacity to initiate change, and as a result feel powerless. However, when you respond to challenges through the spiritual force of your resources, not only do you have more of an effect on the circumstance, you also gain more confidence in yourself. Equanimity is the spiritual resource you need to practice this month. Do not be victimized by mental negativity. Detach and you will see how to solve the dilemma.
Libra: Hierophant (King of Swords) Have you ever wondered how you came to believe what you do? Your outlook on the world is comprised by a collection of agreements. Most of which you’ve learned from others, like teachers, family, clergy or the media. Perhaps even some through your own analysis. Knowledge is meant to be relevant and fluid. When you’re stuck in your beliefs, you tend to think others are wrong and you’re right. This mentality doesn’t lead to wisdom because it provokes separation. To develop wisdom it’s beneficial to occasionally challenge your own beliefs and find value in opinions different than your own. Scorpio: World (10 of Cups) Happiness is a form of freedom earned through the practice of seeing the best in everything and everyone. This isn’t a superficial attempt at optimism but a deep reverence in the process of life. Naturally there are struggles, yet when you focus your attention on seeing the bigger picture, every challenge contains within it freedom. Peace of mind leads to happiness of heart. You deserve this. Your life is progressing perfectly on course and this month you’ll be blessed with an inner sense of ease, even if the outer world is turbulent. This isn’t a secret, so share it with others. Sagittarius: Tower (Ace of Pentacles) Life’s lessons often come unexpectedly. If you remain forever within the domain of comfort, how will you grow? Life equals adaptability, and adaptability requires change. The time of learning is seldom free from questioning and pain. Even more challenging is the cost of security. Consider how holding on to what you have is preventing you from growing. You will likely lose something of value this month but rather than become frustrated, prepare for what’s ahead. This shake-up is the catalyst to change, and if you can ride the waves, you’ll be guided to lessons that will serve you in the future.
Cancer: Devil (10 of Wands) Permanence will not guarantee security. In fact, striving for permanence leads to attachment which inevitably precludes your ability to feel joy. Nothing in life can escape change and yet most people are willing to sacrifice real success through a pseudo effort called productivity. You need to reevaluate what you invest your energy into because your motivations are slipping into darkness. Don’t be fooled by your own good intentions. Just because your actions are “good” by society’s standards, doesn’t mean you’re not hiding behind them. Notice how what once was a joyful act has become a burden of self-imposed obligation.
Capricorn: Sun (2 of Pentacles) The child within you might be fragile, but that child is also curious and unsullied by life’s vicissitudes. When you tend to that child’s fear without judgment, you create a resilience and confidence to face the world. Opportunities become present in the most confusing and stressful circumstances. Your ability to skillfully juggle life’s circumstances is born out of your acceptance of change. Your capacity to navigate successfully is directly related to your confidence, and that confidence must be nurtured like a child. Don’t be fooled though, failure is also an important ingredient of success. Without it you would remain naive.
Leo: Strength (5 of Pentacles) Worry, on the surface, seems like a nuisance. Ironically, worry is also a distraction that keeps the mind preoccupied with what is lacking. You’ve been extending far too much time either worrying or pretending not to worry. Either way your gratitude for life has diminished into a fraction of what is necessary to feel passionate. Stop complaining of what is missing and start living from a place of whole-hearted acceptance. Everyone has problems, yet those problems don’t need to define you or rob you of vitality. Be compassionate with yourself and find joy in the beauty that surrounds you.
Aquarius: Empress (7 of Swords) Growth is contingent upon your ability to endure the dualities of life. What brings security will eventually turn to complacency, freedom will become responsibility, passion will dissipate into indifference, and happiness will be replaced by gloom. If you allow yourself to be pingponged between these extremes, you will remain at the mercy of your ever-changing moods. Be like a gardener and tend to the messages yielded by these moods. When you feel gloomy, don’t avoid it, engage it and find out what it means. When your patience is tested, you must nurture your inner strength by confronting internal and external conflicts with openness.
Virgo: Lovers (5 of Wands) We choose the lives we lead. We choose happiness or sadness, success or failure, love or hate. Whether you’re conscious of this or not, you’re still making choices in every moment, and these choices determine the rhythm of your life. Life does unto you only what you allow it. More importantly, you cannot be forced into feeling anything without consenting to it. The current strife you are experiencing is prompting you to take responsibility for misguided actions. Take every opportunity to admit your mistakes. The benefit is heightened awareness of your personal power. This, in turn, will shape your attitude and eventually your destiny.
Pisces: Chariot (3 of Wands) Energy seeks expression, and you as the conductor, are liable for how this energy is related. The translation of this energy depends on how you use it. Be mindful of what drives you: success, dominance, love, power, connection? If you are the servant to your mind, you are merely a passenger. Instead you must be in charge of your emotions, vigilant of your reactions and the master of your destiny. You’ll be victorious this month as your confidence is contagious to others. You may also find yourself in an unexpected leadership position. Go with it. You’ll be surprised by what it generates.
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Dichotomy’s Universal Existence
by Tomas Loarca
ecently I came upon great truth and light that refreshed my memory and brought about new concepts and ideas in the realm of attainment of wants and desires. I was living in a state of abundance and excitement due to the possibilities available to me and my family. The opportunities seemed endless and there seemed to be no end to this frame of mind in which I saw the world as my oyster. Shortly after this powerful feeling came into my life, another significant idea assailed me, saying, “I can’t do this; I am a failure.” This was followed by anger and a fear of the great power and responsibility given to those who have the understanding to attain their desires. Within one week, these opposing thoughts gripped me tightly and I experienced bodily reactions to both. One was quite pleasant and liberating while the other was negative and constricting. Both of these thoughts, whether real or not, were self-fulfilling because of the turmoil they brought into my existence. Both were true to a certain extent, but created conflict within my psyche. While I was I was in my angry & fearful state of mind, I ran across a quote on my co-worker’s daily calendar. Roughly paraphrasing, it stated: “Negative thoughts are like a fog entering every crevice of the mind which remains and spreads unless a conscious effort of positive thoughts replace the fog like sun light which burns off the lingering damp curtain. “ This thought was poignant to me and immediately changed my conflicted feelings of aggravation to ones of peace and happiness. I realized that I was remaining in my pessimistic attitude because I was not utilizing the power of my positive thoughts to guide me out of the dark night of negativity. For the remainder of the day, I felt light and free of fear and doubt. This was a dichotomy I was experiencing. How many of us experience opposites in this fashion? How many dichotomies exist in the universe? These opposites or contradictions are everywhere and sometimes imbue individuals with feelings of unbelief or hopelessness. Dichotomies are not necessarily bad; they are just simply part of this earthly experience with the opportunity to offer great insight. The universe is full of mystery and there is no way at this time at our current existence to understand every imaginable facet. We question dichotomies because it’s hard to understand how opposing notions can both be true. Human nature often finds the individual being in the right over its own ideas. Anything in opposition threatens the ego thereby causing the individual to reject the opposing idea because it is perceived as “wrong.” This often happens with subjects that are taboo in polite company (for example, religion and politics.) Each side postulates that they are right and the other side is in error. These polarizing topics can make friends into enemies within seconds as neither side is able to accept or concede the other’s ideas or notions. Consider the concept that both sides are correct!! How can this be? There can be only one way!! Not so fast my friend, consider the strength that comes in being open to the other side and seeing the truth in both ideas. Truth is universal and everywhere waiting to be found. One who is truly enlightened will be able to sit and contemplate dichotomies and differences of opinion as truth or a possible truth. One notion that I have difficulty consistently accepting is the idea of things going the way they are meant to go. I have seen this reaffirmed many times, but I often forget those comforting experiences and allow fear or regret to creep back into my mind. Most recently I was reminded of the guidance of the universe when I was with a foster youth who has not seen his absent mother in over six months. As we walked into a fast food restaurant for ice
cream his mother was in the establishment eating. She yelled the name of the child and gave the child a hug. This was a significant moment for both the child and the parent. The timing and location were no mere coincidence. They were meant to meet that day. It allowed healing to occur between both parties. It was a touching and memorable experience for all involved. Even with this strong re-enforcer I still go back and forth between thinking I am in control and that things go the way they are meant to be. The battle rages in my mind between the two thoughts, or at times one thought is stronger than the other. However, contentment comes when I accept both ideas and live my life in a way that allows things to go the way they are meant to, but also by trying to bring the best things into my life for myself, family, and community. Acceptance of both philosophies gives me excitement and inspiration. I would say these emotions are a good gauge to know the truth of things. If the idea or thought inspires you and fosters creativity, love, and peace, it is surely something valuable of light and truth. My friends, I would implore you to look at your life, view the dichotomies that exist around you and build bridges using ALL the truth and light that is available. If other’s political, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs do not jive with yours, look for the truth in what they are saying and attempt to see their point of view. Remember when you are at odds with your own thoughts, to check if both could possibly be true. If your opposing thoughts do not inspire you or foster creativity, love, and peace, then perhaps it is a view you can reassess for the desirable fruit of truth and light. Tomas Loarca is the author of A Possible Reality: Carlos Loarca Artist and Muralist. He is an adoption social worker with a focus in community and relationship development. He can be reached at apossiblereality@gmail.com or followed @APossibleReality
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Living in the Supermind By Maurie D. Pressman, M.D. This was, dare I say a thought provoking book. Which of us would not want to live in heightened Super-Consciousness? Which one of us would not like to have our minds work on a higher more expanded level? Dr. Pressman presents how the mind is like the body, in that if we exercise it with a consistent approach of meditation, visualization, focus exercises and the intention of making our minds a better oiled tool its capabilities are near infinite. We each have at our disposal the abilities to experience the enormous power of Love and to manifest inner knowing and the ability to self heal from any illness, injury or disease. Humanity tends to be untrained, uninformed and undisciplined. We might pray for miracles, hope for life improvements and dream of better day to day experiences but we do not work to develop the ways of thinking and focusing to bring them into our consistent experiences. Dr. Pressman explores in this book how to tap into our unlimited potentials. Now I have to admit the writing is a bit dry and analytical. I wanted it to be an easier read and not to have to slug through it. However there was enough great information, insights and advice that it was worth the price of admission. Now the book speaks of each of our fuller potential to tap into and be aligned with the Universe and all the resources and answers we can utilize. I personally read the book and started questioning what is most important in my life and all my short term and long term values and this process has caused some turmoil in my existences. What if will
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and logic are less powerful or important than love and a gentle almost indefinable intuition? How do we make a shift in a life of habits? Dr. Pressman created a program which greatly improved the performance of Olympic athletes. Now he has put the how to’s of harnessing the indefinable power of our minds. This book, “Living in The Supermind,” can and should change any reader’s life for the better. I strongly advise buying and reading it. Dr. Pressman is conventionally-trained psychiatrist; he is Emeritus Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Temple Medical School and Emeritus Chairman of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Pressman is available for consultations. Contact him at: (215) 922-0204 or www.mauriepressman.com
OB’s #1 Nursery, Landscape, Garden Design and Maintenance 3685 voltaire st. ocean beach 619.223.5229 coastalsage.com “from war, nothing so profoundly affects the future of all men as much as pollution... Daily, now, the climatic changes prove beyond doubt that the planet is sick and needs immediate and skilful care to re-establish equilibrium.” Hierarchy’s perspective as articulated by a Master of Wisdom
Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave, San Diego 6:30pm 2nd Thursday of month Philosophical Library 1330 E Valley Pkwy #G Escondido
Save Our Planet! www.share-international.org v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • A u g u s t 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 13
up close and personal Mars [light fixture] CURANDEROS
Steven Lombardi 2012 was interesting year for SLA’s multi-discipline practice, designing and building a wide range of projects that range in scale & use from Last Wave, 11’ high sculpture made of recycled surfboards, to a 400 meter long Transit Station in Kuwait. Steven’s first Modular House in Ocean Beach was completed , which comprises of two homes using a panelized cement board and floor to ceiling glass doors that disappear into the walls, both homes use passive technology for heating & cooling. New “off the shelf” lighting fixtures [interior& exterior] debut at $18.50 material cost. Modular House will be featured in “New Villas” out of Shanghai by Shanghai Junyu Culture later in 2013. A hybrid foundation system [stem wall & concrete mat] was also completed for Tower One the first of four vertical steel towers [100% off the grid] popping out of the landscape in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. The Triangle House in Point Loma, received a Merit Award from the American Institute of Architects, at the annual AIA Design Awards in San Diego for 2012. And the Niagara House, also in Point Loma, was featured in a new Book from Hong Kong, Housing 101 by Deszigns. 2013 is full speed ahead, with Chateau Beau Solile beach/ cliff house [not your typical Chateau] roof being topped off , this house sports a glass circular elevator rising out of a cantilevered steel staircase or “stairway to heaven” and a vanishing edge pool pouring into pacific ocean & sunset. Steven’s favorite surf spot at south garb overlooks Beau Solile, his most ambitious design to date. EL Do’s floating kitchen was just completed at the La Jolla Shores House which was built in 1958 and has undergone major interior and exterior surgery. Exterior gardens and private “outdoor rooms” were created to expand this low profile / big space concept. On the boards include, expansion to Dennis Conner [sailing legend] home in Point Loma… Last Wave 2 or Islands is on exhibition at Mod Matter in Little Italy…. Including “Octopussy” new lighting fixtures for residential and commercial also on exhibit Steven Lombardi Architect 619-523-4722 www.stevenlombardi.com
Steven surfing at Ocean Beach Pier, photo by Joe Ewing 14 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A u g u s t 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m
Kuwait Transit Station
Last Wave
El Dorado
Del Monte (window pop outs)
Octopussy (light fixture)
Neptune (bed in lower window) v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • A u g u s t 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 15
How to work with Angel Tarot Cards?
by Desiree Szabo I could hardly wait to receive my Angel Tarot cards from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. First of all I was very excited about the prospect of diving into Tarot within the angelic realm. I had been reading the Confessions of a Tarot Reader by Jane Stein, The Secret Power of You, and thumbing through the booklet and Radiant Rider Waite Deck. I had been cross-referencing the two decks to see what was the same and what was different. So before I embark on this mystical journey. I thought to ask my readers, what are your thoughts on Tarot? What is the first impression when the word is mentioned to you? What do you first pick up?
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Is it clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance? Something will trigger a reaction in you. Please be aware of what is happening to you. Does Tarot give you a sense of awe, wonder, and delight? Or do you want to runaway, close the deck, or shake your head, no voodoo for me. I have had a tug of war affair with Tarot since my early twenties. I first was just in awe, skeptical and just curious. In the seventies, metaphysical shops were hard to find. My first experience was the Psychic Eye metaphysical bookstore in Sherman Oaks. I had entered a world that was not familiar to me. I felt that I actually had landed on another planet. Red and black figured candles, skulls, daggers, amulets, gargoyles, Indian dream catchers, incense, mythical books, the scent of sage, Tibetan chanting music and of course Tarot Cards. It was always dark and you could not see in front of you. Half the time I was afraid of my own shadow, not knowing if a ghost, witch, or a warlock would jump out at me. If I were a bit brave, I would get up the nerve to ask a storekeeper
who looked like someone from a Halloween haunted house a question on how to get a tarot reading? I was told to pay $ 25.00 for fifteen minutes, which I handed to my storekeeper. I was literally shaking in my boots, when I was replied in hushed mumbo jumbo sentences that did not amount to a whole sense to me, to follow her through a scarlet beaded curtain to my reader. I exchanged names with my reader Bahaina, and sat down. She prayed first to Mary Magdalene and then started to ask what did I want to know. She shuffled the cards and laid them out on her embroidered tablecloth. By the time my reading was over, I was more confused, perplexed and light headed than ever. Lol. The experience seemed surreal to me. I thanked Bahaina and ventured out into the shop. I still was drawn to the familiar Rider Waite Deck. I would open the deck and look at the pictures. Carefully thumb through the brief pamphlet and put it back down. I would shake my head and walk out the door not sure why I ventured into the Psychic Shop in the first place. I really did not know why I came there in the first place. I tried to recall the information when I went home, write it down for future reference. Years later I met a wonderful reader, Suzanne Wagner who gave me an insightful reading. It was done in Montecito, California, in a yoga studio that she rented out. Such a different experience that I had encountered, from before. My journey took me into the Angelic realm. I kept feeling that an Angel Tarot Deck should be made. Sure enough Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine came out with one last year. I was very pleased when they decided to Teach on line certifications on Basic and Advanced Angel Tarot, which I heartedly, jumped into. It seemed exactly what I was looking for. So here is a bit of information on Angel Tarot that I would like to share with you. A properly attuned Angel Tarot reading contains a story. It is like actually a movie, which has a beginning, middle, and an end. Along the journey that you embark will have peaks and valleys. You have free choice for the outcome. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards. I liked how the deck is portrayed from birth to old age. It describes in length major events and turning points in your life. Again revert to the movie formula. Marriage, pregnancy, relationships, career changes, and personal challenges are in the Major Arcana.
Archangel Raziel is the wizard-like angel of spirituality of secrets and mysteries who will open doors of opportunity. 2 The High Priestess The angels bring you this card because the answers you seek lie in your feelings and emotions. Silence is golden. Study spiritual topics. Keep your dreams and desires to yourself. Learn from emotional situations. Archangel Haniel is the goddess-like angel of grace and feminine spirituality (such as intuition and clairvoyance). Call upon Haniel to increase your clarity in connecting with the angels.
Major Arcana:
6 The Lovers The angels bring you this card because a significant relationship is on your mind. It may be romantic in nature or it may be an intimate but platonic friendship. The need for balance. A return to good health. Marriage and weddings.
O Dreamer Archangel Michael The angels bring you this card because you’re entering a new and exciting phase of your life. Leaps of faith, Creative, Solutions, Unexpected Opportunities. Archangel Metatron is the overseer of those new to the spiritual path, and to young people. Call upon him for help in committing to take that first step, moving forward, allowing your dreams to manifest. 1 Dreamer The Magician The angels bring you this card because it is the right time to begin your new projects. No more procrastination! Magical occurrences. Concentrated efforts. Unexpected resources.
3 The Empress The angels bring you this card because your creativity and hard work are bringing you great rewards. Abundance, Spending time in nature, indulging in creative and artistic projects. Loving and nurturing yourself or others. A time of excellent emotional or physical health. Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel who guides and supports expectant and adoptive parents, as well as those involved in “newborn” creative projects. She will inspire your creative juices to flow if you call upon her. 4 The Emperor The angels bring you this card because it is very important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now. In other words as my dear friend James says, stay focused. The desire to be a success. Stability. Making wise choices. Security, Government agencies. Law enforcement. The respect of others. Fatherhood. Archangel Michael is the angel of strength and protection, who oversees everyone’s life purpose. Call upon Michael for courage and strength as you make important and necessary life changes. 5 Unity The angels bring you this card because working in groups, teamwork and effort enriches your being. Experts or mentors. The search for meaning in life. Having faith in a group of people. Schools and spiritual institutions. Archangel Sandalphon is the archangel who delivers prayers from Earth to heaven. Call upon him to increase your faith and commitment to your dreams and goals.
7 The Chariot The angels bring you this card because you have successfully balanced a recently challenging situation. Self discipline. Sheer willpower. A great leap forward. A promotion or award. Modes of transportation. Archangel Metatron can increase our motivation and energy levels so that you’ll accomplish your priorities. Metatron uses the “Merkaba” to warp time enables you to instantly manifest your dreams into reality. Continues on page 32 v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m • A u g u s t 2 013 • V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E 17
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath By Michael Peter Langevin
ogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath is now on his 2013 world tour, spreading his healing and empowerment through his spiritual retreats and teachings. As he travels from India to Europe to the United States this summer and fall, he will offer New Life Awakening Retreats, Satsang-Healing Empowerment Workshops, and Kriya Empowerment Workshops. In light of these upcoming retreats, Vision Magazine spoke with Yogiraj to learn more and listen to him share his knowledge of the power of Kriya Yoga.We connected with Kriya Yoga Master, Yogiraj Siddhanath on the phone from Rome Italy. Our conversation was thought- provoking to say the least. I am not a follower of Kiya Yoga. I am somewhat jaded and cynical of wealthy spiritual leaders. I believe strongly that every individual has their own spiritual path and that we should all be our own spiritual leaders. That the creative force or the universe is in each of us and we just have to flow with it to live high vibrational spiritual loves. So I did not plan to like Yogiraj. Many articles about him are written by devotees. I was fairly sure I would not like what he had to say. I am surprised and pleased to be able to report I am thrilled that I can say honestly, I was impressed and felt aligned with most of what Yogiraj said. Among many wonderful things he said one stuck out, it was that we all take our lives and struggles too seriously, and we need to remember that the material world and our lives are all an illusion spirit and spirituality are the only reality, and words and intellect cannot truly describe them. They must be experienced. He also said we must laugh at our problems and our selves much more. Humor is extremely important in spiritual awakening. These are truly for me enlightened words. He went on to say Kiya yoga and meditation brings people closer to the divine essence, whether we call that essence God, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, YHVH or any of a wide array of names. The material world is a distracting unfulfilling illusion; the majority of people get lost in chasing material accomplishments and material fulfillment. None of those last nor will they truly fulfill anyone. Only being closer to spirit will do that. Most people make the mistake of identifying with their bodies, when they are immortal spirit beings. More and more people want scientific proof that Kiya yoga and meditation improve lives. With the advent of Quantum Physics the ancient Sanskrit and Arurvedic sciences are being proven to the western world. But beyond that, the quality of life and the inner peace experienced by practitioners speaks louder than any proof. When the nay-sayers tell those who practice Kiya Yoga and meditation that they are wasting their time, it is like someone telling you in Italy that the Gelato is bitter or in the USA that Cold Stone Ice cream tastes bad. Your personal experience and knowing tells you different. Vision Magazine readers might be asking what is Kiya Yoga? Wikipedia defines it thus: Kriya Yoga is described by its practitioners as the ancient Yoga system revived in modern times by Mahavatar Babaji through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya in 1861. To Westerners, it was brought into popular awareness through PAramahansa Yoganada’s book “Autobiography of a Yogi” and through Yogananda’s introductions of the practice since 1920. The system consists of a number of levels of Pranayama. based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion. The concepts as similar to Raja Yoga of Patanjale as describer in the “Bhagavad Gita” . Kriya Yoga, as taught by Lahiri Mahasaya, is traditionally exclusively learned via the Guru-disciple relationship. He recounted that after his initiation into Kriya Yoga,
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“Babaji instructed me in the ancient rigid rules which govern the transmission of the yogic art from Guru to disciple.” Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath in our interview exolained that he is able to bestow to receptive audience members the three graces Shivapat, Shaktipat and Pranapat Transmissions. The quality which is distilled in the master’s soul’s consciousness is calledShivapat, which is bestowing the universal soul’s own consciousness of the master’s wish that the disciple develops the mind state of expanded awareness. And yet, Yogiraj stated, this cannot be transmitted, nor imparted. The master makes himself into the mind of the disciple. The moment the master conscious the awareness into the disciple, the disciple’s mind disappears and is transformed into the consciousness of the master. Shaktipat is a healing kundalini transmission which relates from the master, who then transmits to his disciple to heal the physical ailments at the basic level. It is related to points of kundalini and the chakras. It is an awakening of the kundalini, an energy transmission. This is what Yogiraj stes he does to assist his students and disciples along the evolutionary path. He states that is is all about evolution. And so the chakras or lotuses in the spinal cord are activated in Shaktipat which is the life force energy. The life force is called Pranapat. This is when the master breathes his life force energy into the breath of the disciple, not only making the disciple breathe with him but also allowing for an increase in the volume of his breath. As he pushes the breath in the spinal cord, the negative energy which is lodged in the chakras of the disciple are washed away by the regular rhythmic breathing of Kriya Yoga. The master of Pranapat gives his life force energy into the spine of the disciple making him breathe and rub out the negative karma and detoxify his whole system. It’s supposed to detoxify negativity and body carbon. So from the physical, psychic and subtle levels, the master helps his student get rid of toxins in his body and his negative karma by moving the intelligent life force energy into the spine of the disciple. As a spiritual person who is leery of Spiritual Gurus and enlightened ones I enjoyed my interview with Yogiraj. I asked him if he thought he was enlightened and he replied,” People say I am enlightened but people also call me a liar and a fraud. People think and say what they will think and say. I am a spiritual teacher with a mission to spread spiritual evolution and teach effective tools for spiritual development. People can give me whatever titles they wish I make no claims.” I liked that response. I do not feel his teachings are for everyone. I do not feel his path is anywhere near the only valid spiritual path. I do plan to attend one of his events. I do think Yogiraj is closer to what is important in life then TV or a new car. Make up your own minds please. Yogiraj Siddhanath began his 2013 US tour in mid-July, visiting the East Coast first, followed by Southern California and Seattle. He will arrive in Southern California and host Healing Enlightenment Satsangs and Kriya Yoga Empowerment Workshops in Encinitas and Los Angeles, August 11-19, followed by a New Life Awakening Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat in Carlsbad, CA, starting September 27. For registration and more information, please visit www.Siddhanath.org, e-mail events@siddhanath.org, or call 1.866.YOGI.RAJ. The Author of this article Michael Peter Langevin is the author of “Secrets of the Ancient Incas”, “Spiritual Business”, and “Secrets of the Amazon Shamans”. He was the former Publisher/Editor of Magical Blend Magazine, Natural Health and Beauty Magazine and Transitions Magazine. Michael Peter offers: One on one transformative Shamanic consultations, workshops, talks and tours to South America. For more info email him at michaelpeterlangevin@gmail.com
Most people make the mistake of identifying with their bodies, when they are immortal spirit beings. More and more people want scientific proof that Kiya yoga and meditation improve lives. With the advent of Quantum Physics the ancient Sanskrit and Arurvedic sciences are being proven to the western world. But beyond that, the quality of life and the inner peace experienced by practitioners speaks louder than any proof.
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Skrillex “I’ve been deep into electronic music my entire life. The first records I ever owned were ‘Fat of Land’ by the Prodigy and ‘Come To Daddy’ by Aphex Twin,” raves Sonny Moore, better known as emerging electronic visionary SKRILLEX. “Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails were also early influences. I’ve been dabbling in making electronic tracks on programs like Fruity Loops since I was 14 years old.” SKRILLEX is part of a new generation of artists that refuse to be restricted by preconceived notions or outside expectations. “Genre has never been important to 2 0 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A u g u s t 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m
me,” he insists. “I’ve never thought about music that way.” Describing his current sound as “a mix of dubstep, electro and glitch all thrown together,” new SKRILLEX release “SCARY MONSTERS AND NICE SPRITES” reflects all of the above and beyond. The uplifting post-trance synth melodies of “ALL I ASK OF YOU” (featuring the soaring vocals of Penny) stands in stark contrast to the facemelting electro bass blasts of the massive electro-dubstep hybrid “ROCK N’ ROLL (WILL TAKE YOU TO THE MOUNTAIN).” “I’ve listened to so much music for so long, it’s more about instinct than influence,” Moore explains about his sonic inspirations. “Coming up, I was into a lot of artists on the Warp record label like Autechre, Squarepusher, and Aphex Twin, so SKRILLEX tracks are inclined to have more changes than most dance tracks normally have. I
can draw influences from almost anything. I just like to mess around and create cool new sounds and noises. I just go where the music takes me.” After just one hugely successful independent release, “SCARY MONSTERS AND NICE SPRITES” is the first SKRILLEX release on Big Beat Records, in conjunction with fellow electronic revolutionary Deadmau5’s freshly minted Mau5trap record label. “For years, the artists needed the record labels. I don’t feel that way at all,” Moore stresses. “SKRILLEX has been 100% independent until now. I think it’s so important to be self-sufficient as an artist. Working with Atlantic / Big Beat, and cooperating with Mau5trap, allows us all to work as a team and expand on what’s already been built.” Following its release on Beatport, the 9-song EP dominated the charts on the site, with the title track claiming the site’s #1 slot (the first time a dubstep track has ever done so), 8 songs breaking into the top 10, and multiple tracks claiming the #1 slots on several of the site’s subgenre charts, including Dubstep, Electro House, Progressive House. Aside from the immediate success of “SCARY MONSTERS AND NICE SPRITES,” SKRILLEX has also made a name for himself as a highly sought-after remixer. He’s already produced officially commissioned remixes for such A-list artists as the Black Eyed Peas (“Rock That Body”), Lady Gaga (“Bad Romance” and “Alejandro”), and La Roux (“In For The Kill”). SKRILLEX stands not only at the vanguard of electronic dance music, but the perpetually evolving new music industry as a whole. “For me, it’s important to believe in and love the music you’re making. I gave away my first EP on my manager’s website, just so people could hear the music,” he enthuses. “It was downloaded by the thousands in just a couple of months, and it hasn’t let up since. That’s all the inspiration I need to keep making music. “SKRILLEX can be anything I want it to be,” he continues hopefully. “There are so many different avenues for music now. Video games, movie scores — the possibilities are endless, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”
Steve Aoki Steve Aoki began his dj career under the moniker “Kid Millionaire” which brought him a lot of success in the hiphop community. After some time though he grew out of this image, focusing on his label Dim Mak as well as setting up some of the biggest parties in L.A. He reverted back to his own name and soon he was playing some of the most frantic electro you can hear, winning a host of awards in the process. The man behind Dim Mak Records who founded and released artists from Bloc Party, The Kills, Klaxons, MSTRKRFT, The Bloody Beetroots, Mystery Jets, The Rakes, The Gossip, Envy, also is the same man behind the production moniker Weird Science that has remixed Peaches, Snoop Dogg & Bloc Party. Under his own name, Aoki has remixed The Killers, Robin Thicke, Lenny Kravitz, Duran Duran and Timbaland, Chester French, S.P.A., All American Rejects, Chris Cornell & more. In the past he has collaborated w/artists from Boys Noize, The Faint, D.i.M., The Bloody Beetroots, & Junkie Xl. Also involved in fashion, Aoki has developed lines for KR3W Apparel, Supra Footwear, headphones for WESC, and in ‘09 sunglasses with KSUBI, headwear with NEFF, bags with Burton, & a brand new mens/women’s range with his sister Devon.
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Calendar Of Events Angel
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NASA footage, 10/15/12
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Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Sun. Aug 18, 5-9 pm, Los Angeles Airport Marriott, 5855 W Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ siddhanath.org or www.siddhanath.org/ MeetYogiraj
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SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www. CelebrationOfLightChurch.org. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco. THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/ SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 theosophy@theosconf. org www.theosophysandiego.org Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS with 7th-generation PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Also offered: Meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting; puja prayer ceremonies.
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ANGEL CARDS How To Work The Angel Tarot Cards Continued From Page 17 8 Justice The angels bring you this card because you are trying to make a decision. Doing what’s right. Taking responsibility for your actions. Resisting injustice. Standing up for your beliefs. Issuing or accepting an apology. Archangel Raguel is the archangel who creates harmony within relationship, and who can help you make decisions that involve other people. 9 The Hermit The angels bring you this card because you’d benefit from spending time alone, listening to your inner voice. Good advice. Finding or becoming a mentor. Selfdiscovery. Reevaluation of plans. Going on a spiritual quest. Archangel Raziel offers sage advice to spiritual seekers, including guidance about esoteric concepts, interpretation of your sleeping dreams, and past-life memories. 10 The Wheel The angels bring you this card because of the positive changes that are occurring in your life. Good luck. A happy accident. Balanced karma. A twist of fate. Destiny. Archangel Michael is the Supreme Being who works beside you through changes, giving you courage, strength, and self-confidence. Call upon Michael whenever you’d like specific guidance about your next step, especially if it’s connected to your life purpose or spiritual path.
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11 Strength The angels bring you this card because you need to know that you are stronger than you realize. Patience. Forgiveness. The courage of your convictions. Using honey instead of vinegar. Archangel Ariel is the angel of the spirit of nature. Call upon Ariel for strength and support if you’re worried about finances, material needs and desperate times. 12 Awakening The angels bring you this card because it is time to review your plans, and look at things from a new perspective. Epiphanies. Selflessness. Unexpected life changes. The need for patience. The power that lies in being oneself. Unusual solutions. Archangel Gabriel is the angel who helps people become Divine messengers of love. When you speak, think, and act from a place of love, others are irresistibly drawn to you. 13 Release The angels bring you this card because it is time to move on because this project or phase of your life is now complete. Inevitable positive changes. Facing your fears. Relationship transitions. Spiritual evolution. Archangel Azrael heals your heart when changes and losses about grieving. Call upon Azrael to help you move forward fearlessly and let go of the past. 14 Balance The angels bring you this card because they are cautioning you against making impulsive decisions or moves right now. Keeping a moderate pace. Cooperation and blended ideas. Self-restraint. Finding the balance between action and contemplations. Waiting for better timing. Archangel Zadkiel helps you remember who you are in terms of your true spiritual heritage as a child of God. Call upon Zadkiel to increase you self-esteem and feelings of self-worth and deservedness. 15 Ego
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ANGEL CARDS The angels bring you this card because the entrapment that you are feeling isn’t real. Refusal to face the truth or to take personal responsibility for this situation. Temptations. Dependency. Excessive debt. Archangel Jophiel helps us experience beautiful emotions and think beautiful loving thoughts. Call upon Jophiel whenever you need a boost in how you feel about yourself, your life, and the world. 16 Life Experience The angels bring you this card because a recent event has been a wake-up call for you to make some life changes. Liberation. Suddenly seeing the truth. Rapid, inevitable change. Time running out. Archangel Chamuel can help you find whatever you’re seeking, including right relationships and a Divinely guided career. Call upon Chamuel and then follow your intuition, which is the way this angel speaks to you. 17 The Star The angels bring you this card because you have every reason to have hope and a happy expectation. Wish upon a Star! Faith. A sense of purpose. A prosperous new beginning. Being on the right path. Archangel Jophiel is the angel of optimism who helps us develop a sunshiny outlook and attitude. Call up Jophiel to help you celebrate your victories and stay optimistic about your future. 18 The Moon The angels bring you this card because you have been worrying, been insecure, and afraid. This is the time to go within and tap into your powerful intuition and psychic ability. Paying attention to your dreams. Unseen events that are affecting your illusions. Archangel Haniel has long been associated with the full moon, intuition, and clairvoyance. Call upon Haniel for help in developing, trusting and following your spiritual gifts and Divine guidance. 19 The Sun The angels bring you this card because it is a time in your life when everything is wonderful. Your dreams are beyond your expectations. Joy. Public recognition. The attainment of great personal insights. Vibrant and/or emotional health. Archangel Uriel who helps with mental functioning in clouding focus, and concentration. Call upon Uriel to spark new ideas and solutions, as well as to increase your confidence in your intelligence and wisdom. 20 Renewal The angels bring you this card because you are either near the end of a project or at the crossroads, on the threshold of making an important change. A landmark decision. A career or job change. Moving in a different direction. A new beginning. Jeremiel is the archangel who helps you evaluate your life so you can clearly decide upon appropriate changes. Spend time alone with a pad of paper and pen, and call upon Jeremiel to help you review what needs to be transformed, healed, or released. 21 The World The angels bring you this card because you’ve happily completed something of great importance. They’re congratulating you on a job well done. Perfection. A move to the next level. Receiving an award. A new house or job. Complete clarity. Cosmic awareness. Recognition for the use of your talents. Freedom.
represented females and feminine men and Knights and Kings represented males or masculine women. The earth element is fairies, the air is unicorns, water is mermaids, and fire is the friendly dragons. What I liked about it is that a teenager could use this Angel Tarot Deck. The Angel Tarot Deck was created so that the gentle, soothing and life affirming words and images were depicted. The messages are uplifting, positive, and are Agape Love. An experienced Tarot reader may feel that this Angel Tarot Deck is too Disney for their taste. Although I find the deck to be refreshing, light, safe, trusting, and accurate. If you feel that you have an urge to purchase a Tarot Deck, I recommend this deck wholeheartedly. I give all my acknowledgements and gratitude to the authors Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine who I have referred to in this article. “How to work with Angel Tarot”. Desiree Szabo is an Angelic Interpreter who sheds gentle light on life’s toughest problems. She can help you to see the light through prayers, healings, and angel card readings. For angelic counseling, she can be reached by phone at (818) 200 7431 and by email at adoredangel@live.com, and www. adoredangel@yolasite.com
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Minor Arcana The Minor Arcana represents more ordinary day- to- day life events. It is divided into four suits or elements: fire, water, air, and earth. The Minor Arcana cards are numbered 1 through 10, plus the court cards, Page, Knight, Queen, and King, for each suit. Court cards could represent a situation or a person in a reading. Pages and Queens
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California Roundup
3 2 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A u g u s t 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m
San Diego – The Padres were playing my hometown St. Louis Cardinals and my wife and I decided to have an overnight getaway at the U.S. Grant, part of Starwood’s Luxury Collection. Its location is perfect; at the gateway to the Gaslamp Quarter and within walking distance to the ballpark. The full service hotel is owned by the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation, one of San Diego County’s indigenous Native American tribes. They recently spent $56 million to remodel the property after purchasing it for $45 million. Almost 100 years earlier, the hotel had been built for the then staggering price of $1.9 million. The grand lobby, staircase of marble and alabaster, wood paneling and crystal chandeliers have been lovingly restored to echo an historic and storied past. There is a refined feel that permeates the hotel and it reeks of a grand era gone by. It pays homage to U.S. Grant, the two-term President of the United States and West Point graduate, who led the Union Army in the final stages of the Civil War. Shortly after the capture of Richmond, VA, the capitol of the Confederacy, General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox. Our evening began at the U.S. Grant Lounge with craft cocktails at Happy Hour, followed by dinner at the iconic Grant Grill; fine dining showcasing seasonal, creative a la carte choices, local produce and top quality ingredients. They offer an imaginative 3, 4 or 5 course tasting menu that can be paired with appropriate wines; a culinary treat. The net result is first-rate food, served with a California flair in a sophisticated art deco setting. We shared a decadent dessert and then walked to Petco Park. After the game (the Redbirds won), we strolled though the Gaslamp Quarter and made our way back to the hotel. Our room was spacious, comfortable, quiet and well appointed, including flat-
screen TV, large marble shower, 300 thread count sheets and robes. To celebrate its 100th. anniversary in 2010, memorabilia was collected that traced the history of the U.S. Grant. The display can be found in the lobby and online at www. usgrant.net/history. Additionally, the in-house Cultural Center focuses on Native American heritage. During WW II, the hotel provided quarters for servicemen and their families. It was also a favorite of visiting sailors. “The Little Club” was San Diego’s nighttime hot spot featuring singers and swing bands. There are two other century-old hotels in the San Diego area: the iconic “Del” in Coronado and the stylish Grande Colonial Hotel in La Jolla. The elegant U.S. Grant is on the National Register of Historic Places and features 270 guest rooms and suites, meeting rooms, a ballroom, fitness and business centers, concierge service and wi-fi is available. The Grant Grill is also open for breakfast and lunch. For reservations, logon to www.luxurycollection.com/usgrant or call 1-619-232-3121. Safe travels and enjoy the journey… Howard Hian www.Travels-with Hian.com Thanks to various websites for information, photos, etc.
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donna johansen T
he idea that art can heal was introduced to Donna through her association with the Center for Health Design and the National Symposium on Healthcare Design. Her studies of healing environments took her to a real example of a hospital that used the principles of design to calm and heal their patients. The North Hawaii Community Hospital combines Eastern and Western approaches to medicine and is founded on a holistic approach to health care. It was her tour of this facility that inspired her to study the principles of energy, healing and art. Her role as a facility planner and designer for orthopedic groups had her continually searching for practical and affordable solutions to create healing through the facility. “I used to pray for ways to use design and art to support the healing process.” Donna landed a dream position in India studying the Vedic science of energy transmission. “I was initiated as a healer and encouraged to paint. It made sense that the energy coming from the hands of a healer could radiate through material and the artwork. In the study of consciousness we are taught that everything is energy and at some level that energy is inter-connected. I visited several temples in India and learned there is an ancient science of using the environment to radiate conscious energy that helps a person evolve.” When Donna got home, she had her next level of this experience. “Sacred materials were materializing in my home and through my skin. These experiences gave me a tangible experience of energy. I finally experienced the understanding of conscious energy and its ability to connect beyond time and space. Now I could see that my artwork held the potential to contribute and enrich that lives of others.” “After all the truly unexplainable incidents that led up to the creation of my art collection, I found the simplicity of healing. When you feel good it changes how you perceive your life. If you see my artwork and smilethen I know my prayers have been answered.”
Where to find Donna’s artwork Each original art is a one of a kind, unique treasure. Digital masterpieces are available in limited quantity. Earth’s Elements: Fine Art, Furniture and extraordinary treasures from Nepal 559 South Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA Currently the Thorp Institute is a Leucadia clinic that embraces Donna’s work and will be hosting an openhouse of her work during the Leucadia ARTwalk. 914 N. Coast Highway, Ste. B Encinitas, CA 92024 www.thorpinstitute.com http://johansendesign.wordpress.com/ Visit the Leucadia ARTwalk to view more of Donna’s Art August, 25 • 10am till 5pm www.leucadia101.com/Artwalk 3 4 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A u g u s t 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m
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The Santa Muerta Cult Continued From Page 7 esencial de la vida, pero no la violencia y el asesinato tiene que ser? Gran parte de esta información se ha extraído de Wikipedia. The Santa Muerte Cult The Santa Muerte cult could probably best be described as a set of ritual practices offered on behalf of a supernatural personification of death. The personification is female, probably because the Spanish word for death, muerte, is feminine and possibly also because this personification is a sort of counterpart to the Virgin of Guadalupe. To believers, the entity exists within the context of Catholic theology and is comparable to other purely supernatural beings, namely archangels. The cult involves prayers, rituals, and offerings, which are given directly to Santa Muerte in expectation of and tailored to the fulfillment of specific requests. These bear some resemblance to other traditions. The origin of the cult is uncertain; it has only been expanding recently. The cult appears to be closely associated with crime, criminals, and those whose lives are directly affected by crime. Criminals seem to identify with Santa Muerte and call upon the saint for protection and power, even when committing crimes. They will adorn themselves with her paraphernalia and render her respect that they do not give to other spiritual entities. The Goddess Santa Muerte The image of death is pervasive in many aspects of Mexican culture. Although Santa Muerte is venerated on the Day of the Dead, she appears to be a distinct phenomenon emerging from a separate tradition. The fact is, Santa Muerte probably is more of a rival with the roguish saint Jesus Malverde, who is sometimes glorified in Mexico’s famous (arguably infamous) narcocorridos, or Mexican drug-ballads, who is worshipped by Mexican drug traffickers as a protector saint, especially in the Mexican State of Sinaloa. Her existences and story may also be influence or inspiration from Catholic-African synchronistic religious practices, such as Haitian Voodoo, Cuban Santeria, or Brazilian Palo Mayombe, with some witchcraft thrown into the mix. The beliefs associated with the her cult appear to be relatively consistent. Santa Muerte devotees attend to their practice by lighting candles and leaving offerings while reciting prayers, often ritual prayers, in hopes of receiving favors. Such offerings draw upon Christian symbolism. Tequila, for example is a representation of the chalice of Christ. An apple represents original sin. There appears to be a tradition about what sorts of offerings are appropriate. Santa Muerte has been described as jealous about what offerings are given to her. However, gifts that are somehow personal or in keeping with other religious offerings are considered acceptable. Offerings are not given willy-nilly; there is a recipe and ritual associated with each offering, so as to ensure the granting of the desired effect. It has been believed by some of her followers that Santa Muerte’s favorite offering are recently 3 6 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A u g u s t 2 013 • v i s i o n m a g a z i n e .c o m
killed bodies. The origin of the Santa Muerte cult is as mysterious and controversial as the nature of the cult itself. Some devotees assert that the death cult has existed in Mexico for as many as three millennia, having been handed down from the progenitors of the Maya, Zapoteco, Totonaca, and other indigenous groups until it became widespread under the Mexicas and the Aztecs. According to the theory, the figure now represented by Santa Muerte may actually be the legacy of Aztec devotions to Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacíhuatl, the god and goddess of death respectively, rulers of the shadowy underworld realm of Mictlán. They were traditionally portrayed as skeletons or persons with skeletal heads. Offerings to them included the skins of human sacrifices. Both allegedly ate the dead. They were worshipped by those seeking the power of death. Their temple was located in the ancient ceremonial center of the city Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City). Another theory is that the cult came from Yoruba traditions, being handed down from African slaves brought to the Americas and transmitted to Mexico through, or parallel to, the Cuban tradition of Santeria, the Brazilian tradition of Palo Mayombe, or the Haitian tradition of Voodoo. All of these practices are synchronistic traditions that emerged from the interaction between African animistic and polytheistic traditions with traditional saintworship in Catholic Christianity. According to this theory, Santa Muerte is actually a variation of the Santeria orishas (spiritual entities) Oyá, goddess of storms, and/or Yewá, goddess of the underworld,who, according to Santeria beliefs, brings bodies of the dead to Oyá. She could also be a variation of Centella Endoki AKA Mama Wanga, ruler of cemeteries, who is a Palo Mayombe version of the Santeria Oyá. Finally, the tradition could trace back to the Voodoo entity Maman Brigitte, who is also a counterpart to Oyá and Centella Endoki. A third theory is that Santa Muerte appeared in a vision to a nineteenth century witchdoctor (brujo chamán) in the village of Orizaba, Veracruz and ordered the creation of the cult. There are a wide array of followers of Santa Muete the rang from average citizens to street thugs to Latino gang members and also included are the powerful Drug Cartels whose leaders have been crowned by the presence of Santa Muerte paraphernalia. The appearance of cult items in many separate incidents, suggests that the cult has pervaded the cartels. The pointed questions around the worship of Santa Muete which the Catholic Church has publicly condemned and outlawed yet is still practiced by many people who consider themselves good Catholics, the questions are when is the worship of a saint or Goddess bad for society and how might modern day society best react to such practices. After all, death is an essential sage of life but does violence and murder have to be?
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