Winter Issue 2023

Page 8


THE MIDDLE IS MESSY By Shelly R. Clark |

The middle is messy, y’all. Whether you’re talking about a house under construction, baking a cake or life itself, the middle can get messy. There are mountain top and valley experiences, beginning’s, endings and yes, the middle. It's often in life’s middle moments that we find ourselves tested, tried, and pushed to our limits. One minute you’re living life like it’s golden and then suddenly all hell is breaking loose. And when it’s your life, there’s no escaping it. Do you all remember the “Scandal” series starring Kerry Washington? That was one of my favorite shows. When someone of influence found themselves in a crisis, stuck between a rock and a hard place, Olivia Pope, and her team of gladiators would swoop in and save the day. But real life isn't a scripted

S - Steadfastness: The middle may be messy, but our steadfast commitment to purpose will lead us through. Don’t lose sight of the vision that’s before you. Make up your mind to be driven more by your dreams than by your memories.

drama; there are no gladiators in suits, and Olivia Pope won't miraculously

O - Overcoming: When faced with turmoil, remem-

appear to help maneuver through the mess. So, what do we do when the

ber that we are not just survivors but conquerors,

middle of our journey becomes a tangled web of challenges? PRESS ON.

capable of overcoming even the most formidable

I have an acronym for “PRESS ON” that will help you when things get tough. Let’s begin with… P - Perseverance: The middle is not the time to quit. It's tempting to throw in the towel when everything is falling apart, but we have the power to run with perseverance. R - Resilience: We are empowered to stand firm and resilient. In the middle of a mess sometimes friends become foes and allies become enemies but still you must press on knowing that you are not alone. We are in this together!

challenges. N - Nourishment: Just as we need physical sustenance, our spirits require nourishment. Seeking out uplifting and positive affirmations, especially in the messiest of times, provides us with the strength we need to persevere. The middle of a mess is not devoid of purpose. Some of life’s most valuable lessons can be found right there in the middle. It’s simply a chapter in

E - Endurance: Endurance in the face of adversity strengthens our character

your life. It’s not the whole book. Yes, the middle

even when the cracks in our lives seem impossible to mend. Don’t get lost is

can be messy, but it’s also the place where miracles

the day to day of just living. Remember, we are building a legacy for those


that follow us. S - Surrender: Surrendering our worries, fears, and anxieties allows us to find peace amidst the chaos.


Press On – There is no other option.

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