signed the necessary petition and who have met the iling require- SECTION 2. If an amendment is proposed, it shall be submitted to ments to be eligible for the election as a director. Blank petitions the membership of the Society at the annual meeting of the memshall be furnished by the Society and shall be obtained from the bership of the Society. Secretary of the Society. SECTION 3. When more than one amendment shall be submitted SECTION 6. Notice of the election, the iling requirements for the of- at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable the memice of director and information as to how these may be ful illed shall bers to vote on each amendment separately. Amendments shall be be announced in the annual premium list and twice in at least one published in at least one newspaper of general circulation in Belnewspaper of general circulation in Belmont County, Ohio, no earlier mont County, Ohio, not less than three or more than ten days before than six weeks and no later than two weeks before the election. they are to be voted on. SECTION 7. The term of of ice of the retiring Directors shall expire SECTION 4. If the majority of the membership voting on the proand that of the Directors-elect begin at the October meeting of the posed amendment shall adopt such amendment, it shall become a Board of Directors. part of the Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE VI - ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERSHIP
SECTION 1. The annual meeting of the members of the Society SECTION 1. The compensation of Board members shall be ixed shall be held at the appropriate site in Belmont County, Ohio, at the by the Board in accordance with the rules of the Ohio Department time ixed by the Board of Directors, which date shall not be later of Agriculture. than Nov. 30. ARTICLE X - FAIR DATES SECTION 2. At the annual meeting, the of icers and directors of SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall set the dates for the anthe Society shall make reports to the membership of the Society nual exposition of the Society, subject to the approval of the Ohio concerning the past fair and make recommendations for the betDirector of Agriculture. terment of future fairs. The members shall be given opportunity to make suggestions and recommendations for the improvement ARTICLE XI - ADOPTION OF RULES of the Society and its fair. Such other business may be presented as SECTION l. The rules governing the operation of County Agriculmay be prescribed by this Constitution or as may be deemed proper tural Societies by the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture are hereby adopted. by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII-ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS
ARTICLE I - QUORUM SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall meet immediately following the annual meeting and elect by ballot a President, Vice SECTION 1. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors President, Secretary and Treasurer to serve one year terms (begin- shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ning Dec. 1 through Nov.30 each year) and until their successors are ARTICLE II - MEETINGS elected and quali ied. SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall SECTION 2. All of icers shall be members of the Society. The be held the fourth Thursday of each month at 8pm except for Nov. President and Vice President shall be directors. The Secretary and & Dec. third Thursday. Treasurer may or may not be directors. SECTION 2. Meetings may be held when necessary, at the call of SECTION 3. Before the election of of icers is conducted, the newly the President or at the call of the Secretary upon the written request elected directors shall qualify by taking the following af irmation to Secretary by not less than nine members of the Board of Directors. before a notary public: “I do solemnly af irm that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of SECTION 3. All members of the Board of Directors shall be notiOhio, laws of Ohio and regulations of the Department of Agriculture ied of meetings at least two days before the meeting. The notice of Ohio pertaining to Agricultural Societies and to the best of my need not specify the purpose of the meeting. ability perform the duties of Director of the Belmont County Agri- SECTION 4. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be concultural Society, so help me God.” ducted according to Roberts Rules of Order. ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS ARTICLE III - ORDER OF BUSINESS SECTION l. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be SECTION 1. proposed by: (A) A majority of the vote of Directors at a scheduled meeting voting in favor of placing amendment on the ballot or (B) 1. Call to Order, 2. Pledge of Allegiance, 3. Roll Call, 4. Reading and Filing a petition with the Secretary of the Society at least fourteen Approval of Minutes, 5. Treasurer’s Report, 6. Accounts Payable, 7. days prior to the annual meeting of the members of the Society. Report of Committees, 8. Report of Of icers, 9. Un inished Business, Said petition must set forth a proposed amendment and be signed 10. New Business, 11. Appointments, 12. Adjournment. by not less than twenty- ive members of the Society. SECTION 2. The order of business may be temporarily suspended
Belmont County Fair Book