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prepare for a perfeCt storM. NoW that Most of the NatioN is opeN for BusiNess, the sports eVeNts aND tourisM iNDustrY is oN the VerGe of haViNG aN eXtreMelY stroNG thirD Quarter the Cost of traVel is oBViouslY CoNCerNiNG, But aMeriCaNs are reaDY to spreaD their WiNGs aND Get BaCK to their NorMal suMMertiMe aCtiVities aND traVel haBits
as of feBruarY, the 2022 aVeraGe hotel reserVatioN leaD tiMe Was 86.4 DaYs, alMost a WeeK loNGer thaN the NuMBers seeN iN earlY 2021.
70.6% aCCorDiNG to the eVeNtCoNNeCt™ , the south aND MiDWest reGioNs of the uNiteD states ColleCtiVelY aCCouNt for 70.6% of all sportiNG eVeNts helD siNCe JaNuarY 1, 2021. teXas CoNtiNues to leaD the paCK With alMost 400 eVeNts