Fir-rebbiegħa, Għawdex jilħaq ilmilja tas-sbuħija naturali tiegħu. Ilkampanja Għawdxija tkun fl-aqwa tagħha u kulma jmur jibda jkollna iżjed ġranet sbieħ u baħar kalm.
Huwa żmien meta l-gżira verament tieħu l-ħajja, u toffri lir-residenti u lillviżitaturi opportunità biex jindukraw ruħhom f’taħlita unika ta’ tradizzjoni, kreattività, u ċelebrazzjoni.
Għal żmien ir-rebbiegħa, id-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali fi ħdan ilMinisteru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar, ħejja programm b’saħħtu ta’ attivitajiet mifruxa fuq tliet ġimgħat, li fih varjetà ta’ avvenimenti li jenfasizzaw iddiversità kulturali u t-tradizzjonijiet tal-gżira tagħna. Fost l-attrazzjonijiet ewlenin insibu l-kunċert Memorji kif ukoll il-Festival tal-Logħob tan-Nar.
Għal dawk li jħobbu x-xjenza, l-attività Science in the Citadel se tibni fuq is-snin ta’ qabel u toffri esperjenza interattiva li tgħaqqad l-edukazzjoni mad-divertiment. Matul il-Gaulitana Festival, se tittella’ l-opra lirika Nabucco, li se tkompli ssaħħaħ dan il-programm rikk ta’ attivitajiet.
Dawn l-avvenimenti, imħejjija għar-rebbiegħa, huma xhieda talwirt kulturali vibranti ta’ Għawdex li jkompli jawgura tajjeb għassajf li ġej, għaliex bħal kull sena, qed inħejju programm ambizzjuż li jkompli jżewwaq is-sajf f’Għawdex.
F’isem il-Ministeru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar, nistedinkom biex tingħaqdu magħna sabiex tgawdu dan iż-żmien sabiħ tas-sena qalb il-ġmiel naturali li joffri Għawdex u l-attivitajiet li se nkunu qegħdin intellgħu.
Spring, the season of renewal, transforms Gozo into a vibrant tapestry of blossoming landscapes, rich cultural experiences and the island’s characteristic Mediterranean charm. This is a period of profound awakening, offering both residents and visitors the distinct opportunity to immerse themselves in Gozo’s unique fusion of tradition, creativity, and celebratory spirit.
This spring, Gozo offers an unforgettable threeweek programme, showcasing a diverse array of cherished events that celebrate our island’s cultural richness and traditions. Key highlights include Memorji, an enchanting musical concert paying homage to our heritage, and the breathtaking Fireworks Festival, which will illuminate the Gozitan skies.
For those passionate about science and discovery, Science in the Citadel offers an interactive experience blending education and entertainment. Meanwhile, during this year’s edition of the Gaulitana Festival, we will have the representation of the timeless operatic masterpiece Nabucco.
As we celebrate spring, these events are a testament to Gozo’s vibrant cultural heritage and its ability to bring people together. They set the stage for an unforgettable summer season, filled with a diverse array of activities and experiences, all meticulously designed to highlight the island’s inherent beauty, rich history, and welcoming spirit.
Clint Camilleri Minister for Gozo and Planning
Clint Camilleri
Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar
Gastrono y Fireworks&
8PM onwards
10AM - 6PM
Music by Schola Cantorum Jubilate & Elite String Quartet
CANTA caravag gio
Tableaux Vivants by Ludovica Rambelli Theatre-Italy
TILL Saturday 17 May I 09:30 – 12:15 Loud Silence art..e Gallery, 1, Library Street, Victoria
Wirja ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ Maria Cassar fejn l-emozzjonijiet tagħha jiġu espressi kreattivament permezz ta’ taħlita ta’ kuluri vivaċi.
An exhibition by Maria Cassar where her emotions are creatively expressed through a mixture of vivid colours.
Saturday 3 May I 12:00
Feel the Magic of 4 Hands Piano
Aula Mgr G. Farrugia, St George’s Basilica,
Kunċert minn pjanisti rinomati Tajlani Franco Foderà u Giovanna Mirrione fejn se joħolqu armonija mużikali li se tħalli l-udjenza msaħħra.
A concert by renowned Italian classical pianists, Franco Foderà and Giovanna Mirrione, that promises a unique and enchanting experience.
Sunday 4 May I 13:00 - 17:00
Sensory Discovery Day Fontana Centre, Il-Fontana
Attività b’xejn li se tikkonsisti f’logħob, esperimenti, kif ukoll esplorazzjoni tas-sensi b’modi varji li jkunu ta’ interess għal kulħadd.
An afternoon of free activities, where children of all ages can explore their senses through fun, interactive games and experiments.
11 may 2025 12.00pm onwards
- Merry Go Round - Rodeo Bull - Rock Climber - Adventure Park Multiplay - Sports Pitch - Cartoon Characters - Falcon Show Experience and much more...
Saturday 17 May - Sunday 18 May I 15:00
Dance workshop with Carlo Di Lorenzo
Victoria, Gozo
Sunday 18 MAY I 19:00
La Stella School of Music and Piccole Stelle’s Spring Concert
Teatru Astra, Victoria
Carlo Di Lorenzo, artist ibbażat fi Munich, se joffri lezzjonijiet
ta’ żfin b’xejn miftuħa għal kulħadd, minn 6 snin ’il fuq. Għal aktar informazzjoni u biex tirriserva post, żur il-paġna ta’
Facebook: Carlo Di Lorenzo Dance Workshop in Gozo.
Carlo di Lorenzo, a Munich-based artist will be staging a free dance-workshop in Gozo, for dancers of all levels from the age of 6 and upwards. For more details and to book, visit the Facebook event page - Carlo Di Lorenzo Dance Workshop in Gozo.
L-istudenti tal-Banda La Stella, flimkien mal-Kor Piccole Stelle, se jipprovdu lejl mimli divertiment u mużika.
A collaboration between young and upcoming La Stella band students, and the Piccole Stelle Choir, promising a night packed with fun and music.
Photo Credits: David Hoffman
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Qoxra tal-Ktieb / Front Cover
“WILD ‘N FREE” - Acrylic on canvas, 50cm x 40cm - MARITA BUTTIGIEG 2023