Visit Isle of Man One Stop Guide

Page 1

Your Guide

2017 - 2018

Isle of Man One Stop Guide


Failt erriu gys Ellan Vannin



The Small Kingdom with a big story

30 Castletown


Fabulous Food & Drink

36 Port erin


Wildlife Watching

40 South


Playground for Adventure

42 Peel


Enjoy the Journey not just the Destination

50 Ramsey


The Island Year

54 The North


Dazzling Dark Skies

58 Laxey


Things to see and do:

60 The all-Rounders

34 Port St Mary

46 The West


20 Douglas


If this is your first visit, get ready for a rich journey of discovery. This guide should contain everything you need to know to make the most of your time on our beautiful Island and we hope it will leave you wanting to come back for more. 7KH ½UVW VHFWLRQ RI WKLV JXLGH ZLOO JLYH you an overview of the Island including D ¾DYRXU RI WKH ORFDO SURGXFH \RX FDQ expect to sample, wildlife you can spot

and activities that will keep you and the family entertained. The second section of the guide is broken into geographical areas, so whether you want to relax and take in the scenery, spend quality time as a family or pack in lots of adventure there is something for everyone, in every corner of the Island.


15tips and 62 Useful information 3




For further information on any of the listings in this guide please visit our website

The Department of Economic Development (a Department of the Isle of Man Government) (“the Department”) whilst having taken reasonable care to ensure that the information in this guide was accurate at the time it was added, does not accept responsibility for any entry provided and shall not be liable for any losses or damage that anyone may suffer as a result of relying on the information provided by any external provider. No recommendation by the Department of any tourist premises is implied by inclusion in this guide. Prices quoted here have been lifted from visitisleofman listings and the providers’ websites. All information correct at time of going to print.



28 The East

Tailored tours

Follow us online... /VisitIsleOfMan


© Department of Economic Development 2017. All details are correct at time of going to press. E&OE.

PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTORS: Jill Jennings, Andy North, Mark Boyd, Ron Strathdee, Liam Gilman, David Gooberman.


For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766



Unesco Status It’s not just the landscape that makes it stand out from the crowd; the Isle of Man has been internationally UHFRJQLVHG DV WKH ½UVW HQWLUH FRXQWU\ WR EH DZDUGHG WKH unique UNESCO Biosphere status. In a nutshell, it is all about keeping the Island a special place to live, work and visit and raise awareness of remarkable areas, projects and activities that are helping to make the Island unique.



With spectacular scenery and wildlife, a rich sense of history and culture, and a host of extraordinary landmarks and attractions the Isle of Man provides the perfect backdrop for visitors, whether you’re looking for a relaxing break to get away from it all or an adrenaline-fuelled adventure.


The Island may be overshadowed in terms of size by its surrounding neighbours of the UK and Ireland, but it certainly punches well above its weight in terms of what it has to offer. Many miles of unspoilt countryside await you, from majestic glens with an abundance of natural features to dramatic cliff-tops teeming with wildlife. It’s the ideal playground for visitors of all ages and interests to explore whilst on the water, from the air or if you’d UDWKHU NHHS \RXU IHHW ½UPO\ RQ WKH ground. Sea kayaking, coasteering and mountain biking are just some of the adventure activities on offer.

The TT Festival is just one event in a packed calendar of sporting, cultural and quirky events for you to get involved with during your visit. The Island is also home to the ever-popular World Tin Bath Championships and traditional Hop-tuNaa celebrations. All of the family are sure to enjoy a trip to some of its extraordinary historical landmarks, from the world’s largest working waterwheel, Lady Isabella, to Castle Rushen, one of Europe’s bestpreserved medieval fortresses.

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

$ ½UP IDYRXULWH ZLWK WKH FKLOGUHQ DQG railway enthusiasts alike, the vintage steam railway and electric tramway always make for a memorable journey. Alternatively, why not discover centuriesold smokehouse traditions with a tour of Moore’s Kipper Yard?



FOR A TASTE OF THE ISLE OF MAN Establishments displaying this sign have been assessed against the ‘Harvest Isle of Man’ criteria, meaning that local produce is a valued part of their ethos. So you can expect great service, food, drink and surroundings and the best fresh local products.


7 With a wealth of home-grown produce, the Island is alive with a vibrant food and drink scene, so you’ll be spoilt for choice with the variety on offer.

EATING OUT There’s no shortage of places to drink and dine on the Isle of Man. Each town and village has a selection of establishments offering traditional favourites and contemporary cuisine. 7UDGLWLRQDO VHDVLGH UHVRUWV DQG EXVWOLQJ ½VKLQJ harbours have the best seafood, delivered straight from the sea to the plate.

All of the establishments referenced in this guide have been independently assessed against the ‘Taste Isle of Man’ quality assurance scheme. The scheme recognises establishments providing consistently high quality dining and are all either ‘Quality Assured’ or ‘Highest Quality Assured’ accredited food and drink venues located around the Island. Pick up a free copy of Taste at your nearest Tourist Information Centre or visit our website for more information.

An essential part of any holiday is sampling the local produce and signature dishes, and with an ever-growing number of passionate local artisans popping up on the scene you will be spoilt for choice. Here are just a few examples of produce you should sample during your visit... Queenies – Smaller and more succulent than King Scallops; Queen Scallops, or ‘Queenies’ as they are known, are sustainably sourced from Manx waters. Loaghtan Lamb – The meat of the native fourhorned Manx Loaghtan sheep is rich, gamey and lower in fat than ‘regular’ lamb and just like the animal itself- a little bit different!

A quality assu red guide to eating out in the Isle of Man

2016-17 visitisleofma



Manx Cheeses – The Isle of Man Creamery, a co-operative of small Manx dairy farms, produces a range of award-winning cheeses made wholly with milk from local herds. For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Manx Kippers – One of the Island’s most IDPRXV H[SRUWV DQG SRZHUIXOO\ žDYRXUVRPH Whole herring are slowly smoked over oak chips in a centuries-old tradition. To see how it’s done, take a tour of Moore’s Kipper Yard on the quayside in Peel (see page 44) Honey – Manx bees are some of the healthiest in the world thanks to the fact bees cannot be imported into the Isle of Man. The current Manx population stems from the ancient bees that have populated the Island for over a millennium. The honey they produce is delicious with its own characteristic taste, aroma and texture. Real Ale – With an abundance of breweries on-Island there is a great range of quality ale, stouts and cider available on draught and by the bottle. Purity laws in force in the Island HQVXUH D FOHDQ VXSHULRU žDYRXU


The basking shark


7KH EDVNLQJ VKDUN LV WKH VHFRQG ODUJHVW ½VK LQ WKH ZRUOG and the Isle of Man is recognised as an international hotspot for sightings. Although the largest recorded basking shark was 13.7m long (longer than a bus), most SHRSOH RQO\ VHH WKH ½QV DQG QRVH SURMHFWLQJ DERYH WKH surface. Despite their huge size they are harmless. If you spot one don’t forget to log your sighting on

IN OUR WATERS Basking Sharks – Can be spotted all around the coastline but most commonly along the west coast around Peel breakwater and Niarbyl Bay between MaySeptember


Harbour Porpoise – Can be found all year round close to the shore at Kallow Point (Port St Mary), The Sound and Niarbyl Bay Bottlenose Dolphins – Mainly spotted between October-March along the east coast, especially at Marine Drive and Douglas Bay

7KH PDJQL½FHQW 0DQ[ landscape and coastline plays host to many species of wonderful wildlife. Sightings of our mammals, marine life and birds will take your breath away, so get your cameras ready to capture a spectacular showcase of all things wild.


With more than 40% of the land here unpopulated and uncultivated you don’t have to go far to feel away from it all, but you’ll DOZD\V ½QG FRPSDQ\ LQ WKH IRUP RI RQH RI our many wild residents, who swim our seas, roam our land and soar our skies.

The best time to spot these shy antipodean inhabitants is when they are most active around dawn and dusk.


Keep your eyes peeled for a mix of Manx Loaghtan sheep, hares, polecats, mountain goats, nesting guillemots and kittiwakes… and if you’re really lucky you may even spot a wallaby! Ever since a pair escaped from the Curraghs Wildlife Park over half a century ago, the North of the Island has become a successful breeding ground for wild wallabies, with numbers estimated at over 100.

Risso’s Dolphins – Can be spotted along the southeast coast from Douglas to The Sound between April August Minke Whales – Usually spotted between June -December, along the west coast in summer months and the east coast in winter months Grey Seals – Can be spotted all year round at many locations around the Island including The Sound, The Ayres, Peel, Maughold Head and Langness If you are lucky enough to spot a whale or dolphin please log your sighting at

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766




A true adventure playground for lovers of the great outdoors, the Island’s rich and varied terrain and extensive coastline provide the perfect places for you to pursue existing hobbies and new activities.

A WALKER’S PARADISE Where familiar experiences are made extraordinary by the Island’s landscape. Take in the diverse terrain ranging from winding coastal pathways to woodland walks along quiet rivers. Visit our website for a wide range of downloadable walking maps - from railway rambles that link leisurely walking with Victorian travel, to family walks, to the 12 stages of the Raad ny Foillan, a 95 mile coastal trek that follows the rugged coastline around RAAD NY FOILLAN the entire Island.


Assault COURSE

Our Island has everything for intrepid explorers and adventurers, whether you love to swim, snorkel, row, ULGH GLYH FOLPE ½VK VFUDPEOH VXUI RU VDLO \RX FDQ do it all here. On land, sea or air, adventure can be found everywhere.

WELLIES AT THE READY Get ready to explore our beautiful beaches and magical forests, perfect for a family adventure. Take a stroll through the many glens, where woodland wizards and magical fairies can be unearthed. Or, head to one of the forests where you can create your own expedition amongst the trees and way-marked trails. There are endless adventures to enjoy!


Visit our website for a range of downloadable family friendly walks.

MUD, SWEAT & GEARS Our Mountain Bike Trails are a great LQWURGXFWLRQ WR PRXQWDLQ ELNLQJ IRU ½UVW time visitors, new riders and children. These trails through the forest park at the foot of South Barrule were developed by DEFA with invaluable support given by the Manx Mountain Bike Club and other volunteers. Both trails start from the main car park and are fully signposted, featuring handbuilt single-track sections. Find out more by visiting our website.

FOLLOW THE LEADERS British cycling is enjoying a fantastic renaissance and where else better to do it than in the birthplace of two of the greatest cyclists of the modern generation, Mark Cavendish and Peter Kennaugh.




For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Follow in the tyre tracks of the Olympic medallists and Tour de France stage winners by downloading our popular F\FOLQJ PDSV \RX¾OO ½QG RQH IRU HDFK major town on the Island.

Enjoy the journey NOT JUST THE


QUICK FACT… The horse trams date from 1876 and with many original cars still in use makes the service the world’s oldest surviving of its kind.


Whether you choose to hire a car, take a taxi, travel on the extensive bus network or step back in time and hop aboard the Victorian UDLO QHWZRUNV \RXµOO ½QG JHWWLQJ around the Island is easy.

Mountain Railway and travel onwards and upwards, 2,036 feet above sea level, to the summit where on a clear day you can see the ‘Seven Kingdoms’, Mann, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Heaven and the Sea.


If that leaves you wanting more Manx railway magic then sit back and head south on the Steam Railway. As you whistle through the ever changing landscape aboard a pristine loco, watch the Island’s history unfold before your very eyes. There’s a choice of stops along the way including the ancient capital Castletown, with its wealth of attractions including the Nautical Museum, Castle Rushen and the Old House of Keys.

The Isle of Man has some of the best heritage railways in the world, each one immaculately preserved, so every journey takes you back to bygone times. The Manx Electric Railway was built between 1893 and 1899 and connects the Island’s capital, Douglas, with Laxey in the East and Ramsey in the North. The 17 mile railway will take you along some of the most scenic stretches of railway in the British Isles. On one side you’ll experience the beautiful Manx countryside, glens and picturesque villages and on the other you’ll have far reaching views out to sea.

Alternatively explore the traditional village of /D[H\ ZKHUH \RX ZLOO ½QG SOHQW\ WR NHHS \RX occupied including the Great Laxey Wheel and Laxey Woollen Mills.

At the end of the line you won’t be disappointed when you reach Port Erin, a picturesque harbour town with a beautiful sandy beach. Visit for more information.

Horse Tramway


Take a trip along Douglas promenade on the world’s oldest horse-drawn tramway.

Isle of Man Public Transport has an extensive bus network that covers all of the main towns on the Island. Single and return tickets are available on the bus from the driver.

A testimony to Victorian engineering and endurance, the trams have been in existence on the Island since 1876 and to this day still carry tourists and locals along the promenade in the summer. You can start your journey at either end of the promenade, or hop on and off at one of the many stops along the route. You can also visit the horses in their stables and browse the shop. Stable tours run daily - please enquire at Derby Castle Station.

Taxis Taxi ranks can be found directly outside the entrances of the Airport, Sea Terminal, several hotels and at various locations around town centres. 7KHUH DUH DOVR PDQ\ ½UPV RSHUDWLQJ D hour call out service.

Alight at Laxey to connect with the Snaefell #loveiom

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The app ‘Bus-Man’ can be found in all the app stores or can be accessed from any device or computer at and includes a map showing the real time position of all services including buses, electric trams, steam trains and horse trams. It also includes a journey planner and interactive timetables.

Go Explore Cards The best way to get around the Island is by purchasing a Go Explore card valid for 1, 3, 5 or 7 consecutive days travel. Available at the Welcome Centre or on



YEAR Easter Festival of Plays – A long-running competition between several top theatre companies in the beautiful setting of the Gaiety Theatre Manx National Heritage – Run a packed programme of history and cultureorientated events and exhibitions including Isle of Man Heritage Open Days


Whatever the weather there’s always plenty going on here with a hive of cultural activity, sporting challenges and unique annual events.


Isle of Man TT Races – The legendary motorcycle races which attract visitors from all over the world

Southern and Royal Agricultural Shows – Bringing together the farming community with craftspeople, producers, musicians, charities and much more Isle of Man Food & Drink Festival – A popular platform for all the producers and food artisans who have given the local food movement a massive boost in the last few years

Tynwald Day – Celebrating the world’s oldest continuous parliament at an open air ceremony on Tynwald Hill, once the ancient meeting place of Vikings

Hop tu Naa – A unique celebration of the Celtic New Year’s Eve on October 31st each year offering a mix of evening and family activities Parish Walk – From small beginnings, the 85 mile non-stop road walk now attracts over 1,000 entrants each year

Take a look at the What’s On listing on our website to see what is happening during your stay. In the meantime, here are a few highlights to consider:

Isle of Man Darts Festival – The longest running and biggest festival in the British Darts Organisation’s diary Tough Mann Adventure Challenge – A 10K obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental courage

CULTURE Celtfest Isle of Man – Folk traditions are celebrated annually for this gathering of song, dance and the spoken word from the six Celtic nations #loveiom


Rally Isle of Man – Run on closed public roads and offers a thrilling sight for spectators

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

World Tin Bath Championships – Run annually in the middle of Castletown Harbour this fun family event attracts hundreds of competitors and thousands of visitors each year



The Northern Lights The Northern Lights can also be spotted from the north-eastern coast. Normally only seen from northerly locations such as Alaska, Norway and Iceland, the Island is quickly becoming a hotspot for watching this fascinating phenomenon.

Dark Skies y

Ayres Visitor Centre

21 A10



Jurby Head

7KH ,VOH RI 0DQ ERDVWV RI½FLDOO\ DVWWV RI½FLDOO\ recognised Dark Sky kyy Discovery Sites, n the British Isles. the largest cluster in This is due to the low ow w population olllution on density and light pollution the Island.



Glen Wyllin

Kirk Michael


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Axnfell Plantation Ballaugh Beach Car Park Ballannette Country Park Ballure Reservoir Car Park Clypse Kerrowdhoo Reservoir Car Park Conrhenny Car Park Cregneash Fort Island Glen Mooar Beach Car Park







ta in


l wa


Dhoon Glen A2


Great Laxey Wheel Great Laxey Mine Railway






5 A2



Clay Head

From December through to February, a total RI QLQH ½UVW PDJQLWXGH VWDUV EULJKWHVW VWDUV can be easily seen. The winter sky also shows the Milky Way in all its glory, stretching from the left hand side of Orion, through Gemini and Cassiopeia to the north-western horizon. The best sites to marvel at the spectacular winter stars are:

The long summer nights of June, July and August tend to minimise the opportunity for stargazing from our Island’s latitude, but there are still some spectacular sights to see. In particular about an hour or more after sunset in locations such as:

Axnfell – Next to Laxey Glen



Fort Island – Near Castletown Tholt-y-Will – Centre of the Island, near Snaefell

Groudle Glen



Douglas Horse Trams Gaiety Theatre & Villa Marina

Union Mills Braddan




Manx Museum

St Marks

Camera Obscura





lw R




A5 St



20 19





Ballasalla AIRPORT A5

CASTLETOWN Scarlett Visitor Centre

18 17 Port Soderick

Port Soderick Glen







Castle Rushen Old Grammar School Old House of Keys Nautical Museum


The Sound

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.




Crosby Glen Vine


Port Soderick – 10 minutes outside of Douglas un

t r i c R a i l wa y


Ballaglass Glen

Port Cornaa



Cregneash Village Folk Museum

Glen Mona


Tholt-y-Will Glen


Niarbyl Bay


Maughold Head TT COURSE



St Johns




Glen Mooar


Sulby Glen



Ramsey Bay



Glen Maye



Bishopscourt Glen

Greeba Glen Maye

Milntown House


Glen Elfin

26 Tynwald Hill


Calf of Man


Glen Helen




Ballaugh Glen

A.R.E. Motorcycle Museum

Fleshwick Bay





Grove Museum of Victorian Life



Curraghs Wildlife Park



Bradda Glen

Even more can be discovered through a telescope or binoculars!

St Judes



Moore’s Traditional Kippers





Peel Castle House of Manannan

Many astronomical sights can n be seen through the naked eye ye including including the Orion Nebula – over 1500 500 0 light years away, the Milkyy Way W Galaxy and one of the Milkyy Way’s W companion galaxies, the Great rea at Andromeda Galaxy, whose e light lig ght has been on its way to us for or about 2.5 million years.

Isle of Man Motor Museum Transport Museum


St Patrick’s Isle



Jurby A10


With so many dark sky sites es dotted around the Island, stargazing is the he perfect night time activity for the whole wh hole family.


Glen Wyllin Car Park Northern End of Mooragh Park Mount Murray Golf Club Niarbyl Restaurant Car Park Onchan Park Car Park Coastal Footpath behind Peel Castle 16. Port Lewaigue Car Park 17. Port Soderick Brooghs, Little Ness Car Park

18. Port Soderick Upper Car Park 19. Poulsom Park 20. Rushen Abbey Car Park 21. Smeale Coastal Area 22. Sulby Reservoir Car Park 23. The Sloc Car Park 24. The Sound Car Park 7\QZDOG 0LOOV 2YHU¾RZ &DU 3DUN 26. West Baldwin Reservoir Car Park

Spring The distinctive spring constellation of Leo, one of the few constellations that looks like what it is meant to represent, Leo is seen high in the south through March to May and is noticeable by one of the brightest spring stars, Regulus, the royal star. The spring sky also shows the constellation of Boötes and its bright star Arcturus at its best. Head to the south for the best views: Port Soderick – 10 minutes outside of Douglas The Sound – At the southernmost tip of the Isle of Man Fort Island – Near Castletown

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Niarybl – Along the west coast of the Island The Sound – At the southernmost tip of the Isle of Man Fort Island – Near Castletown

Autumn Though fainter than the other seasons, the autumn constellations are best seen in the Manx Southern sky in September through to November. The distinctive asterism of the Square of Pegasus is clearly seen high in the southern skies from most Manx locations, but its best from locations with good southern horizon views such as: Port Soderick – 10 minutes outside of Douglas The Sound – At the southernmost tip of the Isle of Man Fort Island – Near Castletown Discover what you can see from the Isle of Man’s dark sky locations on the map (left).


Things to





– FABULOUS FOOD & DRINK – SELFIE SPOT make sure you share with us using #loveiom

This comprehensive directory will help you plan your visit, wherever your interests lie. We have arranged the directory in the order of the Raad ny Foillan, covering the following locations:


Douglas, The East, Castletown, Port St Mary, Port Erin, The South, Peel, The West, Ramsey, The North and Laxey. Within each of these sections the directory has been divided into attractions, tours & walks, activities, shopping, arts & culture and eating out… VR LW VKRXOG EH HDV\ WR ½QG H[DFWO\ ZKDW you are looking for in each part of the Island.

A number of visitor attractions are seasonal or have limited opening times. We have included information where available but it is also worth checking directly with the provider in advance. When a listing is stated as being open all year round, this usually does not include Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day. Prices shown in this directory are per person, unless otherwise stated and should be used as a guide only;

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

please check with the provider for more information. All-Island maps are free to pick up from your nearest Tourist Information Centre. They include larger versions of all of the maps included in this guide.











Kingswood Grove, Douglas, IM1 3LY +44 (0) 1624 648000 From the wonders of our natural world to road racing legends, begin your journey through the Island’s vibrant history and its unique national collections. Discover how the Island changed from being the centre of a Viking kingdom to a Victorian holiday



destination. Explore the National Art Gallery or delve into the National Library & Archive. See the Manx 0XVHXPµV ODWHVW H[KLELWLRQ DQG ½QG Island inspired gifts and souvenirs in RXU ¾DJVKLS *DOOHU\ 6KRS £ > FREE Open all year round, Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm


The North


Home of Rest for Old Horses Richmond Hill, Douglas, IM4 1JH +44 (0) 1624 674594 Set in 92 acres of countryside just a short drive from Douglas, the Home of Rest is volunteer-run and supported entirely by generous contributions. Founded in 1950, it’s a tranquil sanctuary for elderly horses (including retired ‘trammers’ from Douglas Horse Trams) and donkeys. Apples, carrots and feed are available from the on-site shop.


Visit the Isle of Man’s capital Douglas for a unique blend of traditional seaside resort, transport hub and bustling quayside. Set against a two mile sweeping bay and sandy beach, Douglas is the Island’s largest town and offers a wide range of things to see and do. If you are interested in exploring the Island’s heritage, Douglas is the ideal location to base yourself as both railways depart from the capital.


<RXµOO DOVR ½QG WKH ,VODQGµV PDLQ VKRSSLQJ area in Douglas as well as a wide range of guest accommodation. Located in the Sea Terminal, the Isle of Man Welcome Centre is the gateway to the Island and the Isle of Man’s premier centre for tourism enquiries and local information. Whether you live here or are visiting our beautiful Island, the Welcome Centre offers a variety of services and information to ensure your holiday and/or stay on the Isle of Man will be one to remember.

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766



ÂŁ > FREE 14 May-8th Sep, Sun-Fri, 10am-4pm 10am-5pm

Summerhill Glen Summerhill Road/ Victoria Road Douglas +44 (0) 1624 696300 Summerhill Glen is situated at the northern end of Douglas promenade with entrances on Summerhill Road and Victoria Road. It is a popular EHDXW\ VSRW ½OOHG ZLWK VWUHDPV and footpaths to explore and a vast DUUD\ RI žRUD DQG IDXQD 5HFHQWO\ upgraded, the glen now features a new seasonal dramatic lighting display. £ > FREE Open all year round, see website for light-up schedule.

Manx Electric Railway & Museum


Derby Castle, Douglas, IM2 4NR +44 (0) 1624 662525 7KH 0DQ[ (OHFWULF 5DLOZD\ ½UVW opened in 1893 and is the longest narrow gauge vintage railway system in the British Isles. It connects the Island’s capital, Douglas, with Laxey in the East and Ramsey on the North. The 17 mile railway will take you along some of the most scenic stretches of railway in the British Isles. On one side you’ll experience the beautiful Manx countryside, glens and picturesque villages and to the other you’ll have far reaching views out to sea. The MER museum is also located inside the main Douglas depot at Derby Castle, open from midday every Sunday during the MER season. Alight at Laxey to connect with the Snaefell Mountain Railway. ÂŁ > Adult return fare from Douglas to Snaefell ÂŁ14.00, half price for children aged 5-15, children under 5 go free (restrictions apply) 12 Mar-5 Nov, see website for full timetable.

Isle of Man Steam Railway Banks Circus, Douglas, IM1 5PT




+44 (0) 1624 662525 The Island’s oldest Victorian rail system dates back to 1873 and is the longest narrow gauge steam line in Britain that still uses its original locomotives and carriages. Running between Douglas and Port Erin, the trains stop along the way at Port Soderick, Ballasalla, Castletown, Ballabeg, Colby and Port St Mary, with additional request stops. A number of special events are also available LQFOXGLQJ D UDQJH RI ½QH GLQLQJ experiences on the beautifully restored Dining Car. ÂŁ > Adult return fare from Douglas to Port Erin ÂŁ12.40, half price for children aged 5-15, children under 5 go free (restrictions apply) 8 Mar-5 Nov, see website for full timetable

Douglas Bay Horse Tramway Strathallan Crescent, Douglas, IM1 4NR, +44 (0) 1624 662525 7KH WUDPV ZHUH ½UVW LQWURGXFHG LQ 1876 to take advantage of the booming tourist trade in Victorian times and to this day still carry tourists and locals along the promenade in the summer. You can start your journey at either end of the promenade, or hop on and off at one of the many stops along the route. You can also visit the horses in their stables and browse the shop. Stable tours run daily - please enquire at Derby Castle Station. £ > Single tickets £3 adult, £2 child, children under 5 free with paying adult 8 Apr-5 Nov, see website for full timetable

Great Union Camera Obscura Douglas Head, Douglas, IM1 5BY +44 (0) 1624 621733 This Victorian curiosity has entertained visitors for hundreds of years – offering a unique way to see the surrounding area and an opportunity to spy on fellow tourists. The masterpiece works by using a series of mirrors and lenses which are located around the roof line above a darkened room. Views of the surrounding area are then projected onto a circular table which has been


separated by partitions to give 11 moving colour pictures of the 360 degree view which includes Douglas harbour, the lighthouse and horizon. :KHQ WKH žDJ LV ž\LQJ WKH DWWUDFWLRQ is open! ÂŁ > ÂŁ2 adults, FREE children (under 16’s), ÂŁ1 students and senior citizens 1 May-18 Sept 2017, Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm




Tynwald, is the oldest continuous parliament in the world and continues to debate and pass the Island’s laws today. Tours of the main Isle of Man Government buildings take you behind the scenes and shows you how the Manx Government is structured and how it operates. Tours start from inside the Library where there is also a small gift shop and exhibition area. £> FREE (1hour) Tours every Monday at 2pm and every Friday at 10am (excluding public holidays)

Okell’s Brewery Old Castletown Road, Kewaigue, IM2 1QG +44 (0) 1624 699400 This award-winning brewery has EHHQ SURGXFLQJ ½QH DOHV GUDXJKW and bottled, for over 150 years. On a fun, informative tour around the brewery you will discover the many complex processes which go into the creation of Okells’ delicious beers before sampling the various brews in the Brewery Bar. ÂŁ > ÂŁ9 (over 18s only) Thursday nights, 7:30-10pm

Hooded Ram Brewery Tours & Open Tasting Nights Hills Meadow, Douglas, IM3 1LE +44 (0) 1624 612464 The Hooded Ram Brewing Company is the Island’s newest brewery supplying cask and bottles throughout the Island and crafting DZDUG ZLQQLQJ ½QH DOHV WR PHHW WKH tastes of the most discerning real ale fan. Brewery tours are conducted throughout the TT period by arrangement and regular sessions will resume once the brewery has completed its relocation. ÂŁ > ÂŁ15 by arrangement

Inside Tynwald Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas, IM1 3PW +44 (0)1624 685520 The Isle of Man’s parliament,

Gaiety Theatre Guided Tours Harris Promenade, Douglas, IM1 2HH +44 (0) 1624 694500 Steeped in history and tradition, the Gaiety Theatre is one of the ½QHVW UHPDLQLQJ H[DPSOHV RI ZRUN from the legendary architect, Frank Matcham. Beautifully preserved, it is recognised throughout the British Isles as a Victorian masterpiece DQG LV RQH RI WKH ,VODQG¾V ½QHVW attractions. The tours given by knowledgeable theatre staff lay bare the life and secrets of the Gaiety, from its social history to the wonderful Corsican Trap, a richly rewarding experience. The tour lasts approx. 2hrs 15mins. £ > £8.50 adults, £4.50 children, see website for family discounts Every Saturday Apr- Sep, 10am. Or by appointment in the winter months.

MV Karina, Pleasure Cruises Sea Terminal Departure Lounge, Douglas, IM1 2BX + 44 (0) 7624 493592 MV Karina is the Island’s largest pleasure boat. Built in 1946, it offers cruises from Douglas to Dhoon, Port Soderick, Ramsey and Derbyhaven. These cruises are an ideal opportunity to see the stunning Manx coastline with its pretty bays and towering cliffs. All sorts of wildlife may be observed including numerous varieties of sea birds, seals, porpoises, dolphins,



basking sharks and whales; along with shipwrecks, lighthouses and interesting historical buildings. ÂŁ > ÂŁ15 adults, ÂŁ8 children (U14) (2hrs), pay on board. Daily sailings Apr-Oct (weather permitting)

Isle of Man Guided Tours Sea Terminal (outside), Douglas, IM1 2BX +44 (0) 1624 678788 Offering half day or full day excursions - guided walks in Douglas, Peel, Castletown and Ramsey as well as guided site tours. Every tour will show you the beauty, heritage and diversity of our unique Island and explore SODFHV \RX PLJKW QRW ½QG ZLWKRXW local knowledge. The tours are prearranged but bespoke tours can accommodate most special interests. The guides are ‘step on guides’ which means they join you in your own or hired car or coach, however tours via public transport or bicycle can also be arranged. ÂŁ > prices vary, please phone for further information Operating all year round

Isle of Man Trike Tours Sea Terminal, Douglas, IM1 2BX +44 (0) 7624 492444 Offering you a unique and safe way to enjoy the Island whilst following in the tracks of your favourite TT heroes, the emphasis of the tours is on enjoyment rather than high speed. As well as offering their exhilarating TT Experience, they also offer tours that explore the hundreds of miles of quieter roads and places of historical interest. All tours are taken by passionate and knowledgeable drivers. ÂŁ > Tours start at ÂŁ50 per trike (up to 2 people), min age of 8 years accompanied by an adult, or 14 unaccompanied. Operating all year round, weather permitting

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


Touring Tea Bus Sea Terminal, Douglas, IM1 2BX +44 (0)1624 617042 7KH 7RXULQJ 7HD %XV LV WKH ½UVW RI its kind on the Isle of Man. Offering you the chance to see the beautiful Island from the comfort of a double decker bus while enjoying freshly brewed tea and homemade delicious food. Excursions are run on Saturday and Sunday. Travel either up north to Ramsey via the coast road and back to Douglas via Ballacraine or south to Port St Mary via Castletown and then back to Douglas. £ > £20 Timings vary, call for more information

Douglas Guided Pub Walk Alexander Drive, Douglas, IM2 3QF +44 (0) 1624 699493 Discover the origins of some of the most popular pubs in Douglas and see how a modern working cellar operates. Discover the history of beer and the changes to pub interiors over the last 150 years as well as unique local points of interest. Find out what makes a quality pint and have a taste. There is approximately a total of 40 minutes easy to moderate walking between the pubs and the duration of the walk is in the region of 2 - 3 hours. For over 18s only. ÂŁ > ÂŁ20 including 6 half pints of beer or soft drinks and a souvenir booklet (over 18s only) Tuesdays only, Apr-Sep, other dates by appointment

Douglas Quayside Pub Walk Banks Circus, North Quay, Douglas, IM1 5AB +44 (0) 1624 699493 Stroll along ‘The Barbary Coast’ and visit some of the most popular pubs in Douglas. Get an insight into the origins of the pubs and their unique points of interest. Discover the history of beer and how the public house has evolved. Find out what makes a quality pint and have a taste. The duration of the walk is in the region of 2 - 2.5 hours. For over 18s only. ÂŁ > ÂŁ20 including 6 half pints of beer or soft drinks and 10% off food




in The British at the end of the tour Saturday afternoons only, AprSep, other dates by appointment

Heritage Trail (Old Railway Line) New Castletown Road, Douglas, IM2 1HE (Opposite the Quaterbridge Pub & NSC entrance) The old steam railway line from 'RXJODV WR 3HHO LV D žDW DQG HDV\ walking or cycling route suitable for families. Stop for refreshments in St Johns and you have all the makings of a perfect day out. You can choose to do the whole route as a return trip, in one direction only or a small section of the trail. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information.

Raad ny Foillan Section 1 (Douglas to Ronaldsway)


Millennium Bridge (behind the Sea Terminal, Douglas, IM1 2BX) As you head south along the Island’s picturesque coastline you will be met with breathtaking scenery and stunning panoramic views across Douglas Bay, before following the old coast road, Marine Drive, eventually arriving at the Ronaldsway Flying Club. You will pass a number of historical sites that you can take time to explore, including the Iron Age fort at Cronk ny Merriu and Cass ny Hawin. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice and safety information.

ACTIVITIES Marine Drive Viewpoint Marine Drive, Douglas Head, Douglas Marine Drive is situated on Douglas Head and links Douglas with Port Soderick. It is a popular picnic spot ZLWK PDJQL½FHQW YLHZV RYHU WKH ED\ It is also home to one of the Manx Wildlife Trust’s six ‘Marine Scene’ viewing points dotted along the




Island’s coastline, providing visitors with an opportunity to see and learn more about the Island’s marine life. The viewing point includes detailed information showing images of the different species you may encounter. Binoculars are also available which provide you with the opportunity to have a better view of the surrounding coastline. Little Ness Car Park located on Marine Drive in Douglas is a registered Dark Sky Discovery Site and an interpretation board allows visitors to enjoy the stunning night skies.

Exit Strategy Peel Road, Douglas, IM1 5EW +44 (0) 7624 323043 Exit Strategy is a live interactive game which gives you the opportunity to enjoy a memorable experience with your friends. You ZLOO ½QG \RXUVHOYHV ORFNHG LQWR D themed room for 60 minutes. To escape you must solve a series of clues and puzzles before the time runs out. Each room has a theme and each game varies, but in order to succeed, the room will test your problem solving skills. There will be logic puzzles, observational tasks, and occasionally physical challenges. £ > Pricing £16-20 dependent on number in group Weekdays 12-10pm, Sat 10am10pm.

Douglas Cycle Route Start: Derby Castle This demanding but rewarding route takes you out of the Island’s capital and into the tranquil surrounding countryside. An ideal way to explore the small glens, notably Groudle Glen and Molly Quirk’s Glen. The coastal road of Marine Drive provides a stunning end to the ride. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information




Hot Rocks Climbing Wall

National Sports Centre

4B Middle River Industrial Estate, Douglas, IM2 1AL +44 (0) 1624 627728 Hot Rocks Climbing in Douglas, opened in 2012 and offers over 2,000 square foot of indoor climbing walls. The facility includes lead climbing, top-rope climbing, a ERXOGHULQJ FDYH WUDYHUVH ZDOO ½QJHU boards and more. An all-weather adventure experience, it’s the perfect introduction to an exciting sport. ÂŁ > ÂŁ17.50 adults, ÂŁ16.50 under 18s & ÂŁ15 under 12s, includes full kit hire, entry and supervision Open evenings Mon-Fri and afternoons at the weekend.

Groves Road, Douglas, IM2 1RB +44 (0) 1624 688588 The National Sports Centre offers an 8 lane competition short course swimming pool and a leisure pool ZLWK žXPHV DQG ZDWHU IHDWXUHV ,Q addition, the sports centre offers 2 ODUJH VSRUWV KDOOV D ½WQHVV FHQWUH including gym and spa and outdoor athletics facility. £ > See website for price lists for peak and off peak times. Open all year round, 7am-10pm midweek, 9am-8pm weekends & public holidays.

Clay Pigeon Shooting Meary Veg, Santon + 44 (0) 1624 827756 The Isle of Man Clay Pigeon Shooting Club provides excellent facilities for its club members and visiting shooters. A session includes a round of 25 targets, the use of a club gun supervised by a member of the committee and complimentary tea or coffee. Open Sat 10am-1.30pm Sun 9.30am-1.30pm

The Brewery Paintball Company New Castletown Road, Braddan +44 (0) 7624 495875 The Brewery Paintball Company Limited was established in 1998 and has been offering high adrenaline fun for groups ever since. Suitable for a minimum of 12, teams are divided into 2 groups and will usually stay in their groups for the full session playing against their opponents to gain points by eliminating the other WHDPV SOD\HUV DQG JUDEELQJ žDJV 1RUPDOO\ ½YH VHSHUDWH JDPHV DUH played in a session. £> from £30 Open weekends session 1 9am12.30pm and session 2 12.30-4pm.

Green Wheelers Electric Bikes & Tours Sea Terminal, Douglas, IM1 2BX +44 (0) 7624 398950 Electric bikes allow you to discover the natural beauty of the Isle of Man, without the struggle of having to pedal up large hills; they are extremely comfortable and easy to use, just sit back and enjoy the feeling of gently being pushed along. :H RIIHU ERWK žH[LEOH HOHFWULF ELF\FOH rental and guided tour services. You can rent bicycles for as little as an hour or for longer over a number of days, we can deliver the bikes anywhere on the Island (a small charge may apply). £ > Rental from £10, tours from £30 Open all year round

Mount Murray Golf Course Mount Murray Road, Santon, IM4 2HT +44 (0) 1624 695330 The Mount Murray course, which is situated within Santon around 15 minutes’ drive outside of Douglas, skillfully incorporates the natural features of the Manx countryside with streams and lakes to provide an enjoyable round for golfers of all standards. A driving range is also present within the grounds, if golfers wish to practice their swing before venturing onto the course. The Golf Club is also one of the



Island’s recognised Stargazing Sites. £ > prices vary, see website for price list

Douglas Golf Course Pulrose Park, Douglas, IM2 1AE +44 (0) 1624 661558 Douglas Golf Course, otherwise known as Pulrose Golf Club, was famously designed by Dr Alexander Alistair Mackenzie, who also designed the Augusta National in Atlanta, Georgia. A superbly varied course offering some challenging greens, with a highly affordable price, within minutes of the town centre. ÂŁ > Adults from ÂŁ12.50, Juniors from ÂŁ8.50, prices vary during summer/winter mid-week/ weekends Pro shop opening times 9am-3pm winter, 9am-6pm summer, course open during daylight hours.

Noble’s Park St Ninians Road, Douglas, IM2 4BE +44 (0) 1624 696330 Noble’s Park is a beautiful, well maintained park, located in upper Douglas. Children and parents will ½QG SOHQW\ RI DFWLYLWLHV DQG IDFLOLWLHV on site to keep everyone entertained, from sports courts to a bowling green, children’s playgrounds for tots and juniors plus a BMX track and skate park. The park also features ornamental gardens and a Victorian bandstand - a stage for some seasonal performances. ÂŁ > Entry to the park is free but hire charges are in place for the sports courts. Open all year round

Dragon’s Castle Villa Marina, Harris Promenade, Douglas, IM1 2HH +44 (0) 1624 600555 The Dragon’s Castle play area is perfect for your young explorers to have fun in a safe and friendly environment. There is lots for the

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


children to enjoy including: slides, tunnels, a ball pool, soft play and a swing rope. A height limit of 4’5� applies to children playing on the equipment. £ > £4 per child See website for session dates and times, open all year round

Ultimate Driving Experiences +44 (0) 1624 697419 What better way to explore the Island’s railways than by driving one of our historic electric trams or steam locomotives. Each event is run over RQH GD\ DQG LQFOXGHV VDIHW\ EULH½QJV history and theory tuition, and the chance to drive one of our electric trams between Laxey and Ramsey, or a steam train between Castletown and Port Erin. ÂŁ > Phone for availability and pricing Available throughout the season, limited dates available

Sea Kayaking Isle of Man Douglas + 44 (0) 7624 414498 Sea kayak tours offering something for everyone; fun times for family, excitement for experienced kayakers and adventures for others. With H[SHULHQFHG DQG KLJKO\ TXDOL½HG instructors by your side on the water giving you lots of help and encouragement. £ > contact for pricing

Villa Marina & Gaiety Theatre Harris Promenade, Douglas IM1 2HH +44 (0) 1624 600555 Featuring a breathtaking Frank Matcham designed theatre, intimate concert halls, a purpose-built performance area for the Mighty Wurlitzer, a cinema, children’s play area and public gardens, it is the ultimate entertainment experience. The centrepiece of the Villa Marina is the Royal Hall, a spectacular auditorium that hosts some of the biggest names in music and comedy.




It combines Edwardian grandeur and comfort with the latest sound and light system to create an amazing atmosphere at every show. £ > See website for ticket prices Open all year round

Broadway Cinema Villa Marina, Harris Promenade, Douglas, IM1 2HH +44 (0) 1624 600555 Part of the Villa Marina complex, the 154-seater Broadway Cinema offers a lively mix of the latest blockbusters, family viewing, lower-key releases and old classics across matinee and evening screenings 7 days a week. £ > See website for ticket prices Open all year round, seven days a week



Central Promenade, Douglas, IM2 4NA +44 (0) 1624 682773 Showing the latest mainstream movie releases with varied genres RI ½OP WR VXLW DOO WDVWHV WKH 3DODFH Cinema houses two screens which allows multiple screenings during peak periods. Enjoy watching the latest movies in the comfort of the refurbished Palace Cinema auditorium with new seating with drink holders and state of the art digital projection and 3D facilities. £ > Tickets start at £8.50 adults and £6.50 children. Open all year round, seven days a week

Sayle Gallery Harris Promenade, Douglas, IM1 2HN +44 (0) 1624 674557 An art gallery and leading cultural attraction showcasing the work of both Manx and international artists. The gallery offers a variety of courses and workshops throughout the year for both adults and children, and also has an artist in residence. £ > FREE admission Open Tue-Sat 10am-5pm and Sun






Tanroagan Seafood Restaurant

Barbary Coast Grill & Bar

National Art Gallery

9 Ridgeway Street, IM1 1EW +44 (0) 1624 612355

Douglas Chambers, North Quay, IM1 4LA +44 (0) 1624 679297

Kingswood Grove, Douglas, IM1 3LY +44 (0) 1624 648000 Situated in the Manx Museum the National Art Gallery houses works by D QXPEHU RI VLJQL½FDQW 0DQ[ DUWLVWV including Archibald Knox, William Hoggatt and John Miller Nicholson. A real window onto the Island’s social and cultural history. £ > FREE Open all year round, Mon–Sat 10am-5pm.

New Manila Thai Restaurant Marathon Terrace, Queens Promenade, IM2 4NH +44 (0) 1624 660600

Little Fish Café 31 North Quay, IM1 4LB +44 (0) 1624 622518

14 North

SHOPPING Strand Street

Palace Cinema


The main shopping area in Douglas runs parallel to Douglas Promenade. <RXµOO ½QG PDQ\ KLJK VWUHHW UHWDLOHUV alongside lots of smaller, independent shops. In recent years, a number of excellent coffee shops have opened up in and around Strand Street, so you’ll ½QG SOHQW\ RI SODFHV WR UHOD[ DIWHU D few hours’ shopping. Shopping hours are usually 9am to 5:30pm from Mon-Sat, with shops closing early on Sun.

RESTAURANTS: Just Pizza & Pasta 7-17 Wellington Street, IM1 2AS +44 (0) 1624 653955

The Courthouse Athol Street, IM1 1LD +44 (0) 1624 672555

Mannin Hotel Restaurant

14 North Quay, IM1 4LE +44 (0) 1624 664414

Kurries and Steaks 1 South View, Queens Promenade, IM2 4NP +44 (0) 1624 613811

The Terminus Tavern Strathallan Crescent, IM2 4NR +44 (0) 1624 624312

Artisan 28 Victoria Street, IM1 2LE +44 (0) 1624 667917

The Bridge Inn 8-9 North Quay, IM1 4LQ +44 (0) 1624 675268

The Queens

Hailwood Court, IM2 7EA +44 (0) 1624 616364

Queens Promenade, IM2 4NL +44 (0) 1624 674438

The Railway

The Prospect

The Tea Junction

Prospect Hill, IM1 1ET +44 (0) 1624 616773

14 Castle Street, IM1 2EU +44 (0) 1624 616578

JAKS Bar & Steakhouse

The Eatery

North Quay, IM1 4LB +44 (0) 1624 616663

Isle Of Man Business Park, IM2 2QZ +44 (0) 1624 626060

Paragon Restaurant Best Western Palace Hotel and Casino, Central Promenade, IM2 4NA +44 (0) 1624 662662

The Imperial Dragon

1 Empire Terrace, IM2 4LE +44 (0) 1624 676355

20a Duke Street, IM1 2AY +44 (0) 7624 336445

Horse & Plough The British

13-15 Castle Street,IM1 2EX +44 (0) 1624 626003

HQ Bar & Restaurant

The Alpine 5 Regent Street, IM1 2EB +44 (0) 1624 619249

43 Loch Promenade, IM1 2LZ +44 (0) 1624 663786



Banks Circus, IM1 5AB +44 (0) 1624 670773


Coast Bar & Brasserie

The North

The Cat With No Tail

7 John Street, IM1 2AD +44 (0) 1624 623764

17 Palace Terrace, Queens Promenade, IM2 4NE +44 (0) 1624 624569



8-16 Broadway, IM2 4EL +44 (0) 1624 602555

18-22 Loch Promenade, IM1 2LX + 44 (0) 1624 639396



For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766









Port Soderick Glen


Port Soderick, Glen Road Port Soderick became a Manx National Glen in 1975 and has been known in the past as the Sunny or South Creek. The glen itself comprises some 15 acres with the Crogga River running through it. It has several stands of conifers particularly on its south side. During the springtime the northern banks are clad with bluebells, whilst a marshy area on the southern side is populated with Blughtyn or marsh marigolds. An additional 30 native species of Manx ZLOG¾RZHU ZHUH LQWURGXFHG LQWR WKH central meadow in 2006.


Laser Blast

Whitebridge Road, Onchan, IM2 6DA + 44 (0) 1624 679399 Laser Blast is a team game where opposing teams try to tag their opponents with lasers with an automatic tally being kept of shots on target and hits taken. The Laser Blast arena caters for up to 20 players and with laser beams and sound effects, it’s a thrilling activity, with games typically lasting 18 minutes. £ > £5 Open all year round, Mon-Sat

Fun Barn

ACTIVITIES Clypse & Kerrowdhoo Reservoirs

28 If you’re paying a visit to Douglas or Laxey why not venture a OLWWOH IXUWKHU D½HOG DQG WU\ VRPH RWKHU HDVWHUQ GHOLJKWV ATTRACTIONS Groudle Glen Railway Groudle Glen, Onchan, IM3 4EA +44 (0) 1624 670453 A Victorian tourist attraction restored and run entirely by volunteers, the line runs through the pretty glen and out round Groudle headland. At Christmas time, the special Santa and Mince Pie trains are a perennial hit with youngsters. £> Return fares £4 adults, £2 children Open Sun, May-Sep, 11am-4:30pm, also open some Wed evenings during summer, see website for timetable


Onchan Pleasure Park Onchan, IM3 1HU The large playground features equipment, slides and swings for both tots and young children. Younger children will love the battery-operated kiddi-cars and a cruise on the lake in a motor boat. Older kids will have fun on the bumper boats, the go-karts or ride on the monster truck at Onchan Raceway. The entire family will enjoy a round of crazy golf or mini-golf (pitch and putt). Energetic adults may wish to play a few sets of tennis or perhaps a more leisurely game of bowls. £ > Park entry free, activities carry a charge Park open all year round, activities during summer months.

IM4 5BG + 44 (0)1624 685857 %RWK UHVHUYRLUV DUH WUDGLWLRQDO ¾\ ½VKLQJ RQO\ ZDWHUV DQG RIIHU KLJK quality stocked rainbow trout from 2lb upwards, along with the occasional wild brown trout. £ > An Isle of Man Government Reservoir Licence is required to fish in this reservoir, visit website for details. The reservoirs are stocked between Mar-Oct on a regular basis. The reservoirs are stocked between Mar-Oct on a regular basis.

Whitebridge Road, Onchan, IM2 6DA + 44 (0) 1624 679399 A great indoor soft play adventure for kids with slides, ball pools and tunnels. £ > £4.50 Open all year round Mon-Sat, see website for session times.

King Edward Bay Golf Course

TOURS & WALKS Molly Quirk’s Glen

Snaefell Crescent, Onchan Molly Quirk’s Glen in the parish of Onchan stretches in an “L” shape, along Whitebridge Road and backwards to Little Mill, covering DERXW ½YH DFUHV ,W LV MRLQHG RQWR Groudle Glen and Bibaloe Walk. There are two entrances to this glen, one on Whitebridge Road and the other on the Little Mill road behind the estate of Ballachrink. Little Mill acquired its name from the mill (the Wellington Mill), which stood at the head of the glen.


Groudle Road, Onchan, IM3 2JR + 44 (0) 1624 672709 A round of golf at King Edward Bay will be a memorable one. First designed by Tom Morris in 1893, the course is superbly maintained and affords some of the best views on the Island. The springy, mountain turf makes play fast and smooth and some of the holes are especially memorable The course is great for beginners and regular players hoping to develop their game, with regular junior and taster offers. £ > £20 Mon-Fri, £25 weekends & Bank Holidays Open all year round

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


RESTAURANTS Tapas Restaurante 5 Port Jack, Onchan, IM3 1ED +44 (0) 7624 413272

Views Restaurant Onchan Park, Onchan IM3 1HU +44 (0) 1624 623348

Fryers Fish & Chips The Village Walk, Onchan, IM3 4EA +44 1624 610395

WINE BARS & PUBS The Archibald Knox Avondale Road, Onchan, IM3 4EZ +44 (0) 1624 613203

The Crosby Main Road, Crosby, IM4 2DQ +44 (0) 1624 851293











Castle Street, Castletown, IM9 1LD +44 (0) 1624 827413 This medieval castle holds many stories within its walls. Originally built for a Norse king and later besieged by Robert the Bruce, the castle has been a royal residence, a mint and a prison. Explore its rooms and furnished chambers, hear from the past inhabitants and discover who shaped its future. Climb the spiral staircase to the ramparts for panoramic views. ÂŁ > ÂŁ8 adults, ÂŁ4 children, see website for full price list Open 1 Apr-26 May & 5 Sep-3 Nov 10am-4pm and 27 May-4 Sep 10am-5pm

Nautical Museum Bridge Street, Castletown, IM9 1AX + 44 (0) 1624 824186 Uncover the story of the inventive George Quayle and his most


In the South lies Castletown, the Island’s ancient capital, ZKHUH \RXÂľOO ½QG RQH RI WKH best preserved medieval castles in the world.


VLJQL½FDQW VXUYLYLQJ FUHDWLRQ 3HJJ\ the earliest known example of a British armed yacht. Find out what excavations revealed about nautical life in Castletown and the exploits and ingenuity of George Quayle who designed his own cabin room and private dock. Hear about the work the Nautical Museum are doing to conserve Peggy to ensure she survives her third century. ÂŁ > ÂŁ6 adults, ÂŁ3 children, see website for full price list Open 1 Apr-3 Nov 10am–4pm

The Old House of Keys Parliament Square, Castletown, IM9 ILA +44 (0) 1624 822306 In the heart of Castletown, the DQFLHQW FDSLWDO RI 0DQQ \RX ZLOO ½QG the Old House of Keys building, a former home of the Manx Parliament (Tynwald). In 2000, Manx National Heritage began a conservation programme and the building has now been restored to its 1866 appearance. In the debating chamber, visitors can

9LVLWRUV WR &DVWOHWRZQ ZLOO ½QG WKH information point within the Castletown &LYLF &HQWUH ZKHUH \RX ZLOO ½QG IXUWKHU information to help you make the most of your time there.

Many heritage attractions can be discovered in this historic town, which was the Island’s capital for hundreds of years and also the where the House of Keys used to meet before moving to Douglas in 1874.



For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


‘vote’ on the crucial issues which RQFH IDFHG 0DQ[ SROLWLFDO ½JXUHV ÂŁ > ÂŁ6 adult, ÂŁ3 children Open 1 Apr-3 Nov, 10am-4pm

Old Grammar School Castletown, IM9 1LE The Old Grammar School was built DURXQG $' DV WKH ½UVW FKXUFK IRU the settlement that grew up around Castle Rushen. It later became a school for boys, and is still depicted as this to this day. It is the oldest roofed structure still standing on the Isle of Man today. £ > Free Open for events and pre-booked groups by special request only.

Poulsom Park Off Victoria Road, Castletown Poulsom Park is a traditional children’s play park nestled between Castletown’s picturesque train station and the Silverburn river. The large enclosed play




area is suitable for both toddlers and older children. A skate park features ramps, grind rails and a track made from earth. A small zip wire sits adjacent on the river side, and is accessible for children of all ages. ÂŁ> Free



Arbory, Castletown One of the Island’s most impressive ancient monuments. Excavation has revealed a number RI VLJQL½FDQW ½QGV LQFOXGLQJ SUHKLVWRULF žLQWV %URQ]H $JH burials, Iron Age earthworks and early Christian lintel graves. A 10th century AD Viking boat burial which dates back to between 850AD and 950AD was discovered in 1945 by a German refugee and a team from the internment camps based on the Island. The group were originally looking for an Iron Age hill fort but found the burial instead, lying within early Christian lintel graves, which contained a 36ft long Viking ship and the bodies of a man and woman. ÂŁ > Free


enthusiasts. St Michael’s Isle forming the northern most point of Langness Peninsula is connected to Langness by a causeway. The Chronicles of the Kings of Mann and the Isles recorded two great battles here. St Michael’s Chapel, a 12th-century Celtic Norse keeill, is located on the south side of the Island. On the east side you’ll ½QG 'HUE\ )RUW ZKLFK ZDV EXLOW E\ James Stanley, the 7th Earl of Derby and Lord of Mann in 1645, during the English Civil War to protect the once busy port of Derbyhaven. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

The Viking of Balladoole Family Walk Scarlett Visitor Centre, Scarlett Point, Castletown, IM9 1TB +44 (0) 1624 823244 Set off on your adventure and become a real explorer, discovering the eruptive past of Scarlett Point and the intriguing Viking Burial at Balladoole. Follow the child-friendly trail map, to discover fascinating facts and enjoy a handful of interactive activities which will ensure that your family walk is one that won’t be forgotten! Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Castletown Beach Shore Road, Castletown The horseshoe-shaped bay of Castletown offers sandy stretches and pebbly coves. The beach is a favourite among watersport IDQDWLFV RIIHULQJ SHUIHFW ZLQGVXU½QJ conditions. It is also a great spot for walking, adored by locals and tourists alike.

TOURS & WALKS Railway Ramble: Castletown, Derbyhaven, Langness, St. Michael’s Isle Start: Castletown Station, Victoria Rd, Castletown A stunning coastal walk to Langness Peninsular, with a historic fort and keeill thrown in for interest. A paradise for marine and bird



ACTIVITIES Castletown Golf Links Fort Island, Derbyhaven, Castletown, IM9 1UA + 44 (0) 1624 822211 Castletown Golf Links is a unique championship golf course situated on the Langness Peninsula and surrounded by the sea on all three sides. The original Castletown Club was formed in 1892 and holes were laid out on the present site in the early 1900’s by Old Tom Morris of St Andrews. Castletown Golf Links was ranked amongst the top 261 courses in the world within The Rolex Top 1,000 Golf Courses in the World (2nd Edition, 2013). £ > Prices vary depending on season and day of the week, see website for price list


Open all year round

Scarlett Visitor Centre and Nature Trail Scarlett Point, Castletown, IM9 1TB + 44 (0) 1624 844432 Standing between the limestone quarry that built Castletown and the triple lime-kilns on the shore, the centre displays maps, diagrams and data, that introduce the complex geology and fossil remains of the 6FDUOHWW SHQLQVXOD $ VKRUW ½OP VKRZV RII WKH DUHD¾V ULFK FRDVWDO žRUD and bird life and a marked nature trail explores these features on the ground. An exhilarating walk in any season. £ > Free Open from May-Sep, 2-5pm, TueSun.



to better view the surrounding coastline to look for wildlife. ÂŁ > Free Available all year round

Craftworks Studio Qualtrough’s Yard, Hope Street, Castletown, IM9 1AN + 44 (0)1624 823244 Craftworks is a paint-your-own pottery studio offering an extensive range of bisque to choose from. All of the equipment and expert advice is supplied to make your painting experience a happy one. Visit the studio at the beginning RI \RXU KROLGD\ WR DOORZ VXI½FLHQW WLPH WR JOD]H DQG ½UH \RXU SLHFHV



The North


alternatively special arrangements can be made for posting. ÂŁ > ÂŁ5 fee + the cost of individually priced bisque, ranging from ÂŁ2-ÂŁ30 Opening times vary throughout the year, please see website for more information

WINE BARS & PUBS: The George The Parade, Castletown, IM9 1LG +44 (0) 1624 822533

Castletown Cycle Route Start: Castletown Station This relaxing ride covers some of the gentler slopes of the Island’s south and is suitable for all age groups and OHYHOV RI ½WQHVV 7KH WRWDO GLVWDQFH RI this route is 13 miles, with an optional diversion to St Michael’s Isle and to Langness, both of which run close to the shore and give panoramic sea views. A further optional diversion is to Silverdale Glen, home to picturesque woodland, a popular family park and a cafĂŠ. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information


Marine Scene Viewing Site Old Grammar School, Castletown, IM9 1LE One of six viewing sites the Manx Wildlife Trust has around the Island’s coastline, providing a great opportunity to see and learn more about our coastal and marine life. Detailed information panels show images of the species you are likely to see, such as seals, dolphins, basking sharks and birds, as well as information on how to spot them and when. The accompanying binoculars provide everyone with the opportunity

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766






Port St Mary



from the age of three upwards. The friendly knowledgeable guides will KHOS \RX LGHQWLI\ \RXU ½QGV DQG explain some of the amazing facts about their lifecycles. They provide DOO WKH QHWV EXFNHWV PDJQL½HUV and guidebooks. You just need to bring your enthusiasm. £ > £7.50 (minimum of 4) Sessions scheduled around tides and weather


The busy harbour village of Port St Mary is home to the Island’s only nine hole golf course and with its deep water harbour, boat trips are readily DYDLODEOH IRU ½VKLQJ WULSV RU D WULS WR WKH &DOI RI 0DQ




Port St Mary (Chapel) Beach

Gemini Charter Port St Mary has a small, but busy \DFKW KDUERXU ZLWK ½VKLQJ DQG sailing boats regularly coming and going. The beach is a popular venue for open-water swimming and has a swimmers’ raft. From Chapel Beach you can take a stroll over the “cat-walkâ€? which leads to the inner and outer harbours. Going north from Port St Mary is an easy walk to Gansey Bay which is popular with windsurfers and water sports enthusiasts.

Port St Mary Breakwater + 44 (0) 7624 483328 The Gemini is a twin engine 35 foot catamaran which makes it an H[FHOOHQW VWDEOH SODWIRUP IRU ½VKLQJ and wildlife trips. The team are very experienced bird watchers and have also seen many basking sharks, dolphins and the occasional minke whale in their 20 years of taking wildlife trips. Fishing trip types LQFOXGH UHHI ½VKLQJ VSHFLHV ½VKLQJ ZUHFN ½VKLQJ DQG WRSH WULSV $OO ages and skill levels are welcome as training and assistance will be given by the Skipper and crew. £ > Fishing trips start from £15 and wildlife trips start from £20, see website for full price list. Operating daily, weather permitting

Gansey Beach A good sized sandy beach within the Bay ny Carrickey and just to the east of Port St Mary. It’s an excellent low water location IRU ZLQGVXU½QJ EHVW LQ (DVW 6( South and SW winds. At high tide the sea crashes onto the sea wall and should be avoided at all costs. The beach is also popular with surfers and kayakers, two hours before/after high tide gives the best break.


Raad ny Foillan Section 3: Port St Mary to Port Erin Start: Alfred Pier, Port St Mary IM9 5EF Pass sheer cliffs, historic villages and wonderful wildlife, a favourite amongst walkers and possibly one of the best coastal walks in the British Isles. This unforgettable route offers tremendous opportunities to see a contrast of scenery and marine

wildlife with multiple terrain changes. A short detour will take you to the rocky Chasms or around the Manx Folk Village of Cregneash. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information.

Port St Mary Beach There is a great variety of angling opportunities around Port St Mary. Gansey Bay offers good EHDFK ½VKLQJ DQG ORFDOV RIWHQ ½VK from the end of the harbour wall. Typical species caught from the shores around Port St Mary include pollock, wrasse, grey mullet, PDFNHUHO DQG FRDO½VK Visit the website for advice and safety information.


Port St Mary Golf Course Kallow Point Road, Port St Mary, IM9 5EJ + 44 (0)7624 462635 Port St Mary golf course is the Island’s only nine hole course. Originally formed in 1903 as a private company, the golf club has occupied its present location since 1936. The current course was designed by Open Champion George Duncan. It offers truly spectacular panoramic views of the two bays and harbour of Port St Mary and is widely considered by golf enthusiasts to have one of the best golf course views in the United Kingdom when standing at the sixth tee.

Marine Scene Viewing Site Kallow Point Road, Port St Mary IM9 5EJ One of six viewing sites the Manx Wildlife Trust has around the Island’s coastline, providing a great opportunity to see and learn more about our coastal and marine life. Detailed information panels show

ACTIVITIES Discover Diving Marina House, Bay View Road, Port St Mary, IM9 5AQ + 44(0) 7624 300090 The Isle of Man is perfectly placed to be swept by the tides passing through the Irish Sea. These tides support a wide variety of amazing marine life. Discover Diving can provide full equipment hire, guides and training and there is also a charter boat service offering the chance to explore the best dive sites. ÂŁ > Snorkelling starts at ÂŁ35, see website for full price list Operating Thu-Fri 12-5pm, Sat 9am-4pm and Sun 9am-12pm

Beach Ranger Marina House, Bay View Road, Port St Mary, IM9 5AQ + 44 (0) 7624 300090 Ideal for families to explore the marine life, welcoming everyone


For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


images of the species you are likely to see, such as seals, dolphins, basking sharks and birds, as well as information on how to spot them and when. The accompanying binoculars provide everyone with the opportunity to better view the surrounding coastline to look for wildlife. ÂŁ > Free Available all year round

CAFES & TEAROOMS: Aaron House The Promenade, Port St Mary, IM9 5DE +44 (0) 1624 835702









ATTRACTIONS Port Erin Beach Port Erin beach sits in a sheltered bay bordered by the tall cliffs of Bradda Head to the north. With its many facilities, easy access and VRIW JROGHQ ZKLWH VDQG LW LV D ½UP family favourite. It also makes a great base for walks, either to the north over Bradda Head, leading to the beautiful Fleshwick Bay, or to the south, towards the Calf of Man. The west-facing beach has stunning sunsets and views to the Irish coast and the Mountains of Mourne in the distance.

Port Erin

Railway Museum Station Road, Port Erin, IM9 6AE Located on the platform of the most southerly stop on the Isle of Man Steam Railway. The museum charts the history of the steam railway from its inception in 1873 to the present day including the now defunct lines which used to



serve Peel, Ramsey and Foxdale. ,QVLGH \RXµOO ½QG VWHDP HQJLQHV and carriages including the royal carriages which carried The Queen and Queen Mother in 1963 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1972. The PXVHXP LV KRPH WR D ½QH FROOHFWLRQ of locomotives, the Royal Train, rolling stock, memorabilia, posters and interpretive displays. The museum is also home to the Isle of Man’s only railway simulator. £ > Admission £2 adults, £1 children, simulator experience from £5 Open from 9.30am-4.30pm on days the Steam Railway operates, see website for timetable.

Bradda Glen and Milner’s Tower Discover the tranquil beauty of Bradda Glen offering spectacular and panoramic views over the beautiful Port Erin Bay and the Calf of Man as you walk along the winding coastal path, moving up the headland to Milner’s Tower. The monument is dedicated to William

Offering a variety of heritage attractions, glorious beaches and excellent walking trails, no trip to the Isle of Man is complete without a visit to Port Erin Bay. Popular with visitors since the Victorian era, Port Erin sits within a beautiful secluded bay which offers D PDJQL½FHQW VZHHS RI VKHOWHUHG VDQG\ EHDFK ° enjoyed by watersports enthusiasts and families. Boat trips to the Calf of Man’s nature reserve and bird observatory also leave from here. The town is home to the most southern point on the Steam Railway line and has retained its original station as well as a comprehensive railway museum which showcases vintage transport memorabilia.



For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


Milner in acknowledgement of his many charities to the poor and WR 0DQ[ ½VKHUPHQ 7KH *OHQ KDV many vantage points, with bench seats for walkers to stop, making it an ideal spot for a picnic. It also hosts one of the Marine Scene viewing sites which Manx Wildlife Trust have created providing visitors ZLWK WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR ½QG RXW more about the coastal and marine life around the Island’s coastline.

TOURS & WALKS Go-Mann Adventures Droghadfayle Road, Port Erin, IM9 6EN +44 (0)7624 480129 Take some time out to explore with guided walks, tours and other adventures all over the Isle of Man. Choose from a range of walks along the Manx coast or through the hills or design and book your own adventure - perfecting your map reading, navigation, hiking




challenges, trek training, hill and outdoor skills. Or book a guided tour, with Go-Mann Adventures being your guide to special places on the Isle of Man. All levels catered for! ÂŁ > Walks start at ÂŁ10, see website for full price list Operating all year round, see website for availability

Shona Boat Trips Old Breakwater Road, Port Erin, IM9 6JA + 44 (0)7624 322765 Shona Boat Trips offer the ability to see the Calf of Man, mine workings and lighthouses as well as birds, seals and possibly basking sharks, dolphins and porpoises. Minimum of 4 people required. ÂŁ > ÂŁ20 adults, ÂŁ10 children, ÂŁ5 infants, see website for full price list All trips are weather dependent, please contact for more information.


Raad ny Foillan Section 4: Port Erin to Niarbyl Start: Port Erin Bay, Port Erin This section of the Raad ny Foillan is particularly spectacular in the mid to late summer when the surrounding heather and gorse are in full bloom. Beginning with a walk around Port Erin Bay you will then head up towards Milner’s Tower and on towards Bradda Cairn where you’ll be met with stunning views of the Calf of Man. After a few ups and downs you’ll arrive at Cronk ny Arrey Laa where views are well worth the climb. As you come to the end of your walk you’ll arrive at one of the Island’s most stunning beaches, Niarbyl, where mesmerising sunsets FDQ RIWHQ EH VHHQ EHIRUH ½QLVKLQJ DW Niarbyl Visitor Centre. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information



Erin Bike Hut is a friendly, independent cycle hire shop. When it comes to cycling on the Island they NQRZ ZKDW¾V ZKDW DQG KDYH D žHHW of Orbea Avant road bikes and Orbea MX40 mountain bikes in a variety of sizes to suit all, plus an Orbea Orca M20i road race weapon. £ > Prices start at £20 for 4 hours, see website for full price list Open Mon-Thu 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-6pm and Sat 9.30am-5pm

7th Wave Strand Road, Port Erin, IM9 6HF + 44 (0)1624 836366 Whether you want to discover sailing, learn powerboating, understand navigation or just enjoy a paddle around the bay, 7th Wave are here to help you discover our amazing emerald waters. All their VWDII DUH TXDOL½HG LQVWUXFWRUV DQG are there to make sure you have the best possible experience on the water. Also offering kayak hire and a shop specialising in watersports equipment. 7th Wave is an RYA Recognised Training Centre. £ > Kayak hire from £10, see website for full price list On-the-water activities run from Easter to the end of September and shore based courses are offered during the winter.

Port Erin Cycle Route Start: Port Erin Railway Station This route introduces you to the PDJQL½FHQW FRDVWDO VFHQHU\ RI WKH Island’s south-west, culminating in an optional ride down to the The Sound, with its views over to the Calf of Man. This is also a great place for spotting seabirds and grey seals. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Erin Bike Hut Church Road, Port Erin, IM9 6AQ + 44 (0) 1624 835484





Leaver during 1905 to 1910. The course offers both relaxed and challenging pars with exceptional views of the countryside and coastline of Port Erin. ÂŁ > prices vary depending on time of year, see website for price list Open all year round

Port Erin, IM9 6LN + 44 (0)1624 834072 (VWDEOLVKHG LQ ½UVWO\ DV D nine hole course laid out by George Lowe, the course was extended to 18 holes and redesigned by W.J.


The North


Dine in Style Built in 1905 and restored in the Spring of 2013, the plush Dining Car is one of RQO\ D KDQGIXO RI ½QH GLQLQJ QDUURZ gauge dining cars in the world. Offering a mouth-watering menu using only WKH ½QHVW 0DQ[ SURGXFH &XUUHQWO\ operating three carriages with a capacity of 66 people on scheduled services.

Shopping Port Erin High Street The main shopping area in Port Erin begins opposite the Steam Railway Station and runs around the loop of Station Road and Church Road. The area contains mostly local shops, cafes and beauty outlets.

Arts & Culture Erin Arts Centre Victoria Square, Port Erin, M9 6LD +44 (0) 1624 835858 An internationally recognised, QRQ SUR½W PDNLQJ DUWV FHQWUH dedicated to presenting performing, vocal and visual art events. Known for its ground-breaking music and opera programmes and its international competitions, the EAC is acknowledged to be one of the leading arts centres in the British Isles. Its versatility in terms of space enables it to accommodate anything from instrumental recitals to small orchestral ensembles, FKRUDO FRQFHUWV RSHUD DQG ½OP 7KH Centre also has its own dedicated gallery space. ÂŁ > see website for What’s On listing and prices Operating all year round


WINE BARS & PUBS: The Station

Rowany Golf Course



Station Road, Port Erin, IM9 6AE +44 (0) 1624 838991

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766






The South Whether you have a bit of time to kill before going to the airport, or have travelled south to explore the fascinating heritage and history that can be found there, why not pop into one of these nearby attractions or grab a bite to eat?


PEEL Settled on an upland plateau overlooking the Calf of Man, Cregneash village was one of the last strongholds of the Manx language and customs which characterised the crofting way of life. Step inside the Manx cottages to see how crofters lived through stories, skills and craft demonstrations. Take time to enjoy the changing seasons and natural history. You may see cats with no tails, four-horned sheep and traditional farming practices in action. ÂŁ > ÂŁ6 adults, ÂŁ3 children Open 1 April - 26 May & 5 Sep - 3 Nov Mon-Sun 10am-4pm and 27 May - 4 Sep 10am-5pm

The Sound & Calf of Man Sound Road, The Sound, IM9 5PZ One of the most scenic places in the British Isles. Abundant with nature’s wonders, this area is a hotspot for seals sunbathing on the rocky Kitterland. Enjoy a walk along the coastal paths, looking for dolphins and basking sharks in the emerald sea. If you have enough time book a boat trip out to or around the Calf of Man, a 600 acre islet which is a nature reserve and bird observatory. An ideal place to study bird life, žRUD DQG IDXQD $URXQG VSHFLHV of birds breed on the Islet annually LQFOXGLQJ FKRXJKV SXI½QV DQG 0DQ[ shearwaters. ÂŁ > Free Open all the time




ÂŁ > Free Open all the time

TOURS & WALKS The Original Manx Fudge Factory Ballasalla, IM9 2AU +44 (0) 7624 244201 The family-run Fudge Factory in Ballasalla creates mouth-watering fudge, toffee, chocolate and more. On a factory visit you can learn all about how the confectionery is made and taste a IHZ VDPSOHV RI WKH IXGJH žDYRXUV £ > Free Open Mon-Fri all year round, contact prior to visit

Railway Ramble: Colby Station

Colby Glen, Cronk-e-Dhooney to Colby Level Halt Start: Colby Station, Station Road, Colby, IM9 4NW Colby Glen, one of the few glens left to develop without public intervention, offers the perfect opportunity to discover and explore the wild beauty of the Island. The walk leads you onto one of the many footpaths present within the glen, offering pleasant stream-side walks, as well as footpaths through the countryside. Follow the route to lead you to Colby Level Halt, which is a short distance away from Colby train station. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Rushen Abbey & Monky Business Mill Road, Ballasalla, IM9 3DB + 44 (0) 1624 823048 Almost 900 years ago, King Olaf I gave land for an Abbey. People have been drawn here ever since, from the monks who wrote the earliest account of the Isle of Man’s history, to the tea-dances of the early 1900s and the heady days of 1980s disco. The medieval ruins and gardens


can still enchant but for a more active visit, follow the family friendly ‘Monky Business’. Discover medieval medicine, listen to sounds of the Abbey and play in the ‘Jam Factory’. ÂŁ > ÂŁ8 adults, ÂŁ4 children Open 1 Apr - 26 May & 5 Sep - 3 Nov 10am-4pm and 27 May - 4 Sep 10am-5pm

Silverdale Glen Silverdale Road, Ballasalla, IM9 3DT An extremely popular rendezvous

for all the family with a children’s playground (including a unique Victorian water-powered roundabout), boating lake and glen. There is a series of marked walks centred on the Silverburn river. These river walks illustrate the importance of the water power of the Silverburn in times gone by as they pass the weir and watercourses of the Silverdale Mill.

Cregneash Howe Road, Cregneash, IM9 5PX + 44 (0)1624 834993

Near Cregneash Village, Howe Road, Cregneash, IM9 5PX Meayll Circle stands near to the summit of Meayll Hill overlooking the south of the Island and provides evidence of occupation from Neolithic to Medieval times. The Manx name of this structure is Rhullick-y-laggshliggagh which translates to ‘the graveyard of the valley of broken slates’. At this unique archaeological PRQXPHQW \RXÂľOO ½QG EXULDO chambers in an 18 foot ring with six entrance passages leading into each pair of chambers.


Hango Hill, King William’s College, and then in Castletown itself, the medieval fortress Castle Rushen, the Old House of Keys and the Nautical Museum. Continue along the exposed coast to arrive in the sheltered harbour of Port St Mary. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Manx Aviation & Military Museum Ronaldsway Airport, Ballasalla, IM9 2AT +44 (0) 1624 829294 Discover the amazing story of civil and military aviation in the Isle of Man and DOVR ½QG RXW DERXW WKH ,VODQG DQG LWV people both at home and in the armed forces in wartime. Often likened to Dr Who’s ‘Tardis’, and packed full of exhibits ranging from a single button to a full-size aeroplane, the museum has something of interest for everybody. ÂŁ > Free (donations welcome) Open daily 27 May-30 Sep and weekends for the rest of the year

RESTAURANTS Cafe Bar TWO-SIX The Clubhouse, Airport Road, Ballasalla, IM9 2AS +44 (0) 1624 823605

WINE BARS & PUBS The Colby Glen

Meayll Hill


The North

Raad ny Foillan Section 2: Derbyhaven to Port St Mary Start: Ronaldsway Flying Club, Derbyhaven, IM9 1TU This low-lying stretch of the coastal path follows the sea’s edge from the airport passing areas of historic battles, sandy bays and Fort Island. Continue on the path to Langness DQG WKH OLJKWKRXVH WR ½QG D VKLQJOH beach-side path which was once a horse racing course for the Earls of Derby until you arrive in the heart of Castletown, the Island’s ancient FDSLWDO +HUH \RXÂľOO ½QG PDQ\ architectural treasures including

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Main Road, Colby, IM9 4LR +44 (0) 1624 834853

The Whitestone Inn Station Road, Ballasalla, IM9 2DD +44 (0) 1624 822334












information on special services

Cathedral Isle of Man Derby Road, Peel, IM5 1HH +44 (0)1624 844830 Cathedral Isle of Man was consecrated as a cathedral in 1980. It serves as the Cathedral for the Church of England diocese of Sodor and Man, which covers the Isle of Man. Despite its only recent consecration, the Cathedral was built between 1879 and 1884, and through its links to Island culture, has a wealth of history and knowledge that can be shared and enjoyed by the community. Visitors are encouraged to wander through the Cathedral and take note of the various highlighted features which are currently accompanied by discreet signage. £ > Free Open daily 9am-6pm, see website for



House of Manannan Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TA +44 (0) 1624 648090 Situated at the head of Peel Harbour, this acclaimed interactive museum thoroughly explores the Island’s Celtic, Viking and maritime heritage. Hugely popular and accessible to visitors of all ages, allow at least two hours to tour the museum at a relaxed pace. There is an excellent gift shop selling crafts, collectables and souvenirs. £> £10 adults, £5 children Open all year round

$ WKULYLQJ ½VKLQJ SRUW ZLWK VHYHUDO museums and heritage sites including the imposing Peel Castle located on St Patrick’s Isle.


Leece Museum The Old Courthouse, East Quay, Peel, IM5 1AR +44 (0) 1624 845366 Founded in 1984 by the late Mr Eddie Leece, the Leece Museum displays a wonderful collection of objects, photographs and documents from Peel in days gone by. The museum building, on the quayside in Peel, is the town’s old courthouse, whose many original features include the ‘Black Hole’ - a forbidding cell where wrongdoers were once incarcerated. £ > Free Open Tue – Sat, 10am - 4pm all year round + Sun 12-4pm June-Sep


It is not without reason that Peel is known as the “Sunset City”. This west facing beach is blessed with stunning, unforgettable sunsets and views of the Mountains of Mourne in the distance. 9LVLWRUV WR 3HHO ZLOO ½QG WKH 9LVLWRU ,QIRUPDWLRQ 3RLQW located in the Peel Wildlife Trust Shop situated in 0DUNHW 3ODFH 7KH VKRS LV VWRFNHG ZLWK OHD¾HWV DQG information you need whilst in the area.


The North

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766



Manx Transport Heritage Museum Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TB +44 (0) 1624 842448 This diminutive museum in Peel is packed to the rafters with a huge variety of transport exhibits and artefacts. From a model train to an HOHFWULF PRWRUELNH \RXÂľOO ½QG PXFK to surprise and delight. The museum is also home to the P50, the world’s smallest road legal car, which was manufactured in Peel in 1964. ÂŁ > Free Open Easter – 29 Oct, Sat 1am-5pm, Sun + Bank Holidays 1-5pm

Peel Beach

44 A golden, gently sloping, sandy beach set in a beautiful bay, bounded by Peel Castle and the Peel Harbour on one side and red sandstone cliffs on the other. It is popular with both visitors and locals alike and has lots of facilities in the vicinity including easy parking, ice cream parlours and cafes. Treats to try on Peel promenade include its famous crab sandwiches and locally produced ice cream. ÂŁ > Free

Fenella Beach West Quay, Peel, IM5 1TB Overlooked by the ancient fortress of Peel Castle lies Fenella Beach, a small sheltered cove. Popular with locals and tourists alike, the beautifully sandy bay offers picturesque views with the ancient fortress acting as a dramatic backdrop. ÂŁ > Free

Peel Castle West Quay, Peel, IM5 1TB +44 (0) 1624 648090 Standing on the rugged mass of St Patrick’s Isle, Peel Castle is one of the Island’s foremost historic sites. The oldest structures within the castle walls date back to the 11th Century, when the castle was the ruling seat of




the Norse Kingdom of Mann and the Isles. In summer, the grounds provide the atmospheric backdrop for annual performances of Shakespeare by visiting theatrical companies. £ > Adults £6, Children £3 1 Apr-26 May & 5 Sept to 3 Nov 10am4pm and 27 May-4 Sept 10am – 5pm,



from Peel to Douglas, a level and easy route suitable for families. Stop for refreshments in St Johns and you have all the makings of a perfect morning or afternoon out for all the family. You can choose to ride the whole route as a return trip, in one direction only or a small section of the trail. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information Note - in Douglas the start of the trail is used as an access road during the TT Races and Festival of Motorcycling

Moore’s Kipper Yard Tours Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TA +44 (0) 7624 496362 Moore’s Traditional Curers is a family business and a working factory and shop smoking and selling Manx Kippers that are famous the world over. As the last of these traditional curing yards, it is now a living museum and visitors are invited to experience a working display of this almost lost culinary art where herring are smoked over oak chips in a centuries-old tradition. The 30 minute tours take visitors through the entire kipper making process and invite you to taste the results for yourself. £ > £2 Mondays May-Mid Sep at 3.30pm, group bookings can be catered for at other times upon request.

Isle of Man Ghost Tours Meet outside the House of Manannan, Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TA +44 (0) 7624 416824 Walk the streets and lanes of this truly Manx town and hear ghostly stories of the terrifying black dog; The Moddey Doo. Of ghostly carriages, icy hands that grip you as you lie in bed and an old school with its ghostly pupil that still remains. Tours also available in Douglas, Ramsey and Castletown. ÂŁ > ÂŁ5 Every Wednesday 8pm

Heritage Trail (Old Railway Line) Behind House of Manannan car park Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TA A simple walking or cycling trail following the old steam railway line

Raad ny Foillan Section 6: Peel to Kirk Michael Start: Fenella Beach, West Quay, Peel, IM5 1TB This fascinating section of the Raad ny Foillan will take you past chapels, FKXUFKHV DQG HYHQ SDVW D ½QH collection of Norse crosses. As you ascend you’ll be greeted by stunning views over Peel and its surrounding areas. After a short walk along the main road, follow a track that takes you back onto the main footpath and past St Germain’s halt station. Following a footpath that is slightly inland from the steep coast will bring you along the route of the old Manx Northern Railway, where you can still see some of the old railroad. Eventually you will reach the pillars of the viaduct at Glen Mooar before heading down on to the beach. From here it is just a short walk WR \RXU ½QLVK SRLQW *OHQ :\OOLQ Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information



Peel Cycle Route House of Manannan, Mill Road, Peel, IM5 1TA Peel and its surrounding area should feature in everyone’s cycle plans. As well as giving you an introduction to this historic port and its impressive castle, the trail takes you through the picturesque villages of St John’s, with an optional longer ride through Glen Maye, with spectacular views on the climb up to ‘Snuff the Wind’ lead mine ruins. For an easier ride, take a shortcut along the Patrick Road, re-joining the route at Patrick village and back to Peel. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Manx Sea Life Safari Peel Harbour, Peel Sail out of Peel bay on a sightseeing and wildlife boat tour. See the outskirts of Peel Castle and venture round the west coast with the chance to spot sea birds and visiting sea life - including seals, dolphins and basking sharks (sightings vary on time of year). Weather permitting. ÂŁ > Price includes safety equipment and lunch at the Sunset Kiosk, contact for more information One of six viewing sites the Manx Wildlife Trust has around the Island’s coastline, providing a great opportunity to see and learn more about our coastal and marine life. Detailed information panels show images of the species you are likely to see, such as seals, dolphins, basking sharks and birds, as well as information on how to spot them and when. The accompanying binoculars provide everyone with the opportunity to better view the surrounding coastline to look for wildlife. £ > Free Available all year round

Peel Golf Course Rheast Lane, Peel, IM5 1BG +44 (0)1624 843456 A highly varied, 5,874 yard heathland course established in 1895, Peel Golf Course continues to provide a challenging test of golf to all who play it. The course is extremely varied, with many holes having been cut through pine tree plantations. It offers a complete range of natural hazards from streams and turf banks to gorse. ÂŁ > Contact for prices Open all year round There are a good variety of angling opportunities around Peel Bay. ,I ½VKLQJ IURP WKH EHDFK LWVHOI concentrate on the northern part. 7KHUH LV JRRG ½VKLQJ DQG HDV\ DFFHVV from the rocks that surround the Castle and from the end of the harbour wall. Typical species caught from the rocks and harbour wall include SROORFN EDOODQ ZUDVVH FRDO½VK cuckoo wrasse, grey mullet, mackerel and conger eel. £ > Free See website for advice and safety information.

The North


RESTAURANTS The Boatyard Restaurant Mariners Wharf, East Quay, IM51AR, Peel +44 (0) 1624 845470

WINE BARS & pubs The Highwayman Poortown Road, Ballawattleworth, Peel, IM5 1XF +44 (0) 1624 842386

TAKEAWAYS The Cod & Castle Peel Centenary Centre Athol Street, Peel, IM5 1HQ +44 (0) 1624 845146 In a building dating back to 1877, the volunteer-run centre excels as a community space and an entertainment venue. The 200-seater main auditorium has seen a huge variety of acclaimed bands and musicians in recent years, particularly in the world, folk, jazz and country genres. The Centre is also home to local movie club Films in Peel, Inspiration Theatre Company and panto veterans Peel Pantaloons. Visit the website for an up to date what’s on listing. £ > prices vary, see website for more information Open all year round

Marine Scene Viewing Site Peel Breakwater, Peel, IM5 1TB






For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

13a The Promenade, Peel +44 (0) 1624 845121

The Kiosk Peel Breakwater, Peel +44 (0) 1624 843990









ATTRACTIONS Bishopscourt Glen

The west Enriched in history, the picturesque glen was formerly part of the private garden belonging to the Bishops of Sodor and Man, whom resided at Bishopscourt, opposite the Glen’s entrance. Enjoy the scenic features of the glen, many developed by previous Bishops and their families such as the small cave with a carved stone seat, hidden from view – a favourite among children and families.

Glen Helen Perhaps the best known of the Island’s glens, it traverses the rivers Neb and Blaber and 3/4 of a mile into the glen you will reach the dramatic and picturesque Rhenass waterfall.

Glen Maye Glen Maye, or Glen Mea - ‘The Luxuriant Glen’ (as it was once known), came into Manx national ownership in 1960. It comprises some 11 and a half acres situated on either side of the Rushen River, and contains D PDJQL½FHQW ZDWHUIDOO DV LWV PDLQ feature.


Glen Mooar

&ORVH WR 3HHO \RXÂľOO ½QG WKH pretty village of St John’s which is home to the Tynwald Mills shopping centre as well as the iconic Tynwald Hill. A popular tourist destination, the four-tiered hill is thought to be made from soil from all the Island’s 17 ancient parishes and is an important landmark in Manx history. #loveiom

Also on the west coast is the secluded area of Niarbyl Bay, which is one of the Island’s most important geological sites and offers fantastic walking trails and stunning sunsets and Kirk Michael, a village made famous by the TT Races. There are an abundance of nature spots in the west of the Island including glens and gardens where you can relax and spot some of the local wildlife. The glen occupies part of the western bank of the Glen Mooar valley and extends from the main Peel to Kirk Michael road southwards, to the small coniferous plantation beyond the Spooyt Vane (White Spout) waterfall, just outside the Glen’s boundary.

Glen Wyllin The stream that follows the course of the glen to the sea has in former times driven a water mill, hence the name, Wyllin being Manx Gaelic for Mill. The glen has a children’s playground and a busy campsite open in summer months.



Cooill y Ree Gardens The Cooill y Ree gardens are a three-acre area of outstanding beauty. Cooill y Ree is Manx Gaelic for ‘Nook of the Kings’, an appropriate name given the proximity of Tynwald Hill, where the Manx Parliament gathers once a year for a formal ceremony. The stunning landscaped gardens are planted with a vast array of native and non-indigenous plants and shrubs.

Garey ny Cloie Garey ny Cloie is a beautiful woodland garden with a huge variety of exotic tree species. In springtime, the shrub borders of Azalea, Dwarf Rhododendron and Camellia add colour to the collection of Japanese žRZHULQJ FKHUULHV

Niarbyl Bay One of the Island’s most important geological sites, showing evidence of the fusion of continents 140 million years ago. Discover the peaceful landscape with its rolling hills, thatched cottages and dramatic coastal paths leading to white beach and one of the most interesting of the Island’s ancient keeills or early Christian chapels, Lag ny Keeilley. This wild shore is also an excellent vantage point for spotting marine wildlife, particularly basking sharks.

The North


Tours & Walks Raad ny Foillan Section 5: Niarbyl to Peel Start: Niarbyl Bay, IM5 3BR This section of the Raad ny Foillan begins at Niarbyl Visitor Centre before the footpath brings you down towards the magical footpaths of Glen Maye. Here you can take time to explore the picturesque glen where you will discover stunning waterfalls and rivers before continuing on your way along the route. As you continue, you will follow the winding cliff top footpaths ZKLFK ZLOO ½QDOO\ EULQJ \RX WR 3HHO Hill and its well known monument, Corrin’s Tower. Your descent will gradually bring you to stunning views over Peel and Peel Castle before ½QLVKLQJ WKH ZDON DW )HQHOOD %HDFK Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Raad ny Foillan Section 7: Kirk Michael to Jurby Start: Glen Wyllin Campsite, Kirk Michael, IM6 1EU Start your journey at Glen Wyllin Campsite before heading north along the old railway line to Glen Trunk and the sea. From here, follow the blue Raad ny Foillan signs along the coastline, while taking care of your footing and watching out for any coastal erosion. Alternatively you can walk along the beach for this part, but be sure to check the tide times beforehand! From here, follow the sand and shingle along the beach XQWLO \RX DUULYH DW \RXU ½QLVKLQJ SRLQW 6DUW½HOG %HDFK Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information.

Tynwald National Park and Arboretum The 25-acre park adjacent to Tynwald Hill was created to celebrate the Millennium Anniversary of Tynwald; the grounds were planted with trees from the 17 parishes. The paths through the trees offer gentle walks and there are plenty of spots just perfect for a picnic. Children will enjoy the playground area, and feeding the resident ducks.

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Activities Adventurous Experiences Ballabrooie, Patrick Road, St Johns, IM4 3BR +44 (0) 1624 843034 Adventurous Experiences is an adventure sports centre offering fun and exciting ways to see the Island. They welcome individuals, families and groups, birthdays, hen/stag parties and corporate events.




Their highly experienced coaches lead sea kayak trips and tuition, coasteering adventures, rock climbing, team building and gorge scrambling at various locations around the Island. ÂŁ > prices start at ÂŁ40, see website for price list Operates all year round

Ape Mann Adventure Park


South Barrule Plantation, Foxdale, IM4 3ES +44 (0) 7624 494252 Opened in May 2013, the Ape Mann Adventure Park has quickly established itself as a great place to have a fun-packed day out in the forest. Set in one of the Island’s largest plantations, the adventure park consists of a low family rope course suitable for children and adults to have fun on together, and a high rope course for the more adventurous. The park is suitable for both children and adults with plenty to do and also includes one of Britain’s highest sets of monkey tree climbing hardware. £ > prices start at £10 see website for full price list Open all year round

Segway South Barrule Plantation, Foxdale, IM9 4ES + 44 (0) 7624 252525 Segway Isle of Man provides Segway Safari tours inside some of the Island’s beautiful forests. You will be rewarded with outstanding views and have more fun than you’ve ever had on two wheels standing up! Tours are also available in Castletown and on Douglas Promenade. £ > Prices start at £20, see website for full price list Operating all year round

Laser Mayhem Watertrough Plantation, South Barrule, IM4 3AS + 44 (0)7624 234555 The Laser-Mayhem team kit you





RXW LQ IXOO FDPRXžDJHG FRPEDW clothing and face paint and give you the choice of state of the art military JUDGH ODVHU JXQV ½WWHG ZLWK UHDO UHG GRW ODVHU VLJKWV WKDW ½UH D KDUPOHVV beam at an incredible 400m. They give you and your teammates a full mission brief and then let you choose to do a battle of wits, cunning and courage in their purpose EXLOW EDWWOH½HOG /DVHU 0D\KHP LV suitable for those aged six and over. £ > £20 Operating all year round

Island’s coastline, providing a great opportunity to see and learn more about our coastal and marine life. Detailed information panels show images of the species you are likely to see, such as seals, dolphins, basking sharks and birds, as well as information on how to spot them and when. The accompanying binoculars provide everyone with the opportunity to better view the surrounding coastline to look for wildlife. £ > Free Available all year round

Quad Bike Mania

South Barrule Mountain Bike Trails

Watertrough Plantation, South Barrule, IM4 3AS + 44 (0)7624 234555 This off road tour is a fantastic way for groups, families and individuals to enjoy some freedom and exhilarating adventure while experiencing the beauty of the Island. No previous experience is required and full instruction and tuition is given by our friendly team. Night time tour cruising is available each night of the week. ÂŁ > From ÂŁ45

Ballahimmin Riding and Pony Trekking Centre Little London, Cronk Y Voddy, Kirk Michael, IM6 1BB +44 (0)7624 482990 Situated amidst the beautiful Little London hills at Cronk y Voddy on the Isle of Man with fantastic off road trails into the beautiful Manx hills. Witness breathtaking views over land and sea, from areas inaccessible by car, from the saddle of a wide selection of well-schooled horses and ponies. All abilities welcome and all treks supervised by experienced guides. ÂŁ > prices start at ÂŁ15, see website for full price list Open all year round

Marine Scene Viewing Site

Niarbyl Bay, IM5 3BR One of six viewing sites the Manx Wildlife Trust has around the

South Barrule Plantation, Foxdale, IM4 3ES A great introduction to mountain ELNLQJ IRU ½UVW WLPH YLVLWRUV QHZ riders and children. Each trail goes through the forest at the foot of South Barrule and are fully sign posted and feature hand built single-track sections. The 1km Blue Kipper Trail is ideal for young children and beginners to the sport providing a small loop without any real climbing which winds its way round the foot of the plantation. The 5km Red Viking Trail LV D PRUH DGYDQFHG URXWH IRU ½WWHU riders and features boardwalk and VRPH VKRUW EXW VWHHS FOLPEV 7KH ½UVW half of the route is covered mainly on IDVW ZLGH ½UH WUDFN EHIRUH VXGGHQO\ climbing up to the top of the forest. The extra effort is rewarded by a longer descent that takes you back to your starting point via a longer singletrack course that includes a number of purpose-built features including board walks and rock gardens.



Visit them to see why they are such a popular destination. Open Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm, Sun 1-5:30pm

Arts & Culture Isle Gallery Tynwald Mills Courtyard, St Johns, IM4 3AD +44 (0)1624 801751 The Isle Gallery is run by a not for SUR½W RUJDQLVDWLRQ $UWUHDFK 6WXGLRV Work showing at the Gallery often includes oil and acrylic painting, wood carving, along with limited and unlimited prints of local and international artists. As well as monthly exhibitions the Isle Gallery also hosts children and adult art workshops that run throughout the year.


The North


ÂŁ > prices vary, visit the website for more information Open all year round Wed-Sun 2-5pm

WINE BARS & pubs The Mitre Main Road, Kirk Michael, IM6 1AJ +44 (0) 1624 878244


Shopping Tynwald Mills Craft Centre Tynwald Mills, St Johns, IM4 3AD + 44 (0)1624 801213 Established for over 30 years, Tynwald Mills is the only department store on the Isle of Man. Incorporating a historical mill, and bringing many brands together under one roof, they are renowned for their ability to evolve and provide a great shopping experience.


For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766








Attractions Milntown Gardens Lezayre Road, Ramsey, IM7 2AB +44 (0)1624 812321 There are 15 acres of gardens and woodlands in this historical setting for you to explore. Throughout the gardens there are many excellent specimens of rhododendrons, magnolias, camellias and many other species too, all of which produce a dazzling display of blooms from early spring right through to summer. Robert Jones, Ramseybased sculptor, is displaying a number of his pieces of work on the Milntown




Estate during the 2017 Gardens Season. ÂŁ > ÂŁ3.50 adults, ÂŁ1 children, see website for full price list including group rates and concessions. Open daily 18 Feb- 5 Nov 10am-5pm (last entry 4.30pm)

Grove Museum of Victorian Life Andreas Road, Ramsey, IM8 3UA +44 (0)1624 812686 Step inside the cherished country home of the Gibb family. The Gibb sisters lived a frugal but spirited life,


The North


working to maintain the place they called home. Inside their possessions reveal the story of the family. Find out about life below the stairs in the servants’ quarters and see the working EHHKLYH 2XWVLGH ½QG YLQWDJH IDUP equipment, spend time in the country garden and meet some of the famous /RDJKWDQ VKHHS JUD]LQJ RQ WKH ½HOGV ÂŁ > ÂŁ6 adults, ÂŁ3 children Open 1 April - 26 May & 5 Sep - 3 Nov 10am-4pm and 10am-5pm 27 May - 4 September

51 Head north on the Isle of 0DQ DQG \RX¾OO ½QG 5DPVH\ the second largest town on the Island, set against the PDJQL½FHQW EDFNGURS RI North Barrule.

Ramsey boasts an impressive working harbour, masses of sand and shingle beach and one of the most impressive recreational spaces the Isle of Man offers Set in 40 acres, Mooragh Park is a hotspot for visitors who will enjoy the sporting facilities, boating lake and children’s play areas.

You can reach Ramsey by travelling along the world famous TT Mountain Course, which affords stunning views of the countryside and coast, or on the Manx Electric Railway where the line terminates.


For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766



Silly Moos Ballakillingan Farm, Ramsey, IM7 2AL + 44 (0)7624 262541 With two maize mazes, a tractor safari DQG D IXQ ½HOG LQFOXGLQJ D JLDQW FRZ slide, bouncy castle, giant building bricks, ride on pedal tractors, and lots of family games to play, from giant Snakes and Ladders to badminton, Silly Moos provides a wonderful day out for all the family. Cows are milked every afternoon and children can then feed baby calves with the milk. There are also other farm animals the children can stroke and interact with and learn about. £ > £5.50 - all activities included, see website for concessions and group tickets. Open during the summer holidays, Tues-Sun, 10.30am-6pm.

Ramsey Beach


Ramsey Bordered on one side by the Victorian Queen’s Pier and on the other side by two stone piers. It is here that the ,VODQGÂľV ODUJHVW ULYHU WKH 6XOE\ žRZV into the sea having wound its way from its upper reaches at the base of Snaefell mountain. It has a golden, sandy beach which slopes gently down to the sea. From the beach you can see ½VKLQJ DQG FDUJR YHVVHOV DV ZHOO DV yachts entering and leaving the busy harbour.

Ballure Walk This tiny glen is popular with locals but its existence is otherwise not widely known. Located on the Ballure Road which leads south from Ramsey to Maughold the glen lies just to the south of the town. The roadside entrance leads the inquisitive visitor to D FRDVWDO SDWK ZKLFK JLYHV PDJQL½FHQW views over Ramsey and the Queen’s Pier.

Elfin Glen & Claughbane Woods These glens are adjacent to the famous Hairpin corner on the TT course overlooking Ramsey. They




provide excellent walking amid mature woodlands and conifers and offer spectacular views of the northern plain to the Point of Ayre and across the sea to the coast of Galloway. The woods are noted for the variety of small migrant songbirds that nest here during the summer months.

Lhergy Frissel Lhergy Frissel is located adjacent to (O½Q *OHQ RQ WKH IDPRXV 77 PRXQWDLQ course by the Ramsey Hairpin. It comprises a mixture of naturally regenerated hardwoods over an area of six hectares. The glen is divided into two parts by the TT course. A steep and winding path leads to the Albert Tower, a distinctive landmark overlooking Ramsey.

Tours & walks Milntown House Tours Lezayre Road, Ramsey, IM7 2AB +44 (0)1624 812321 Milntown Estate, which stands in the shadow of Sky Hill, dates back to the 16th Century. It was once the seat of the powerful Christian family, whose most famous members are Manx Nationalist hero William Christian (Illiam Dhone) and HMS Bounty’s Fletcher Christian. The interior of the house was decorated and furnished by Lady Edwards and her son Sir Clive prior to his death in 1999 but there are still many features dating from Deemster Christian’s 1830 refurbishment and earlier periods. £ > £7 Wednesdays 2.30pm, until 30th Sep, or groups (15+) by arrangement, visit website for more information

Raad ny Foillan Section 10: Ramsey to Maughold Start: Ramsey Harbour This walk takes you from a bustling harbour town to the peaceful coastal cliffs of Maughold Brooghs which blooms with gorse and bluebells in spring. Arriving at the edge of


0DXJKROG 9LOODJH \RX¾OO ½QG WKH church and shelter which houses the largest collection of carved Norse and Celtic crosses. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information




I Dive Isle of Man offer a huge range of PADI courses and train everyone from children to adults trying diving IRU WKH ½UVW WLPH WR H[SHULHQFHG divers looking to brush up their skills. The Ramsey-based team train small groups to maximise the value of the tuition. Kit hire also available to experienced divers. £ > Tuition prices start at £50, see website for full price list

Mooragh Park Lake Road, Ramsey, IM8 3AR The park boasts excellent leisure facilities which visitors of all ages will appreciate including a 12 acre boating lake which hosts a wide range of watersport activities throughout the year. If you prefer to keep your feet on GU\ ODQG \RXÂľOO ½QG WHQQLV FRXUWV D bowling green, BMX track and a crazy golf course as well as a children’s playground and special water play area. ÂŁ > Free entry, charges apply to most of the activities on offer Open all year round, activities available during summer months

Ramsey Cycle Route Ramsey Manx Electric Railway Station This relaxing ride can be enjoyed by cyclists of all abilities, particularly if the idea of rural tranquillity and quiet, level roads appeal to you. Set against the backdrop of the Manx hills, the gentle landscape of the northern plain contrasts greatly with the rest of the Island. There is also an option to ride to the Island’s most northern point - the Point of Ayre. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Queens Valley, Ramsey, IM8 1NG +44 (0) 7624 417325 Try one of the fastest growing water sports, with its modern roots tracing back to the 1950’s on Waikiki Beach. SUP has many disciplines from yoga DQG ½WQHVV WR VXU½QJ UDFLQJ DQG even white water. Each session lasts two hours, allowing some beach/land and shallow water practice before you grab the paddleboards. Sessions are a combination of taught elements and individual practice with a short paddle tour. ÂŁ > Prices start at ÂŁ35, see website for full price list. All session costs are inclusive of equipment hire. Operating all year round, session are run all over the Island, locations are dependent on weather and tides.

I Dive Isle of Man +44 (0) 7624 460391


the UK, for its spectacular greens as well as its exceptional views of the northern hills. ÂŁ > Non-members ÂŁ36 (summer), ÂŁ25 (winter), see website for full price list Open all year round

Northern Swimming Pool Mooragh Promenade, Ramsey, IM8 3AB + 44 (0)1624 812852 Offering a variety of sessions and activities for all ages and abilities from public sessions, adult only swims, fun sessions, ladies nights and parent & toddler sessions in a fun and friendly environment. There are also numerous clubs and associations that provide DGGLWLRQDO DFWLYLWLHV VXFK DV DTXD½W sub-aqua and canoe sessions. £ > £3.80 adults, £2.75 children, see website for full price list including concessions and multi-rate offers

Fishing Outdoors Ramsey

Saltworks - SUP Stand Up Paddleboarding


Albert Road, Christian Street, Ramsey, IM8 2EL + 44 (0) 1624 819082 Outdoors Ramsey offers a wide selection of adult mountain bikes available for hire. An Island wide collection and delivery service is available at a small additional cost. Children’s cycle rear seats, lights and panniers are also available to hire. £ > £12 per bike per day (including helmet & lock), see website for full price list Open all year round, Mon-Sat, 8:30am-5:30pm

Ramsey Golf Course Brookfield Avenue, Ramsey, IM8 1AA + 44 (0)1624 812244 Ramsey Golf Club, located at the IRRW RI D EHDXWLIXO JOHQ ZDV ½UVW established in 1891 and the current 18 hole parkland course was designed by James Braid in 1929. It was recently listed by Golf Monthly in their “100 Hidden Gemsâ€? within There are some excellent opportunities for angling from the shores around Ramsey. There is an extensive beach area around Ramsey and to the north at The Dog Mills and The Vollan. Here DQJOHUV PD\ FDWFK ½VK WKDW LQFOXGH EDVV WRSH GRJ½VK JUH\ PXOOHW PDFNHUHO FRDO½VK SODLFH DQG GDE See website for advice and safety information. £ > Free

The North


Shopping Ramsey Farmers’ Market Bowring Road, Ramsey, Ramsey Farmers’ Market takes place at The Storm Cafe, Bowring Road each Saturday. Buying locally allows access to the freshest products, with exceptional levels of traceability, and the market provides the opportunity to meet the producers. Every Sat 10am-3pm

Ramsey High Street <RX¾OO ½QG PDQ\ LQGHSHQGHQW VKRSV ,Q recent years, a number of craft shops have opened up and expanded in and around the area.

RESTAURANTS Jean Pierre’s Bistro Court Row, Ramsey, IM8 1JS +44 (0) 1624 819839

Lake View Restaurant at Ramsey Park Mooragh Park, Park Road, Ramsey IM8 3AR +44 (0) 1624 818123 ramsey-park/

Cafe Rosa Lezayre Tea Rooms, Glen Duff, IM7 2AT +44 (0) 1624 816609

WINE BARS & PUBS Surestrike Tenpin Bowling Queens Promenade, Ramsey, IM8 1ET +44 (0) 1624 812444 Situated right on the sea front, overlooking the Queens Pier, it is only a few minutes walk from the town centre. With 10 bowling lanes, pool tables, table tennis, air hockey and a soft play area for the little ones, it’s the perfect way to spend some quality time with your family. £ > games start at £6 adults and £4 children, see website for full price list and opening times.

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The Royal George 10 - 12 Market Place East, Ramsey IM8 1JY +44 (0) 1624 812146

The Swan Parliament Square, Ramsey, IM8 1AH +44 (0) 1624 814236

CAFES & TEAROOMS Milntown Cafe Milntown Estate, Lezayre Road, Ramsey, IM7 2AB +44 (0) 1624 818091









Attractions Isle of Man Motor Museum

The North

Jurby, IM7 3BD +44 (0)1624 888333 Explore the amazing stories behind a collection of over 280 unique vehicles from around the world, including classic cars and motor vehicles and rarely seen private motorcycles. The Museum was founded and funded by father and son team Denis and Darren Cunningham to act as the public home for their collection of over 130 vehicles. The Museum also hosts over 150 other vehicles on loan from other enthusiasts and collectors. £ > £12.50 adults, £6.50 children, free for under 5s, concessions and group rates also available, see website for full price list. Open all year round, daily (except Wed) 10am-5pm (last admission 4pm)

Jurby Transport Museum


If you’re visiting Ramsey why not plan to extend your visit to the rest of the North? Curraghs Wildlife Park in nearby Ballaugh is well worth a visit. If you’re feeling energetic, why not head to Dhoon Glen – where you’ll face a FKDOOHQJLQJ VWHSV WR FOLPE DQG ½QG WKH highest waterfall in the Island.


And if you’re looking for something to really make your pulse race, head to the Venture Centre near Maughold where you can take part in a variety of exciting outdoor pursuits including kayaking, abseiling and coasteering. Another spot worth visiting is the Point of Ayre – the Island’s most northerly tip. +HUH \RXµOO ½QG WKH $\UHV 1DWXUH 5HVHUYH which is one of the best places to watch wildlife on the Isle of Man.

Jurby Industrial Estate, Jurby, IM7 3BD The museum is set in a former RAF Aircraft Hanger built in the winter of 1939-40. Housed in the hanger are many vintage Manx buses, cars and wagons as well as rail vehicles which may be of particular interest if you enjoy using the Heritage Railways. Children can clamber in and onto many of the vehicles and will enjoy the miniature displays of toy and model cars and trains including a Hornby Dublo Train. £ > Free admission Open Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday 10am-4pm

Curraghs Wildlife Park Ballaugh, IM7 5EA +44 (0)1624 897323 7KH SHUIHFW SODFH IRU D IXQ ½OOHG family day out with over 350 types of animal to discover living in 40 acres of beautiful, natural scenery. Kids and nature lovers will love learning about all the different animals, from penguins and meerkats, to wallabies



and monkeys – there’s plenty to keep everyone entertained. Make sure you also visit the Orchard Line miniature railway, explore the Enchanted Wood play area set deep within the park’s surroundings and take a bounce on the jumping pillow. £ > Adults £9.50, Children £6.50, Under 3s £2.50. Visit the website for the full price list including group rates and concessions. Open 1 April - 30 Sep (7 days a week) 10am-6pm, 1 Oct - 5 Nov (FriSun)10am-5pm, 6 Nov - 28 Feb 2018 (Fri-Sun) 10am-4pm. Also open 7 days during school holidays.

Kidding Chaos Ballanorman Farm, Ballacrye Road, Ballaugh, IM7 5BP +44 (0)1624 897070 Visit Ballanorman Goat Farm during kidding time to see gorgeous Boer and Angora kids. Cuddle the kids, PHHW WKHLU PXPV DQG ½QG RXW DERXW their care. With over 260 goats, this is the largest commercial herd on the Isle of Man, and indeed their Boer herd is one of the largest in the whole of the British Isles. £ > £7.50 including tea and homemade cake in the farmhouse afterwards. Open during kidding season only, check website for information.

Cashtal yn Ard Cashtal yn Ard, or the Castle of the Heights, is a well preserved chambered tomb situated on raised land overlooking the parish of Maughold. The monument was originally a megalithic chambered cairn – a conical heap of stones built as a landmark – and could have been used as a communal burial place for Neolithic chieftains and their families. Cashtal yn Ard dates back to around 2000 BC and although the stone cairn has been stripped away, WKH ODUJH ½UPO\ VHW VWRQHV FUHDWH D dramatic burial site. £ > Free Open at all times

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

The North


Ayres Visitor Centre & Nature Trail The Ayres, Lhen Road, Bride, IM7 4BF +44 (0)1624 844432 The Ayres National Nature Reserve, covers several miles of beach and dunes. It is internationally recognised IRU LWV ZLOGOLIH DQG UDUH QDWLYH ¾RUD The Manx Wildlife Trust established the Centre and Nature Trail to increase public understanding of this vulnerable area and to provide information about its birds, habitats and rare plant communities. A short ½OP EHDXWLIXOO\ LOOXVWUDWLQJ VRPH of the natural highlights of the surrounding area can be viewed in the Centre. £ > Free Visitor Centre open May-Sep, TuesSun, 2-5pm

Close Sartfield Nature Reserve Windmill Lane, Ballaugh Curragh, IM7 5BL +44 (0) 1624 844432 Noted for its excellent bird watching opportunities this is one of the Island’s largest nature reserves and is located between Ballaugh and Sulby. A panoramic view of the whole area may be obtained from the top of a specially constructed bird hide a few hundred metres from the entrance. £ > Free Open at all times

Ballaglass Glen Cornaa, Maughold A pretty glen which is a favourite for artists and photographers. Carpeted in bluebells in spring and sparkling streams which dance over rocks sculptured over millions of years ago. Look out for the wooden sculpture of a wise old man which is enchanting for visiting children. The stone buildings located within the glen were erected by the Great Mona Mining Company which operated throughout the mid-1800s.




Dhoon Glen Dhoon Glen is one of the steepest glens in the Isle of Man running for over half a mile through a wooded valley featuring splendid waterfalls. The main path follows an old cart road and meanders through a dense canopy of trees.

Tholt-y-Will-Glen In the shadow of Snaefell and near to the Sulby reservoir lies Tholt-y-Will Glen. This steeply-sided glen is set in the upper reaches of Sulby Glen and descends alongside a mountain stream tumbling over rocks forming a tributary of the Sulby. Near the lower entrance to the glen, a craft centre is open during the summer months beside which is a popular picnic area.

Tours & Walks


Smeale Farm Tours Andreas, IM7 3EB +44 (0)1624 880888 Discover how this cherished Manx family farm has produced high quality lambs, cereals and fruit for over 400 years. Set in a spectacular location, your guide will help you to explore our award-winning wildlife conservation area, explain the fascinating history of our farm buildings and teach you about the traceability of local produce. For a full day Manx Plough to Plate experience, a farm tour can be combined with a cookery class and gourmet meal at The Cook Shack in nearby Bride. ÂŁ > ÂŁ10 Adult, ÂŁ5 Child, visit website group rates Tours run Apr-Oct, timings are flexible

Ballaugh Curraghs Wallaby Walk Ballaugh, IM7 5EA Follow the grassy footpath as it winds through the Curraghs, discovering the wild land in which the furry animals are likely to be sighted. Make




sure to bring your binoculars and wellies along so you can fully explore the Ballaugh Curraghs. For family fun there is a Where’s Wally the Wallaby trail map that can be downloaded or printed before setting off on your adventure. Visit our website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Railway Ramble: Glen Mona, Maughold Village & Brooghs, Ramsey Start: Glen Mona Halt Some quiet lane walking, a Neolithic tomb, a Quaker burial ground and a coastal footpath with stunning views, all rolled into one memorable walk. Cashtal yn Ard (The Castle of the Heights) is one of the best ancient monuments on the Isle of Man, dating from around 2000 BC it is the largest of its kind in the British ,VOHV ,Q 0DXJKROG FKXUFK \DUG ½QG the intricate Manx stone crosses and an obelisk memorial, designed by Archibald Knox, for Manx writer Sir Hall Caine. Then join the coastal footpath along Maughold Brooghs for outstanding scenery before making your way to Ramsey. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Railway Ramble: Ballaglass Glen, Port Cornaa & Glen Mona Start: Ballaglass Glen Halt A short but beautiful walk taking you through one of the most picturesque Victorian glens on the Island, to the hidden cove of Port Cornaa. The route links up with a small part of the Raad ny Foillan. You will re-join the Manx Electric Railway at Glen Mona. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Raad ny Foillan Section 8: Jurby to Point of Ayre Start: Sartfield Beach 6WDUWLQJ DW 6DUW½HOG %HDFK \RX ZLOO continue almost entirely along a sand and shingle beach along the shoreline towards the Point of Ayre.


If the soft sand proves too hard going, there are many paths running parallel to the beach through the lichen heath. Finish your day’s walk at the prominent lighthouse at the Point of Ayre, the most northerly tip of the Isle of Man. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Raad ny Foillan Section 9: Point of Ayre to Ramsey Start: Point of Ayre Lighthouse Start your walk at the Point of Ayre Lighthouse and follow the route along the sand and shingle to the ½QLVKLQJ ORFDWLRQ RI 5DPVH\ +DUERXU Keep your eyes peeled for the many species of birds and the occasional seal, whilst on route, as well as taking in the spectacular views the Island has to offer. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Raad ny Foillan Section 11: Maughold to Laxey Start: Maughold Church, Maughold IM7 1AS On this stretch of the coast, take a farm track past a lime kiln before reaching the coast and enjoying views back to Maughold Lighthouse. Following the route to Port Mooar a track takes you inland to country roads which offer views back over Maughold Head and beyond to the Lake District and North Cumbria. As you descend downhill take in North Barrule and follow the route through Cornaa valley to a shingle cove. A country track takes you to the deep wooded Dhoon Glen before taking an inland road to Laxey Village where you can take in views of the bay EHIRUH D GHVFHQW WR WKH VPDOO ½VKLQJ harbour. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

Maughold Marvels Start: Port Lewaigue Car Park This outstanding coastal walk provides spectacular views and is an



excellent area for observing marine and birdlife and in the summer, ZLOGžRZHUV DERXQG LQFOXGLQJ bluebells and orchids. Be sure to visit the Island’s largest collection of carved Celtic and Viking Crosses in the grounds of St Maughold’s Church including one of the earliest examples of the Triskellion, the Manx three legs emblem. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information

The Wizard of Mann Family Walk Ballaglass Glen, Cornaa, Maughold Enter into the magical glen and help the fantastic fairies and enchanting HOYHV ½QG WKH P\VWHULRXV ZRRGODQG wizard, The Wizard of Mann. Explore the hidden treasures of the glen, navigating the diverse terrain and taking in the picturesque scenery whilst following the child-friendly trail map which will inspire and excite every child’s imagination. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice and safety information.

Activities The Venture Centre Lewaigue Farm, Jacks Lane, Port E Vullen, Maughold, IM7 1AW + 44 (0) 1624 814240 Situated amongst the rolling farm land of the beautiful Isle of Man the centre is perfectly situated to provide an ideal venue for groups of all ages. Offering adventure activities including kayaking, sea kayaking, canoeing, sailing, abseiling, gorge walking, coasteering, archery, target shooting and an assault course. Sessions are available for family groups, social clubs and youth groups with activities aimed at ages 9 years up to adults. ÂŁ > Prices start at ÂŁ6, see website for full price list Open all year round, activities available vary with time of year.



The Manx Paragliding School Snaefell Mountain + other locations + 44 (0) 7624 267222 /HDUQ WR ž\ DQG H[SHULHQFH IRRW launched paragliding on the beautiful picturesque hills and moors of the Isle of Man. Run by Chief Flying Instructor, record holder and ex British Team Member Noel +XPSKUH\V WDQGHP ž\LQJ ZLWK an instructor is available, allowing you to get into the air without the WUDLQLQJ LQYROYHG WR ž\ VROR +HOG at various sites around the Island including Snaefell, North and South Barrules, Cronk ny Arrey Laa, Slieau Curn, Beinn y Phott and Slieau Ruy, dependent upon weather conditions on the day. £ > Prices start at £120 for a tandem flight, see website for full price list Open year round subject to weather and temporary airspace restrictions

The North


hair pin bends you are guaranteed to have the drive of your life. ÂŁ > Prices start at ÂŁ15 - see website for full price list Open all year round - contact to book

WINE BARS & PUBS The Raven Main Road, Ballaugh, IM7 5EG +44 (0) 1624 896128

CAFES & TEAROOMS The Guard House CafĂŠ Jurby, IM7 3BD + 44 (0) 1624 898425

The Cook Shack Glentruan Cottage, Lhen Road, Bride, IM7 4BG + 44 (0) 7624 485999 A bespoke cookery school offering a varied and inspiring programme of cookery courses using quality seasonal local produce, a Manx Plough to Plate Experience and made to order Gourmet Picnics. Whatever course you choose, the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and you will learn, laugh and eat a lot. ÂŁ > prices vary, see website for full list of courses and prices Open all year round

Jurby Karting Jurby Airfield, Motodrome, Jurby IM7 3BD + 44 (0) 7624 305811 The Island’s premier karting FHQWUH ORFDWHG DW -XUE\ $LU½HOG The ‘Ultimate Karting Experience’ is carried out on the Manx national kart circuitoffering over 1,000 meters of adrenaline based fun. With an outrageously quick straight and

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766









Laxey Glen

Laxey A picturesque village set in a valley, the name Laxey comes from the Norse word for Salmon ‘laxa’, a nod to its ½VKLQJ LQGXVWU\ SDVW

The Laxey Visitor Information Point is located within the Laxey and Lonan Heritage Trust Shop, where you will ½QG D ZHDOWK RI LQIRUPDWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ JXLGHERRNV PDSV DQG OHDžHWV

$V ZHOO DV ½VKLQJ PLQLQJ IRUPHG D KXJH part of Laxey’s history, evidence of which can be found at the numerous heritage attractions such as the Great Laxey Wheel and Mines and the Laxey Mines that can be found in the village.

Tours & Walks Laxey, Agneash and King Orry’s Grave



group rates Open 1 Apr - 3 Nov, 9:30am -5pm

Great Laxey Wheel and Mine Trail Wheel Hill, Laxey, IM4 7NL + 44 (0)1624 861136 This feat of Victorian engineering and ingenuity is the largest surviving waterwheel of its kind in the world. The Lady Isabella, as she is also known, served the mine for 70 years and became the Island’s most dramatic tourist attraction. Watch the mighty wheel turn and climb to the top for panoramic views across Glen Mooar Valley. Beyond the wheel take an hour to explore the mine and the trail to the mine ruins to learn more about the lives of the Laxey miners. £ > £8 adults, £4 children, visit website for full price list including


Great Laxey Mine Railway Laxey Valley Gardens, Laxey, IM4 7NH + 44 (0)1624 862007 The restored railway runs along the surface section of the tramway which once carried lead and zinc ores from deep inside the Great Laxey Mine. The railway’s terminus is located at the Valley Gardens which was once the site of the Great Laxey Mine’s Washing Floors. Passengers travel in a tiny carriage, hauled by a replica of one of the original steam engines, through the Island’s only railway tunnel and along the line which once carried wagons loaded with the metal ores.

Laxey The glen’s appearance, rich in mature exotic trees and natural ZRRGODQG GLIIHUV VLJQL½FDQWO\ from the 1800s when a planting programme initially began. The pleasure ground for which the gardens were so well known came into existence when a Victorian businessman saw the potential of WKH WKHQ žHGJLQJ WRXULVW LQGXVWU\ and developed various attractions. After the war, the number of visitors dramatically declined, resulting in the natural woodland environment enjoyed today.

ÂŁ > ÂŁ2 Adults , Children ÂŁ1 Open 8 April - 30 Sep, Sat, and Sun July-August

Laxey Beach Laxey, IM4 7DF Laxey has a pebble and sand beach, which gets progressively sandier the closer you go to the low-water mark. The beach sits in the picturesque Laxey Bay. It is bordered by cliffs to the south and by the harbour breakwaters to the north. Access to Laxey Beach is easy by bus, car or using the Manx Electric Railway which has a main station just a few minutes’ walk from the beach.

Laxey 0DJQL½FHQW YLHZV RI 6QDHIHOO DQG surrounding hills, the historic Great Laxey Wheel, the Viking King Orry’s grave and the charming village of Laxey all combined in one circular beautiful walk. Minke whales may be spotted from the bay during autumn and winter months. You may also catch sight of a bottlenose dolphin between October and March. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information



map, advice & safety information

The North

interior design and craft projects. Open all year round Mon-Sat 9am-5pm


Arts & Culture


Hodgson Loom Art Gallery The name Laxey comes from the old Norse ‘laxa’ (salmon) which gives its name to the Laxey River or 6DOPRQ 5LYHU 7KH ULYHU žRZV GRZQ from Snaefell mountain into the sea at Laxey harbour. The stone harbour breakwaters are a great place for D VSRW RI SLHU ½VKLQJ DW KLJK ZDWHU Species caught might include SROORFN ZUDVVH FRDO½VK PDFNHUHO and conger eel. See website for advice and safety information. ÂŁ > Free

Laxey Cycle Route Start & Finish: Laxey Manx Electric Railway Station One of the shortest cycle trails and also one of great scenic beauty, but the initial climb is not for the faint-hearted! The route has several steep ascents and descents into pretty river valleys, where the road is very narrow and demanding. Visit the website for downloadable map, advice & safety information


Laxey Woollen Mills, Glen Road, Laxey, IM4 7AR + 44 (0)1624 861395 Situated in the old Loomery, on the ½UVW žRRU RI /D[H\ :RROOHQ 0LOOV This lovely space was provided by the current owner of the mill as an arena in which Manx artists, of all genres, could showcase their talents. Being a ZRUNLQJ ZRROOHQ PLOO LW VHHPV ½WWLQJ that they show and promote many of the traditional arts and crafts being revitalised on the Island, something that co-founder of the Mill, John Ruskin, would have whole-heartedly approved and supported. £> Free Open all year round Mon-Sat 9am-5pm

RESTAURANTS: La Mona Lisa Glen Road, IM4 7AB +44 (0) 1624 862488

WINE BARS & PUBS: The Mines Tavern

Raad ny Foillan Section 12: Laxey to Douglas Start: Laxey Promenade, IM4 7DF Begin your walk at Laxey Promenade, before following the steep footpath leading towards Baldrine. Take time to discover the isolated cove of Garwick Bay before continuing on to Ballanette Reserve. Here you can explore the picturesque Reserve with its abundance of wildlife and coastal scenery. As you continue, you will pass Lonan Church, with the only 10th century decorated cross in its original positioning, before following the path into Groudle Glen, where a woodland wizard awaits. Visit the website for downloadable

Shopping Laxey Woollen Mills Glen Road, Laxey, IM4 7AR + 44 (0)1624 861395 Founded in 1881 by Egbert Rydings and John Ruskin’s Guild of St.George, to promote and preserve the art of weaving traditional Manx tweed and worsted. Still a working mill, quality woollen cloth continues to be woven, six days a week, on the two pedal looms within the mill shop. Some of the cloth is used in the production RI WZHHG DQG ZRUVWHG ½QH ZRRO garments, kilts, hats, caps, and wraps; but the majority is available in pre-cut skirt lengths or to buy, by the metre, for clothing, upholstery and

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

3 Captain’s Hill, IM4 7AY +44 (0) 1624 861484

CAFES & TEAROOMS: The CrafTea Weaver Tearoom Laxey Woollen Mills, Glen Road, Laxey, IM4 7AR +44 (0) 1624 863373

Noitre CafĂŠ Whitehouse Buildings, New Road, Laxey, IM4 7BB +44 (0) 7624 317870


The All Rounders As well as offering services in the towns in which they are based, this group of activity providers operate at a range of other locations across the Island. So wherever you are based during your visit, adventure will be available on your doorstep. Isle of Man Trike Tours

Isle of Man Ghost Tours

+44 (0) 7624 492444 See page 23 for further details

+44 (0) 7624 416824 See page 44 for further details

Touring Tea Bus


+44 (0)1624 617042 See page 23 for further details

+ 44 (0) 7624 252525 See page 48 for further details

Green Wheelers Electric Bikes & Tours


+44 (0) 7624 398950 See page 25 for further details

Explore the Island at your own pace and enlist the help of one of the many experts in the history, heritage, culture and wildlife on the Island. Isle of Man Guided Tours +44 (0)7624 357680 Offering half day or full day excursions - guided walks in Douglas, Peel, Castletown and Ramsey as well as guided site tours. Every tour will show you the beauty, heritage and diversity of this unique Island and explore SODFHV \RX PLJKW QRW ½QG ZLWKRXW ORFDO knowledge.

Go-Mann Adventures

Adventurous Experiences

+44 (0)7624 480129 Offering guided walks, tours and other adventures all over the Isle of Man. Choose from a range of walks along the Manx coast or through the hills or design and book your own adventure - perfecting your map reading, navigation, hiking challenges, trek training, hill and outdoor skills.

+44 (0) 1624 843034 See page 47 for further details

Discover Diving + 44(0) 7624 300090 See page 34 for further details

The Manx Paragliding School + 44 (0) 7624 267222 See page 57 for further details

Isle of Man Blue Badge Tour Guides +44 (0) 7624 342951 Blue Badge Guides are passionate about the Island and can provide you with the perfect Isle of Man tour - whatever your interests. All of the registered guides are step-on guides and are happy to join you in your own or hired car, minibus or coach with walking tours also available.

Island Heritage Tours

+44 (0) 7624 471543 Offering bespoke itineraries and catering for individuals and small or large groups. Manx Registered Blue Badge guide Fiona can join you in your car, a taxi or coach, or guide you on a leisurely or moderate walk in town or countryside.

+44 (0) 7624 417325 See page 52 for further details

I Dive Isle of Man +44 (0) 7624 460391 See page 52 for further details A Blue Badge Guide specialising in the Island’s rich industrial archaeology. French spoken. Enjoy a meticulously researched, authoritative and entertaining visit to one of the many historical sites, or an informative evening stroll through lesser-known parts of the Island, with access to places of interest along the way.

Powerwheels - Isle of Man Tours and Excursions +44 (0) 7624 231223 Explore the hidden delights and beauty of the Isle of Man. Whether it’s coastal beauty spots or a lap of the world famous TT course, you’ll get to see all the highlights with an experienced and friendly guide.

Guided Tours of Mann

Sea Kayaking Isle of Man

+44 (0) 7624 433957 An Island-based business that creates tours for visitors to the Island. Whether the group is small or large, Jane tailors the experience to the client’s ZLVKHV $ TXDOL½HG %OXH %DGJH JXLGH

+ 44 (0) 7624 414498 See page 25 for further details

Isle of Man resident, an Albany Tour will make your day memorable with a tailor-made experience and our gourmet delights all served by your very own butler.

Pedal To Progression + 44 (0) 7624 434195 Providing premier mountain bike JXLGHV DQG WRXUV )URP IXQ ½OOHG IDPLO\ tours to all day epics through scenic singletrack, Pedal to Progression have the perfect ride for you.

+44 (0) 7624 435528

Isle of Man Tourist Guide

Saltworks - SUP Stand Up Paddleboarding


Tailored Tours

Isle of Man Guided Tours in English & German


+44 (0) 7624 357680 Offering half or full day excursions - guided walks in Douglas, Peel, Castletown and Ramsey as well as guided site tours. Tours can be led in English, German and other languages on request. Also providing bespoke and evening tours.

The Lady Chauffeurs +44 (0) 7624 235577 Providing private bespoke Isle of Man tours for visitors, to see the best of the Island in a day. Tailor made tours are available on request or enjoy a luxury private TT course tour with on board commentary from Carolynn Sells.

Albany Isle of Man Tea & Tours + 44 (0) 1624 845623 A specialist tour company catering to travellers who want an original, authentic and unforgettable experience LQ WKH ,VOH RI 0DQ ,I \RXµUH D ½UVW time visitor, a returning guest or an

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

Please contact our tour guides for pricing and more information.

Useful tips & information MONEY MATTERS Banks and Bank Holidays Most high street banks have premises on the Isle of Man. The opening hours are generally 9.30am to 4.30pm. Bank Holidays are the same as those in the UK with 2 additional holidays - Senior Race Day (TT Races) on the 9th June and Tynwald Day (the Manx National Day) on the 5th July.

Currency Information


Doctors and Hospitals The Manx Emergency Doctor Service (MEDS) operate an ‘Out of Hours’ emergency service when doctors’ surgeries are closed. The service is contactable on and is ONLY available out of hours - 6.00pm to 8.00am Monday to Friday or 24-hours over weekends and Bank Holidays. In the case of an emergency please attend Accident and Emergency (telephone +44(0) 1624 650040 for A&E enquiries), or for life threatening emergencies please call emergency services on 999.

The Isle of Man has its own currency with the same denominations as the UK and still has ÂŁ1 notes. UK currency is legal tender in the Isle of Man but Manx currency is not accepted in the UK, although notes can be exchanged at UK banks.

Noble’s Hospital is situated outside of Douglas at The Strang, Braddan. Should you need to contact the hospital the telephone number is +44 (O) 1624 650000. Ramsey Cottage Hospital in the North of the Island can be contacted on +44 (0) 1624 811811.

Cash Machines

UK residents visiting the Isle of Man will receive free NHS treatment if they become ill whilst here. Statutory charges are applicable for both residents and visitors e.g. prescription charges.

Automated cash machines are available in all the major towns around the Isle of Man. Manx bank notes are dispensed from all cash machines apart from those situated at the Sea Terminal and the Airport, where English notes are issued.

HEALTH Chemists Dispensing chemists are open from 9.00am to 5.30pm Mondays to Saturdays. Outside of these times there are limited opening hours and a duty chemist rota is in operation. This list can be obtained from the Department of Health and Social Care prior to travel. It is also available online and your accommodation provider should be able to provide you with details. Duty Rota hours are from 5.30pm to 6.30pm Monday–Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) and Sundays and Bank Holidays from 12 noon to 1.00pm.



Anyone visiting the Island should ensure they have adequate insurance in place in the event of repatriation (return travel to someone’s home country) being required. The information regarding the Agreement is correct at the time of publication but visitors are recommended to check the position prior to their visit.

While You’re here Mobile Phones There are two mobile phone networks operating on the Isle of Man - Manx Telecom and Sure. Each mobile network has commercial agreements with mobile phone networks in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

It is advisable to check with your own mobile network to determine the level and charges of the roaming services with the Isle of Man providers. Please note the Isle of Man is outside the EU jurisdiction and as such does not benefit from the tariff caps operating within the European Union.

Weather and Shipping Forecasts

Postal Services

7KH ,VOH RI 0DQ 3RVW 2I½FH KDV VLQFH LWV formation in 1973, issued distinctive Manx stamps by the Philatelic Bureau. You will need to purchase Manx stamps, from any of the 26 branches Island wide, to post any mail from the Isle of Man.

Accurate and up-to-date forecasts are SURYLGHG E\ WKH 5RQDOGVZD\ 0HW 2I½FH

Online Information

Recorded weather forecast: 0900 624 3300 (Premium rate)

Weatherman - 24 hours: 0900 624 3200 (Premium rate)


Recorded shipping forecast:

The Isle of Man Police are easily recognisable by their white helmets, and are very approachable should you need any assistance. The Police Headquarters is at Glencrutchery Road, Douglas and the telephone number is +44 (0) 1624 631212. In an emergency please dial 999.

0900 624 3322 [Premium rate)


travel Group Travel The Isle of Man remains a popular destination for group travel. For more information about group travel to the Isle of Man and to request a group travel guide please log on to

IdentiďŹ cation and passports Passports are not required to enter the Isle of Man if you are travelling from the UK or Ireland, although airlines will require customers to provide some form of SKRWRJUDSKLF LGHQWL½FDWLRQ (XURSHDQ DQG global travellers generally have to clear customs and passport control on arrival in the UK or Ireland before travelling on to the Isle of Man. If you are planning a night at the Casino you will require some form of photographic LGHQWL½FDWLRQ DQG LI \RX DUH KLULQJ D FDU your full driving licence will be required.

For more information call + 44 (0) 1624 686766

TRACING YOUR FAMILY ROOTS Many sources for the study of Manx genealogy can be found at the Manx National Library and Archives located at the Manx Museum. An informative guide of ‘Family History sources’ and a link to the online research portal ‘iMuseum’ can also be found at

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