Republic of Lithuania is located at the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It covers 65,3 thousand square kilometres and has population of 3.435 million, of which 83,5 percent are Lithuanians, 6,7 percent Poles, 6,3 percent Russians, and 1 percent other ethnic minorities. Vilnius is Lithuania’s capital with the population totalling over 550 thousand. Other large cities are Kaunas, seaport Klaipëda, Ðiauliai, Panevëþys. There are over 100 cities in Lithuania, 30 of which are older than 750 years. Lithuania restored its independence in 1991 and in 2004 joined the European Union and NATO Alliance. Lithuanians are the most Euro-minded among all the new EU Member States.
CONTENTS Along Paths of Discovery ............................................................. 2 With Your Feet on Bicycle Pedals ................................................. 4 Water Routes ................................................................................ 6 Flirting with Neptune ................................................................... 8 Not Only in the Saddle ............................................................... 10 The Land of Storks .................................................................... 12 The Ribbon of Roads ................................................................. 14 The Call of Clarion .................................................................... 16 The Joy of White Winter ............................................................. 18 As a Bird in the Sky .................................................................... 20 Spirit of Adventure ..................................................................... 22 Camping ..................................................................................... 23 Islands of Tranquillity ................................................................ 24
hinking of the free time spiced with new experiences? Choose Lithuania! Although our country is small, it is not easy to choose the route – there are so many places of distinctive and unique beauty, lots of entertainment and awaiting experiences. Perhaps you would like to choose the Lithuanian Baltic Coast Amber route? Or set off to the mystical land of obstinate Samogitians (Þemaitija)? The trip to the old villages and sunny pinewoods of singing Dzûkija‘s people would be fantastic. Or you would like to choose the land of cheerful highlanders (Aukðtaitija), surrounded by lakes, which look like eyes, waiting for visiting guests…
here are four ethnographical regions in Lithuania. In three of them there are national parks of Aukðtaitija (Highlands), Þemaitija (Lowlands or Samogitia) and Dzûkija, which are distinguished from each other by nature and cultural heritage just like regional people by their character. Moreover there are 30 regional parks in the country, a number of conservation areas each of which is a unique mini world.
ravelling across Lithuania by any means of transport or on foot is a pure pleasure: good road network, parks are webbed with tracks, trails and fascinating routes. There are plenty of rest areas in the side roads, a lot of camps and sightseeing platforms offering overwhelming panoramic views. Ribbons of trails and tracks are embellished with small-sized Lithuanian traditional sculptures – crosses, sideway shrines, woodcarvings on mythological themes of the Balts.
ager for extremes? Which of these you prefer – air balloon, soviet air fighter, night trip to marsh or diving to the bottom of the lake to see the ancient polar city? Or perhaps you would like to choose the whole marathon of adventurous entertainment?
ithuanians are northerners with southern temper - joyful and hos-pitable people, and communicating is easy and pleasant. While our traditions and creativity can make each entertainment or encounter an exciting adventure, which you will remember long after. Discover Lithuania – a unique world at the heart of Europe!
active holidays
Along paths of discovery
The most interesting and comfortable are the trips in protected territories, i.e. national and regional parks occupying the most beautiful landscapes and locations rich in a variety of nature and the most valuable cultural heritage. More than 170 tourism routes and paths differing in level, types and topic, as well as almost 500 different short-stay lodging-houses with different facilities are set in the territories characterized by their uniqueness. Approximately 120 cognitive, recreation and training routes are set in other forests that are in the competence of forest enterprises (28 of them are adapted to disabled people). The territories that fall under the competence of the forest enterprises reveal the most beautiful panorama and have 1700 recreation objects in total: 60 survey sites, almost 900 rest places, and approximately 500 camps. 300 of those objects are adapted to disabled people. The routes are decorated with wooden articles carved by ingenious craftsmen, strange stems and stumps created by the joking nature. The trips on all Lithuanian roads are interesting and comfortable. Tourism information centres will provide you with in-depth information on recommended routes, the most interesting objects, recreation and lodging places or camps. The same information could be obtained from information centres or centres for visitors in the parks. The best way to know the country and its people best is to travel on foot.
National parks http://survigloters.supermedia.pl/Litwaparki/parkai/a_nac.htm Regional parks http://survigloters.supermedia.pl/Litwaparki/parkai/a_titul.htm Recreation in national and regional parks and signs www.viskasturizmui.lt/lt/parkai/
ASVEJA RP Dubingiai, Molëtø r. Tel./fax (370 383) 472 22 E-mail: asveja@mail.lt
METELIAI RP Meteliai, Lazdijø r. Tel./fax (370 318) 436 49 E-mail: meteliu rp@post.omnitel.net
Visitors’ information centre Tel. (370 386) 474 78 E-mail: anp@is.lt
AUKÐTADVARIS RP Draugystës g. 2, Aukðtadvaris, Trakø r. Tel./fax (370 528) 652 46 E-mail: aukstadvario.parkas@is.lt
NEMUNAS DELTA RP Lietuvininkø g. 10, Ðilutë Tel./fax (370 441) 750 50 E-mail: deltosrp@takas.lt
Tourist centre „PALÛÐË“ Tel. 24 hours a day: (370 386) 474 30, (370 615) 214 01 turizmas.anp@is.lt; www.paluse.lt
BIRÞAI RP Ramuniø g. 2, Birþai Tel./fax (370 450) 342 64 E-mail: reg.parkas.birzai@is.lt
DZÛKIJA NP Marcinkonys visitors’ centre Miðkininkø g. 61, Marcinkoniø k., Varënos r. Tel.(370 60) 444 66, fax (370 310) 444 71
DIEVENIÐKËS HISTORIC RP Poðkoniø k., Ðalèininkø r. Tel./fax (370 380) 466 24 E-mail: dieveniskiuirp@is.lt
NEMUNAS DELTA RP VISITORS’ CENTRE Pakalnës g. 40A, Rusnë, Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 441) 581 54 E-mail: deltos@takas.lt
Merkinë visitors’ centre Vilnius g. 2, Merkinë, Varënos r. Tel. (370 310) 572 45 dzukijanp@is.lt; www.dzukijosparkas.lt
DUBYSA RP Vilniaus g. 99a, Raseiniai Tel./fax (370 428) 703 30 E-mail: dubysosp@delfi.lt
CURONIAN SPIT Smiltynës g. 11, Klaipëda Tel. (370 46) 402 256, tel./fax (370 46) 402 257 kinfo@takas.lt; www.nerija.lt
GRAÞUTË RP S. Dariaus ir S. Girëno g. 28a, Zarasai Tel./fax (370 385) 370 30 E-mail: grazutes.parkas@takas.lt
TRAKAI HISTORIC NP Karaimø g. 5, Trakai Tel. (370 528) 557 73, tel./fax (370 528) 557 76 hinterlandas.parkas@is.lt; www.seniejitrakai.lt
KAUNAS LAGOON RP Miðkininkø g. 2, Vaiðvydava, Kauno r. Tel./fax (370 37) 383 070 E-mail: kmarios@takas.lt
ÞEMAITIJA NP Plateliai information centre Didþioji g. 8, Plateliai, Plungës r. Tel.(370 448) 492 31 info@zemaitijosnp.lt; www.zemaitijosnp.lt
KREKENAVA RP Petrikiø k., Panevëþio r. Tel./fax (370 45) 593 648, (370 687) 109 99 krparkas@ot.lt; www.panrs.lt/kregparkas/
PAJÛRIS RP Vilties g. 6, Klaipëda Tel. (370 46) 411 323 Tel./fax (370 46) 412 483 parkas@gmf.ku.lt www.pajuris.info
KURTUVËNAI RP Parko g. 2, Kurtuvënai, Ðiauliø r. Tel. (370 21) 370 333, 370 334 info@kurtuva.lt; www.kurtuva.lt
PANEMUNË RP Ðilinës k., Jurbarko r. Tel. (370 447) 417 23, fax (370 447) 417 24 E-mail: p.r.parkas@jurbarkas.omnitel.net
VIÐTYTIS RP Vytauto g. 8, Viðtytis, Vilkaviðkio r. Tel. (370 342) 6 35 32 E-mail: vistycio_rp@mari.omnitel.net
LABANORAS RP Labanoras, Ðvenèioniø r. Tel.: (370 387) 313 57, (370 686) 373 21 E-mail: labanororp@post.omnitel.net www.labanoroparkas.lt
PAVILNYS IR VERKIAI RP Þaliøjø eþerø g. 53, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2729 834, fax 2729 835 E-mail: parkas@botanika.lt
ÞAGARË RP Ðiauliø g. 28, Þagarë, Joniðkio r. Tel./fax (370 296) 608 08 E-mail: zrp@joniskis.omnitel.net
AUKÐTAITIJA NP Palûðës k., Ignalinos r. Tel. (370 386) 528 91, tel./fax (370 29) 531 35
REGIONAL PARKS (RP) ANYKÐÈIØ RP J.Biliûno g. 55, Anykðèiai Tel. (370 381) 507 38, fax (370 381) 507 39 E-mail: regioninisparkas.anyksciai@is.lt
NEMUNAS LOOPS’ RP Tylioji g.1, Birðtonas Tel./fax (370 319) 656 10 E-mail: nkrp@korbas.lt http://discovery.ot.lt/cfair99/ NERIS RP Vilnius g. 33, Sudervë, Vilniaus r. Tel./fax (370 5) 249 02 02 direkcija@neriesparkas.lt www.neriesparkas.lt PAGRAMANTIS RP Alijoðiðkës k., Pagramantis, Tauragës r. Tel./fax (370 446) 447 72 E-mail: prparkas@mail.lt
RAMBYNAS RP Bitënø k., Pagëgiø r. Tel./fax (370 441) 406 40 info@rambynoparkas.lt www.rambynoparkas.lt SALANTAI RP Laiviø g. 9, Salantai, Kretingos r. Tel./fax (370 445) 587 61 SARTAI RP Melioratoriø g. 15, Uþtiltë, Zarasai Tel./fax (370 385) 568 34 E-mail: sartureg@post.omnitel.net SIRVËTA RP Ðventos k., Ðvenèioniø r. Tel./fax (370 387) 475 24 E-mail: sirvetosregparkas@takas.lt TYTUVËNAI RP Sukilëliø g. 1, Tytuvënai, Kelmës r. Tel./fax (370 427) 562 40 E-mail: tytur@pikuolis.omnitel.net VARNIAI RP Oþtakiø k., Varniø pðt., Telðiø r. Tel./fax (370 444) 474 15 E-mail: varniu-rp@takas.lt VEISIEJAI RP Santarvës g. 9, Veisiejai, Lazdijø r. Tel./fax (370 318) 567 82 E-mail: vrpd@takas.lt VENTA RP Dariaus ir Girëno g. 2, Viekðniai, Maþeikiø r. Tel. (370 443) 390 50, fax (370 443) 390 51 E-mail: venta.parkas@takas.lt
active holidays
With your feet on bicycle pedals
Un-hilly relief, interesting and quickly changing landscape as well as a dense network of roads with hard covering makes Lithuanian roads very suitable for travelling by bicycle. There are no boring long distances from one place to the other, as the country is evenly populated. Every location has its own sights of history, architecture, monuments of nature or beautiful landscape. The most famous and popular is the Baltic coast cycle route (EuroVelo route No 10 from Bûtingë to Nida), which goes throughout the Baltic coastline of Lithuania. In the Palanga – Klaipëda distance the cycle route leads to the picturesque Pajûrio regional park. The ferry will take you from Klaipëda to the Kurðiø Nerijos national park, famous for its unique beauty. There the pine forests attempt to temper the dunes, whereas settlements have retained the colours of ancient fishermen houses and look like from the picture. The new distance of this route going along the cost of Kurðiø Marios (The Curonian lagoon) to the regional park of the Nemunas delta shall be marked in 2006. Even now it is possible to travel in this heaven of wild nature and birds by bicycles. The trips in the national and regional parks are especially attractive. There the cycle routes (approximately 80 km) go through the most picturesque rivers, lakes, mounds, and ethnographical villages. It is possible to cycle on footpaths and park paths. Trips in the national parks of Aukðtaitija, Dzûkija, regional
parks of Anyksèiai, Birþai, Dubysa, Krekenava, Kauno Marios (the Kaunas Lagoon), Meteliai, the Nemunas delta, Pagramantis, Venta, Varniai, Verkiai, Pavilniai, Tytuvënai etc will be in particular rich. Homesteads in villages and
hotels are at your disposal. For those, who decided to sleep in their own tents, it is advisable to find out about the location of camps. Every park has at least one camp that is situated in really beautiful places.
INFORMATION ABOUT ROUTES, BICYCLE RENT COASTAL BICYCLE ROUTE (three parts) By coast: Klaipëda – Giruliai – Karklë (Pajûrys RP) –– Botanical Park – Palanga – Ðventoji – Bûtingë – Klaipëda; Kurðiø nerijos NP Klaipëda (ferry) – Smiltynë (+end of dune, Sea museum) – Juodkrantë – Pervalka – Preila – Nida; Pamario dalis: Klaipëda – Rimkai – Wild boars – Priekulë – Dreverna – Svencelë – Kintai – Ventë Horn – Minija (Mingës) village. (Nemunas delta RP) – Ðilutë – Rusnë – Uostadvaris. If you wish to continue the route through Curonian Lagoon at Nida and Ventë Horn or Uostadvaris, you can rent a ship and go to the other side.
BICYCLE ROUTES IN NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PARKS Þemaitija NP: Plateliai – Berþoras, 1,5 km route; routes round the Plateliai lake (apie 30 km); Aukðtadvaris RP: (2 km route ); cyclist routes: “Green Bridge”, “Devil’s hole”, “Through Aukðtadvaris Town“; Kurtuvënai RP: (Ðiauliai) Bubiai - Kurtuvënai (17 km route); other routes in the park; Nemunas Loops RP: Birðtonas – Prienai through Þvërinèius woods (10 km); Panemunës RP: (left side of Nemunas) Gelgaudiðkis Plokðèiai (12 km), Plokðèiai – Ilguva (11 km).
BaltiCCycle” / Public institution „DU RATAI“ PO Box 61, LT 01002 Vilnius Tel. (370 699) 560 09, Fax (370 5) 2784 330 E-mail: BaltiCCycle@bicycle.lt, Frankas@bicycle.lt, info@dviratis.lt www.bicycle.lt LITHUANIAN CYCLISTS’ COMMUNITY PO Box 190, LT 91001 Klaipëda Tel. (370 615) 917 73 Fax (370 46) 492 926 E-mail: info@bicycle.lt www.dviratis.lt www.bicycle.lt AVE VITA Daukanto a. 2/10, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2608 410 E-mail: info@avevita.lt www.avevita.lt KRANTAS TRAVEL Teatro a. 5, Klaipëda Tel. (370 46) 395 111, 395 211 E-mail: travel@krantas.lt www.krantas.lt LITURIMEX (Active Holidays) Liepø g. 21/Karoso St. 6, Klaipëda Tel. (370 46) 310 608, fax (370 46) 310 842 E-mail: klaipeda@liturimex.lt www.liturimex.lt
BICYCLE RENT KLAIPËDA TOURIST AND CULTURE INFORMATION CENTRE Turgaus g. 5, Klaipëda Tel.: (370 46) 412 186, (370 650) 909 22 Fax (370 46) 492 926 E-mail: info@dviratis.lt KELRODIS Verkiø g. 50, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2131 324, (370 685) 677 30 E-mail: aktyviai@kelrodis.lt ARÈIAU GAMTOS Mokyklos g. 40/39, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2701 119, (370 687) 738 45 E-mail: nuoma@arciaugamtos.lt www.arciaugamtos.lt DEGESA J.Biliûno g. 3, Dusetø m., Zarasø r. Tel.: (370 685) 444 50, (370 685) 123 31 E-mail: info@degesa.lt, www.degesa.lt AGNË Vilniaus al. 6, Dineikos St. 2, Druskininkai Tel.: (370 698) 722 20, 870 22 “DVIRATIS PLIUS”, THE SHOP (rent and repair) Þirmûnø g. 70, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2777 720 E-mail: dviratisplius@takas.lt, www.saginda.lt MANO TECHNIKA (rent and repair) Pramonës pr. 11, Kaunas Tel. (370 37) 453 882 E-mail: info@bikes.lt, www.bikes.lt VELOTAKSI IN VILNIUS Tel. (370 687) 740 05 E-mail: info@velotaksi.lt, www.velotaksi.lt
Map of Lithuania www.maps.lt
active holidays
Water routes The lovers of water tourism see the country differently, don’t they? Travellers at Lithuanian rivers and lakes may feel themselves as characters of the adventure movie, as the lakes and rivers will reveal them the mosaic of unexpected views: tenebrous forests and pine forests, ancient villages, wide meadows, moulds located faraway, quiet bays, rivers rolling between the stones, castles or mansions on the high cost scarps…. Or maybe the river will form a “serpentine”, where you would feel like in a closed maze? Lithuania has 20 rivers that are suitable for water tourism. Although those rivers are different and flow through different surroundings, you do not need to be experienced, as all of them are calm. Those, who like travelling in the lakes, it is advisable to go to Aukðtaitija region having more than 300 lakes. Majority of them are interrelated, so various routes are possible. There are several very beautiful lakes in the regions of Þemaitija and Dzûkija. Don’t forget that the most exciting trips are waiting for you in national and regional parks. More information about the routes and their characteristic you could get from the renters of boats, sculls, canoes, and floats; they will also provide you with the description of the route.
Map of Lithuania www.maps.lt
RECOMMENDED ROUTES Neris (235 km). The most popular route is from the border of Belarus to Vilnius. Those fascinated by longer routes can go further from Vilnius to Kaunas; Vilnia (Vilnelë, 50 km): Kena – Vilnius. Approaching Vilnius the river is riffled, therefore experience required; Nemunas (460 km). From the border with Belarus Kaunas Lagoon through Dzûkija NP and Nemunas Loops RP, Druskininkai and Birðtonas resorts and Merkinë. From Kaunas it is possible to go to Panemunë – Panemuniai RP; Dubysa: route Bubiai – Seredþius (approximately 130 km, central Lithuania) The river is unique for its distinquished and fascinating beauty; Jûra: route Rietavas - Tauragë (92 km). Plenty of water flora, scarped coats, huge stones, shallow waters, leafy forests, mounds, old settlements; Minija: route Þarënai - Minijos v., (about 180 km). The beginning of the route goes through highlands of þemaitija with an extremely dynamic landscape, while the other part of the route goes through Pamarys flatlands of the lowlands (Nemunas delta RP); Aukðtaitija NP Lake District: around 120 various lakes connected by canals and streamlets. Beautiful landscapes, unique ethnographical villages. A number of routes for 20-70 km available; Þeimena (80 km): Route Palûðë (Aukðtaitija NP) – Pabradë. The river flows through the lakes of Aukðtaitija and into the river Neris, by which you can reach Vilnius; Ðventoji (Aukðtaitija, 90 km): Duseta – Minèiûnai – Ilèiukai – Degësiai – Kaniûkai – Uþpaliai – Antupiai – Mickûnai – Tauroþë – Ðeimyniðkëliai – Anykðèiai HE; Merkys river (182 km): curving through beautiful Dzûkija NP, many ethnographical villages, wonderful forests; flows into Nemunas at Merkinë; Ûla (55 km): extremely torrential, located in Dzûkija this is the river of ancient beauty. It flows into Merkys River, by which you can continue your journey. Number of tourists is limited, permits allowing to canoe in Ûla are issued by the High Authority of Dzûkija NP; The River of Baltoji Anèia and its lake district (100 km) a number of choices to start your journey. It flows through picturesque Veisiejai RP to Nemunas 18 km. north from Druskininkai resort.
RENT OF WATER TOURISM EQUIPMENT BOAT HOUSE “PALÛÐË” Boats, kayaks, canoes, etc. Palûðës k., Ignalinos r. Tel.: (370 386) 360 79, (370 652) 120 00, (370 615) 288 40 E-mail: valtine@valtine.lt www.valtine.lt BOAT HOUSE “ÐAKARVA” Boats, kayaks, canoes Ðakarvos k., Ignalinos r. – Vilnius Tel.: (370 687) 161 36, (370 675) 635 20 E-mail: info@sakarva.lt, www.sakarva.lt ZARASAI WATER SPORTS CENTRE Boats, kayaks, canoes water skis, sailboards Laukesos k., Zarasø r. Tel. (370 385) 534 26, mob. (370 687) 396 26 www.poilsiobaze.lt TRAKAI NATIONAL SPORTS AND HEALTH CENTRE Boats, kayaks, canoes, sailboards, Water bicycles and motorcycles Karaimø g. 73, Trakai Tel.: (370 528) 555 01, 556 45, (370 614) 532 00 E-mail: sportocentras@mail.lt www.sc.trakai.com PLATELIAI YACHT CLUB Boats, kayaks, sailboards Eþero g. 40, Plateliai, Plungës r. Tel. (370 682) 420 62, tel./fax (370 448) 490 30 REMKARA Kayaks, canoes, rafts Ugniagiasiø g. 7, Alytus Tel. (370 650) 267 88, tel./fax (370 315) 526 68, E-mail: remkara@infoseka.lt remkara@aktv.lt www.remkara.infoseka.lt
Canoes and kayaks all over Lithuania Ukmergë Tel.: (370 699) 033 04, (370 652) 414 63 E-mail: sarunasmag@one.lt www.holiday-in-lithuania.ten.lt Kayaks Þiûrø k., Varënos r. Tel. (370 699) 494 22 E-mail: baidariu@one.lt Kayaks Vilnius Tel. (370 685) 831 13 E-mail: baidariunuoma@puslapiai.lt www.baidariunuoma.puslapiai.lt KALNØ UPË Kayaks Raugyklos g. 15-315, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2162 844, (370 650) 504 46 E-mail: d.janusauskas@irklas.lt www.irklas.lt Kayaks, equipment Paupio g. 35, Ðvenèionëliai, Ðvenèioniø r. Tel. (370 687) 514 28 Tel.: (370 687) 135 17, (370 387) 323 51 E-mail: baidarës@puslapiai.lt, Rivita1@one.lt www.baidares.tai.lt, www.maps.lt Kayaks, rafts for 10 persons Lapiø k. Klaipëda r. Tel.: (370 46) 446 943, (370 610) 322 37 2000 PËDØ Kayaks Avirës g. 7, Druskininkai Tel.: (370 313) 492 61, (370 612) 936 76; (370 698) 361 44 E-mail: aivarasrudzis@yahoo.com http://feet.puslapiai.lt/
active holidays
Flirting with Neptune
Do you like fishing? Lithuania is rich in really picturesque and unique places for fishing. First of all, we should mention the region of Aukðtaitija, Kurðiø Marios and some other rivers. The providers of fishing services may offer fishing trips to Kurðiø Marios or to the Baltic Sea. At the end of the trip you will gather in the beautiful place near the fire, will cook and taste the fish soup and share your fishing adventures. You will probably not forget this trip for a long period of time. Of course, it is easier to catch fish in the fishing lakes. There are several places in Lithuania, where the chef of the restaurant will prepare a dish from fish (trout or carp) that you have just caught. It is a shame to visit the Baltic coast and not to taste the smoked halibut, pikeperch or eel. Have a great time when sailing the yacht, boat or entertainment ship in Kurðiø Nerija, the lakes of Trakai, Plateliai, and Kauno Marios etc, because the view is different looking from waterside. You may sail the yacht to Klaipëda (the yacht club of the Pilies port is situated in the very centre of the town). The depth of the pass of Kurðiø Marios, which leads to the beautiful Nida and the influx of the Nemunas, is only 2.5 metres. The ancient boats sail near Nida and in the lakes of Trakai. The divers will have a possibility to see the remains of the ancient polar town or the park of sculptures on the bottom of the lakes of Trakai, Plateliai or Lûkstas. Those, who like the in-door water
entertainment, may visit the Museum of Sea, where interesting and original shows of
dolphins and sea lions are organized. The Yachting Union of Lithuania www.lbs.lt
SERVICES OF WATER ENTERTAINMENT AND RENT OF EQUIPMENT KLAIPËDA YACHTING CENTRE Klaipëda yacht club Smiltynës g. 25, Klaipëda Tel./fax (370 46) 391 131, 391 107 E-mail: jachtklubas@takas.lt http://jachtklubas.w3.lt PILIES YACHT PORT Tel.: (370 46) 490 975, (370 650) 204 50 Tel. on call: (370 46) 490 983, (370 618) 346 40 E-mail: kastytis@ports.lt, info@ports.lt www.shiprepairing.lt/jacht.php?lang=EN KAUNAS “ÞALGIRIS” YACHT CLUB M. Gimbutienës g. 35, Kaunas Tel. (370 37) 370 467 E-mail: info@jachtklubas.lt www.jachtklubas.lt TRAKAI “ÞALGIRIS” YACHT CLUB Yacht and sailboard rent Þemaitës 3, Trakai Tel.: (370 528) 528 24, (370 699) 922 99 PLATELIAI YACHT CLUB “ÞALGIRIS” Eþero g. 40, Plateliai, Plungës r. Tel.: (370 448) 490 30, (370 682) 420 62 E-mail: tornado@one.lt LIETAUS BURË Yachts, motor boats, water motor bikes, sailboards, kayaks rent Vinius-Trakai, tel. (370 689) 123 02 E-mail: info@jachtos.lt www.jachtos.lt AUTHORITY OF INLAND WATER ROUTES Ship voyages I.Kanto g. 23, Kaunas Tel./fax (370 37) 320 757 E-mail: sabaliauskine.g@is.lt www.liwa.lt
VARNIØ PIRAS Kayaks, boats and water bicycles rent Dariaus ir Girëno g. 1, Varniai, Telðiø r. Tel.: (370 444) 477 76, (370 698) 163 06 E-mail: egis@piras.fun.lt www.piras.fun.lt
ÐTURMAI FISHERY COMPANY Fishing, ship trips Ðturmø Þvejø Uostas (Ðturmai fishery port) Kintai, Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 687) 872 94, fax (370 441) 475 10 E-mail: sturmai@one.lt
“ÞVEJØ NAMAI” (FISHERS’ HOME) Trout fishing and processing Vilûniðkiø k., Vievio sen., Elektrënø r. Tel. (370 528) 260 08 E-mail: zvejunamai@talas.lt www.zvejunamai.lt
KEMPINGAS SLËNYJE (CAMPING IN THE VALLEY) Boats, water bicycles, sailboards, Winter entertainments on the lake Slënio g. 1, Totoriðkës, Trakai Tel. (370 686) 111 36, tel./fax (370 528) 538 80, E-mail: kempingasslenyje@one.lt www.camptrakai.lt
Villa VENTAINË Fishing, ship trips and other winter and summer entertainment Ventës k., Kintai, Ðilutës r. Tel.: (370 441) 685 25, (370 686) 704 90, fax (370 441) 474 22 E-mail: beata@silute.omnitel.net ventaine@silute.omnitel.net www.ventaine.lt
KARPYNË Carp fishing and processing Gabðiø km., Raseiniø r. Tel. (370 428) 701 23 E-mail: info@karpyne.lt www.karpyne.lt
Diving club “LAGÛNA” Slënio 1, Trakai Tel.: (370 5) 2107 488, (370 699) 252 44 Fax (370 5) 2107 487 Diving club DIUGONIS J. Matulaièio a. 7-38, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2407015, (370 670) 322 72 Fax (370 5) 2407016 E-mail: mnc@scubadiving.lt www.scubadiving.lt OKTOPUSAS – PADI DIVING CENTRE Ðilutes pl. 6, Klaipëda. Tel.: (370 46) 381 850, (370 698) 711 08 E-mail: info@godive.lt www.godive.lt KINTAI Amateur fishing, pond fishing, trips by ship, hunting of water birds Kintai, Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 441) 473 39 24 hours a day (370 441) 474 79 Hotel tel. (370 441) 695 10, fax (370 441) 473 39 E-mail: uab-kintai@silute.omnitel.net www.kintai.lt
HOBBY CENTRE Water entertainment and fishing Naikupës g. 30, Klaipëda Tel. (370 698) 347 42, tel./fax (370 46) 340 955 E-mail: zvejyba@hobiocentras.lt; turizmas@hobiocentras.lt www.hobiocentras.net ÐVENTJONIS Fishing Þvejø g. 6, Kurtuvënai, Ðiauliø r. Tel. (370 41) 370 135, (370 699) 919 12
TAVERN „PO VEÞIMU“ (“UNDER THE CART”) Fishing and fish processing Gedimino g. 149, Kaiðiadorys Tel.: (370 620) 174 44, (370 346) 696 97 RURAL TOURISM HOMESTEAD „ËVË“ Ship trips, bicycles, Water tourism, skis and skates Minijos k., Kintø sen., Ðilutës r. Tel.: (370 37) 225 129, (370 616) 506 40
J. BULAVINO COUNTRYSIDE FARMSTEAD Fishing, ship trips Minijos k., Kintø sen., Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 685) 332 11 E-mail: bulavino.sodyba@siltec.lt www.siltec.lt/minge
active holidays
Not only in the saddle
If you like riding then you perfectly know the pleasure of riding a well-trained blood-horse in the picturesque vicinity. There are more that 30 stud houses and horse riding centres in Lithuania. A number of rural tourism homesteads also have several horses for riding. Stud houses usually grow horses of the following breeds: Arabic, Trakënø, Hanover, American, Russian, Orlov and their hybrids; the samagotian and the punch of Lithuania (the local breeds). Horses grown in Lithuania participate in races organized in different European countries. Practically all stud houses rent horses for riding, some of them give riding lessons. Almost every stud house offers trips by coach or carriage, or by sledge in wintertime. The race of carriages pulled by horses in Rieðës hippodrome is also a very exciting event. Riding the horse is one of the most attractive forms of travelling in national parks. The routes go through the national parks of Trakai, Anykðèiai, Aukðtadvaris, Kurtuvënai, Kauno Marios (the Lithuanian national museum), Meteliai, the Nemunas loops, the seaside, Pavilnys, Varniai, Veisiejai, Venta and the regional park of Þagarë. The stud house composed of a set of buildings of the English style in Þagarë is particularly beautiful. Horses in this stud house were bred from the beginning of XIX century and are still bred now. The long history of the man and the horse is
presented in the exhibition in the Museum of the Horse (the regional park of Anykðèiai, Niûroniai). The horse race that
is organized every first weekend of February in Dusetos already became the national event.
STUD HOUSES, HORSE- RIDING SERVICES CENTRES AND CLUBS BELMONTO STUD HOUSE Belmonto g. 34B, Pavilnys, Vilnius r. Tel. (370 686) 188 18 BENDORIAI Bendoriø k., Aviþieniai, Vilnius r. Tel. (370 687) 801 60, fax (370 5) 2423 035 E-mail: bendoriai@takas.lt www.zirgupasaulis.lt BËRAS VËJAS Uþpaliø g. 105, Utena Tel. (370 688) 853 81 BIRÐTONO STUD HOUSE Prienø g. 14, Birðtonas Tel. (370 682) 560 63 HORSE RIDING SERVICE CENTRE Parko g. 2, Kurtuvënai, Ðiauliø r. Tel. (370 41) 370 333, fax (370 41) 370 336 E-mail: info@kurtuva.lt www.kurtuva K.TROTOS stud house Laumënø k., Ukmergës r. Tel./fax (370 340) 421 02 E-mail: kazys-trota@delfi.lt LANKUPIAI Lankupiø k., Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 698) 745 93 MUSTANGAS Kaèënø k., Ðalèininkø r. Tel.: (370 686) 888 83, (370 682) 583 11 NEMUNAS STUD HOUSE Ðilgaliø k., Stoniðkiai, Pagëgiø r. Tel. (370 441) 411 22 E-mail: nemunas.trakenai@takas.lt
PERKÛNAS HORSES Uþutrakio g. 11A, Trakai Tel. (370 686) 124 78, fax (370 528) 557 56 www.is.lt/area.patria PROSPERAS Gineitiðkiø k. Zujûnai, Vilnius r. Tel. (370 5) 2319 007, fax (370 5) 2458 829 E-mail: horse@horse.lt www.horse.lt SARTAI STUD HOUSE Didþiadvasio k. Dusetos, Zarasø r. Tel./fax (370 385) 565 05 E-mail: sartai@is.lt LENGVAS ÐUOLIS (EASY JUMP) Rieðë, Vilniaus r. Tel.: (370 698) 221 35, (370 600) 642 27 E-mail: ruras@jojimas.lt www.jojimas.lt VILNIUS STUD HOUSE Þirgø g. 12, Rieðës k., Aviþieniai, Vilniaus r. Tel. (370 5) 2469 091, fax (370 5) 2652 901 E-mail: zirgynas@takas.lt, www.zirgynas.lt VYTIS Pakuodþiupiø k., Panevëþio r. Tel./fax (370 45) 469 187, tel. (370 698) 349 63
JONAVA HORSES Meðkoniai, Dumsiø sen., Jonavos r. Tel. ( 370 349) 470 35 MARVA Marvelës g. 199, Kaunas Tel./fax (370 37) 390 149 SUVALKIJA HORSES Triobiðkiø k., Marijampolës r. Tel. (370 698) 183 54 UTENA HIPPODROME stud house Uþpaliø g. 103, Utena Tel. (370 389) 727 49, (370 699) 663 79 PLECHAVIÈIAUS KELPÐIÐKË S. Veigel-Hollmann & A. Veigel Plechavièiûtë Kalniðkiø k., Stalgënø sen., Plungës r. Tel.: (370 448) 711 72; (370 698) 816 38 (Sibylle); (370 686) 628 57 E-mail: sibylle@horse-pony.lt www.horse-pony.lt/ COWBOY Horse riding, carriage rent Klaipëdos pl.16, Dobilo k., Palanga Tel. (370 673) 473 79
ÞAGARË STUD HOUSE Þagariðkiø k., Þagarë, Joniðkio r. Tel. (370 426) 608 60, fax (370 426) 608 61 E-mail: prmilencius@delfi.lt ÞIBOSA Þibininkø k., Kretingos r. Tel./fax (370 445) 444 23 E-mail: info@hbhjuozas.lt www.hbhjuozas.lt
active holidays
The land of storks
Lithuania is a country suitable of the ecological trips. There are a lot of places of nature that are little affected by people. Our country is rich in animals and birds that are rare or are on a verge of extinction in other West European countries. In order to protect, these territories are given the status of conservation area or nature reserve. Visits to these territories are restricted. There are 271 protected territories of 52 types having the European importance. These are natural lakes, swamps and sloughs, broad-leaved and mixed forests: 39 of them are territories important to the protection of birds. Lithuania has 254 conservation areas: 6 – ornithological, 32botanic, 14 botanic- zoological nature reserves, 34 – hydrographical, 48 – of landscape etc. There are more than 330 species of birds. 13 species are in the list of birds that are on a verge of extinction. Lithuania has the largest population of white storks in Europe (approximately 13 – 15 thousand of nests). The stork is the national bird of Lithuania. Moreover, large groups of birds travel in autumn and winter following the largest migration route of birds that goes along the coastline and crosses the national park of Kurðiø Nerija. Survey of birds is one the most beautiful type of ecological tourism in our country. You may participate in short or long trips of surveying the birds, take part in traditional international rally of surveying the birds (the last week of October). Special towers and platforms for surveying the birds are set in the places for
surveying the birds, where the ornithological routes are situated. All national and regional parks have several footpaths and at least one cycling road;
some of them even have ecological routes. Information stands near the roads will provide you all data about the specific characteristics of the location.
RECOMMENDED BIRD WATCHING ROUTES In spring: Fish ponds near Raseiniai – Palanga – Pajûrio RP – Juodkrantë (Curonian Spit NP; cormorant, grey storks) – Ventë Horn (Nemunas delta RP) - Meteliai lake (Dzûkija NP; wood-grouses, blackcocks) – Baltoji Vokë fishery ponds; In autumn: Baltoji Vokë fishery ponds – ðiauliai r. Sulinkiai wetlands (the largest colony of cranes) - Varniai RP (buzzards, ravens) – Ventë Horn (Nemunas delta RP) - Curonian Spit NP – Palanga – Iðlauþas ir Baltoji Vokë fishery ponds; OTHER INTERESTING ROUTES AND TRACKS Aukðtaitija NP. Ring sightseeing (botanical) route round Tarama lake; various eco-routes in lakes and rivers; Dzûkija NP. Sightseeing route: sightseeing tower, panoramic views of Èepkeliai reserve, a number of other routes; Labanoras RP. Perðokðna nature sightseeing route, unusual flora and fauna, beautiful landscape; Curonian Spit NP. Dendrological route in Juodkrantë; Parnidþio sightseeing route in Nida; Grey dunes (Dunes of the Dead) Nagliai reserve; A Colony of cormorants and grey herons; Trakai historic NP. Sightseeing route in Varnikiai ornithological conservation; Þemaitija NP. Route around Plateliai Lake; Ðeirë relief, sightseeing route of flora and fauna. Kurtuvënai RP. Nature sightseeing route around Juodlë lake; eco-tourism is being developed in the park; Nemunas delta RP. Ornithological route (with 3 sightseeing towers); Neris RP. Dûkðtai oakery routes: first branch route – ancient mythological route of Balts’ gods; second branch route – nature route about oakery’s biological diversity; third – about regeneration of the oakery; Pajûrys RP. Eco sightseeing routes “Litorina”; Flora of the coast; Birds of the coast (April - July you can choose an excursion “Birds’ singing”); Rambynas RP. Sightseeing nature route (colony of white storks, bats, wet meadows); Salantai RP. Crier pedestrian route through unique junipery and boulder land; Varniai RP. Debesnai botanical route Baltoji Vokë (30 km from Vilnius). Bird-watch route (around 200 kinds of birds); Ðiauliai. Talða eco-route.
ORGANISERS OF ECO-TRAVELLING AVANTURAS Eco-trips, active recreation, adventure tourism J. Basanavièiaus g. 16 / Mindaugo St. 5 – 24, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2652 355, fax (370 5) 2651 934 E-mail: info@avanturas.lt www.avanturas.lt
LITHUANIAN SOCIETY OF ORNITHOLOGISTS Bird –watch and other animals’ watching tours, camps Naugarduko g. 47-3, Vilnius Tel/fax (370 5) 2130 498, (370 687) 894 24 E-mail: lod@birdlife.lt, ae@takas.lt www.birdlife.lt; www.birdwatching.lt
TEMTURAS Eco-travelling, ethno-cultural, Active recreation and relaxation Vilnius, tel. (370 656) 522 35 E-mail: info@temtur.lt www.temtur.lt
ORNITHOLOGICAL STATION OF VENTË HORN Ventës k., Kintai, Ðilutës r. Tel. (370 441) 445 16
LITHUANIAN GREEN MOVEMENT (LÞJ) Eco-travelling I.Kanto g. 6, Kaunas A/d 160, 44002, Kaunas Tel. (370 37) 324 241 E-mail: zalieji@zalieji.lt www.zalieji.lt ATGAJA Eco-travelling Maironio g. 14 - 6, Kaunas A/d 156, 44002, Kaunas Tel.: (370 37) 425 566, 407 155 E-mail: info@atgaja.lt www.atgaja.lt
JUODKRANTË BIRD RINGING STATION Miðko g. 4, Juodkrantë, Neringa Tel.: (370 469) 531 51, (670 688) 918 22 E-mail: Pareigis@mail.lt BOTANICAL GARDEN OF VILNIUS UNIVERSITY Sightseeing route, trails Kairënø g. 43, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2317 933, fax (370 5) 2317 429 E-mail: hbu@gf.vu.lt www.botanikos-sodas.vu.lt ECO-CLUB “KRETUONAS “ Eco-excursions in Labanoras RP (from 1 March to 1 November) Reðkutënø k., Ðvenèioniø r. Tel/fax (370 387) 475 24 tel.: (370 686) 124 96, (370 386) 541 78
ÞVEJONË Eco-trips, environmental camps, Ethno-cultural feasts Taikos pr. 42-3, Klaipëda Tel.: (370 46) 310 870 (Asta), (370 678) 254 47 E-mail: zvejone@zvejone.lt www.zvejone.lt
active holidays
The Ribbon of roads
It is comfortable to travel around Lithuania by car. The network of state and regional roads (21 thousand km in total) is the best in the Baltic countries. The roads lead to every location in the country and there are almost 400 stop and rest places located by the roadside. A real finding for you will be national parks that are situated in every ethnographical region of the country, regional parks with unique nature, beautiful landscape, wooden memorials of architecture, and ancient villages. Those, who want to drive the car and visit the most beautiful places in these protected territories, may use roads other than footpaths and cycling routes. The country is rich in unique old towns, villages, and mansions. There are approximately 800 moulds with an exiting panoramic view. The parks of sculptures will fascinate you with exhibitions from different countries presented in an open-air as well as a full range of emotions revealed in the works of craftsmen that decorate some of the paths and roads. The trip offered below lasts 1-2-3 days: the routes include wonderful places that are worth not only to see, but also to stay there longer. You may stay at the camps, rest and tourism centres or at hotels in the towns. A list of camps is presented in a separate page. As usually, tourism information centres will provide you with in-depth information on other services. The same information could be obtained from information
centres in the parks. There is a possibility to rent the car in Lithuania. Lithuania has a widely spread network of petrol stations
and centres of car maintenance and repair. The telephone service “aid on road� operates 24h a day.
RECOMMENDED ROUTES “The Small Amber Road”: Klaipëda – Smiltynë – Juodkrantë – Pervalka – Preila – Nida. (Bigger is the “Baltic Amber Road”: Ðventoji – Palanga – Klaipëda – Nida). 50 – 100 km; Littoral Roads: Klaipëda –– Dreverna – Kintai, Ðturmø k. - Ventës ragas – Minijos (Mingës) kaimas – Ðilutë – Rusnë – Juknaièiai – Deguèiai – Þemaièiø Naumiestis – Klaipëda. (205 km); Across the Lowlands: Rietavas – Plungë – Salantai – Plateliai – Þemaièiø Kalvarija – Seda –Plinkðës – Renavas – Þidikai – Apuolë – Skuodas – Mosëdis – Ðaukliø boulder land;
LITHUANIAN TOURS Ðeimyniðkiø g. 18, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2724 154, fax (370 5) 2721 815 E-mail: contact@lithuaniantours.com www.lithuaniantours.com
AVIS Car rent all over Lithuania Laisvës pr. 3, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2306 820 Kaunas – tel. (370 698) 448 31 Klaipëda – tel. (370 46) 311 111 E-mail: avis@avis.lt, www.avis.lt
LITURIMEX J.Basanavièiaus g. 11/1, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2616 842 E-mail: mail@liturimex.lt, www.liturimex.lt
Across Varniai (Hilly Lowlands): Varniai – Pavandenë (through Kûjainiø village), Oþtakiai – Medvëgalis, Poþerë – Laukuva – Laukuva – Didysis Palûkstis – Varniai (70 km);
ÐVITË Pamënkalnio g. 5/ K.Griniaus St., Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2124 107, 2629 000 E-mail: incoming@svite.lt, www.svite.lt
King roads: Kaunas – Raudondvaris – Seredþius – Belevederis – Veliuona – Raudonë – Pilies I –Ðilinë – Jurbarkas – Smalininkai – Vieðvilë – Rambynas - Ðilutë (about 220 km);
FELIKSAS Kretingos g. 54, Palanga Tel. (370 460) 400 11 E-mail: agentura@feliksas.lt, www.feliksas.lt
Radviliðkis – Panevëþys – Këdainiai (Central Lithuania): Radviliðkis Ðeduva - Pakalniðkiai - Raginënai - Kleboniðkës - Panevëþys - Upytë Krekenava - Paberþë - Dotnuva – Këdainiai; Across Dzûkija (etnographical region): Varëna – Manèiagirë – Zervynos – Marcinkonys. – Kaðëtos. – Puvoèiai – Trasninkas – Rodukas – Merkinë.Vilkiautinis. - Liðkiava – Druskininkai – Grûtas Park; Across Utena county (Highlands): Utena – Molëtai – Alanta – Anykðèiai – Svëdasai – Vyþuonos – Uþpaliai – Dusetos – Antazavë – Imbradas – Stelmuþë – Zarasai – Ignalina – Palûðë – Stripeikiai – Utena (387 km); Anykðèiai RP - three routes: Anykðèiai pinewood; Rubikiai; Anykðèiai RP; Vilnius county: Vilnius – Trakø Vokë – Senieji Trakai -Trakai – Uþtrakis – Trakai – Aukðtadvaris - Stakliðkës - Jieznas – Kalviai. – Kruonis - Þieþmariai – Elektrënai – Vievis-Rykantai.- Grigiðkës - Vilnius; Neris RP and the surrounding areas: Vilnius - Pilaitë – Sudervë - Vilnoja motel – Dûkðtai – Verkðniai – Kazokiðkiai. – Paparèiai – Maciûnai (or Mikalauèiðkës) - Èiobiðkis - Kernavë –Musninkai – Valiukiðkës - Kernavë - Vilnius. Map of Lithuania www.maps.lt
BUS RENTAL CENTRE Vilnius – tel. (370 5) 2685 966 Kaunas – tel. (370 37) 207 025 Klaipëda – tel. (370 46) 311 257 E-mail: info@autonuoma.lt www.autonuoma.com VISIT LITHUANIA Odminiø g. 5, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2625 241, (370 615) 20 462 E-mail: info@VisitLithuania.net www.visitlithuania.lt MOTOTURAS (+ Technical car services on roads 24 hours a day tel. 1888) Antakalnio g. 28, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2104 424, 2104 444 E-mail: info@mototuras.lt, www.mototuras.lt MANDEIVA Auto campers Jûratës g. 12, Kaunas Tel./fax (370 37) 361 266 E-mail: kemperiai@takas.lt, www.kemperiai.com
HERTZ Kalvariju g. 14, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2726 940 E-mail: reservations@hertz.lt Klaipëda - tel. (370 46) 310 737 E-mail: klaipeda@hertz.lt, www.hertz.lt AUNELA Vytenio g. 6-110, Vilnius Tel. 24 hours a day (370 686) 634 44 E-mail: aunela@takas.lt, www.aunela.lt AUTORENTA Rodunios kelias 8-102, Vilnius Tel. (370 687) 772 58 E-mail: info@carrent.lt, www.carrent.lt EURORENTA Vilnius – airport Tel. (370 5) 2331 717 Klaipëda/Palanga Tel. (370 46) 382 121 Tel. in these towns 24 hours a day: (370 686) 006 11 E-mail: rent@eurorenta.lt www.eurorenta.lt NERINGA TAXI Neringa - Nida Tel. (370 698) 452 96 (Arnoldas) E-mail: Arnoldas@dtiltas.lt www.neringostaksi.ten.lt NOVALITA Auðros al. 66A, Ðiauliai Tel.: (370 687) 229 78, (370 611) 140 00 E-mail: arvydas@splius.lt
active holidays
The call of the clarion
One of the oldest forms of man’s communication with the nature is the hunting. There are lots of legends and myths about the deep-rooted traditions of hunting in Lithuania. Even today, the birds and animals are hunted following the obligatory hunting traditions and rituals. The populations of some birds and animals are larger in Lithuania than in other West or Eastern European countries. Every year the Ministry of Environment sets limits for the animal hunting. In 2005 – 2005, the Ministry allowed to hunt 1260 red deer (245 male-deer), 36 fallow-deer, 19 000 roes (4035 male-roes). As regards moose, in particular male-moose, they are not hunted every year. The hunts for wild boars are especially successful and exotic. There are so many wild boars in Lithuania that for the first time in 2005 hunters for wild boars required no special permits. Differently from a number of other EU countries, the hunt for wolves is allowed in Lithuania. The hunts for small animals such as mongoose, fox, grey hear, marten, ferret, and beaver take place in every forest enterprise. The arriving hunters are excited about the huge population of birds. The hunt for birds is not regulated in our country, except the hunts in spring that are forbidden during that period of time. The foreign hunters are subject to the same hunting conditions as the local hunters. You will get and in-depth information from special hunting (sometimes and fish-
ing) agencies that organize hunts as well as forest enterprises that know their territories the best. Sometimes the hunts are or-
ganized by the divisions of Lithuanian Hunters and Fishermen Association, groups and clubs.
HUBERTUS BALTIC Hunting and fishing, trophy exhibitions Þalgirio g. 90, Vilnius Tel./fax: (370 5) 2756 932, (370 699) 740 06 E-mail: hubertus@takas.lt, hunting@one.lt www.hubertus.lt EXPLORE BALTIJA Ratnyèios g. 58-108, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2337 582 E-mail: info@explore-baltic.lt, www.explore-baltic.lt FELIS Ðvitrigailos g. 16, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2330 009, (370 698) 892 40 E-mail: felis@takas.lt, www.hunting-worl.com LITHUANIAN SOCIETY OF HUNTERS AND FISHERS Stikliø g. 6, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2626 735, (370 5) 2626 453 E-mail: medziotoja_zvejys@one.lt KINTAI Water birds hunting, fishing Kintai, Ðilutës r. Tel./fax (370 441) 473 39 Tel. 24 hours a day (370 441) 474 79 E-mail: uab-kintai@silute.omnitel.net www.kintai.lt FORESTRY ALYTUS Royal deer, fallow-deer, roes (roebucks all over), moufflons, wild boars Medelyno g. 33, Alytus Tel.: (370 315) 521 92, (370 686) 10 007 E-mail: alytausmu@takas.lt ANYKÐÈIAI Royal deer, moose, roes, wild boars Vilnius g. 101, Anykðèiai Tel./fax: (370 381) 585 77, (370 686) 86 301 E-mail: anur@is.lt, www.lvmi.lt/Anyksciai/
JONIÐKIS Royal deer, roes, wild boars; partridges, woodcocks Berþininkø k., Joniðkio r. Tel.: (370 426) 520 32 (370 698) 475 85 E-mail: mubuh@joniskis.omnitel.net JURBARKAS Royal deer, roes, wild boars; partridges, woodcocks Miðkininkø g. 5, Jurbarkas Tel.: (370 447) 722 62 (370 686) 151 51 E-mail: jmu@jurbarkas.omnitel.net KAIÐIADORYS Royal deer, roes, wild boars Miðkininkø g. 1, Kaiðiadorys Tel. (370 346) 676 30, (370 698) 383 52 E-mail: kmu@is.lt www.is.lt/kmu KAUNAS Royal deer, roes, wild boars; Woodcocks, common snipe, partridges, ducks Romainiø g. 2, Kaunas, Tel.: (370 37) 385 600 (370 698) 135 45 E-mail: kaunomu@is.lt www.is.lt/kaunomu KËDAINIAI Royal deer, roes, wild boars S Dariaus ir Girëno g. 46, Këdainiai, Tel.: (370 347) 609 91, (370 686) 171 77 E-mail: azuolas@is.lt www.is.lt/azuolas KRETINGA Royal deer, roes, wild boars Savanoriø g. 27, Kretinga Tel.: (370 445) 515 50, (370 687) 860 68 E-mail: miskai@kretingosmu.lt www.kretingosmu.lt
KUPIÐKIS Royal deer, moose, roes, wild boars Vilnius g. 33, Kupiðkis Tel.: (370 459) 353 51, (370 686) 189 00 E-mail: kupmu@post.omnitel.net www.kupuredija.lt MARIJAMPOLË Royal deer, fallow-deer, roes, wild boars; Woodcocks, partridges, common snipe, ducks, Vilkaviðkio g. 71, Marijampolë Tel.: (370 343) 913 00, (370 687) 459 66 E-mail: mmu@takas.lt, www.mmu.lt MAÞEIKIAI Royal deer, roes, wild boars; partridges Senkelio g. 14, Maþeikiai Tel.: (370 443) 727 85, (370 686) 173 65 E-mail: mmu@mazeikiai.omnitel.net PAKRUOJIS Royal deer, roes, wild boars; woodcocks, partridges Linksmuèiø k., Pakruojo r. Tel.: (370 421) 691 00, (370 687) 239 55 E-mail: pakmu@is.lt, www.pakmu.lt PANEVËÞYS Royal deer, moose, roes, wild boars; woodcocks, partridges, ducks Savitiðkio g. 13, Panevëþys, Tel. (370 45) 448 711, (370 686) 919 00 E-mail: info@panuredija.lt www.panuredija.lt RADVILIÐKIS Ðiauliø g. 31, Radviliðkis Tel.: (370 422) 615 10, (370 686) 983 59 E-mail: radmu@takas.lt RASEINIAI Royal deer, roes, wild boars; partridges, geese, ducks Norgëlø k., Raseiniø r. Tel.: (370 428) 713 00, (370 698) 474 31 E-mail: rmu@rasuredija.lt, www.rasuredija.lt
ROKIÐKIS Royal deer, moose, roes, wild boars; ducks Sakaliðkio g. 2, Rokiðkis Tel.: (370 458) 710 12, (370 687) 484 08 E-mail: uredija@wood.lt www.medis.lt/rmu ÐIAULIAI Royal deer, roes, wild boars; woodcocks Þalioji 2, Toloèiai, Ðiauliø r., Tel. (370 41) 547 094, (370 698) 053 35 E-mail: algis@uredija.lt www.uredija.lt ÐILUTË Royal deer, fallow-deer, moose, roes, wild boars; ducks, woodcocks Nemuno g. 15, Ðilutë Tel.: (370 441) 621 11, (370 686) 127 76 E-mail: siluredija@silute.lt www.siluredija.lt ÐVENÈIONËLIAI Roes, wild boars Þeimenos g. 49, Ðvenèionëliai, Ðvenèioniø r. Tel.: (370 387) 313 97, (370 687) 340 21 E-mail: svencuredija@post.omnitel.net www.svuredija.lt TRAKAI Royal deer, roes, wild boars Rubeþiø k., Trakø r. Tel.: (370 528) 323 06, (370 686) 133 01 E-mail: komercija.tmu@is.lt www.tmu.lt UKMERGË Royal deer, roes, wild boars; woodcocks, ducks Vilnius g. 140, Ukmergë Tel.: (370 340) 643 55, 2167, (370 686) 810 88 E-mail: rastine@ukmuredija.lt www.ukmuredija.lt
active holidays
The joy of white winter
We do not have a possibility to always enjoy the white snow covering the earth, as Lithuanian winters differ every year. However, when the snow covers the earth and the weather becomes cooler, those who like active sport go skiing. Ignalina (Aukðtaitija national park) is the winter capital of Lithuania. The layer of snow in beautiful territories of this national park is the thickest and remains the longest in Lithuania. There are several mountain and special plain routes for skiing. As it is usual in majority of national and regional parks, other routes for skiing follow the summer footpaths and cycling roads. When skiing in winter, surroundings, landscape and ethnographic villages surrounded by white forest seem like an image from a fairy-tale. And what’s the taste of the herb tea with honey there! One should go on the night trips with skis when the full moon shines. These trips are in particular picturesque and full of glamour. Those, who do not like skiing, may slide with sledge or special “pot” from the hill. The trips in carriages pulled by horses are in particular romantic, when only the tinkling bells disturb the stillness of winter. But that is not all. Those, who got cold in the outside, may relax in the sauna. Majority of homesteads in villages and some camps have saunas. There is a wide range of saunas at your disposal - from the traditional Lithuanian (where you will be lambasted with a fragrant whisk) to the set of Roman
baths. Those, who want to pump adrenalin, should look for snow motorcycles, icesledge, and aerodynamic sledge. One more entertainment that will heat your blood is
sliding with a sledge that is pulled by the land rover on the frozen lake or on Kurðiø Marios. We may also suggest the different entertainment – the winter fishing on ice.
LITHUANIAN WINTER SPORTS CENTRE 4 mountain skiing tracks (snow cars), flatland skiing tracks along lake coasts; skating rink, skates rent Sporto g. 3, Ignalina Tel.: (370 386) 541 02, (370 386) 541 93 E-mail: lzsc@ignet.lt www.lzsc.lt MOUNTAIN TRACKS IN VILNIUS Liepkalnis skiing track (Laimis hill) Minsko pl. 2, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2106 242 Antakalnis, in the end of Ðilo street - ðilas hill Rokantiðkës hill FLATLANDS SKIING TRACKS IN Vilnius Antakalnis - Virðupio g. 5; Karoliniðkës - Jankausko g. 17; Vaidotai – at Vilnius College of Agriculture SNOWBOARD AND SKIS RENT Varðuvos g. 11, Vilnius Tel. (370 698) 346 24 www.nuoma.mums.lt VISAGINAS Ignalinos r. 4,4 km illuminated skiing track Tel. (370 386) 314 66 – tourism specialist Rytis Ðimanskas (possible to go on excursion to Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant) AUKÐTAITIJA NP TOURISM CENTRE „PALÛÐË“ Skiing tracks; skis rent Palûðës k., Ignalinos r. Tel./fax (370 386) 528 91 Tel. 24 hours a day: (370 386) 474 30, (370 615) 214 01 E-mail: turizmas.anp@is.lt, www.paluse.lt
COUNTRYSIDE FARMSTEAD „MIÐKINIÐKËS“ Skating rink on the pond, racing skiing track; Routes for canoes, bicycles, day and night walking tours; combined bicycle –canoe tours; trout fishing Miðkiniðkiø k., Kazitiðkio sen., Ignalinos r. Tel.: (370 616) 006 92, (370 612) 335 77 E-mail: info@miskiniskes.lt www.miskiniskes.lt LITHUANIAN ETHNO COSMIC MUSEUM (MOLËTAI OBSERVATORY) mountain and flatlands skiing tracks Kulioniø k., Molëtø r. Tel.: (370 687) 406 08, (370 383) 454 24 E-mail: astro@moletai.omnitel.net www.cosmos.lt BIRÐTONAS SPORTS CENTRE 2 mountain skiing tracks (snow cars), flatlands tracks, sledging Jaunimo g. 3, Birðtonas Tel./fax (370 319) 656 40, Tel. (370 319) 657 40 E-mail: turizmas@birstonas.lt, sportas@birstonas.lt www.birstonas.lt VIÐTYÈIO RP 3 mountain skiing tracks; flatlands skiing tracks Vytauto g. 8, Viðtytis, Vilkaviðkio r. Tel./fax (370 342) 635 32 E-mail: vistycio_rp@mari.omnitel.net Skiis rent - tel.: (370 686) 02 829, (370 698) 840 50
CAMPING VILLA “VENTAINË” Various (including extreme) winter entertainment on the ice of Curonian lagoon – snow motor bikes; fishing on ice; hunting Ventës k., Kintø sen., Ðilutës r. Tel.: (370 44)1 685 25, (370 686) 704 90, Fax (370 441) 474 22 E-mail: ventaine@takas.lt www.ventaine.lt KEMPINGAS SLËNYJE Skis, skates rent; Skating rink on Trakai Lake (Plenty of entertainments in summer) Slënio g. 1, Trakai Tel./fax: (370 528) 538 80, (370 686) 111 36 E-mail: kempingasslenyje@one.lt www.camtrakai.lt
ELEKTRËNAI ICE PALACE SPORTS, TOURISM AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE Draugystës g. 24, Elektrënai Tel.: (370 528) 397 55, (370 528) 397 60 E-mail: esporto@centras.lt www.sportocentras.lt SKATING RINK “AKROPOLIO LEDAS” SHOPPING AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE “AKROPOLIS” Ozo g. 25, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2484 848 www.akropolis.lt ICE PALACE “LAPLANDIJA” Rokø k., Priekulës sen., Klaipëda r. Tel. (370 46) 477 774
ANYKÐÈIAI Mountain skiing track J.Biliûno g. 55, Anykðèiai Tel. (370 381) 507 38, Fax (370 381) 507 39 regioninisparkas.anyksciai@is.lt VILNIUS ICE PALACE ¥Àþuolyno g. 9, Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 2424 444, fax (370 5) 2424 400 E-mail: versenta@ledorumai.lt www.ledorumai.lt KAUNAS ICE ARENA Auðros g. 42c, Kaunas Tel.: (370 37) 330 620, 330675
active holidays
Like a bird in the sky
Lithuanians state that they are the nation of farmers and pilots. That is because Lithuanian Kazimieras issued a book entitled “The Great art of artillery” in the middle of XVII, where he described the principles of creating a multi-stage rocket. Jurgis Dobkevièius and Antanas Gustaitis constructed planes in 1930 – 1940, whereas the flight of Stepas Darius and Stasys Girënas from New York to Europe was regarded as one of the major achievement in the aviation of that day. Moreover, the senior pilot of the first charter flight by famous plane “Yankee Clipper” from the US to Europe in 1939 was Lithuanian – Adomas Kalkauskas. The Lithuanian stunt pilots are famous for a long time. Jurgis Kairys (www.jkairys.com), who was the first person to carry out the stunt figures according to the music, belongs to the elite of pilots of the world. According to the number of air balloons for 100 000 persons, Lithuania is in 7 – 8 place in the world. There are more than 60 hot air balloons in the country. Moreover, Vilnius is the only European capital, where those balloons may take off. The 13th championship of hot air balloons was organized in Vilnius and its region in 2003. Lithuania may offer other types of entertainment in the sky: gliding, parachuting, hang-gliding, paragliding, motorgliding, and paramotors. Try one of those and you will experience a wonderful feeling of the free-andeasy flight. Of course, majority of air clubs may offer survey flights that are the simplest.
But the most exotic trips are those with an air balloon above Vilnius or Trakai. There are several piloting schools in the country for
those, who having experienced the joy of an unusual flight, want to learn piloting themselves.
AIR ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES AERONAUTICS CENTRE Air balloons, school, flying Sporto g. 34, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2636 345, (370 685) 559 92 E-mail: info@oreivystescentras.lt www.oreivystescentras.lt, www.ballooning.lt BALLOONISTS CLUB “PADANGIØ GËLËS” Oginskio g. 8A, Nemenèinë, Vilnius Tel. (370 699) 457 37 E-mail: skyflowers@takas.lt AERONAUTIKA Hot air balloon team Savanoriø pr. 180-54, Vilnius Tel.: (370 698) 228 10, (370 687) 248 96 E-mail: info@aeronautica.lt www.aeronautika.lt AIR BALLOONS Vilnius/Kaunas/Alytuhs Tel. (370 611) 209 11 E-mail: info@orobalionai.lt www.orobalionai.lt BALLOONISTS CLUB „PERKÛNAS“ Kaimynø k., Musininkø sen., Ðirvintø r. Tel.: (370 382) 411 24, (370 699) 192 19
KLAIPËDA AIRLINES Flights by planes and helicopters, Pilots’ school Dirvupiø k., Klaipëda r. Tel.: (370 46) 411 567, (370 699) 579 69 E-mail: info@airklaipeda.lt www.airklaipeda.lt KAUNAS AERO CLUB Sightseeing and acrobatic flights, Pilots’ school Veiveriø g. 132, Aleksotas, Kaunas Tel.: (370 37) 391400, (370 37) 391 553 Tel.: (370 687) 45132, (370 682) 234 04 E-mail: aeroklubas@takas.lt www.aerokaunas.lt VYTAUTAS LAPËNAS FLIGHT SCHOOL Sightseeing and demo acrobatic flights Stanioniø k., Panevëþio r. Tel./fax (370 45) 554 332 Tel.: (370 698) 277 53, (370 687) 731 32 E-mail: avia.istra@post.omnitel.net www.aviaistra.lt Airdrome “Istra”
LITHUANIAN ASSOCIATION OF AIRCRAFT OWNERS Piloting school, sightseeing flights Photos and filming in the air Paluknys airdrome, Trakø r., A4 road 35 km. Tel./fax: (370 5) 2652 530, (370 686) 139 50 E-mail: elsamokykla@takas.lt, www.aopa.lt
KAUNAS COUNTY CLUB OF AVIATION SPORTS Sightseeing and acrobatic flights by planes and flights by gliders Pociûnø k., Prienø r. Tel.: (370 685) 440 45, (370 319) 605 77 E-mail: kaask@lsf.lt www.kaask.lsf.lt
VILNIUS FLIGHT SCHOOL Flight school, flights by UL equipment Paluknys airdrome, Trakø r. A4 road (Vilnius - Alytus) 35 km. Tel.: (370 5) 2732 703, (370 6 99) 565 03 E-mail: tomas@soaring.lt www.skraidymas.lt
ÐIAULIAI AERO CLUB Flights by planes and gliders, parachuting Voveriðkiø g. 39-5, Ðiauliai Tel. (370 686) 682 15 E-mail: adaubaras@one.lt http://aeroclub.w3.lt Ðeduva airdromes, Raudondvario kaimas
MARIJAMPOLË AERO CLUB Sightseeing flights by plane, parachuting Sasnava airdrome, Marijampolës r. Tel. (370 687) 321 43, tel./fax (370 343) 287 78 E-mail: rimas@suvalkietis.lt www.marizone.lt ALYTUS AERO CLUB Sightseeing and acrobatic flights by plane, air ballooning Miðkininkø g. 3, Alytus Tel. (370 687) 328 89 E-mail: alytausak@one.lt PANEVËÞYS AERO CLUB Sightseeing flights, gliding, parachuting Stetiðkiø g. 74, Panevëþys Tel/fax (370 45) 437 981 Tel. (370 685) 037 10 UTENA AERO CLUB Flights by planes and gliders Maironio g. 4, Utena Tel.: (370 389) 518 01, (370 698) 432 69 E-mail: utenosaeroklubas@zinios.lt http://utenosaeroklubas.zinios.lt VILNIUS PARACHUTERS’ CLUB (Vilnius Dariaus ir Girëno aeroclub) parachuting Kyviðkiø k., Vilnius r. (101 road 16 km) Tel.: (370 5) 2325 718, (370 687) 524 64 E-mail: info@dropzone.lt www.dropzone.lt
FLY OTTO PARA MOTORS (flights by Para motors, paratrykes, Para gliders, school) Vilnius Tel.: (370 698) 702 45, (370 687) 407 75 E-mail: info@otto-paramotors.com www.otto-paramotors.com CLUB “LAISVAS SKRYDIS” Flights by plane, gliders, Hang-gliders, Para motors, Para gliders Paluknio aerodromas, Trakø r. Tel.: (370 5) 2153 917, (370 680) 394 52 E-mail: violeta@skrydis.lt www.skrydis.lt PARAGLIDING SCHOOL “ARCUS” Valkininkai airdrome, Varënos r. Tel. (370 699) 53 878 E-mail: blokha@paragliding.lt www.paragliding.lt BAISOGALA HANG-GLIDING SPORTS CLUB Flights by hang-gliders and Para gliders Grinkiðkio g. 7-29, Baisogala, Radviliðkio r. Tel.: (370 692) 553 78, (370 692) 444 87 E-mail: RAS@takas.lt http://skrydis.tinklapiai.lt Ðeduva sports airdrome Raudondvario kaimas
KLAIPËDA PARACHUTERS’ CLUB Vyturio g. 15-36, Klaipëda Tel. (370 652) 025 26 E-mail: dz@skydiving.lt www.skydiving.lt KLAIPËDA squadron airdrome Dirvupiø k., Klaipëdos r.
active holidays
Spirit of Adventure
What to risk? To pump adrenalin and forget about fatigue and problems? In that case, choose Lithuania: budgie jumping from the TV tower, driving carting or rally cars in special routes; race with land-rovers in gravel quarries or trips full of adventures in national and regional parks; paintball in former Russian training ground or the trips in swamps (even at night – and that’s the horror!); orientation sport games with funny tasks; acrobatic flights accompanied by an experience pilot or a lightening speed flights by reactive fighter. Having swing in the “Swing of giants” you will realize that you may walk on peaks of trees. Or maybe you want to check your stamina? In that case, we suggest you to buy one-weekend (from 2 to 3 days) entertainment package entitled “Earth-Sky-Water”, which will heat your blood. Less risky, but no less romantic are the trips on roller-skates in the city at night and the trips on skis in national and regional parks. Or, let’s say, a special pubing and clubbing isn’t that extreme enough? We may also offer trips and excursions during which you will watch various performances – rituals, fights, imitations of historical events and sometimes you may also participate in these events (for example, you will be persecuted by ghosts or attacked by the robbers) etc. These trips are organized by the travel agencies and tourism operators. Information about the extreme air, water and winter entertainments are provided in relevant chapters.
DELTA TOURS PCO Conferences & Incentives Konstitucijos pr. 12-212, Vilnius Tel.: (370 5) 2750 770, 2750 575 E-mail: pco@deltatours.lt, www.deltatours.lt FREE TIME ENTERTAINMENT Off-roads, flights by various aircrafts, other extreme entertainment Savanoriø pr., Vilnius Tel. (370 698) 228 10, fax (370 5) 2137 245 E-mail: info@GoldenMoments.lt, www.goldenmoments.lt ACTIVE HOLIDAYS Kalashnikov Shooting, Bungee jumping, Quadbiking; weekend holiday package Rodunios kelias 8-102, Vilnius Tel.: (370 698) 247 95, (370 687) 218 47, fax (370 5) 2331612 E-mail: info@activeholidays.lt, www.activeholidays.lt LITHUANIAN SAFARI Off-roads, combines trips, other extreme entertainment Didþioji g. 19-7, Vilnius Tel. (370 686) 555 35 E-mail: vaidas@safari.lt, www.safari.lt
ANTANO GEDVILO FARMSTEAD Travelling by aero boats (in winter by aero sledge) On foot through wetlands, other entertainments Jovariðkiø k., Trakø r. Tel./fax: (370 528) 744 94, (370 685) 596 30 E-mail: g.antanas@is.lt G. Klimkevièius farmstead KLIMKYNË Entertainment and hunting Vilkiðkiø k., Turgeliø sen., Ðalèininkø r. Tel. (370 682) 411 55 E-mail: enter@klimkyne.lt, www.klimkyne.lt CO-CART RENT Mokyklos g. 14-43, Ðventoji, Palangos sav. Tel. (370 686) 211 30 HOT NIGHTS ON THURSDAYS / Roller-skate Vilnius – tel.: (370 699) 664 60, (370 686) 968 26 E-mail: tnf@omni.lt, ok@takas.lt Kaunas – tel. (370 686) 429 78 E-mail: rolling.kaunas@mail.lt, www.inlineskating.lt GOLF www.golfweb.lt
CAMPING KEMPINGAS SLËNYJE**** Slenio g. 1, 21001 Trakai Tel./fax (370 528) 538 80 Tel.: (370 686) 111 36, (370 686) 900 22 E-mail: kempingasslenyje@one.lt www.camptrakai.lt
SUDEIKIAI CAMPING** Sudeikiø k., Utenos r. Tel. (370 686) 615 20 tel./fax (370 389) 543 46 E-mail: tic@utenainfo.lt www.utenainfo.lt
CAMPING IN DRUSKININKAI**** Gardino g. 3, tel. (370 313) 608 00 E-mail: information@druskininkai.lt www.druskininkai.lt
PALÛÐË CAMPING** Palûðës k., Ignalinos r., Tel./fax (370 386) 528 91 Tel. 24 hours a day: (370 386) 474 30, (370 615) 214 01 E-mail: turizmas.anp@is.lt www.paluse.lt
OBUOLIØ SALA**** Grabuostas Lake Island Þalvariø k., Molëtø r. Tel./fax (370 383) 500 73 E-mail: info@appleisland.lt www.appleisland.lt NIDOS KEMPINGAS *** Taikos g. 45A, Neringa-Nida Tel./fax (370 469) 520 45 Tel. (370 682) 411 50 E-mail: info@kempingas.lt www.kempingas.lt CAMPING-HOLIDAY RESORT „VIKTORIJA“** Viðtytis, Vilkaviðkio r. Tel: (370 342) 475 21, (370 698) 703 28 E-mail: viktorija@viktorija.lt www.viktorija.lt CAMPING VILLA “VENTAINË”** Ventës k., Kintø sen., Ðilutës r. Tel.: (370 44)1 685 25, (370 686) 704 90 E-mail: ventaine@takas.lt www.ventaine.lt
MINDÛNAI CAMPING** Mindûnø k., Molëtø r. Tel. (370 614) 444 45 fax (370 386) 534 32 E-mail: info@ignaturas.lt www.ignaturas.lt ZARASAI CAMPING** Kauno g. 53, Zarasai Tel. /fax (370 270) 512 30 E-mail: turizmas@zarasai.lt www.zarasai.lt PALANGA CAMPING* Vytauto g. 8, Palanga Tel./fax (370 460) 535 33 tel. (370 687) 963 59 E-mail: akopos@takas.lt PUÐELË* Þirgënø k., Viðtytis, Vilkaviðkio r. Tel.: (370 342) 475 55, (370 342) 475 09 (370 611) 511 21 E-mail: pusele@ktv.satela.lt
active holidays
Islands of Tranquillity
Want to forget civilization, noise of the city and to find the shelter in the nature? In this case choose one of the 500 rural tourism homesteads in Lithuania. The homesteads differ in locations, architecture and the extent of activity. A number of homesteads are composed of the whole set of new building of the rural style, where many people may rest and enjoy the rural entertainments at the same time. The owners of other homesteads (particularly in ethnographic villages) will give all their attention to and will offer stay only for your family or a small company. In such villages you will find a unique environment and a pleasant communication with locals. A real escape from the rest of the world is the rest in a grange surrounded by the forest. You will forget all your problems and will feel like in the fairy-tale when during the breakfast you will see the deer or stag nibbling the grass in the outskirts or the grange. Rural tourism homesteads usually offer different equipment for entertainment: bikes, boats, canoes, ships and yachts. Some of them may even offer horses and carriages for riding, and sledges in wintertime. Almost all of them have basketball grounds, and sometimes tennis courts. One or several different saunas are an obligatory attribute of every homestead. And maybe you would like to work with the hosts in the garden or garden-plot? There are several ecological rural tourism homesteads, and their number still increases.
Lithuanian countryside farmsteads www.countryside.lt
TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES AKMENË V.Kudirkos g. 27, Naujoji Akmenë Tel. (370 425) 570 20 turizmas@akmene.lt; www.vic.akmene.lt ALYTUS Rotuðës a. 14A, tel. (370 315) 520 10 info@alytus-tourism.lt; www.alytus.lt ANYKÐÈIAI Geguþës g. 1, tel. (370 381) 591 77 anyksciaiturinfo@erdves.lt; www.antour.lt BIRÐTONAS Jaunimo g. 3, tel. (370 319) 657 40 turizmas@birstonas.lt; www.birstonas.lt BIRÞAI Vytauto g. 27, tel. (370 450) 334 96 tic@birzai.lt; www.birzai.lt/tic.htm DRUSKININKAI M. K. Èiurlionio g. 65, tel. (370 313) 517 77 Gardino g. 3, tel. (370 313) 60 800 information@druskininkai.lt; www.druskininkai.lt; ELEKTRËNAI Rungos g. 12, tel. (370 528) 54325 rasakuleviciene@yahoo.com; www.elektrenai.lt GEOGRAPHICAL CENTRE OF EUROPE Radþiuliø k., Nemenèinës sen., Vilnius r. Tel. (370 601) 971 98 info@egc.lt; www.egc.lt GARGÞDAI Klaipëdos g. 15, tel. (370 46) 473 416 tourgargzdai@delfi.lt, www.klaipedos-r.lt IGNALINA Taikos g. 11, tel. (370 386) 525 97 tic@ignalina.lt; www.ignalina.lt JONAVA J.Basanavièiaus g. 3, tel. (370 349) 523 35 muziejus.jonava@takas.lt
JURBARKAS Dariaus ir Girëno g. 94, tel. (370 447) 702 01 turizmas@jurbarkas.lt; www.jurbarkas.lt
PALANGA Kretingos g. 1, tel. (370 460) 488 22 palangaturinfo@is.lt; www.palangatic.lt
TELÐIAI Turgaus a. 21, tel. (370 444) 530 10 www.telsiai.lt; turizmocentras@telsiai.lt
KAUNAS Laisvës al. 36, tel. (370 37) 323 436 turizmas@takas.lt; http://visit.kaunas.lt
PANEVËÞYS Laisvës a. 11, tel. (370 45) 508 081 pantic@takas.lt; www.panevezystic.lt
TAURAGË Vytauto g. 60, tel. (370 446) 614 04 tic@tvk.lt, www.taurage.lt
KERNAVË Kerniaus g. 4, Kernavë, Ðirvintø r. Tel. (370 382) 473 15 info@kernave.lt; www.kernave.lt kernave@taigaeurobaltika.com www.taigaeurobaltika.com
PASVALYS P. Aviþonio g. 6, tel. (370 451) 340 96 turizmas@pasvalys.lt; www.pasvalys.lt
TRAKAI Vytauto g. 69, tel. (370 528) 519 34 trakaitic@is.lt; www.trakai.lt
PLUNGË Parko g. 1, tel./fax (370 448) 524 92 zdm.tourism@takas.lt; www.plunge.lt
UTENA Utenio a. 5, tel. (370 389) 543 46 tic@utenainfo.lt; www.utenainfo.lt
ROKIÐKIS Tyzenhauzø g. 5, tel.: (370 458) 315 12, 522 61 tic@rokiskyje.lt; www.tic.rokiskyje.lt
VARËNA J.Basanavièiaus g. 9, tel./fax (370 310) 313 30 varena.tvic@zaibas.lt; www.varena.lt/turizmas
SKUODAS Gedimino g. 1, tel./fax (370 440) 739 35 apulia@takas.lt; www.skuodas.lt
VARNIAI S. Daukanto g. 6, Varniai, Telðiø r. Tel./fax (370 444) 474 55 alma@varniai-museum.lt www.varniai-museum.lt
KËDAINIAI Didþioji g. 1, tel. (370 347) 603 63 kedainiaitic@centras.lt; www.kedainiai.ten.lt/ KLAIPËDA Turgaus g. 5-7, tel. (370 46) 412 186 tic@one.lt; www.klaipeda.lt KRETINGA Vilnius g. 20, tel. (370 445) 776 12 tickretinga@takas.lt; www.kretinga.lt LAZDIJAI Vilnius g. 1, tel./fax (370 318) 511 60 ltic@centras.lt, www.lazdijai.lt MARIJAMPOLË UAB “Jotva”, V. Kudirkos St. 41 Tel. (370 343) 511 09 info@jotva.lt; www.marijampole.lt MAÞEIKIAI Ventos g. 8a, tel./fax (370 443) 953 51 mtvic@mazeikiai.lt; www.mazeikiai.lt MOLËTAI Inturkës g. 4, tel./fax (370 383) 511 87 turizmas@moletai.lt, www.infomoletai.lt NERINGA - NIDA Taikos g. 4, tel. (370 469) 523 45 info@visitneringa.lt; www.visitneringa.com/lt
ÐIAULIAI Vilniaus g. 213, tel. (370 41) 521 105 tic@siauliai.lt; www.siauliai.lt/tic ÐILALË S.Gaudëðiaus g. 4, tel. (370 449) 512 11 tvic@silale.info; www.silale.info ÐILUTË Lietuvininkø g. 10, tel. (370 441) 777 95 info@siluteinfo.lt; www.siluteinfo.lt Lietuvininkø g. 4, tel. (370 441) 622 07 muziejus@silute.omnitel.net; www.pamarys.lt/tic/ ÐIRVINTOS Vilniaus g. 81, tel. (370 382) 310 74 jurate.tvic@sirvintos.lt; www.sirvintos.lt ÐVENÈIONYS Laisvës a. 1, tel./fax (370 387) 510 47 svencionysturism@centras.lt; www.svencionys.lt
VILNIUS Didþioji g. 31, tel. (370 5) 2626 470 turizm.info@vilnius.lt; Vilniaus g. 22, tel. (370 5) 2629 660 tic@vilnius.lt; Geleþinkelio g.16, tel. (370 5) 2692 091 v_tic@yahoo.com; www.turizmas.vilnius.lt VILKAVIÐKIS J.Basanavièiaus a. 7, tel./fax (370 342) 205 25 info@vilkaviskisinfo.lt; www.vilkaviskisinfo.lt ZARASAI Sëliø a. 22, tel./fax (370 385) 512 30 turizmas@zarasai.lt; www.zarasai.lt (tourism)
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© Leidykla „Sapnø sala“, 2005
LITHUANIAN TOURISM FUND A.Juozapavièiaus g. 13 09311 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (370 5) 263 73 11, fax (370 5) 272 65 54 info@travel.lt; www.travel.lt
©Text: Roma Statulevièiûtë
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