Trakai. Visit an fall in love

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Salos pilis (14a. – 15a.) Tai vienintelò Ryt˜ Europoje pilis, pastatyta saloje. Manoma, kad Salos pil∞ 14 a. pab. pradòjo statyti K´stutis, o 15 a. pradÏioje baigò jo snus - Lietuvos Didysis kunigaik‰tis Vytautas. âia Vytautas ir mirò 1430 m. Po jo mirties pilimi naudotasi vis reãiau. 16 a. pradÏioje Salos pilies reik‰mò sumenko. 1655 m. vasarà, vykstant nesòkmingam karui su Rusija ir ·vedija, Ivano Zolotorenkos kazokams uÏòmus Trak˜ miestà, Salos pilis buvo apgriauta. 1962 m. Salos pilis perduota Trak˜ istorijos muziejui. âia ∞rengtos ekspozicijos, veikia parodos, vyksta renginiai. Muzikos gerbòjus traukia Lietuvos nacionalinio operos ir baleto teatro vasaros sezonai Trak˜ salos pilyje, senosios muzikos ansambli˜ koncertai. Darbo laikas: geguÏò – rugsòjis I-VII 10.00-19.00 ; spalis – balandis II-VII 10.00 – 17.00. Biliet˜ kainos: 10 Lt suaugusiems, 5 Lt moksleiviams, studentams. The Salos (Island) Castle (14th c. – 15th c.) It is the only Eastern European castle, built on an island. It is believed that the construction of the Island Castle was started in the end of the 14th century by K´stutis, and was finished by his son Vytautas in the beginning of the 15th century. In 1430 Vytautas, the Great Duke of Lithuania, died in the Island Castle. After his death, the castle was used less and less. The significance of the Island Castle reduced in the early 16th century. In the summer of 1655, during an unsuccessful war against Russia and Sweden, when the Cossacks of Ivanas Zolotorenka occupied the town of Trakai, the Island Castle was partly destroyed. In 1962, the Island Castle was given to the Historical Museum of Trakai. The expositions are equipped here; a lot of the exhibitions and other events take place. Music admirers are attracted by the summer seasons of Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet theatre in the Island Castle of Trakai and the concerts of ancient music ensembles. Work hours: May – September I-VII 10.00.-19.00, October – April II-VII 10.00 – 17.00 Tickets: 10 Lt for adults, 5 Lt students


UÏutrakio dvaras Ant Galvòs eÏero kranto stovi 16 a. vid. - 20 a. pradÏ. UÏutrakio dvaras. Paskutinis jo savininkas - grafas Juozapas Ti‰keviãius. UÏutrakio dvaro rmai yra neorenesansinio stiliaus, dviej˜ auk‰t˜, taisyklingos formos pastatas su 4 monumentaliais fasadais. Dvaro rmai statyti pagal lenk˜ architekto Juzefo Huso projektà, o parkà suprojektavo prancz˜ kra‰tovaizdÏio architektas ir biologas E.F.Andrò. The UÏutrakis Estate On the shore of Galvòs Lake stands a 16th century middle – 20th century beginning UÏutrakis estate. It’s last landlord – count Juozapas Ti‰keviãius. The manor house of UÏutrakis is of neo-renaissance style, two floors, regular form building with four monumental facades. The manor house was built according to the project of Polish architect Juzefas Husas, while French landscape architect and biologist E.F.Andre designed the park.

Trak˜ turizmo informacijos centras Trakai tourist information centre

Vytauto 69, Trakai 21110 Tel./faks. (8 528) 51 934



Nuotraukos: i‰ TIC archyvo, Trak˜ istorinio nacionalinio parko archyvo Photos: Tourist information centre, Trakai Historical National Park



2007/01/25, 15:07

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