Lithuania. Incentive travel

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Republic of Lithuania is located at the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It covers 65,3 thousand square kilometres and has population of 3.435 million, of which 83,5 percent are Lithuanians, 6,7 percent Poles, 6,3 percent Russians, and 1 percent other ethnic minorities. Vilnius is Lithuania’s capital with the population totalling over 550 thousand. Other large cities are Kaunas, seaport Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys. There are over 100 cities in Lithuania, 30 of which are older than 750 years. Lithuania restored its independence in 1990 and in 2004 joined the European Union and NATO Alliance. Lithuanians are the most Eurominded among all the new EU Member States.


ithuania is a new member of the European Union. History of its nation started as early as about thousand years ago. Within 15 years after restoration of its Independence (since the year 1990), Lithuania turned into rapidly progressing country, the rate of its economic development is one of the highest in EU and the whole Europe. Long ago, businessmen from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, USA and other states “found” Lithuania to be particularly favourable for economic development and investments.


ultural life of Lithuania is very intensive and versatile. Creation of its masters of fine arts is original and full of fantasy. The service infrastructure of the country, represented by abundant public catering and entertaining centers, many new hotels, original well-equipped conference centers and other conference sites, is almost the best and most attractive in Baltic States.


ithuania is especially interesting country for respite after conferences and seminars or just for inimitable entertainment: mounds and ancient castles, hundred-year-old estates and parks and other objects of the cultural heritage spread all over the country; the unique variety of nature, ranging from ancient woods and marshes to sand plains almost untrodden by a human being, - all this is a unique prospect for entertainment, enriching you not only with new experience but also with knowledge.


he operators of conference, convention and incentive tourism, as well as organizers of entertainment, can offer far more varied entertainment than what the following pages present. Almost each company engaged in the business has entertainment packages tailored according to its own special “recipe”, such as extreme games and trips, tasting of national dishes and drinks, reenacted feasts from the Middle Ages and from the Soviet period.

Vilnius magic


LEGENDS OF VILNIUS The Vilnius Old Town palace, churches, abbeys are surrounded by many legends. You will have an opportunity to reveal the secrets of the Old Town and hear the romantic and incredible stories. This is an unusual city tour with stylised maps and entertainment. The excursion is very reckless, since participants will have to visit various sightseeing places in the capital and recognise specified sites with the help of a map. A unified, inventive group that demonstrates its erudition, historical knowledge and originality will reach the goal of the trip without any difficulties, after having some adventures, feeling the charm of Vilnius and falling in love with its unique and cosy atmosphere.

ADVENTURES IN THE HEART OF VILNIUS... The Old Town of Vilnius is surrounded by hills from which wonderful panoramas open up to the eye. A walk in the historic hills is an excellent and fun test of grit. Will everyone manage to climb a hill by a rope, and then go down the same way when there is an impetuous rivulet running at the bottom? And what is that? Is that a battle between archers on the opposite bank, or are robbers hiding there? To the next hill, and quick! The sun is setting already Where are we? Is this a pagan ritual that used to take place a thousand years ago!? Do not forget your camera and camcorder because you are going to see views that few tourists get the chance to see.;

THE REPUBLIC OF UŽUPIS Užupis is certainly the most romantic part in Vilnius. The place of artists, the Republic of Užupis, is famous for its events and special atmosphere. Bohemian Užupis is often compared to Monmartre of Paris or Christiania of Copenhagen. Here you will feel the free and creative spirit, will become a part of its friendly community and will see the works of craftsmen and artists. Here you will see the process of crafts making and will be able to try one of the crafts by yourselves. Tasting of traditional Lithuanian drinks, such as mead and “krupnikas” in the cellar of Tores cafe will be the best way to relax after the creative challenge.

Reviving past A NIGHT WITH THE GHOSTS OF VILNIUS Let us take a late-night walk around the Old Town of Vilnius. Let us start from the sites of the foundation of the city, the Cathedral and the Rulers Palace. Oh! Where has this medieval magician appeared from? And who has surrounded us: heathen sorcerers or visiting monks? Where are they taking us? To the catacombs, where Lithuanian rulers rest in sarcophagi, or to the palace courtyards where the spirits of their powerful rulers keep coming back? Walking in the streets of the Old Town, entering courtyards and houses, often without knowing we walk through the remains of the Defensive Wall. Armoured noble knights and watchful armed guards, impressive knight battles and traditional Medieval feast will let you feel the unique Medieval atmosphere. You can try your strength by shooting with a bow and arbalest or throwing an axe in the yard of the Bastion. A multitude of Vilnius legends dictate different scenarios for the routes. Wandering in the catacombs of the capital’s palaces, churches and monasteries leaves strong impressions, especially after you hear about adventures that have taken place there…;;;;;

THE NORTHERN JERUSALEM Jews settled in Vilnius, the city of tolerance in medieval Europe, more than 600 years ago. Vilnius is called the second Jerusalem, too. A tour of places with memories for the Jews is rather sorrowful: of all Jewish temples in Vilnius, only one has survived. The area of the capital that they inhabited was turned into a ghetto during World War 2; while the memorial at Žemieji Paneriai perpetuates the memory of the tens of thousands of Jews that were killed here. Jewish culture and life in Lithuania are reflected in the exhibitions of the State Jewish Museum.;;;;

VISIT CRAFTSMEN IN THEIR STUDIOS Would you like to look at the work process of a blacksmith or a potter? We invite you to their studios. Here you can see not only the work process but also try out your own skills. It’s a perfect chance to learn more about traditions, history and culture of Lithuanian people and to bring a small item, which you will make by yourself.


Reviving past


TOGETHER WITH OUR ANCESTORS The Lithuanian Museum of Folk Life, which recreates the old everyday life of all four ethnic regions of Lithuania, organises merry calendar festivals: Shrovetide, an egg rolling competition at Easter, Midsummer and others. But a visit to a farmstead, and particularly to a Dūminė Gryčia of our ancestors can be fun on any day. For several hours you will be the host of the farmstead. Housework, chopping wood, lighting the stove and frying eggs, boiling unpeeled potatoes and other chores turn into a great sequence of adventures which in the evening ends with a merry get-together with dancing and games to music performed by a folk group.;;;;; www.sveturkelis.w3lt; www.mmlab.ktult/skansenas_lt/rumsisk.htm-9k; kaisiadorys/buities_muziejus.htm

WHERE TIME HAS STOPPED (DZŪKIJA NATIONAL PARK) The old ethnographic villages are still alive in the forests of Dzūkija. Some of them appeared here as early as the 16th century. The gate to the park is the old town of Merkine that is located on the confluence of the Merkys and the Nemunas rivers. The Čepkeliai Bog Reserve is nature yet untouched by humans, where rare birds and animals live in untouched surroundings. They can be watched from special hides. Dzūkai, the residents of Dzūkija, are hospitable people and very fond of singing. The old songs, lamentations and unique sutartines, polyphonic folk songs, are still alive here, so an encounter with the dzūkai is bound to be joyous. And maybe luck will smile on you and you will see a production by the Margionys Barn Theatre...;;;;;;

PHOTO SAFARI ON THE WOODEN KERNAVETTE Have you ever had a ride on a wooden bus? Probably not. It looks as if the only wooden bus in the world runs in old Kernavė. Weddings and other occasions are celebrated on it, and a cocktail bar can be fitted in it. Photo Safari is a joyful ride to Baltasis (White) Mountain along the narrow lanes of the woods, with the River Neris flowing down below. And since the environs of Kernavė are exceptionally picturesque, the possible routes here are numerous.


KERNAVĖ: THE ANCIENT CAPITAL OF LITHUANIA A trip to Kernavė, the ancient capital of Lithuania situated close to Vilnius, the five mounds of which are included in the UNESCO list of objects of world culture. This historic site is the venue for the Days of Living Architecture, the Feast of St John, and international folklore festivals. Rumours have spread, however, that on other days, too, reborn pagan sorcerers show people around the former powerful fortresses and the town, and sometimes even an image of the pagan vigil of the sacred fire can be seen. Similar visions of ancient pagan rituals can be also seen in the huge oak wood near Kernavė, the road to which is lined with wooden sculptures.;;;;;;

ARCHEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF ‘LITHUANIAN TROY’ Large-scale archeological research is conducted in the Kernavė Historical-Archeological Reserve. It reveals ever new findings from various periods. Scientists assert that our ancestors lived here several thousand years before the formation of the ancient capital of Lithuania. Due to its significance to the history of humanity, and the large scale of the archeological discoveries and archeological research, Kernavė is called the Lithuanian Troy. Taking part in archeological excavations in the most picturesque landscape, contact with the layers of history, could be a meaningful pastime or a pithy adventure.;;;

LITHUANIAN COSMOS Ethnocosmology... What the relation of the Lithuanians with the cosmos from the earliest times was you will find out during a visit to a pagan observatory of the celestial bodies. The discussion will continue in a country house or farmstead. The treat will be tastier against the background of music performed by a folk ensemble. After sunset, when it is dark, a look at the night sky through an observatory telescope. This trip is no less interesting in the winter a get-together with folk dancing by a bonfire, a merry-go-round on a lake. Maybe your lucky star is shining in the dark sky above snow-covered woods.;;;;

Reflections of the Soviet period


SOVIET VILNIUS Reflections of the Soviet period Stalin Avenue, Lenin Square, the palaces of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Soviet Lithuania and the Supreme Council of Soviet Lithuania; sculptures symbolising the unity of workers and farmers on the aliasis (Green) Bridge. And now we will rehearse the demonstrations for May 1, the holiday of solidarity of the working people, and of November 7, the day of the great socialist October Revolution. We will learn the slogans to be chanted while passing the stand from which the leaders of the beloved Communist Party and the heroes of socialist labour will be watching us. Who is against it? The ears of the KGB are vigilant! Straight to the prison (museum)!;

GRŪTAS SCULPTURE PARK: AN EXHIBITION OF SOVIET CULTURE At the gate to Grūtas Park you will be met by Soviet militiamen and soldiers: you will see them every-where in the park. While looking at the Soviet monuments in the open air, you will feel as if you are in a Siberian concentration camp the territory is surrounded by a moat and a barbed wire fence with watchtowers. The atmosphere of a Soviet canteen permeates the park cafe: the food is served in metal bowls, while the aluminium cutlery has for some time been an unusual souvenir.;;;;;;;;;

MISSILE RANGE – THE MUSEUM OF MILITARISM Getting to the missile range will be complicated: it is hidden deep under the ground, so you will have to go down a special shaft. Then you will have to crawl through several partitions between separate sections, almost like in a missile submarine. This is the unique space where the Militarism Exhibition is displayed. Of course you will see the shafts from which, following the order, missiles were to strike their targets… The later get-together in the centre of the Žemaitija National Park, close to Lake Plateliai with its seven islands and numerous legends, will look extremely peaceful and romantic.;;;

Music fiestas and exotic evening-parties DINNER IN A SOVIET STYLE CANTEEN You are personally invited to a routine congress of the Communist Party in Vilnius, the capital of Soviet Lithuania. The guests of the congress will be the geniuses of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Comrade Stalin. You will be offered delicious food and traditional Soviet drinks. The stars of Soviet popular music will perform for you. Singing the majestic anthem of Soviet Lithuania is compulsory those who do not know it will be evicted from the congress and expelled from the Communist Party.;

A SPECIAL CONCERT OR PERFORMANCE Lithuania boasts a great number of outstanding performers of music, soloists and groups that have earned the title of virtuoso in other countries. That is why an pera or ballet performance, a coordinated programme by one of the three symphony orchestras, the several chamber ensembles or choirs winners of European competitions and a banquet in suitable premises (the National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the National Philharmonic Hall or the Congress Hall) could be an opening or closing musical flourish for a conference or a meeting. Smaller ensembles or individual performers can give private concerts in smaller spaces.;;;;;;;;;;

THEMATIC GALA DINNERS The choice is wide: a folk evening (there are over 800 ethnic and folk groups in Lithuania) with songs, dances and games in a rustic atmosphere; a jolly and playful variety show; classical music performed by accomplished players and singers; a performance by an early music ensemble; shows by magicians and circus artists.;;;;;

HONEY FEAST. SPICY ORANGE. THE SECRETS OF CORSICA. THE SUMMER OF PROVENCE These are thematic get-togethers in a rural farmstead: scents and recipes for the recreation of the body, arm massages and savoury food. It is a feast of enchanting fragrances, colours and tastes and resembles an extraordinary ritual, offering the bliss of relaxation and the recovery of energy.


Music fiestas and exotic evening-parties


THE FOLK EVENING-PARTY If you wish to ensure real entertainment, good mood and colourful impressions for you, do not miss a chance to take part in a Lithuanian evening-party held in the Old Town of Vilnius. The most interesting custom and folk traditions, traditional Lithuanian food and drinks, the scenes from medieval Lithuanian life will create a special evening atmosphere. In unique song, dance and fire feast you will be able to see the temperament and cheerfulness of Lithuanians. You will have a good opportunity to try well-known Lithuanian beer, find out the secrets of folk crafts.

MEDIEVAL FEAST IN TRAKAI CASTLE After a successful military expedition, a hunt or just for entertainment, the nobles have lavish feasts or cultural soirees. Plenty of yet unseen food and drink is laid out on the tables. Attentive servants rush about, jesters and fakirs show their tricks, while the sounds of a tournament of knights come from the courtyard. Another alternative is for transparent melodies to be performed by medieval musicians in a luxurious hall, with flamboyant dancers weaving a dance. The air is pregnant with the spirit of court intrigue. What will happen tonight? There many places in Lithuania where a feast like this can be organised, but in the unique Trakai castle it is the most impressive.;;;;;

EVENTS ON ESTATES There is quite a number of impressive estates where receptions or soirees of a high artistic level, staged with historical performances or special music performed by folk, medieval, chamber or jazz ensembles, are organised for companies or groups of people. Or, would you prefer Latin American or Gypsy raving? The estate at Burbiškis is just the right place for this, especially in the spring, when plantations of tulips come into bloom. The estate at emaitkiemis is very suitable for large events. The country s business and artistic elite very often choose the estate at Šešuolėliai, pobably the most ornate in Lithuania and surrounded by a vast romantic park.;;;

By waterways NOBLEMEN FEAST AT TIŠKEVIČIUS PALACE Noblemen feast is a wonderful scene, which will show the luxury life of Lithuanian noblemen. You will be able to feel the pleasure of the noblemen feast in magnificent Neoclassicism Tiškevičius family palace and the surrounding park of Trakų Vokė. This will be a good opportunity to get acquainted with the authentic traditions and spend the evening in the company of the descendants of Lithuania‘s noblemen, as well as try roast pig and traditional drinks.

THE AMBER ROUTE A coastal route. The Samogitian alka, an ancient sacred site with a paleoastronomical observatory, has been revived not far from Palanga. A palace with gardens designed by Edouard Andre houses the Amber Museum, with the largest collection in the world of amber inclusions. In amber workshops you will see how this semi-precious stone acquires the value of jewellery. Through Klaipeda, the road takes you to the unique Curonian Spit. There was once an amber mine in Juodkrante where a 5,000-year-old treasure of amber amulets was found. Copies of these can be found in the Amber Gallery-Museum in Nida.;;;;;

LITHUANIAN VENICE The road takes us further along the valley of the biggest Lithuanian river, the Nemunas, on the high banks of which there are several castles. Later, the settlement of Bitėnai. In the period of the ban of the Lithuanian press, Lithuanian books would reach the country through this village. Here is Rambynas Hill, famous for the large numbers of white storks in its environs. The route takes you from ilute to the island of Rusne, the centre of the Nemunas Delta Regional Park. Tastings of smoked fish await you in Kintai on the Curonian Lagoon. From here you can take a boat to the Lithuanian Venice, the village of Mingė, the main street of which is the River Minija. Then, Ventės Ragas, with its bird ringing station and its old lighthouse. There are other routes to the Nemunas delta: one of the most beautiful is by boat from Nida across the Curonian Lagoon. www.avanturas; www.liturimex;;;;


By waterways


ROUND THE LAKES OF TRAKAI ON A KURENAS Having visited the castle of Trakai, the largest castle on an island in Eastern Europe, we board a fisherman’s ancient boat, a Kurenas. The boat meanders among the islands, behind which ever new picturesque views and an ever different outline of the castle open up to the eye. In the dusk this trip is especially romantic: the first stars are appearing in the sky, while a Lithuanian folk war song or a lamentation, sung by an invited singer, resounds over the receding lake, just as it did many hundreds of years ago. A different scenario for this trip is also possible.;;;;;;

RACING BY SAILING YACHTS Do you sometimes envy persons that cut the blue water under the white sails of yacht? However, you may do some more – to race in a regatta! Not anywhere, but in the picturesque Trakai Lakes, with the image of the Island Castle along the whole distance. Distribution to teams for each yacht will be settled by lot. Don’t be afraid – the head of your team will be an experienced captain who will explain you the principles of yacht sailing and ensure safety. Even the start will be fun, because a successful start is the art requiring some experience. And then you’ll need the maximum possible “pulling” wind only. Most probably, winners and prizepersons will be decorated with medals and all other participants will be awarded with diplomas. Then an evening-party will be arranged for yachtsmen, where “shellbacks” will tell you stories about their incredible and gay adventures.;

THE GREAT FLOOD This is an impressive sight that can be observed for one or two weeks in the spring (rarely longer or in the autumn) in the Nemunas delta. The river floods vast areas, while lonely farmsteads and trees stick out of the water. In some places large flocks of migrating birds gather. Special transport will take you along the flooded roads to one of the farmsteads near Rusne. For local residents these floods are a part of their lives. After the trip, hot fish soup cooked in an outdoor kitchen and tasting of teas made from herbs grown in Lithuania will help you to recover and to warm up.;

Ecological travels • Team building A NIGHT WITH WOLVES Various hardships can befall you when you are on the move. Fallen trees block the way on a kayaking trip. On a walking trip, you might have to cross a bog. Will everybody manage to get through? Will anybody s foot slip off the path laid under the water hundreds of years ago? It will be bliss to finally see the bonfire, to be welcomed with a Samogitian song sung by a folk group, and to taste steaming local dishes. And when calm sets in and the eyes start closing for the night under the Samogitian sky, an uncannily longing melody will reach you: the howling of wolves... Maybe you will see them too?;

BIRDWATCHING Lithuania is one of the best birdwatching countries in Europe, because a great bird migration route crosses it. The country boasts of over 330 species of bird. In spaces untouched by people, it is possible to watch birds not only during the spring and autumn migrations, but also at the time of their weddings and hatching (April-June). Do you want to listen to the cranes trumpeting, the heath-cock’s gobbling, or hear a chorus of singing birds? Or maybe you want to admire the majestic sweep of the eagle’s wings, the flight of a falcon or the gorgeous plumage of the mysterious black stork? Would you like to take a look at a habitation of bats? Then go on a short tour or a longer tour or camp lasting several days. Or maybe you would be interested in taking part in the annual international birdwatchers car race?;;;;

VARIETY OF RELICT NATURE It seems that the whole variety of Lithuanian flora and fauna is concentrated in the Kurtuvenai Regional Park. Almost 1,000 species of plants have been found here; wolves and white hare live in the woods, there are colonies of badgers, while the shores of the ponds provide shelter for otters, sea eagles and grey herons. Bats hide from the daylight in hollows in trees. The Svile springs spurt out in almost 100 places across the park; there are numerous impressive trees and stones in its mosaiclike relief, as well as objects of the cultural heritage. You will make many discoveries while walking the route along the shores of Lake Ilga: there are information stops, birdwatching towers, a wooden path across a bog and viewing grounds. Kurtuvenai is an excellent riding centre, so you can visit the park on horseback.;;;


Team building


IMPROVISATION BUSINESS CAMP This is a popular way for the staff of a company and its branches to get to know each other better, to improve cooperation within a team, and to discover, through special games, the subtleties of rhetoric, negotiation and unfettered communication.

ROBINSONADE A team building (consolidation) programme and team games with ropes and specially designed constructions fixed in trees as high as 15 metres or stretched over a body of water or an impetuous river in a picturesque location. The participants compete in teams. They will need considerable courage, ingenuity, agility and, what is the most important, the ability to work as a team. Even the losers will rejoice at having overcome the obstacles.,,;

CANOE POLO A complete palette of games and tests intended for team building, consolidation and leader selection. Some games require not only an immediate response and ingenuity but also physical fitness and boldness; in other games the essence is hidden in extremely comic entertainment; others require good strategic thinking. (Floorball -indoors; outdoors - canoe polo; a race of tied canoes or round rafts with no cars; a team trial in extreme situations, for example, a fire, armed assault and similar.);;;;

ORIENTEERING ADVENTURES Several points have to be located in a specially laid out threekilometre route. At each point you will find descriptions of amusing tasks that have to be completed. However, the teams hurrying to these points will have to overcome many obstacles, to cross fields of surprises and mushrooms and to complete other funny tasks on the way. The winners will be awarded prizes (the losers, too).;;

Extreme HARDCORE SHOOTING ACTION Do you want to try out genuine Soviet machine guns and other weapons Makarov, Kalashnikov, Winchester, and others in a shooting range? Or a on military training ground, a leftover from Soviet times? Then you will have to change into a military uniform, board a Soviet jeep and go forward. The winners will be awarded prizes. But anything may happen on the return journey: you have probably heard of the anarchy in the Soviet army, and interpersonal relations in it… Do you want an even stronger impression? Then you are in for a Soviet military ball, and this is quite a test of endurance.;;; ;

PAINTBALL FIGHT ON A SOVIET MILITARY GROUND A fight with laser weapons, as well as paintball in suitable field conditions, can whip up quite strong emotions. Divided into two teams, the players tune into the game as soon as they change into the protective clothing and take up their weapons. Various versions of the respite after the battle are possible: a Soviet-style military dinner, a victor s feast, or a pub crawl.;;;;;;

THE COORDINATION OF HAND AND EYE Armed with bows or crossbows, you will find yourself in another era: the ruins of a palace loom in the grounds of a neglected estate with a drive lined with hundred-year-old lime trees, moss- covered trees in an old garden and the sparkling eyes of overgrown ponds. In a safely equipped shooting range in a picturesque location, targets are set up to test the accuracy of the hand and the eye. Two and a half hours of guaranteed entertainment in mystical surroundings. Or maybe you would like to shoot at clay pigeons or, like ancient warriors, try hitting a target with an axe or a knife?;;

THE 19th CENTURY BY JEEP From the Klimkyne Farmstead, jeeps will take you along a specially prepared route, crossing the River Merkys and a deep gravel pit, visiting ethnographic villages. An excursion packed with surprises awaits you in the ruins of the derelict historic Pavlov estate-republic. A similar route can be covered by ATVs. Lovers of extremes on wheels are offered other no less impressive routes.;;;;;;




HOLD THE REINS! Through the woods and along the lakes on horse-drawn carriages; in winter, on fast sledges across frozen lakes or through bogs on an aerosledge; a slalom by Land Rover-drawn skis on the frozen Curonian Lagoon, or simply a merry-goround on a lake. What about ice-fishing? Or mountain skiing, the fans of which go to Liepkalnis: here, a wonderful panorama of Vilnius opens out before their eyes. Do not be surprised if Santa Claus himself is the referee of the competition. He promises presents after midnight, but those presents might prove hard to get…;;

SHOW WHAT YOU CAN DO! (CATCH YOUR BREATH!) A two-day adventure marathon can be very intense and boost the adrenalin. For instance, a carting race in a cartodrome (what if on ice at night?), or maybe on Land Rovers or on ATVs in gravel pits or in bogs at night? A test of accuracy, shooting with a variety of ancient and modern weapons; a test of fitness, doing various tricks in a plane with an experienced pilot; or, possibly, a walk through bogs when one careless step will draw you into a mire of turbid water. However, you can overcome the bogs on an aeroboat. Do you want to get rid of your fear of heights? Try bungee jumping from the TV Tower (the highest jump in Europe, at 186 metres). After that, a relaxing pub crawl will be just the thing.;;;;;;

FROM THE HEIGHT OF A BIRD Few countries can boast such a high level of civil aviation as Lithuania. Our stunt pilots are among the world s elite in the field, while according to the number of hot-air balloons per resident Lithuania is among the first ten countries in the world. Thus, a bird s-eye-view of the most beautiful places in Lithuania is quite a simple thing: all you have to do is to choose the means of transport: a hot-air balloon, a light or acrobatic aeroplane, a helicopter or a Soviet AN-2. Or maybe you would prefer parachuting, paragliding or a power kite?;;;;;;;;;;;;

Merry romping THE SECRETS OF THE DEPTHS Probably only in the depths of the lakes of Trakai can you find a sculpture park: a divers s wedding and a welcome for the New Year have already taken place there. Lake Plateliai hides the secrets of olden times: here, the remains of a village on stakes that used to be here thousands of years ago have been found under the water. If you want to test your courage, then take an underwater trip in flooded amber mines. There are exciting tours to the Antaliepte Sea and to the depths of the Baltic Sea.;;

TRIP ON A 19TH CENTURY TRAIN: A TRAIN ROBBERY The trip usually starts in Anykščiai. Here, you can visit first the Horse Museum, to have a ride in an open carriage. In order to make the outing merrier, a necessary introduction will be the tasting of natural wines at Anykščiu Vynas. After that we board the train and set off. Beware: things happen on this trip. If everything ends well, you might have a picnic at Lake Rubikiai, or maybe you will be just in time for another tasting, this time in the Kalnapilis Brewery.;;;;;;;

V.I.P. TOURS (STAG PARTIES) At the airport you or your group will be met by limousines, while the hotel will welcome you with a special programme in the style you desire. Do you want to have a pleasant and exhilarating ride around Vilnius? Here you are a limo with a well-stocked bar and charming barmaids. Special programmes can be tailored for stag parties. Sometimes they start in the country of the groom or at the airport and are brimming with funny surprises, especially for the groom. For example, charming customs officials arrest him for smuggling , and what comes next?;;

BICYCLE BAR Have you ever seen a gin shop driving around in the streets of the old Vilnius? It is a bicycle bar. Every client of this unique bar has its own seat and can pedal so that the whole bar could drive forward. What is more, a beautiful waitress will dance for you during this trip. If you pedal all together, you can reach the speed of 6 km/h.


Merry romping


A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES AND JOY THE BODY A trip to the resort of Druskininkai. On the way, from the top of Merkine Mound, you will see a view of the confluence of the Nemunas and the Merkys rivers, and further on an exotic windmill inhabited by the heroes of fairy tales carved of wood, while close to Druskininkai you can get a glimpse of the mystically beautiful Raigardas Valley that was immortalised in paintings by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, the outstanding Lithuanian artist who lived in the resort. After getting to know the town of Druskininkai, you will be offered the most piquant packages prepared by the convalescent homes of the resort: “Neptune’s Caress’ for ladies, and “Apollo’s Spree” for men. After that, the evening will be very pleasant.;;;;;;;;

BEER PATH A merry tour packed with surprises to Biržai, the land of beer brewers. In the Sela Beer Museum, located in the castle, you can see an exhibition of sacred brewing by the legendary brewer Jurgis aldokas, and taste beer and homemade cheese and bread: all this against the background of ancient music and songs performed by an ethnographic group. Maybe you will decide to play an ancient musical instrument, the horn or skudučiai, and, of course, to dance. In one of the three breweries it might be hard to visit all three due to the qualities of the beer you can see how beer is made. Hospitable brewers will tell you numerous stories about beer and its lovers, and you will no doubt laugh long afterwards.;;;;;;; e-mail:;

BEER AND PUB TOURS Beer has been brewed in Lithuania since olden times. There are almost 200 kinds of it. They say that the best brewers are in the Biržai region, yet those in Klaipeda and Panevėžys are no worse. Some sorts of light beer brewed there have been awarded gold and silver medals at world beer competitions. Thus a tour around pubs and beer bars is bound to be a jolly one. In some you will find the national cuisine, folk music and dancing; in others, European cuisine and about 100 sorts of local and imported beer; else-where, beer made from a varying consistency of honey brewed specially for one particular restaurant and the background for jazz improvisations. A tour of the best places in Vilnius at night, night clubs and bars, or, if there is the wish, to discotheques and casinos, should be fun, with exciting shows and good music.;;;;;

Conference and Convention Operators AAA WRISLIT Tel. (370 5) 210 76 60, fax (370 5) 212 20 98 Tel. (370 5) 248 72 02, fax (370 5) 248 72 07, BALTIC CLIPPER/TQ3 TRAVEL SOLUTIONS LITHUANIA Juozapavičiaus St. 6/2, LT-09310 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 210 97 75 , fax (370 5) 210 97 70, BALTIC TOURS VILNIUS J.Tumo-Vaižganto St. 9/1, LT-01108 Tel. (370 5) 266 16 16, fax (370 5) 212 67 67 Vilnius; BALTIJOS KELIAI/BALTIC ROADS 2327, LT-09016 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 278 57 16, fax (370 5) 245 47 41; BTI WEST EXPRESS LIETUVA A.Stulginskio St. 5, LT-01115 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 212 25 00, fax (370 5) 261 94 36; CONBALTAS A.Jakšto St. 12, LT-01105 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 212 00 03, fax (370 5) 212 00 13, DELTA TOURS Laisvės all. 85-4, LT-44007 Kaunas Tel. (370 37) 425 896, fax (370 37) 422 571; IN VIA LITHUANIA M. K. Čiurlionio St. 7/1-1, LT-03104 Tel. (370 5) 231 09 37, fax (370 5) 231 00 49 Vilnius; KRANTAS TRAVEL Teatro sq. 5, LT-91247 Klaipėda Tel. (370 46) 395 111 , fax (370 46) 395 220; LIETUVIŠKOS ATOSTOGOS/LITHUANIAN HOLIDAYS Šeimyniškių St. 1, LT-09312 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 263 60 64, fax (370 5) 272 68 64 Lietuvos turizmo birža/LITHUANIAN TOURS Šeimyniškių St. 18, LT-09312 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 272 41 54, fax (370 5) 272 18 15, LITURIMEX kelionių tarnyba/LITURIMEX Travel service Basanavičiaus St. 11/1, LT-03108 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 231 49 03, fax (370 5) 231 49 02; VIA HANSA VILNIUS Totorių St. 30-3, LT-01121 Vilnius Tel. (370 5) 212 30 70, fax (370 5) 279 13 72; Rūdninkų St. 16, LT-01135 Vilnius Konstitucijos ave. 7A, LT-09308 Vilnius

LITHUANIAN TOURISM FUND A.Juozapavièiaus St. 13, 09311 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (370 5) 263 73 11;;;;

Text: Roma Statulevičiūtė Publishing house „Sapnų sala“

LITHUANIAN STATE DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM under the Ministry of Economy A. Juozapavièiaus St. 13, 09311 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (370 5) 210 87 96, fax (370 5) 210 87 53;


Baltikum Tourizmus Zentrale (BTZ) Fremdenverkehrszentrale Estland-Lettland-Litauen Katharinenstr. 19, 10711 Berlin Tel. 030 – 890 090 91, fax 030 – 890 090 92; FINLAND

Kapteeninkatu 7, 00140 Helsinki Tel. (358 9) 622 777 17, fax (358 9) 622 777 18; RUSSIA

Borisoglebskij per. 13 corpus 2, 121069 Moscow Tel/fax (7 095) 203 67 90; POLAND

Al. Ujazdowskie 51, 00-536 Warszawa Tel. (48 22) 584 70 52, fax (48 22) 584 70 73; SPAIN

L`Encarnacio, 70, bajos 08024 Barcelona tel. (34) 93 285 32 85, fax (34) 93 334 34 69,

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