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Itinerary No 1 Along the Paths of Nature This part of the country is a real find for nature lovers, bird watchers, and people who like engaging in an active kind of rest. The greatest value is the preserved patches of unspoilt nature: Ĺ˝uvintas and Amalvas swamps, Bukta forest. Thousands of migrating birds flock there in autumn and spring, some part of them remain to nest in water meadows of Ĺ˝uvintas and on the banks of the lakes. There are bird-watching sites and cognitive nature paths there. Two large protected areas have been established: Ĺ˝uvintas Lake Reserve of Biosphere and the Meteliai Regional Park, which are especially popular with holiday makers. One next to another there are three beautiful lakes of DzĹŤkija: Dusia, Metelys and Obelija. Nature is beautiful, and the relief is impressive in the southern part of the Meteliai Regional Park. There are many objects of historical, cultural and natural heritage: old villages, churches, mythological rocks, and estates. Hill forts form an inseparable element of the landscape. Some of them are very impressive: Rudamina, Varnupiai, PrelomÄ?iĹĄkÄ—, and Kaukai I. Horse riding and recreation are developed, routes are worked out. There are three quite large stud farms and several horse owners who provide services. The most favourable place of recreation is Lake Dusia. There are many camping sites and farmsteads of rural tourism there offering excellent facilities for active rest. Lakes Simnas, Obelija, Gilutis, and Seirijai are also suitable for having a rest there. Itinerary No 2 Across Suvalkija Acquaintance with the ethnic land of Suvalkija, its historical, cultural and natural values. Many prominent people who went down in the Lithuanian State came from this part of the country. MarijampolÄ— which is referred to as the capital city of Suvalkija, is the largest city of the region and is situated on the banks of the Ĺ eĹĄupÄ— River, on the site, which was still covered in forest in the 16th century, the land that was presented to Marian Fathers (the name of the city is derived from them). The modern-style railway station of the beginning of the 20th century, the Church of St. Michael the Archangel (1824), a new modern cultural centre attract visitors to the city. The Ethnographic Museum is worth a visit. It houses a large exhibition of post-war partisan-resistance fights: relics, photographs of those times, models of the KGB basements and cells and places of imprisonment and deportation of the inhabitants of Lithuania, objects from concentration camps, etc. The reconstructed cathedral of the Romantic style and a monument to the patriarch of the nation Jonas BasanaviÄ?ius are in the centre of VikaviĹĄkis. The estate complex (the end of the 18th century) is located in PaeĹžeriai. It houses SĹŤduva cultural centre, the Ethnographic Museum, and an art gallery, where the old interior is preserved. Going southwards SudĹŤva uplands turn into hills. On the border with Kaliningrad Region, in SudĹŤva upland, there lies beautiful Lake ViĹĄtytis, and the town of ViĹĄtytis (the 16th century) is situated nearby. The ViĹĄtytis Regional Park has been established. This is an especially popular place of recreation abounding in rest places, camping sites, water sports facilities, fishing, and cognitive routes across the environs. Itinerary No 3 Along the Large Loops of the Nemunas A unique landscape of the large loops of the Nemunas River and acquaintance with the values of natural and cultural heritage there. The Nemunas River Loop Regional Park (the Visitor Centre and the Museum are located in BirĹĄtonas). The Nemunas River formed the large loops of Punia, BalbieriĹĄkis, Prienai and BirĹĄtonas in the 59-kilometre long section in the middle reaches of the river. Picturesque, steep slopes of the Nemunas valley with exposures, ravines, and gullies. Near BalbieriĹĄkis an impressive panorama of the Nemunas valley and a 40-meter-high exposure open. The observation deck has been built. The largest massif of forests – Prienai wood – is situated in Prienai loop. This old wood abounds in the variety of fauna and flora, there are many rare species. Ĺ˝vÄ—rinÄ?ius wood (a part of the Royal BirĹĄtonas wood, where rulers and the nobility of the country use to hunt) is situated in Prienai and BirĹĄtonas loop. Cycling tracks and rest places decorated with sculptures made by wood carvers have been arranged. BirĹĄtonas is a cosy, quiet small spa resort with healing mineral, water and balneological springs. Excellent conditions for an active rest have been created there: outings down the Nemunas River by boats, canoeing and rafting, cycling and walking routes, horse riding and entertainment. Punia wood abounding in beautiful and rich fauna and flora, which is the old wood with the tallest trees in Lithuania, is situated in impressive Punia loop. An interesting path in Ĺ˝altÄ— valley decorated with wooden sculptures of folk artists is arranged there. On the right bank of Punia loop there stands one of the most impressive and famous hill forts in Lithuania – Punia Hill Fort. Itinerary No 4 Panemuniai Castles and Hill Forts The most picturesque road in Lithuania runs along the right bank of the Nemunas River – from Kaunas to Smalininkai. This road opens the ancient history of Lithuania. The Panemuniai Regional Park has been established (the Visitor Centre is in the village of Ĺ ilinÄ—). On one side of the road there is a river, on the other side there is a steep slope of the Nemunas valley on which the old castles of RaudonÄ— (the 17th century) and PanemunÄ— (the 16th century), sites of the castles and hill forts (Palemonas Hill in SeredĹžius, Veliuona Hill Fort) that protected Lithuania against the attacks of the Crusaders, are situated. The area abounds in ancient settlements, estates and their parks: Raudondvaris (on the confluence of the Nemunas and the NevÄ—Ĺžis), Belvederis, Veliuona, GelgaudiĹĄkis, and Ilguva. The towns of Vilkija, SeredĹžius and Veliuona are original and interesting because of their heritage. Jurbarkas is the largest town on this itinerary. Smalininkai marks the eastern border of Lithuania Minor. The first measuring station of the Nemunas water (established in 1811) is located in Smalininkai. VieĹĄvilÄ— is a town situated near the large KarĹĄuva wood. Panemuniai road is especially attractive in spring, when the slopes of the valley burst into blossom. Water tourism, fishing, and cycling routes are popular there. Itinerary No 5 The Open-Air Museum of Country Life The Lithuanian Open-Air Museum of Country Life is situated in a picturesque place, on the bank of the Kaunas Sea, next to the town of RumĹĄiĹĄkÄ—s. Among the forests, hills and meadows (175 ha) there stand cosy centuries-old farmsteads, flower gardens blossom, and orchids grow. Within several hours you can visit all ethnographic regions of Lithuania: Ĺ˝emaitija (Samogitia), AukĹĄtaitija, Suvalkija, and DzĹŤkija, become acquainted with the architecture of villages and small towns (the end of the 18th – the beginning of the 20th century), lifestyle of the people, their festivals, traditions, and crafts. From the town of RumĹĄiĹĄkÄ—s you can go to the impressive Kruonis Pumped Storage Power Station.

120 133-136

119 125-132 124




122-123 121

105-107 108


104 101-103 100

90 96-98



Accommodation 153


180-183 179



Canoe and Raft Rental

188 187 189-190 185 186


Boat Rental









85-90 102

Horse-Riding Services












57 58 64


Bicycle Rental

72-73 15


Dual carriageway Main road National road Other roads Railway State border

62 67-71




16 19

Aerial Tourism




13-14 17

Region boundaries




Tourist routes


27 24-25





Object No. Population: up to 200 Population: 200-500 Population: 500-1,000 Population: 1,000-3,000 Population: 3,000-10,000 Population: 10,000-30,000 Population: 30,000-100,000 Population: 100,000-300,000 Population: > 300,000 Capital city



Skiing 112


Adventure Parks









Accommodation in South-Western Lithuania PUŠELĖ Í, Žirgėnai, Vištytis subdistrict, Vilkaviškis district, +370 34 220312, VIKTORIJA ÍÍÍÍ, Čižiškės village, Vištytis subdistrict, Vilkaviškis district, +370 34 247521, ŠIRVINTA ÍÍ, J. Basanavičiaus sq. 5, Vilkaviškis, +370 34 251345, SUDAVIJA ÍÍÍ, Sodo St. 1a, Marijampolė, +370 34 352995, ŽILINA ÍÍÍ, L. Giros St. 42, Marijampolė, 42, +370 34 355749, ARVI ÍÍÍÍ, V. Kudirkos St. 24, Marijampolė, +370 34 397778, LŪNA ÍÍÍ, Mokyklos St. 1, Mokolai village, Marijampolė district, +370 34 368608, MARIRESTA Í, Stoties St. 51, Marijampolė, +370 34 371488 GUDELIŲ KARČIAMA ÍÍ, Gudeliai, Kazlų Rūda municipality, Kazlų Rūda subdistrict, +370 34 336288, FORMULA - VERNER ÍÍ, Gėlių St. 1, Garliava, Kaunas District Municipality, +370 37 551800 TIMĖJAS ÍÍ, Karkiškės village, Ringaudai subdistrict, Kaunas district, +370 37 563823 REGINA ÍÍ, Plungės St. 10, Kaunas, +370 37 262020 BALTOSIOS BURĖS ÍÍ, M. Gimbutienės St. 35, Kaunas, +370 37 370467, SANDIJA ÍÍ, Jonavos St. 45, Kaunas, +370 37 332487, ALANTA ÍÍÍ, Alantos St. 33, Kaunas, +370 37 731142, KUNIGAIKŠČIŲ MENĖ ÍÍÍ, M. Daukšos St. 28, Kaunas, +370 37 320800, SFINKSAS ÍÍÍÍ, V. Kudirkos St. 19a, Kaunas, +370 37 301982, PERKŪNO NAMAI ÍÍÍÍ, Perkūno Ave. 61, Kaunas, +370 37 320230, ŽALIAKALNIO VIEŠBUTIS ÍÍÍ, Savanorių Ave. 66, Kaunas, +370 37 321412, METROPOLIS ÍÍ, S. Daukanto St. 21, Kaunas, +370 37 205992, MONELA ÍÍ, Laisvės Ave. 35, Kaunas, +370 37 221791 DANIELA ÍÍÍÍ, A. Mickevičiaus St. 28, Kaunas, +370 37 321505, BABILONAS ÍÍÍ, Žalioji St. 38a, Kaunas, +370 37 202545, SANTAKOS ÍÍÍÍ, J. Gruodžio St. 21, Kaunas, +370 37 302702, MINOTEL ÍÍÍ, V. Kuzmos St. 8, Kaunas, +370 37 229981, KAUNAS ÍÍÍÍ, Laisvės Ave. 79, Kaunas, +370 37 750850, NAKTIES MAGIJA ÍÍÍ, Skroblų St. 3, Kaunas, +370 37 797923 HERMIS ÍÍÍÍ, Savanorių Ave. 404, Kaunas, +370 37 490304, APPLE ECONOMY HOTEL ÍÍ, M. Valančiaus St. 19, Kaunas, +370 37 321404, MITUVA ÍÍÍ, Girdžiai, Girdžiai subdistrict, Jurbarkas district, +370 44 749707 JURBARKAS ÍÍ, Dariaus ir Girėno St. 98, Jurbarkas, +370 44 751646, ATGAIVA TAU Í, Rukla village, Rukla subdistrict, Jonava district, +370 34 977055 AUDENIS ÍÍÍÍ, Lelijų St. 3, Birštonas, +370 31 961300, KARALIŠKOJI SONATA ÍÍÍ, Algirdo St. 34, Birštonas, +370 31 965800, NEMUNAS PARK RESIDENCE HOTEL ÍÍÍ, Nemunaitis, Nemunaitis subdistrict, Alytus district, +370 31 558216, DAUGŲ SALA Í, Sala, Daugai subdistrict, Alytus district, +37068739416, SENAS NAMAS ÍÍÍ, Užuolankos St. 24, Alytus, +370 31 554489, DZŪKIJOS VIEŠBUTIS ÍÍ, Pulko St. 14-1, Alytus, +370 31 552002, VAIDILA ÍÍÍ, Rotušės sq. 12, Alytus, +370 31 556188, DAUGIRDAS ÍÍÍÍ, T. Daugirdo St. 4, Kaunas, +370 37 301561, SOFIJOS REZIDENCIJA ÍÍÍÍ, Jaunimo St. 6, Birštonas, +370 31 945200, DRUSKUPIS ÍÍ, Kęstučio St. 1, Birštonas, +370 31 967016 ŠILAIČIAI ÍÍÍ, Raganiškė village, Seirijai subdistrict, Lazdijai district, +370 31 858412,

CANOE and RAFT Rental Alytus district Feliksnavis, +370 315 58472, S. Gucevičius, +370 611 30305 Rowing Club Srautas, +370 616 46618 Club REMkara, +370 315 52668, Homestead Šilas, +370 682 25236 G. Tacionis, +370 687 58089 Birštonas municipality Birštono Nemunas, +370 319 65825, Birštonas Sports Centre, +370 319 65 640, www. A. Narkeliūnas, +370 685 12620, J. Žigas, +370 682 63446 Kaunas district Yris, +370 650 23448, Canoe rental, +370 615 64326, Kelionių Gama, +370 676 39399, Mano Gimtinė, +370 682 19137, Pagonija Entertainment Park, +370 615 73393, Robinzonada, +370 37 360660, Vandens Turistai, +370 650 23 451, Lazdijai district S. Čeponis, +370 687 73488 Joginta, +370 318 56 416 J. Juodienė, +370 686 04158 R. Levickienė, +370 698 77409 R. Mackevičienė, +370 686 83386 J. Sabaliauskas, +370 680 79304 P. Varnas, +370 688 48111, J. Varnelienė, +370 686 67579 E. Piličiauskienė, +370 616 04054 A. Pruskienė, +370 698 76399 Homestead-Camping Site VITRŪNA, +370 687 70748 Homestead Šilas, +370 686 83386 Homestead 5sezonas, +370 682 63479, Saulėtekis, +370 699 18028, Veisiejai Business and Technology School, +370 318 56579 Prienai district Canoe rental, +370 621 62624, Žiupos Sala, +370 611 53974, Vilkaviškis district Canoe rental, +370 624 54170, BOAT Rental Birštonas municipality Boat Vytenis, +370 319 65 825, Kaunas district Arum, +370 37 370777, Kaunas Žalgiris Yacht Club, +370 37 370467 Viking boat Drakas, +370 698 57028, Recreational boats „Nemunas“ and „Algirdas“, +370 686 00829 Lithuanian Internal Waterways Authority, +370 37 322844, HORSE-RIDING Services Alytus district Punis forest district, +370 698 15724 Homestead Burlingė, +370 315 58235, Homestead Šilas, +370 682 25236 Hotel Nemunas Park Residence Hotel, +370 315 58216 Birštonas Birštonas Stud Farm, +370 682 56063, Kaunas district Eskadronas, +370 684 04757 R.Naudžiūtė, +370 688 75206 Vaišvydava Stud Farm, +370 688 75206 Lazdijai district R. Levickienė, +370 698 77409 V. Pliuskienė’s Stud Farm, +370 318 42611 Seirijai Stud Farm, +370 318 58291,

A. Žukauskas, +370 678 40274 D. Urbanskas, +370 612 25294 A. Motiejūnas, +370 616 37564 J. Kazlauskienė, +370 686 59400, J. Talandžius, +370 686 67579 S. Pečiulis, +370 687 89720 Marijampolė municipality Suvalkijos Žirgai, +370 698 18354 BICYCLE Rental Alytus district Hotel Nemunas Park Residence Hotel, +370 315 58216, Jurbarkas district Panemuniai Regional Park, +370 447 41723, Kaunas Robinzonada, +370 37 360660, Altus, +370 37 302647 Lazdijai district J. Kaknevičienė, +370 686 65095 E. Piličiauskienė, +370 616 04054 Homestead-Camping Site VITRŪNA, +370 687 70748, Saulėtekis, +370 686 08663, V. Vasiliauskas, +370 614 53773 Veisiejai Business and Technology School, +370 318 56579 Birštonas Birštonas Sports Centre, +370 319 65 640 www. Nemunas Loops Regional Park, +370 319 65610 Vilkaviškis district Girema, +370 687 20599 AERIAL TOURISM Alytus district Alytus Aviation Club, +370 315 79689 E. Dovydėnas, +370 615 70543, Nemunaitis Hot Air Balloon Club, +370 611 20911 Hotel Nemunas Park Residence Hotel, +370 315 58216, Jurbarkas district Jurbarkas Aviation Club, +370 447 71284 Kaunas Kaunas Aviation Club, +370 37 391400 Kaunas Hot Air Balloon Antis, +370 37 365762 Recreational flights, +370 611 19111 Oro Vilkas, +370 37 228070, D.Liekis Pilot Club Alfa, + 370 698 81480 Marijampolė municipality Marijampolė Aviation Club, +370 343 28778, Marijampolė Hot Air Balloon Club, +370 343 55428 Prienai district Debesota, +370 319 60578 Kaunas Parachutists’ Club, +370 698 10510, Hot Air Balloon Club Audenis, +370 601 02555 Pociūnai Aerial Tourism Centre, +370 319 61158, GOLF Kaunas district Elnias, +370 37 470237 Pagonija Entertainment Park, +370 615 73393, ADVENTURE PARKS Jonava district Lokės Pėda, +370 699 21144, Kaunas district Pagonija Entertainment Park, +370 615 73393, SKIING Routes Birštonas Birštonas route, +370 319 65 640, www.

SOUTH-WESTERN LITHUANIA In the west the region borders Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation, in the Southwest, Poland (110 km), in the north it encompasses Panemunė and Kaunas, in north-east, it meanders along the Neris valley, behind the Dzūkai upland it reaches the massif of Varėna forests. This is the land of some ethnic regions – Karšuva (on the right bank of the Nemunas River), Sūduva (in the northern part) and Dzūkija (in the southern part). Historical castles of Lithuania (Raudonė, Panemunė), as well as the towns of Seredžius, Veliuona, Vilkija and Raudondvaris with their unique historical and cultural heritage are situated along the Nemunas River (the Panemuniai Regional Park has been established there). South of the Kaunas Sea right to Punia the Nemunas River makes several picturesque loops (the Nemunas River Loop Regional Park has been established) in which beautiful forests grow and Birštonas resort is situated. Alytus, the largest town of Dzūkija, is located further down. South of the Nemunas River, in Sūduva (Suvalkija) there lies Užnemunė (the Other Side of the Nemunas) Lowland. It abounds in plains and fertile fields, there are no many forests and lakes there. The largest river Šešupė is suitable for tourism both in the spring and at the beginning of the summer. The largest town of Sūduva is Marijampolė. In the south there lie picturesque Sūduva and Dzūkai uplands. Veisiejai and Meteliai lake districts are located among them. The most picturesque Veisiejai, Meteliai and Vištytis Regional Parks, Žuvintas Lake Reserve of Biosphere have been established there. Lazdijai and Alytus districts offer excellent opportunities for water tourism and recreation. Horse riding is developed there. You will find the largest lake of Lithuania – Lake Dūsia – unofficially referred to as the Dzūkų Lagoon there. The region abounds in impressive hill forts, old villages, and churches. The natural variety is impressive: Kapčiamiestis forest, Statiškė and Kalniškė woods. Žuvintas and Amalva swamps, Lakes Metelys and Obelija are home for birds. Itinerary No 1 Along the Paths of Nature ALYTUS – SIMNAS – ŽUVINTAS RESERVE – KROSNA – ŠEŠTOKAI – RUDAMINA (AŠTRIOJI KIRSNA) – LAZDIJAI – VERSTAMINAI – TEIZAI – METELIAI – SEIRIJAI – MIROSLAVAS – ALYTUS ALYTUS district 1. Alytas (Vienuolynas Hill) Fort Hill 2. Alytus Church of St. Ludwig, +370 315 545 54 3. Alytus Church of St. Casimir, +370 315 546 49 4. Alytus Church of the Providence of God, +370 315 539 54 5. Alytus Ethnographic Museum, +370 315 735 05, 6. Anzelmas Matutis Museum of Children’s Literature, +370 315 531 72 7. Poet Antanas Jonynas Memorial Museum, +370 315 521 51 8. S. Darius and S. Girėnas Exhibition Skrydis, +370 315 511 76 9. Museum of Historical Memory of Our Nation, +370 315 217 22 10. Garden and Park of the Town of Alytus 11. Alytus Valley of Songs 12. Painter Antanas Žmuidzinavičius Farmstead Museum in the Village of Balkūnai, +370 315 509 10 13. Simnas Church of the Assumption 14. Old Square of Simnas 14 15. Administration and the Museum of Žuvintas Lake 15 Reserve of Biosphere, +370 315 495 40, LAZDIJAI district 16. Krosna Church of St. Matthew 17. Kalniškė Battle Site 18. Pranas Dzūkas Ethnographic Farmstead-Museum in the Village of Delnica, +370 318 527 26 19. Šeštokai Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Patron 20. Aštrioji Kirsna Estate and the Park 21. Rudamina Church of the Holy Trinity 22. Rudamina Estate and the Park 23. Rudamina Hill Fort 24. Lazdijai Ethnographic Museum, +370 318 527 26 25. Lazdijai Church St. Ann 26. Verstaminai IV (Koplyčkalnis) Hill Fort 26 27. Giraitė Hill Fort 27 28. Chapel of Crosses on Lake Dusia 28 29. Prelomčiškė Hill Fort on the Bank of Lake Dusia 29 30. Meteliai Christ Church of the Transfiguration and 30 Belfry 31. Administration of the Meteliai Regional Park in 31 the Village of Meteliai, +370 318 436 49, 32. Širvintas Large Oak Tree – a Natural Monument 32 33. The Hollow Oak Tree of Širvintas – a Natural 33 Monument 34. Seirijai Church of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Scapular 34 35. Seirijai Manor-House 35 36. Antanas Žmuidzinavičius School Museum in Seirijai, 36 +370 318 582 84 ALYTUS district 37. Miroslav Church of the Holy Trinity and the Marion 37 Monastery Itinerary No 2 Across Suvalkija MARIJAMPOLĖ – PAEŽERIAI – VILKAVIŠKIS – ALVITAS – VIRBALIS – PAJEVONYS – VIŠTYTIS – PAVIŠTYTIS – BARTNINKAI – KALVARIJA – MARIJAMPOLĖ MARIJAMPOLĖ district 38. Marijampolė Church of St. Michael the Archangel 38 39. Marijampolė Marian Monastery 39 40. Marijampolė Evangelical Lutheran Church 40 41. Marijampolė Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity 41

42. Marijampolė Church of St. Vincent de Paul 43. Marijampolė Ethnographic Museum, +370 343 562 88 44. Partisan and Deportation Museum of Tauras District, +370 343 507 54 45. Kazys Grinius, Lithuania’s President, Memorial Museum, +370 343 926 36 46. Kvietiškis Manor-House and the Park, currently a 46 College 47. Kumelionys Hill Fort 48. Vytautas the Great Park VILKAVIŠKIS district 49. Gižai Church of St. Anthony of Padua 50. Sculptor Petras Rimša Homestead in the Village of Naudžiai 51. Vincas Kudirka Granary-Museum in the Village of Paežeriai, +370 342 463 99 52. Vilkaviškis Cathedral of the Visitation 53. Paežeriai Estate and the Park – Vilkaviškis Ethnographic Museum and Suvalkija Art Gallery, +370 342 463 99 54. Alvitas Church of St. Ann 55. Virbalis Church of St. Michael the Archangel 56. Pajevonys Church of St. John the Baptist 57. Dabravolė Hill Fort 58. Multi-stem Linden Tree – a Natural Monument 59. Vištytis Church of the Holy Trinity 60. Vištytis Windmill 60 61. Administration of the Vištytis Regional Park, 61 +370 342 635 81, 62. Pavištytis I Hill Fort 63. Pavištytis II Hill Fort 64. Gražiškiai Church of St. Michael the Archangel 65. Piliakalniai Hill Fort 66. Dr. Jonas Basanavičius Homestead-Museum and the Oak-wood of the National Rebirth in the Village of Ožkabaliai, +370 342 433 84 KALVARIJA municipality 67. Kalvarija Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary 68. Kalvarija Mail Wagon Station 69. Kalvarija Evangelical Lutheran Church 70. Kalvarija Complex of Jewish Houses of Prayer 71. Kalvarija Ethnographic Museum, +370 343 232 83 Itinerary No 3 Along the Large Loops of the Nemunas ALYTUS – PUNIOS ŠILAS – BALBIERIŠKIS – PRIENAI – BIRŠTONAS – JUNDELIŠKĖS – PUNIA – ALYTUS ALYTUS district 72. Rumbonys Hill Fort 72 73. Rumbonys Church of the Holy Trinity and Belfry 73 74. Punia Forestry Museum, +370 698 157 24 74 PRIENAI district 75. Balbieriškis Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the 75 Rosary, +370 319 592 50 76. Balbieriškis Exposure – a Natural Monument 76 77. Degsnė Larch Forest 77 78. Prienai Church of the Annunciation of Christ, 78 +370 319 521 90 79. Prienai Ethnographic Museum, +370 319 603 79 79 80. Prienai Estate-Castle Watermill and the Park 80 81. Former Paper Factory of Prienai 81 82. Prienai Wooden Sculptures Ensemble 82 83. Monument to Grand Duke Kęstutis in Prienai 83 Birštonas municipality 84. Škėvonys Exposure – a Natural Monument 85. Administration of the Nemunas River Loop Park in 85 Birštonas, +370 319 656 10, 86. Birštonas Church of St. Anthony of Padua, 86 +370 319 562 50 87. Birštonas Museum, +370 319 656 05 87 88. Sacral Museum in Birštonas, +370 319 656 99 88 89. Monument to Vytautas the Great 89 90. Birštonas (Vytautas Hill) Hill Fort 90 91. Nemajūnai (Pilalė) Hill Fort 91

92. Nemajūnai Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, +370 319 437 54 93. Jundeliškės Estate and the Park ALYTUS district 94. Punia Church of St. Jacob 95. Punia (Margis Hill) Hill Fort Itinerary No 4 Panemuniai Castles and Hill Forts KAUNAS – RAUDONDVARIS – VILKIJA – SEREDŽIUS – VELIUONA – RAUDONĖ – JURBARKAS – SMALININKAI – VIEŠVILĖ KAUNAS district 96. Raudondvaris Church of St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus 97. Raudondvaris Estate Architectural Ensemble 98. Composer Juozas Naujalis Memorial Museum in Raudondvaris Estate 99. Kulautuva Church of Liberation of St Paul 100. Jaučakiai Hill Fort 101. Vilkija Church of St. George 102. A.and J. Juškos Museum of Ethnic Culture in Vilkija, +370 37 556 400 103. Vilkija Ferry across the Nemunas River 103 104. Ringovė Hill Fort 104 JURBARKAS district 105. Seredžius I (Palemonas Hill) Hill Fort 105 106. Seredžius II (Palocėliai) Hill Fort 106 107. Seredžius Church of St. John the Baptist 107 108. Belvederis Estate and the Park 108 109. Writer Petras Cvirka Homestead-Museum in the 109 Village of Klangiai, +370 447 429 71 110. Veliuona I (Grave of Gediminas) Hill Fort 110 111. Pilies (Ramybės) Hill 111 112. Veliuona (Pilaitė) Hill Fort 112 113. Veliuona Church of the Assumption of the Blessed 113 Virgin Mary 114. Veliuona Vytautas the Great Square 114 115. Veliuona Estate-Ethnographic Museum and the Park, 115 +370 447 426 52 116. Construction of the 19th Century – Grain Storehouse 116 Magazinas 117. Raudonė Castle, the Mill and the Park 117 118. Raudonė Church of the Heart of St. Jesus 118 119. Kartupėnai Hill Fort 119 120. Panemunė Castle and the Park, +370 699 931 85 120 121. Šilinė Inn – the Information Centre of the 121 Panemuniai Regional Park in the Village of Šilinė, +370 447 417 23, 122. Žvyriai Evangelical Lutheran Church 122 123. Skirsnemunė Church of St. George 123 124. Antkalniškiai Hill Fort 124 125. Jurbarkas Church of the Holy Trinity 125 126. Jurbarkas Orthodox Church-Exhibition and 126 Concert Hall 127. Jurbarkas Ethnographic Museum, +370 447 527 10 127 128. Jurbarkas Estate and the Park 128 129. Sculptor Vladas Grybas Memorial Museum, 129 +370 447 547 86 130. K. Glinskis Museum, +370 447 535 22 130 131. Jurbarkas (Bišpilis) Hill Fort 131 132. Kalnėnai (Bišpiliukai) Hill Fort 132 133. Smalininkai Church of St. Joseph 133 134. Smalininkai Water Measuring Station (the first one 134 on the Nemunas River) 135. Smalininkai Oak Tree Avenue – a Natural Monument 135 136. J. Stonys Private Museum of Ancient Technology 136 137. Viešvilė Church of Christ Transfiguration 137 138. Administration of Viešvilė Nature Reserve 138 +37044756390 139. Viešvilė Old School-Ethnographic Museum 139 +37044749404 Itinerary No 5 The Open-Air Museum of Country Life KAUNAS – RUMŠIŠKĖS – KRUONIS

KAUNAS 140. Kaunas Old Town, 141. Kaunas Castle, +370 37 323 436, 142. Kaunas Town Hall 143. Kaunas Cathedral-Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul, +370 37 324 093 144. Perkūnas House 145. Kaunas Church of the Assumption (Vytautas the Great), +370 37 203 854 146. Kaunas Town Square 147. Freedom Monument 148. Kaunas Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Soboras), +370 37 226 676 149. Square of the War Museum 150. Kaunas Carillon 150 151. Kaunas Zoo,, +370 37 332 540 151 152. Kaunas Botanical Garden in Freda, +370 37 390 033 152 153. Pažaislis Ensemble of the Church of the Visitation 153 of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Buildings of the Camaldoli Monastery, +370 37 456 485 154. Kaunas Funiculars 155. Kaunas Church of Resurrection 156. Kaunas Church of the Holy Trinity (the Church of the Seminary) 157. Kaunas Jesuit Church of St. Francis Xavier and the Monastery, +370 37 423 098 158. Šančiai Church of the Heart of St. Jesus 158 159. Kaunas Church of St. George and the Franciscan Monastery 160. Kaunas Church of St. Gertrude, +370 37 229 965 161. Kaunas Church of the Holy Cross (Carmelites), +370 37 201 340 162. Kaunas Museum of the 9th Fort, +370 37 377 715 163. National M. K. Čiurlionis Museum, +370 37 221 417 164. Museum of Antanas Žmuidzinavičius’, works and Collections (the Devils’ Museum), +370 37 221 587 165. Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery, +370 37 222 853 166. Kaunas Picture Gallery, +370 37 221 789 166 167. Museum of Ceramics, +370 37 203 572 167 168. Museum of Deportation and Resistance, 168 +370 37 323 179 169. Juozas Zikaras Memorial Museum, +370 37 223 205 169 170. Museum of Precious Stones (Geomology), 170 +370 37 227 780 171. Tadas Ivanauskas Nature Museum, +370 37 229 675 171 172. Salomėja Nėris Memorial Museum, +370 37 373 606 172 173. Maironis Museum of the Lithuanian Literature, 173 +370 37 373 606 174. Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy of Lithuania, 174 +370 37 201 569 175. Museum of Lithuania’s Sport, +370 37 220 691 175 176. Vytautas the Great War Museum, +370 37 320765 176 177. Lithuanian Aviation Museum, +370 37 390 357, 177 178. Sugihara House-Museum, +370 37 332881, 178 179. Administration of the Kaunas Sea Regional Park in 179 the Village of Vaišvydava, +370 37 383 071 KAIŠIADORIAI district 180. Rumšiškės Church of St. Ann 180 181. Rumšiškės Church of St. Michael the Archangel, the 181 Belfry and the Chapel 182. Poet Jonas Aistis Museum, +370 346 476 11 182 183. Open-Air Museum of Country Life in Rumšiškės, 183 +370 346 473 92 184. Dovainonys Hill Fort 184 185. Lašiniai Hill Fort 185 186. Maisiejūnai I Hill Fort 186 187. Maisiejūnai II Hill Fort 187 188. Kruonis Pumped Storage Power Station, 188 +370 346 304 30, 189. Burčiakai Hill Fort 189 190. Kruonis Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary 190 Queen of Angels


Tourist Map

Tourism Information Centres in South-Western Lithuania: Alytus Tourism Information Centre, Rotušės sq. 14A, LT-62141, Alytus Tel: +370 315 52010, fax: +370 315 5198 E-mail:, Birštonas Tourism Information Centre, Jaunimo St. 3, LT-59206, Birštonas Tel/fax: +370 319 65 740, e-mail:, Jonava Land Museum, J. Basanavičiaus St. 3, LT-55171, Jonava Tel: +370 349 52335, fax: +370 349 50030, e-mail:, Jurbarkas District Tourism Information Centre, Dariaus ir Girėno St. 94, LT-74187, Jurbarkas Tel: +370 447 70 201, fax: +370 447 70 200, e-mail:, Kaunas Region Tourism Information Centre, Laisvės Ave. 36, LT-44240, Kaunas Tel: +370 37 323436, tel/fax: +370 37 423678, e-mail:, Pilies St. 17, Kaunas, tel: +370 37 221651, Karmėlava, LT-54460 Kaunas district, tel: +370 616 50991 Lazdijai Tourism Information Centre, Vilniaus St. 1, LT-67106, Lazdijai Tel/fax: +370 318 51160, e-mail:,, Mūsų Odisėja Tourism Information Centre, M. K. Čiurlionio St. 15, LT-44354, Kaunas Tel: +370 37 408 410, fax: +370 37 408 411, e-mail:, Kauno Vartai Tourism Information Centre, Rotušės sq. 29, LT-44279, Kaunas Tel/fax: +370 37 321 112, e-mail:, Šešupė Euroregion Tourism Information Centre V.Kudirkos St. 61/1, LT-71126 Šakiai, tel: +370 345 51262, e-mail:, Vilkaviškis Tourism Information Centre, J.Basanavičiaus sq. 7, LT-70147, Vilkaviškis Tel/fax: +370 342 20525, e-mail:,

Lithuanian Tourism Information Centres Abroad: Spain: El centro de la información turķstica de Lituania C/Consell de cent, 355, 3R, 08007, Barcelona Tel: +34 93 285 32 85, mob: +34 667 693 931, fax: +34 934 670 218 E-mail:, United Kingdom: Lithuanian Tourism Office 86 Gloucester Place, London W1U 6HP Tel: +44 (0) 20 7034 1222, fax: +44 (0) 20 7935 4661 E-mail:, E-mail:, Poland: Centrum Informacji Turystycznej Republiki Litewskiej al. Ujazdowskie 12, 00-567 Warszawa Tel: 48 22 696 98 15, fax: 48 22 696 98 16 E-mail:, France: Office du tourisme de Lituanie 72 rue Pierre Demours, 75017 Paris, Tel/fax: + 33 1 46 22 53 84 E-mail:, Russia: Информационный центр по туризму Литвы в России Borisoglebskij per. 13, korpus 2, 161069 Maskva Tel/fax: +7 495 203 6790, e-mail:, Finland: Liettuan matkailuneuvonta, Kapteeninkatu 7, 00140 Helsinki Tel: +358 9 62277717, fax: +358 9 62277718, e-mail:, Germany: Baltikum Tourizmus Zentrale (BTZ) Fremdenverkehrszentrale Estland-Lettland-Litauen Katharinenstr. 19-20, 10711 Berlin Tel: +49 30 890 09 091, fax: +49 30 890 09 092 E-mail:,

State Tourism Department, A.Juozapaviciaus St. 13, LT-09311 Vilnius Tel: + 370 5 2108679, fax: +370 5 2108753, e-mail:, © Design by UAB Sapnų Sala. © Texts by Audronė Ignatonienė. © Photographs by Jonas Ignatonis, Audronė Ignatonienė, Eglė Jaškūnienė, Zinas Kazenas, and Kristina Stalnionytė.

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