An anglers paradise

Page 1

AN ANGLERS PARADISE Angling in and around Mariager Fjord


............................................ 3 Welcome to Mariager Fjord.......... ........................................ 4-5 Mariager Fjord.............................. .........................................6-8 Species in Mariager Fjord.............. .........................................9-12 .... .... .... ing fish for s son sea 4 The .................................... 13-15 Tricks, tools and equipment............ ...................................16-25 . rd. Fjo er riag Ma und aro ts spo g Fishin ........................................... 26 Fishing with children.................. .................................... 27 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Sø rup Glenst ladser................................... 28 Other attractive fishing spotsiskep .......................................... 29 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . e. Tak and Put .......................................... 30 Laws and restrictions................... ......................................... 31 .... .... .... es. ess adr and s link full Use .................................... 32-33 Delicious recipes........................... .....................................34-36 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ries sto s ler’ Ang ......................................... 37 Are your trout in good condition..... ...................................38-39 ap) (m d fjor the und aro ts spo g hin Fis



Published by: VisitMariagerfjord Det gl. Rådhus, Torvet 1 DK-9550 Mariager Phone: +45 7027 1377

Tekst: KOMMA’riet, Special thanks to Ole Hansen, Bo Troelsen, Jacob Berthelsen, Mark Højfeldt, Hans Fischer, og Jesper Palm for contributions and use of photos.

Seatrout is in danish often called ”silverware”. this referes to the trouts beautiful silverlike colours combined with, and that it is one of the most desired catches.

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat” - Chief Brody, Jaws

Welcome to Mariager Fjord If you were “hoping” for a chance encounter with a monster Great White you’ll probably end up disappointed. In fact you’re not going to need a bigger boat but we do recommend that you equip yourself with plenty of catch bags. Mariager fjord offers some of the best trout fishing in Europe. The trout here take advantage of an ample food supply and as such are well-nourished bordering on obese. Sea trout in Danish is often called “silverware” owing to their splendid silver top and even more silvery bottom. It is safe to say that Mariager Fjord trout should be upgraded from “silver” to pure gold for that reason alone. The trout in Mariager Fjord have a unique combination of red, brown and gold shades. And they appear in such vast numbers that makes trout fishing in Mariager Fjord something unique not only in Denmark but in all of Europe. This magazine focuses primarily on trout fishing in Mariager Fjord. We have included reviews of the various fishing spots, description of the fishing seasons, bait and lure techniques and much more. In addition to this “Anglers Paradise” covers seafood cooking, fishing lakes and streams in the area, along with the latest fisheries issues. The publication also includes a DVD, a short-film describing the fishing hotspots around Mariager Fjord. ”An Anglers Paradise” is funded by Fishery-LAG Midt-Nord, Region Nordjylland, Friluftsrådet og Visitmariagerfjord. Welcome to Mariager Fjord - You’ll catch it all in “An Anglers Paradise” - Good luck!

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Mariager Fjord

Mariager Fjord is known as the most beautiful fjord in Denmark. The fjord also contains a large number of well-nourished trout, which makes fishing in Mariager Fjord a unique experience for anglers. But before we throw line in the water, let’s focus on landscape and history. Mariager Fjord flows into Kattegat, north of Djursland. The fjord winds itself through a flat landscape with dikes, fields and forests. The inner part of the fjord is surrounded by idyllic juniper, steep and high hills, slopes, forests and small fishing villages. Around the outer part of the fjord, on the south side, sits Overgård Manor’s majestic farmland surrounded by dikes. This agricultural landscape is then replaced by the salt meadows in Ajstrup Bugt, which together with the Ajstrup Krat forest, is a preserved area with unspoilt nature and untouched wilderness. Crouching patiently behind bushes visitors can marvel at the beauty and diversity of wildlife and wildflowers. From Ajstrup Bugt you can glimpse Havnø Manor and the characteristic windmill and the pier to the west. The pier, the fjord’s narrowest point, was once the ferry port until it was replaced by the Hadsund Bridge. This particular stretch of the fjord is characterized by large expanses of water, but shallow depth means water exchange occurs along the river channel, which flows past Hadsund into the deep inner fjord. Here the fjord flows into a large boat-shaped basin, which reaches depths of 30 meters. The landscape surrounding the fjord changes dramatically with the hills and forests around the fjord rising 100 meters above sea-level. The varied nature consists of large forest areas on the south side, where old trees often have roots down at the water’s edge. The north side landscape is dominated by grazed hills with juniper bushes. Streams and lakes contribute around 160 billion liters of freshwater to the fjord each year.


The innermost part of the fjord is very deep, up to 30meters while the outer parts of the fjord are very shallow. This limits water exchange in the fjord and as a result excess nutrients remain. The anoxic bottom waters, black mud and foul odours is not only common but also an integral part of the nature around Mariager Fjord. In this special environment important chemical processes take place similar to the ones observed and studied in the Black Sea. Naturally these conditions also present extra challenges for the local community and fishermen in particular. Consequently on the 25th of August 1997 Mariager Fjord was pronounced dead. The fjord suffered severely from oxygen depletion. The oxygen depletion was caused by the aforementioned combination of a deep inner bay with little water exchange, excess nutrients from the surrounding fields, heat wave and a flat calm for days. A deadly cocktail that made the bottom ”turn” and killed most of the fish, invertebrates and plants in the inner part of the bay. Dozens of dead fish washed ashore, and a stench of sulfur and death permeated the air around the fjord. Every summer, residents around Mariager Fjord are reminded of those frightening images from that fateful summer of 1997. During the warmer parts of summer the deepest parts of Mariager Fjord suffers from oxygen depletion. Hypoxia or anoxia conditions will occur again and cannot be completely avoided as they are part of a natural “cycle”. However, we can aid the fjord overcome these conditions by reducing nutrient emission from agriculture and fish farming both of whom account for the largest proportion of nutrient emissions. Over the last decade, environmental policies have been put into place and steady progress has been made in reducing emissions. Mariager Fjord now holds an impressive rich trout population along with a variety of other species. So enjoy your fishing and scenic surroundings in Denmark’s most beautiful fjord


Species in Mariager Fjord Trout are, for most anglers, the primary quarry in Mariager Fjord and as a bonus several other species can be caught all year.

The majority of the trout caught in Mariager Fjord are sea-trout. But they are often called ”fjord-trout”, and both names are used in this magazine. You can also come across the so-called “steelheads”. (Read more about the different species below). In addition to trout, garfish, herring, flounder, eel and mullet are also represented in the fjord. Cod and salmon are one of the rarer species that could be encountered while fishing in Denmark’s most beautiful fjord.

Seatrout/fjord-trout Sea trout and fjord-trout are the same kind of fish, with the exception that fjord-trout stay in the fjord and do not swim out into the sea. Fjord Trout are characterized by being well-nourished in addition to being incredibly beautiful with their reddish, brownish and yellowish tinge. Most of the fish are range in size from 40 to 60 cm. Cardio-factor* often varies from 1.4 to 1.6 but very rarely below 1.1. This makes the trout indomitable fighters. A well-nourished fjord-trout often tastes better than a classic sea trout! A fjord-trout around 3-4 kg may be said to be larger than average. Sea trout are seawater residents and more shiny while they may be considerably larger than the trout that choose to stay in the fjord. Anglers often refer to “grønlændere”, a term used to describe small undeveloped fish and “non-spawning fish” which as the name suggests are fish that for some reason choose not to spawn in a given year. Minimum length: 40 cm Close season: 16th november – 15th january Due to a variety of conservation initiatives, fish in ”spawning dress” meaning ”colored” fish are protected. The male is easily recognized by its dark golden color and the ”hook” in the lower mouth, whereas females are dull gray (not blank), and a common trait for both sexes are that there are no loose scales. In the close season completely shiny fish with loose scales can be caught. Not sure if a fish is colored or shiny, then allow the fish the benefit of the doubt!


*Learn how to calculate the Cardio-factor on page 37.

Garfish The garfish is an indomitable fighter and during spring, the fjord is almost overflowing with these fish. When fishing for garfish, springtime is definitely the choice season although garfish can be caught throughout summer. Furthermore it tastes marvelous. Minimum length: None. Close season: None.

Herring The Herring enter the fjord in spring and autumn. Fishing for herring in Mariager Fjord is not nearly as good as Randers Fjord, which truly is a herring paradise during these months. Minimum length: 18 cm. Close season: None.

Flounder Flounder can be caught throughout the entire Mariager Fjord, but the chances are definitely best in the outermost part of the fjord, from Hadsund and eastward. Although flounder have red spots like the plaice, it is easily recognized by its rough surface. Minimum length: 25,5 cm. Close season: females from 1th. march til 15th. april.

Eel The eel is an endangered species not only in Mariager Fjord, but worldwide. Strict rules for recreational and commercial fishermen have been introduced i.e. poke-poling and the use of fishing light attractors is prohibited. In accordance with eel fishing regulations, an angler with rod and line is still allowed to catch and take home eel but as the population is only 1% of what it once was small actions do help. Therefore, as an angler, practice wise conservation and adopt an ethical approach to eel fishing. Minimum length: 38 cm. Minimum length in freshwater: 45 cm. Close season: None.


Species in Mariager Fjord (continued) Cod The cod is not a frequent guest in Mariager Fjord, but for the dedicated angler, you might have some luck in the outermost part of the fjord. However it is usually only small specimen cod that are caught in the fjord. Minimum length: 30 cm. Close season: None.

Salmon Widely considered many an angler’s dream, salmon is a prized catch and with plenty of reason. They fight well and regarded as a top eating fish with flesh rich in omega 3, a fatty acid linked with many health benefits. Should your focus be entirely on catching salmon, Mariager Fjord is not the best place to fish. But every once in a while salmon stray into the fjord from surrounding streams like Gudenåen,Skjern Å or Varde Å. For the lucky angler that salmon “dream” may very well come to fruition. Minimum length: 60 cm. Close season: 16th. november – 15th. january. Conservation policy stipulates the catching and killing of any salmon in spawning dress (colored fish) is forbidden. Read more on basic conservation rules and regulations under the “sea trout/fjord-trout” topic heading page 6. Steelheads Steelhead and rainbow trout are the same species, but Rainbows are freshwater only, and Steelhead are anadromous. This term means that the fish spends the early part of its life in fresh water and the rest at sea. Steelheads are characterized by their vibrant colors of reddish-pink on a background of steely-silver. Minimum length: None. Close season: None.


Mullet The mullet is a popular fish among anglers. It can also be found in Mariager Fjord although this tasty and thick lipped fish is a rare catch. Mullet are often caught on hot, sunny days with a mild onshore wind when they graze on algae and seaweed close to shore. Minimum length: 20 cm. Close season: None.

The 4 seasons for fishing

Spring (March, April and May)

Is there anything like the first hints of spring? A day when the sun warms you while you hear birds chirping while the colors of the surrounding nature change from gray to a clear green. The sun warms the water in the fjord and the trout that has visited the streams to spawn return to the fjord once again. Depending on the winter’s harshness or whether spring arrives early in Mariager, the number of migrating trout can vary. But one thing is certain, the fjord will once again be a hotbed of “fish” activity. The emergence of bristle worms (polychaete) between March and April provides trout with an ample food supply. If you visit the fjord in this period, you will experience a unique fishing opportunity, where practically every fishing line cast into the water results in a catch. Just use anything that resembles a bristle worm as bait! In May Garfish begin their migration to Mariager Fjord, and they appear in such vast numbers that makes it difficult for angler’s to catch anything else. Garfish will take pretty much any bait!


The 4 seasons for fishing (Fortsat) Summer (June, July and August)

If the summer is warm, fishing can be difficult in the fjord especially during the months of July and August. Not only because of algae, seaweed, and other vegetation but also because the water becomes so hot, that the trout swim for deeper waters, where the water is cooler. This means you might have to change your fishing tactics a bit in order to catch trout. To begin with, you’ll want to avoid fishing during the hottest part of the day (which is usually between 11 am and 3 pm in many places). You’ll have your best luck during the early morning or dusk hours (when water temps are cooler and trout are out feeding on or near the water’s surface). Take a stroll along the coastline of Mariager Fjord on a quiet summer evening and you’ll hear the trout smacking the surface in the shallows in their feeding frenzies. The summer months also offers plenty of opportunities to catch well-nourished mullet.


Autumn (September, October and November)

The trout use the spring and the summer months to become very well-nourished in order survive their spawning migration. As the water cools trout approach the shallows to eat all day. Autumn therefore offers good fishing and the Cardio-factor of the fish could not be better. The largest fish, the spawning migration, has already drawn up the streams during the spring and summer. The fjord actually bustles with beautiful fish that are still feeding on the bountiful “pantry”, that is Mariager fjord. It is highly likely that you will come across large schools of “skips” or “grønlændere” and a couple of hours of autumn fishing could yield a two digit number of trout.


The 4 seasons for fishing (Continued)

Winter (December, January, February)

In winter, the mature trout migrates into streams to spawn, but you might still be lucky to come across shiny juvenile trout in the fjord. These could be ”skips” or “grønlændere” referred to on page 8. “Grønlændere” are small, juvenile fish that have only lived a couple of years and are often smaller than the average trout. ”Skips” are trout that have chosen not to spawn in a given year. Maybe a kind of reserve if something should go wrong with the spawning fish in the cold water in the springs. Trout may not hibernate like bears, but it sure can seem that way if you’ve ever gone fishing in cold waters. Trout are cold blooded and slow down everything they do in winter months. Fishing in the winter months should be concentrated to the innermost part of the fjord. You have to calmly survey the water, methodically cover the area, and put the fly right in front of their nose. You may find that a trout will hit your fly on the first cast, but there will be others where it will take more than 6 or 7 casts to get any reaction. Tease the fish repeatedly and they might snap back out of annoyance over time. As water temperature decreases in winter, trout draw into areas where the water salinity is lower i.e. underwater springs and areas where streams flow into the fjord. These spots are well represented in Mariager Fjord. Refer to the map of the 28 fishing spots around the fjorde on pages 16-25.


Tricks, tools and equipment Fishing in Mariager Fjord is not very demanding, when it comes ot equipment and tools. But good equipment and clothes is nontheless an important element on a good fishing trip.

Flies The majority of anglers at Mariager Fjord are fly fishing. In this type of fishing, you use flies to imitates the nourishment that can be found in the fjord. This could be e.g. sandhoppers, shrimp, sticklebacks, gobies and worms. You can fly fish - with either traditional fly fishing equipment, or with a regular fishing rod, where you mount the fly after a bombarda- eller bubble float.

Bombarda float

Bubble float

Among danish anglers, the best known flies are e.g. ”Dare Devil”, ”Mullefluen”, ”Grå Frede”, ”Juletræet” and ”Polar Magnus” etc. and if you are a fly fisher, you might already have your own favorit fly. Fly fishing is very effective for catching trout and garfish and can also be used to catch a mullet. Lures og woblers Over the years lure and wobbler fishing has defined itself as a very popular and effective method of fishing. Lures and wobblers look like small fish but may also resemble worms or shrimp. Lures and wobblers come in a variety of sizes but we recommend using smaller sizes preferably in the 8 – 15 gram range. This makes their action extremely vivid and energetic. When you reel the line in it should be in an even pace. Some anglers choose to reel in with little breaks, while others prefer an even pace without breaks. The colors of lures and wobblers should depend on the season. When fishing in colder water clearer colors should be used and during the summer season a silvery/black lure will be the most effective choice. Among the classics Danish lures and wobblers “Møresilda”, “Stripper”, “Boss”, “Vims” and ”Gladsax” deserve mention. Lures and wobblers are effective for catching trout and garfish. If you are determined to catch garfish, it would be wise to move the triple hook a couple of centimeters with a regular nylon line. This minimizes the number of fish you lose after they take the bait. Another option is to fish with a silk hook, which as the name implies, is a piece of silk string that gets stuck between the teeth of the garfish. The disadvantage of this method is that the trout may not stay on the hook.


Tricks, tools and equipment


Natural bait Worms and small fjord shrimp with a bombarda or bubble flat, which is slowly reeled in, can be a very effective way to catch fjord-trout. Both trout and garfish take this bait and if you want to catch a lot of garfish then use pieces of herring as bait instead. In spring, using herring as bait, and fishing at Havnø, you’ll catch plenty of garfish. That’s our ironclad guarantee!!

Worms can also be used for a bottom-line. By fishing with bottom line, chances are you’ll catch trout. Using a bottom line also attracts flounder, but mostly in the outer part of the fjord close to the navigation channel. Worm on a bottom line is also the best way to catch eel. If you want to catch mullet, the most effective bait is actually a piece of white bread which is molded into a small dough ball around the hook.

Other equipment

Other than the obligatory equipment - e.g. fishing rod, reel, hooks etc. - you will find a selection of equipment which definitely can be an advantage when fishing in Mariager Fjord: Waders: If you use hip/chest boots “waders” your mobility is unrestricted offering complete freedom to fish in every area in the fjord. But remember, that even though you use “waders” it is not necessary to to venture too far out in the water. The fish remain close to shore especially in spring and autumn. Measuring band: To make sure, that you do not catch fish that are too small and thereby protected remember a measuring band. Alternatively you can mark the allowed lengths of fish on your fishing rod.


Fishing knife: A necessary tool in nature – use to clean the fish you catch... Camera: Remember your camera - take pictures so you may revisit your experience in our scenic surroundings. Fish are also more beautiful to photograph fresh, when they have just been caught, rather than if they have been in a warm plastic bag for several hours. Food and drinks: The fresh air, water and hopefully the fish you catch, all these things arouses the appetite, so remember to pack a solid lunch along with plenty of fluids (preferably non-alcoholic). Fishing kayak or dinghy: A fishing kayak or dinghy optimizes your possibilities to reach the best fishing spots in the fjord without trouble. If you do not own a kayak or dinghy, Mariagerfjord Kajak has a whole variety of kayaks and sailing dinghies for hire. You can find a comprehensive list of places where you can rent kayaks and dinghies on page 31.


Fishing spots around Mariager Fjord You could actually say that there is only one fishing spot in Mariager Fjord…. and it is the entire fjord!


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No matter where you cast your line there are plenty of opportunities to catch well-nourished fish. Nevertheless we have reviewed 28 attractive fishing spots in the fjord on the following pages. Each place with its own salient features.


Find GPS-coordinates on the maps.

Ikon-forklaring: Good parking options Dinghy or kayak recomendations Child friendly fishing Shelters

Find a map with clear markings of all the fishing hotspots on the last pages.

Campsites Tobberup

North side of Mariager Fjord (west to east) 1. Sildehagen


Hørby Skoleby 56° 38’42.05’ N / 9° 48’59.25’ E

Sildehagen is situated just east of Hobro and the yachting harbor. There is varying vegetation on the bed of the fjord, which makes the conditions ideal for smolt and stickleback. This provides nourishment for trout, which again makes this an attractive spot for anglers. Sildehagen is a good fishing spot in particular during the colder seasons. There are large banks of common mussel, that attracts hunting fish. There are also several underwater springs, that you must treat with caution when using waders. The transition from solid to soft mud can be very sudden. There is good access from the parking spot at the yachting harbor.

øndum 16



Hørby Vebbestrup

2. Sandskredet


Hørby Skoleby 56° 38’48.59’ N / 9° 49’32.88’ E

Ø. Doense Valsgård

A very suggestive name for the slopes east of Hegedal. The bottom is an interesting variation of gravel, sand and shell banks. Sandskredet and to the east offers a number of large and small points often sheltered from prevailing winds along with large areas Tobberup of eelgrass and mussel banks. The varied coastline means that, regardless of weather you can always find a good fishing spot with proper shelter. Like at Sildehagen you can park at the yachting harbor in Hobro.



by 3. Bramslev Bakker

Hørby Skoleby

Nørre Onsild 56° 38’57.81’ N / 9° 52’16.82’ E

A large protected area that is one of the most beautiful places around the fjord. On the top of the hills you will find a restaurant, with a panorama view of the fjord. In the summertime a lot of bathing tourists visit this area. For anglers, the area is attractive for trout fishing, because of the large areas of eelgrass, mussel beds, and the fresh-water from Valsgård Bæk stream to the west of Krat Bramslev Bakker, one of the fjords spawning grounds. Here conservation policy should obviously be respected!. Parking at the top Tobberup of the hills. For a symbolic fee you are allowed to drive all the way down to the fjord.


Sønder Onsild

4. Krogen

y eby



Skjellerup Holmgård

Onsild Stationsby Nørre Onsild

Handest 56° 39’08.99’ N / 9° 53’44.25’ E


An exiciting area, where both the coastline and the bed of the fjord is varying. This is one of those places in the fjord, where chest waders are recommended as vegetation and high trees grow all the way down to the shallows. If you choose to take up the chal- Katb Glenstrup Sø lenge, this area offers good fishing and beautiful trout as a reward.


Sjørring Kær




Valsgård 5. Langsodden / Kielstrup Odde Ø. Doense

Kielstrup Sø

Rostrup 56° 39’37.72’ N / 9° 57’00.45’ E

Kielstrup Sø lake is the center of a very fascinating and varying area. The sluice underneath the dam in the bottom of the bay is the outlet of the lake, which makes itStenstrup a preserved area. West of the bay you will find Langsodden/Kielstrup Odde which faces Mariager and reaches deep depths in the middle of the fjord. The current and sheltered areas form natural routes for trout, which makes both sides of the point good fishing spots. To the east you will find the scenic Kielstrup bay Høllet and harbor along with the local yachting community, a combination that creates a unique ambiance.


6. Løvdal

Valsgård Skjellerup oense


Katbjerg Kielstrup Sø



56° 39’56.81’ N / 9° 57’33.85’ E

Løvdal is a beautiful area, which offers deep waters, limited vegetation, a good current and a solid rock bed, all factors that attract trout and garfish. A location with many beautiful and well nourished fish.


Broløs Kielstrup Svenstrup

7. Stinesminde

nstrup Sø


Østerkær Bæk

Vester Tørslev Katbjerg Kielstrup Sø







56° 40’19.57’ N / 9° 58’18.59’ E

A scenic pearl with a small number of houses and an idyllic dinghy harbor, once a bustling ferry terminal to Mariager many years ago. Stinesminde offers a good variety in the fjord bed consisting of sand clam banks in an area and few rocks. From the harbor tbæk Kå and eastward the waters are shallow, while the waters west of the harbor are deeper.


Fårup Plantage





8. Ouebro Hage







Kielstrup 56°40’53.33”N / 10° 0’53.59”E



An exciting spot, that is among the favorites for many local anglers. The shallow waters and undulating area contains plenty of steelheads. Notice, that fishing is only allowed on the western side of the point. The other side is a preserved area for the most Hou Skov productive spawning grounds by Villestrup Å stream. Kielstrup



9. Vive yatching harbour


Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov




Marienhøj Plantage

Dania Alstrup

56° 41’56.19’ N / 10° 02’39.72’ E



Vive yatching havn is a good starting point for a fishing trip - both east- and west bound fishing trips. To the west you can fish at the tip by Vivebrogård but remember to respect the preserved area byKlostermark the outlet of Vive Bæk stream. The fjord bed consists of stone, lime, common clams and eelgrass. Eastward also offers good fishing all the way to Bilfragmentering.


10. Bil-fragmenteringenStinesminde Fjelsted

elstrup Sø



Hou Skov

Hem Skov


Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov




56° 42’01.89’ N / 10° 04’04.72’ E



One of the most popular fishing spots in the fjord. But angling in this area has decreased since the road became a no-entry road. oløs The nearest parking spot is located at Hobrovej or Vive yachting harbor. In both cases you have to walk approx. 1 km. To the east from the pier, the depth and the fjord sea bed vary alternating between sand, deep trenches, stone and clam banks. To the west Kongsdal both small and large rocks make Svenstrup up the shoreline with varying bottomAlstrup vegetation.

ter Tørslev

Østerkær Bæk

True Klostermark

Dyrby Krat Skrødstrup Skov 19


Glerup 11. Thygeslund Skov




Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov


56° 42’09.31’ N / 10° 05’58.62’ E Veddum


Dania A beautiful spot west of Hadsund. The passage in front of Thygeslund Manor is difficult because of vegetation and fences. It is


12. Havnø





Hou Skov



rg je stb Ka

Østergårde Hou

Hadsund Syd








Therefore recommended for anglers armed with a kayak or dinghy. The area stretches from western Hadsund, where there are several roads and parking optionsMarienhøj along the way, Hadsund Yatching Harbour being one. Parking is prohibited at the private road, Kongsdal leading to Thygeslund Manor. Plantage

Høgholt Skov

56° 42’32.16’ N / Lovnkær 10° 10’00.42’ E Vester

Visborg A lovely fishing spot at one of the narrowest points of the fjord. A little stone pier makes the place ideal for a family fishing trip. The MARIAGER navigation channel is very close to shore, which makes it optimal for flounder fishing. This is also an ideal place to fish for garfish in spring. If you choose to wade, either east- or westward, from the pier - you may also incounter a nice trout.


Alstrup Dania 13. Lovnkærgaard


Kongsdal Hem Skov



Skrødstrup Skov

Falslev Hadsund Syd Assens



56° 42’56.74’ N / 10° 12’40.74’ E

Skrødstrup Mariager


rg je stb Ka

One of the last decent fishing spots on the north side before the outlet to Kattegat. Like a big arch, the navigation channel winds Å itself close to dikes, and this stretch offers a good selection of species. The Havnøvej road is gsituated only 200m. from the fjord er j with planty of parking along the road. b Å


Hem Lystrup

st Ka

14. Pletten



Mariager Fjord Odde

56° 42’16.10’ N / 10° 16’44.38’ E

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A unique fishing spot, although it is only accesible via dinghy or kayak. Pletten is a preserved island in the fjord, where fishing only permitted around the island. The short distance to Kattegat means the tide creates large variations in depth, which greatly increases the risk of being caught by the tide, especially using a dinghy.



15. Als Odde


Als Odde

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Va db æ


56° 42’18.74’ N / 10° 19’33.51’ E

The outermost fishingspot of the fjord before the outlet to Kattegat. This spot is primarely used by anglers searching for flounder. Because you can almost walk to the edge of the navigation channel from the small pier, conditions are ideal for a family fishing Udbyneder Bjerre trip. There are plenty of oppertunities in spring to catch trout and garfish.


Udbyover Sø

South side of Mariager Fjord (west to east) Hørby Udbyover 16. Ørnedalsbugten Havndal Skoleby Va db æ





56° 38’14.36’ N / 9° 50’26.98’ E Storevejle Bæk

Udbyneder An almost picturesque location, where the long gravel road takes you right to the fishing spot. The bay offers a unique fishing exBjerre perience, as a result of the high concentration of fresh-water. You can catch both both beautiful, overwintering shiny fish and large ndum migrating fjord-trout in winter. This location is also ideal for late autumn fishing, where you can easily locate Lillev ejleschools Bækof migrating trout.









17. Strandholt Pynt

Valsgård56° 38’38.46’ N / 9° 51’35.96’ E Ø. Doense Katbjerg


A different and beautiful location, where fishery is good all year and is therefore one of the popular spots among experienced anglers. Strandholt Pynt offers a varying fjord bed. The spot is not only known for its beautiful view of juniper hills on the other side Skjellerup of the fjord but also for the big electrical cords, that cross the fjord.


18. Katbjerg Odde

ild Broløs 56° 38’49.64’ N / 9° 54’16.56’ E


A large area unspoiled since 1986. The area is privately held except the area at the point of Katbjerg Odde, which stick its long ”nose” far out into the fjord and open to anglers. THis area boasts a fantastic bird life and an impressive population of Katbjerg orkids. Glenstrup The stock of trout is Tobberup very big, as a result of changing currents,Sø underwater springs, varying depths, an abundance Vester of eelgras and Tørslev common clam banks. Skjellerup


HOBRO 19. SilleborgHolmgård Hage

rby ild oleby



Broløs Fårup Plantage Gettrup 56°38’58.68”N / 9°56’24.17”E

An idyllic piece of nature with a fantastic view to Bramslev Bakker on the other side of the fjord. Here are several shallow coves, Glenstrup Sø large clam banks and a seabed of stone and sand. To reach Silleborg Hage, west of Mariager turn down a gravel Vester road, where aTørslev sign K says ”4-6”. You can park in the forest, with an additional 500m. walk to reach the point.






Skjellerup Ejstrup

Stinesminde 20. Stenarmen

Kielstrup Sø

Hou S



Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov



56° 39’50.09’ N / 9° 59’25.30’ E

Stenarmen is a headland just east of Mariager. The location is quite exposed to pavailing winds. There is no shelter, unless it isDania a Alstrup southern wind. The location however offers a seabed of stone along with mussel banks, all good conditions for trout. Many fine specimen has been caught here. You will reach Stenarmen by turning down a gravel road from Hadsundvej.




21. Fladbjerg Katbjerg

Stinesminde Fjelsted

Kielstrup Sø

Marien Planta

Fladbjerg Hou Skov

56° 40’19.67’ N / 10° 01’48.20’ E

Fladbjerg is a cozy little fishing village situated right by the fjord, where Hadsundvej roadHou passes throug. A good starting point for fishing is along a 1 km. stretch of varying coastline. The fjord bed consists of mussel banks, stone reefs and eelgrass. In the sumVive mer there is a lot of seaweed and fishing is therefore best in autumn and winter. Østerg


Broløs Ouegård Skov VivebrogårdAlstrup Svenstrup Østerkær Bæk Skov

22. Dania / Saltværket

Skrødstrup Skov

Vester Tørslev

Klostermark Oue True

Dania Hem Skov Randrup


56° 40’57.05’ N / 10° 02’23.62’ E



At the saltfactory in Dania, hot water constantly flows into the fjord. It attracts not only birds, but also planty of trout, stealheads and winterdressed anglers. On a good winter day, trout fishing will blow you away.æSteam k rises from the surface of the water and tb Fladbjerg huge schools of trout show their finns in the surface. Kå


Fårup Plantage


Hou Skov





Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov

23. Skarodde / Dania

Oue Glerup




56° 39’08.99’Østergårde N / 9° 53’44.25’ E

An attractive stretch approx 1 km. from Dania, towards Kongsdal Yatching Harbour. The bed of the fjord is vatying with a lot of Ouegård Fladbjerg eelgrass, which attracts many pertinacious in the evening. Vivebrogård Skov anglers

Stinesminde Skov

Hou Skov

Oue 24. Kongsdal

Dania Hou


Marienhøj Plantage



56° 40’58.77’ N / 10° 04’28.51’ E

From the yachting harbor in Kongsdal and eastward, fishing is excellent except in summer due to the large amounts of seaweed. Fladbjerg Kongsdal is therefore a spring, autumn and winter location. The fjord bed around the yachting harbor is soft and muddy. To the east Alstrup the sea bed consists mainly of rock, eelgrass and clam banks and excellent fishing around ”the hole”, which forms a natural little Hou Skov stone harbor. This stretch is a favorite for many anglers situated a couple of kilometers from the outlet of Kastbjerg å stream.




Vivebrogård Hou Skov



Skrødstrup Skov





25. Flintegrunden Skov


Hem Skov




g er bj t Skrødstrup Skov s Ka Hem 56° 40’49.17’ N / 10° 01’40.47’ E




An exciting area in the middle of the fjord, which is known for some of the most well fed trout in theKærbybro fjord. But it is nessecery to Falslev use a fishing kayak or a dinghy - but then it is also one of the most attractive locations in the fjord. Fladbjerg


enstrup 24

Hou Skov


Hem Skov

Kærby s Ka

Dyrby Krat


Visborg 26. Lergraven


Hadsund S




56° 39’08.99’ N / 9° 53’44.25’ E

ogård Situated just east of the Hadsund bridge is a area, where historically clay has been extracted from the fjord and used for tileworks. v

Hadsund Syd


This extraction has created a bed os steep slopes and holes, wich often contain beautiful fish. Because of the steep slopes, holes Buddum and a very soft and muddy fjord bed, you should wade with caution or use a dinghy or kayak.

Mariager Fjord


27. Ajstrup Bugt








Norup 56° 41’14.76’ N / 10° 11’18.98’ E


Ajstrup Bugt is located by the forrest reservation in Ajstrup Krat. A beautiful area, where the navigation channel stretches all the way underneath land, and many beautiful migrating trout have ended their lives here. Ajstrup Bugt is an important place for thousands Norup Falslev of ducks, where they migrate to in spring and autumn, and some of them overwinter. You should therefore be very aware of the conservation rules. rg je stb Ka



Lystrup Falslev

rg je stb Ka

Klattru Als Odde

28. Overgård Å

r Fjord

Udbyover Sø Skrødstrup Skov



56° 42’01.47’ N / 10° 19’29.35’ E


Hem Skov

A tricky location to visit, because of the limited accessibility at Overgård Manor. But if you manage to reach the location, the dikes create a good stretch for targeting migrating seatrout. You should of course respect the restrictions. Sem


25 D Å

Fishing with children Not every fishing spot around Mariager Fjord is suitable for family fishing trips. Certain spot’s have limited accessibility and vegetation reaching the shallows requiring that you wade too far out to fish.

However, there are several other places where everybody can participate. Places that offer the possibility to combine a day of fishing with a good ol’ fashioned picnic, where kids can dabble, look for clam shells, beautiful rocks, catch crabs and small fish. One such place is the little cozy stone pier at Havnø. It is easy to fish from the pier and it is one of the best places to catch garfish. A fishing trip “hunting” garfish is excellent entertainment for the whole family. Other locations are the harbors in Stinesminde, Vive and Kongsdal, and the pier located at the outer part of the fjord close to Als Odde which also offers good fishing. Read more about fishing hot spots in the “Fishing spots around Mariager Fjord” section. A visit to the harbor in Øster Hurup or one of the many Put & Takes in the area is also highly recommended for a family fishing trip. Read more in the section ”Other attractive fishing spots”.


Glenstrup Sø Glenstrup Sø, which is situated parallel with the fjord south of Hobro, is the largest lake in Nothern Jutland. The lake is located in the trench, created by melting ice in the last ice age, which stretches from Kastbjerg through Glenstrup and on to Tjele Langsø.

The lake offers a fantastic surrounding nature and a rich bird and fish life, and it is therefore a very attractive fishing spot. The species of fish in the lake include both lake-trout, pike, perch and common whitefish. The stock of lake trout originate from the original strain in the stream Skals Å and many beautiful trout have been caught down the years (a trout weighing in at almost 8 kg was caught. in 1987). The minimum length for lake-trout is 40 cm, and the close season lasts from 16th. November to 15th. January. The pike can be caught in large numbers and nice sizes. The unpredictable and ferocious predatory fish have a minimum length of 40cm, and it is protected in April, where it spawns. Perch bite most kinds of bait, and can reach quite nice sizes in Glenstrup Sø. There are no minimum lengths or close seasons for this tasty fish. The common whitefish is also a fantastic eating fish. The whitefish primarily resides at the eastern end of the lake, and is easiest to catch in the winter and in hard winters, ice fishing can be practiced. The whitefish have a minimum length of 36 cm and the close season last from 1th. November to 31th. January. You can buy a fishing license for Glenstrup Sø at MB Jagt & Fiskeri, Erhvervsparken 11, DK-9500 Hobro Phone: +45 98 55 70 28 - or at the tourist information in Hobro and Mariager. Cabins, apartments and rooms around the lake can be rented. Dinghy rental by the lake: Søren Andersen Holmgårdsvej 6, Holmgård DK-8990 Fårup. Tel: +45 8645 2681/+45 2158 3703 It is alsop possible to rent a fishing kayak, which also can be used in Mariager Fjord. Read more on page 31.


Other attractive fishing spots Kattegat The piers at the cozy port in the Øster Hurup offers excellent fishery for garfish and mackerel. Garfish arrive in the spring months, while mackerel first show up midsummer. It’s also possible to catch little flatfish, trout and mullet from the pier. Øster Hurup though clearly offers the best fishing for garfish and mackerel. The minimum size of mackerel is 30 cm and there is no close season. Villestrup Å Villestrup Å has its outlet on the north side of the fjord, and is a genuine chalk stream in a beautiful landscape. A number of fish farms along the river have in recent years been closed and the stream has instead had its corners and grooves re-established. On its 20 km long journey from its’ source to the fjord, the stream is “enriched” by many small inlets and pressurized water sources. The stream is a unique piece of nature in itself and offers an amazing insect and wildlife. You can catch brown trout, rainbow trout and migratory sea trout. Hadsund Anglers Association has the right to the fishery in Villestrup Å. The Association does not sell fishing licenses and accepts at present time no new members, making it difficult to get permission to fish in the stream. Hadsund Anglers Association can be contacted on Tel. +45 28 96 23 40. Kastbjerg Å The idyllic Kastbjerg river is situated on the south side of Mariager Fjord with its outlet approx. 3 km west of Hadsund at Å Mølle and winds itself through 20 km of narrow river valley. The stream is home to mainly brown trout and migratory sea trout. Fishing licenses for the stream are not sold, but try asking at the local farmers and plot owners. Alternative Fishing spots Besides the many fishing spots in the Mariager Fjord area - is not far from many other exciting places to fish - such as the North Sea, Limfjord, Randers Fjord, the coast of Djurslands or the many lakes and streams in both North- and South Jutland.


Put and Take There are a number of charming and beautifully situated Put & Takes, which are ideal for afamily fishing trip and if you just want to feel the rush from catching a really well-nourished trout.

In the Put & Takes, you pay for the hours you want to fish - and then just throw your line into the water. At Put & Takes the a fishing license is not required. Medestedet Milmosevej 2A, DK-9510 Arden. Tel. +45 4025 9280 / +45 2024 9275 Website: Revsbæk Put & Take Revsbækvej 8, DK-9560 Hadsund. Tel. +45 9857 2421 Teglværkssøens Fiskepark, Alsvej 71-73, DK-9560 Hadsund. Tel. +45 2395 7884 Volstrup Fiskepark Rosbjergvej 9, DK-9500 Hobro. Tel. +45 9855 7144 / +45 9855 2144 Website:


Laws and restrictions Fishing license

All persons between 18 and 65 must have a valid fishing license to fish in salt- or fresh water. Fishing in the Put & Take lakes are excepted. A Fishing license can be acquired with 3 periods of validity; day cards, weekly cards or season cards. Revenue from fishing licenses is used for fish care. Fishing license can be purchased at tourist offices, post offices, tackle shops and on In addition, a number of fishing spots - especially in streams and lakes - require special fishing license, and it may be entirely prohibited to fish. Always check where you can fish, and whether it might require a special fishing permit. Close seasons and minimum lengths Some fish are protected in certain periods of the year, and for some species also provided a minimum length. Protected fish and fish under the minimum size must always be returned - whether they are alive, injured or dead. During the descriptions of species in this magazine close seasons and minimum lengths anno 2010 are listed. Minimum size and closed seasons can change.

The unwritten rules Besides the formal rules, a number of unwritten rules for anglers, as always should be obeyed: • Show respect to nature. You who are a guest, so respect the fauna, crops and wildlife. • Always clean up after yourself. • Show consideration when parking. Use the possible parking spaces, and do not block small roads. • Keep your distance from other anglers, which particularly applies when wade fishing for trout. • It is good manners not to fish with more than a maximum of two rods per. angler at a time. • If you encounter large schools of small trout or smolt, choose another fishing spot. If you continue to fish, there is great risk that many of them die after latches and discards. Large schools of small trout and smolt occur particularly in spring, and often it is enough to move a few hundred meters. • If you experience a fantastic day of fishing - and you catch many fish over the goal - then also discard fish over the target, or stop when you’ve caught plenty for the freezer.


Usefull links og Adresses websites Online purchase of fishing license Minimum lengths, protections and other restrictions National Fishery Directory: Skov- og naturstyrelsen:

Local equipment stores MB Jagt- og fiskeri Erhvervsparken 11, DK-9500 Hobro Tel. +45 9855 7028 / Hadsund Jagt & Fritid Østergade 70, DK-9560 Hadsund Tel. +45 9858 7101 /

Angling in Mariager Fjord

Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel Havnen 2, Øster Hurup, DK-9560 Hadsund. Tel. +45 9858 8197 /

Other usefull websites for anglers

Hobro Sportsfiskerforening

Overnight stays and other information about the Mariager Fjord area.

Local anglers associations Hadsund Sportsfiskerforening v/ Anders Krogh Nielsen Tel. +45 2896 2340

Dinghy- and kayak rental Hadsund Jolleudlejning Tjørnholt 19, DK-9560 Hadsund Tel. +45 2295 4089 / Mariagerfjord Kajak (joller, kajakker & fiskekajakker) Blåkildevej 26A, DK-9500 Hobro Tlf. +45 3042 3763 / Als Odde Kajak (canoos and kayaks) Tel. +45 4054 1854


Delicious recipes

Deboned garfish (approx. 400g.) Remember to remove scales from the skin side 1-2 table spoons sweet mustard 2 table spoons rye flour 20-30 g. butter or oil Salt

Mustard mullet (4 dishes) Debone the garfish and cut them in halves. Put plenty of sweet mustard on the meat side of the fish. Fold the pieces of garfish with the skin side out and close them with meat-needles. Turn the garfish in a mix of rye flour and salt. Panfry the pieces of garfish, in butter or oil, approx 5 minutes on each side. Serve with boiled potatoes and parsley sauce.

Fjord-flounder with vegetables (4 dishes) Turn the flounder in egg and bradcrumbs, season with salt and pebber. Pan fry the flounder 5 minutes on each side. SautĂŠ the vegetables and the dried thyme in oil on medium heat in 10 minutes. Add lemon juice, salt and pebber and if necessary a bit sugar. et the dish simmer another 5 minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes and butter sauce or sauce hollandaise.


4 flounder from Mariager Fjord 1 egg Breadcrumbs Salt og pebber 1 leek in shreads 2 carrots in shreads 2 onions in halfed rings 1 clove chopped garlic Olive oil ½ teaspoon dried thyme Lemonjuice Salt and pebber

- enjoy!

1 trout – cleaned approx. 0,9 – 1,0 kg 1 leek in slices 1 lemon in slices 1 dl water 1 dl white wine Butter Salt Purløgssovs: 1 chopped onion Approx. 1 dl chopped chive 10-20 g. butter Stock from the fish 1/2 dl white wine 1,5 dl cream Salt and pebber

Ovensteamed trout with med chivesauce (4 dishes) Clean the trout. Sprinkle it with planty of salt inside and outside. Smear a ovenproof pan with butter. put the sliced leek in the bottom of the pan. Put the trout on top of the leek and cover the trout with the slices of lemon. Pour water and white wine in the pan. Cover the pan with tinfoil and put it in the oven at 200 degrees in 35 minutes. Purløgssovs: Sauté onion and chive in butter in a saucepan, a couple of minutes. Pour the stock from the fisk and some white wine in the saucepan. boil a bit down and add cream. Let the sauce boil while stirring in a couple of minutes. Add salt and pebber. Serve with white rice or potatoes, asparages and/or grean beans.


Angler’s stories My best fishing story from the fjord:

”I had hoped to catch a single trout out of all the garfish, when I went on my daily trip to the fjord one evening in late May. It turned out that I should get more than I had expected. Because of the wind, I went to the east side of Silleborg Hage. There I met a team of guys who were busy fishing, and one of them had caught a beautiful sea-/fjord trout on a stunning 3.5 kilograms. It was an experience which whetted my appetite, so I went over to the pier and threw my line in the water, as usual I used earthworms as bait and a bubble float. After about half an hour I had a bite, it was no doubt a good fish, but when I saw the back of it, I was quite dazzled by the size. But to make a long story short, after an exiciting struggle i landed a well fed fjord trout on 3 kg and 62 cm. Subsequently I had a nice chat with the other fishermen, after which I packed my bags and walked home. I felt that night could not get any better”

Bo Troelsen Mariager

My best fishing story from the fjord:

”It was a lovely summer evening. It had been sunny weather all day. There blew a weak wind from the north/east and it was approximately one hour after water inversion. I had chosen to fish at Bilfragmenteringen. I had walked the stretch from the parking lot toward Bilfragmenteringen, and after 4-5 throws of the line I felt a sudden resistance on the end of the line. I felt a coupple of hard tugs and the fish tried to run away with the fly in his mouth. After I had got the line under control and coil the excess line on the wheel, the struggle started, which was not the wildest thing I’ve tried, but the fjord-trout from Mariager Fjord is some really indomitable fighters, all of the higher end of Fulton’s condition scale. After the struggle, i landed a nice fjord-trout around 1 Kg. The trout was caught with a mullet fly, which now has proven its worth, even against very well in fishing patterns such as: Grey peaceful, Polar Magnus and Henrik Leth Nandu shrimp. ”


Jacob Berthelsen Mariager

My best fishing story from the fjord:

”My best experience at Mariager Fjord may be one spring day at Stinesminde where I and two other anglers caught 50 trout, which is not rare in Mariager Fjord. It was all well-fed trout from 35-45 cm. Out of the 50 trout 5 where brought home to the freezer for later culinary experiences. I caught 19 trout that day, and the recipe was bombarda float and a fly - and I lost at least the same number of trout. The fish was not taken home, were not hooked deep and was carefully discarded without having been harmed. One reason for the unusually large number of fish in the shallow water, were hungry seals that had chased them there. When we arrived, we saw one of these seals close to the coast, which kept a watchfull eye on the large shoal of trout that were trapped just at our feet in the shallows - which is not an unusual scenario. Several times, we saw trout jump for their lives, when the hungry seals chased them. There were also a few trout that had marks imaginable bite from seals. The hungry seals were in that area throughout the day and the sea trout was thus trapped between hunters on either side who were chasing the beautiful, shiny trout. ”

Mark Højfeldt Aalborg

My best fishing story from the fjord:

”I would like to turn back time to 2nd. april 2007. I arrived at Kongsdal at about half past nine, and the end of the fishing rod I had mounted a fly, I have created. A ”Stines Palmer”. It was very shallow - not what I would describe as the best conditions for trout fishing. I went into the water and threw my line in the water. Bloody Hell, why should it be so shallow. But the irritation was a snap to turned into palpitations, of an entirely different reason - I felt several tugs in the line. I had barely started fishing, and already engaged in an exciting struggle. Fish tumbled around in the surface of the water. I wuitely walked further out in the water. This made the fish calmer and it was easier to ture it towards shore. After a couple of minutes lured in so far into the shallows, that it stranded and I could catch it and tow it ashore. A nice well-fed fjord trout at exactly 50 cm. After a few photos the fish was released back to the fjord”.

Hans Fischer Arden


Angler’s stories (continued)

My best fishing story from the fjord:

”It’s late July and Mariager Fjord lies calm in front of me. very gently I moved out into the fjord, while the fly again and again try to lure the fish closer. I am in my own thoughts when a trout takes the bait and my fly rod bended very nicely. After a really good struggle, I landed a nice fish on almost 50 cm. Lovely... As the light and the temperature decreaed, more fish appeared in the surface - most still far outside my reach. Suddenly I felt a hard tug in the line. A 2 kg. trout jumped clear of the water - what a dream sight.

Jesper Palm Hobro

After a good struggle, I landed a beautiful well-fed Mariager Fjord-Summer trout with many characteristic spots and golden colours. A Super fishing experience... All in all I caught 3 beautiful fjord trout, one of 57 cm and 2.4 kg, 52 cm and 1.75 kg and a 48-cm and 1.5 kg. and a pair of undersized discarded fish, well spotted many fish in the surface - and so in the most stunning surroundings. A lovely summer evening at Denmark’s most beautiful fjord ”.


Are your trout in good condition? You must always respect the minimum size of the trout, you take home. But even a trout above minimum length, you should always consider whether it is in good condition - and assess whether or not it is worth eating. To assess this, you can use the ”Fulton’s formula”, which calculates trouts Cardiofactor. If a trout have a Cardio-factor under 1, it should be discarded, while trout with a Cardio-factor above 1 are good eating fish. Fultons formel er: weight in gram x 100 = The Cardio-factor length3 in cm Example: If you catch a trout on 52 cm, with a weight of 1,8 kg., the calculation looks like this: 1800 x 100 = 1,28. 523 This means that the Cardio-factor of the fish is good, and you can safely bring it home.


Rold Skov

Fishing spots around the fjord

Torstedlund Skov

Madum Sø

Hellum Skov

Siem Skov

Hesselholt Skov

Store Arden Skov

Sildehagen 2 Sandskredet 3 Bramslev Bakker Rold rup 4 Krogen 5 Langsodden 6 Løvdal Nysum Ravnkilde 7 Stinesminde 8 Ouebro Hage 9 Vive Havn Bradstrup 10 Bilfragmenteringen 1

Thygeslund Skov Havnø Lovnkærgård Pletten ARDEN Lille Arden Als Odde Store Arden Ørnedalsbugten Strandholt Pynt Katbjerg Odde Silleborg Hage Stenarmen

11 12

Nørlund Skov

13 14 15 16 17

Sime sted


18 19 20

Fladbjerg Dania / Saltværket Skarodde / Dania Møldrup Kongsdal Astrup Flintegrunden Lergraven Ajstrup Bugt Overgård


Astrup Nørskov

22 23 24 25 26 27 28






Ø. Doense


Ouegård Skov Vivebrogård Skov

Oue Døstrup





7 Valsgård



Hørby Skoleby







Hou Skov






Kielstrup Sø








Klostermark Katbjerg Hem Skov

Skjellerup Fjelsted



Nørre Onsild Gettrup

Broløs Svenstrup

Østerkær Bæk Glenstrup Sø

nder Onsild

38 Holmgård


Vester Tørslev

Dyrby Krat

True Randrup


H d år vg le as Å


Solbjerg Ravnborg Skov

Øster Hurup


Hasle vgård





Brødens Gr





Høgholt Skov




Vester Lovnkær

Visborg Marienhøj Plantage









15 Als Odde


Hadsund Syd Mariager Fjord




Kongsdal 24



rg je stb Ka




Udbyover Sø





Va db æ





Storevejle Bæk

Lillevejle Bæk



up Skov

Sødringholm Skov

Dalbyneder Sødring

Sem Skrødstrup g er bj st Ka



Enslev Stangerum



Råby Kærby








Further inspiration... Bed & Breakfast

Shelter & Tent sites

The magazine ”Shelter & Tent sites” is an overview of options for an alternative overnight stay in the Mariager Fjord area - You can find e.g. GPS coordinates and information about facilites etc.

These magazines can be acquired at the tourist informations below. Find further information at

Tourist informations in the Mariager Fjord area: MARIAGER

Torvet 1, DK-9550 Mariager

HOBRO & ARDEN Sdr. Kajgade 10, DK-9500 Hobro

HADSUND & ØSTER HURUP Kystvejen 34, Øster Hurup DK-9560 Hadsund


Phone: E-mail:

+45 7027 1377

© Copyright VisitMariagerfjord - Date: 9. september 2013

An overview of cozy bed & breakfasts in the Mariager Fjord area.

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