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Live the Legend: Building Experiences A publication by the Peru Exports and Tourism Promotion Board ©PromPerú Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú N° 2009-11886 First edition – September 2009 Edition and Graphic Design: Toronja Comunicación Integral Photos PromPerú Archive: Enrique Castro-Mendívil, Eduardo Cayo, Luis Gamero, Fernando López, Inés Menacho, Mayu Mohanna, Pilar Olivares, Aníbal Solimano, Gihan Tubbeh, Talía Vargas, Luis Yupanqui. Prepress and printing Enotria S.A.

All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of texts, graphics or photos from this book by any means is prohibited - except for brief excerpts for reviews or quotes, provided the sources are quoted - without express written authorization from PromPerú. Any illegal act against intellectual property rights regarding this publication shall be denounced, pursuant to Legislative Decree 822 (Copyrights Act) and the international laws that protect intellectual property rights.



THEPERUEXPERIENCE CONTENTS Part 1 THE NEW TOURIST: THE EXPERIENCE SEEKER • World tourism and the new market trends • The new tourist • Peru’s tourism positioning in the world • Our main strength: authenticity

6 7 8 12 14

Part 2 CLASSIFICATION OF THE EXPERIENCE SEEKING TOURIST • Potential clients and target group • Consumer grouping

16 17 20

Part 3 LIVE THE LEGEND: 8 KEY MOBILIZERS • Transforming our tourism offering into experiences • Associations with Peru’s image • What are the 8 key mobilizers identified in Peru?

22 23 24 24

Part 4 BUILDING EXPERIENCES: THE “PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND” CAMPAIGN • Market analysis • Communication strategy: from the product to the experience • Campaign objectives • Evaluating prototypes for the new campaign • Selecting the slogan for the campaign • Topics / destinations used in the campaign • Mass media used in the campaign • Transforming products into experiences • Guidelines used in the campaign which you may apply to incorporate the experiences to your business or company Part 5 TOOLS FOR POSITIONING EXPERIENCES • Creating a competitive offering • The promotion of experiences and the 8 key mobilizers • Promotional material • An image is worth more than a thousand words • The colors of promotional material • Media advertising • Improving the webpages • Preparing a digital presentation • Tour packages and their benefits Part 6 FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS

28 29 30 32 34 34 34 34 36


42 44 44 49 50 52 53 54 54 54



The potential of Peru as a tourist product is one of the largest in the world. However, it currently has to meet the challenges of a changing and increasingly competitive market. Market research conducted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and other prestigious consulting companies, such as Euromonitor and FutureBrand, show that tourists are not the same as they used to be years ago.

Besides being more informed about the destinations they choose to visit and demanding quality services and infrastructure, today’s tourists look for traveling experiences that stimulate their senses, change their lives and favor their self-realization.

modern-day tourists.

In this document, PromPerú presents in a practical manner the way it is developing its current promotional proposal: “Peru, Live the Legend”, aimed at directing the development of an efficient tool to contribute to the positioning of experiences as an added value offered to

We also believe this is a great opportunity to modernize and standardize our tourism industry in line with the latest world market trends. These are the topics we want to address and share with you:

Thus, public and private tourism organizations, together with tour operators all over the country will form a team aimed at preparing a unified proposal, built on the same criteria.


•Touristmarketsegmentationanalysis based on the “travel motivation” variable.

• Analysis of Peru’s new tourism promotion campaign and the incorporation of new market trends.

• Analysis of the association between Peru’s tourism offering, and the needs and wishes of the experience seeking tourist.

• Definition of the process for transforming the traditional offering into an experience offering.

• Grouping the country’s offering according to the experience seeker’s needs and preferences.

• Presentation of a toolkit that will enable you to handle modern marketing and communication tools aimedatbenefitingtourismcompanies and businesses.

PromPerú is convinced that teamwork is the only way of presenting a sustainable tourism offering and consolidating Peru as one of the world’s finest travel destinations.


The Peru Exports andTourism Promotion Board




the experience seeker

The overall purpose of this chapter is:

• To offer a current overview of the world tourist market, of the new experience seeking tourist and of the position occupied by our country in such segment. • To analyze the tourist market segmentation based on the “travel motivation” variable.

World tourism and the new market trends The way of doing tourism has changed over the past few years. Market saturation and the proliferation of new destinations have awakened in tourists an eagerness for new experiences and emotions. Tourism, understood as the simple fact of traveling to a more or less interesting destination, has evolved towards more complex forms of recreation and relaxation. Today’s tourists are more sophisticated and difficult to please; they want more and, that is why in their trips they seek unique experiences that stimulate their senses. Recent research conducted by specialized firms such as Plunkett Research, Ltd.1, coincide in pointing out that experiences are the axis of the new trends in the world tourist market, under the premise that even the simplest activity may be transformed into an unforgettable experience for the tourist, depending on how it is presented.

Plunkett Research, Ltd. “Travel, Airline, Hotel & Tourism Industry Trends”. September, 2008. <>.


8-9 Part 1. The new tourist: the experience seeker

Proof of that is that cultural destinations, such as Peru, which have a great potential to offer experiences, are showing a noticeable growth2. Between 2000 and 2007, these destinations increased their sales values by 51% in average3.

The key: sell experiences, not destinations Experiencies are key for innovating tourism businesses. They have the capacity of creating indelible memories in the tourist, which helps to build loyalty to our products and give an added value in the competitive tourism market. The simplest way of building experiences is learning to play with images, sounds, aromas and flavors.


• Has an income higher than average.

“We are trying to escape the ordinary in order to experience something very different from our daily life”5. Thomas Clark, United States

• Is a natural born leader looking for experiences of which can boast of in his social circle.

“What moves us is the wish to discover a country on our own and experience something authentic, impressive and wonderful which surprises us with the unexpected”6. Saki Anzu, Japan

Currently, tourists are not longer happy with just visiting a monument and taking some pictures. They give greater importance to what they feel, the emotions generated in them by a given place or activity, and to the memories they will keep when their trip is over and they return home. In other words, tourists are looking for travel experiences4.

• Prefers long trips and does not mind spending more money.

What is the new tourist like? • His or her values, attitudes and motivations in life are aimed at acting and not to be a mere observer. • Is aware of what is going on around and in the world. • Hasahighereducation,broadcultural background and open mind.

The new tourist

• Isawareofbrandsandcommunication styles. Authenticity appears as a key component in their recall of a particular destination or brand.

• Is motivated by the opportunities for his or her personal development and self-realization. • Although is not an expert, is able to master a broad range of topics. • Has a positive attitude, is curious, cheerful, and enjoys life. • Is not afraid of challenges.

• Is not materialistic and purchases things guided by an ethical and social equality spirit. • Is aware of the impact of human beings on the environment and, therefore, prefers activities and products that do not harm it. What is the new tourist looking for? • To learn about other cultures and their history. • To discover and educate themselves while traveling. • Opportunities that help them grow as a person and achieve their goals. • To live the “daily life” culture, participating in the activities of the people and the place visited.

“Even the simplest activity may be transformed into an unforgettable experience for the tourist”. United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), “International Tourism Outlook 2008”. FutureBrand. “Country Brand Index 2007”. Tourism Australia. “Research and Statistics”. <>. 5 Cramqiq Group International. “Focus group para percepciones de la marca”. <>. 6 Ibídem. 2 3 4

Parte 1 PerĂş, paĂ­s de oportunidades

• To meet physical, mental and emotionalchallengesinordertogrow.

• The pleasure which experiences give to their senses.

• To interact with people, make friends and become related.

How does the new tourist choose where to travel?

• Personal and authentic experiences thatbringthemclosertoculturesand traditions which are different from their own.

Research indicates that tourists choose their place of destination guided both by the word of mouth (relatives, friends, co-workers, etc.), as by what they find on the Internet8. The experience seeker does not escape this trend, but unlike other market segments, they research, recollect, evaluate and contrast the information in a more detailed way before making a decision.

• Contact with the environment, natural landscapes or places which are outside the common tourist circuit. • To understand and experience other lifestyles.

Channels used for choosing the destination9

What motivates the new tourist to travel?7

35% Relatives and friends 18% Internet 13% T V show or movies 10% A rticle on newspaper or

• The enriching experiences. • To discover something different, authentic and exotic.

• To learn about history and local cultures. • To participate in activities that make them involved with the places they visit.

magazine 7% Special travel offer 6% Travel agency 3% Advertising 8% Other

Where do you look for additional information once you have chosen your destination?10

• To break up with concepts and certain standards. • The empathy with a country and its people.

67% Internet 12% Travel agencies 8% Relatives and friends

Characteristics of the tourists who visit Peru11 Sources of information for recreational trips 60% Internet 31% Travel agencies 22% Relatives and friends 21% Tourist guides Modality of travel to Peru 33% Used a travel agency (tourist package) 67% Traveled on their own Age

11% 15-24 years old 49% 25-44 years old 34% 45-64 years old 6% 65-over

Travel group 40% Alone 30% With a partner 19% Friends and relatives 11% Parents and children Level of education 16% Elementary / high school 16% Vocational school 36%College/universityeducation 32% G raduate studies, masters degreeanddoctoratedegree

“IfsomeoneIknowrecommendsmesomeplace,Itakethisrecommendation very seriously. Then, I complement it with my own Internet research”. Barry Cannon, Irlanda Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2006”. Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2007”. Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2006”. 10 “Menlo Consulting Travel Styles Focus on Peru 2005-2006”. 11 PromPerú. “The Foreign Tourist Profile, 2007”. 7 8 9

12-13 Part 1. The new tourist: the experience seeker

Peru’stouristpositioning in the world Peru’s attributes as a tourist destination are a series of advantages determining its preference status over other travel destinations in the world. Moreover, these attributes define its identity for travelers interested in obtaining experiences.

Overall attribute performance12 Perú

Global Brand

75% 62%


65% 50%

64% 53%

60% 49%




Belleza natural

Fuera del circuito comercial



Arte y cultura


44% 40%

Relación calidad/precio

Note: Percentage of people who qualified a country of“Good”or“Very good”regarding the above mentioned attributes. Size of sample: 1,526 people13 . 12

Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2006”.

What are those attributes? Market research indicates that Peru is perceived all over the world as a country possessing a great historic legacy and as the bithplace of one the world’s most ancient and important civilizations. This attribute makes Peru a destination that owns a great potential for establishing emotional connections with the traveler. The latest study conducted by the consulting firm FutureBrand (2008), based on a survey with 2,700 travelers from nine different countries, places Peru as the most valued tourist destination of the American continent regarding culture, history and authenticity. This is the reason why the Peruvian tourist industry is based on four pillars or strengths:

• Culture • History • Geography • Biodiversity

14-15 Part 1. The new tourist: the experience seeker

Our main strength: authenticity

How do tourists all over the world see us?14

Authenticityisaveryimportantcomponent of the tourism portfolio. Today’s tourists prefercountriesthatpreservetheirhistory, culture and environment, and give the sensation of being genuine and unique places in the world. In this sense, authenticity, as the essence of travel experiences, is one of the main advantages Peru has over its competitors. The challenge is to learn how to communicateandsellthisattributeaspart of our business offer.

What some experts say about authenticity113 “This is my advice: if you are able to offer and provide authenticity, do so”. “The ability of a country to be authentic, to offer itself and communicate with authenticity is probably one of its greatest advantages nowadays as a destination”. “The ability of connecting with the country and its people and creating lasting memories contributes to the success of an authentic destination”.


Why the experience seeker is our ideal target audience? • BecausetheyhavethewishandtheeconomiccapacitytotraveltoPeru. • Because they are receptive to the idea of living the experiences the country has to offer, which will be beneficial to our industry. • Because the experience of the destination prevails in them over the quality of the infrastructure, which is limited in some of the country’s destinations.

Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2006”, “Country Brand Index 2007”. Future Brand. “Country Brand Index 2008”.




classificationoftheexperience seeking tourist

The overall purpose of this chapter is: • To analyze the segmentation of the experience seeking tourist. • To explain the characteristics of: - The niche experience seeker. - The multi-thematic experience seeker. - The fashionable experience seeker.

Potential clients and target group In order to design marketing and promotion strategies based on experiences it is necessary to know the type of client we are focusing on. Formerly, the tourist market segmentation was based on the traveler’s age, income, preferred interests and activities. Nowadays, the offering of experiences has led to a segmentation based on the traveler’s motivations, behavior and preferences. We have classified the experience seeking tourists into three types, based on the market research: • The niche experience seeking tourist. • The multi-thematic experience seeking tourist • The fashionable experience seeking tourist.

18-19 Part 2. Classification of the experience seeking tourist

The niche experience seeker Is a specialized tourist who travels with a clear objective: to carry out the desired activity. Their motivations are related to discovery, research and the love for scientific, cultural or sports activities. They are usually members of clubs or institutions dedicated to their likings, and respect the environment and the places they visit. Although they have no particular preferences about the infrastructure, as they are likely to sacrifice certain amenities in order to carry out their desired activity, they are inflexible about the quality, cleanliness and value of the promised activity. They have a greater budget and a better level of education than the other types of tourists, and, in general, they are used to travel in groups. This type of tourist is looking for experiences that involve topics as diverse as bird, wild fauna or plant (orchids or similar) watching; visits to the communities in the rainforest; the participation in archeological excavations; the practice of sports such as surfing; or the research on colonial mansions, among others.

Characteristics Personality

What they value about a trip

• Good observer and planner • Patient and with an eye for details • Prefers to make things at his pace • Avoids strict itineraries • Research-oriented

• The practice of the activities they want to carry out • The help and advice of guides trained in the activity • The discovery of places which are outside the commercial tourist circuit where they usually are able to calmly practice the activity they are interested in

“It is essential to make tours in order to see all the key places of the region you are visiting. I want to see churches. I want to take pictures. I want to see nature and landscapes. I want to see everything I am supposed to see. I always buy a map of the place” Michael Hill, United States.

The multi-thematic experience seeker They travel motivated by the search of experiences linked to specialized topics, but with recreational rather than educational purposes. They prefer activities which are carried out in places that have not been altered by modernity. Also, they have greater affinity for the three main tourism segments: culture, nature and adventure. This type of tourist prefers the participatory tourism, which establishes a relationship, exchange and cooperation with the natural, historic or cultural environments that are visited. The number of these visitors increases each year, and is the reflection of an increasingly stronger trend towards a new way of spending the holidays.

Characteristics Personality

What they value about a trip

• Curious • Flexible • Energetic • Creative • Ecologically concerned

• To experience culture and history • To achieve personal development through the experience • To cherish unusual adventures and experiences

The fashionable experience seeker They choose destinations that stand out because of their cultural, natural and historic heritage, to visit them once in their lifetime. It is the most extensive visitor segment among the experience seekers. In general, this type of tourist looks for worldwide recognized attractions, in order to keep a memory they may subsequently share. They are pleased with looking for basic and sufficient information about the attractions they have chosen to visit. As accessibility and comfort are important for them, they choose destinations that are easily accessible. Likewise, they prefer to accumulate several experiences and memories rather than deepening in any of them, therefore, they are also known as “collectors of experiences”.

Characteristics Personality

What they value about a trip

• Fond of style and comfort • Favors safety • Plans everything in detail • Does not like complications, therefore, generally contract with prestigious travel agencies in the country of origin • Will not fail to tour the most recognized places of the country visited

• Enjoy history and new cultures • Leisure and comfort • To obtain a certain prestige in their social environment because of the place they visit


Belleza natural

Fuera del circuito comercial


Part 2. Classification of the experience seeking tourist


Arte y cultura


Relación calidad/precio

Consumer grouping15


Final Consumer Segmentation: Tourist

Niche experience seeker

• Position in the world

• Average spending • Level of specialization • Adaptability to service level

tic Exo


Gastronomy Festivities Communities Natural areas Industrial Insect watching Orchid watching Photography


Surf Biking White water rafting Trekking Sports Fishing Archeology Butterfly watching Bird watching


Multi-thematic experience seeker



Surf Trekking Archeology Bird watching

Fashionable experience seeker Main motivation: The country’s anchor icons Macchu Picchu Little adaptability to services

Experience and learning

“I like to combine experiences, whether it is a local or international trip. I like to have all kinds of experiences in a trip: culture, tours, nature, people and a fabulous hotel”. Siu Li Kuong, China


Source: PromPerú.




8 key mobilizers

The overall purpose of this chapter is: • To present the way in which we have grouped the country’s tourism offering, according to the needs and preferences of the experience seeker. • To analyze the 8 key mobilizers: - Ancient Civilizations - The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature - The Magical Andes - The Mysterious Desert and the Beaches to Discover - A Celebration of Life - Cities to Discover - A Gastronomic Paradise - Extreme Experiences

Transforming our tourism offering into experiences The tourism world market’s orientation towards experiences has provided PromPerú with an ideal opportunity to meet the challenge of attaining a predominant positioning for the country in the new travelers’ preferences. The first step to achieve this objective was to perform an internal analysis of the characteristics of Peru as a tourist destination, which helped us to find out how the new tourists were identifying us, and thus redesign the communication strategy of the national tourism offering. For this purpose, we considered our strengths as a tourist destination, as well as the preferences of our target audience: the experience seeker.

24-25 Part 3. Live the legend: 8 key mobilizers

Associations with Peru’s image The analysis brought about the following results: • Our country is regarded as a destination that offers a rich and authentic cultural experience. • It is perceived as a country surrounded by an air of mysticism as well as the owner of several ancient wonders.

• It is regarded as a representative Latin American country, a place where the visitor may find a great amount of attractions. Based on this information, we have identified 8 key mobilizers within which we grouped all the national tourism offering. These mobilizers serve as a guide to communicate the tourism experience which the traveler may live in Peru.

Peru’s Key Mobilizers

Ancient Civilizations Our vast archeological heritage is one of the richest in the world. The cultures that inhabited our territory have left vestiges distributed into the most diverse natural scenarios. The experience seeker may enjoy a first-hand experience of the grandeur of our past, by visiting monuments such as Machu Picchu, Choquequirao, Kuélap, Chan Chan, the Huaca de la Luna, among others. Anchors: Machu Picchu, the Moche route, Kuélap, Caral, Chavín de Huántar.

The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature The Peruvian Amazon Rainforest is one of the regions having the greatest biodiversity of the planet. It is not only characterized by its exuberant nature and its unexplored territories, but also because it houses scores of ethnic groups, many of which are still relatively isolated from civilization. These particularities make the Amazon Rainforest a matchless experience generator, as, among other activities in there, the experience seekers may watch a great amount of animals and plants that are unique in the world, explore vast natural resources, enjoy paradisiacal cruises by the Amazon River, and interact with the native communities. Also, many lodges located in the middle of the rainforest offer activities that help the tourists to get involved with the conservation of the ecosystem and learning about the traditions and lifestyle of the local population. Anchors: Amazon River, Amazon pink river dolphin, macaw clay licks.

What are the 8 key mobilizers identified in Peru? • Ancient Civilizations • The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature • The Magical Andes • The Mysterious Desert and the Beaches to Discover • A Celebration of Life • Cities to Discover • A Gastronomic Paradise • Extreme Experiences

The Magical Andes The geography of the Peruvian territory is dominated by the Andes mountain range, which presents an immense variety of natural scenarios favorable for carrying out activities, such as landscape gazing and tours. The experience seeker will find in trekking, mountain biking and rock climbing a great opportunity for exploring mountains, canyons, volcanoes, rivers and lagoons, while they enjoy the unique beauty of our highlands. Outdoor camping is a good option for experiencing open spaces, forging friendships with people from all over the world, and participating in good environmental practices. Anchors: Pariacaca, Alpamayo, Huascarรกn, Ausangate

The Mysterious Desert and the Beaches to Discover The landscape of the Peruvian coast is composed of beaches, dunes and oases, and it has impressive archeological sites such as Sipรกn, Sicรกn and the Nasca Lines. The experience seeker may also learn about the peculiar regional fauna (sea lions, birds, whales, etc.); relax on paradisiacal beaches; practice surfing, windsurfing and sandboard; and experience high sea fishing and underwater spearfishing. The coast also offers the tourist the opportunity of visiting several regions renowned for the quality of their winemaking and pisco distilling. Anchors: marine fauna, deserts, valley of Ica, the Moche route, Nasca Lines.

A Celebration of Life Our national identity comprises a great diversity of cultures, whose richness is displayed through art, dance, music and oral lore. They are living cultures that treasure their own languages and traditions, which offer the experience seeker the possibility of participating in ancestral community activities, magical-religious ceremonies, colorful popular festivities and countless popular manifestations. These and other experiences are the best way the tourist may seize the roots and traditions of our people. Anchors: Ollantaytambo, Lamas, the Uros, Inti Raymi, the feast of Our Lady of Candlemas.

26-27 Part 3. Live the legend: 8 key mobilizers

Cities to Discover Peruvian cities are the vivid expression of our culture and lifestyles. Through their architecture, they offer the experience seeker an attractive mixture of history and modernity. Touring their churches, convents, theaters, museums and colonial buildings is the best way to discover our cultural diversity, while the shopping centers, art galleries, discothèques, pubs, festivals and exhibitions offer the opportunity to have an up close experience of our most cosmopolitan side. Anchors: Lima, Cusco, Arequipa.

A Gastronomic Paradise Peruvian food is the result of the fusion of flavors, condiments and ingredients from several continents and cultures, and may indulge the most demanding palates. Through the sense of taste, the experience seeker may discover the mixture of our culture, learn about our history, and understand the reasons that have made our cuisine one of the finest in the world. Anchors: seafood on the pier, pachamanca in the countryside, fusion food, pisco in Ica’s wine cellars.

Extreme Experiences Our rugged geography offers ideal natural scenarios for the experience seeker who is hunting for pure adrenaline. White water rafting through the deep canyons of Arequipa; mountaineering and paragliding in Huaraz; mountain biking in the central rainforest; and trekking by the majestic Inca Road System are only a few examples of these experiences. This field has a great potential, and there is a lot to be done yet. Anchors: trekking in the Huayhuash mountain range, mountain biking in the central rainforest, surfing in Máncora, white water rafting in the Colca canyon.

The 8 key mobilizers are a guide to meet the challenge of transforming our tourism product into experiences. As you may see, these are not the only mobilizers we can work with, but they are the most competitive, as they adjust to the experience seeker’s needs and characteristics.

Peru’s 8 key mobilizers intend to transmit the following experiences to the experience seeker:

• Amazement • Discovery • Learning • Exploration • Spiritual enrichment




the “Peru, live the legend” campaign

The overall purpose of this chapter is: • To present the structure of the new campaign for promoting the country. • To analyze how experiences have been incorporated into this campaign.

Market analysis Three years after having launched the “Pack Your Six Senses” campaign into the top priority markets, PromPerú has deemed convenient to develop a new advertising campaign that conveys a message in accordance with the latest world tourism market trends. The starting point was to ask ourselves which segment of the experience seeker tourist market we wanted to target. To answer this question, we conducted an analysis taking into account factors such as market size, tourist needs and the country’s current offering. The following are the results of this analysis: • The niche experience seeker is a very reduced group that requires a very high level of specialized information. Its main advantage is its capacity for “opening up” destinations which otherwise any other type of tourist would not visit.

30-31 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend” campaign

• Themulti-thematicexperienceseeker is a more significant group, which is likely to sacrifice some amenities in exchange for good experiences. • The fashionable experience seeker looks for worldwide recognized destinations, such as Machu Picchu and the city of Cusco. Since this is the largest segment, it has been the target of our campaigns in recent years. As a result, we have been able to position the country within this market segment, and ensure those visitors to come to our country, as long as they can enjoy quality services. • Nowadays, the multi-thematic experience seeker is the most interesting and important market segment for Peru. This is the reason why we decided to target the “Live the legend” campaign towards that segment.

Top priority markets An internal analysis conducted by PromPerú led us to conclude that the top priority markets for our country in 2009 are: • North America: United States and Canada. • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. • Asia: Japan. • Europe:UnitedKingdom,Germany, France and Spain.

Communication strategy: from the product to the experience In order to promote tourist destinations, tourism companies used marketing strategies exclusively oriented towards the selling of products and services. This happened because tourism businesses were designed as companies with a single function within the market, such as, for instance: travel ticket sales; passenger transportation; sports equipment rental; city tour organization; provision of lodging, food and entertainment, etc. The evolution of the world tourism market has originated changes in tourists’ habits and lifestyles and, in turn, has produced growing demands in tourist products and services. Consequently, the offer trend has been oriented towards experiences, becoming more distinctive and diverse. This new scenario has led the countries to add experiences as part of what they offer and, consequently, of their promotional campaigns. Being aware of this new reality and, to avoid lagging behind our competitors, PromPerú decided the experience offering should be the focal point of the “Live the Legend” campaign. The first step to achieve this objective was to prepare a communication strategy that included the experience offering besides the selling of goods, products and services. All these elements, which are important within this new strategic concept, comprise our main offering. Their main characteristics are listed below:

Offer Oferta

Characteristics Características

• Goods

- Perishable - Replaceable

• Product

- Tangible - Follows a standard model

• Service

- Intangible - Customizable

• Experience

- Unforgettable - Personal

32-33 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend” campaign

Strategy tools

• To focus advertising on “anchor” tourist attractions.

• Tourist assistance during their visit, so that they may recommend it to relatives and friends, and they may repeat their trip.

• To prioritize the use of online media(Internet)forpromotingand disseminating the attractions.

• Preparation of specific advertising for each consumer segment: niche, multi-thematic and fashionable experience seeker.

• To strengthen Peru’s positioning as a cultural, natural and authentic destination, capable of transmitting unique experiences.

CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES • To motivate our target audience to think of Peru as the best alternative for their next trip. • To avoid making Peru a massive incoming tourist destination, thus achieving a sustainable tourist activity.

• To achieve that current tourists repeat their trip and recommend it to their relatives and friends. • To make potential tourists materialize their visit.

Remember that: Experiences are related to the stimulation of the senses: they may be seen, felt, touched, smelled, tasted and listened to. A product is something the tourist buys; but an experience is something the tourist will remember for a lifetime.

34-35 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend” campaign

Evaluating prototypes for the new campaign Research and recollection of information are vital for designing a successful promotional campaign, as they help to define the proposal of value. This is the reason why PromPerú carried out a focus group among tourists from Spain, United Kingdom, United States and Brazil. The main results obtained were the following:

engine for information and price comparison, mainly of air tickets. • Many tourists feel safer if they book their trip through an agency, especially for long haul trips. • Some tourists enjoy traveling alone because this gives them more opportunitiestolivearealadventure in an unknown destination.

• Peru is perceived worldwide as a diverse country in many aspects. • It is necessary to promote“anchor” attractions, such as Machu Picchu, which offer good services and are surrounded by other tourist attractions. • Promotional campaigns must convey positive sensations experienced by tourists when they visit Peru. • The initial inspiration for picking a trip usually comes from books; magazines, such as National Geographic; or television documentaries, such as those broadcast by Discovery Channel. We have to use these resources, as they awaken the tourist’s interest and position the country within the list of places they would like to visit. • Positive experiences told by people who have already visited the country are a very important motivation for the selection of a tourist destination. • Internet is the first search

Selectingthesloganfor the campaign The investigation confirmed that Peru’s most outstanding characteristics as a tourist destination are related to the diversity of attractions, and the idea that it is a place where reality outdoes fiction. These special features are sustained by its several thousand year-old culture, exuberant nature, great biodiversity and ancestral living cultures. Then, the challenge consisted of trying to summarize this perception in a creative concept that achieved a powerful synthesis, capable of selling Peru’s image as a tourist destination. This is how this phrase originated: “Peru, Live the Legend”

Topics / destinations used in the campaign Machu Picchu was chosen as the main campaign icon. Other destinations that are ready to be promoted within the scope of incoming tourism were also selected. They are all attractions whose characteristics adjust to the proposal suggested by the strategy.



Machu Picchu Main icon Lake Titicaca Living cultures and nature Nasca Chan Chan


Lord of Sipán and Túcume

Culture and nature


Amazon Rainforest Nature Scissors dancers Living cultures White Mountain Nature Range Amazon pink Nature river dolphin

Mass media used in the campaign • Television • Internet • Newspapers and magazines oriented towards our target audience. • Outdooradvertising:buses,palettes in the main shopping centers, billboards on the main avenues. • Strategic alliance with 28 member airlines of the One World Alliance, which have given the campaign presence in 700 destinations in 150 countries.

36-37 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend� campaign

Transformingproducts into experiences Since television is the most effective mass media, we decided to create a TV spot that served as a catalyst for the new campaign. The visual concept and the script were based on one premise: to communicate experiences. The other promotional materials, such as posters, brochures, webpages, press advertisements, etc. were oriented into the same direction. The script for the TV spot of the campaign and the promotional posters are shown below: These are practical examples of how to describe our attractions in order to sell experiences: They may be subsequently contrasted with the traditional way of selling a tourist destination.

Before = traditional selling • Machu Picchu is an archeological monument of the Inca culture discovered by the American explorer Hiram Bingham back in 1911... • The Lord of Sipán’s tomb exhibits rich grave goods... • The scissors dance originated in Ayacucho, Apurímac and Huancavelica... • The Amazon pink river dolphin lives in the Amazon River... • Chan Chan is an adobe citadel of the Chimú culture... • The Nasca Lines are enormous figures representing mammals, insects and gods... • Taquile is an island of craftsmen located on Lake Titicaca... • Peruvian cuisine is one of the best in the world...

38-39 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend” campaign

Now = selling of experiences

TV spot script Audio

Video We enter a magical world, the camera flies over impressive mountains and stops when it reaches Machu Picchu; the shot has a different angle from the traditional postcard picture. We see the Inca citadel.

In the land where the gods became mountains...

We move to a shot of a man dressed in gold, such as the Lord of Sipán. It is a low-angle shot and the background is a magnificent sky with adobe pyramids.

...the children of the sun are clad in gold.

It is a rainy dusk, and we see three scissors dancers. majestically leaping. We see a shot of the scissor cutting a raindrop..

And mortals with scissor hands dance all day long.

We move to a shot of the jungle; the camera moves forward between the trees and we suddenly see an Amazon pink river dolphin jumping in the air.

Amazon pink river dolphins emerge from the waters.

We then proceed to a shot of Chan Chan; the camera ascends by one of its walls, and we discover the city.

A gigantic adobe city rises beyond...

Now, in the desert, the sun enables us to identify the gigantic Nasca Lines.

...and kilometric ancestral figures left their mark in the desert.

We pass to a sequence where we appreciate the interaction of tourists with the places we have seen. We see a group of tourists in a grand Andean festival, dancing and drinking chicha de jora (maize beer); in the same festival there is a table with several plates of typical Peruvian food.

This place exists. You may see it and feel it.

We end with a pack shot of Machu Picchu. This image disappears and a Peru logo and the web site address are overprinted on the black background.

Peru, Live the Legend.

To attract the experience seeker, it is necessary to rethink the way in which we promote and offer our tourist products. The best way of doing that is to appeal to their needs and emotions.

Posters A. Mobilizers: The Magical Andes The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature

The children of the Sun emerge from the mirror of heaven. At 3,800 meters closer to heaven, Manco Cåpac and Mama Ocllo came out of the waters of Lake Titicaca to fulfill the wish expressed by their father, the God Sun: to found a powerful empire that should venerate him. The clouds seem to show us the path they followed. And the lake, as a mirror of heaven, shows us the God Sun’s smile. This place exists. You may see it, feel it. PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND

B. Mobilizers: Ancient Civilizations The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature The Magical Andes

Where the gods became mountains. The Inca ordered that gigantic blocks of stone should become alive and ascend up to the clouds. Right there, he built his home with splendorous gardens and gold-covered walls. At the gate of the sun, the clouds dissipate to reveal that mystery that still inhabits one of the most majestic works created by man. You may see it, feel it. PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND

C. Mobilizers: The Mysterious Desert and the Beaches to Discover Ancient Civilizations

He came out of the sea and built eternal walls. His name was Tacaynamo and, together with thousands of men, he built a city out of mud. Nearly 20 kilometers of engraved walls and narrow corridors, as vast as the horizon, are silent witnesses of the mystery that has kept them standing for centuries. This place exists, come to see it, to live it, to feel it. PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND

40-41 Part 4. Building experiences: the “Peru, live the legend� campaign

D. Mobilizers: The Magical Andes The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature Extreme Experiences

The land from where the stars may be reached rests inside her snow-white wrap. Millenary voices have named the land from where no star seems to be too far. Smiling gods may be seen from its majestic and living mountains of over 6,000 meters of altitude. These snowed peaks exist. You may see and feel them. PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND

E. Mobilizers: The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature

Green giants become alive and walk over their roots. The voices of the rainforest say that the immense trees of the Amazon come alive and move at will, as if they were zealous guardians deciding whom they will show the mysterious places of amazing beauty. You may see and feel the land of the green giants. PERU, LIVE THE LEGEND

Tourists’ response to the campaign

Guidelinesusedinthecampaignwhichyoumayapply to incorporate the experiences to your business or company

“Mystery always sells. With this campaign you are selling mystery and a way of escaping from daily life”. Nina Morgan, Canada

Include in your portfolio activities in which tourists may directly participate and become involved with the inhabitants of the place they will visit. For example: knitting classes with the dwellers of the Taquile island, flora and fauna watching with a local inhabitant, fishing on totora reed boats, riding llamas, grape crushing in a vineyard in Ica, etc.

“I feel fascinated and, at the same time, attracted “ Josh Neumann, United States

Include dance and music in your offering. Remember that Peruvian folklore is rich and diverse.

“This slogan awakens people’s imagination”.

João Proença, Brazil

Combine activities that include contact with nature and wild life. Remember that our biodiversity and geography are unique in the world. For example: adventure sports (white water rafting in the Colca canyon, parasailing, trekking), bird watching, stay in natural reserves, etc.

“It gives you reasons to visit Peru. It is like the History Channel. It offers abundant information and history and tells you about its legends”. Sabine Roll, Germany.

Organize events (samplings, food and wine matchings, gourmet circuits, etc.), in order to let tourists enjoy our gastronomy. Food is one of the most effective ways of stimulating their senses.

“At this very moment I am thinking: Wow!” Jean-Jacques Blanc, France.

Introduce a touch of modernity into your offering, including tours by the main cities, shopping, visits to museums, art exhibitions, etc.



for positioning experiences

TOOLS The overall purpose of this chapter is to share with you some of the marketing tools we used in PromPerú for creating and implementing the “Peru, Live the Legend” campaign: • Recommendations for making experiences more competitive • The promotion of experiences and the use of the 8 key mobilizers • Promotional materials • The preparation of promotional materials: - Voice, tone, verbal tense, style - Practical advice • The use of photos for selling experiences: - Tips to get the maximum benefit out of photos - Practical examples • The colors of the promotional materials • The media advertising - The press release - The preparation of a kit for mass media - The news bulletin - Improving the webpages - Prepare a digital presentation • Tour packages and their benefits

44-45 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

CREATING A COMPETITIVE OFFERING These are some of the tips you may use to make the experiences more attractive: • Recollect interesting facts and information about the culture, history,traditions,geography,flora and fauna of your area or location. It will be useful to share it with the tourists and to prepare your promotional materials. • The experience seeker is eager to learn. Promote activities that involve contact with products, food, drinks, clothing, tools, sports, dances, etc. • Use the environment and geography of your area to boost the selling of experiences. • Use local personnel and products made in your location, such as: building materials, handicrafts, decorative objects, clothing, garments, etc. • Offerinformationaboutthecultural eventsofyourlocationandprepare an updated database with the addresses of shops, markets, restaurants, museums, parks and any other attraction which may be interesting for tourists.

• Give the tourist the opportunity to know the outstanding celebrities of your location, such as: an artist, chef, craftsman, etc. • Use creativity to renew your offering every certain time, thus you will give a fresh and innovative image, and will surprise the travelers. • Specialize your product offering according to the specific groups of clients. • Promote what distinguishes your product or business from all others.

The promotion of experiences and the 8 key mobilizers We have taken as example four of the eight mobilizers to prepare this guide, intended to illustrate in a practical way how can we transform our tourist attractions into experiences.

Mobilizer: A Gastronomic Paradise

Resource: The food sold by a restaurant. The images of food plates serve to show the client what he is able to order.

Product: Articles such as the bill of fare, tables, chairs and other restaurant furniture. The images show the empty restaurant rooms.

Service: The service the restaurant provides by means of its employees. The images show a smiling waiter taking a client’s order.

Experience: Our culinary wealth is transformed into a unique experience when it is presented in a restaurant located in some outstanding place because of its history, traditions, natural beauty and its typical food. The images show the tourists enjoying the food, with a spectacular landscape as background.

46-47 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

Mobilizer: A Celebration of Life Resource: The totora reef boats and the rowers on Lake Titicaca. The images show the totora boats with their rowers aligned on the lake shore, awaiting the tourists.

Product: A travel agency provides the guide, transportation, food and lodging. The images show the guide giving instructions to the tourists.

Service: The travel agency organizes an itinerary and offers a specialized guide. The images show the guide explaining the tourists about the activities which local inhabitants carry out.

Experience: The client has the opportunity of spending time with the Uros people and learn about their customs and lifestyle. The images show the tourists interacting with the local dwellers.

Mobilizer: The Unexplored Amazon Rainforest and its Exuberant Nature

Resource: Nature, exotic landscapes and wild life. The image shows the depth of the rainforest.

Product: A lodge with a series of amenities for the tourists stay. The image shows the lodge’s features.

Service: The lodge offers a series of additional services, such as room service, spa, safety boxes, etc. The image shows a lodge employee waiting on the tourists.

Experience: The clients enjoy the contact with nature in an exotic place. The image shows tourists interacting with the local fauna at the lodge facilities.

48-49 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

Mobilizer: Extreme Experiences

Resource: A river and the possibilities it offers for adventure sport. The image shows a view of the river and its flow.

Product: The sports equipment (rafts, oars, helmets, lifejackets, etc.) and qualified instructors. The image offers a view of the outside of the shop and the equipment it rents.

Service: Equiment rental, the guide and advice of rafting instructors, luggage storage, safety guides and a map of the tours according to the water flow. The image shows the instructors giving basic classes to tourists.

Experience: Tourists live a fascinating adventure by navigating the waters of a river with a large flow and at the same time enjoy the incredible local landscape. The image shows tourists practicing river rafting.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Promotional material, such as webpages, brochures, posters and advertising in mass media are vital to achieve the positioning into the market. The functions of these materials are the massive diffusion of experiences, products or services and the attraction of new clients.

The preparation of promotional material

The preparation of promotional material

Promotional material must be prepared having in mind the target audience and what you want to communicate. Remember the experience seeker is not only attracted by large and expensive advertising campaigns, but they rather prefer much more personal forms of communication.

To write about the experiences, we recommend you to follow this concise style guide:

Keep these tips in mind when you are preparing your promotional material: Importance of promotional material • They are the communication channel with the client. • They inform about the advantages and attributes of the tourist destination or attraction. • They help consolidate our image, and distinguish us from our competitors. • They strengthen our reputation and give us prestige. • They contribute to fixate the recall of the attraction in our clients’ minds.

• Think the promotional material is targeted to people who are active, curious and young in spirit.

• Voice Write in first person, whenever possible to create a sensation of intimacy, as if you were having a traveler-to-traveler talk. • Tone It must be conversational, relaxed and fresh, neither refined nor pompous. • Verbal tense

• The language to be used must be direct and concise, but, at the same time, it must sound intimate and personal, as if you were telling a story. • Evoke feelings instead of simply listing activities, attractions or events. • Your writing style must be simple, cheerful and amusing. Avoid using dense texts. • Investigate, recollect and verify the information before using it.

Use present tense in your descriptions to give your texts a sense of freshness. For example: “Machu Picchu is...”, instead of “Machu Picchu was...”. • Style The style of your texts must be dynamic. Use emotional verbs, such as “feel”, “experience”, “taste”, “listen to”, “like”, “surprise”, “smell”, “live”, ”discover, “relax”, etc.; and sensorial adjectives, such as “big”, “brilliant”, “colorful”, crystalline”,“deep”, “unusual”, “delicious”, “daring”, etc., to make your texts and descriptions more vivid.

• Visit webpages, blogs or get in contact with public or private organizationsthatmayprovideyou with reliable information.

Communicating a tourism experience is very different from communicating a product. When you promote an experience, you must speak of what the client wants to feel.

50-51 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

Whenever you finish writing any text, read it in full and out loud. Then, ask yourself if it conveys:

• Energy • Intimacy • Naturality • Originality • Authenticity Finally, ask yourself whether reading it motivates you to travel and get to know the place or the experience it describes.

To write about a tourist product or destination, follow these tips: • Use the 8 key experiences to “captivate” your clients, by describing them at the beginning of your promotion material texts. • Emphasize what makes your product or destination different from all others, and include details of the activities which are part of the 8 key experiences. • Highlight the experiences and everything related to them, such as their diversity, the environment, geography, inhabitants’ lifestyle, etc.

AN IMAGE IS WORTH MORE THAN A THOUSAND WORDS The power of images is such that, by themselves, they may tell stories; generate emotions, feelings and sensations; and even convey messages. This is the reason why they are a very efficient way of communicating our experiences.

• Include the image of tourist guides interacting with visitors in your shots. • Try to show in one photo as many activities as possible. • Make sure the photos show tourists interacting with local people and the surrounding environment.

Selling experiences through images The photos or images frequently used to promote our country’s tourist attractions generally show beautiful landscapes or impressive archeological sites with few or no people at all. To communicate and sell experiencies through images, we must show the tourists in action, in other words, participating in the activities.

Tips to get the maximum benefit out of photos • Photos must show people in real situations, participating in the activities.

• Avoid taking and using photos of empty landscapes. • Do not use photos that show only one person. • Use photos that show tourists practicing outdoor or adventure sports. • Use photos that show tourists participating in art exhibitions, food festivals, dances, carnivals, popular and religious feasts, etc. • Use photos that show tourists interacting with celebrities (chefs, artists, etc.) or funny characters.

• They must look and feel natural. Avoid using posed photos.

Remember that: The most important function of photos as promotional material is to make experiences look vivid. Thus, you must capture a moment in time and evoke the sensations we wish to provoke in our visitors with the 8 key mobilizers: amazement, discovery, learning, exploration and spiritual enrichment.


A classic shot

A shot that shows experiences

52-53 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL COLORS PromPerú has developed a graphic line with the purpose of guiding people and/or companies in charge of preparing its publications and promotional materials (brochures, two-page leaflets, posters, books, manuals, etc). Besides typography, supporting elements and other parameters, it includes a color guide that you can use as an example to develop your own graphic line and, therefore, obtain a strong and consistent visual identity for your offering. For further information about PromPerú’s graphic line, you may contact our marketing office.

c 0 m 29 a 57 n 90

Primary color Brown It identifies the publication as part of the same graphic line. It suggests the idea of a warm country and, at the same time, it transmits authenticity.

Secondary colors Through the title and/or graphic support elements, they identify the type of graphic material to which the piece belongs to. It may be:

c 0 m 55 a 100 n 0

• General Orange This color presents the country through tourist destinations, by means of promotional and informative material.

• Thematic These colors present the country through tourist themes, and are divided into three categories: c 70 m 0

a 100 n 0

c 0 a 100 m 100 n 0 c 95 m 0

a 5 n 0

Green It represents nature.

Red It represents culture.

Sky blue It represents adventure.


• Do not use pretentious phrases or abuse of technical language.

Promoting yourself in the media does not necessarily imply the spending of large amounts of money. If we handle our public relations with the press in an adequate way, we will generate free advertising or publicity.

• Communicate the clever or attractive twist of your business, product, service or experience in a clear way, stressing out what makes you different from your competitors.

To achieve this objective, and if you do not have your own Public Relations department, you might learn to prepare promotional material (press releases, news bulletins, etc.) and organize press conferences or other events, where journalists could have direct contact with your offered destination or product.

• Do not use abbreviations or contractions, nor assume that the reader has previous knowledge of the topics covered by your press release. • If you are going to write a heading, it must be a summary of the press release and should not have more than two lines of extent.

The press release Is an essential public relations tool that provides information ready to be published. It is more effective when used to make any announcement regarding the destination, product or service, or to inform about any particular aspect of the same. You should consider the following tips to write a press release:

• If you mention some person, write their full name and position within the company. • Do not forget to include your data or those of the person in charge of public relations in your business, as well as telephone numbers, addresses, dates, email adresses and webpages. To distribute your press release:

• The length of the press release should not exceed one page. • Be concise, go straight to the point and avoid the use of slang.

• Take into account the deadlines for the publication of newspapers and magazines.

• Prepare a contact list with the names of journalists and mass media. Send the press release to the pertinent person. • Make sure the information of your press release does not clash with the editorial line of the medium you are sending it. • If you send your press release through the email, include the text in the body of the message and not as an attachment. • Donotattachhighresolutionphotos, unless you are asked to do so. Preparing a kit for the mass media When we need to promote a new product or service, announce the introduction of changes in our business, or we are carrying out an important event, it is necessary to prepare a powerful promotional material. As a general rule, a press kit must include: • Press releases. • The company’s brochure (history, description,characteristics,awards or distinctions, clients, telephone numbers, addresses, etc.) • Photocopiesofarticlespublishedin the media regarding the business or product.

• Always try to write in third person. • The first paragraph must include the purpose of the release and the most important ideas. • The press release must answer the following questions: “who?”,“what?”, “when?”, “why?” and “how?”.

Remember that: In terms of the cost/benefit ratio, one of the most effective ways of promotion is to disseminate the information through the mass media that are used by our clients.

54-55 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

• Complementary information. • CD with photos and information in digital format Place all the above materials inside a cardboard file, designed with the characteristic business or product colors and logotype.

Improving the webpages For the purpose of promotion, dissemination, advertising and positioning, webpages are no longer an optional tool, and have become a necessity. Their main objective is to expand client coverage, provide with detailed information about a product or service and increase sales volumes.

The news bulletin News bulletins are a tool for disseminating recurrent information about the business and, at the same time, keeping our audience informed. Their preparation must be based on the target audience and written in an informal, dynamic style. They may be prepared in diverse formats and materials (black and white, in color), although digital versions are preferable, because of coverage and cost/benefit reasons, as they allow to send them via email or place them on your web page, if you have one. Before preparing a news bulletin, you should ask yourself the following questions: • Whom are you writing for? • What do you want to communicate and inform? • What articles are the most adequate for that purpose? • How can you prepare the bulletin at the lowest possible cost? • What should be the frequency of publication? • How can you reach the target audience with your bulletin?

To obtain the expected results with this tool, you must use the following general criteria: • Develop the content of the page accordingtotheneedsofyourtarget audience. • Choose backgrounds that do not interferewiththereadingofthetext. • Favor sober colors and avoid phosphorescent shades.

• Make sure that your webpage appears in the search engine indices, such as Google or Yahoo!

Preparing a digital presentation Power Point and other similar programs are very useful applications for the visual support of the presentation of businesses, products, services or projects. Its objective is to help establish a more direct contact with the audience and communicate the information in a didactic and specific way. In order to reach your goal and, given that texts and images are the resources of this kind of software, your presentation must follow the criteria and guidelines provided in this chapter as much as possible.

• Avoid flashing or flickering in words or images. • Include your graphic line elements in your design. • Avoid long, block-like texts, and write them following the tips provided in this manual. • Avoid the abuse of capital letters and be careful with your spelling. • Use photos according to the tips provided in this manual. • Update the contents on a regular basis. • Organize the information in a way the user may find what they are looking for in the least possible number of steps (clicks).

Tour packages and their benefits One way to develop and sell experiences is by creating tour packages that include complementary selected activities, that respond to the experience seeker’s characteristics, needs and wishes. Any business, big or small, can coordinate a package to sell its product. It is not about assuming different roles, but about coordinating with other services to generate positive traveling experience. For example, besides promoting its accommodation services, the operator of a tourist hostel located in a city like Arequipa, recognized for its excellent gastronomy, could promote attractions, such as the visit

Remember that: The organization of tour packages is an effective way of promoting a wide variety of tourist attractions. The success of said attractions depends on the mutual collaboration between the service providers of a determined location or region, by means of offering quality products.

56-57 Part 5. Tools for positioning experiences

to a traditional picantería or typical food restaurant, or the sampling of typical dishes in a gastronomic fair. Thus, the offering is enriched with an added value, making it more attractive for the tourist.

The benefits of tour packages are listed below: • They increase the tourism offer and help consolidate us as a competitive and quality destination. • They extend the tourist stay and increase the inflow of tourists to the country. • They improve the distribution of profits among tour operators. • They improve the profile and reputation of tourist companies or businesses.

Remember that: A selling experience is a group of smaller experiences that work as chain links that complement each other.



FINALRECOMMENDATIONS Final recommendations All along this manual we have shared with you a series of marketing guidelines used by PromPerú to achieve the transition of the country’s tourism offer towards experiences. These are some general recommendations that will help you to get in tune with this new approach: • Remember Perú’s 8 key movilizers, and think how the promotion of your offering relates to them. • Think which of the 8 key movilizers your company or product is identified with, and if it is using their advantages. • You already know the difference between merchandise, product and service. Now: - Think of a way to transform your product into experiences. - Design a plan to achieve that purpose. - Evaluate if your offering is related to the key movilizers, and find the way to differentiate it from your competitors. If your business does not have the capacity, look for strategic alliances with other companies. - Compare your costs with those of your competitors. Take the quality of the offering into account. - Carry out your plan by using the tools provided in this manual.

60 Part 6. Final Recommendations

• Seek the consultancy of tourism organizations in the public or private sector, at the regional or national level.


• Reach out to other service providers and tourist operators of your location to find the best way to jointlyworktheexperienceoffering. • Research and analyze the market studies on tourism that are available.You may find them in this webpage:

You may access our virtual marketing module in this website: • If you want to know about successful experiences in other countries, you may visit: • • ftoPublicaciones.asp?HidAccio n=Grupo&HidId=2&ic=1&SubTi po_ZP=1

• • • •

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