Planning your trip to Peru
Procedures prior to leaving your place of origin a. Complete the online form Download the Pre-registro Migraciones application and register * no earlier than 72 hours before your flight. As the application
is only available for Android, if you have an IOS device you will need to pass through standard immigration control.
An electronic statutory declaration of the traveler's health and * commitment to isolate or undergo quarantine. b. The statutory health declaration includes: Information that identifies the person and, where applicable, * any dependents in their care. itinerary information. * Travel Peruvian or foreign resident. * Residency: type: special or commercial. * Flight history information. * Medical to make contact with health authorities. * AA commitment commitment to use the application to record self-triage * results daily for 14 days. must show a negative real-time RT-PCR test result issued * You no more than 72 hours earlier. In the case of children under 12 years of age, you must present a medical certificate of good health.
c. Following registration, a QR code able to be validated on any mobile device will be issued. d. The airline is responsible for verifying your documentation before you board the aircraft. e. If symptoms occur during your visit you must notify the relevant health authority.