El León Waterfalls © Wilfredo Espinoza / PROMPERÚ
Pasco A practical guide for visitors
Pasco Location
Central highlands and jungle of Peru
Cerro de Pasco (4338 meters)
Elevation Min.: 450 meters (Puerto Bermúdez) Max.: 4380 meters (Chaupimarca and Yanacancha)
Climate Temperature Max.:
12 ºC
Dec - Mar
Mar - Jun
Jun - Sept
Sept - Dec
Arriving By land
7 hr. Huancayo-Cerro de Pasco: 255 km / 5 hr. Huánuco-Cerro de Pasco: 105 km / 1 hr. 45 min Lima-Oxapampa 385 km / 10 hr. 30 min Lima-Villa Rica: 367 km / 10 hr. Lima-Cerro de Pasco: 295 km /
Chumpinvilca Archaeological Complex, Tapuc Š Daniel Silva / PROMPERÚ A region plentiful in mineral, cultural and natural resources. With its geography of mountains and jungle, it boasts snow-capped peaks and beautiful tropical forests.
Departmental Departmental capital capi
Pasco Pasco
ProvincialProvincial capital capital District capital District capital Tourist attraction Tourist attraction
Emperor Guille
Chumpivilca Chumpivilca archaeologicalarchaeological remains remains
to Huánuco to Huánuco to Tarapototo Tarapoto
Astobamba and Astobamba and Huarautambo Huarautambo archaeologicalarchaeological complex complex Tambochaca and Tambochaca and Páucar Villo hot springs Villo hot springs
Pallanchacra Pallanchacra Chacayán Huariaca Huariaca
Conoc hot springs Conoc hot springs
Ticlacayán Ticlacayán Ichugán archaeological Ichugán archaeological Gorish archaeological Nevado Huaguruncho Floralp milk plaF Nevado Huaguruncho remains remains Gorish archaeological remains remains Chontabam
Yanahuanca Yanahuanca
Cerro deCerro Pascode Pasco La Cumbre fishLafarm Cumbr Goñicutac Goñicutac archaeologicalarchaeological remains remains Tinyahuarco
Punrún Lagoon Punrún Lagoon
Vicco Ninacaca
Tunqui Cave T
La Florida Lookout La Flori
Huayllay National Huayllay Sanctuary National Sanctuary
La Calera hot springs La Calera hot springs
to Junín to Lima
to Junín to Lima
ProvincialProvincial border border
ImportantImportant mountainmountain
Main roadMain road
Natural Protected Natural Protected Area Area
AsphaltedAsphalted road road
Lake or lagoon Lake or lagoon
Unmade road Unmade road
UCAYALI UCAYALI to Pucallpa to Pucallpa
ermo II Bridge
esha Cultural Yánesha Cultural House House
El Sira Communal El Sira Reserve Communal Reserve Puerto BermúdezPuerto Bermúdez
aga–Chemillén Yanachaga–Chemillén ional ParkNational Park
asa Cultural Yánesha Casa Cultural Yánesha
pampa Oxapampa
níbal RuffnerAníbal Ranch Ruffner Ranch San Matías-San San Carlos Matías-San Carlos Tigre River waterfall Tigre River waterfall Protected Forest Protected Forest Rica
ín a
Villa Rica
El León waterfalls El León waterfalls Villa Rica lookout Villa Rica lookout
El Oconal Lagoon El Oconal Lagoon
to Junín to Lima
Escale (km)Escale (km)
20 0
20 40
From Cerro de Pasco to Yanahuanca
64 km
1 hr. 30 min
From Cerro de Pasco to Oxapampa
385 km
8 hr.
From La Merced (Junín) to Oxapampa
80 km
1 hr. 15 min
From Oxapampa to Villa Rica
71 km
1 hr. 30 min
From Oxapampa to Pozuzo
78 km
3 hr.
From Villa Rica to Izcozacín
110 km
8 hr.
Coffee growing in Villa Rica © Walter Silvera / PROMPERÚ
3 days
(the minimum recommended stay)
½ day
Cerro de Pasco (the old and the new city).
1 day
Oxapampa: city tour, Miraflores neighborhood, Tigre River waterfall, Tunqui Cave, Floralp milk plant, trout farm, El Wharapo mill.
1 day
Pozuzo: San José Church, Schafferer Museum, typical houses, settler cemetery, Emperor Guillermo I Bridge, Guacamayo River natural pools.
1 day
Villa Rica: farms along the coffee trail, El Oconal Lagoon, lookout, El León waterfalls.
2 days
Pasco: Huayllay National Sanctuary, La Calera and Yanahuanca hot springs.
Calendar 1-8 Jan
Negritos de Vicco Festival
Mar (movable)
Andean Branding Festival
Apr (movable)
Easter and Expo Oxa
Central Jungle (Oxapampa) Tourism week
24-30 July
Ecotourism festival and anniversary of the arrival of the Austro-German settlers
25-30 July
National “Villa Rica” Coffee Festival
25-31 Aug
Tourism Week and Oxapampa Patron Saint’s Feast Day
Ecotourism of Rural (Ruraltur Huayllay)
4-8 Oct
Ecotourism Festival “Pozuzo Promised Land”
21-27 Nov
Anniversary of the creation of the region of Pasco Jubilee and Tourism Week.
24-31 Dec
Negritos de Huayllay Tourism Festival
What to eat? Typical dishes in the mountains of Pasco include pachamanca (cooking in a pit using meat, potatoes and corns), patasca (beef or pigs trotter soup), caldo de cabeza de carnero (ram head soup) and picante de cuy (barbecued guinea pig seasoned with hot peppers). Beef, pork and chicken are plentiful in the jungle, together with yuca (cassava), cheese and bananas. Austro-German dishes are popular, such as brendsuppe (toasted corn flour soup), albóndigas (meatballs) and kasekuchen (cheesecake). A high energy drink alternative is a punch made with maca.
What to buy? Exquisite cheeses, manjarblanco (blancmange), yogurts and fresh milk can be purchased in Oxapampa. Its coffee is outstanding, as are its sugar cane byproducts, such as brandy and cane syrup. In Pasco, there are cheeses and yogurts, as well as products made from the maca plant. One can also buy fabrics made from alpaca fiber.
What to see? Pasco Province Replica of the home of Daniel Alcides Carrión Los Incas Ave s/n, 1.8 km from Cerro de Pasco (10 min. by car). Ticket entry. Dedicated to the memory of Daniel Alcides Carrión, a hero of Peruvian medicine, the house is located at the entrance to the hospital which bears his name.
The Church of San Pedro de Ninacaca 41 km to the southeast of Cerro de Pasco (30 min. by car). Construction of this church with a single nave and stone walls began in 1580. It combines Andean elements (a straw roof) as well as Spanish (an altar of wood and gold leaf) and in 1626 was consecrated to Peter, its Patron Saint.
The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Vicco Vicco Main Square, 18 km from Cerro de Pasco (25 min. by car). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, by prior arrangement with the church. This picturesque stone church with gable roofs dates from the 17th century.
Punrun Lagoon 37 km to the southwest of Cerro de Pasco (1 hr. 15 min. by car). The freezing waters of this vast lagoon lie at 4200 meters. Its fauna consists of birds such as the wild duck, the Andean goose, gulls, the grebe and the kingfisher, and fish such as trout and catfish. Boxwood trees, garbancillo and ichu grass grow in the surroundings. The island of Pumapachupan is a feature.
Huayllay National Sanctuary 43 km to the south of Cerro de Pasco in the Huayllay district (40 min. by car). Ticket entry. Wind and water have shaped the area’s rocks in forms which resemble outlines of humans, silhouettes of animals, arches and doorways. In its forest, deer, vicuñas, Andean mountain cats, skunks and hawks can be spotted. The sanctuary also has hot springs with curative qualities.
La Calera Hot Springs 45 km to the northwest of Cerro de Pasco (1 hr. 15 min. by car) or 3 km from the Huayllay district (25 min. on foot). Ticket entry. The water here reaches 60 °C and is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfates, chlorides and bicarbonates. It relieves muscular pain and nervous conditions.
Conoc Hot Springs Pallanchacra district, 66 km east of Cerro de Pasco (2 hr. by bus). Ticket entry. The water here reaches 29 °C and is recommended for its healing properties.
Nevado Huaguruncho 86 km to the east of Cerro de Pasco (3 hr. by bus) as far as Huachón, from where it is a 6 km journey to the foothills of the mountain (45 min. by car). The mountain has four main glaciers: Jacahuay (5180 meters), Ranrajanca (5180 meters), Carhuaraj (5160 meters) and Incatama (5130 meters). Visits to the Huaguruncho, Leche Cocha, Suyro Cocha, Talaya and Pacchapata lagoons are recommended before climbing this 5730 meter peak.
Oxapampa Province Oxapampa 385 km to the east of Lima (10 hr 30 min. by bus). In 1891, Germans and Austrians founded Santa Rosa de Oxapampa on the right bank of the Chontabamba River. The European influence in this town in the upper Peruvian jungle is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, dances and festivals. An obelisk constructed in 1959 in homage to the founders of Oxapampa and Villa Rica is located in the town’s main square. Surrounding the square is the Church of Santa Rosa (built of wood in 1939), the Settler's Walk and the Oxapampa Central Social Club. The neighborhood of Miraflores is notable for the characteristic houses built in the typical Austro-German style.
The Tigre River Waterfall 14 km from Oxapampa, Cañera settlement (10 min. by car). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Livestock estates, passion fruit plantations and lovely scenery can all be seen along the journey towards this waterfall, which is surrounded by lush vegetation and has a drop of 20 meters.
La Florida Lookout 3.4 km from the Oxampampa Main Square, in the Chontabamba district (Oxapampa–Yaupi Highway). This natural lookout offers excellent views of the Chontabamba valley, the surrounding countryside and the city of Oxapampa.
Tunqui Cave 5 km from Oxapampa, in the Chontabamba district (10 min. by car). Ticket entry. This limestone cavern is notable for its stalactites and the unusual figures which can be seen inside, such as one resembling a witch.
La Cumbre Fish Farm 3.4 km from the Oxapampa Main Square in the Chontabamba district (10 min. by car). Opening hours Mon-Sat: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm / Sun: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Ticket entry. The farm provides information about the life cycle and the raising of trout and the visitor can take part in the feeding process.
El Wharapo Tourist Recreation Facility 3.3 km from the Oxapampa Main Square in the Chontabamba district (15 min. by car). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Ticket entry. The mill here is turned by hydraulic power and dates back to 1890. It produces a fermented cane juice known as warapo. While enjoying the relaxing surrounds, the visitor can purchase items produced from the sugar cane.
The Aníbal Ruffner Ranch 3 km from the Oxapampa Main Square in the Chontabamba district (5 min. by car). Ticket entry during public holidays, or by prior arrangement at other times. This is the only estate that is open for members of the public to participate in Oxapampa’s traditional activities, such as ribbon tournaments, rodeos and Austro-German dancing.
Floralp Milk Plant 3.7 km from the Oxapampa Main Square (5 min. by car). Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 12:45 pm / 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm / Sat 8:30 am 4:00 pm / Sun 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. On a visit to the plant one can learn about the production of dairy products such as yogurt, butter, manjarblanco (blancmange) and various types of cheese.
Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park 62 km to the north of Oxapampa (2 hr. 30 min. by car). Ticket sales at its office: Jirón Pozuzo C-3 s/n, Oxapampa, tel. (063) 462-544. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Ticket entry. The park owes its name to the colors of its mountains (yanachaga means ‘black’ in Quechua; chemillén means ‘burned’ in Yánesha). Its 122 thousand hectares range over distinct elevations and countryside: from high Andean punas, to tropical and cloud forests. Trees, such as the uculmano conifer, the strong devil conifer and the cedar, are all found here. So too are mosses, ferns, orchids, bromeliads, shrubs and canes. It is inhabited by fifty-nine species of mammal (such as the river wolf, the jaguar and the spectacled bear), 427 bird species (including the harpy eagle, the Andean cock-of-the-rock and the motmot) and 31 fish species, (including the bass, the boquichico and the mullet). Sixty Yanesha communities live in park. Tourist routes have been established in Huampal, San Alberto and San Daniel.
Villa Rica 30.5 km from Oxapampa (1hr. 30 min. by car), via the asphalted Oxapampa - Villa Rica Highway (Paucartambo Bridge). At estates surrounding this peaceful town, the visitor can take part in agricultural activities associated with coffee, pineapple and capsicum production. It is also point of entry to the valleys of the Pichis and Palcazú rivers.
Yánesha Culture House 37.1 km along the highway from Villa Rica to Puerto Bermúdez. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. This is the only community with a cultural house. Built from wood in the 1970s, it has the circular form typical of design in the jungle. Its objective is the preservation of customs, language, art and other Yánesha cultural expressions.
Villa Rica Lookout 3 km from Villa Rica. Free entry. This lookout, also known as La Cumbre (The Summit), is located on the edge of the town, above the left bank of the Entaz River, on the highway to Puerto Bermúdez. From here it is possible to view Villa Rica in its entirety, as well as the beautiful surroundings, home to coffee plantations that use agroforestry techniques.
El León Waterfall 5.5 km from Villa Rica (35 min. by car). Ticket entry. Two streams of the Yezu River create this 15-meter high waterfall.
Pozuzo © Fernando Criollo / PROMPERÚ
El Oconal Lagoon 3.8 km from Villa Rica (15 min. by car). Free entry Located on a plain, the lagoon covers an area of approximately 200 hectares. Although much of it is covered by vegetation, boat rides are possible. Aquatic birds can be watched around its perimeter.
Coffee Estates Entry by prior arrangement with each farm. Villa Rica’s coffee estates provide information about the production process, from the initial planting right through to the final beverage in the cup. Some have restaurants and accommodation.
Pozuzo 84 km to the north of Oxapampa (3 hr. by car). Pozuzo was the site of the arrival of the first Austro-Germans in 1859. The settlers designed their homes to resemble those in their homeland: geometric layouts, wooden floors and gable roofs. The Chapel of San José, the Padre José Egg Monument, the House of Culture, the settler cemetery, natural pools in the Guacamayo River and a craft beer brewery, are among its main tourist attractions.
Schafferer Museum Ave. Los Colonos s/n. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm / 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm / Sun 9:00 am - 1:00 pm by prior arrangement. The museum covers the history of the Austro-German settlers through an exhibition of the objects they brought and their belongings, such as tools, cooking utensils, ceramics, photographs and wooden furniture.
Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm I Bridge Over the Huancabamba River. This hanging bridge was a gift from Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia in 1914 and has been used since then as a river crossing. After a fifteen minute walk, the visitor arrives at a lookout from where the town of Pozuzo can be viewed.
Prusia 3 km from Pozuzo (4 min. by car). This neighborhood still preserves its European-style houses with detached roofs. It is notable for its park, the surrounding vegetation and the Austro-German architecture of its church.
Huayllay Huayllay Stone Forest Stone © César ForestVega © César / PROMPERÚ Vega / PROMPERÚ
Daniel Alcides Carrión Province Yanahuanca Chaupihuaranga Gorge, 64 km from Cerro de Pasco (1 hr. 30 min. by car). This town at 3184 meters is well-known for its high Andean forest. Its surroundings are home to agricultural communities and contain archeological sites.
Tambochaca and Villo Hot Springs 5.2 km from the community of Yanahuanca on the road to Oyón (15 min. by car). Ticket entry. The inhabitants of the area flock to these 75 °C waters to find relief from respiratory, rheumatic and nervous disorder, while enjoying the pleasant climate.
Chumpivilca Archeological Remains 12 km from Yanahuanca, in the district of Tápuc (25 min. by car). Chumpivilca served as an administrative and cultural center for the Yaro culture.
Goñicutac Archeological Remains 7 km from Yanahuanca, in the town of Rocco (15 min. by car). Ticket entry. The Yaro and Chaupihuaranga cultures can be appreciated during a visit to these constructions, which served as storage facilities, homes and watch towers.
Ichugán Archeological Remains 5 km from Yanahuanca, in the village of Chipipata (15 min. by car). The Inca-influenced towers here reach 2 meters in height.
Gorish Archeological Remains 16 km from Yanahuanca, in the Vilcabamba district (40 min. by car). These ruins consist of stepped paths, courtrooms, watch towers and terraces, all built by the Yaro.
Astobamba and Huarautambo Archeological Complex 7.1 km from Yanahuanca, at an elevation of 3634 meters. Astobamba was initially inhabited by the Yarush II culture and it appears to have been buried by a huge flood. The Huarautambo archeological site was built between 1460 and 1470 AD during the time of the Inca Pachacútec, its constructions are of Inca style. The Inca Trail (Qhapaq Ñan) passes close by it. Its beauty is exhibited in the s / 1.00 sol currency put into circulation by the Central Reserve Bank-BCR in 2015.
Chinche 15 km from Yanahuanca (30 min. by car). This area is notable for the Lancoy, Shalacuta and Goganmachay waterfalls, the Pintamachay and Rayhuan cave paintings and the Rabí and Viso hot springs.
The Tigre River waterfall in Oxapampa © Antonio Escalante / PROMPERÚ
Cerro de Pasco Cerro de Pasco City Center City Center
Altitude: 4338Altitu met
Urban areaUrban area Minera Cerro Minera Cerro
Primero dePrimero Mayo Camp de Mayo Camp 1
Coloso Coloso Yancachino Stadium Stadium 2 Yancachino
3 Alcides Daniel Daniel Carrión Alcides National Carrión National UniversityUniversity
4 Institute Pasco PascoofInstitute Higher of Higher TechnologyTechnology
5 Teaching Institute Teaching Institute
6 Señora Nuestra Nuestra delSeñora Carmendel School Carmen School
7 Yanacancha Yanacancha Market Market
Santa8 RosaSanta Market Rosa Market
9 10
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Minera Cerro Minera Cerro
City Hall City Hall
Post OfficePost Office Inter-departmental Inter-departmental bus terminal bus terminal
Open cut mine Open
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Contact us:
24 hours (+51-1) 574-8000 (+51) 944-492-314 iperu@promperu.gob.pe VisitPeru
www.peru.travel www.ytuqueplanes.com
The information in this brochure was updated in November 2019. In developing it, PROMPERU has used official information sources, including the Pasco Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism (DIRCETUR Pasco) Opening hours and telephones are subject to variation by each tourist attraction. Confirm times and phone numbers with IPERÚ.
A publication by the Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Board - PROMPERU Calle Uno Oeste n.° 50, piso 14, urb. Córpac, San Isidro, Lima - Perú Telephone: (+51-1) 616-7300 www.promperu.gob.pe © PROMPERÚ. All rights reserved. Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú n.° xxxxxx Printing: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. (Av. Los Frutales No. 344, Ate Vitarte-Lima) Lima, October 2019