Elevation Min.: 548 fasl (167 masl) (Honoria) Max.: 13,451 fasl (4,100 masl) (Yarumayo)
Useful information for travelers
Tingo María
Temperature Huánuco Max.: 75 °F (24 °C) / Min.: 64 °F (18 °C) Tingo María Max.: 84 °F (29 °C) / Min.: 64 °F (18 °C)
To make your visit an enjoyable one Go on excursions along known and signposted tourist routes.
Take your lodging information with you: name, address, phone number, and reservation code. Exchange money or withdraw cash from ATMs at banks or authorized stores. Do not accept help from strangers.
You might be asked to show your ID to enter a tourist attraction or establishment.
Keep your original IDs, valuables, and credit cards that you will not use on excursions in custody or in your lodging’s safe. Wear sunscreen, insect repellent, UV-protection sunglasses, and a cap. If you visit the waterfalls, bring your swimwear.
During the rainy season (December to March) Get information about the condition of the roads and access paths.
Wear a waterproof jacket, raincoat or umbrella.
Wear suitable footwear for walking on muddy terrain.