Subotica Palic vinski vodic wine guide

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Ovaj vodič će vas uputiti kako da se na jednostavan i prijatan način snađete u svetu naših autohtonih vina, nasleđu koje su nam zaveštali zemlja i sunce a koje je oplemenio naporan rad naših vinara.

In this guide we will share with you our advice on how to easily and enjoyably find your way in the world of our local wine, a heritage bequeathed by the land, sun and enriched by the hard work of our winemakers.

Pokazaćemo vam kako da otkrijete svet vina i da u njemu uživate.

We will show you how to discover and enjoy in it.

Okusite ga, pustite da vam ukus vina eksplodira uz nepce i prepustite se magičnom doživljaju raznolikih, neponovljivih, jedinstvenih i originalnih ukusa lokalnih vina.

Try the taste, letting the wine explode against the palate to discover magic sensation of different flavours that are at the same time one and unique, the incomparable and inimitable flavour of a local wine.

Uverite se zašto je Njujork tajms, u svom januarkom prilogu o putovanjima, preporučio svojim čitaocima baš ovaj vinski region kao jedno od 52 mesta na svetu koje obavezno treba posetiti u 2014. godini.

Check why the New York Times, in its January cover article on travel, recommended this particular wine region as one of the 52 places in the world to go in 2014.



VINARIJE 06 Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan 06 Vinski dvor 08 Vinarija Tonković 10 Vinarija Maurer 12 Vinarija DiBonis 14 Vinski salaš Čuvardić 16

WINERIES 06 Zvonko Bogdan Winery 06 Vinski dvor 08 Tonković Winery 10 Maurer Winery 12 DiBonis Winery 14 Čuvardić Wine Farm-house 16










Vinska regija

Wine region

Subotičko-horgoška vinska regija je deo prostrane panonske nizije koja se prostire između reka Dunava i Tise a ovde pokriva pojas severno od Subotice i Palića. Iskustvom vinogradara i vinara uz prirodan odabir sorti grožđa koje su najbolje prilagođene lokalnoj klimi i pretežno peščanom terenu – stvorena su vina visokog kvaliteta. U našoj regiji postoji značajan broj vinarija, od manjih porodičnih vinarija i prijatnih vinskih podruma do vinarija svetskog nivoa koje su poznate i van granica naše zemlje.

Serbian Subotica-Horgoš wine region is a part of the great Pannonian sands between the rivers Danube and Tisa. Here, vineyards cover belt north of Subotica and Palić. The experience of grape growers and winemakers have resulted in the natural selection of grape varieties that proved to possess the best qualities of adaptation to the local climate and dominantly sandy terrain while at the same time capable of producing wines of the highest quality. There are quite some number of wineries, from small family wineries and cosy wine cellars to a world-class estate recognized beyond the borders of the country.

Istorija proizvodnje vina

History of wine production

Tokom 300-godišnje istorije proizvodnje vina na peščarama oko Subotice i Palića, najbolji period u proizvodnji vina je bio od 1880-ih do 1980-ih godina. Danas smo ovde svedoci renesanse u proizvodnji vina kroz spoj tradicionalne i savremene tehnologije.

For about 300 years of wine-making history on sands around Subotica and Palić, the best years were from the 1880s to 1980s. Today, we are witnessing a renaissance in winemaking in Subotica sands as a result of juncture of traditional and modern technology applied to winemaking.

Autohtona vina

Local wine sorts

Autohtona vina su sveža, reska, blago kisela imaju voćne komponente i živahna su. Vina koja najbolje oslikavaju karakter peska su stare sorte vina: belo vino kevedinka i crveno vino kadarka. Uz njih su se očuvale i druge stare sorte autohtonih vina. Danas se, takođe, mogu naći i nove sorte vina, nove za ovaj vinski region, poput šardonea, rizlinga, kabernea, sovinjona i merloa. I stare i nove sorte vina subotičkohorgoške peščare osvajaju brojne domaće i međunarodne nagrade i priznanja.

Local wines are fresh, crisp, slightly acid with a fruity complex and lively. A true wine that expresses the very sand are old sorts: white Kevedinka and red Kadarka but they are not the only preserved local old wine sorts. Today some new wine sorts, new to this wine region, are being introduced such as Chardonnay, Riesling, Cabernet, Sauvignon and Merlot. Both, old and new wines from this wine region, won many national and international prizes and awards.

Slaganje hrane i vina

Wine pairing

Najbolji način da se uživa u vinu jeste da ga uparite sa njegovim najboljim saputnikom, lokalnom kuhinjom.

The great way of enjoying wine is to pair it with its best companion, the local cuisine.


VINARIJE Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan se nalazi u tradicionalnom vinskom kraju koji se prostire između jezera Palić i Ludaš. Priča o ovoj vinariji počinje od kvaliteta, pre svega od izbora najboljih lokacija za vinograde, najsavremenije vinarske opreme pa do impresivne zgrade vinarije izgrađene u tradicionalnom stilu karakterističnom za arhitekturu Palića. U objektu vinarije, na prostoru od 5800 m2, pored proizvodnog dela nalaze se i klub sala namenjena turističkim obilascima i degustaciona sala sa pogledom na barik podrum. Vinarija je opremljena modernom tehnologijom za proizvodnju visokokvalitetnih vina isključivo od grožđa iz ovih vinograda. Vina ove vinarije, su u kratkom vremenu osvojila brojne nagrade od Beča, preko Londona, San Franciska do Tokija. Vinarija nosi ime poznatog subotičkog pevača starogradskih pesama, gospodina Zvonka Bogdana. Njegova umetnost i ime su sinonimi za vrhunski doživljaj kao što su i vina Vinarije Zvonko Bogdan.


Posete Ponedeljak – petak od 08:00-16:00; subota: 10:00-18:00; nedelja: 14:00-18:00; Najava se preporučuje!

Zvonko Bogdan Winery Zvonko Bogdan Winery is located in the traditional wine area streching between lake Palić and lake Ludaš. The tale of this winery emerges from quality, from the selection of the best sites for vineyards to the cutting edge winery equipment all the way to the most impressive winery building, constructed in the traditional style, typical for the archictecture of Palić. The winery building, with its 5800m², consist of the production area, a club hall for tourist rounds and a wine tasting hall overlooking the Barrique celler.The winery is equipped with the cutting edge technology in the production of high-quality wines, made exclusively from the grapes from these vineyards. The wines by this winery have been awarded numerous prizes in a short time period, starting from the awards won in Vienna, London, San Francisco and Tokio.The winery bears the name of a famous traditional urban songs vocalist of Subotica, Mr. Zvonko Bogdan. His art and name pose as synonyms for the ultimate experience, just as the wines by the Zvonko Bogdan Winery. Getting here The easiest way to reach the Winery, is to head for the Horgoš border crossing, straight off the centre of Palić. Take the right turn at the first traffic light as you leave the centre, entering Kanjiški Put Street, and then simply follow the road signs. The Winery is located on the leſt side of the road, at the distance of 1,8 km. Visiting hours Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm; Saturdays: from 10 am to 6 pm; Sundays: from 2 pm to 6 pm; Prior arrangements recommended!

Vina Sauvignon blanc, Pinot blanc, Sauvignon blanc barrique, Rosé, Cuvée No1, Cuvée „Život teče”, Merlot.

Wines Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc Barrique, Rosé, Cuvée No1, Cuvée „Život teče”, Merlot.

Preporuka Pinot Blanc Vinarije Zvonko Bogdan je kristalno čiste zlatnožute boje. Diskretni buke ovog vina obogaćen je aromama jabuke i kruške i blagim nijansama livadskog cveća. To je idealno vino za sve prilike.

Recommendation Pinot Blanc by the Zvonko Bogdan Winery is of cristal to clear golden-yellow colour. The inconspicuous bouquet of this wine has been enriched with aromas of apples and pears and by the light tones of wild flowers. This wine is an ideal choice for every occassion. Wine tasting three wine varieties

Kako stići Do vinarije se najjednostavnije stiže kada se iz centra Palića krene u pravcu graničnog prelaza Horgoš. Na semaforu posle centra skrenuti desno u ulicu Kanjiški put a zatim pratiti putokaz. Vinarija se nalazi sa leve strane puta na udaljenosti od 1,8 km.

Degustacija tri vrste vina Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca do 45

Minimum and maximum number of visitors up to 45

PALIĆ, Kanjiški put 47 (GPS 46.0913401, 19.7779684) +381 (0) 24 415 02 75, (0) 62 789 980 7

Vinski Dvor Vinski dvor je vinarija, vinski podrum, restoran i smeštajni objekat okružen velikim vinogradom. Vinskim turizmom ovde su počeli da se bave pre više od 10 godina. U tome su bili prvi što ih čini jedinstvenim u Srbiji. U Vinskom dvoru se dugi niz godina uzgaja grožđe. Vino se proizvodilo na tradicionalan način. Početkom XXI veka vinarija je opremljena modernim mašinama što uz kvalitetne sorte grožđa garantuje visok kvalitet vina. Ova vina imaju geografski zaštićeno poreklo i osvajala su značajne nagrade. Gaji se deset sorti grožđa od kojih su čak četiri sorte autohtone. Degustacija vina se, uz svetlost sveća, organizuje u rustičnom zasvođenom vinskom podrumu. Uz sireve, masline i sveže jabuke degustira se devet vrsta vina. Veliki izbor specijaliteta mađarske kuhinje se nalazi u ponudi restorana što dopunjuje doživljaj posetilaca i dugo ostaje u pamćenju.

Vinski Dvor Vinski Dvor (the Wine Castle) is a winery, a wine cellar, a restaurant and an accommodation facility embraced by a great vineyard. The tradition of wine tourism started off here over a decade ago, being the first in line at this, the Vinski dvor concept was unique for Serbia. Vinski Dvor has been growing grapes for a long time, producing wine the traditional way. At the beginning of the 21st century, the winery was equipped with contemporary machines that were the guarantee of high quality wines together with high quality grape varieties. These wines have the protected geographical indication and have been awareded significant prizes. Ten grape varieties are grown and four of those are indigenous. Wine tasting takes place under candle light in a wine celler with rustic arches. Along with cheese, olives and fresh apples, nine wine varieties are tasted. The restauran offers a vast choice of Hungarian cuisine specialties, adding to the overall experience that stays with visitors for a long time.

Kako stići Na ulasku u Hajdukovo iz pravca Subotice i Palića, a nekoliko stotina metara od autoputa, sa leve strane puta nalazi se kapija, ulaz u Vinski dvor.

Getting here As you reach Hajdukovo from the direction of Subotica and Palić, just a couple of hundreds of meters off the highway, to the leſt side of the road, you find the gate leading to the Vinski Dvor.

Posete Kada je restoran otvoren; Najava se preporučuje!

Visiting hours During the open hours of the restaurant. Prior arrangements recommended!

Vina Šardone, rizling, sovinjon, čersegi fisereš, iršai oliver, burgundac, merlot, portogizer, frankovka i dr.

Wines Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon, Cserszegi Fűszeres, Irsai Oliver, Burgundy, Merlot, Portugizer, Frankovka and other.

Preporuka Don Oliver je stono belo aperitivno vino nastalo kombinacijom sorti grožđa don oliver i čersegi fisereš. To je autorsko vino vlasnika vinarije Vinski dvor. Ono ima snažnu voćnu aromu, blago je kiselo a najbolje ga je piti mlado.

Recommendation Don Oliver is a white table aperitif wine, made by combining the Don Oliver and Cserszegi Fűszeres grape varieties. The owner of the Vinski Dvor Winery owns the creator of this wine. It is mildly acidic with a strong fruit aroma and it is best consumed young.

Degustacija devet vrsta vina

Wine tasting nine wine varieties

Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca maksimalno 50-tak

Minimum and maximum number of visitors maximum number around 50

HAJDUKOVO, Horgoški put 221 (GPS 46.1055439, 19.7895799) +381(0) 24 754 762, (0) 63 855 4929 9

Vinarija Tonković Nedaleko od Palića, na dinama Bačkih Vinograda, prostire se vinograd Vinarije Tonković. To je tip evropskog porodičnog vinograda i podruma. Pošto se smatra da je budućnost svetskog vinarstva u autentičnim lokalnim vinima, ovde se gaji isključivo jedna sorta grožđa i to autohtona sorta kadarka. Kadarka je dokazala da ima potencijal da daje odlična vina. Većina crvenih vina su teška, dok je kadarka laka i pitka i u tome je njena specifičnost. Veruje se da je kadarka u ove krajeve stigla još u XVII veku, neko vreme je bila rasprostranjena a zatim je zaboravljena. O ovome i o mnogim drugim zanimljivostima domaćini slikovito pričaju svojim posetiocima. Vinski podrum je sa puta teško uočljiv jer je ukopan u humku, ali bela salašarska kuća, prilagođena za degustacije, dominira krajolikom. Za najavljene grupe, uz degustaciju vina, mogu se poslužiti specijaliteti lokalne kuhinje uz koje će kadarka pokazati svoje najbolje osobine.

Tonković Winery The vineyard of the Tonković Winery lies in the vicinity of Palić, on the dunes of Bački Vinogradi. This is the European family type of vineyard and cellar. Since it is presumed that the future of global winemaking rests in authentic local wines, this winery grows only one grape variety - the indigenous variety of Kadarka. Kadarka has proven its potentials. It does give excellentwines. The majority of read wines are heavy, whereas Kadarka is a light and potable wine and that makes it specific and recommended. It is believed that Kadarka appeared in these parts in the 17th century and it was highly dispersed only to be forgotten. The winery hosts tell tales for the visitors of these and other interesting facts in a very vivid manner. The Wine cellar is hardly visible from the road, being buried into a hummock. Nevertheless the white farm-house underwent adaptation to be used for wine tasting dominates the scenery. In addition to the wine tasting, the groups who made prior arrangements could also be served with house specialities, emphasizing the best features of Kadarka.

Kako stići Ukoliko idete "starim putem" ka graničnom prelazu Horgoš, nakon izlaska iz Hajdukova, treba skrenuti levo sa puta ka Bačkim Vinogradima i pratiti putokaz. Nakon nekoliko stotina metara prateći putokaz ponovo skrenuti levo na put koji vodi direktno do vinarije.

Getting here Should you take the old route to the Horgoš border-crossing, as you leave Hajdukovo, take a leſt turn off the road in the direction of Bački Vinogradi and follow the road signs. Aſter a couple of hundreds of meters turn leſt once more onto the road leading directly to the winery.

Posete Isključivo po najavi i dogovoru!

Visiting hours Guests are welcomed exclusively upon prior arrangement!

Vina Kadarka: Rosé, Fantazija, Simfonija, Rapsodija i protokolarno vino Kadarka Icon.

Wines Kadarka: Rosé, Fantazija (Fantasy), Simfonija (Symphony), Rapsodija (Rapsody) and Kadarka Icon, the protocol wine.

Preporuka Fantaziju poznavaoci opisuju kao vino karmin crvene boje intenzivnog mirisa sa aromama svežih, zrelih crvenih trešanja što prati aroma kafe, karamele i začina. Ovo vino je elegantno i suptilno, a u ustima je nežno kao svila.

Recommendation Wine connoisseurs describe Fantasy as a wine of red lipstick colour and intensive fragrance, with the aroma of fresh, ripe red cherries accompanied by the aroma of coffee, caramel and spices. This wine is elegant and subtle, tender in the mouth as silk.

Degustacija tri vrste vina ili po dogovoru

Wine tasting Three wine varieties or as agreed upon.

Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca Zimi 10-30, leti 10-50

Minimum and maximum number of visitors Winter 10-30, Summer 10-50

BAČKI VINOGRADI, Bački Vinogradi bb (GPS 46.1273928, 19.8515895) +381 (0) 24 753 232, (0) 64 811 50 87 11

Vinarija Maurer Vinarija Maurer se nalazi u Subotičkoj peščari, istočno od jezera Palić i Ludaš. Vinograd se okopava na klasičan način, ručno ili uz pomoć konja, a vina zriju na prirodan način, prirodnom fermentacijom uz pomoć divljih kvasaca. Ukus vina Vinarije Maurer određuje teroar - ukusi i mirisi cveća i trava koje rastu u vinogradu. Uz mnogo rada i ljubavi ovde nastaju vrhunska vina. Vina ove vinarije su pobrala mnoge nagrade. Sadašnji vlasnici su četvrta generacija čuvene porodice vinara. Stoga se ovde mogu pronaći stare sorte vina koje su ujedno i autohtone. Degustacije vina se mogu organizovati u autentičnom vinskom podrumu ukopanom u žuti pesak (Sarajevska 16) ili u podrumu stare secesijske kuće u Hajdukovu (od leta 2014.). Kako stići Kada se iz pravca Subotice i Palića uđe u selo Hajdukovo, nakon jednog kilometra može se uočiti putokaz ka Vizitorskom centru. Tu treba skrenuti desno u Prvomajsku ulicu a zatim u prvu ulicu desno. To je Sarajevska ulica, broj 16 i podrum se nalaze sa leve strane. Drugi podrum se nalazi na putu do kaštela Inguš a do njega se stiže kada se u centru Hajdukova skrene levo u ulicu Omladinskih brigada. Kada se pređe pruga, vinski podrum se nalazi sa leve strane puta.

Posete 0d 10:00 do 18:00; Najava se preporučuje! Vina Sremska zelenika, kadarka, medenac, kevedinka, slankamenka i dr. Preporuka Sremska zelenika Vinarije Maurer je mirišljavo, amomatično, elegenatno belo vino lepih kiselina, ima ukus zelene jabuke i vinogradarske breskve.

Maurer Winery The Maurer Winery is on the sands, located east of lake Palić and lake Ludaš. The vineyard is hoed using a traditional method, manually or using a horse The wines mature naturally, through a natural process of fermentation using wild yeasts. The taste of wine is defined by the terroir flavours and fragrances of flowers and herbs growing in the vineyard. Top-quality wines are produced here as the result of hard work and much love. Many wines by this winery have been awarded prizes. The present owners belong to the fourth generation of the well-known line of winemakers. Therefore, you can find old wine varieties that are also indigenous ones. Wine tasting can be organized in an authentic wine cellar dug into the yellow sand (16 Sarajevska Street) or in the cellar of an old Art Nouveau style house in the village of Hajdukovo (opening in summer of 2014) Getting here As you reach Hajdukovo village from the direction of Subotica and Palić, aſter one kilometre there is a road sign leading the way to the Visitors' Centre. At this point take a right turn into Prvomajska Street and then take the next right. You have reached Sarajevska Street. Number 16 and the cellar is on the leſt side. The second cellar is located on the way to the Ingus Castle that can be reached if you take the leſt turn in the centre of Hajdukovo, into Omladinskih Brigada Street. As you cross the railroad, the wine cellar is located to the leſt side of the road. Visiting hours From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please be advised to make arrangements! Wines Sremska Zelenika, Kadarka, Medenac, Kevedinka, Slankamenka and other. Recommendation Sremska Zelenika by the Maurer Winery is a wine full of fragrance and aroma, an elegant white wine with nice acids, tasting of green apple and vineyard peach.

Degustacija 6 do 10 vrsta vina

Wine tasting 6 to 10 wine varieties

Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca 10-20

Minimum and maximum number of visitors 10-20

HAJDUKOVO, Sarajevska 16 (GPS 46.108429, 19.824700, GPS 46.116068,19.809422) +381 (0) 62 533 549 13

Vinarija DiBonis Prirodno bogatstvo udruženo sa modernom tehnologijom je ono što odlikuje vinariju DiBonis u proizvodnji kvalitetnih vina i voćnih rakija. Iako je regija poznata po belim sortama grožđa, ovde su zasađene i crvene sorte koje zbog velikog broja sunčanih dana lepo sazrevaju, naročito širaz.

Vinograd se nalazi u blizini i u njemu je pored postojeće salašarske kućice sagrađene jurta, starinska furuna, terasa i vidikovac sa kojeg se vidi ceo vinograd. To upotpunjuje svojevrstan doživljaj mirnog tipično vojvođanskog ambijenta – stvorenog za opuštanje uz vrhunsko vino.

DiBonis Winery Nature's wealth accompanied by modern technology distinguishes the DiBonis Winery with its production of high quality wines and fruit brandies. Even though the region has become well known for its white grape varieties, red varieties have also been planted and they mature rather well because of the high number of sunny days, especially the Shiraz. The DiBonis Winery produces about ten wine varieties and some twenty types of fruit brandies. Both the wines and the brandies by the DiBonis Winery have won significant prizes at numerous competitions. Wine tasting is organized in the building next to the winery that houses the Wine Vault inside its rustic cellar, guarding the valuable, high quality wines. The vineyard is located in the vicinity and it consist of a farmhouse, next to which a yurt is built, an antique furnace, a terrace and an observatory that overlooks the entire vineyard completing the picture of an ideal, peaceful ambiance, typical of Vojvodina - perfect to enjoy a glass of high quality wine.

Kako stići Vinarija se nalazi sa desne strane puta Subotica - Palić i dobro je obeležena. Vinograd se nalazi sa druge strane puta, u ataru naselja Radanovac.

Getting here The winery is located on the right side of the road in the direction from Subotica to Palić, and there are well marked signs indicating the way. The vineyard is located on the other side of the road, in the settlement of Radanovac.

Posete Zakazivanje se vrši od 08:00–13:00 svakog radnog dana a grupe se primaju od 10:00-20:00.

Visiting hours Bookings are made from 8 am to 1 pm on working days and groups are welcomed from 10 am to 8 pm.

Vina DiShiraz, DiCabernet, DiFranc, DiMerlot, DiNoir, DiVranac, DiChardonnay, DiSauvignon, DiMuscat, DiRiesling, DiChardonnay Barrique, DiRose.

Wines DiShiraz, DiCabernet, DiFranc, DiMerlot, DiNoir, DiVranac, DiChardonnay, DiSauvignon, DiMuscat, DiRiesling, DiChardonnay Barrique, DiRose.

Preporuka Kupaža DiShiraz kuve je vino tamnoljubičaste boje, intenzivnog ukusa i mirisa sa bogatom teksturom. U mirisima ovog vina se oseća zrelo šumsko voće sa zaokruženim začinskim mirisima bibera i lovorovog lista što vinu daje impulsivnost .

Recommendation The blend DiShiraz Cuveé has dark purple colour, an intensive aroma and fragrance, with a rich texture. The fragrance of this wine gives the impression of ripe berries with encircled spicy scents of pepper and bay leaf, attributing impulsiveness to the wine.

Degustacija 6 vina

Wine tasting 6 wine varieties

Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca 10 – 45

Minimum and maximum number of visitors 10 - 45

U vinariji DiBonis se proizvodi desetak vrsta vina i dvadesetak vrsta voćnih rakija. I vina i rakije DiBonis su, na brojnim takmičenjima, osvojila značajne nagrade. Degustacija vina se organizuje u objektu kraj vinarije gde se u rustikalnom podrumu nalazi Vinski trezor u kom se čuvaju kvalitetna i vredna vina.

SUBOTICA, Tuk ugarnice 14 (GPS 46.10312, 19.713635) +381 (0) 24 546 067, (0) 62 529 801 15

Vinski salaš Čuvardić Vinski salaš Čuvardić se nalazi na salašu u starom porodičnom vinogradu. Osim pudarske kuće, tu se nalazi stari vinski podrum iz 1928. godine kao i novi vinski podrum. Sadašnji vlasnici su treća generacija vinara što svedoči o znanju i ljubavi kojima se ovde pravi vino. Ovde je reč je o raskošnoj vinskoj karti starih autohtonih i novijih sorti vina. Vina Čuvardić su pobrala brojne medalje i nagrade. Za nezaboravan doživljaj, osim kvalitetnog vina, važni su i lep ambijent i dobri domaćini – u čemu ovaj salaš ne oskudeva. Degustacije se organizuju u rustičnoj pudarskoj kući ili u bašti. Za najavljene grupe se organizuje degustacija vina i pripremaju se specijaliteti stare domaće kuhinje, a po dogovoru goste zabavlja tamburaški orkestar. Posetiocima koji žele da osete duh pravog salaša nudi se prenoćište u staroj salašarskoj kućici gde je do najsitnijih detalja sačuvan autentičan enterijer. Kako stići Na izlasku iz Subotice u pravcu graničnog prelaza Kelebija, posle pruge na udaljenosti od oko 2 km nalazi se salaš Čuvardić. Sa leve strane puta nalazi se bela pudarska kuća sa ukrasnim grozdom i buretom od kovanog grožđa i vinogradom u pozadini. To je Vinski salaš Čuvardić. Posete Isključivo po dogovoru i na zakazivanje!

Čuvardić Wine Farm-house Čuvardic Wine Farm-house is located in the old family-owned vineyard. Aside from the vineyard guard’s house and an old wine cellar from 1928, there is the new wine-cellar. The present owners belong to the third generation of winemakers, certifying that love and skills are used to make wine here. Here, we are speaking of a luxurious wine card comprising old indigenous to new wine varieties. The Čuvardić wines have won numerous medals and prizes. A pleasant ambiance and warm hosts are also important to create a memorable experience on top of high quality wine – and this farm-house has it in abundance. Wine tasting is organized in a rustic vineyard guard's house or in the garden. Specialities of the traditional local cuisine are served for the groups that have made prior arrangements. There is a possibility to engage a tamburitza orchestra to entertain the guests, too. Visitors that wish to experience the real appeal of a farm-house, are offered to stay the night in the old farm-house with the interior that has preserved its authenticity down to the smallest details. Getting here As you leave Subotica in the direction of the Kelebija border-crossing and having crossed the railroad aſter 2 km, you will find the Čuvardić Wine Farm-house. To the leſt side of the road, lies a white vineyard guard's house with a decorative grape and barrel made of wrought-iron and a vineyard in the background. This is the Čuvardic WineFarm-house. Visiting hours Only by prior arrangement!

Vina Buvie, kevidinka, šardone, čersegi fisereš, kadarka, merlot, kaberne sovinjon.

Wines Buvie, Kevidinka, Chardonnay, Csersegi Fűszeres Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Preporuka Buvie je lepo blago vino prijatnih cvetnih aroma i umerenih kiselina. Pije se rashlađeno na 9 stepeni uz bela mesa i ribu.

Recommendation The Buvie is a nice delicate wine with pleasant flowery aromas and mild acids. It is consumed chilled to 9 degrees and served with white meats and fish.

Degustacija 3 bela i dva crvena ili po dogovoru

Wine tasting 3 white and 2 red whine varieties or as agreed upon

Minimalan i maksimalan broj posetilaca 15-40 (leti do 60)

Minimum and maximum number of visitors 15-40 (up to 60 in the summer)

SUBOTICA, Edvarda Kardelja 139 (GPS 46.125191, 19.609662) +381 (0 ) 24 515 720, (0) 63 868 33 87 17

VINOTEKE Vinoteka vinarije Zvonko Bogdan Na policama vinoteke, pored vina Vinarije Zvonko Bogdan, mogu se naći i druga vrhunska vina iz poznatih vinskih regija - Francuske, Španije, Italije i vina Novog Sveta.


SUBOTICA, Matije Korvina 12, +381 24 553 242

Zvonko Bogdan winery wine shop The shelves of the wine shop, aside from the wines by the Zvonko Bogdan winery store also other top quality wines from the famous wine regions of France, Spain, Italy and the wines from the USA. .

Vinoteka Vinomond U ovoj vinoteci se mogu kupiti vina vinarije Maurer, drugih proizvođača autohtonih vojvođanskih vina, delikatesna roba i vinski aksesoar.

Vinomond wineshop This wineshop sells wines by the Maurer Winery, but also other indigenous wines by different wine producers of Vojvodina, delicatessen and wine accessories..

SUBOTICA, Braće Radić 3, +381 (0) 24 551 758 Vinski shop Caffe Piano U kafeu Piano se može kupiti 45 vrsta vina iz Subotičko-horgoške peščare, Vojvodine, Srbije i sveta.

Wine shop Caffe Piano There are 45 wine varieties from the SuboticaHorgoš wine region, Vojvodina, Serbia and the world, that you can buy at Caffe Piano.

SUBOTICA, Rudić ulica 3, +381 (0) 24 555 707 Dibonis Wine and Rakija Shop U ovoj vinoteci se mogu kupiti vina i rakije vinarije DiBonis.

Dibonis wine and brandy shop This winery sells wines and brandies by the DiBonis Winery.

SUBOTICA, Tuk ugarnice 12, +381 (0) 24 546 067 19



Palićke vinske svečanosti, Palić, subota oko 25. maja Negujući tradiciju proslave Svetog Urbana, zaštitnika vinara i vinogradara u Subotičko – horgoškoj peščari, organizuju se Palićke vinske svečanosti. Tada se, uz druge prigodne programe, tokom celog dana mogu degustirati i kupiti odlična vina sa peska ali i druga vojvođanska vina. Manifestacija se organizuje na palićkoj Velikoj terasi.

Palić Wine Festivities, Palić, on Saturday close to May 25th Palić Wine Festivities are organized to honour the tradition of celebrating Saint Urban, the patron of winemakers and winegrowers in the Subotica-Horgoš sands. During this occasion you can taste and buy excellent wines from the sand but also other wines from Vojvodina, during the whole day. The event takes place on the Grand Terrace of Palić.

Interetno, Subotica, 22-26. avgust U Etnopolisu, gradu u centru grada, organizuju se i celodnevni vašar narodnih rukotvorina i igraonice za najmlađe, spremaju lokalni specijaliteti a uveče nastupaju folklorne grupe iz celog sveta. U okviru festivala organizuje se i Vinska ulica gde desetak lokalnih vinara tokom celog dana u drvenim kućicama izlaže, nudi na probu i prodaje svoja vina.

Interetno Festival Subotica, 22nd -26th August In Etnopolis, a city set up downtown, there is a whole-day fair of folk handicraſts, local food and children's corners and performances of folklore ensembles from all over the world in the evenings. The Wine Street is also a segment within the Festival, where ten or more local winemakers sell and present their wines to be tasted inside of small wooden sheds.

Berbanski dani, Palić, drugi vikend u septembru Berbanski dani su proslava berbe grožđa i drugih plodova koji sazrevaju početkom jeseni. Uz zabavni i gastronomski program, organizuje se bazar rukotvorina i mala pijaca prerađevina, meda, voća i vina. Kupovinom ili plaćanjem kaucije za vinsku čašu, na štandovima brojnih vinara, mogu se probati lokalna vina. Manifestacija traje dva dana.

Fruit-Picking Days, Palić, the second weekend in September The Fruit-Picking Days are a celebration of picking grapes and other fruits that become mature at early fall. A fair of handicraſts and a small market of by-products, honey, fruits and wine is organized on top of the entertainment and culinary programme. If you buy or leave a deposit for a wine glass at the stands of numerous winemakers, you can taste local wines. The event lasts two days.

Dan mladog vina, Palić, treća subota u novembru Tradicionalno okupljanje po vinskim podrumima povodom prve probe mladog vina preraslo je u manifestaciju. Iako se u evropskim vinarijama ova manifestacija obeležava trećeg četvrtka u novembru, na Paliću se iz praktičnih razloga održava treće subote u novembru. Tada se u Balskoj sali Velike terase, direktno od vinara mogu probati i kupiti razna i ne samo 'mlada' vina.

Young Wine Day, Palić, the third Saturday in November The traditional gathering in the wine cellars in order to taste the young wine, became a real event. European wineries organize this event on the third Thursday in November; however it takes place on the third Saturday in November in Palić, for practical reasons. At that time, you can taste and buy wines directly from the winemakers, at the ballroom hall of the Grand Terrace.




Gostiona Gurinović, SUBOTICA, Bajski put 32 +381 (0) 24 554 934 Panorama, SUBOTICA, Matije Korvina 17, +381 (0) 24 647 100 Majur, KELEBIJA, Kelebija bb +381 (0) 24 646 646 Spartak S, SUBOTICA, Petefi Šandora 8 +381 (0) 24 558 998 Konoba Tinel, SUBOTICA, Huge Badalića 14 +381 (0) 24 600 007 Poslastičarnica Ravel, SUBOTICA, Branislava Nušića 2, +381 (0) 554 670 Konoba Kujundžić, SUBOTICA, Vase Stajića 14, +381 (0) 64 12 66 758 (samo po najavi/by appointement only) Boss, SUBOTICA, Matije Korvina 7-8 + 381 (0) 24 551 111 Denis, SUBOTICA, Braće Radića 24 +381 (0) 24 551 155 Borsalino, SUBOTICA, Cara Lazara 3 +381 (0) 24 4 100 600 Caffe Piano, SUBOTICA, Rudić ulica 3 +381 (0) 24 555 707 Caffe Grunf, SUBOTICA, Branislava Nušića 1 +381 (0) 555 314 Mala gostiona, PALIĆ, Park heroja 9 +381 (0) 24 753 447 Riblja čarda, PALIĆ, Obala Lajoša Vermeša bb +381 (0) 24 755 040 Abraham, PALIĆ, Horgoški put 132 +381 (0) 24 755 012 Majkin salaš, PALIĆ, Jožef Atile 79 +381 (0) 24 753 276 Jelen salaš, PALIĆ, Lopudska 7 +381 (0) 24 753 586 Vila Viktorija Plus, PALIĆ, Jezerska 15 +381 (0) 24 754 497 Čarda Kapetanski rit, PALIĆ, Muški štrand +381 (0) 24 602 602 Hedera, HAJDUKOVO, Omladinskih brigada 19 +381 (0) 24 758 232, (samo nedeljom/only on Sundays) 21































Jezero Palić









Jezero Ludaš












Vinski salaš Čuvardić Čuvardić Wine Farm-house

Vinarija Tonković Tonković Winery Vinarija Maurer Maurer Winery Vinarija DiBonis DiBonis Winery

Vinski dvor

Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan Vinarija Zvonko Winery


VINOBUS VinoBus - najjednostavniji i najpogodniji način za obilazak vinarija! Uživajte u najboljim lokalnim vinima bezbrižno i bezbedno! VinoBus vam omogućava da po fiksnoj ceni u vreme kada vama to odgovara u trajanju od 4 sata, sa bilo koje polazne tačke u Subotici ili na Paliću, obiđete vinariju ili vinarije po izboru. Unajmite konforna vozila sa 7, 14 ili 50 sedišta.

The WineBus - is the most simple and convenient way to tour the wineries! Indulge in the best local wines in a safe and carefree manner! For a fixed price, the WineBus enables you to tour a winery or wineries of your choice at any given time from any starting point in Subotica or Palić, in the duration of 4 hours. Rent comfortable vehicles with 7, 14 or 50 seats.

*U cenu nije uračunata degustacija.

*Wine tasting is not included in the price.

Informacije: Turistički/vinski informativni centar, SUBOTICA, Trg slobode 1, +381 (0) 24 670 350,,

Information: Tourists/and wine information desk, SUBOTICA, Trg slobode 1, +381 (0) 24 670 350,,

Partner: Turistička agencija JP “Subotica trans”, SUBOTICA, Matka Vukovića 9, +381 (0) 24 555 466,,

Partner: JP Subotica trans Tourist Agency, SUBOTICA, Matka Vukovića Street no. 9, +381 (0) 24 555 466,,


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